My Training this week & We Can Relate.

Awesome group turnout for our Jingle Bell Run!

No filter on this picture… it was so beautiful!

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I need these socks that my friend was wearing for the run.  Aren’t they amazing?

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The best thing I ate yesterday was my favorite cookie from Sodalicious.  It basically tastes like the best brownie ever with peppermint icing on top and it’s seasonal which makes it even taste better because you can only get it one time a year.

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Runner’s every weekend haha.  My friend sent this last night and I related big time… except for the midnight part;)

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Here is how things looked this last week!  3 days on the treadmill, 1 day solo outside and 2 days with friends.

Monday:  5 miles @ 8:13 average

Tuesday:  6 miles on treadmill @ 8:30 average

Wednesday:  Burn Bootcamp!

Thursday:  7 miles on treadmill @ 8:12 average

Friday:  6.7 miles @ 8:10 average

Saturday:  10 miles @ 7:23 average.  We went 5 miles up the canyon in the craziest headwind and then 5 miles down the canyon with the most amazing tailwind and averaged 6:48 for the 5 miles on the way back.  It felt really good to get my legs turning again!

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Sunday:  Off!

Oh and a few hours of skiing on Monday and Friday.  Skiing counts as cross-training for my running right;)

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Tell me about your best run this week?  Worst run? 

Best thing you have eaten so far this weekend!

What time did you go to bed last night?

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Running was meh this week, but any day that I run is a good day!

Best thing was probably the little cookies I bought myself at the bakery yesterday after visiting a few Christmas markets. In Germany they’re called Platzchen (with umlauts over the a). They’re so little a delicious and you buy them by the gram. One year you should come to Europe and see all the Christmas markets-the food is incredible and so simple and delicious, plus it’s just magical.

I went to be around midnight last night because of course I had an Americano with those cookies late in the day ;)


I hope this next week is much better Kelly and you are so right, any mile we get is a good one:) . Andrew and I were actually talking about doing it next year because we won’t have the big kids for Christmas. Any chance you would want to show us around if we do?! Hahaha I hope you were able to sleep in this morning!


Skiing absolutely counts as cross training! I got in some good treadmill runs this week; they felt really productive and I pushed the pace more than I do when I’m outside. I did get in an outdoor run this weekend, which felt amazing! Hoping to do another today.

I ate some pretty amazing mac and cheese for dinner this weekend, followed by hot chocolate. You really can’t go wrong with that.

Bed time is almost always early for me!! Not a night person. I think it’s a runner thing. :-)


I agree… it really does and leaves me so sore sometimes haha. WAY TO GO pushing the pace… you. are. strong. So glad you got in an outdoor run too and hoping today’s run was a great one! And now I need both that mac and cheese and that hot chocolate:) I agree, runners just like our sleep! Enjoy your Sunday, Kristin!


My best run this week was last night after a long day at work. Went out at sunset and found an open area near our dog park and got to look at the orange and pink sky for at least 30 minutes of my run. 5 miles at an 8:46 pace so it was enjoyable and kept short. I am trying to follow a “5 to 7” rule right now where I only run between that amount of miles. I instruct four cycle classes a week and need to stick to lower mileage while i’m currently not training for a race. I have proven to myself I can run 50+ miles a week, but that does not mean I need to run that much every week…. (:

No treats yet for me this weekend, possibly one today at family christmas!

Went to bed about 10pm, woke up at 11:00 hungry, had to eat a piece of toast then was up and ready to run at 6… only to get out there and have a HUGE cramp in my hamstring that didn’t allow me to run today. >:l


Mackenzie, I am SO glad you were able to get out for that run yesterday after work. Sunrises and sunsets are good for the soul. YOU ARE BUSY and I want to come to your cycle class. I hope your family Christmas party is perfect and that that cramp doesn’t show up again!


Hi Janae! My best run this week was some 400m repeats I did, trying to lower my mile time! Definitely not fun while doing them but now I feel so good about it haha. Best thing I ate was this beautiful persimmon which was exactly the right amount of ripe. Last night was girls night so I stayed out late but still managed to go to bed a little after midnight, yay!


Okay, you HAVE to keep me updated on your mile time personal record coming up soon. 400m repeats are so hard, way to get out and do them! So glad you had such a fun night last night and I hope you get a perfectly ripe persimmon soon. Enjoy your Sunday, Amy!


Best thing I’ve eaten this weekend is some candy cane truffles I made for Christmas, but of course I had to trial them. They were so delicious I made a second batch! Highly recommend.

Worst run was 400m repeats, I about died! Best run was a 6km around our town basin on the harbour. The tide was very high and it was beautiful. Though very hot which made it difficult but the feeling at the end was amazing. M
Went to bed at 10. Should have gone earlier though!


Any chance you can send me the recipe to those? That is seriously my favorite type of treat! 400m repeats are SO hard… way to get out and do them! That 6km run that you did sounds absolutely beautiful. Hope your day is a great one, Leigh!


I’ve tried sending the recipe through via the ‘contact me’ section of the blog. Hopefully it gets to you! They are seriously the best ever! And super easy to make too!!


My best run this week was my 13 mile long run outside after being on the treadmill for almost a month!

The best thing I ate this weekend was a chocolate donut with Christmas sprinkles! :)

I went to bed at 9:30 last night. That’s marathon training for you as you well know haha!


My best run this week was a 13 mile long run outside after being on the treadmill for almost a month!

I ate a chocolate donut with Christmas sprinkles this morning. It was divine! And I went to bed at 9:30 last night because marathon training is beginning!


I have to credit your reports about skiing just a bit in our last minute plans to head to UT this week for the holidays and some skiing at Powder Mountain. Now, with this post, I’m realizing that I will also be on a quest to find that cookie!


This blog about My Training this week & We Can Relate. has
helped me a lot, is very well written. I used this fat burner
product: and I reached the ideal weight.

Kiss you All!

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