Silentish Saturday!

Happy weekending!  I’m off for a long run today with some marathon pace miles mixed in which I’m pretty excited about and I hope you have some great weekend miles too:)

6.5 miles with Josse.  We came across a sprinkler that we couldn’t avoid….

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2.5 miles of running pushing Skye and some of that with Brooke running and Knox riding his bike.  9 miles total @ 9:13 average.

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Brooke told me she wanted to run on the rocks to get in some trail running which made my heart happy.

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My mom texted and said she was going to bring lunch over during Skye’s nap…. Um yes please!

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And after school the kids and I made our favorite cookies.

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Busy day for Skye trying to fit into the drawer.

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Andrew’s beautiful new shoes just arrived.

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Frozen pizzas for dinner ( + movie night once Skye went to bed.

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Time for one of the last long runs before the race ahhhh!

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Tell me three things that you have going on today!!

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Soccer game ( I am head coach for the game and know nothing about soccer… luckily it’s rec and the girls are 8..), friend b-day party, trying to catch up on housework and work paperwork.

Trying to decide if this is a rest day or a light workout


Did my long run last night after work because Hurricane Dorian is coming for a visit today. Let’s hope it moves in and move soon out quickly. Flashlights and supplies ready! Hoping to run tomorrow morning but we’ll see. ?


I work a lot of weekends so it’s exciting to have one off – farmers market this morning, crafts with my kiddo (I loved your recommendations and picked up one of those jewel boxes for her to decorate and some Halloween crafts), then our towns fall fair in the evening! Good luck on your last long run ahhhhhh!!! I am so excited to watch you crush st George!!


I’m in Vegas helping my sister move… It’s so hot here! I’m not sure if I will get a good run in today, but, I have started consistently running and getting my weekly mileage back up there again! Yay!! Again, thanks for all the motivation ?
I hope your long run is awesome! Enjoy your Saturday!!


I got in 5.3 miles before breakfast…during a beautiful sunrise. Fantastic colors! Food prep/cooking for the week ahead. Then I’m heading over to a co-worker’s furniture shop to look at (and probably purchase) a vintage table that she painted and topped with barn wood. It looks beautiful in the pics, so I’m excited to see it.
Happy Saturday!


I have always admired how dedicated you are to running! Day in and day out you get it done!


Hope your long run goes well. I just finished my run, 7.35 miles at 10:55 average. I broke two ribs in May and I am finally getting some run fitness back, not that I was that speedy to begin with? next up shopping for groceries and then a lunch date with my husband. Happy Saturday!


Early morning bike ride, errands, and my big To Do for today – preparing food for 50 people! We serve lunch to our guests at church each Sunday and it’s my turn. I’m serving Sloppy Joes, pasta salad, chips, and Eclair cake. Fingers crossed I make enough.


FIFTY PEOPLE… okay, wow. That is a ton Kathy! You can do it… I believe in you! And I want to come:)


Watching my sons first High School tennis match of the season (it rained but it was so good and fun!)
Short scamper between matches (in the rain) It’s my recovery week and it’s been soooooo nice.
Making Super Hero Muffins

Another wild and crazy Saturday!

Your kids are hilarious and cute-the drawer, running on rocks, the spaceman pj’s. What a fun bunch!


Oh your son plays tennis… I love it! How fun and I love watching tennis. Yesss to the super hero muffins. Thanks Kelly, they are keeping me on my toes ha. I hope you have a great evening!


Hope you’re out there crushing your long run – can’t wait to see how well you do at this next marathon!!! I just ran 12 and after 20 last week, it felt like a breeze! Running is weird. Happy Saturday! :)


Running is very weird and it messes up our perspectives haha. WAY TO GO girl and I hope your Saturday is a fabulous one:)


Oh, will you please tell us what type of jogging stroller you have and what you like about it and what you would look for in a new one?? I will need one next year. Also, curious your thoughts on needing a jogging stroller and a normal stroller, is it worth having two?!?
I did 8 miles this am! It went really great, 22 weeks pregnant. :) Then I planned on organizing the tools in the garage ( we just finished a big plumbing project so the tools were EVERYWHERE) but I got tired halfway through so maybe I’ll finish that next week, haha. Trying really hard to listen to my body when it says I need to rest.
Hope your long run went great! Excited to watch your progress for St. George!


Hey Emily!! CONGRATULATIONS! I am so so thrilled for you and I hope you are feeling well. I have the Bob Ironman and they don’t sell this one anymore (I got it when Brooke was a baby)! I definitely need two but it just depends on if you are wanting to run pushing your baby? If yes, then definitely get a jogging stroller! I hope you are RESTING big time! So so happy for you Emily.


Janae, I’ve had an awful week as my Father passed away. I dont know why I’m sharing this here except Maybe I’ve read you for so many years I feel like I need to tell you. Plus right now I dont know how I’ll ever smile again. I know that you got through some very dark times. Please can you tell me how you survived? xxx
PS. Give your Dad an extra Big hug when you see him.


My heart is absolutely broken for you. I cannot even imagine what you are going through. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I am just so so so beyond sorry. This is terrible. I will give my dad a very big hug! Can you reply to this email and I can email you?


I thought of you tonight. I live in TN and was at the UT vs BYU game. You all beat us in double OT though! There were a lot of BYU fans at the game too.


Oh no way! Andrew was watching the game! So so fun. Have a great Sunday Mary!


We got home from camping this morning, served lunch at a funeral this afternoon, & went to the High School football game. Have a great Sunday!


Have a good long run! Also, do you think your mom is willing to bring me some lunch as well? That sandwich looks delicious!

We went apple picking yesterday which was fun. Today my husband has a 10km race in the city we live in, so me and the kids are going to cheer him on. Have a good sunday!

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