A Sentence or Two per Picture

Happy 4th of July!  I love this country and I cannot wait to celebrate the entire day with my family!

Emilee is back in town.  It felt so good to get in 63 minutes of catching up together!

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Afterwards I joined my sister and sis-in-law (she is the one that introduced us to Burn in Kentucky) at Burn Bootcamp for upper body day.  My arms are going to be dead for a very long time.

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Picked up Knox from his mom and then took the cousins all out for donuts!

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Skye gets more glaze on herself than in her mouth when she eats a donut;)

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Had all of the cousins over for a swim party.

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Along with the Lego movie.

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Andrew was very happy with where my family decided to go to dinner.

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Skye was too!

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Knox chose to wear his Santa pajamas there… it was only 80 degrees.

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Decided to do a 10k for fun with some friends today (I thought this was the first week of marathon training but it is actually an off week).

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Give me your sentence or two for the day!  

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I love those shoes!!! I wish we had a good little local 5K/10K race to do today. I love holiday theme races. But oh well, I’ll be heading out for a good 4-5 miles on my favorite trail.
Then the rest of the day will be filled with a huge block party. 3 of the streets in our neighborhood shut down, kids ride their bikes everywhere, big inflatable water slides…. Super fun ?
Enjoy your run this morning, and spending time with friends and family! Happy 4th of July ??


Thanks so much Wendy! Next 4th come and race here:) . I hope your trail run was awesome and enjoy that block party. That sounds like a blast!


Love those shoes! Enjoy the 10k!
Did a .3 mile swim, 10 mile bike and 5k run with my sister.
Parade this afternoon with insane amounts of candy…the kids are so excited!

Happy 4th!


Thanks so much Becky! That is pretty much a sprint tri right!? Way to go! ENJOY all of the candy and I can’t wait for our candy tonight at fireworks. Enjoy!


Speed work this morning in 86% humidity = my first ever sports bra run!! But happy with my splits because they were pretty consistent


YOU ARE HARDCORE for doing speed in 86% humidity! WOW. Way to go Lisa! I hope you are having a great day!


I love your patriotic outfit and those shoes are so super cute!! And the matching donut ;) Wilmington, DE


Oh thank you so much Megan! I hope you are having a great 4th of July and that you get a donut soon:)


Those shoes are definitely a winner – I love them too!

How fun for so many cousins to be together – happy memories!


Cousin friends are awesome!!! Looks like a fantastic 4th :)


My mom was working today (her work never closes on holidays), my dad was out of state on business around the holiday so I decided heck I will work too so that I can get a substitute holiday later this year! I actually think the day went better because no one else was working and I could pound through some training and clerical tasks! Now I have to say that I probably would have a mental break down if I was at your house with all of the cousins all of the time! (Too many people) Do you think that because you were raised in a big family you don’t mind being around people all of the time?


Love your shoes! Ran the Liberty 4 mile run today… in the past we’ve done 4K on the 4th at a local brewery, but decided to change it up this year… my husband still thought we were running a 4K though… he was a little disappointed that it was actually almost double…. but we finished together pushing the jogging stroller with our 13 month old! We used to run together all of the time and then he broke 4 ribs playing hockey and has been slow to return to working out. But if we pay to run a race, he won’t back out, so our goal is to sign up for more races!

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