Happy New Year… Can’t wait for 2020 together.

That post-speedwork endorphin rush!

I woke up yesterday morning with the desire to do a little speed work and an even bigger desire to make my treadmill run more fun.  I brought my Hyperions to switch into after the warm-up and did 12 x 1 minute (with 1 minute easy as a recovery after each one) fast.  It felt really good to move again and these types of workouts make the treadmill time go by so much faster.

I finished with 7 miles @ 7:27 average.

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Skye and I then went home and put together an oatmeal bar for friends coming over.

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Skye went down for a nap and I was able to catch up with all of them for 2 hours.  I have known these girls forever (starting in 4th grade with the one in the middle).  Some of the best people I know!

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The other highlights of the day included Facetiming with Andrew (he flew Brooke to California).

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And stealing my niece for a date.

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To get dinner and get our nails done with Skye:)

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A few random things to share today:

*This is just what my car is going to look like all winter and I’m okay with that.  We want to keep our ski gear in the car at all times so we can go whenever we get a chance.

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My brother figured out that in 2019 I ran from our house to Marathon Key!

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*Andrew is still wearing shorts so I guess it really hasn’t gotten that cold here yet.

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*I always wear my garmin over my jacket sleeve in the winter… What do you do?

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I hope your 2020 starts out amazing today!


Do you wear your watch over or under your long sleeves/jackets in the winter?

What are your favorite oatmeal toppings?

Who has a birthday this month?

What type of workout are you starting your 2020 with?

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Happy New Year!! I wear my watch under my sleeve. I was looking at oatmeal in the store the other day wishing I liked it, but I just can’t. I think it’s a consistency thing. I have my first trail race next weekend, a 4-miler, so I need to get ready for that. It’s on the 11th, then my birthday is on the 12th. Have a great day!!! I’ll be soaking in my last day of vacation…teachers go back tomorrow ?


Happy New Year to you Claire! The consistency of oatmeal is pretty rough! SO excited for your first trail race and I would love to hear all about it. Happy birthday month and I hope your first day back goes well!


I went out to run, an easy day and my ancient Garmin just would not get GPS so I ended up just going by time, I think I did 4 miles. There were flurries the entire time and it’s was nice. I wear my Garmin on top.
Looking forward to some quiet time tomorrow ( everyone goes back to school and work and I have until Monday). I do have to make some work to do but will enjoy doing it in my PJs!!
Any suggestions for how to keep my head warm without sweating? I have tried hats and bands and that spot still is a sweaty mess and often towards the end it is so itchy. I do without but I am in the northeast and I know we are headed into some cold mornings eventually.


Hey Carrie! Oh I am so glad you got to enjoy some flurries during your run today! Enjoy those quiet moments the next few days! That is a tough question… maybe a lighter headband? This one keeps my head still warm but doesn’t make it sweat because it is so light:

I hope it works and enjoy the rest of your day!


Happy 2020! Full body workout for me today! I am going to get in a nice walk today with the kids as well.


Happy 2020 to YOU, Gillian! Sounds like you have some good weather to go out on a walk together, enjoy!


I wear my Apple Watch under my sleeves in the winter, (although I have a lot of long sleeves with a big watch window now do that is handy)!

My favorite oatmeal toppings are Yogurt, honey, cinnamon, chia, and nuts, butbIncoukd always eat everything else and pass on the oatmeal.

My son has a birthday this month! Turning 7!

Heading out in a few minutes to run New Year’s Day 5K! Getting the running year started quickly :)

Hope your new year is grand and that all your running resolutions come true.


WATCH WINDOW… how do I not have one of those!? Oh I wish our kids could play… they are so close in age. Hope your New Year’s Day 5k was amazing. Thank you so much!


I know, right? If we are ever in Utah I will give you a heads up for Sure. The whole reason I “know” you is bc I was madly in search of a pregnant runner while I was pregnant, and lucky for my I found your blog! Life changing really :)

Right now the Oiselle Flyout long sleeve and the Firecracker long sleeve are the two with big watch windows. I have the Wazzie wool Longsleeve (sold out for now), and have been wearing it with a vest when it is in the upper 30s or low 40s.

My race was great! 20% of the race participants were women 40-49!!!

Happy new year, and I hope the saying is true, that hindsight is 2020 :)


Happy New Year Janae! I had plans of doing a long-ish treadmill run. However, I work up sick–changed my plans to a short run and strength training. I ended up slogging along for 2 miles, realized it was stupid to be running/working out when I wasn’t feeling well. My workout will be aiming the remote at the tv;-).

Doesn’t your watch run out of battery when running in the cold?! Sometimes my goes out even when I have it under my sleeves/warm gloves. It’s my excuse not to pay attention to my speed in the “off” season;-).

Haha, the back of our vehicle looks similar, but we have ice skates and snowshoes!


HAPPY NEW YEAR BECKY! I really hope that you start feeling better asap and yes yes yes to the most resting possible! My watch hasn’t had a problem yet but previous watches that I’ve had always do. I’m glad I’m not the only one with a crazy stuffed car right now. Get better friend!


That sounds like an awesome speedwork session, nice work! Also an oatmeal bar sounds great and yours looks DELICIOUS.

I keep my watch against my skin because my heart rate monitor integrated with it and that’s the only way it works.


HEY YOU! Next time you are in Utah you should come over for an oatmeal bar (with lots of Kneaders cookies too:). Have the best day and I need to track my heart rate better!


I’m a watch over the long sleeve person. I hate the thought that buttons might get pushed and ruin my workout log otherwise haha. I have speed work on the schedule today! 400 on 400 off for 30 minutes!



I have a birthday this month! January 23rd.

I’m dealing with an injury right now (potential tibial stress reaction – seeing a doctor tomorrow) so I‘ve benched myself from running for the time being and started the new year off with a yoga flow and yoga core workout in the FitOn app. They kicked my butt!


Happy New Year Janae and family!! My dad is visiting me for the holiday and we usually do yoga together (too cold to go biking)! I only wear my Garmin during workouts but I always have it directly on my wrist cuz I love seeing heart rate data. Hope you have a great start to 2020!


Love the reference to your 2019 running distance! You would love the Keys100 race that goes from Key Largo to Key West! We run the relay every year (May) and it’s my favorite event every year. You should look into it as a destination race.

Living in S.Florida, we don’t have to run in long sleeves very often, but when I do I wear my watch on the outside as well.

Favorite oatmeal toppings are white raisins, craisins, diced apples, and sliced almonds.

My 2020 running did not start out well because I hurt my low back and can’t even walk. Hopefully by next week I’m back in action.


Happy New Year!
I run with my watch under my sleeve – I’ve never even thought about trying it over, but I also am not running for speed especially in winter :)

I used to start my year with a 5k that had a cool bottle stopper medal but after I ran 6 of them they switched to a bottle opener so I stopped running it because sometimes it is about the bling :) plus the race is at 11:00 and I now like to get an earlier start to my day/year. We have a local reservoir that I’ve been waking around – I started trail running it this past year but it is too icy right now to run on so I had a beautiful crisp (33 degrees) Walk.

I would put tons of brown sugar on my oatmeal, but for the sake of health I put a dollop of vanilla Greek yogurt, blueberries and a few pepitas.



Fantastic brand—pricey but worth the occasional splurge. I think they were among the first to make shirts with watch windows.


Happy New Year, Janae!

I always wear my watch under my sleeves but we don’t really have winter here in So Cal.

My Mom would have turned 80 today! She was a New Year’s baby and I always loved celebrating her. She was only 58 when she passed, so it’s hard to picture her at 80.

I did a 45 minute work out on my bike trainer today. Global Cycling Network (https://www.globalcyclingnetwork.com/) has great videos that make it tough but also make the time go quickly.


Does your Garmin still do your heart rate over your jacket?


No it doesn’t! I don’t really do anything with heart rate though! I hope you are having a great night!


Happy New Year to you and your family! I wear my Garmin under my sleeve for the heartrate. Actually I wear it between my sleeve and my glove so i can look at it occasionally. My first workout was a bike ride to wish my parents a happy new year, 10 kilometers round trip, so not a real workout. I ran yesterday to complete 1.000 kilometers in 2019 so this was a rest day. I’m ridiciulously proud of this accomplishment, my running year started a bit meh, but I picked it up in the second half.
Have a great day!


Happy New Year Janae!! I am really looking forward to following along with you for another year – you’re always such an inspiration to me!!
I wear my watch over my sleeve if it’s a tight shirt – hate having to struggle to see my watch face.
So my favorite oatmeal topping is not healthy at all but its sooo good. A (big) dollop of peanut butter and a sprinkle of chocolate chips and a squirt of honey…yum!!! But if I’m being healthy then some dried fruit, flax seed, etc.
No birthday and no races this month but really hopeful that I’ll stay injury free and be able to run my first 50k this year!!!


HNY Janae,

My dad lives in Marathon, Fl. and as a kid I went to a private catholic school there during the winters. You should go there and run the 7 mile run in April over the 7 mile bridge sometime :)

I eat oats with blueberries/cinnamon very often for b-fast. Have a great 2020!


Happy new year!!! Your oatmeal bar looks sooo good:)
Ok that rainbow sweater… I NEED this haha.. do you know where it’s from? Thks! Susan


Hi Janae! I love that Brooke can text you while she is away. I am very impressed with her writing/skills for her age, she is so smart! I am just curious, is there a reason Andrew always takes her to CA? Does it make it easier on you that way? Just curious! Stay warm in all that snow.


I wear my Fitbit under my sleeve – mostly because I want to take advantage of it’s heart rate function. Yesterday at the gym I did a cardio workout and this morning I was there for a Group Power class.


Shoutout to Andrew for flying Brooke back and forth! ✈️ ? I think that’s really awesome of him to do! My husband does very similar things for me. ❤️ I have irrational anxiety and a wonderful understanding spouse. TMI?!

Blended family life isn’t easy but it’s totally worth it, right?

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