Best Era + Little Things.

The littles things are making my morning runs lately…  Coming home from a run with the sprinklers on and feeling hot rather than shivering like the last 5 months just started my day off right.  I ended up listening to music yesterday during my run rather than a podcast and I realized that I will always be stuck in my college years of music playlists.  I rarely listen to new music and stick to the ‘best era of music’ even if every generation feels like their college/high school years produced the best music.

I came home to find Brooke cuddled up on the couch reading a book.  She is so happy with our current schedules and taking her mornings more slowly.  Also, we just got an email that the last day of school assignments is May 15th so really we aren’t that far away from summer now!

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I did a few squats and lunges while doing school work/breakfast with Brooke and she showed me a trick she learned from school to make her biceps look bigger.  Megan’s IG workouts are my current source of all strength training and Andrew and I need to hit our weight room together this week.

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We decided that lunch should be eaten outside yesterday and to play in the sprinklers.

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Followed by some popsicles.

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It was my brother’s birthday yesterday so Andrew gave him the best present he could think of—>  He wore a Dodger’s hat all day (my brother’s favorite team and Andrew is a an Angels fan).  It was definitely painful for Andrew but he followed through (for a few hours).

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He lasted as long as he could in it;)

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I haven’t been to any grocery stores since everything happened so yesterday felt like a whole new world to me.  I left the girls with Andrew and spent some time alone doing errands and it was very strange.  Trader Joe’s said that they have a constant line outside because they only allow about 30 people in at a time.

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I’m a huge fan of quinoa salads so when I saw this I knew I had to try it.  Add the dressing, squeeze the lime and mix it up and it is a heavenly meal.

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Another delicious thing that I ate was this copycat recipe of Carrabba’s Olive Oil Bread Dip with a baguette from TJ’s.

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Day #2 of spending an hour on yard work.  Brooke helped and Skye explored.

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Dessert… While I was at TJs I felt like I was buying a month’s worth of food but at this quarantine rate of how many meals we are all eating a day, it’s going to last like 5 days;)

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PS I have to show off my mom’s first loaf of sourdough ever that she made.  Isn’t it beautiful?!

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When do you think the best music era was?!

Are you missing watching any sports other than running?  What teams are you missing the most?

What’s something from TJ’s that you have been loving lately?

When you do strength work, where do you get your workouts from or do you come up with them on your own?

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I haven’t been doing strength training without the gym, it’s so bad! I need to incorporate, even if it’s just a few minutes after a run. If anyone has suggestions on quick post-run strength workouts, I’ll take them!


You are not alone with this, I am sure so many people are feeling lost with strength training without the gym!! Megan has specific training plans for runners just in case that interests you or her workouts on IG are awesome! Have a great day, Mariah!


I went to Trader Joe’s Friday after “work” (aka after I closed my work computer for the day ha). My store had a line outside with markings that were 6 feet apart where every one but the person behind me paid attention to haha. An employee was spraying everyone’s hand with hand sanitizer upon entry and the store was so easy to social distance with everyone! When I checked out they had someone collecting carts and sanitizing them. It was such a smooth and well done process! I definitely picked up more than normal but I can’t run low on the dark chocolate peanut butter cups ;)


Hahaha closing the computer is what counts now for leaving work:) That’s what ours was doing too (although they didn’t spray our hands though)! It really was so nice to feel like they had quite a system down. I FORGOT THE PB CUPS… Andrew needed those!! I hope you have a beautiful day, Maureen!


For strength I just started doing YouTube videos about 2 month ago. Popsugar has some good ones! I am really not a watching sports person, but I do enjoy watching any olympics or national type event where I can root for Canada! Janae, how do I email you?? I tried through your contact me form once on the website but not sure if it worked … is that the best way?


Oh NO! Andrea, I am so sorry. I’ve been having problems with the contact page and my guy is working on it. Can you send it to hungryrunnergirl @ gmail. com? Thank you and I can’t wait to hear from you! PS I can’t wait to check out the Popsugar videos and I think we are all going to miss the olympics so much this summer. Have a great day!


I miss TJs period because we are in Canada haha. I like their 2 buck chuck.

We use the local parks plus Jason has a set of resistance bands etc that we can attach to a hook in ours. Sometimes I try to use him as a climbing gym lol. I am only 5ft and he is 6ft.

I miss hiking and adventures in general. And climbing gyms because it’s a great rainy day indoor activity. Hoping some of our trails will slowly re-open.

Also, our new puppy is coming to us in late June. She was born a few days ago and we are already in love. We just can’t decide on her name. ?.

Have a super day Janae!!

P.S. I love that you found Beooke reading on the couch. Slower starts to the day are the best!


I need to just mail you your favorite TJs goodies! Okay, your climbing gym sounds like a blast. I bet you are missing the trails and mountains so much… any word on when they think they will? SO SO excited for your new puppy and you will have to send us pictures! Thank you and Brooke totally agrees with that… she may never want to go back to school again. I hope you have a great day too!


I watched the 1996 Women’s gymnastics team final on the Olympics channel last night . . . amazing. I’m loving the Bowerman Track Club’s youtube channel, with all their recaps of past races right now!

I love TJ’s almond butter cups–someone said they were better than the peanut butter cups and I really doubted them, but I was wrong! Also their smores . . . yum.

I do workout videos from a couple different programs to mix it up . . . lately I’ve been loving True40’s! They are uploading at home workouts each day; it’s a fusion of pilates and barre with a little more cardio thrown in. It is really different from what I normally do, and I think it’s helping tone me for running and activate some of those smaller muscle groups.


How have I not known about the Bowerman Track Club’s youtube channel until now?! I’m going to check it out today and I want to rewatch the gymnastics team too. So fun. Next time I am at TJ’s, I am absolutely grabbing the almond cups. I like almond butter better than peanut butter so I think you have found my new favorites! Thanks for the links, I absolutely need to try them out! Have a great day Kristin!


Thank you for your cheerful blog, Janae! I’ve been reading it for years, but am especially loving it now–I save it for after I read the news since I need something uplifting! :)

I am missing watching the major marathons. I missed the reshowing of the past Bostons and am wondering if anyone knows where they’re available to watch? I can only find highlights on YouTube. I’d love to watch 2014 with Meb and 2018 with Des. Anyone know if they’re available to rent online? Thanks!


Wow, Kelly thank you so much for your sweet comment and taking the time to tell this to me. Believe me, it means A LOT to me! I miss watching the major marathons a lot too! I am wondering this same question and if no one see’s it in the comments and answer’s I’ll ask as a question for tomorrow’s blog post. I hope you are having a great morning so far and thanks again!


Thanks, Janae! I’m looking forward to hearing if anyone else knows if they’re available.
Hope you’re having a great day!


Best music era – easily the mid- late 80’s and early 90’s when I used to hit the dance clubs! Add in AC/DC, REO Speedwagon, 38 Special, etc rock and you’ve got it all!

Sports? Where would I even start? I miss baseball right now of course, KC Royals and Seattle M’s. I don’t miss watching them lose a lot though, lol… And I really missed March Madness since my Jayhawks were ranked #1.

I’m munching on some Trader Joe’s dark chocolate right, a few squares from that huge bar in the red wrapper.

Most of the exercises I do are from PT sessions I have been at for back/core and glute/hamstring issues with some upper body thrown in from YouTube. I also copy Steph Bruce’s running warm up exercises (YouTube video) and have thrown in some short foot exercises from that EBFAFitness YouTube channel I posted yesterday. A lot of Steph Bruce’s exercises I was doing already.


Dance clubs! Oh those were the days:) I bet you are REALLY missing sports, I am so sorry John! How did I not grab one of those big bars yesterday… next time. You are ROCKING all your prehab and strength! How is your hamstring doing??? Are you running? Hope your Tuesday is off to a great start!


Hi Janae and Andrew. I bet Andrew is missing sports as much as I am? I was just telling my son that if the PGA starts up this June with no fans – they will have the largest sports fan base of any sport ever. Every starved sports fan will immediately be a golf fan and be glued to their tv’s!! Lol…

I am going to start running this Saturday -was taking the entire month of April off like a good boy. Hopefully my big bully toe behaves properly and lets my glutes and hamstrings operate as they should. I have a new plan to start very slowly, like run a minute – walk 9 minutes, and then and then increase it (run 2 – walk 8) every few outings – but still cover 5 miles for the entire run-walk. That way I should be at 3 full 5 milers a week after 10 weeks and be ready for a 10K (instead of a half) at the end of July. And maybe still be ready for that half in September – 3rd times a charm? Ha, definitely a long shot.


Best music era: 60’s and 70’s. I graduated HS in 1999, but never really got into the music of my era. I totally gravitated towards what my parents listened to. My favorite band is The Beatles.

Sport I’m really missing: BASEBALL! :( It’s really weird to not be watching my Indians. Plus, I think we have one of the best play -by-play radio guys in the sport, so I really miss listening to Tom Hamilton on the radio. See…I’m like from another era, oldies music, listening to the radio…I even get the newspaper in print and read it everyday. I do turn 40 this year, so I guess I’m prepping for middle/old age early lol.


Oh I love that Amanda! I love so many of the songs that my parents loved too. You sound FUN to me, I need to start getting a printed newspaper too! I’m so sorry you are missing your baseball, Andrew can definitely relate with you! I hope you are having a great morning!


If you want to change your weeding life for the better, go and buy a scuffle hoe at Lowes or Ace Hardware. I have overwhelmingly huge perennial flower beds and that is a game changer garden tool.


I WILL BE GETTING THAT TODAY and thanking you all summer for the help. THANKS Liza and I hope you have a beautiful day!


Haha I loved your comment about feeling like you are buying a month of groceries but only lasting 5 days- I feel the same way!! I had to buy so many snacks last time I went to the store because we were going through the normal amount so fast.
We are missing sports here big time. My SO is so happy that they are opening our golf courses in May. We’ve been walking 4-5 miles each day… I took a break from running so I could be active with him and our little girl on walks but the nice weather has me thinking about running almost every day now. I might try to do a run or two a week here soon just to get some alone time – hard to find these days esp with a 3 month old!
Thanks for all your posts! Enjoy reading them every day!!!


Good to know I’m not alone, we are going through food so crazy fast right now. That is so exciting that golf courses are opening up, that will mean a lot to a lot of people. Keep me updated with how those runs go and enjoy that alone time and all of those snuggles. Thank you for saying that, it means a lot when I feel like my content is low haha. You too and thanks again, Emily!


What book is Brooke reading? It’s looks like big time reading with the thickness of it and small print! I’m impressed. Does Knox like to read? I have a 7 year old son and would love Amy good book recommendations for that age.
I use Megan also for strength ideas and motivation Mindy too. I just can’t do the plyometrics they usually incorporate because my plantar is bothering me.


She is reading Lion King and loving it! Knox doesn’t love reading as much as Brooke does but when he does he loves the Dog Man books! Oh I love Mindy too! Bummer about your plantar, have you tried sleeping in a boot:
Good luck and keep me updated!


The gym where I do my group training, Burn, is doing on-line Zoom classes. My trainer is right there watching me and yelling at me so I am held accountable! Our local gym records in order for people who miss the live to still get in a workout. They do several Zoom sessions a day you can join and headquarters also does a live one on YouTube and they record it so you can do it later as well.

I totally miss sports! We are HUGE baseball fans, Royals fans over here since we are from Kansas City! Our son missed out on his college senior year of baseball, probably the most disappointing of all since I have watched that kid play since he was 4 :-(. They recently came out with some statistics from D2 baseball across the country and he was 4th fastest on the list (tied with a couple other people), which is SOOO cool for him. He MIGHT go back to play next year, but gaining another degree and the money has to work since he was on a full-ride prior.


I am SO glad that your gym is doing it online. That must make a big difference in your day to still have that community feel with your trainer and some normalcy with him/her yelling at you ha;) That really is so great that they are doing all of that.

Tiffany, your poor son. That breaks my heart. He sounds like an incredible athlete. Let me know when you guys know what he decides to do. Such a hard time. Thinking about you guys!


I’m all about 90s pop music! I could listen to it daily STILL!!!! I’m super jealous you have TJ’s we don’t have that here. We do have a whole foods about 45 minutes away but someday I’ll get to experience TJs lol. I totally miss gymnastics on tv as well but all of the olympic channel replays are keeping me going!


Oh I love 90s pop music a lot still too! I need to ship you some of your favorite TJ’s things. I need to get on the olympic channel, Brooke and I would love to watch that together. I hope you are having the best morning, Kristin!


Hi Janae! You are so right, best era is definitely high school and college years, but I like EDM for running and working out. My favorite YouTube workout channels: Gwen Jorgensen has a few, MadFit has some fun stuff, and Yoga with Adriene. I’m looking through the comments for more ideas, I sure could use more during this time. Have a great day!


THANK YOU for sharing about MadFit, I’ve never tried her! I hope you are having a great morning so far and thanks Amy!


Best era of music is DEFINITELY the 90s, to maybe early 2000s? English AND Chinese pop (my fave 90s Chinese pop is like 80s English power ballads on crack – well to me at least lol).
I still marvel today at how I didn’t even actively learn lyrics to Britney and BSB and I can somehow just sing along whenever they play on the radio.
Also was a big fan of 98 Degrees. And I went through an emo alt phase so Green Day was awesome too. Plus Sixpence None The Richer, Sugar Ray, Oasis, Nine Days. Now I feel nostalgic.


I’m with you on what you think the best era of music is:). I bet those playlists make your runs so fun! Hahah we will never ever forget those lyrics, even if we want to. You just took me back with all of those artists/bands. Hope your Tuesday is a beautiful one so far, Chloe!


Your moms sourdough loaf looks GORGEOUS!!!

I think Skye looks a lot like your mom these days.

I miss TJ’s more than necessary!

Teams? My sons High School soccer season! Pro- Not too much-totally missed Boston, Spring Classics (bike racing), will miss Tour de France. My son missed March Madness, Spring Training News.

Lately I’ve been mixing things up more-added way more cycling and strength training. It’s been fun to run more carefree and feel those runs the day after a run/ride day. ( a little bit of ow mixed with Oh Yes!) Yoga too. I use Grokker and have Megan’s program!

Have a terrific Tuesday!!!


Oh my goodness, that bread looks AMAZING! Do you have the recipe from your mom that you could share?
I always waver on what kind of music I like best… it seems to depend on my mood, so I just make playlists for different genres/time periods and then I can go with whatever sounds good in that moment! I have a soft spot for classic rock, since that’s what I grew up listening to with my parents. But I will always love boy bands and 90’s pop!
I like to take advantage of my treadmill sometimes when I’m doing strength workouts… so I will walk a little bit, just to get my heart rate up, and then hop off (turn the speed down to 1) and do a mix of upper and lower body strength moves – either with weights or without. Sometimes I’ll do sprints on the treadmill as well, but I generally pair that with bodyweight movements instead of weights.


Late 1990s-early 2000s is definitely my favorite music era! Speaking of which, do you have any good speed work playlists that you’ve been listening to lately?

Also I am in a breakfast rut with the quarantine! What do you usually have for breakfast? Thanks! :)


Late to your blog today! :) Just had to chime in that your mom’s loaf IS gorgeous! Well done!


Oh my goodness. Trader Joe’s currently has kung pao chicken stuffed mochi in the freezer section and it’s the greatest thing I’ve ever eaten. On my now-infrequent TJ runs, I stock up!


The sourdough bread from your mom looks delicious! My friend just dropped a loaf off for us that she made this morning! Homemade sourdough bread is the best!


Ugh, don’t get me started on groceries…I am spending way too much on food but I can’t help myself. It’s like, what else is there to enjoy? But with no income coming in – it is NOT smart.

Question: why are you going out to buy groceries now after all this time but you didn’t before? Have restrictions loosened/given the okay or you just ready to crawl out of the cell? Haha. Seems so weird here, things get tighter the more time that passes.


Good you have all such great time and stay close together, in these hard times. Very nice cookings and very nice salad (gluten free i guess). Godbless You and Your Family.

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