OUCH + 10 Training Thoughts.

6.2 miles @ 8:24 pace outside which felt super nice after a few days on the treadmill.

Recovery week has sure been different than the last few weeks of training.  I’m fully embracing sleeping in a bit more and the extra recovery.  Next week is my last back to back long run (a 25 miler followed by a 12 miler) and then it is 2 weeks of tapering before the race.

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It was 37 degrees which = shorts weather in my mind but the other runners that I saw out did not see it as shorts weather.  My perception is off.

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Came home to Kodiak Cakes made by Andrew.

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And I’m a big fan of Brooke’s new shirt.




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Just pretending she is a dog with Beretta…

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I saw my good friend Toby (the one that inspired me to try an ultra in the first place).  Isn’t her belt buckle amazing?!  I don’t think I would ever take that off.

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The kids played tag in the backyard with Beretta for a while.

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For my activity with the teenage girls in my neighborhood last night it included a fondue bar.  I brought Rice Krispie Treats for them to dip into the chocolate.

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This week’s episode of the Bachelor (we watched it on Tuesday) was very surprising to me… I was guessing someone else was going home (the last hometown date.. I don’t want to spoil it for anyone).

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Skye fell when she was walking and now she has a fat lip.  Ten minutes later Brooke got hurt so there were a lot of tears last night.

And I’m just realizing now that my shirt was on inside out and backwards… really on top of things over here!

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10 Recent Training Thoughts:

*Andrew found the perfect solution to his problem of being overcooked with everything going on in his life right now… (it’s crunch time for his schooling).  He is now going to do the 15 miler on 3/9 (the race was super nice to switch his bib).  He is beyond trained for it already and it is a distance that excites him right now with everything on his shoulders.  I cannot wait to go cheer him on!

*”Highs are so short lived but you remember them forever.” <— From Nikki Kimball’s documentary.  These running accomplishments of ours take so much time/work/energy to get to some of these things but we remember them forever!

*This old picture of my niece perfectly describes how I feel each and every time I finish one of these long runs during this training cycle:  “Don’t mess with me… I’m on fire:)”

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*Ignorance is bliss?  Andrew and I were going to try to make it up to the race course to get in one of our long runs but that never happened… I’m going to just have fun with the fact that I have no idea what is going to happen next on race day:)

*Take care of the problem NOW.  Toby gave me this tip and it has been really helpful.  Whether it be a rock in your shoe, an item of clothing chafing you a little bit, feeling a little thirsty… don’t wait a mile to figure it out, fix it now!

*My mom sends me every cougar sighting article within a 50 mile radius of where we live… I’m guessing that’s why I’ve recently become nervous of going on the trails alone.

*I’ll probably never train for a spring race again while living in Utah;). I kid… kind of.

*Is it too soon to choose my post-race celebration meal or am I going to be so tired when I finish that I should just plan on eating in bed for 2-3 days after the race?

*I’ve always been the runner that would see a big hill up ahead and pretend that I didn’t see it and turned the other way.  This challenge of training for this race has gotten me out of my comfort zone and always choosing the hilly routes.  The views are a great reward too.

*This training has been great for freshening up on my problem solving skills… rocks, hills, fueling, blisters, chafing, hearing noises in the bushes:). My brain is constantly thinking of how to solve things.  + All running is great for freshening up on our playing skills.

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I hope your last run of February is a great one!


Give me some of your thoughts from your training lately!

At what temperature do you think it is shorts weather?

-I think 32 degrees and above can be but this winter has messed up my brain a little.

What was the last show that you watched?

What are you having for lunch today?

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After your race you should stop at Tasty’s in Kaysville. Main Street and mutton hollow. They have the best donuts!! Double blueberry are my favorite.
Heck l should just meet you at the finish line with a bag of them.


I’ve never heard of Tasty’s. And now I will absolutely be grabbing those or see you at the finish line. I’ll be dreaming of the double blueberry! Have a fantastic Thursday Michelle.


I’ll be referring back to those pieces of advice! Good thoughts there :)
I’m focused on building slowly, not rushing things with training, and that can be hard, but it pays off.
I’m more capris than shorts, but it needs to be 40ish before I feel like it’s time.
I tried to watch an episode of Sherlock (1st season) on Netflix last night, and I kept falling asleep!!
I’m having my standby lunch: salad with grilled chicken, black olives (somebody has to love them, right?), hard-boiled egg, sunflower seeds, and red wine vinegar.
Have a great Friday-eve!


Oh noooo … try Sherlock again:) . I loved it! Hahah I’ll send you my olives and Andrew will send you his hard-boiled eggs:) . ENJOY and I think that is the perfect plan for your training. Thanks Corey!


You guys are going to have so much fun and happy to hear Andrew realized his cup was runneth over and switched to a distance he could crush! Been really cold here in the Maritimes so training has been hard this week. Faces froze on Tuesday during our run in -26 celcius! I wimped out and went to an indoor track last night. Only 46 days til Boston. I am always cold so it doesn’t mean shorts until it’s +15 C here. Lunch today is a sandwich, superhero muffin and some cheese. Hope the girls feel better soon from their falls. Have a great day.


WHAT?!?! BE CAREFUL OUT THERE! I’m glad you got to the indoor track last night. You are going to do incredible at Boston and I can’t wait to hear all about it (you better tell me). Those muffins are the best. Thanks Jennifer!


I know you are still far away from Jackson, WY but I am still in awe that you guys are having nice weather and Wyoming is getting pummeled with so much snow – guess it’s better for your runs!

I tried out the new show Enemy from Within on Monday – I love CIA shows and I loved Dexter and it has the sister from it. After 1 episode it looks good. I DVRed Whiskey Cavalier last night (huge Scott Foley fan) so I’ll watch that soon.

I’m starting from scratch with my running – finished up C25K and up to 2.5 miles on the treadmill – February has been my first month with all running, not run/walking, and as much as I hate the treadmill (I only got outside once this month), it is so good for my mental toughness that has completely disappeared.


Hey Jessey! I am so sorry you guys are still getting so much snow. You are so right, that treadmill is making you super mentally and physically strong. You are doing awesome Jessey. Stay warm!


YES to Brooke’s shirt!!! And I’m with you on the shorts weather. I usually don’t wear pants unless it’s colder than 32.

I’m still making my way through New Girl right now, and I watched that while I was at the gym this morning (it was a treadmill kind of morning because every once in a while I get an eerie feeling about running so early in the morning, which I think stems from the gun situation from years ago). But a thought from training lately: I’m excited to be starting speed work again! I had a dream last night that I signed up for a race, so I’m looking forward to that actually happening soon!!


Above 40 degrees is shorts weather for me! Unless the sun is out… then I could maybe do it in the 30’s :) Spring races are SO hard to train for when you live in snowy climates. I live in Vermont, and I think we get even more snow than you. Lots of cold runs and lots of treadmill time, but it’s always worth it in the end. Another recent training thought for me was I love how it is getting light out much earlier so I don’t have to use my headlamp as long, but I’m a little bummed it will be daylight savings time soon so there will be less light for early morning runs. On the flip side, there will be more light for evening walks! Hope you have a great day!


I laughed entirely too hard at your shirt being inside out and backwards. I’ve done that too! My husband about fell over laughing when I did it with my running capri’s! Hey…I was dressed! Right? LOL! I realized that my socks, which I thought were gray this morning, are navy…and SO do not match my outfit. Oh well! It will keep my co-workers guessing! :)

Lunch is a big ‘ol salad Janae style…WAY more toppings than lettuce! I SWEAR there IS lettuce! ;)


I will never forget how good it felt to lay in bed and watch TV (in our hotel) after my first half marathon, which was the longest distance I’d ever run at that point. My husband went out and got me a sandwich that I ate in bed, and that was the best thing ever. We had an amazing dinner out later that night, but if I could go back in time I would DEFINITELY opt to stay in bed and have him bring me dinner too haha. I say you should decide what type of food you might look forward to, but don’t commit to going out anywhere with reservations or something. See how you feel and go with it!


Skye’s hair is getting so long! I really think that makes “babies” look so much older. I guess techinically she’s a toddler now though, huh?! When her hair is long, she and Brooke are going to look so much alike!

Thoughts from my training lately–I’ve been doing more speedy work, and I’m loving the track work. There’s just such a runner’s high that comes from that for me!

Shorts—-in a race maybe 40s?? In general, 50s :)

Lunch today—I have an 8 mile easy run after school, so I needed something hearty. I packed left over Mexican chicken and rice—it’s pretty much rice/chicken/salsa/shredded cheddar cheese :)

I hope you have a FABULOUS day, Janae!!!


So, my hip is really bugging me so I asked a PT friend of mine what she thought… My marathon on March 24th will now be just for fun, sight seeing through LA with my hubby, and making sure I really don’t injure myself more. A little disappointing, but there will be more races up ahead. And the quote is so perfect for me right now! Last year was my best marathon, a Boston qualifier, a day I will remember forever ?
Lunch today will be with a good friend, yay! Not sure where yet, but that doesn’t really matter.
Last show I watched was Windy City Rehad (HGTV).
Have a great day ?


It has been so long since I have run outside! I didn’t run on my treadmill once last winter but February has been brutal with no end in sight. It is supposed to be -11 degrees here on Sunday night. Yes, many of the sidewalks and streets have melted with the liberal application of salt but since I run at the crack of dawn, I don’t trust that I will see the slick patches in the dark. Woe to all of us this brutal winter!

I am having leftover lasagna for lunch. We tried a lasagna with white sauce, mushrooms, spinach and sweet Italian sausage. It was sooooo good and now I get it for lunch today.


Morning Janae! I would love to hear what you Feb mileage was with this ultra training!

I agree that 30s are shorts weather. Below that I would put pants on but I live in Florida so we have like a handful of runs in the 30s and then the rest higher. So I don’t have running pants;)

Last show I watched->This is Us. I figured it would be super cliche since everyone is in love with it but nope, it was as amazing as people say it is.

Lunch today->rice and beans in tortillas. Carb load in full effect!


I have been watching “friends” on repeat lately! Lunch today is a not too interesting salad. Do you know where Brooke’s shirt is from? That would be a perfect one for coaching track (if I can find it in an adult size)!


I will never ever ever get sick of Friends. Keep enjoying! I got it at Target and I’m really hoping that they have adult sizes because we should all get them. Have a wonderful day Alisha!


I agree, Friends will never bore me!


I am finally back at the gym after taking 2 months off (TWO MONTHS- well, except for 3 workouts too soon which probably lead to the last 5 weeks) thanks to a nasty respiratory system infection. I’m still coughing a little bit but not bad. I’ve lost sooo much fitness, strength and balance. So I’m not even trying to start up where I was or even at the start of the program I was doing. I’m literally doing the revised program I had written for my 12 year old. And it’s kinda perfect. I know it’ll come back fast, that my muscles will remember. For now I’m just enjoying being back in the gym and waking up with sore muscles. (I know that sounds weird to most people…)


Kristen, YOU ARE BACK!! You are in a new chapter of life now… forget the past and enjoy your now. You are doing awesome! Hahah I know exactly what you mean:)


We have sooo much snow and the month of February where I live is going in the history books as the fifth coldest ever recorded!!! Its been brutal with our daytime highs not even being close to what our overnight lows should be averaging. Most mornings waking up to – 40’s windchill. So have fun in your shorts, lol!


I cannot complain compared to what you guys have been through! FIFTH COLDEST EVER. I hope that you get blessed with an amazing spring/summer/fall after enduring that. GOOD LUCK and drink some hot chocolate for me:)


I ran today after a week of being sick and even though I had a massive side ache the whole time it felt SO GOOD! I wanted to cry when I had to stop haha. Does that ever happen to you? I’m so ready to start another training cycle!


I’m thrilled that you are finally better. My sister was sick for about a week too! Keep me updated with how this new training cycle goes, you are going to do amazing!`


LOVE love LOVE Brooke’s shirt! Do they make thin adult sizes?

Way to go on the training ? I added hills to my runs and now I’m at a 14 minute mile lol.

The Bachelor was ? bananas!

Who was your favorite Bachelor lead? Who was your favorite Bachelorette lead? #bachelornation


Hey Sydney!! I got it at Target so maybe they do… I’ll check! That is AWESOME, way to go girl. Those hills get us so strong. I love your use of bananas. I think Sean was my favorite Bachelor and Rachel my favorite Bachelorette:) . Have a beautiful day.


It’s been a struggle lately so my training thoughts have been: When will I be injury free again? Why does it hurt so much to run but not ride my bike?

So, long sleeves and gloves with shorts? Hmm… I tend to toss my gloves first, if my hands are too warm everything feels too warm! And anything below 50 feels cold to me!

We’ve been having our sandwiches on Rye bread this week and it’s been so good! Our grocery store doesn’t seem to carry Rye bread year round so when I spotted it this week I grabbed a loaf.


Cougars freak me out, be careful!!
I have a race this weekend….5k Saturday and half marathon on Sunday….so my last run was 3.4 miles yesterday ( for my 34th birthday!). Watching the weather closely….looks like a dry 5k and a wet half….maybe that will work to my advantage.


Ha when I saw you in shorts I was like “Oh lucky it is warm by her”… not warm! I need it to be like 60 degrees to run in shorts. I always used to run in shorts and high socks even in the winter so I don’t know why I am such a wimp now haha. I have been watching Grey’s Anatomy from the beginning. I watched it in college but then after college I kind of stopped. So now I am catching up. It is so good I don’t know why I stopped watching! I am meeting my Mom, Grandma, and Aunt for lunch today. I think we are being fancy and going to Wendy’s. Will probably have one of their salads!


Hi! First of all, I love your blog. I am so appreciative of your positive outlook, but also that you don’t shy away from sharing the real and hard stuff. Thank you!

I have a slightly unusual question that I hope you’re willing to answer. I am so sorry if this is offensive; I realize even well-intended questions can be offensive, and I sincerely hope this doesn’t fall in that category. Are there any clothing guidelines I should follow when going to a Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (but not for a service)? I’m donating blood with the Red Cross this weekend, and the blood drive is at a church. My normal weekend uniform is leggings, but I don’t want to wear anything that would come across as disrespectful. I appreciate any guidance/advice you may have! Have a great day!


Anne! Thank you so much for your sweet comment:) You can wear whatever you want! Leggings are perfect! You are so kind to think about this:) Thank you for donating blood, you are amazing! Have a great day.


Hi Anne. I’m sure Janae will chime in but (I’m a member of the same church but in Missouri) let me say you can wear whatever you want. Nothing will be offensive or disrespectful. If you wear it to the grocery store, laundry mat, park, you can wear it to church any day of the week including Sunday’s! The Red Cross and those working the blood drive will be happy you’re donating and if you wear leggings to Sunday church service those in the congregation will be happy you’re there. The only universal thing we ALL wear is a SMILE! :) So please donate blood in leggings and then come back any day!


Thank you so much, Betsy and Janae! I really appreciate you taking the time to reply, and so kindly!


I can’t remember the last time I wore shorts. And now they probably wouldn’t even fit me if I did want to wear them. Ha!

I think Andrew is very smart for making this change ;)

Did Toby tell you I met her a couple weeks ago? She bought some cookies from me. I only talked to her for a minute because I was in a hurry, but she seemed like the happiest, cutest, nicest person.

I watched Roswell, New Mexico yesterday. This new Roswell reboot is nothing like the original, but I still like it. There are some things that aren’t my favorite, but it is suspenseful enough that I keep going back for me. Plus, I’m a dedicated Roswell fan soooo

I think he is super into Cassie, but only physically and I don’t think she is super into him. I think he and Skipper are the most compatible. Not sure what her real name is. She looks like Barbie’s younger sister, Skipper. All I know is, I’m just pissed Colton didn’t jump the dang fence this week…again…


You are killing your training, I hope you LOVE the course on race day (I am sure you will)!

After really long races my stomach can never handle much so I just plan a celebration day (yes FULL day) for the day after the race with my favorite foods =)


Beretta’s expression in that photo of Skye pretending she’s a dog just cracks me up. Is Beretta thinking, “Oh child, you don’t have what it takes to be a dog”? Or is Beretta thinking, “Her technique is appalling”? :)


BAHAHAH I bet Beretta is thinking both of those things ha! I hope you are having a wonderful day Marilyn!


45 degrees is shorts weather! I think it could be fun not knowing the trail–part of trail racing is that trails are always changing anyway! All the views will be new and you can remind yourself you’ll never know what great thing you’ll see next.

I think you should definitely plan your extravagant meal for right after the race, when you’ve got that high, and then spend the next three days having food brought to your bed. :-)

Lunch: the soba noodle dish from Run Fast Eat Slow, except I put the yellow curry sauce from Trader Joe’s on it instead of peanut sauces! It is so. good.


Yes, that is so true… it will make it even more adventurous, I can’t wait! I like that food plan a lot. And I need that lunch.


*Brooke’s shirt! ??
*I think Andrew made a wise choice. At the very end my husband’s MBA (Sept-Dec), it was SO difficult for him—he was so fried and just pulled in so many different directions. (It was hard on me too because I was holding down the fort and trying to be his cheerleader for that last sprint to the finish, so props to you too, mama! He couldn’t do this without you!!) Andrew is so wise to listen to his body and spirit right now. Do what he’s got fuel for, because this is the fun stuff, not the live or die stuff. He can still share something with you but not tip the balance of his currently very heavily loaded plate. Props to him.
*I love your mom! That is something I would totally do.
* “Take care of it now” is some of the best LIFE advice, as well as training/race advice ever. With so many of the health problems I’ve been dealing with for the last 1.5 years, one of the doctors looked at me and said, “I can’t help but wonder if some of this is because, as a wife and mom, you’ve been taking care of everyone else’s needs first and your body has decided this is the only way you’ll listen to it. It’s kind of like pushing a beach ball under the water…sure, you can get it to go under, but it’s just going to pop up in a different place. Our body and our mental health will only allow us to ignore it’s needs for so long.” So, yeah… Take care of it now. I like it.
*Last show? Hm…not a big TV watcher, so the movie I told you about yesterday (which, btw, would make a GREAT YW activity…and how fun that you are back in YW!) was probably it. But actual TV show? Uummm…well, I watched an Ernest Shackleton documentary last night, but that was on dvd. Does that count? Sometimes we watch The Brady Bunch on Hulu in the evenings or The Dick Van Dyke Show on Prime because those are pretty wholesome. ?‍♀️ Other than that, John Adams, last week. I just realized how NOT trendy my television habits are…
*I haven’t run in forever so I’m probably disqualified from the shorts question, but they make me chafe anyway. Capri girl, all the way, haha. So, I’ll say that the sleeveless tank goes on when it hits 58-60 for me. I know, I’m weird. Most runners would be having heat stroke at about 45 degrees. ?

Have a great Feb 28th Janae! 2 months of 2019 down… How did that happen?!

P.S. Take Andrew to Phat Axe. Seriously, it’ll be a great date night for *both* of you!


You just explained perfectly how both of us are feeling!! That is so true about the take care of it now thing. I am so sorry you have been going through all of this for so long. Yes, I just got called back in (I think I forgot to blog about that ha). I taught one week of primary and then they released me and I was thinking… WHAT DID I DO WRONG ha and then they told me they want me with the beehives instead:) . I didn’t know The Brady Bunch was on Hulu… I want to watch that with Brooke! I told Andrew about that and we are going to do that in a few weeks to celebrate! Have a wonderful day!


I would rather train hard for a fall race than spring race!
To wear shorts I’d say starting at mid 40s. I have a great pair of capris that are shorter than standard size so they come just below by knee and are great for when I’m not sure if I should wear shorts or tights.


I’m going to have to strongly agree with you about training for a fall race! Oh those capris sound like the perfect option. Have a wonderful day Mary!


Hi Janae! My family Will get the first opportunity to shop at Costco this weekend!! (We live in very rural Northern Wisconsin). Any must buys ? I thought maybe you could list a few in your Friday Favorites. ;-)


HEY MAGGIE!! Oh I am so so excited for you! We love their produce, the uncooked tortillas, the flautas, their soups are awesome, I always get my Kodiakcakes there, the morning summit cereal with almonds…
I have a longer list in this post… I hope it helps! https://hungryrunnergirl.com/2018/01/please-share-this-with-me-sharing-what-our-musts-are.html

Have a great time!


Skye is being a little Brooke by pretending to be a dog!


Hahaha YES… so maybe she is actually mimicking Brooke;) . Have a beautiful day Elizabeth!


I have to do my run tonight when my hubby gets home and I’m so not wanting to do it. I’m super sore from weight lifting and feeling really tired. But I’m going to do it anyway and I’m going to try to run outside so that will help get me out the door.

I pretty much never wear shorts because I’m thick thighed :) But I bought a couple running skirts to try out this summer. I’d say it take 70’s for me to wear shorts though


Way to go getting in the lifting… I have such a hard time getting motivated to do that unless I’m going to a class. I hope your run later feels great and loosens up your body! I hope you love the running skirts this summer (it feels good to even just type the word summer haha… I’m reading)! Have a wonderful rest of your day Lisa.


It wasn’t pretty but I got done!




Skye’s poor little lip!
When my little guy (who still isn’t walking… but will get there) has had too much excitement for the day, I describe him as being “overcooked,” just like you did with Andrew. 15 miler? No shame in that at all!
I agree 100% with the advice to fix something ASAP. I’ll add to that — go comfortably slow, and then slow down a bit more. Miles 40-50 feel entirely different than miles 20-30 of a training run. You are going to do fantastic, though. You are WAAYYY more trained than I have ever been in my entire life, and I’ve done a bunch of ultras. If I can do it, you will ROCK it!


THANK YOU for that tip about go comfortably slow and then slow down a bit more. I need that (remind me again the day before the race please). He just wants to be carried around… that is what Skye does when it is just me and her but she knows Andrew is going to get her to try to walk more so she does for him! Have a beautiful day Stacey.


I GOT ACCEPTED TO RUN THE NYC MARATHON!!!! I’m so excited and so nervous! I really didn’t think I would get it…I figured I would just apply every year until I got it….but here we are! It’ll be my 2nd marathon ever and my first time ever to New York! If you may or may not remember, I was the crazy who ran the Portland marathon with no training……so I really want to do it right this time. BUT priority #1×10000000 is to show up healthy and injury free! This is definitely shifting my outlook to a more long term one with running. :)


AHHHH BEST NEWS!! HUGE CONGRATS ALYSSA! This is so so exciting! Keep me updated with everything!


Just a thought to your point of should u plan on what u r going to eat or will u be too tired? I ran 2 50km trail ultras within 3 weeks of each other and both times wasn’t really too tired and did have an appetite but nothing out of the ordinary until a couple days later. I have also done long distance triathlons and winter bike ultras where I have been active for long stretches of time. For me, that has been the key: time on my feet being active.


Andrew is a smart guy! I’m thinking I may have to change to a 1/2 instead of a whole in April since I’ll be in a boot for at least part of March for a broken ankle (I rolled it while running in the dark!) Clearly I live in California because 32 = tights, long sleeves, a vest, gloves, and a head warmer. Ha. Seriously though! 55 = shorts for me :)


Oh i am so glad Andrew is doing a more reasonable race (still crazy long for me!!!). Such a healthy decision for him and your family. Glad you guys were able to still train together but realize that the ultra distance isn’t the right time for his season of life!! Can’t wait until he does do it (because he will maybe???) or he finds something more fun for HIM!!! Hugs and kisses to you both from mAryland!

Ps another vlog soon????? Love them

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