71.3, Lifelong Dream & Ultra Training Weekly Summary!

Another round of snow in Utah.  I went out later than normal (Andrew went running first) so I wasn’t running in the dark which made it easy to avoid the ice but I’m excited to not run on the snow anymore in a few weeks.

I tried to mimic the trails…. Lots of hills, my trail shoes and uneven surfaces (the snow).

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Skye had a few stories to fill me in on when I got home.

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My secret to 71.3 miles this week and my body feeling really good—> SO MUCH SLEEP, refueling within a few minutes after finishing each run, 2 complete rest days and mostly easy miles.

Maybe I’m just doing this ultra as an excuse to go to bed at 8:45 on a Friday night;)  I had 10 hours of sleep on Friday night.

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Andrew fulfilled Skye’s lifelong dream of riding around on the vacuum.

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The girls had planned a lunch and I of course couldn’t miss out on that.

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They wanted to go to a little Taqueria.

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We also hit up Costco for the necessary items for a dinner at our house tonight!

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Her new favorite toy.

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For dinner we made French toast…

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And then my sister brought over her homemade açaí bowls.  She combines the frozen berries from Costco (the one without the strawberries), frozen mangos, a little bottle of Naked juice and tablespoon of sweet and condensed milk… topped with granola, honey and unsweetened coconut.

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We finished off the night with games with cousins and neighbors and then watched The Commuter!

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!!! Cannot wait to celebrate with you today!

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Race day is in 34 DAYS and this week helped me to feel confident and ready!

Here’s how it went:

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Monday:  11 miles.  W/U, 7 x 5 minutes (at a 7:03 average pace) with one minute jogging recoveries, C/D

Tuesday:  Off

Wednesday:  33 miles @ 8:41 average.  <— New personal distance record.  I love it when my watch tells me this:

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Thursday:  12 miles @ 9:07 average.  1000 ft of climbing to help train my body to cover hills even though I’m tired.

Friday:  6.15 miles @ 8:50 average!

Saturday:  9.1 miles @ 8:38 average

Sunday:  Off!

71.3 miles total for the week and I have one more hard week before a recovery week!


What are you up to today?!

What was your best run last week?

What was the last movie you watched?  Was it good?

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We just had more snow lastnight too. I am really excited for Spring this year. I just watched Until Forever. Based off of a true story of a young man from MN who battled a rare cancer and his unwavering faith through out it all. Love story in there too. Biggest tip…..have the tissues ready. Quite a few of them. Although sad, such a great story to be told.


Hey Michele, that sounds like a great movie… I’ll be watching. Thanks for sharing and I hope you are having a wonderful Sunday!


Best run was speed work that randomly happened yesterday on the treadmill. I downloaded some new music and that really helped.
Today is all about cleaning ? the kids are thrilled ?. My legs are toast from yesterday so I may do the elliptical later. Trying to stay injury free.
I was convinced by my almost 11 yr old to watch Guardians of the Galaxy with her and it was actually better than expected.
Hope you have a great day celebrating with your dad!!


Dang Janae, you slayed this week :) Happy sunday to you and your family!

My hardest/best run was my 18 miler yesterday which was also a distance record. I negative split the run (when you look at it by 6 mile chunks) which was nice. I didn’t even have that feeling towards the end where everything is in pain and i didn’t want to run. I could have kept going. It was a huge confidence booster for me! I celebrated by eating probably five plates of pasta.

Today I’m a little creaky so I will hop on the foam roller and then my workout for the day will be just a gym lifting session for my upper body because I still don’t trust my legs to run the day after a long run and not get injured. One day :)

The last movie I watched is called Hot Girls Wanted on netflix. It’s about the dark world of amateur porn. I think everyone should watch this movie because it’s a side of the world that I hadn’t thought about. There are no porn scenes but the topics of conversation are graphic. Would still recommend it though.


Awesome mileage this week! You´re so wise to rest well! It´s really spring like here, so today´s run was really nice. We crossed a bridge that was under construction, so we were a bit illegal and adventurous too! After my run we watched our second son play field hockey. Later in the afternoon we´re picking up our daughter from the airport. She visited Barcelona, Spain, with her hockey team. I´m looking forward to all her stories. Last night we watched Bohemian Rhapsody, we really enjoyed it.


Happy Birthday HRG dad!! I’m sure your family will have a great time celebrating him ?
I have 2 days of rest, which is going to feel nice. My 20 miler yesterday felt really hard, but I did it! I usually have rest day before a long run, but because of our schedules this weekend, I did all 50miles in 5 days. So, I think my legs were a little tired yesterday. But, like you, it’s good training to see how your body can handle running fatigued for race days ?
Have a great Sunday Janae ?


It’s so much fun following your training for this 50 and getting excited for all the training I will be doing this summer. You are killing it with your training and I can’t wait to follow your race day.

What I need to know is how you put in all the miles, sleep so much, keep your children alive AND keep your house so clean?!? I am not running that much, only have two kiddos and my house is a disaster. Please teach me your magic =)


Yes, how do you keep your house so clean?


Hey girls! First, my kids sleep SO MUCH. I think they do much more than normal kids ha. Andrew is only gone at work 3 days a week so this week he cleaned the whole house and did laundry! I inherited my mom’s tendency to constantly be picking up ha. Long story short I have a lot of help! Have a wonderful rest of your Sunday Beth & Cynthia!


Happy birthday to HRG Dad!! I’m sure he will feel the love of his incredible family. I bet yummy food will be consumed?


Last night we introduced our daughter to the movie Stargate from when we were in college (1994). We had each watched it soo many times and were super happy that it stood up well to time and that she enjoyed it.
Happy birthday to your Dad!!!!




What a great running week you had!! I am seriously so inspired by all that you do!! My husband and I recently got a puppy and she is exhausting sometimes (my basement treadmill has been a lifesaver, haha) so I can’t even imagine the training that you are able to do with three little ones!! You rock!!

We are off to take our pup to the beach for some playtime. Happy birthday to your dad!!!!


You’re not the only one who loves bedtime! I went to bed at 8:30 last night and I’m not ultra training so what’s my excuse for being so tired? I don’t know but it felt so good!


I am SO glad you had such a great night of sleep… it feels AMAZING!


Today I am flying home from Arizona- so spending hours waiting around airports. I ran the Black Canyon 100k yesterday (new 100km PR!)… I don’t advise getting on a plane 14 hours after finishing an ultra. But. The race course was so pretty and such a fast course. And a free personal (12 inch) pizza at the finish! It was also weird to run an ultra with so many other people. I think there were about 650 running the 100k. It was nice to always have people around to chat with. I’m not sure in Antelope Island is a big race?

The only movies I’ve been watching lately are crappy Halmark movies on YouTube. ?


MANDI… WOW. Huge huge huge congrats on your 100k and PR! That is awesome that you had so many people to talk with along the way and the pizza at the end… brilliant. That’s a great question, I have no idea if it is a big race! I didn’t know you could watch Halmark movies on YouTube, I’ll be doing that on the treadmill! Recover well Mandi and congrats!

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