My Running Experiment & A HUGE Weight is Lifted off My Chest.

Emilee and I took out any and all uphills (our coach wants our easy runs to be as easy as can be with no hills this week) for our run yesterday to help our legs to feel more ready for a huuuuuugggggeeeee workout today.

This week is kind of an experiment to see if I can keep up with workout paces with high mileage!   It will be interesting to see how it goes and whether I’ll keep up with higher mileage in the future when we have big workouts or if I’ll need more time to adapt into the high mileage + high intensity.  So far I feel great but I’m also writing this before I run my mile repeats today;)

PS I have been REALLY loving the Levitate 2s lately… I just love the bounce they give me.

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Back home for some cheesy eggs with avocado and smoothies.

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And then we were out!

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We lasted at this park for 47 minutes before we went home for popsicles to cool off.

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I should have cleaned the guac off of the packaging for the picture but I LOVE these little guac packets from Costco.  I love homemade guac more but it’s so nice to have these on hand and add them to whatever you are eating.

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At night I do my best worrying (I’m pretty much a professional) and I just haven’t been able to shake my worry about going to Grand Cayman with Skye.  There will be a pool where we are staying and I’ve just kept feeling like I need to do some things about my worry rather than just tell myself to stop worrying.  Andrew and I will always be with her but we’ve bought an alarm for her to wear when we aren’t in the pool that goes off if it gets wet, we bought a leash for her (if you’ve met Skye then you know this is a necessity for a trip/the airport) and BEST OF ALL—> I found an incredible woman that is going to give her private swim lessons daily until we leave.  She has been doing this for decades and is confident that Skye will be able to learn how to flip onto her back and float by the time we leave.  The lessons will be focusing on safety precautions not swimming (she is still a bit young for that) but I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my chest!

Another bonus is that we just get to walk back and forth to the lessons.  She will be giving the big kids some refresher courses too!

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Afterwards we started getting Brooke all ready for school which starts soon.  We found Brooke’s old backpack and Skye ended up wearing it for a few hours because she wanted to be just like Brooke.

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A few random things to talk about!

*My parents just got home from Hawaii!  They had a fabulous trip and I am so happy they were able to get away for a bit!

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*They brought back the best chocolates out there.


*A proud parenting moment—> Skye will now take her dirty clothes to the laundry basket when we ask her to.  It gave me goosebumps the first time she did it;)

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*Keeping my legs happy.   Andrew is very invested in my training too:).

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*I came across this old picture Brooke and me and it just made me really happy.

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*My sister has been hard at work redoing her entire kitchen and the living areas… Get excited for the before and after post in the next few weeks.  She really needs her own tv show after this one!   She knocked down walls, put in all of the cabinetry and so much more.

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*Did you see that Des Linden and Jared Ward announced they will be running the New York City Marathon in November?  Two of my very favorite runners and how cool would it be if they both won?


Are you a worrier or not so much?  

-I feel like during the day I don’t but then when night hits and the kids go to bed… boom!! Definitely something I need to work on.

Ever been to Hawaii?  Which island?

Who will be running NYCM this year?  

What is the best part about your Wednesday?

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Aloha, I live on Oahu! Have been to all islands, each of them have their own unique flavor. Glad you’re parents enjoyed their trip!
Do you follow Adriana Nelson from Roll Recovery? She does drowning prevention classes with her little one, it is amazing to see how strong little AJ is in the water.
That photo of you and Brooke is one of my absolute favorites, I would frame that in a heartbeat! Such a powerful reminder that children are always watching us, our behaviors and habits matter.

Have a fabulous day Janae and everyone! ?


You live on Oahu… so so cool! I went to BYU Hawaii for a semester and absolutely loved it. Just started following her and WOW. Her little boy is so so good… this is just what I want with Skye.
Thanks so much Amanda and I hope you have a fabulous day too!


Do you mind sharing the wet alarm thing you bought for skye? We are taking my kids to a lakehouse this weekend and staying with friends who don’t have kids and don’t have the special locks we have on our doors at home to prevent kids from escaping!

If your sister wants to start her own show I am happy to let her film a demo episode to send to hgtv by redoing my kitchen and living as well hahaha


Bahaha so so thoughtful of you! I will definitely let her know:) . YES…here is the one I ordered:

It has 3.5 stars and some amazing reviews and some reviews that it broke quickly… I’m going to test it out as soon as we get it and I’ll let you know my thoughts. Someone was telling me that you can buy little door alarms too that you can put on so every time a door is opened you are alerted. Good luck and I hope you guys have the BEST TIME THERE!


VERY SMART to get Skye some water safety lessons. Also having her get used to feeling safe and comfortable in the water will make it way easier for her to learn how to swim later.

My parents had a leash for my brother, literally he would have died/been run over by a car without it. Some kids are soooooooo energetic and just go all over the place and it’s the only way for a year or two.

I, on the other hand, did not need a leash because I was a perfect child hahaha.


YES… thank you so much Victoria. I feel so much better about this now. I am SURE you were the angel child haha:) . Hope you are having a great day!


I am a worrier day and night unfortunately. I just try to give it to God and pray my heart out.


Give it to God and go to bed has been something I tell myself a lot. Let’s work on this together. I hope you have the best day Kimberly!


As my grandma would say, I am a total worry wart! I actually went to therapy after I had my second child because it was so bad! She had me write it all down and told me to schedule 5 minutes a day as my worry time. It works- most of the time!
I have been to Oahu twice and in two years when my son graduates high school we are taking a two week Hawaiian vacation!
The best part of my Wednesday is that we are headed to the Oregon coast for 5 days as soon as I get off! We are all so excited!
Have a great day Janae!


Oh I love that idea… I am totally going to try that Brandy, thank you for sharing.
Enjoy your time on the coast, you are going to have the best time! I love your idea to celebrate your sons graduation with two weeks in Hawaii… maybe we will join you!


I am a worrier! I wish I were more chill like my husband! I talk to him about things I worry about and he said “man, your brain never stops working does it” or “you are still worrying about that?!”

We are going to Maui next year! I am so excited. We never went on a honeymoon or taken a vacation without the kids….so we are going big for our 10 year wedding anniversary!

Enjoy the workout today!!! You will crush it–remember you are unstoppable!


I told Andrew that yesterday… I WANT HIS BRAIN! I am so thrilled for you to go to Maui next year. You guys deserve this! Thank you for the reminder, that means a ton! Enjoy the rest of your day Becky:)


Two of my aunts live in Hawaii. When my mother was younger, her parents took my mother, her two sisters, and her brother all to Hawaii. My aunts were in their late teens and both fell in love with it (and Hawaiian men! HA!!) and moved there for life. I think my grandparents regretted taking them :) I went to visit both aunts when I was SUPER young and I don’t remember it at all. It is on my bucket list to go back!! I’m actually considering going in November/December but the flight time is very overwhelming for me…

I don’t have kids but I always thought if I were a parent, my children would be ON LEASH at all times :) I can understand your worry. I hope you can feel great about acting on your worry by signing up for the lessons and doing the best you can! Fabulous job and I know everything will go well in Grand Cayman.


Moved there for life… oh I love this story SO much. Good for them to take the chance and I hope you go back this year!!! Thank you so so much and the leash is going to help us big time. I hope your Wednesday has been fabulous so far!


Definitely a worrier!
We moved into a house with a pool when my daughter was just about 2 so we started her with swimming lessons then. The 1st thing we did was learn to flip over and swim to the side. My niece did infant swim/water safety and could get out of a pool as a tiny baby! So smart!!


SO SO cool! That is my goal and I love that you got your little girl going in lessons so early too! Enjoy your day Kristen:)


That “car wash” at the park looks so cute!
Yes, I’m a worrier. I was going to mention a few things I’ve been worried about, but I don’t want to start new worries with my list. I just try to keep my kid-related worries from overshadowing things they want or need to do–give them safety tips and check-in times since they’re older–without letting on that my mind goes to worst-case scenario sometimes. You’re so smart to prepare your kids with what to do to keep themselves safe.


Hahaha yes, keep the worry list as small as possible:) . Thanks so much Corey and that is a really great way to go about it. I just need to find the perfect amount of worrying! Hope your Wednesday is a great one Corey.


I didn’t see that about Jared and des! How cool! But how do they run that and then go do the Olympics trials so close? Does that surprise you? Usually their spring and fall races are farther apart. And then I think no one is going to be doing Boston next year because the top ones will be preparing for Olympics. So interesting how it will all go. Wonder what do others think?


Yeah…. totally interesting. I read somewhere that Des is not actually that interested in doing the olympics this next year! But I am sure Jared Ward is but he seems to really be able to bounce back quickly. It will be interesting to see how it all plays out! Have a wonderful day Mary!


What is the brand of pink running tank top that you are wearing in the first picture? I LOVE the style and colour and am looking for some new running tanks to purchase when I go to Miami for some shopping (I live in Grand Cayman) – my current tanks are all too heavy for this heat/humidity.

I hope your family has a wonderful time in Grand Cayman – my husband and I LOVE living here. Let me know if you need any recommendations or want to grab a coffee, my girlfriend and I meet once a week (as my rest day from marathon training) and jog to get some coffee, chat, and then jog or walk back – we’re always up for more additions to our ‘run group’!


HEY!! YOU LIVE IN GRAND CAYMAN… so so cool! It is from fabletics and here is the link:

Sounds like a blast! I have your email now so I’ll let you know:) Have a fabulous rest of your day!


Thank you! I’m going to have to get that tank top – so pretty!

I do live in Cayman (originally from Canada), so if you need any recommendations or places to go, eat at, family friendly, and/or things not do – let me know!! There’s so much beauty and great food on our little island!


I taught swim lessons for years and my favorite were always the 3/4 month olds i was teaching survival skills to. It’s amazing (and lifesaving). Good for you for being proactive! And no shame in leashes, last year we were in Israel for a month and I had my five year old and three year old on leashes (and they would ask for them, it helped them feel safe when places were crazy). It’s been so hot here, even at seven peaks we find ourselves seeking out shade. Love seeing your hubs so invested in your training! Excited to see where you go with all your hard work!


Kendra, that is so cool that you taught lessons… you helped many many many children to be safe. I LOVE that you guys went to Israel… my brother just got back from there too. So smart to bring leashes for your two kids. It really has been crazy hot but I don’t want it to get any closer to summer being over. Hope you are having a wonderful day Kendra!


Water gives me so much anxiety. I don’t blame you one bit! I would do the exact same thing if I was staying somewhere with a pool. My boys are 9 months and 2.3 years and do not know how to swim. We are enrolling our oldest in swim lessons in October. I think he is finally old enough to comprehend a swim teacher and truly LEARN how to swim.

Amazon has these super cheap ($10), door alarms. You stick to the door/trim and they can ding (like a really loud doorbell) so you know the door has opened. There is also an alarm setting… It is so loud. I have these on the doors on my house. They come with an adhesive that seems to be somewhat easy to remove. It may look ghetto, but you could probably get away with just taping the things instead of the adhesive strip. Just an extra peace of mind if you need it.


I am absolutely buying those… thank you x a million. Such a great idea.
So excited for your little one to start lessons. You must be so busy with those two! I hope you have a wonderful day and it sounds like we sure get each other!


I’m going to Costco tomorrow and need to find those avocado packets! That looks so good!
What a great idea about the safety lessons and alarm for skye. You guys are so wise to think ahead like that and I’m sure you’ll all have more fun knowing she’s safe! :)
Have a good day Janae!


Thanks so much and I hope you love the packets:) . Enjoy the rest of your day!


I love how you took a fear and dis something about it! You could have just cancelled the trip, or left Skye with a family member, but you are assertive and you acted upon that worry, instead of reacting in a way that wouldn’t have been as productive. ?


Oh thank you so so much Jenny! Now to keep that up with other worries in my life;) I hope the rest of your day is a great one!


If you are a professional worrier then I must be at the elite level!

My only Hawaii trip was my honeymoon 27 years ago this month; Kauai and Maui.

Best part of Wednesday – I guess my workout later today. My hamstring is messed up, so no running and no 10K this month. The only blessing is that it is really giving me more time to look closely at my running form and try to improve it.

I am very jealous of your sister’s remodeling skills. Did she teach herself or learn from somebody?


I didn’t know this about your hamstring, I am so so sorry. I hope you get it figured out asap! Keep me updated.
She learned it all herself. A lot of YouTube videos, google searches and a few books! It’s amazing:) .


I would love for your sister to do a post on her first big home remodel project. How did she get the courage to “knock down a wall, pull up a floor, remove kitchen cabinets, etc.? I have some home projects I would like to tackle but I am too intimidated. Also, does she do most of the physical work or design it and then the family joins in?


Connie! I will have her include that in her post:) . She does do most of the physical work/design although her husband does the electrical/plumbing side of things and he does a lot too but she is definitely the main contractor:) . I think this project was her first ‘knock down the wall’ project and she learned it all on her own. Mostly youtube videos, some books and a lot of googling! YOU CAN DO IT CONNIE!! We all start at the same place when we try something new. I hope your day is a great one Connie!


I am right there with you in regards to water safety and littles; I have several minor panic attacks when we’re around water – even when I’m in with my 5 yo and he’s wearing a life vest I still freak out!
How exciting for you parents! We went to Maui for our honeymoon almost 11 years ago and it was amazing.
Ok. Your sister is amazing! I think I’ve said that before but wow! I need to try to tap into her bravery and strength or something because my house is in need of serious TLC!
I’m such a worrier! We live in a gated community that makes up a .4 mile loop and it’s only been recent that I’m ok with my 5 year old hanging out with his 9 year brother and their 11+ yo friends without me! I still check on my 5 year old throughout the night (when I get up to use the bathroom) and now with my mom having ALS every time she calls I worry it’s going to be to come to the hospital or something. I just realized I could on and on and on with all of my worries! Please tell me this is normal! Ha!
My favorite thing today was seeing so many Christmas lights while on my run! I normally question peoples sanity when it’s July and their lights are up and ON but today it made me happy!
Have a great day!


Glad to know I’m not alone. I bet your heart absolutely sinks every time that your mom calls you. Prayers for you all!
Okay, you need to explain the Christmas lights thing to me! I hope you are having a wonderful day!


The same neighborhood I ran in is also the same neighborhood that goes ALL out for Halloween so now I’m wondering if they all just really really really love the holidays & decorations! I’ll have to run there more often to see if my theory is accurate. :)
There is a house near the beach about 3 miles from my house that keeps their lighted Christmas tree on their porch until about July when it is browner than brown. They also keep their Christmas lights up year round!


Ah, you SO need to do a post of all your favorite Costco buys/finds! I go like 2 times a year but I want ALL the things you eat and buy there, LOL!
I went to Hawaii once for a work event (Red Bull)-it was really all play and was amazing!! If it was not such a far flight (in Boston) I would go again for sure to explore the other islands!


SO cool you got to go to Hawaii for work (and awesome you work for Red Bull)! I hope you get to go again soon! Definitely going to put a post together… I’ll start on it today!

Thanks and have a great day!


Des and Jared are my heroes! They totally need to win!



Wouldn’t that be the coolest ever!?! I hope your day is a great one!


First, that photo of you and Brooke…SO CUTE.

How wonderful that you took action on your worry. That’s such a great idea to have someone help Skye learn to float.

Your sister is amazing with her do-it-yourself skills. I look forward to the post about her kitchen transformation.


Thank you so much Joy!! You are going to love what she did with her kitchen!! Hope you are having a fantastic day:)


I am a worrier for sure. I am working on only worrying about things I can control, but honestly who does that hahahahaha! That is so convenient that you can walk to take Skye to swim lessons. I love those guac cups from Costco they are so good. I cannot wait to see what your sister has done with her kitchen, that is incredible. We have visited Oahu & the Big Island and we actually head to Maui in 21 DAYS!!!! I cannot wait. Have the best day.


Right… there are days that I am much better at letting go of the things I can’t control but there are days that my hormones DO NOT HELP MATTERS. Have the best time in Maui… I am THRILLED for you guys. I hope it is perfect. Thanks Sarah!


Totally a worrier. We are moving our son from VT to SLC next week for college. Every night I wake up a 2:00 and think/worry about everything that could happen. Ugh! Excited though to explore your lovely State!


Lisa, THIS. IS. HARD. I can’t even imagine how much you are worrying! I hope it all goes so smoothly and just know that if your son needs anything, Andrew and I are just 30 minutes away and we can drop off some food or have him to laundry at our house:) . I hope you love it here and go into the mountains while you are here because it might convince you to follow him out here:) . Have a wonderful day!


Oh you are so kind! I think Andrew needs to do a guest post on local Mtn biking trails so we know where to go. I am already scoping out the Bonneville trail for running!!




I went to Hawaii once with my Mom in January 2011. I was going through a terrible divorce and about to turn 29. I was heartbroken at the time thinking I would never fall in love again or get to have children. On Christmas morning my Mom surprised me and said, we are ditching your Dad and brothers for New Years and your birthday and going on a ladies only trip to HAwaii! I am pretty sure I cried the whole way on the plane ride there having my pity party then the moment we landed in Hawaii it was magical. The food, the air, the water, the way it smelled…It was so special to be with my Mom and experience it. We went to the Big Island and to Kauai and I heard whale song while snorkeling. I sound like a hippie crystal woo woo person but when I heard the whales I got goosebumps and felt deeply okay and connected to the universe. Even though my heart was shattered, I didn’t feel alone anymore. Anyways, Hawaii is amazing and one day I want to take my husband, Patrick, and daughter there! Maybe on our 10 year anniversary in a few years!


Nadya, thank you for sharing this story with me. It gave me goosebumps and sounds like your mom is pretty amazing. What an incredible trip and I can relate with you in so many ways. I hope that you, Patrick and your little one are able to go there soon. So happy you are in such a better place!


Oh my gosh, I am the same, as soon as its dark outside my anxiety and worry is at an all time high! It is why I dread winter and the short days so so much. You are such a great parent for taking all these precautions for Skye! A little boy at my daughters daycare just drowned a couple weeks ago and it really ignited a lot of anxiety in me. Anything can happen to anyone and it only takes a few seconds. As parents we can never be too careful!!

I know you’re going to have a blast on your trip and I can’t wait to hear all about it!!


Oh my goodness, my prayers are with that sweet family. I cannot even imagine. That’s the thing… Andrew and I just can never assume the other one of us has Skye because that is all it takes… a few seconds. Prayers to that little boy’s family!

That is very interesting… I haven’t thought about that and I think I get more anxious during the winter too and it is probably the same reason as you!

I hope your day is a great one!


Would you be able to share the wet alarm you purchased? I have extreme anxiety when it comes to water and kids!! I swear I will make my kids continue to wear their puddle jumpers at age 15!

Thank you!


YES… of course! The ratings are 3.5 out of 5 but at this point I will buy/do whatever because I just know we need to be extra cautious. It’s so worth the money to me (and sounds like to you too)! I think Skye will be in her puddle jumper until 15 too!

Have a wonderful day Monica!


I feel you so much on the pool/vacation thing. My husband and I took our two-year old twin boys to Europe for a huge family reunion earlier this summer. Because we were staying with so many other family members, we didn’t really have a say in the house-bookings. And both of the houses we stayed in had unfenced pools. I was a NERVOUS WRECK for months leading up to the trip (and, to be honest, while we were there). The boys love to swim (supervised, with flotation vests!) and had the best time — that’s what I had to keep reminding myself. My mantra was: The boys are having fun; we are keeping them safe. And all was well in the end. But it is so, so nerve-wracking. Anyway, thanks for talking about this. I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one who gets so anxious!


Betsy, you are not alone… at all. Every time I think about it I swear my heart rate goes up to 200 beats per minute. This will also be an unfenced pool and so I totally get it! I am so glad you had such a wonderful time in Europe with your twin boys (I can’t imagine how busy you must be)! Thanks for sharing with me because it’s nice to know I’m not overly anxious about something… this is a huge deal. Have a great day!


I just saw an interview with Bode Miller and his wife – they lost a daughter to drowning last year. It was so sad. You are smart to be concerned – but wise to do something about it. I took swimming lessons as soon as I was old enough and have enjoyed a lifetime love of swimming!

I never use to worry when I was younger – but menopause brought it on big time! But there’s an old saying, “Worry works because 95% of the things we worry about never happen!”

Aloha from Oahu!! We’ve been to Oahu, Kauai, Maui and the Big Island. I would have loved to run into your parents when they were here!! My favorite Hawaiian candy is Pineapple Snow from the Macadamia Nut Farm (you can’t get it anywhere else.) White chocolate covered macadamia nuts with pineapple flavor.

It’s only 7 am here, but the best part so far was a quick rain shower followed by a rainbow. Love the promise that represents!


Their story is the absolute saddest ever. Thanks so much Kathy! I’m hoping this really gives her a great start and I’m happy that Brooke and Knox are getting refresher courses!
BAHAHA best quote ever… I would say 99% of the stuff I worry about doesn’t happen so I’m really good at it;)

I thought about you and hoping you would see my parents at the airport:) Well now I need that Pineapple Snow right this second. Sounds like a gorgeous morning. Enjoy the rest of your day!


Worrier!!!! We are at the beach and I swear even though my kids can swim, I have been on edge since we landed. Are they going too far out? Are there sharks? My morning runs have helped and trying to take deep breaths. (Not sure my husband/parents would agree it’s helping) ??‍♀️
Sounds like you are doing a great job preparing for your trip. Sounds amazing!


Hahaha I am sure thankful for running helping me calm my anxieties too! Just don’t run one day and your parents/husband will see how much it is helping you;) . So glad you guys are at the beach and keeping everyone safe. Thanks Lauren and enjoy the rest of your day!


we started swim lessons with my daughter at 4 months, but haven’t returned after the session due to the timing. We wanted to go back and probably should. Swimming isn’t just for fun, but a life saving skill everyone should have! Private lessons will definitely help her to learn the skills she needs! I taught swim lessons for 3+ year olds and you definitely at least want her comfortable in the water. I dealt with lots of cryers and kids that would death grip me while trying to swim.
I’ve been to all 4 of the bigger islands (Maui, Kauai, Oahu, and Hawaii). I went to Oahu as a kid and the other 3 were all in the past 2 years! My husband and I went to Maui and he feel in love with the islands! We then went to Kauai for our babymoon and the big island with our daughter who was almost 4 months at the time. My husband would be happy if every vacation was to hawaii!
Grand Cayman will be so much fun and it’s SOOO beautiful! I’ve only been there on a cruise stop and the ocean was beautiful!
I’m getting a root canal today, so my Wednesday is NOT exciting… haha


I completely agree, this is necessary! You’ve been to all four islands… that is wonderful! I totally understand your husband’s vacation theory, it’s just the best.

Good luck with the root canal, I hope it goes as well as possible. Those are not fun!


Wait?! Didn’t your sister already redo her kitchen? She’s amazing!! I absolutely despise house projects and so does my husband so you can imagine the state of our house! :)
Love your blog!


I’m with you… I hate house projects! She is like 60% done ahhhh can’t wait to show you!


Love your blog, but I don’t understand how you could do that sponsored toilet paper ad while continuing to use so much plastic like those guac packets and mini Naked smoothies and so many individually wrapped Costco products. You have claimed to care about the environment and have a great audience to influence, so I hope you keep that in mind!


Great point! We always recycle or reuse many items (the naked juice we clean out and the kids use for water bottles or smoothies I make for them on the go) but definitely something I should be way better with! Thanks Holly and it is something I want to do much better with so I’ll continue to make changes and would love all the help I can get!


Great! Recycling plastic is basically useless at this point. Reducing is what we all should have been focused on in the first place.


My son’s college baseball team is going to Hawaii in February. Not sure if we are going or not. I’m a CPA so super busy then. Would love to go there on my own schedule ( not his baseball team’s). But worried I will never get my husband to go if it’s not baseball related. Stay tuned!

The worry is not worth it. As the mom of a 25 yo and a 19 yo, you just have to let it go. As hard as it is….


Just like you, I tend to really worry and stress at night when I should be sleeping! Speaking of, I have a very active toddler and was curious what leash you got? We’ve always talked about it but never pursued it.


I want to tell you not to worry about Skye! (Easier said that done…). But…I will tell you that one of my friends has had her daughter enrolled with Infant Swimming Resources (ISR) And has recently become an instuctor (

They really focus on safety and prevention, so I am sure you are in good hands with your company! Now if you could just get her to like the feeling of sand too….. ;)

Enjoy your day!


Randomly — I just got back from Hawaii and one of our layovers was in SLC. I was watching that airport like a hawk for any Janae-Andrew-kiddo action since I knew you have your trip sometime soon!

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