Mind Games/Friday Favorites/Winner

Sometimes when the alarm goes off and I don’t want to get out of bed, I will tell myself to just get up and get ready for my run and then I can get back in bed for ten minutes.  By the time I am all ready to go I no longer want to get back in bed and I head out the door.  The amount of mind games I play with myself each day is quite incredible.

Thursday’s run= a challenge run (aka a lot of climbing the day after a speed workout).   I made it to my favorite rock… the one that means I climbed three killer hills right in a row.

PS I stopped wearing trail shoes on my trail runs.  My ankles aren’t happy in them anymore (I think the ultra did that to me) so I stick with my normal trainers.

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My legs were pretty tired from the previous day of 10 x 1k so it was definitely a challenge.

I did a lot of the miles on trails and then some miles with Skye in the jogging stroller and some time with Brooke and Knox on their bikes with me too.

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11 miles @ 9:02 average with 1269 ft of climbing.  After all of the flats in Cayman, yesterday’s run was quite different.

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We’ve reached full blown tantrums over here so that’s been fun;)

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But the smiles outweigh the fits by quite a lot.

Also, doesn’t she look like Knox’s twin in this picture?!

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THIS Skillet Summer Vegetable Lasagna was a winner for our whole family.  This will be a repeat recipe for us!

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Andrew thinks it’s funny that I stretch while cooking dinner.  My calves are TIGHT.

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Time for a few Friday Favorites!

*Sarah Marie Design Studio has SO many things I’m obsessed with right now but this high mileage low maintenance tank and run the mile you’re in bracelet are my absolute favorites.

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*Taylor Swift’s new album.  I can’t stop listening to it.

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*I’m trying to up my game a bit with packed lunches this year with the kids;). I bought these lunchbox jokes to put in their lunches and so far they are a huge success along with these sandwich cutters.  Off to a good start!

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*Lindsey’s interview with Jared Ward.  I cannot wait to see what he does in New York this year!  His perspective on running has really helped me to get faster and I can’t wait to see what is next for him!

*I am in love with this new Salomon tank (I have Desert Flower)!  I’ve worn it twice this week for runs already and will probably wear it again soon ha.  It’s lightweight, the color is great and the fit is different than what I normally wear.  It’s a win!

*Thanks for the help on a silicone wedding ring for me to wear!  I have a feeling I will be wearing this one more often than my real one because it feels so good for running and kid life.  I got the QALO ring in my favorite color and I’ll change my nail polish eventually so I don’t look too crazy about the color ha.  SO comfortable!

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The winner of my running shoes giveaway!

Anything fun you are looking forward to this weekend?

Made any good recipes this week?  Share them with me!

Anyone else loving Taylor Swift’s new album or not a fan?

Any tricks that you use to get yourself up and out to run?

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Taylor Swift’s album is soooooo good. I love it. It’s definitely been playing on repeat over here! I am going to see the Jonas Brothers soon and I cannot WAIT.

I made some great pasta! I love that banza chickpea pasta, and I roasted zucchini to put in, poured in tomato sauce and added goat cheese from the farmer’s market and some extra basil. I topped it with pine nuts, and it was really good and had tons of flavor. Also, super easy.

Today I actually did NOT get up and run . . . my alarm went off and I just felt like today wasn’t the day, so I reset it and fell back asleep. :-) But normally I am quite good about getting up with it. I tell myself that I can go to bed early at night and that I will feel so much better . . . and then I think, “JUST DO IT ALREADY.” Very tough love.


You are going to have the best time seeing the Jonas Brothers. ENJOY! Okay, I need you to send me that pasta right now. I’m drooling. GOOD for you to listen to your body and give it the rest it needs. You will feel so much better with that! Enjoy your weekend.


I’ll have to try some of the new Taylor Swift songs. I like her but am way out of touch with new music :)

As an FYI, I’ve experienced (after being told by people much more expert than me) that sometimes stretching tight muscles isn’t the best. What helps my calves A TON is rolling them on top of a huge nubby ball. I love this one (got it off amazon). No affiliate. Ha! It gets into the knots and loosens up the calves which helps all the way down to my achilles and feet ( if my achilles or feet are hurting it is 99% of the time due to my tight calves). Make sure (if you get one) that it is the 3.5 inch one (I just noticed some of the color selections only come in the smaller size. Blue and Pink are the 3.5 inch ones). I use it to roll out my feet and also roll out the side of my lower leg and shins too. Okay sorry for the ramble… When I find something good I like to share it (and I only share things I LOVE!).


Well you are just the best. Thank you so much Amanda for helping me! ORDERING NOW!


I’m loving Taylor Swift’s new album too! I love the whole theme of different stages and types of love- romantic, friends, family.


ME TOO… seriously it’s perfect! I hope you have a wonderful weekend Mariah!


I loooove Taylor Swifts new album! No fun plans this weekend just an 18 mile run- which will be kinda fun ;). My husband and I are running the St George marathon this year! I’m really excited for it. I did Citrus Pear recently and love the meals! It’s so nice especially if I’m busy and don’t have time to cook.


You are going to rock those 18 miles Alicia! I’m cheering for you big time. I better get to meet you at St. George. Best marathon ever:)


Hope you have a great weekend!


That lasagna looks so healthy! I made this recipe this week and it was delicious! We’re on the Mediterranean diet for my husband and America’s Test Kitchen’s Mediterranean cookbook is saving my life…https://zestfulkitchen.com/baked-eggs-tomatoes-feta-croutons/

I have figured out that once my alarm goes off I either get out of bed or I play there mentally debating whether to get up and run or not. A few minutes into debating, my brain is awake and I won’t get back to sleep and I might as well get up and run. Or I tell myself I can close my eyes later that morning if I need to. Or I think about all of the yummy food I will be hungry for if I just get out the door and run. ?


Every picture from that cookbook is making me drool! So happy you guys are enjoying it… I need those baked tomatoes now. Hahah love your mind games and I do that same thing with the yummy food! Have a fabulous weekend Ali!


Glad you like the Qalo so far, I love mine! And the convenient little carrying pouch!
I have TS new album but haven’t gotten to listen to it yet, but I am excited.
Tonight I am making a healthy red beans and rice meal. My family is from Louisiana and that’s where I was born. Although I prefer to claim Tennessee, I still love my Louisiana roots. I am going to make brown rice and mix in some red beans, then cook turkey sausage (that you cut in slices, like Polish sausage) and peppers and onions. And a side of fat free (but delish) cornbread. I’m drooling right now, ha!

Hope you’re adjusting back to normal life after vacation!


The Qalo really is so comfortable! Your dinner tonight sounds delicious… I’ll be over soon:) Thanks so much Loribeth and have a wonderful weekend!


Going to be a tough weekend…not running wise. We are dropping our oldest daughter off at university. She’s excited and I’m so happy for that but still going to be difficult. So wish me luck Janae because I have a feeling we will be going through a lot of tissues on the 14 hour drive back to Nova Scotia. ?


Jennifer. I am SO so sorry. This is so hard and I am sending you all of the luck I have. Please let me know how it goes. I’m thinking about you and praying it all goes well.


I feel like I’m the only person who doesn’t like the TS album… But it took me like a year + to warm up to Reputation, so maybe I’ll like it eventually?

Also, I LOVE those bracelets – so cute! And Skye TOTALLY looks like Knox! Hope you have a great weekend.


That’s how I was with Reputation… the first time I heard it I hated it but ended up loving it. So maybe it will come around for this one too? Thanks so much Tess and I hope your day has been really great so far!


LOVE TAY’s NEW ALBUM! Hoping to get a 7 miler in this weekend !!


Have an amazing 7 miler this weekend and listen to the new album the entire time!


I don’t have any tricks for getting up to run, but I know if I don’t I’ll regret it, and that works enough for me!



That skillet looks amazing. Skye DOES look like Knox’s twin! I love how blended families begin to look like one another. People always said how much I look just like my step dad growing up :) Love the ring color! P.S. I do squats when I brush my teeth, so I get it.


Taylor’s new album is sooooo addictive! i’m going to make that skillet meal tonight. Thanks for sharing!


I am sending you all of the luck I have. Please let me know how it goes. I love how blended families begin to look like one another. Thanks so much, Tess and I hope your day has been really great so far. I do that same thing with the yummy food! Have a fabulous weekend Nina. She’s excited and I’m so happy about that but still going to be difficult.

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