EMPTY, Bring Them Back & Race Week!

It felt so good to have the whole gang together last night!

We started off Father’s Day with breakfast burritos, presents and Skye chewing on the corners of her blanket.  Knox is all about the tag on his blanket and Skye just loves those four corners.

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We hit up church and Andrew and I found the toy that will keep Skye entertained during church for a good chunk of time… POLLY POCKETS (with pieces that she can’t swallow:).

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One of my running partners sent this image after our run on Saturday and it perfectly described how I felt.  Thank goodness for rest days because I need them.

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After church I fell asleep on the couch with my rapid reboots on and going along with Skye crawling on top of me.  I woke up feeling sooo much better.

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Brookie was dropped off.  They were very excited to see each other.

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Post-underdog expressions:

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Skye decided to have some Cheerios for an appetizer.

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Sidenote: I saw this on IG the other day and it made me laugh so hard:

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And then we had everyone over for a burger bar.

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My sister made homemade Heydays.   These used to be my dad’s absolute favorites but they don’t sell them anymore.

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It’s race week!  I haven’t raced a half-marathon in years and years.  I’ve used them for workouts but I haven’t raced one since when I first met Andrew.  I’m not super excited for the 3:30 a.m. alarm clock but I am excited for the distance and to do this with my running friends.  We will still do a speed workout this week so we won’t be tapering like normal but I’m going to focus on all of the positive thoughts, getting as much sleep as possible and drinking a lot of water this week.

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I’ve had a few requests to share how I am meal prepping each week.  I mean, it’s like my third week of doing this so I’m pretty much a professional;)

This week I am going to make a few meals from this cookbook.  I completely forgot that I received one when I did the Runner’s World races in Pennsylvania. <— We did a 5k and 10k one day and then a 1/2 marathon the next day.

There are a few recipes in here that look really good. I ordered a few of the cookbooks that you recommended and I can’t wait for them to get here!

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On Saturday I did all of the grocery shopping that I needed for the week and also made the Molasses Granola Bars (from here).  They are ridiculously good and such an easy snack for Andrew to eat at work and for Brooke, Skye and me to eat at home.  Knox did not like them because he is convinced that granola bars must contain chocolate chips;)

Next time I will make two batches.

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On Sunday I made the recovery quinoa salad (2 batches because we go through it so fast), superhero muffins (the first version of them with the zucchini) and the brussel sprouts all from Run Fast. Eat Slow.  I also made our favorite power balls and packed everything up (and some to take over to my grandma).

I don’t know who I am anymore because I’m really enjoying creating in the kitchen…

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The most viewed posts from last week (in case you missed them) were:

*Exact. Hard Work.  What I’ve been eating.

*Tuesday Tangents & My Proud Moment.

*Skye is 1.5 years old now?!


Has anyone ever done back-to-back races before?

-The Runner’s World one is the only one I’ve done and it was tough!

How do you fuel during a 1/2 marathon?

-I for sure take 1 gel and sometimes 2.

Did you have a special blanket when you were a kid?  Those of you with kids… are your kids obsessed with blankets?

Have any favorite foods items that are no longer sold?

-Anybody remember the cereal Raisin Squares?  I would be so happy if they were sold again.  Best cereal ever.

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Sounds like a perfect Father’s Day! My kids are still obsessed with their baby blankets and I find it so sweet. I love those pineapple platters. So cute. Have a great day!


Thanks Angie! They are from Target:) . I hope you have a great day too!


Happy belated father’s day to Andrew!
Seems to me that the naps when all the chaos is just blocked out are the very best naps because you’re snoozing so hard!
I’ve never done 2 races on the same day or next day–that seems very tiring! I did two half marathons on consecutive weekends and got a third medal for that challenge & it was a fun goal.
It’s been a while since I’ve raced a half marathon, so I usually just take a Gatorade at a couple of water stops along the way. I think I did one gel the last time I was racing for a PR.
I had a pink cotton thermal blanket when I was little, and it was nearly white from fading/washing by the time I gave it up about age 3 or 4. My kids have liked certain blankets at night time, but none ever carried one around and never had a lovey/stuffy; my middle sucked her thumb, though.
I’m actually old enough that some things that stopped being sold have been brought back — ROFL!! Except for potato chipsters, which were sort of like Pringles but smaller and puffier, and more randomly shaped (like regular potato chips).


Yes… those types of naps really are the best. Oh that is awesome about getting a third medal for doing those back to back weekends of half marathons, way to go! I hope those potato chipsters come back asap! Have a beautiful day Corey:)


This meal prepping is impressive! You are doing a great job! I need to get organized and start doing this.

Good luck on the half! You are going to kill it!


Thank you SO much Jennifer, I’m excited! Let me know if you start with meal prepping and share your tips with me. Enjoy your Monday!


Where did you get those cute pineapple serving dishes???


Target! They have so many cute dishes right now and they were cheap:) Have a wonderful week Marley!


I am feeeling the same way about the kitchen! I used to do the easiest meal prep ever to just be done and it was so boring. Now that I have a cookbook I love, its been fun. This week I meal prepped the pumpkin superhero muffins for snacks and the Thai quinoa salad for lunches. I definitely want to try the recovery quinoa salad.

Excited for you this race week! Going to be so fun and can’t wait to hear all about it! During my half, I always take 2 SIS gels, but I always bring a 3rd with me juuuust in case:) I think it’s always better to bring one more than you think you’ll take.

Every week right now feels like the excitement of race week for me because my coach gives me a week of training schedule at a time and I keep seeing my Saturday long run creep up. This past Saturday was my longest run since injury (6 miles, wahooo, lol). Next Saturday I’ll be doing 7. It comes with the excitement and nerves that come during race week, too. Excitement to push and do great, nerves about the unknown. But really just a lot of love for this sport!

Would love to have the link of your dress from church:) Your church outfits are always so so cute!


Hey Eleanor! Here is that link, I love this dress: https://calledtosurf.com/collections/dresses/products/leta-button-dress
I still need to try those pumpkin superhero muffins! Congrats on your 6 miles, that is so exciting… you are coming back so strong. I hope you have a wonderful week!


I’m with Knox on the granola bars.

I still have my blanket packed in a memory box! It was very important to me and there are some funny family stories about it being left behind etc.


Kristen, that is so awesome that you still have yours! So many good memories:) . I hope you get a granola bar with chocolate in it sometimes soon. Enjoy your week!


Part of me wishes I was doing the half instead of the 10k, but with that injury that took forever to heal I know there’s no way I would have been ready for it.

I’m just reminding myself over and over that I usually do much better on a race if I’m having fun. So that’s the goal :)


You are going to have an amazing time on Saturday Jenny! I hope I get to see you there. Cheering for you BIG TIME and so happy that you are running pain free!


Does anyone remember when Wendy’s sold pitas? So good. I’m still bitter that they took it off the menu a decade ago. Usually fast food salads are kinda gross, but the salad in the pita was amazing.


I TOTALLY REMEMBER THIS LYNN! I was also upset about them leaving but forgot about them. Hopefully they will eventually bring them back. Have a wonderful day Lynn.


Wendy’s Pitas were SO GOOD!!


Has anyone ever done back-to-back races before?
No, but I might do that one year, I’ll probably do a 5k then a half. :D

How do you fuel during a 1/2 marathon?
3-4 gels and I’ve been taking the gatorades at each water station lately (except at gu stops, I take the water to eat the gu with)

Have any favorite foods items that are no longer sold?
Snapple mint iced tea

I finally made the thai quinoa salad yesterday and superhero muffins, SO GOOD! Have a great week!


Oh that is so exciting April, please let me know how it goes:) . I hope that iced tea makes a comeback asap. SO glad that you loved the salad and muffins, those cookbooks have the best items. Thanks April, you too!


I’m with Knox…my granola bars should contain chocolate!


Hahaha he was so confused that there was even the option to not have chocolate chips in granola bars! I hope you have a great day Michele!


Happy Monday!

You are doing an awesome job with your meal prepping! Summer break starts Monday for me and I plan to get into the kitchen more myself!
I usually bring 2 gels with me for a half marathon. One for mile 6 and then mile 9 and that seems to work for my body.
Those Heydays look amazing! Is there a recipe you could share?
Have a great day!


Thanks so much Jen and I am so excited that it is almost summer break for you:) . You’ll have to let me know the things that you are making. Let me ask my sis for the recipe… I know she got it off of pinterest. Thanks so much Jen, you too!


Ha! I know we both love our cereal :) Cereal is my food-not-sold anymore either. I used to love this Ice Cream Cones cereal. It had the actual cones (some companies are now trying to do a rift on ice cream cereal but it’s nothing like the 80’s version). There is a you-tube video with the commercial from the 80’s!! :)


ICE CREAM CONES CEREAL?! How did they ever stop making that? I need to look up that video! Have a fabulous day Amanda.


Your quinoa salad looks a lot like the one from Costco. I just bought a batch this weekend and I mixed it with shredded rotisserie chicken to each for lunch during the week.

I did the Goofy challenge with the hubs a few years ago, it was a 10k and a 1/2 marathon. We didn’t go super hard on either and we did an ice bath in between. We are signed up to do the Dopey challenge at Disneyworld in January 2021 for his 40th bday. This should be interesting!

I usually take one gel during a 1/2 marathon.

I had a blanket that my dad’s mom gave me when I was a baby and it had satin edges and I remember rubbing the edges on my face. I finally got rid of it when I got married…


I used to meal prep all the time and seeing you make it look so easy makes me realize I need to start again! I have both the Run Fast, Eat Slow cookbooks and have not made a single thing from either one! I’ll add that to my goal list for this week.
I will be running my fist back to back race in Sept. It is the Fly, Fight, Win Challenge, U.S. Air Force Marathon. Will be running a 5k Friday night, a 10k and 1/2 marathon back to back Saturday Morning. I am super nervous but also excited to challenge myself.
Good Luck on your 1/2 this weekend!


My 4 year old has two blankets that go everywhere with her. I had a blanket too when I was little.

I find using 2 gels during a half is best for me. I used to do just one but I kept hitting a wall hard at mile 11.

Mini Middle cookies were my favorite as a child and then they discontinued them. I could eat a whole box in one sitting so maybe it was for the best.

What Popsicle maker thing do you have? I need to try that quinoa salad. Its looks so good.


I used to run a 5k/10k back-to-back race and remember it being SO HARD. I’d tell myself to use the 5k as a warmup and then race the 10k, but I’m so competitive that I could never do it. So, I’d race the 5k and then absolutely crash and burn on the 10k. Fun stuff! haha
I am totally going to have to get my son a toddler-proof Polly Pocket, now that you mention that. He loves opening and closing things, and I think he would love that!
When I was little, I used to really like the original FunFruits that were shaped like little beans. They started making them in different cartoon shapes, and they just haven’t tasted the same since.


My oldest wore out his blankie with too much cuddling and rubbing – I think he has a square about the size of a handkerchief left. And he still has his teddy in his room. My middle one…had a stuffed lamb and some flannel squares that he loved but he gave them up pretty early so not worn out. My youngest…at five, he has loved/rubbed his blankie into shreds already and his cheetah is very bedraggled and worn.


I never thought about it before, but YES, granola bars must indeed have chocolate chips! I don’t think I’ve ever made granola bars them without them, so I guess I just assumed without thinking that it’s some kind of law…

Good luck with the race! I am a slow runner so I actually need 2 gels during a half: once at the 45-minute mark, and again at the 1:30 mark (I usually finish at around 2:20-2:30). In some of the races I’ve done the organizers have added everything from M&Ms to donuts to whiskey shots (!!) at the aid stations. (I’m almost sure the whiskey station was not part of the official route but something one of the neighborhood residents living along the route came up with!) I pretty much avoid any and all of those — well, okay, maybe I had ONE M&M — because I don’t want to take any chances on an errant “fuel” messing up my run!

All my favorite foods growing up are still available, thank goodness! I do remember totally being in love with a cereal called “Nut ‘n’ Honey” when I was in high school in the ’80s, but I think they’ve basically just recycled the same (roughly) recipe and is now “Honey Bunches of Oats.” So I don’t really feel like I miss anything!


I don’t remember having a special blanket. My husband had one and now my son has it in his room. Both my kids have their own special blankets. My daughters use to be a nice soft pink now it’s more of a brown pink.


Every day reading your posts, I am impressed by your running! I just ran my first half a couple weeks ago and I can’t wait to get better, faster and less tired after each training sesh!


Please ? share the Heydays recipe???


Raisin Squares was the best cereal of all time!! I thought I was the only one who still thinks about them. Sigh … maybe some day we can start a petition to bring them back!
Love all the meal prep posts and your blog!


You know that you can still get the raisin squares in Europe. You will just have to go on a trip to England to get it or order them off of the internet…. but I think they’re call Raisin Wheats! I hope you can find them online and order them! :)


I LOVED Raisin Squares. If you can find Kashi Berry Fruitful Cereal it’s a really good replacement! Try it! You won’t be disappointed.


Just googled raisin squares… and l g they sell them still. They’re called raisin Wheaties!!! But they also have blueberry, raspberry and apricot wheaties! A company called natuqua!

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