Silentish Saturday + Another Race!

Traded in the running shoes for some French toast.  Andrew had work so it was either running crazy early or giving my body some much needed recovery and sleeping… I chose sleeping.

First stop of the day was the race expo with these three.

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Followed by a few errands.

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Just the fanciest of dinners (I try to keep my meals VERY simple the day before a race).

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Fuel ready to go.

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Clothes ready to go.

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Ready for a solid run and fun with the girls!


Tell me three things that you are up to today!!!

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Have a great race! ?


Hope you have a great race with good weather !!!
We are doing mother-daughter nails together, swimming and having a little family cookout.
Enjoy your weekend.


Good luck today Janae! Quite the week of races for you!
Run, daycare pool party, try to get organized for the rest of the weekend/next week.


Have a great race!! Can’t wait to hear how it goes. Your running and races have been fantastic lately!
Our oldest leaves for college in just a couple of weeks, so this weekend is all about getting everything ready to go! Plus, maybe some pool time to beat this heat and humidity we’re having ?
Have a great Saturday Janae!


Just saw Andrew’s post!!! Congratulations on a super awesome race!!!!! You are amazing!!!

Headed to the beach today for vacation with the family. Enjoy your victory!! :)


Three things I’m doing about a hundred today. I am a wedding coordinator and today is a wedding I have planned with a couple for the last year. It’s a beautiful Oregon summer day for an outdoor forest inspired wedding.


Hope the race went well!!

I’m curious about your fueling. How does it work combining a faster digesting carb- the bread- with UCAN? I heard from someone at a running store here that UCAN was in place of the bread/bagels etc….?


I hope you feel good about this morning’s effort! YAY for another half on the training path to your full!

This morning I taught my RPM class and it wound up being killer. A new acquaintance from the gym, who teaches some different Les Mills formats, came to my class and I find that my sense of ‘performance’ as a coach on that instructor’s bike is amped up even more when another Les Mills instructor is in my class. I don’t quite know why–a sense of familiarity? A sense of feeling like someone understands the philosophy behidn Les Mills programs and I can get back into the language, and teach from the essence of LES MILLS rather than just *my* format and someone will connect with it…and maybe make more of a ripple effect? I don’t know. But I worked so dang hard on that bike.

Since I have today off from the store where I have been working and since TOm didn’t have to be at his store until a bit later, I came home and made us egg burritos for breakfast and we had some time to chill. I also planned my hike tomorrow–my first one of this new adventure I am taking on–and texted with a friend and made plans to get together in the middle of the afternoon at my favorite tex mex place. Otherwise, the rest of the day is all about reading the book that a book club I like to get together with *when I can* set for the end of July meetup…and beginning to prepare for a job interview with a teaching presentation at a local community college that I have coming up on Thursday!

(it might not be the job I *want*–but it could provide a huge answer to a big prayer from this past year of chaos and frustration, AND it could pave the way to a lot more calm in the year ahead of me…and right now that’s maybe a bit more important…)

SO–today started great and it will be a great rest of my day!


Today we ALMOST finished the nursery for our baby girl, Reid!! I’m almost 29 weeks pregnant and I’m a teacher, I go back to work on Thursday and my goal was to have the nursery as put together as possible before then! Proud to say the hubby made it happen! My parents took my daughter, Lynnleigh, out so that we could concentrate and boy did that help ;)

Completely off topic, but I’m obsessed with the pull out cutting board you have!! Definitely a must have in our next home!!


Hope your race went well!!! Love the picture of you guys with the signs.


I hope it was a great race for you today. We are unpacking from Bear Lake, cleaning out our garage, & enjoying the beautiful (not too hot) weather.


I just wanted to say I love the pull out cutting board in your kitchen. I have never seen that before. What an awesome feature! Hope you had a great race! Wilmington, DE

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