Sentence Per Picture & Happy Halloween!

Mission accomplished—> challenge run the day after a speed workout!

It was 3 degrees (F) at the top of the Y and that took the challenge to the next level… I wanted to quit almost every step of the way.

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We ran without stopping once which was a huge accomplishment for both Emilee and me!

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Clearly I was very excited to go out into the cold before we started (ps my ankles never get cold and leggings never cover my ankles because I’m tall so that is lucky).

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Between w/u, the Y climb, miles on the road and the treadmill… I did a total of 14 miles and the below 1122 ft is just from that 1.1 mile climb segment to the Y!

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My cousin and her sweet new baby were in town and we got to spend time with them at Sundance.

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Skye was not happy with me showing love and attention to another baby.

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Snow on pumpkins always looks a little strange to me.

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Knox came home wahoo!

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We used the Great Harvest pumpkin soup bowls and witch fingers for the most delicious soup that we made!

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And then it was off to a Halloween party!

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Each room of the church was decorated to the max!

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Skye is so happy to be her idol for Halloween!

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Give me your sentence of the day!!

Since it is Halloween… I have to know your top choice of candy that you would choose from the bowl!

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I got all bundled up this morning for my run because it was cold yesterday….and then it was like 70 and humid. I don’t understand this weather we’re having on the east coast haha.
Happy Halloween!


Wait… how does it go from crazy cold to that? Seriously this weather is NUTS this year! I hope you get a lot of Snickers and enjoy your day!


Where is your black beanie from? It’s super cute!


Janelle! I hope you get plenty of M & Ms today! I am pretty sure it is from Madewell a few years ago but it doesn’t have a tag. I’m so sorry. Enjoy your ? Halloween!


Emilee is wearing the best headlamp! I’ve only had two (the one Emilee is wearing is the one I use now and I prefer it). I bought that same one for my Dad and he loves it too.


No way! I love the back light on it too! I need to get the link from you guys. Hope you have the best day Amanda!


Tootsie Rolls


Those are so good and the flavored ones are my sister’s absolute favorite candy! Hope you have the best day Christina!


My sentences for the day:
1. At 10 AM EST I have the next step in the interview process for a job that, while not teaching, could be a good stepping stone in the non-teaching career path I am trying to get into.
2. The gym cancelled evening classes, so I get a small break from teaching RPM; while I love teaching my spin classes, teaching 4-6 per week is wearing on me and this break is welcome.
3. If I lay down on my bed and SUCK IT ALL IN REALLY TIGHT, the pair of jeans I am trying to fit into can just barely be buttoned at the top even if I can’t zip them up yet (and even if I shouldn’t wear them out in public yet)…this is progress!
4. Depression weight needs to come off, but instead of ‘dieting’ or forcing it I am just focusing on healthy habits and shifting my mindset each ay into “what feels productive and useful and aligned for me to make good decisions?”

OK now my Halloween candy picks, not in any particular order: m&ms, butterfingers, reeses peanut butter cups, almond joys,, swedish fish, gummy bears.

(except this morning I had a square of 70% dark ethically sourced dark chocolate with some almond butter on top and as much as I desperately love all of the above-mentioned candies, I will take this treat any day!!!)


Ahhhhhh good luck today at 10 Stephanie! I hope it goes perfectly! I am so glad you get the night off and I hope you can truly relax and enjoy. Thinking about you Stephanie and I hope you are doing better! I’ve missed you! Oh and that chocolate combo from this morning sounds heavenly to me!


Sentence of the day: I’m so glad I feel better.
I had a horrible hormonal headache yesterday that kept me home from work, but I woke up feeling worlds better. I even went for a 4 mile run!
Candy: Almond Joy


Stacey! I am so glad you are feeling better! I got those headaches when I was pregnant with Brooke and they were miserable! So glad you are better and got in a run today. Enjoy those almond joys and you’ll have to let me know your cravings!


Peanut m&ms!!


Those are Andrew’s favorites!


Happy Halloween!
Also what snow boots are you wearing??


Rain, rain, go away.

I will always select the kit kats first, followed by snickers.

Happy Halloween!


Bummer you guys are getting so much rain! I hope you are able to have a cozy/dry/kit-kat filled night! Thanks Carol!


My sentence “I have a FOUR day weekend!!” I’m so looking forward to it and I’m going to get so much done at home. It’s been a crazy October and I’m way behind on fall cleaning/purging.

I will be stealing Dots and Reece’s Pieces from the Halloween candy bowl :)

Skye is the CUTEST Mini Mouse! Hope y’all have so much fun today.


FOUR DAY WEEKEND HALLELUJAH! This is the best news… enjoy your time off and I hope you get all of the Dots today! Thanks so much Elizabeth!


Reese peanut butter cups!!! :)
Happy Halloween


The decorations at the Halloween party look so good! I’ll always go for the Areo bars – I love that they’re just the plain chocolate.


Give me all the Mounds and Almond Joys!


MILKY WAY and SKITTLES for me :)


Kit Kats for sure!

Love the orange coat- where is that from?

Happy Halloween to you and your family! Adorable=)


Sentence of the day: Has anybody ever told you that Skye is ADORABLE?!?

Also, I envy the people who are so tall leggings never cover their ankles. I’m 5’3, and I’ve always wondered what that would be like :)

Well, like I told you yesterday, I like Reeses. But the older I’ve gotten, the more I’ve learned to like really dark chocolate, which I’m happy about because it’s a little bit healthier than Reeses.

Happy Halloween! ?


Milky Way, always!! But I really do love all candy :-) It is POURING rain here and in the 40’s but tonight it’s supposed to change to snow. So gross!! My poor kids want to be out tonight but I’m not sure how long we are going to last! Happy Halloween!!


Favorite candy is a Take Five Bar…perfect blend of chocolate/caramel/peanut/salty pretzel! I cannot even imagine running in 3 degree weather so I gotta give you great props for that!


Skye and I are twins, because for work I have on a Mickey skeleton shirt for work! Our trick or treating got cancelled since the weather is so awful tonight, so everyone brought in candy during work. The best! I don’t have a “go to”, just depends on my mood, and today it was Kit Kats :)

Happy Halloween!


I love sour things and Nerds and go ahead and throw in some almond joys. My sentence for the day is Happy Halloween hope you have a spooktacular day.


I love the black plaid running coat you were wearing! Where is it from?


Thanks so much Elizabeth! It’s from Brooks a few years ago. They make the best running coats. Have a great day!


Congrats to your cousin, it’s fun that you’ll have kids close in age! And that pic of you and Emilee is great, you can tell you both have on 20 layers, but still have smiles on your faces, way to go! Oh and Snickers are my #1!!


Sentence: Thank goodness for no more wind!! We had to cancel yesterday’s run because the wind and air quality were crazy!



Candy corn always and forever. The peanut butter cups and baby Ruth bars.
Happy Halloween ?

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