How are you feeling about this?

Andrew had a training that was canceled so we planned on him mountain biking after I went on a run.  Then we realized that we should just get a babysitter and go together.  We were almost embarrassed that it took us this long to figure out this perfect combo for the two of us.

This might be a new weekly thing for us because it was a blast.

I push him to go faster on the ups, he pushes me to go faster on the downs and on the flat he just has to slow down a little bit for me to keep up with him. It worked out really nicely.

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Added bonus—> water breaks.

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If you are ever feeling bored with running, I highly suggest you find some dirt to run on.  I don’t know what it is about trails but they just make me love running that much more.  They really make me feel like I’m a kid at recess having so much fun.

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Just a little bit of mud and snow at different points!  10.5 miles @ 8:28 average.

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Below is something that makes me love Strava… It reminds me of little successes that I have along the way to my bigger goals.  While I’m not hitting any PRs with my road speed right now, I realized afterwards I hit a PR for a segment (1 mile w/405 ft of gain… 7.9% incline) on this trail without trying which made me really happy.

I’m calling this hill pr yesterday my mid-week speed work because after I finished the run it felt like I had finished a speed workout.  Hills WORK US.

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Let’s rewind to the beginning of the day.  I gave Andrew and Brooke a sock set of Elsa and Olaf from Target for Christmas and it put Brooke in the best mood when she remembered them and brought Andrew his pair to wear.  His socks worked great for mountain biking too;)

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Now that Andrew has his truck I think the kids will always choose for him to take them to school when we are both home.

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Was Andrew procrastinating working on taxes or really having a serious desire to organize the entire pantry?

He found my Boston Goodr glasses in there that I’ve been looking for for months.  Skye loves hiding things and she is really good at it.

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The trio back together again.

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We made baked potatoes for dinner followed by chocolate from our Chocolate Passport that we got at TJ’s.  I didn’t think our kids would love dark chocolate as much as they do!

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I went to Costco to pick up Sambucol and Zicam because I’ve heard it is recommended to have on hand.  How are you guys all feeling about what is going on with the Coronavirus?  The other night I was experiencing so much anxiety over it all and especially because Andrew and Brooke are flying soon but I’m just trying to not freak out and stay aware of what is happening and be on top of anything that can be done!

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Oh and if you need a good cry, read this article.  I am now 1000% wanting Kellyn in the top 3 on Saturday!

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How are you feeling about what is happening with the Coronavirus?

What do you lose most often?  

I asked this question on IG the other day but I want your opinions today because I have a few solo runs coming up and want some new tunes.  If you could only choose one more band/singer to listen to for the rest of all of your runs/races, who would it be?

Who uses Strava?  What are your favorite parts about it and/or least favorite parts about it?

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Good Morning – Well I live in Nebraska very close to UNMC where they are caring for infected individuals. Fingers crossed those medical professionals will find a vaccine!
Gloves, usually not plural, just glove is what I lose. I have so many one offs, I very seldom have matching gloves on. :)
Have a wonderful day!


I really hope they can find a vaccine too! Hahaha those gloves are sure tricky to keep track of, I get it. Have a beautiful day Shannon!


I work in pharma/clinical studies and have a few colleagues who are quite knowledgeable about flue infections. Based on their opinion and any other expert opinion I have come across, corona is a bit more severe and a bit more contagious than regular flue, but unless you are in a high-risk group you don’t really have anything to worry about except being out sick for a few days. Still an unpleasant though that your babies might be exposed to it, but hopefully nothing to keep you up at night…


I go through waves of anxiety about coronavirus, but then I try to remember that Heavenly Father has a plan for our family. We may be called on to go through hard things, heart breaking things, but that doesn’t change His love for us. Also, none of my family are in a high risk group, so we will probably be ok!


Love this so much Sarah! THANK YOU FOR SHARING! Faith > fear!! Hope you have a great day!


Thanks so much for sharing Nina, I really appreciate you! I guess that is part of it that I am worried about… my parents/mer/neighbors are part of that high-risk group. We just have to do what we can and let go of the rest! Hope you have the best day!


I am a worrier, you know that……but nothing about this Coronavirus is worrying me. Well, I am a bad sick, so that worries me, ha…….but not about that virus specifically.
I tell you that Selena Gomez song “Lose you to love me” for you!!!


Haha I am that ‘bad sick’ person too;) Just put that song on and IT IS EVERYTHING!!


I feel the same about trail running – splashing through mud puddles without a worry make me feel like a little kid.

I use Strava and love it. Since i work 5am-1:30pm it’s hard to get together and run with others/groups so I really like the social aspect of Strava.

Coronavirus – mixed thoughts. I am worried, but whatever is going to happen is going to happen at this point. It’s basically the flu but with double the risk factor. I am hoping it dies down in a few months (like the regular flu) as they are saying and somebody can figure out a vaccine for it by next flu season.

I’ve been a dance/pop fan since the 80’s (I met my wife at a dance club) and I recently discovered KPop on one of my Pandora Stations. I love listening to that, lots of upbeat peppy songs.


Trail running just makes us feel so alive, those puddles are hard not to smile through! That is so true about the social aspect of strava and I’m so glad you get that! I like the way you are thinking about it… it’s kind of out of our control at this point but we can just do our best to stay healthy! Can’t wait to check out KPop! Thanks John! Hope you are having a beautiful day and PS what time do you go to bed to get to work at 5 am?


I try to be in bed by 8pm during the week and get up at 3:20am to get ready for work.

As you will find out KPop is a genre more than a group. Korean Pop – very catchy songs with addicting hooks and english lyrics sprinkled in. Some are still very much like the old 80’s/90’s dance tracks, which is what KPop originated from.


I am working on not being too worried about it. But we are traveling and it defiantly gives me pause. I have two young kids that have been sick more in the last two months than I can remember, it’s been a tough winter! We just wash our hands constantly which is easy since my toddler goes to the bathroom (potty training) every 20 minutes. Gotta be careful but keep living life! I just got strava because it gives info to an app that my insurance uses to pay us for Our activity but I really like it! I’m just getting back to biking postpartum but I’m feeling the desire to start to run a bit when the snow melts. We are having a very cold winter in Alaska but spring is soon! Have a great day!


Kayse, I’m so sorry about what you guys have gone through this winter. Our littles have had a tougher winter than normal too with everything going on. “Gotta be careful but keep living life!” <-- YES! Super excited for your Alaska spring and keep me updated with your postpartum return! Thanks and you too!


Keeping informed about the COVID-19, but no more so than any flu outbreaks and other communicable diseases. And mostly because I have a ten month old and older parents. No panic or worry, just awareness.

I lose my work badge ALL THE TIME. Why? The above referenced ten month old. He loves playing with it and crawls off with it. By the end of the evening, after cleaning up and packing for the next day, I always forget to look for where he last dropped it. LOL.

Hope you have an amazing day!


I like how you are going about that… being aware and informed but not freaking out. I’ll copy you on that. Oh my goodness that is so Andrew! We are searching for it all of the time because if the kids find it, they want to play with it. Maybe you can get another one ha (that’s what I tell Andrew;). Thanks Amy and you too!


I love Strava! it’s a fun way to keep in touch with running friends and support each other. I also love how easy it is to look back on old workouts/runs. Plus is tracks my shoe mileage. I don’t love when it tells me I’m getting faster or slower on a certain route- the goal in running isnt to get faster every run- some runs should be easy!


My kids have been SO sick this winter! I just had my son in the pediatrician’s office this morning and he has a double ear infection. Between he and my daughter it’s been constant, non stop sickness. I am worried about Coronavirus but I’ve heard it’s not that much worse than the flu. Sometimes I wonder if the media hypes things up more than they should :-/ Hopefully spring will come early everywhere and kill the virus off and we can all rest easy!

I haven’t used Strava but I was a lover of Daily Mile and they shut the website down a year ago! I still miss it!! I just track everything through my Garmin app now.

Months ago my kids misplaced this little wooden car that came in a set so the set was missing a car for the longest time. I assumed my son had thrown it away on accident and it was gone forever but we randomly just found it the other day behind our entertainment center!! It was hidden behind a power strip :-) We were all so excited over that found little car!


Not currently worried about coronavirus but we’ll see if that changes it it comes out this way.

I’m so rooting for Kellyn! And I know she’s made two teams but I love Des. Would love to round it out with Sarah hall.

I love Sisson and Huddle but they’re basically a lock for the 10k team. I do think Sisson will make top 3 marathon though.


I’m a total Strava tragic ?. I ride more than I run these days and I love strava for getting ideas about new riding routes, especially when I’m travelling somewhere new. Pretty nice when you get QOMs too ?


I’m feeling weird about Corona!!!!! I don’t usually freak out over illnesses, etc, but something about Corona Virus sounds so scary! Even the name–CORONA Virus sounds so ominous!!!!! I was reading in the newspaper today that just having good hygiene/hand washing will make more of a preventative difference than wearing masks.

If I could only listen to one band!? That’s tough!!!! I might choose Led Zeppelin because I have a few of their songs on my running playlist, and they never fail to pump me up.

Strava—I love cheering on my friends and receiving kudos from my friends. I hate the comparative aspect and how Strava will make people do easy runs or cool downs /warm ups too fast just so their run won’t look “too slow”, whatever that even means. And, I’ve been guilty of it myself. I think I’ve come a long way with “maturity” in how I view running, but I’m still not perfect :)

Happy Thursday and an EARLY TGIF to you, Janae!!!!!


It is interesting what is circulating on the coronavirus. I come from a family of healthcare professionals and our parents never raised us to live in fear. Having said that, they are taking this seriously. My mom and aunt and uncles were supposed to fly to Australia for my cousins wedding in a couple weeks but decided against it just because they are older and even though they are good health they are probably more at high risk in general. There is currently no advisory to that part of the world but the thought of being on a plane for 14 hours just did not sit well with them right now.

For us, I think we are just trying to stay informed (and sort fact from fiction), and to be extra careful with our hygiene, etc. I don’t think there is any panic for us (we are in BC) but we also have no immediate plans to get on a plane. I think if you take pre-cautions you are fine, but at the same time, I feel like people shouldn’t go outside their comfort level and so if it means re – arranging plans that is super smart.

Also, I am forever losing my keys. Yes I use strava (strictly to record my workouts and I usually turn off notifications. Have a super day.

Hope your day goes well!


My family is traveling to Europe in June and I’m a little apprehensive about that but I know the tour company we are using will not send us to a place they deem unsafe, so they will change parts of the trip if they need to. We are also heading to Disneyland this weekend and we’ve talked with our kids about not touching handles and stuff and we are all carrying around our own hand sanitizer.

I definitely lose my phone most often. I swear this is one of the main reasons why I have an Apple watch so that I can use it to find my phone… My husband lost his car key while running and we never found it. He even had a Tile on it, but it had no battery. Boo!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE NF. He’s a rapper and he’s Christian but he doesn’t claim to be a Christian rapper, but it’s wholesome and so fun to run to.

I have Strava. I like seeing where my friends are running and I love that it helps me compete against myself. It’s also super nice when my watch dies (yesterday) and a friend can just add me to her run. I’m also a high school xc coach, so we have our runners in a group on Strava so it allows me to see their runs when they aren’t with me or when they are doing doubles.


Hello Janae,
Until yesterday, i was not really anxious about the coronavirus.
But this morning, a person at work was coming back from holidays and i knew she has invited a person from Singapore a few days ago.
I slept so bad last night, and today it was terrible. I spent the day avoiding her, washing my hand 1000000 times, not touching door handles.
And go to the shower as soon as coming back home.
Maybe it was too extreme, but i prefer to be careful (as i know there is a risk with this person… and as she was totally unconscious about what was my problem! She just told me “you know, you won’t die if you get ill”
I don’t like this selfish attitude.
In fact my worry is for my 5 dogs and cat, if me and my husband have to go to hospital for weeks ! Who would take care of them ! :)


Love Strava! I’ve only been using it for about a year (I resisted wearing a Garmin for a LONG time), and I don’t know too many people who use it so for me it’s not so much about the social aspect as it is about all the cool info. I like knowing how many miles I’ve run for the week/year, and the ability to easily check past runs. Especially handy for tracking a postpartum (or any other) comeback!
Love your blog, keep up the terrific work!


I love how you and Andrew find fun ways to sneak in dates! On the music thing, I would say either Michael Jackson (Smooth Criminal is my #1 running song of all time) OR Pit Bull (I just have this thing for him that I cannot explain lol).


lately I’ve been listening to either all Justin Bieber or strictly Taylor Swift and I could def listen to either of them FOREVER!! lol.


I love Strava! I joined a while ago to keep connected with my college teammates and it’s so much fun to see everyone’s workouts and to encourage/support each other through training and injuries! Plus I get ideas for where to run!


Hey there – do you know Design Mom blog; she has some great resources on it.

Might help calm your anxiety – it’s hard when it gets in your head. xx


Bllie Eillish, Halsey, Damien Rice


I think the media plays up the percentage who have been severely sick and/or died. I am not minimizing their illness or deaths and there are a large percentage of people who had much milder symptoms that were comparable with having a cold.

I use sambucol and Zicam nasal swabs when I feel a cold coming on. They generally lessen the symptoms and usually I feel better in a couple of days.

Besides my patience I lose umbrellas and earrings. (Usually 1 earring so I either wear mismatched earrings or make a necklace- depending on the size and style.


Hey Janae (and whoever is reading this), thought I’d leave a comment on this because I’m from Singapore, which was one of the first countries to get hit by COVID-19. There was alot of fear and panic initially, especially when the Government raised the disease response to orange (the second-highest level). Lots of panic buying (I didn’t panic buy, but I did have to go to the supermarket the weekend after the orange response for my usual grocery run and queues were a mile long – some of the memes were quite funny though), xenophobic comments on social media (Chinese people born here would have had family members come to this region from mainland China a couple generations ago, and quite a number have relatives in China still (I do), but fear and panic does strange things to people). The major news channels here have Telegram channels so I was like obsessively checking and reading EVERYTHING I could for a bit.

Things that helped – first my husband is super rational. I was worried because both my mum and mother-in-law are in the high risk group, but he told me we shouldn’t panic and do what we can, like hand-washing (that’s kind of about it actually, ha), watching out for symptoms in the kids (always germy!). I told him we had to buy a treadmill just in case we got locked down and he was like …. uh no?!?!?!? We continued going to church and work, and the kids to childcare. Second our Government did a good job in its response – maybe because we’re so small, it was easier? Third and maybe most important was prayer and changing my mindset to one of gratefulness – remembering to be grateful I was in a country with good healthcare and sanitation.

Hope this helps. :) a trail race I was supposed to go for in Hong Kong this weekend got cancelled and there’s a question mark over some family trips, but I’m just thankful my family is healthy and we are pretty much living normally. I’m still going to the gym too ;)

I’ll post a link to an article in the next comment about a guy quarantined in China who ran 66km around his living room.


Chloe. I cannot thank you enough for taking the time to write to me about this and helping me out. This really does help a lot and please keep me updated on how you are all doing. So glad your government has done such an amazing job and that things have continued on in Singapore. That article is amazing… good for that man to keep active but I would have been too dizzy haha!

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