Silentish Saturday

8.35 mile loop and I came home to the kids playing with their chickens.  I had NO idea how attached we would all become to these chickens when we were first buying them.

Fruit snacks and bandaids are her #1 love language.

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TJ’s does it again and gives me a delicious and quick lunch with an avocado added on top.

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Andrew had their falafel and burrito.  We are currently fueled completely by TJ’s it feels like ha.

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Her chicken impersonation.  Shoes on the correct feet is overrated in Skye’s opinion.

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Having a reading buddy is really fun.

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I loved this excerpt from the book that I’m reading.

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Brown rice, roasted sweet potatoes, salmon, avocado and poppyseed dressing (which sounds weird but tasted amazing).

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Utah has changed their guidelines and is starting to open things back up again while continuing to follow social distancing.

The kids were just so thrilled to be out in the real world.

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We will be living pretty much the same as we have the last few weeks but it will be so nice to be able to look forward to a few things like this again.

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Finished off with their current favorite movie on Disney+.

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What happens when the Leopard Seal comes on the screen…

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Excited for a weekend run!


Tell me three things that you have going on today!!

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That salmon/rice bowl looks sooo good!! I need to try that combo ASAP!

Today I’ve got a 5 mile run on the schedule and then I’m watching the Rise Conference with Rachel Hollis! It has some really great speakers so I’m excited! Then, maybe some yoga and that’s about it! Besides the normal laundry/house cleaning fun per the usual weekend to-do list!

Have an amazing weekend, Janae!!! Grab an extra ice cream for me next time you guys–those look delicious!!! :)


I love Rachel Hollis! So cool that she is doing the virtual retreat! Enjoy your run and yoga and I’ll get another scoop for you next time? Thanks Chelsea!


Hi Janae !
Oh your chickens have grown up so fast ! They are teens now ? :)
I love the quote from the book you are reading. It is really something to meditate.
I’m reading so much more and i love that !
Today is a lazy day because i have done so many things during the week ! So today :
– Reading (a french author from the 19th century that wrote about a woman’s life)
– pancakes
– watching Tiny Houses (Netflix). I love the concept, even if I couldn’t live in those. I have too much things, too much dogs and cats, too much clothes, too much books… Haha). But i love the cosy atmosphere of those little houses.
By the way, stores and schools are supposed to re-open in may 11 here. But many parents are afraid to let their child go to school and i understand them. Are your kids returning to school ?
Have a great day !


Ingrid! I hope you enjoy every second of your lazy day after a productive week. I love that show too but I’m like you and have too many things. I’m excited that things are moving forward for you! I can understand why parents would be nervous and also understand why parents would be eager for the 11th! So many hard decisions. Our schools are out until August so we have an endless summer:) I hope you have a beautiful day and I think I need some pancakes now too!


I’m currently reading the same book. :)


Erin, the same as mine ? (Maupassant ?) Or Janae’s ?
It’s not the kind of book i usually read, but i like it :)


9 miles followed by an iced coffee again- loved it so much last weekend that I decided to repeat my Saturday morning haha!

Also, finally tried Blue Apron! Made a salmon dish last night that was amazing and gonna try a steak dish tonight.


I love finding things that I just want to repeat over and over and over again:) YAY for Blue Apron and now I’m wishing I had their salmon dish this week. Enjoy Mariah!


We’re reading the same book!! I have so much gratitude for Glennon and that book coming into my life at JUST the right moment. I feel like if I had read it last year it would have been too soon, next year would be too late, but this very time and space is EXACTLY when I’m needing so many of those words.


Kristen, this makes me so happy and I’m so glad it’s just what you need! I want to highlight so many parts! Have a great weekend.


I am currently reading that book too! Loved the quote you highlighted. I’ve been marking up this book quite a bit. haha Have a great weekend!


Oh that makes me so happy! Would it be weird if we just highlighted the whole book? Haha. I hope your weekend is off to a great start April!


The boys are out fishing, I’m tuning into RiseX Live & Dinner with my mom! Enjoy your weekend!


Sounds like the perfect day! Thanks Kristin, you too:)


I had a 12 mile run today, picking up some wine and cheese from a local shop and getting my lay bit of work done for the week. I love the chickens, if I could I would totally raise hens but don’t think my neighbors would be to keen on that idea. Have a great Saturday!


Way to go on 12 miles Katie! That is awesome and I hope you enjoy the cheese and wine! I hope someday you are able to get some hens! Thanks and you too!


I love that the kids are so interested in the chickens!! I am wondering if talk about eating chicken/meat has come up since they are such hardcore animal lovers, and how you navigate it if so!

My husband and I just moved so all 3 of my things are unpacking, unpacking, and unpacking :)

Have a great day!


Kay, you read my mind. I was thinking about this the other day. They haven’t asked yet but I’m sure that question will come up soon but I’m more than happy to help them with whatever they choose. So much unpacking and I hope you love your new place. Thanks, Kay and you too!


I love the fact that your raising chickens! What a great learning experience for your kiddos, and the chicken coop is adorable!
Your salmon bowl looks delicious! I’m looking for a great pheasant recipe for tonight!
It’s a bit rainy here in Nebraska (I’m excited the wind isn’t blowing though), so my plan is to get 10 miles in early afternoon, do some cleaning, and possibly yoga as well! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


Thanks Jennifer, they really are loving this experience with the chickens. I hope you find a really delicious pheasant recipe asap. Yay for a wind free 10 miler and I’ll copy you with the yoga. Have a great weekend!


Not the healthiest option for pheasant, but when I was a kid it was my requested birthday dinner: basically, you turn them into chicken nuggets.dredge them in flour, then egg with spices (lots of garlic salt/powder), and then another spiced flour mix. Fry in pan like you would fried chicken. Serve over rice with teriyaki sauce.


We will have to check out the movie Penguins! I love when kids wear their shoes on the wrong feet. It looks so uncomfortable, but they don’t seem phased at all! My son (almost 5) goes through phases of things like that –first it was shoes on the wrong feet, then it was his underwear on backwards (haha), now his shirts are always on backwards and his pj’s inside out. He always tells me “well, that’s the way I want it” or “it’s just fine mom”

I am so jealous of places opening up! We just had our stay-at-home order extended for another 2 weeks. I get it, but we are all getting a little depressed/stressed especially since there is no end in sight.

3 things:
1. long run (worst long run in a long run–the next run will be better!)
2. bike ride–my 4 year old learned to ride his bike in 1 day–he went from trike (last year) to biking (no training wheels) yesterday.
3. eat, read, nap?


Yes, let me know what you guys think of the movie! Hahaha underwear on backwards… now that even sounds more uncomfortable than the shoes on the wrong feet ha. I like that he has his own way of doing things:) Another 2 weeks… Becky, that is hard. I hope the next two weeks are filled with as much sunshine and fun activities as possible. Way to get your bad long run out of the way and the next one will definitely make up for it. I love the plan of eat, read, nap… I want to join!


Oh boy ice cream shops are open again! Very exciting.

This morning I ran a solo half marathon and I forgot how much those things hurt even if you don’t really race them. I ended a mile from home and 300 feet downhill haha it took me 30 min to get home after.


GO VICTORIA GO! 13.1 is no joke ad I would have stopped right when I hit the distance too. I hope you get to have a nice and easy Saturday now filled with some cookies or something!


That salmon bowl looks amazing!!

I got an 8 mi run in with the husband this morning. We just bought a jacuzzi and got it filled and ready so tonight will definitely be a pool/jacuzzi night with the kids! And maybe s’mores because why not?


You’ll have to make one, it was so so yummy! I love that you got in a run with your husband, the best and ENJOY YOUR JACUZZI! You guys are going to have a blast! We are going to get in ours tonight too. Enjoy your weekend, Marissa!


Hi Janae! Today it is raining here but I want to try using my running raincoat, I am super stoked for it. Then I will do some meal planning, which I’m not used to doing at all but have to do now because it’s harder to get groceries. Then I will make my friends talk to me all day throughout. Happy weekend!!


I hope your run in the rain went well and I love a good running raincoat! Come meal plan for us this next week and enjoy talking to your people. Thanks Amy!


We have two week old chicks, I’m sure you know this but I would make sure you have a hardware wire or something to protect the bottom of your coop. Predators can be tricky!! Stay safe and sending love and safeness to Andrew and your family!


We love Brookers ice cream! My cousin and her husband own it and it’s the best! I always get the same thing when I go. It’s really good ice cream. The story on how they started Brookers is awesome. Find the owners Brian or Jamie and ask about their story next time you go.
So I am probably the only person that has never been inside Trader Joes. I know… weird. Now that there’s one close, I guess I will need to check it out.
What are you thinking about all the races being canceled? I just signed up for St. George but honestly, I’m worried about it. I guess we just continue training as normal and whatever happens, happens. Have a good weekend!


YAY FOR PENGUINS!! That Steve, :)

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