A Date + A Vlog Check-In!

50 degrees and so much sunshine… those 8 miles of warmth were good for the soul.

I found this written on my driveway yesterday: ‘Run faster than Covid’ and I’m definitely going to try with some speed today.

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The first word out of both of their mouths in the morning is CHICKENS and so this is how their mornings are starting out each day.

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We decided to switch things up yesterday and do school later in the afternoon instead of in the morning which meant Brooke made us waffles.

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And then we played outside for a very long time.  Brooke being home so much is sure making Skye grow up fast.  Between potty training and learning how to ride her scooter, she has matured a lot in the 2.5 weeks;)

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We have 8 chicks and Brooke knows each one by name (even the ones that look a lot alike) and she already has a lot of their temperaments figured out.

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We decided we needed a date together while Skye napped and Brooke got started on school.  We had Bajio salads take-out and spent 18 minutes just the two of us which felt like a record for the middle of the day lately ha.

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We definitely need to organize our sunroom but I’m really hoping we see some sprouts here soon.  I am most looking forward to the tomatoes.  There is just something so magical about garden tomatoes!

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My current read…

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We have been making a lot of sweet potato burritos over here.  We roast the sweet potatoes in advance and add beans, rice, salsa, sour cream, cheese, avocado or anything else we have on hand.  It’s such a simple meal (I usually have two) but it does the trick.

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Dessert (or is this second dinner?) provided by General Mills!

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Ending the day with a vlog that we made yesterday… I rewatched it and I definitely don’t touch my face in real life right now but for some reason the nerves of doing a video brought that out ha, I still don’t know the ‘sad story’ Andrew referred to (and I’ll keep it that way?) and I get a little emotional at the end!  Let me know if you want more vlogs over the next few weeks!


What are you most looking forward to today?

Any fun ‘date ideas’ out there during this time?  

What is your workout today? 

From the Vlog—> What is your advice to people struggling right now?

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My husband and I just got married at home with under 10 people on March 21st, and we have had a couple fun “dates”! We went on a walk to pick up take-out smoothies with our puppy, and the other night I made a fancy dinner and we had sparkling water and lit candles and ate at the table (instead of the couch while watching tiger king….)

The date I’m most excited for is this weekend- we’re going to donate blood, then pick up take-out food for lunch! It’ll be our first real “outing” as a married couple and I am already planning my outfit (of course making sure my arms are exposed to donate!)

Your blog has been such a ray of sunshine and positivity during this hard time!


ELLIOT! Congratulations on your wedding! I bet it was absolutely beautiful. I LOVE your fun date ideas. They are perfect. Enjoy your outing this weekend (and so awesome you are donating blood). I’m truly so happy for you friend and thank you so much!


Ran 3 miles at 5 AM this morning! Actually ran into a friend I normally run with (at the end of my run and beginning of hers), we cheered each other on as we passed haha. But no people other than that!


Happy Wednesday Janae! I am most looking forward to taking a nice long walk on the trails by my house today. Absolutely necessary for my sanity. I loved your vlog with Andrew. I wish I could give both of you a big hug!


HELLO FRIEND! Enjoy that beautiful walk on the trails today, that sounds perfect. Thank you so much… I felt the hug and I’m sending one back to you. Have a beautiful day!


Mariah! Oh I bet it just made your morning to see that friend and just feel each other’s love. This whole situation has just reminded me so much how much every little interaction means. Enjoy the rest of your day!


Being able to work from home. I was only back for a couple of days and today is day 1 for me of being able to work from home . And hopefully being able to work in pjs when not on a zoom call haha.

Date ideas…stay in movie nights. A couple weeks ago e rode our bike to get smoothies. That was how we celebrated our 5 year?. Even though we dont have kiddos we try and make a point to connect for a date rather than just being absorbed in what we are doing alone. On one of our first dates wecwebtvti an indoor climbing gym which was so much fun but climbing dates will have to wait. We love cooking together at home and now even groceries are exciting.

Might go for a run to test out the new running shoes.They arrived yesterday.

Have a super day Janae! Also it’s so cool that Skyw learned to ride a scooter!


I hope you get plenty of pj time as you are working from home… glad you are able to work from home now! HAPPY FIVE YEARS! So glad you are making the time to connect, it is so important! Keep enjoying cooking together and climbing dates… that sounds amazing. Let me know how you like the shoes and thank you friend!


I’m looking forward to a phone call with my best friend today!

Hmm, my advice . . . I keep telling myself, IT IS OKAY. It’s okay if I’m feeling sad, or happy, or if I want to sit on the couch for a while or go be active. I don’t want to wallow or anything, but it’s okay to feel the way you’re feeling, and let yourself feel that way.

No date ideas over here–currently single, and I gotta say, this social distancing makes it pretty hard to get to know anyone!


ENJOY that phone call. I love your advice so much. Thanks for sharing and have a great day! My good friend is single and she said the same thing… no dating anymore. Thanks Kristin!


I read your blog everyday, and will echo the same sentiment as an earlier comment: such a ray of sunshine-vlog was amazing!
Thank you Janae and Andrew <3


Olivia, thank you so much for checking in every day, that means a lot and thank you for your sweet comment. This community is just the best. Keep in touch with how you are doing and thanks again!


I’m working from home right now, I’ll watch your VLog later this afternoon. Wednesday is rest day, so no workout today.

Like a lot of others – my wife and I have been taking some extra afternoon walks together. And our Sunday morning coffee date now goes through the Starbucks drive thru instead of sitting down. I do want to break out some board games to try this weekend. And I am going to have to use that BOGO Cold Stone Creamery coupon I got in my my email…

If Brenda is reading…. I found this article that describes my hamstring/Hallux Limitus issue EXACTLY:

The good news is that my running form/gait change/improvement that I have worked so hard on is not causing my hamstring injuries. The bad news is that the big toe issue is. I emailed my doc and he said the x-rays back in 2016 showed mild arthritis and a bone spur. I’ll need to go back eventually for a new x-ray to see how it’s advanced.

I just see this as a new opportunity to overcome a challenge. Very small potatoes compared to what others are going through right now. I guess it is good that it is something to keep my mind occupied :)


SO glad you and your wife are getting more walks together… walking together really is so connecting and I love how there are zero distractions. ENJOY COLDSTONE (Andrew’s favorite). I really hope that you can get this big toe issue figured out. It is a big deal… we need running! Have a beautiful day friend!


Love vlog days! :) Sending hugs your way – it is such a hard time for everyone. I live 10 hours away from my mom and do not see her many times a year in “normal” times, but right now, all I want to do is be able to see her and make sure she is ok. This should jump start my plan to have her move near me. Haha.

Workout today is later than most days – working from home and being able to sleep in a bit is actually not to my benefit. Well…maybe it is since it means I am getting more sleep. Going to do a little speed work on the treadmill and then lifting after wrapping up with work. At least that is current plan. I have also done a couple muncher cruncher workouts this last week or so – so good!

Oh man, we have a hard time doing date night when we can leave the house. However, there is a movie coming out this week that my husband really wants to watch and I would probably also enjoy so we are thinking of making a night of it this weekend.

Thank you for the daily smiles that your posts bring.


THANK YOU Janelle and I hope you are able to hug your mom soon. I REALLY would be so happy if she could move closer to you asap. Keep me updated on how she is doing. I hope your speed and lift session are great! Her workouts really are so awesome. Let me know if you guys love the movie and we’ll have to watch it too. Thanks friend, that means a lot. Have a great day!


Today I am most looking forward to playing games with my friends via skype!

My workout today will be something indoors again as I am self isolating – only 2 days until I can run!

Loved the vlog – I think talking and communicating is one of the most important things, but also allowing yourself to feel the different emotions. Yesterday I was trying to distract myself from feeling sad about the whole situation but once I just let my feel that way for a bit it did pass. Trying to stick to some sort of routine is also helping.


Games via Skype… I LOVE that idea. I’m going to do that with my family. I am hoping your indoor workout was awesome. THANK you for sharing your advice. So helpful for us, growth takes feeling through things! I hope you are having a great start to your April!


Well we never did date nights anyway so… but we did go grocery shopping together and we have taken short trips.

Workouts. My hamstring has been bugging my knee and I finally took 3 days off running and did 6 today and felt great. Not taking a break in months isn’t ideal!! I LOVE muncher crunchers workouts thanks for sharing her Instagram. She is gonna help me with my weakness in my left leg!!! I was sore today for her workouts


Oh, I loved your vlog! And I agree with you that it is absolutely ok to let yourself feel all of the feelings! The world is so upside-down, and no one knows what will happen next. So if you feel like crying, do! If you feel like laughing, do!
We just got the official word that kids most likely will not be returning to school this year… So this is our normal for now. My heart breaks for the seniors!! All the fun, memory making spring events like Prom, senior “ditch” day… I just feel so sad for the class of 2020!
So, we just need to do our best and try to get through each week or day. We will! ?
Thanks again for being a positive light through this!
And it was fun to see Andrew!!
Have a good Wednesday!


Thank you Wendy, that means a lot to me. It really is so important to feel whatever you need to. I totally agree, I feel so heartbroken for the seniors in high school right now. I have a neighbor that is a senior and every time I see her outside I just want to cry! You are creating a beautiful new normal, keep it up. Thank you Wendy and I hope your day is a great one too!


Isn’t it funny how those grocery store trips just feel amazing now!?! I am SO happy your run today felt great, way to go taking the time off to get everything feeling right again. Her workouts are the best… keep enjoying and have a great day!


Hi Janae (and Andrew ) !
I loved this Vlog. It was so nice to see you in a video !
I admit i didn’t understood every word :) you are speaking too fast for me. Haha ! But i understood the global sense of every question and answer.
We made waffles too yesterday !
I love to see how yours kids are taking care if those little chickens.
I hope you will have garden tomatoes soon !
(I wanted to plant some, but some days after we were confined, and i didn’t had the time to buy it. i’m trying to avoid to overwhelm delivery workers for non essential things. Garden tomatoes will be for next year.)
Have a beautiful day !


It was so nice to see the vlog! You’re so wonderful, Janae. Just having you say that you’re here for us if we need to talk…

Wishing you a wonderful day!


Thank you Joy and I really mean it! We will get through this TOGETHER:). Hope your Wednesday is a beautiful one!


I’m looking forward to a walk outside later today since it’s finally sunny here.
I loved the vlog today. I live alone and my family is 2 hours away so the virus has made me feel very isolated. Every so often I let myself have the feelings and cry it out. It’s like letting the steam out of a pressure cooker. My advice: feelings are important – have them but try not to let them overwhelm you.


ENJOY that sunshine, I’m so glad spring is here. Samantha, I wish I could come give you a big hug and go for lunch with you. The advice you sent is just what I needed… feel them but don’t let them consume you. Thank you. Please keep in touch with how you are doing. We’ve got this friend!


I really feel you about the parent thing. My parents are 81 and live close by. It’s hard to not see or hug them. We did go by yesterday and sit outside for a bit (far apart). They are fostering a dog from the humane society and that made me happy!


Beth. I am truly so sorry. It hurts so bad to not be able to be there inside with them and helping them. I hope that you are able to give them big hugs soon. SO happy you were able to visit yesterday outside and that they have a new dog. Animals are so therapeutic and so great that they adopted! Have a beautiful day friend!


Loved the blog! You guys are amazing. I have been following your blog for MANY YEARS and you always bring hope and joy to all of us who follow you. Finding Andrew was a blessing for sure in your life. It is always so obvious in all that he says how much he loves you and the beautiful family you both have. …it’s all very heart warming Janae.

Stay safe and healthy!


This just MADE MY MORNING. Thank you for sharing. I am so incredibly grateful for him and the joy he has brought us all. Thank you Donna, stay safe and healthy to you too and thanks for being my friends over the years!


Gosh I just love yall! That vlog was awesome. Thank you for always being vulnerable but also being someone so many people can lean on (even virtually?! how do you do it!). Sending all the positive vibes out into the world!

Got outside this morning for 8 sunny, solo miles and let myself NOT think about anything. Thank goodness for running.



Thank you Katie for your sweet words. They mean the world for me. SO glad you got a beautiful run in this morning with clear thoughts. We are so lucky to be able to continue running. Keep me in the loop with how you are doing and what is going on in your world.


Good morning Janae! Just wanted to let you know my husband and I signed up for St George this morning!! It’ll be his first full marathon and my second. I’m so excited because St George is one of my favorite places and it’s so beautiful. We are moving/building a house over the summer and life is so weird right now but i think having a training plan and that consistency will be so good for me. :)


Well, this is the best news I’ve heard in a while. SO excited for you and you have to keep me updated with the training for you two and I’ll see you there! You have quite a busy summer… good luck with everything Laura!


Hi Janae! I love the video! Thanks for recording it I feel like we are all missing human contact now haha.

My fiance is stuck in another country now which is hard but hopefully he can come back soon. We video chat and we send each other pictures from our day, or we will look for old pictures to send each other to remind us of good times in the past. Hopefully we will all get through this together!!


I totally agree, we all just miss seeing each other so much. Amy, that is so so hard. I am so glad you get to talk through video chat. Will you please keep me updated with how you are doing? Thinking about you!


Hi Janae! First time poster but long-time reader :) I’ve been following your blog for years and really appreciate you for still writing during this time, it’s definitely something to look forward to each day!

I’m graduating medical school right now and will be starting my residency at U of Utah this June, which I’m so excited about! I’ve been wanting to move to SLC from the Midwest for literally years! I never would have dreamed my move would be in these circumstances, but it’s definitely interesting to see how COVID has impacted different parts of the country. I’ll be moving from Michigan, where we’ve been hit incredibly hard in metro Detroit, and I’m hoping Utah stays relatively manageable. Huge thanks to Andrew for all his hard work, especially in the ICU. I look forward to joining the SLC community very soon :)


RACHEL!! Thank you for reading over the years and for writing me today. CONGRATULATIONS on graduating med school. That is incredible. I am SO happy you will do your residency here and we will have to meet for a trail run. You are going to love it here. Yes, that is what we are really hoping too. I will keep you updated. Utah is excited to have you. Thanks friend!


Well, now that my run is done I’m most looking forward to helping my youngest with school work! He’s 6 and in Kindergarten so everything is new and (somewhat) challenging to him. He is really bright but lacks confidence so when he gets an answer right he just radiates with excitement and even does a little dance sometimes! It really is the best thing to watch!
Our dates have been at the end of meals when the kids are done and have been excused from the table. We sure get a lot of interruptions but it’s better than nothing!
Today was an easy day. My legs were super heavy so my initial goal was a few shakeout miles on flat roads but 7 miles and 651 ft. gain later I felt almost good as new! Still kept the paces easy so I sort of did what I set out to do! Ha!
I can’t wait to check your vlog out later!
Have a great day!


So glad you had a great run and I bet that is so fun to work with your 6 year old on his kindergarten curriculum. 651 ft of UP in 7 miles… that is quite the hilly run, way to go. I love your date idea… we’ll take anything at this point so just a few minutes uninterrupted is the best. Thank you Jenny, I hope you have a great day too!


Hi Janae!

I have loved your blog for a long time now. Sending lots of love to you and Andrew! I loved your Vlog and how you’re still positive yet keeping it real about how you’re feeling at the low points, I know a lot of people feel the same way these days (myself included). I actually work as an Emergency Medicine PA in Brooklyn and the one thing I wish I could let everyone know who is feeling down, sad or hopeless right now- is that everything society is doing right now is SO important and SO valued and SO appreciated by hospital workers! Seeing my hospital beyond capacity with critically ill patients and then having patients pass away alone and without family is heartbreaking. It’s been eye opening and if I could spare even one person or one family that heartbreak, that’s what I have been reminding myself in the days I feel isolated and alone from my friends/family/normal routine. The nation’s commitment to social distancing is working and is so so necessary and appreciated by medical workers, and will ultimately save so many people’s lives <3

On a lighter note- I've noticed your skin has been looking wonderful and am wondering if you finally found a good skincare regime? :)


Ally, I can’t thank you enough for what you are doing to help the world in the hospital and for taking the time to write to me…. This is exactly the reminder we all need. We will all sacrifice whatever we need to to help others. I’m so sorry about what you are seeing in Brooklyn right now. Stay healthy and thank you, I finally did find something that works for me. I’ll post about it next week… it’s been a long journey! Have a great day and I hope you can get some rest today!


So my boyfriend and I were supposed to go to a concert this past weekend but it was postponed to September. I planned a fun date of still having the “concert.” He came over to my house and we had dinner that I cooked. Then I pulled up a YouTube video of a concert of the artist we were supposed to see and watched it on TV. We finished off the night with ice cream and conversation. It was one of the most fun at home dates we have ever had!
Keep bringing on the vlogs! It is so fun seeing how you and Andrew interact!


Sloan, what an amazing idea. Way to make the absolute best of the situation. Thank you friend, we will keep them coming. Have a great day!


I loved the Vlog, Janae!

I registered for the Virtual Hot Chocolate 15k (https://www.hotchocolate15k.com/virtual) The goody bag includes a jacket, medal and chocolate! And the charity of choice is Make a Wish, one of my favorite charities. I don’t race often, but they had me at chocolate ;)

Les and I have been riding our bikes together a lot more. I usually ride earlier than him because I don’t like to ride when there is traffic, but with schools and many businesses closed, it’s been great.

We rode part of our ride together today – I rode 15 miles and he’s still riding. But it was a great way to start the morning.


Hey Kathy! Thank you so much, we had fun making it. Okay, that race sounds perfect… I’ll have to join too. Keep enjoying those beautiful rides together. I bet Les is loving it so much too! Enjoy your Wednesday, friend!


Date idea – local small business is doing delivery charcuterie- DH have ordered that for Friday night!

Advice for ppl struggling- log out of social media accounts and block all your favorite news sites. Step away from all the noise and worry for a couple of days and see if that helps. (—->>> this is what I did after I had a mini meltdown on my DH and it has really helped!)


Hi Janae (and Andrew ) !
I loved this Vlog. It was so nice to see you in a video !
I admit i didn’t understood every word :) you are speaking too fast for me. Haha ! But i understood the global sense of every question and answer.
We made waffles too yesterday !
I love to see how yours kids are taking care if those little chickens.
I hope you will have garden tomatoes soon !
(I wanted to plant some, but some days after we were confined, and i didn’t had the time to buy it. i’m trying to avoid to overwhelm delivery workers for non essential things. Garden tomatoes will be for next year.)
Have a beautiful day !


Love you Janae.
What a great volg with your main squeeze.
If I struggle, I just tell myself to get back to this moment. My struggle is usually a catastrophic thought about someone I care about. I just say that is your anxiety, this is not reality. Calling one of my parents (who the thought is often about) helps because they are so content and relaxed about this that it reminds me all is well.


That VLOG was so cute and fun!!! Andrew must share the random sad story though.

Today was incredible-the wind was less. Seriously, it was so amazing to not battle the wind.

Typically my son and I run during our lunch break from virtual school/work. Then, after my afternoon meetings my partner and I go for a mountain bike ride. I feel like I’m taking puppies out to get fresh air and get their sillies out. Both talk.so.much. But I’m loving the quietness outside and just being grateful to be able to. Yesterday I did strength training so I was rather sore today, but in a good way.

Feel all the feels-I find this is a unique version of grief. Overwhelming sense of dread/sadness/anxiety can just take over at any moment, then pass. It is just an interesting time and when we come out from it, we will be happy to the most simple of things.


Vlog, vlog, vlog, vlog!


I remember running into you at Costco a couple of years ago and I was just blown away with how sweet you are not only online, but in person – thanks so much for you vlog! One of these days when things are normal, hopefully we’ll bump into each other at Costco again! :)

I don’t have any kids, but my heart goes out to people who do since I feel like it would be a really tough time right now! I had a moment of stillness yesterday where I had the feeling that this is a really special time (albeit scary and hard) for me to slow down and listen. I’m really looking forward to General Conference this weekend! Have a great week, Janae and Fam.

P.s. I sooooo want to sign up for St. George but my longest run as of lately is 4 miles. Maybe I can convince my husband…or maybe the new mini marathon?!


In another of my communities it was said when someone needs to talk it out, they never seem to need more than 20 minutes. So, if you’re not in listening mode when they’re in talking mode, set your watch for 20 minutes and listen to them. See what happens with your relationship. In this case, sis only had to invest 10 minutes in straight listening – fits the model.

HRG, you look more grown these days. Good on you. Oh, is downtime providing an opportunity to set up a system for keys? – not getting locked out of anything anymore…. There are so many good systems out there and some are quite old school. Pretend no one can come within 6 feet of you or touch your door knobs – oh, they can’t AND do social distancing exquisitely. This is perfect timing.

Yes, for home grown tomatoes! Will you provide pics of the final product? How about sweet potatoes? Do they grow in raised beds?? I’m lookin’ to you here.

Oh, and you and @goodfortheswole picked up chicks at the same place! You Utes!


For all of us – allow yourself to grieve. For people, activities, routines, all of it… Grief has its own schedule and it never shares the schedule in advance. This will change each of us. And that doesn’t have to be a negative thing. Choose to let the grieving process help you grow – set different goals, identify priorities. And keep running.


Love the vlog. I especially was interested to hear Andrew talk about things at work. Emergency department nurse here in NZ and it sounds almost identical to what we’re doing with no elective surgeries etc. we’ve actually split our department now into green and red (red being covid and respiratory illness). It’s all changing and so much learning happening. Day off for me today so the thing I’m most looking forward to is baking and going for a short run around the neighbourhood. We’re all in the same boat right? It is strange times we’re living in. Love to you and your family.


I just watched the vlog and Janae, you’re such a sweet person. Checking in here is a bright spot for me. Thank you for including us in your daily goings-on!


Thank you so much for your honesty, I can relate to so much of what you expressed. I also have 3 kids and am pretty busy during the day with them, but I’ve broken down a lot at random times recently. I also miss seeing my parents so much, especially because my youngest is 3 months and changing so much each week, and I know they’re dying to see her in person. But as you said, this will all pass in time . Sending strength!


Your vlog was phenomenal!! You are so sweet and kind. I LOVE how you told people you were there for them. You are absolutely right we all need to ha w a support system. Thank you for being you and inspiring all of us!

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