10 miles @ 8:13 average with Emilee to start off my week.

We hit a few slick areas along the way but most of the run was pretty clear of snow.

I’m starting to feel more like myself post-marathon but still have a good amount of time until I’ll be feeling 100% again!

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Morning multi-tasking is one of my biggest talents in life.

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Fast forward to lunch time and Skye made her way right over to Andrew’s bowl of noodles and meatballs that we had (from Costco).   She ate lunch before we did but she always needs to sample whatever we are eating.

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My nephew saved the day yesterday.  Andrew was at a training and then when I went out to my car with Skye to go pick up Brooke, my keys were locked inside of the car.  Luckily, I just called my nephew that can drive and he picked her up and brought her home!

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Added some shelves and new hardware to Brooke’s room!

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And then my good friend Jenn took me out for dinner and dessert.

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Another update on Skye’s NEED for her socks to be on perfectly—> Somehow that doesn’t apply when she wants to walk around with socks and flip flops on for hours.

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After our big goals talk yesterday… I just wanted to talk about how TIMING is an important part of the whole process too.

Right after CIM (like, the next day) I signed up for the Mesa Marathon.  I have heard AMAZING things about this course and I was determined to use my fitness to get a PR in February because I was disappointed I didn’t get a PR at CIM!  Thinking about using my fitness elsewhere made me feel a lot better at the time.

And then 2 days went by and I realized there was NO WAY.  I had already done back to back marathons in October and December and my body needed a serious break from marathon training.  Why am I telling you this?  Just in case you ever don’t do a race that you signed up for.  I probably have had about a dozen DNS races and that’s okay (except for when I think about the money I spent on them haha;) because life changes, plans change and sometimes we get injured…  but we WILL get to the starting lines of the races that work for us mentally and physically.

But sometimes I just have to laugh at myself for thinking it was possible to jump back into marathon training because with how I have felt after CIM, there is no chance I could run that far in a few weeks.  I’ve really been enjoying not being on a schedule and just running what feels right each day.

But SOMEDAY I want to make it to the starting line of this marathon!

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Random question of the day…. What is one band/singer that you could never ever get sick of? 

My answer:

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Okay, two really random questions… name this movie (I watched it the other night for the 3837th time)!

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Missed any races that you have signed up for?! 

Anyone reading running the Mesa Marathon?

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I am 99% sure I have signed up for more races than I have run :) Lots of donations! Ha. Thanks for that vote that it is fine to do so. I really don’t feel that badly about it most of the time. I have not run for weather and other things. I actually don’t understand the hardcore belief that some people have “If I signed up, I’m going to run!” I look at it as: Okay I paid X amount to run a race. If it is 2 degrees and I go run, I will be miserable. I could also go to the gym, read my book on the elliptical and treadmill and be 100% happy. I still paid the X amount! In one case, I’m miserable, in the other I’m happy. So what’s the point in forcing oneself to go to the race??


Hahaha lots of donations… I love that:) I’m with you, no amount of race $ paid would get me to run in 2 degrees haha. I hear ya, no point! I hope you are having a beautiful morning friend and it’s almost February:)


Hi! Love love love your blog! You’re amazing and I know when I pop on and read your stuff, I will be inspired for my run! Currently training for a full in April. I’m in Kansas, so winter training is brutal, but oh so rewarding! I recently bought some nanohydr8 and UCAN performance powder (thanks for the discounts) and am anxiously awaiting them! Can you give me a quick rundown on what works for you/how to use them? My most recent long run was 12 miles … running right now 5 days/week and strength training two …

Thanks so much!



I’ve made a lot of race “donations” as well. :) The Mesa Marathon (formerly Phoenix Marathon) was actually my very first marathon (of only 3) and it was AWESOME! The slight down-hill for the entire race, the sunshine, the amazing spectators and best of all, my former running club (I’ve since moved away) were pacers and I narrowly missed my 4hr goal (by 2 minutes). I highly recommend it. Nothing beats the desert in February. :)


Bahahah I love that you call them race donations… I’m totally going to copy you on that. Oh so good to hear about that race.. everyone loves it! Maybe 2021?! Hope you are having a great day so far!


I signed up for a half last year that I had to drop because I was injured–I was devastated and so frustrated, and it’s nice to look back and know that life goes on. I’m so happy you’re taking a break and having fun with running! I think just as much as our bodies need a break after big races, our brains do, too. When I am SO focused on something and then it’s over, my brain feels like it just needs to wander for a while, and then I eventually figure out what I want to do next . . . it’s nice to not be crazy focused on something sometimes! Have a beautiful Tuesday!


YOU ARE SO RIGHT… my brain needs this just as much as my body does! I totally relate to you too about drop out of races because of injury and being so sad about it but then realizing there is always another one! Thanks Kristin and you too. I really appreciate what you said, eventually I’ll figure it out:)


My Best Friend’s Wedding!! Such a great movie that now I have to watch since I haven’t watched in years! Cameron Diaz was sooo young!


She really is… it’s crazy! Have a blast watching it again soon with your favorite snacks! Have a great Tuesday, Erin.


1. George Strait (I am also from Texas!)

2. MY BEST FRIENDS WEDDING!!! I LOVE that movie. Cameron Diaz is such a baby and I love it!


Right?! I always forget how young she is in it until I watch it:) . I hope your day is full of George Straight music today:)


I’m doing the half marathon and my husband is doing the full at the Mesa Marathon. I have heard that it’s a great one with the weather and the slight downhill so I’m excited!


Good luck to you and your husband! You’ll have to let me know how it goes, please! You guys are going to have a blast… it sounds like the perfect course! It’s almost taper time:)


The Beatles!! My firstborn is named after them :)


Okay, that is AWESOME! I love that so much Amanda:). Hope you are having a beautiful day!


I’m alive! I’m sorry that I’ve been a sporadic commenter! I am still reading!!!!

A band that I never get sick of—Soundgarden/Chris Cornell

I don’t know the movie that the pic is from! I am THE WORST person at watching/quoting/knowing anything about movies! I have a terrible attention span during movies, and I don’t watch a lot of tv, but I’ll often just have it on in the background for background noise. I will say that technology/my phone has NOT BEEN GOOD for my attention span. AT ALL!

Guess what—we’re due for 5-8 inches of snow here in PA this weekend, but I’M HEADING TO KEY WEST FRIDAY for my half marathon! hee hee hee hee I’m not “racing” it. This will be my 6th year running this race, and the only year I tried to “race” it was last year, and it was miserable. I’ve always run better and felt happier/stronger when I’m just running a strong, happy race in my little slice of paradise. Not all races need to be “raced”, and that can be a tough lesson to learn, but I’m happy that I’ve learned it! I will eat a piece of key lime pie for you :)

I hope that you’re having a great week, Janae!!!!!!


Hello friend! NEVER EVER WORRY about commenting:) Whenever I hear from you is just the best so do not stress! Hahah then I’ll just tell you the movie–> My Best Friend’s Wedding:)
I hope you guys have the absolute best time this weekend in the sunshine. I totally agree with you, go and enjoy that race big time and I hope the pie is perfect. Thanks Jen and it really is the perfect time for you to escape the snow!


Hi Janae! I read your blog everyday but it just struck me how old Skye looks all of a sudden! I’ve definitely DNS a few races due to illness or weather.. favorite band that never gets old is definitely the Backstreet Boys, but definitely their older stuff. We went to one of their concerts last year for girls night and they’d play an old hit for every two or three songs and people would go crazy and get up but then sit back down for a newer song, ha! Happy Tuesday!


Good morning!
Tough to pick just one singer/musician, but Billy Joel is near the top for sure.
“MY BEST FRIEND’S WEDDING”!!!! An all time fave and I’ve “made” my BF sit through it more than once (he does so willingly, so he’s a keeper!).
I have a few DNS “donations” under my belt, but the one I most regret was the Philly half a few years back, due to a back injury.
I haven’t done Mesa yet, but I would like to do another marathon and my sister lives in the Phoenix area, so it may make the list.
Have an AWESOME day :o)


I have definitely missed or stepped down distance in several races. I was registered for the Rock-n-Roll marathon in Las Vegas but was not training properly, then the Pulse nightclub shooting happened and I tucked my tail and bailed. That race is still on my to-do list though. I’m in training for my first full marathon right now, but I’ve been registered for at least 4…and 3 of those turned into 1/2 marathons.

I love My Best Friend’s Wedding! I went to the salon the week after I saw it in the theater and got Julia Roberts’ hair! Those long, chocolate brown layers! I might go get it again :)
Liv :)


If this was formerly the Phoenix Marathon, then I realize there would be travel involved, so you might not want to incur the additional expenses…. BUT, have you ever considered running this marathon without the goal of a PR? Maybe you could run it for fun? On a recent podcast of Lindsey Hein’s, she told her guest how less anxious she was when she ran NYC this past year because there was no pressure. She knew where her fitness was and what she thought she could do and ended up running way faster than she thought and I remember she said it was the most fun she’s had at a marathon. I think you’ve mentioned you ran Boston last year “for fun” after your ultra and just curious what your thoughts are when you decide whether or not to run a race (even a different distance), you’ve already registered for. I guess different reasons for different races :)
You rock Janae!! Keep doing what you do and inspiring us all!


Yes yes yes it’s the Phoenix Marathon! I totally agree with how great it is to do marathons for fun but right now I’m not even sure I could run the distance. I hit 12 miles and my body yells at me that I’m done! BUT… if I do start feeling more like I can run longer distances I would love to go run it for fun (and see my brother down there while we are there:). Thanks for sharing and I totally agree… running races for fun is just the best. Have a beautiful day!


I have DNS’d one race — the Outer Banks Marathon for my 30th birthday. I signed up with plenty of time to train, but unfortunately developed two pelvic stress fractures in the weeks before. I was sad, but just changed my plans and had a decent birthday that didn’t involve running.
I love The Smashing Pumpkins. Even if all other music went away, I could still be fairly happy just listening to them.


yes, same!! thanks for writing this. I signed up for the Mesa half in a few weeks as well but got a stress injury after marathon training in St George!! sooo disappointed but I’m getting better but still ANNOYING that I can’t run this race in a few weeks. gotta just stay the course and I’ll get it next year!


Last year I had A LOT of DNS races! Utah Valley 1/2, and Deseret News Full are the two I can definitely remember, but I know there are a couple others that I know I signed up for and didn’t run due to injury!



I have run the Mesa (Phoenix) marathon twice and the half-marathon once because my brother lives in Phoenix. The first year I ran the race, it was hot. I got my BQ but only by 1:40. It wan’t fast enough to get in that year. The next year, I ran it again and got a BQ by more than 15 minutes (aged into the next group but still beat the year before BQ time by 6 minutes). Last year, I wanted to run it again to qualify for Boston, but my dad was sick, I was stressed, and I didn’t train enough. The mental and emotional stress took a toll, and I dropped down to the half. I was sad about it, but that is what life is about. I contemplated going back a 4th time this year but opted for another desert marathon, Revel Mount Charleston, instead. I have been totally enjoying all the downhill training and looking forward to doing something different. They moved the race up to the first weekend in April, so hopefully, it won’t be too hot. If you ever consider doing the Mesa marathon, it is a great course. It is mostly downhill the first half with maybe two miles of uphill and then slightly downhill to flat. The first half is really pretty in the “mountains” outside of Phoenix. The second half is sort of residential going back into Mesa. .


I have plenty of DNS. Sometimes life is more important than running (well actually all the time). I am going to run the Mesa Marathon so it’s great to read such positive comments. It will be my 31st marathon and maybe my last one (until my official last marathon Boston 21). So I saw that Kneaders provides French toast at the finish. We don’t have Kneaders on the east coast but I remember you telling us about it, that clinched it for me!! 22 miles this Saturday for me, I cannot wait to get those miles done!!!!


I am SO SO excited for you Katie! I have only heard the best things about this race and I hope you love Kneaders SO SO much! Enjoy every bite and I want to hear all about it!


I DNSd at one of my Boston marathons. I was injured, and even though I could still run, I decided to heal so I could run the marathon I had scheduled for October of that year. It was a blessing in disguise. It was 2013. My dad and I decided to still go and spectate. We were standing LITERALLY where the second bomb went off, but had left the area about an hour before the incident because we had to walk back to the hotel to check out.


Oh wow Caroline. I am so so thankful that you were both okay. I cannot even imagine.


Nothing major but I missed our Turkey Trot this year! Woke up to a sick baby and couldn’t leave a sitter with a fevery baby on Thanksgiving!

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