Sentence Per Picture + I’m Off…

We normally do speed workouts on Wednesday but we decided to go climb a mountain (a little dramatic) yesterday instead.

Started off with my bagel and jam and thought I would need some caffeine but I didn’t.

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It MADE MY MORNING to find my AirPods buried in my car that I thought I lost at my 5k in May… losing things and then finding them is my specialty.

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Just so much climbing but the views made my legs hurt a little less—> 8.4 miles @ 9:55 average with 1200 ft of climbing.

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Chased after a friend that just got an OTQ (2:43) and my friends that just ran 1:15 and 1:13 at the half I just did.  They definitely had to wait up for me at certain points along the way.

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It was beautiful in every direction!

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Skye became rather interested in her shadow yesterday and started chasing it all around.

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We picked up Knox from his mom and then we all went to a park.

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We had quite the crazy afternoon at our house….

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Just can’t get enough games!

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I’m off to go camping with the youth girls in our area for two nights… wish me luck:)

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My brother sent this to our family yesterday and it made me laugh:

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Questions from Andrew today because he will be the one responding:)

Do you enjoy camping… what is it about it that you do or do not like?

Any funny camping stories?

What is something you couldn’t go without daily?

If you live with your significant other and they go out of town… do you clean right before they get home or keep your residence clean the entire time they are away?  Asking for a friend;)

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What’s day of the week do you do each type of run? You said you normally do speed on Wednesday. I’m assuming long on Saturday or Sunday. What about the rest of the week?


I wish I enjoyed camping but I just don’t. I’m too high maintenance I guess lol. I used to go camping with my family as a child and I had fun back then. As an adult not so much. Sadly one thing I can’t go without lately is diet Coke. I need to kick that particular habit to the curb. It’s an addiction!


Hi Maria,
It’s Andrew here! Her runs are typically what her coach tells her to do. I think she has been doing speedwork on Wednesdays and trails on others. Sometimes I feel like there isn’t a consistent long run only on Tuesdays or what not. But I think the longer runs are typically on the weekend, so she gets some rest on Sunday.


I love camping if we are camping in a trailer..tenting not so much:) I always keep the house clean but my husband on the other hand..he cleans right before I get home haha


Skye chasing her shadow is adorable!
I mostly like camping, especially the quiet in most camping spots and just being outdoors. I get a little worried about snakes, but I try to keep it out of my mind.
Funny camping story: After my first camping trip as a Girl Scout leader, I’m surprised I ever went back. One of our assigned platform tents had bats nesting inside, so we had to crowd into the 2 others to avoid possible illness exposure. I forgot to secure the valve on my air mattress, so it slowly leaked air until I was basically lying on the bare wood slats. One of the girls had night terrors and woke up the whole group. I had to use the bathroom a couple of hours before dawn, but I could hear a pack of dogs barking, and I was certain that they were roaming the campground and would attack if I walked outside. After a miserable wait until sunrise, I realized the dogs belonged to the neighbors outside the campground–it was just so quiet around there that their barking and howling carried a really long distance and made it sound like they were much closer.
LOL! Maybe the kids will enjoy making it a game to see how clean they can keep the house??? ha ha!


That sounds a crazy experience!!! I don’t know if Janae would EVER go camping again if she had a similar experience!!


Have fun at girls camp. They are lucky to have you as a leader and will remember you for many, many years after camp.


Aren’t games with the kids so fun?! We have a 9 and 7 year old and we love to play Yahtzee. It has helped with our daughters adding so much. She can now do the addition faster than I can. If you want a couple of recommendations of games that are fun for kids AND adults, you might want to try Skip-Bo, Sushi Go, Sorry, Sequence, and Sleeping Queens. We all enjoy those ones.


I love camping! I love having no distractions, being outside and sitting around the campfire. Growing up we had a teepee. I loved being able to have a fire in the middle of it…except for the time a mouse came in with the firewood.

I clean the second my husband leaves and keep it clean while he is away….although it somehow stays pretty clean without much effort when he is not home, haha.


I clean right away and it stays clean!! My husband and two kids have been gone for a couple of days and you can’t imagine how much happiness the clean house brings me. Of course, I miss them like crazy, but I know that as soon as they walk in the house and just drop their stuff everywhere….big sigh. My children are teenagers and just leave a trail of stuff everywhere they go.


Hehe as you know I am good at losing and then finding things. Like goggles.

Have fun on your trip, tomorrow morning I leave for 9 days with 29 girls ages 10-18. Pray for me.


9 days?????? 29 girls… you are very very brave!!


Cleaning – my husband and I are both pretty clean so I just do my normal routine, no differences when he’s home or away. Camping … I’m indifferent. I don’t seek it out but I’ll happily go if someone else organizes! Main negative for me is the trek to the bathroom/having to pee outside as I drink a LOT of water so pee all the time …. main positive would be the peacefulness and being away from the daily grind!


You clean RIGHT BEfORE. Tell your friend!! :)


I agree with you!! You’ll see on tomorrows post!!


I love camping! it’s so nice to get away from the noise, have dark skies at night, and just unplug for a while.

We did have a bear break into our car on one trip and lost a lot of our food. And we took a year off camping when my son was 2 because we had a trip where he refused to sleep so we were up the entire night. Thankfully he now loves his sleep (he’s 12).

What is something you couldn’t go without daily? Brushing my teeth.

I didn’t change my cleaning habits when my significant other went out of town. And since I did all the cleaning (source of contention!), it just was what it was when he came back.


Just the last question…
If it’s me staying home while my husband is out of town, the house stays the same as always – mostly clean and tidy.
If it’s my husband staying home while I am out of town, the house will be less clean and tidy than when I left – and I call it a good return if the dishes are waiting in the sink unbroken, furniture isn’t broken, nothing got lost at soccer practice, and clothes aren’t strewn everywhere. All of those are true stories from past trips of mine so long ago, hubby and I made the deal that the kids would be fed, happy, completely safe, and mostly clean when I got home and we would call it a draw on everything else.


This made me laugh!! I love this. I think Janae feels the same about when she leaves. She knows the kids will be safe, but she probably understands that sometimes you can’t have it all! haha


I’m fantastic at losing & finding things too. I like camping and grew up camping on the beach but I’ve noticed it’s much more fun camping as a child instead of an adult. It’s so much work. Once when my son was at scout camp I was training for a half and I happened to run right through his camp and wake him up in his tent. He was shocked to have his mom wake him up at scout camp! ? I clean the same amount whether my husband is in town or not BUT I cook less for sure.


I like camping once in a while as long as there are toilets that flush and showers with hot water. So….I guess that makes me not exactly a rugged wildlife person.

Things that I NEED on a daily basis are sleep, kitten snuggles, chocolate, and avocados.


I love camping! My favorite part is sitting around the campfire at night and just cooking dinner and people watching.

When we camp we sleep in hammocks with a mosquito net and weather shield over them. One night my husband fell out and got stuck in the netting and I was laughing so hard I could barely help him get out!

Ha well I will turn this question around and say that the days that I work a weekend shift and my husband is on Dad duty, I know for a FACT that he has the house a mess all day and then speed cleans before I get home. One day I got canceled from 3-7 so I came home early and the house was a disaster. Caught!

Enjoy the weekend!!


Hi Andrew!

My California family’s idea of camping is staying at campsites on the central coast (Morro Bay/San Simeon area.) When my parents were still alive we went every summer and loved it. It was always such a refreshing change from the heat, waking up to the sound of the ocean and feeling the cool air.

One funny camping story – my sister’s dog decided to be the big, brave hunter and chase a bird. Unfortunately, she forgot she was on a leash and when she got to the end of it went flying. It was like watching a cartoon! The dog was fine, but my sister was a little freaked out ;)

What is something you couldn’t go without daily? chocolate!

My husband is out of town this week and I took the time to do some deep cleaning. He works from home so it’s much easier to do that when he’s gone.


I LOVE MORRO BAY!!! You’ll have to let me know what other cool places you have gone in that area!! I didn’t deep clean but I did some remodeling while Janae was gone. You’ll see tomorrow!


I’ve never been camping and I’ve always wanted to go. It’s on my bucket list!


You need to do it, but go somewhere really really cool!! Let us know if you do it!


Leave it messy. It tells her that she is killing it every day with the kiddos and you can’t possibly do as good of job. ;)
Have fun, Dad.


hahahah!! This is awesome! Thanks for the comment!


Questions from Andrew today because he will be the one responding:)

Do you enjoy camping… what is it about it that you do or do not like?

Any funny camping stories?

What is something you couldn’t go without daily?

If you live with your significant other and they go out of town… do you clean right before they get home or keep your residence clean the entire time they are away? Asking for a friend;)


Haha, I have no idea how I did that ;)

The last time we went camping was in Yosemite and we hiked about 9 miles with our kids that day, they did awesome! And we were all so tired. Unfortunately, our tent was on a bit of a hill and we all woke up scrunched together on one side of the tent. Camping with kids is the best though because they can all run around and make noise and I don’t have to worry about neighbors the way we do in a hotel.


I love camping. In fact we just bought a trailer in Minnesota (I know it’s not tent camping but I don’t like bears) and we have so far driven it to Washington via Utah. We are taking a break to spend time with family and then we will continue home to Alaska. We had fun in Utah, went to a bunch of national parks and a lake north of SLC on our way through!


THIS SOUNDS LIKE A DREAM… What kind of trailer did you get and I want to hear more about these adventures. I think I can get Janae to do this if I have a trailer!! Alaska has been and always probably will be my favorite place to visit. You have all the right ideas!


OH MY GOSH! My little guy found his shadow yesterday, too! He kept saying “hi” to it when he saw it, and then would say “bye bye” when he stepped in front of another shadow and it disappeared. So cute.
Have fun on your trip!


omg skye chasing her shadow! she is so funny! I still laugh remembering her chasing the robot vacuum….

i love camping because i just want to live outside!!!! i want my house to be indoor/outdoor or to just live in the woods.

i would be so messy while they’re gone and then clean really hard right before they got back so they’re impressed..


Camping is great if kept simple. I grew up canoe camping and bike tour camping (drove to San Juan Island then toured the islands on bike and camped). Coffee tastes better camping as do dopey things like noodle soup and spaghetti. But, now that I’m a bit older, camping is a bit more of a chore! I think what you and Janae do by going on short camping trips close in is the way to go! One of the things I don’t like is when it gets dark early and you’re not tired (although when are we ever truly NOT tired?!) so you go to bed more awake. That’s when a campfire is super helpful, but bathroom and teeth brushing isn’t so fun in the cold and dark. Now I”m overthinking it. Geez. Camping is fun, bottom line.

Tell your friend that keeping up the cleaning is technically easier but in reality and one shot wonder of cleaning the day of partner return is just as effective (unless you suddenly get busy or they return early!!!)


I’m definitely doing the one shot wonder this time… haha. Hopefully I get it done before she gets back!!


I love camping!! I live in CO, so it’s practically a must do. My husband and I used to go backpacking and were going to try to attempt to segment hike the Colorado Trail, but only got to segment 5. We now have 13 month old, so our days of tent camping have taken a break. We have gone “camping” in primitive cabins (no bathrooms or running water, but they do have beds and heat). So we still get to enjoy the campfire experience and hiking around the state park. But since we are in a cabin, it’s warm and i don’t wake up sore!
When my husband is out, then i’ll usually take the time to do a deep clean to everything.


Umm … does going to my parents Condo in Colorado count as camping? If so then I LOVE camping. I don’t sleep outside or in a tent. I need a ceiling fan and air conditioning/heat to be comfortable enough to sleep. The few times my grandparents took us camping as kids it was a nightmare and I never slept. Fortunately the time they took us on a long camping trip they had purchased a large camper and I was able to sleep in air conditioning with a fan blowing on my face (thank goodness).
Do you think Janae would rather going glamping or roughing it??


AHHH! Camping! I only love it if the weather is perfect and we are in the woods. I am not a fan of the KOA campgrounds where it is loud and tons of people. :) One time when we went camping a bear was running through the camp sites when we were all packing up to leave. I hid in the camper until he was gone. ha!

When my husband takes the boys camping and I stay home… I clean the whole house so I can enjoy it clean for longer than the usual 2 hours when everyone is home!
Enjoy your time alone with the kids…. I’ll say a prayer for you. LOL!


You are the spitting image of Dave Franco in that pic!!! :)


Question for you guys – Do you have any recommendations for cool, dog friendly areas to check out near Snow Canyon State Park? We’ll be there in early October. We will be camping in an A-Liner trailer with 3 dogs. :)

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