Our Newest Projects + One of the Greatest Things About…

Yesterday was definitely one of the coldest days of my life but so so so fun because there was a lot of fresh powder on the mountain.

I was wrong about Andrew’s work schedule this week and he actually had yesterday off so we grabbed a babysitter and spent a few hours together.

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My oldest brother married a couple yesterday and he shared with my family a few things that he talked about in the ceremony and I absolutely loved this.

Time is the currency of relationships!

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Skye joined me in 10 minutes of strength training.

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In the early afternoon we were able to spend some time with Mer!

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She turned 91 yesterday and she is just the absolute best.  She had a really hard year this last year but is such an incredible example to me of staying optimistic.

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Andrew and I have decided we want to be like my sister and start doing some home projects on our own.  We drove around looking at different things we love on houses near us.

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We have decided to replace the aluminum sliding we have (luckily it’s not a ton) with James Hardie Board (well, this will happen once the snow is gone).  We also got to work on painting last night and planning Brooke and Skye’s room together (even though Skye won’t be moving in there for a long time).

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A few more random things for today…

We have to be really careful when we carry Skye lately because she thinks it’s so funny to just fling herself back randomly.

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One of the greatest things about Brooke growing up is that she is really good at texting me while she is away.  She is so good with emojis too haha.  It’s nice to be able to get little love notes from her while she is gone from her iPad that she has there.

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Also, Skye has been telling people that her name is ‘Brooke’ this week hahah.

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Skye is definitely missing Brooke and Knox but I think she is also happy to not be sharing our attention too haha.

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Anyone doing any projects on the space where you live?  I’d love to hear about them!  

When does school/work/life start back up for you after the holidays?

Would you rather be really really cold or really really hot?

Give me some random information today… it’s my favorite.

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That’s great that you are doing some Reno’s. We just put a new roof on, changed our siding and lowered all of our windows so we could have crown moulding around them and installed a new front door. It is very time consuming but so rewarding when it’s done and saves a lot of money. Next project I want to do my daughters room and our bedroom :)
Love that quote too..so important!
Have a great day Janae


Oh Ashley, you guys have done a ton and I bet it is gorgeous! I’m going to have to email you when we get to our siding! It really does save so much money and it’s fun to do together when the kids are asleep rather than watch tv or something. You’ll have to send me before and after pictures of the bedrooms when you do it. Thanks and you too!


No doubt – I would rather be really really really HOT!!

Random information – I am taking 4 weeks of my vacation time all at once and my dog and I are going to San Diego for the month of February! This is a test for when I stop working full-time – to see if I like not working for 4 weeks :) I am so so excited but also wondering how it’s going to go the rest of the year with only 9 days of vacation left! I want to escape the Boston winters and this is a test run. I plan to go on lots of dog walks, do yoga, read, go to the beaches for walks, meet up with friends ( I already know people there). It’s exciting, new, and scary!

Happy 2020! I hope it is a wonderful year for you and all of your friends and family and all of us :)


Oh goodness Amandam do it!! Leaving New England family and friends was hard but leaving winters are so worth it!


Thanks, Kristen, Janae! I would only be going somewhere warm for 6 months of the year. So I will be a snow bird :) I LOVE Boston the other times of the year. Just not the cold part! So the best of both worlds :)


Amanda. I am THRILLED FOR YOU! Best February ever and I love that you are doing this. I really hope it goes perfectly and you make the move because I feel like we are in that area more than Boston and I’d love to go on walks with your dog! SO THRILLED FOR YOU!


Happy New Year Janae & Family! :)
Back to the work grind today – I am actually relieved, I was going a little stir crazy at home. The nice thing is, my house is clean… very clean.
Random information – boyfriend and I are still going strong – it’s going really, really well, actually! We signed up to run a half marathon together at the end of April! The couple that runs together, stays together, right? :)


RHIANNON! I loved your random information so much! Love love love that you are doing a half marathon together and I fully agree with that statement haha. I’m just like you, when I go stir crazy… I go to cleaning. I hope the work day goes smoothly and Happy New Year to YOU!


Definitely prefer being HOT!! It’s #floridawinter right now and I’m freezing at 60 degrees. I’m not sure how I survived all those New England winters! Of course my body has adapted a bit but I know I was always sick a lot more often and had more issues with my chronic conditions.


Your body has definitely adapted and you can sure handle those hot hot days way better than me! So glad you are doing so much better in Florida! Have a beautiful day, Kristen!


We bought a fixer upper so the last 3 years I feel like we have constantly had a project! Recently we have been working on our bedroom. We took out the wood burning stove and fixed up the fireplace. We used that stove once and it make our bedroom like 110 degrees ha so I was not sad to see it go. And now we have room for a king size bed!

This is hard BUT I think I would rather be really really cold.

random info: 13 weeks pregnant today with our second! FINALLY feeling human again :)

Happy New Year! I hope 2020 brings you all good things!


CONGRATULATIONS! I AM SO SO HAPPY FOR YOU and so glad you are feeling better. Keep me updated with it all!

You guys have been busy, Melissa! I need to see pictures of this fireplace, I bet it is stunning!


Planning home projects is so fun! And finishing them, too :) I’m hoping to replace the hall bath vanity this year.
My kids went back to school today. I woke them up with “Guess what? It’s NOT Monday!” so we started out with small smiles.
I would most definitely rather be hot. Cold feels so much worse to me.
Random: I realized this morning that I don’t really care about new clothes to wear to work, just workout & running clothes :)


Hahaha that’s the thing… we feel motivated right now but how long is that going to last? Starting is easy… haha. I love how you started everyone’s day today! BAHA you are not alone with that… running clothes are LIFE! Hope your Thursday is a beautiful one, Corey!


Would rather be too cold! I get panicky whenever im too warm!
My 20mo old is going for his first overnight with his dad tonight (I’m separated) and I’m stressing and so nervous over it. I am learning to let go but finding it very hard even though I know having both parents in his life is the best thing for him. I am looking forward to those texting conversations (Like you have with Brooke) for when he is with his dad :)


Gillian. My heart is broken for you. I wish so badly that I could take this pain away from you right now and give you a big hug too. It’s so hard. But you are strong and you can absolutely do hard things. Feel every feeling you need to feel and really take care of yourself. I’m here for you and if you want to text with me tonight… I’m here. Just email me and we can make that happen. Thinking about you.


We have been replacing our light fixtures. The ones we had were the builder grade ones and just not our style. Just a few more to go. I would love to tile our half bath too.

I would definitely prefer to be really hot. We didn’t really take a holiday break at my house. Just a few days here and there. So we are back at it already. Hopefully we will get to take our family vacation at the end of February. All of your skiing pictures makes me want to go skiing. I haven’t been in over 5 years. Not sure my 5 year old is quite coordinated to learn this year.


Oh I bet those lights are gorgeous and they really do make such a difference in a room. Oh you’ll have to let me know where you guys go in February! That is the perfect time of year to go on a trip! Hope your Thursday is a great one, Corrinne!


Our house is pretty but I have a love/hate relationship with it. It has had a lot off issues due to the idiot DIYers that lived here before us. Who does a sewer pipe repair yourself??? That was a pricy little repair, not to mention they drywalled over duct work that was closed. My projects include updated my girls bathroom with simple updates and we need new windows. I would love to update the shower/bath in that bathroom but I am trying for now to avoid contractors. The last guy we had for our front porch was AWFUL. Oh and work on our little mudroom attached to our garage. It is swim/towel hanging central and snow gear drop off and I just can’t determine how to organize it. But over the last 4 years we have had sewer back up (fixed) and 2 pipes burst (also hopefully corrected) and that room has suffered the most. I am so glad I have not tackled that room before this year as I would have been so upset!!
School for my girls starts back today but I don’t go back until Monday!!! Going to dig out some more stuff for a Purple Heart donation pick up (going to tackle my 9 year old’s little hidden spots in her room, she is our hoarder). I am going to try to pick my next half marathon too. I just can’t decide!!


NO NO NO NO NO. That is so incredibly frustrating Carrie. I cannot even imagine! You’ll have to keep me updated on the bathroom updates! And I hope when you are ready to tackle the mudroom it all goes so smoothly after what it has been through already! I hope you enjoy the next few days and let me know which half you choose!


Aw my daughter is 7 and I love getting her iPad text messages too. She is obsessed with emojis! Isn’t it a great age??


It really is SO much fun! It’s like we get to discover another side of them! Tell your 7 year old hello and if you guys are ever in Utah let’s all go to lunch:) Have a great day!


It’s so cool you’re skiing a lot now. What got you into it? What are your favorite resorts in the area?


Thanks so much Liz! I skied throughout high school and college but then once I got into running and race training… the winter was full of training! Andrew and I decided that we wanted this to be a family activity a few months ago and it was our best decision ever. In high school I always had a pass to Park City and went to Deer Valley with friends a lot and loved both. My brother’s favorite is Alta and we just love Sundance for so many reasons but our number one reason is how close it is! Hope you have the best day!


That’s awesome – I’m going to Deer Valley for the first time this year, but have loved Snowbird on prior trips. Have a great day too and happy New Year! Can’t wait to follow your skiing.


Oh fun! You are going to love Deer Valley… it feels so luxurious! Just in case you make it to Sundance let me know and we can meet up there! Happy New Year to YOU!


Work starts back Monday for me, but school starts today. Really enjoyed my chill vacation of running, hiking, spending time with family, sleeping in. But ready to get back to routine too! Plus I ran a 5k yesterday and am excited to work toward improving that time as my New Years resolution!


I would rather be really cold! My daughter loves using emoji’s too!

School started. back up today.. I was supposed to sub, but I had to call in sick, so I have an extra day with my little guy–he has preschool M, W, F.

The husband just put recessed lighting in our bedroom–for some reason there was no lighting/lighting fixtures in our room besides bedside lamps. We (meaning my husband) is about to redo our basement bathroom. Last year we (again the husband) had to redo half of our basement (2 of the kids bedrooms) due to flooding. I would like to redo the other half although it is not a priority since it didn’t flood.


I love seeing your ski photos! With a 10 month old, I’m not sure how much I’ll get up to the mountains this year so I’ll live vicariously through your adorable family!

And Happy Birthday to your Mer!

I’d rather be really HOT. Being really cold makes me think about avalanches and begin stranded in the snow and death. HAHAH I have issues…

Random Info: Are you sharing Brooke’s ski poles? They are much too short for you!


Hahaha no those are definitely mine:) . I was fitted for them… the angle of that first picture sure makes them look tiny though! Next winter you are going to get out and ski so much! Hahaha I hope you are never ever really really really cold. Thanks Sarah and I hope you are having a wonderful day!


No home projects since we’re renting this year in between selling last summer and buying again this summer. We’re planning on a bit of a fixer upper though and I’m excited to do some fun projects to make the house our own once the time comes!



Hot – any day of the week. We just got back from visiting our best friend in Boston and we are still frozen. We were definitely meant to live in Texas.


Random- I am an Iowa girl but my husband’s family decided to meet in Utah and spend Christmas there (by Salt Lake City). We had never been to the state and absolutely loved it! Now I am 99.9% sure I am going to register for the St. George Marathon and attempt to BQ. That is my #1 bucket list item and I need to try again now that I’m 36 so my time went up. Yay! We loved skiing in the mountains, so why wouldn’t I love running 26.2 miles in them? Hahah!


AHHHH THIS MAKES ME SO HAPPY! You have to keep me updated on it all and when you sign up. Where did you guys ski? So excited for your BQ at St. George!


How fun that you can sneak away to ski as often as you do!!
We need to do work on our house but we’re also wanting to move so that is a priority. Once we figure out where we want to live, we’ll probably do bare bones remodel to make our current house more appealing.
The kiddos go back to school Monday and I’m not excited to return to the crazy mornings but I’m excited for them to see their friends every day and get back to a routine.
I would much rather prefer to be too hot over too cold. I HATE being cold! You wouldn’t know it thought – especially based off yesterday’s shenanigans! I was the only one out of 5 that took the plunge in the Puget Sound yesterday! Our intentions were to run trails down to catch the sunrise on the beach and before you know it, I’m running out of the water in my clothes! It was amazing! So exhilarating and not as freezing cold as I imagined it to be. Luckily I warmed up quick since the trails back to the cars were literally all uphill!
Have a great day!


I always prefer to be really really cold versus really really hot. Or even a little hot. I HATE being hot. Random thing about me…I’m going to start another Whole30 on Monday, which will be my third round! Happy new year, Janae!


i went back to work this morning! After 12 days off it was a bit brutal. In fact, I might have whined to my partner this morning haha.

The good news is that most people aren’t back until next week, so the few of us that are back are able to ease back into it! No random projects at the moment, but a few months ago, there was a leak into our suite from the people who lived above We were given the option for new flooring….and because my partner is a cabinet maker/woodworker by trade, he opted for the pricier choice (and then chose to install the flooring himself). So now we have beautiful new flooring.

Random information, I lived in my pajams for much of the holiday. I went out in my pajamas as well…with no shame ha.

Hope you have a wonderful day and are enjoying the beginning of this new year! We need to get out on our skis/snowboard too.


Isn’t it fun to drive around and look at other people’s houses, yards, etc for ideas? Sometimes you can get the best paint ideas!

Random, but I’ve been thinking of a bunch of 2020 puns to say when back at work (in a school!) to see how many catch on. I am stunned that there aren’t gobs on FB already!! They’re just so easy and ridiculous (not wildly funny, but when you work around kids it doesn’t take much. ) I’m a nurse and can imagine that patients getting eye surgery in 2020 would be all excited about that? Is it just me being a total number nerd?


Les is back at work today – he took a week off and I’ve been saying, “What day is it?” for several days now, especially since we were too sick to go to church on Sunday.

I’ve had three years of hot flashes, so I’ll take too cold – I can always pull on a sweater.

Random: I’ve done 2 days in a row on the bike trainer. Les joined me today and it went so fast. I love being able to ride with him and not get dropped.

I love what your brother had to say about currency in relationships. It reminded me of something I heard a marriage retreat a few years ago – https://mcmomentsandmemories.blogspot.com/2014/01/marriage-enrichment-retreat-cha-ching.html


We just recently gave our bathroom a facelift and thankfully, it turned out really well. Our kitchen is next this spring. It has to be warm enough we can paint the cabinets outside. Here’s the bathroom, http://everydaysnapshot.com/bathroom-update/
After the kitchen, we are tackling the floors. Changing from carpet to hard floors. Your sisters kitchen turned out amazing !!!!!
We get back on schedule this next Monday with work and school. I love having the time off, but routine schedule is nice too.


ALL THAT SKIING, I am soooooo jealous! I love that you keep your ski stuff in your car! When we lived up north we did the same. Miss that so much!
I don’t have kids but I started back to work today! Working for a Doctor definitely has its perks, we were pretty much off all of Christmas and New Years week!!! Definitely needed that Chiro adjustment when I got in!
No house projects around here but we do want to shiplap the wall in our loft!
And random fact. . . I am running the NYC half in March!!!! I am having terrible achilles pain so please pray that heals, my runs have been brutal with so much pain. I am having my Chiro work on it, icing a ton, using KT tape and my compression sleeve!!! Oh what we do to run!!!

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