Happy Thanksgiving!

Yesterday= I didn’t run, we put up Christmas decorations, we braved Costco for pumpkin pie, we stayed in our pajamas for the majority of the day and started watching Christmas movies.  It was a pretty low-key day and perfect for my taper:)

I hope your Thanksgiving is a great one.  I just wanted to let you know that I’m very thankful for you guys and your friendship.  You mean a lot to me and thanks for being there for me over the years!

What are your plans today!? 

What are you thankful for today?

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Happy Thanksgiving!! Love a low-key day like you had to recharge :)
I’m thankful that my family is close and that we only need to travel within a half hour to see everyone.
Hot cocoa sweet rolls are in the oven, I’m going to brave the wind to run as long as I can stand it (channel my inner-Janae’s mental strength), then dinner for 12 at my parents’ place.
Have a beautiful day!


Hot cocoa sweet rolls… I MUST HAVE THAT RECIPE! I hope your run in the wind went well and enjoy your time all together with your people!


Happy Thanksgiving Janae! Thank you for your blog- it’s the perfect mixture of fun and informative and inspiration- i love starting my day with it!
We ran a turkey trot this morning and getting ready to bake a pumpkin pie! Lots of cooking today. I hope you have a great one.


Wow, thank you so much Jenny and thanks for letting me be a part of your morning. Way to go on the turkey trot and I hope the pies turned out perfect!


Happy thanksgiving!
I did an early morning workout at my CrossFit box with my CrossFit family ? We did a WOD called “Murph” in honor of a fallen soldier. It was: 1 mile run, 100 pull ups, 200 push ups, 300 air squats, 1 mile run. I did the runs but cut the volume of reps in half (50 pull ups, 100
Push ups; 150 air squats).
We are hosting Thanksgiving for my family and the cooking is under way, floors being vacuumed, and pies being eyed with hunger!


I have heard about Murph and it sounds incredibly difficult. You are amazing Nadya! Enjoy your time with everyone and all of the pie!


Happy Thanksgiving!!! Thank you for being there for all of us for so many years. Sharing your stories helps so many of us know that life has it’s ups and downs and we are not alone.


That sure means a lot to me! It’s amazing how much easier life is to navigate when we are all in this together:) . I hope your day is perfect!


Janae you are absolutely beautiful, inside and out. Happy, happy Thanksgiving. <3


Thanks so much Jessica… you just made me smile! I hope your Thanksgiving is a beautiful one!


Went for a run, am hosting but I do this every year so it’s easy! My bird might be done early though which is frustrating, I should have waited to start cooking it!


Oh that’s a bummer! I hope it turns out perfect! Enjoy your time with your people today:)


I am thankful for your blog! It has seriously made me want to start my own! I am SO thankful for running, and all the ways it impacts my life and helps me become a better person. I am thankful for ? and friends and a new ?and ? and ?and ? and ? and clean ? and ????! Also, I’m very thankful to whoever created emojis! ?


Oh thank you Leah so much and I HOPE you do start your own blog. LOVED your use of emojis… they just make me smile!


Janae, I’m thankful for you and the positive, inspiring message you spread. We so need voices like yours that are honest and vulnerable about your struggles, and show that you are stronger, faster and happier 25 lbs heavier and healthier. And you celebrate runners who are going for an OTQ and those that are trying to break a 5 hr marathon or finish their 1st mile without walk breaks. Because that runners high is still the same and we can all relate! So thank you for being you!


MICHELLE. Your comment means the world to me. Of course I have a little bit of a down feeling with Brooke, Knox and Andrew being gone but your comment seriously lifted me. Thank you and I’m cheering for you in all that you do, keep me updated!


Our first family 5k! The girls finished, the boys stopped at mile 1 and walked back to the start/finish, haha. It was one of my daughters (5 year old) first 5k–I think I found new running partner. She ran for a mile and walked/ran the rest. When we got home she ran laps around our living room and had her brother time her laps;-).
We are spending the rest of the day eating and relaxing.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family Janae!


Happiest thanksgiving to you & your families!!!


Happy, happy Thanksgiving!!!

You are a stronger woman than I am, braving Costco the day before EVERYONE EATS ALL THE FOODDDDD!!! I hope their pie is worth it. :)

Grateful for you and this amazing little space in the universe you’ve built. <3


Janae – You are an amazing person with a beautiful family (inside and out)! Thank you so much for sharing your life, and thank you for reminding me how great life is, even when it isn’t easy. ❤️

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