The Long Run + My Playground + Training Last Week

Some days the miles and paces just click while feeling smooth <– That is what happened yesterday and I’ll gladly take it.  Emilee, Tawny, Alison and I met early at the base of the canyon for our run.

PS Tawny and I went to the same jr high together 20 years ago so we have known each other for a long time.

It was humid for Utah which made it feel like my sweat couldn’t escape and I was so sticky… like usual, I do not know how you humidity runners do it every day!

This canyon is where a lot of our running friends go for their long runs so it was great to see so many familiar faces along the way (and most of them training for the St. George Marathon too).

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We went up and then turned around and on the way back down to our cars we got in four tempo miles averaging 6:10.  During the last mile of the tempo I started feeling tired but I reminded myself that the roads are my playground.  When I am pushing myself out on a run I feel alive and like I am playing… reminding myself that I do this for fun makes it easier for me to not quit.  We were planning on 16 miles but added on another for fun.

I had toast with jam before the run and took in a clif citrus gel with caffeine during the run.  I need to get back in the habit of bringing more gels with me because I was hungry once we finished.

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When we finished I saw a group show up with these and now I want to try them out…

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I went straight to pick up donuts for us after the run and that glazed donut was everything I could have asked for.

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Skye is a big fan of donut Saturday.  Whenever she eats she always has her little ankles crossed.

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I also had a protein bar and watermelon at my desk too.  When I am in a hurry to get some food in, these protein bars from Costco taste way less proteiny (not a word) than most protein bars in may opinion.

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The rest of the day was full of cousins (my niece that had her appendix rupture still can’t fly because of how she is feeling so they will all be here for a little bit longer).

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Some pretty intense games of HORSE.

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And just the usual keeping everyone happy and fed:)

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Pretty incredible:

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Here is how my running looked last week:

Monday:  12 miles on the trails @ 8:46

Tuesday:  8.27 miles @ 7:48 average

Wednesday: 8.34 miles @ 7:55 average with a 200m, 400m, 800m, 1 mile (downhill) intervals.  Walking breaks for recovery.

Thursday: 10 miles @ 9:41 average with 1322 ft of up!

Friday: 7.1 miles @ 8:39 average.

Saturday:  17 miles @ 7:13 average

Sunday:  OFF

62.71 miles for the week!  22 of the miles on the dirt, 2 workouts and one week closer to St. George


What was your best run last week?

Do you like protein bars?  Which ones?

Who was the last person that you ran with?

What do you have going on today?

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Best run was tempo-ish 5 mile hilly loop. Biggest accomplishment run was 16 miles yesterday – longest since January.

I want to like protein bars but I don’t like soy or chalkiness and am allergic to artificial sweeteners (aspartame, sucralose, etc). I haven’t one yet that works so I usually go with Larabars – naturally have more protein and never any weird ingredients.


Agree with you on the protein bars! I used to eat a few random ones, but they feel so chalky and ‘fake’. Maybe I haven’t found the right one? I don’t even like protein powders in my smoothies anymore. I’d rather just put some flaxseed or hemp seeds in there, more natural and better tasting. I prefer LaraBars as well – I’m travelling a lot this summer and live off of those lol (chocolate-chip, blueberry and mint chip are my fave flavours).


I normally eat Pure Protein protein bars but had a chocolate Costco protein bar at my sister’s yesterday. I understand what you mean. We don’t have a Costco. I’m stuck with what I can get in Walmart. The pure protein aren’t bad. I also like Think Thin which I get at Target when I feel like making the drive. The Think Kids bars are my go to snack because they have a good calorie to protein ratio.
Enjoy your Sunday! I’ve been on vacation since 7/4 and am dreading tomorrow. I don’t want to go back to the real world.


Going to spend the day with my mom. We are going to Costco. I’m definitely going to pick up the protein bars. Anything else you recommend I get while there? I need to make a running list of things you talk about because they always sound good, but then I can’t remember what they are!


I am taking a break from running at the moment to let my body heal up but have got in some nice long walks this week. I’m hoping to get back out there in the next few weeks but not rushing it :) this week I tried the Grab the Gold chocolate protein bar and it taste just like a no bake cookie! I love those sunglasses. What brand are they!? I hope you have a blessed Sunday with your family!


Hey Kara! I think you are being so smart to give your body a break! I need to try those bars… I love no bakes! Here are the sunglasses, I love them:

Enjoy the rest of your day Kara and keep me updated with your recovery!


Hey Kimberly! YAY for Costco:) . You really can’t go wrong at Costco with anything! Some of the things that we always pick up are plenty of their fruits/veggies, pretzel crips, jalepeno lime chips, their mango salsa, their guacamole in individual cups, the street tacos, chicken nuggets (our kids love theirs), morning summit cereal, their tortillas that you bake yourself, their flautas, rotisserie chicken salad, their vanilla is the best and I need to do a post next time we go with all of the things we have to buy. Have a wonderful day Kimberly!


My best run this week was with my training group for a local 10k in September on Tuesday, we did some short hills and I felt I could really attack them. My hamstring is finally starting to feel a bit better, and I enjoy running with ths group and the trainer a lot. I ran with my two running friends this morning. It will be the end of August before we’ll run all together again. My husband and I went to the World cup rowing finals in Rotterdam. His work is a sponsor, so they provided a picknick basket. We had a sandwich with cream cheese, salmon, avocado and lettuce, it was delicious. We also met some friends from the past. Now relaxing and doing laundry.


Your “donut Saturday” reminds me of when I was a kid. My Dad bought donuts for our family every Saturday!

I only ran once last week, so I guess it was my best! I’ve been spending more time on the bike and seeing good improvements.

We’ve been eating Caveman bars lately.

Les is the last person I ran with but that’s been a while.

It’s Sunday so we’ve got church and very little else going on today! But first, blueberry-lemon pancakes.


That canyon looks so dreamy to run on!!
I agree, those bars are way less proteiny than most as are the power crunch ones. They’re not Costco brand but they’re sold there. Vanilla is my jam!
If I could repeat every run last week I would but my favorite is a tie between my midweek 12 miler and my last trail run with my friend, Rachel. I did the same trail run 2 years ago with another friend and I was surprisingly faster this year. We didn’t get our summit view, I choked on a bug and almost peed myself trying to cough it up, she fell in nettles and we saw a bear but it was all still amazing and neither of us can wait to do it again!
Today is a toss up between a chill day of spray park action or going on a mild hike.
Have a great day!!


Ha! Very happy you put some Dutch news in your blog today :D Isn’t Sifan incredible? By the way, your pace is pretty insane as well.

Plans for today: I went for a run and we just dropped off the kids at my parents because we’re going to take our nephew (who just turned 18) and niece out to get burgers and go see a movie (Yesterday).
Hope your niece is feeling better and that you have a great sunday :)


I eat a lot of protein bars because otherwise I’d probably eat one or two candy bars a day and …that’s probably not a great idea ? So instead I’ll have a protein bar or maybe 2 a day and actual candy once a week or so. I like those costco ones, the One bars, and a few others. I go through phases.

Plans for today: I took our dog for a nice walk while listening to a sermon. My solution for still struggling to find a church here, listen to sermons online while in nature! Then a library visit for new books and lots of reading.


Awesome week of running! That watermelon looks so good!

Plans: Church, lunch at my mother-in-laws. The kids are headed to the cabin with my parents. I should go to triathlon practice this evening. The heat and humidity are insane and I am tired from my long run, swim and spending all day on the lake yesterday….so I might opt for a quiet, kid-free afternoon on the ouch.


I like protein bars in a pinch; my favorite is the clif builders bars in peanut butter flavor. I really wish I had a group like yours to run with but I do all my runs solo at a very early hour before work. We went to church this morning and had lunch and now are “resting” (my 4 year old is now averse to calling it nap time) until we hit up the pool later. Have a great Sunday!


Just the one gel for17 miles? Did you also take your handheld water bottle or hydrate elsewhere during the run?

Best run was 9 miles yesterday with my son- so just relaxing today. Liking RX bars lately- do they have the full size and kid size RX bars at your Costco like ours does?


Hey John! We did stop 4 times (not during tempo miles) for drinks from a drinking fountain! Definitely going to be bringing more gels with me and be overprepared rather than underprepared. I will totally check out the RX bars at Costco next time, thanks and I hope you are loving the relaxation. Love that you run so much with your son!


I literally lol-ed, Janae…..Only us crazy runners would say something like ‘we ran 16 miles and then added another one on for fun’



Hey! I am wanting to start getting into trail running, but I’m not very familiar with Utah, we’ve been here a year. What are some good trails to start with? Any suggestions? Thanks!

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