Sentence Per Picture & My Current Favorite Stretch for Runners.

I tried to copy Brooke’s hairstyle and I was pretty excited about it.

4 miles on my treadmill @ 8:50 pace.  Brooke joined me for a walking cool-down when she woke up.

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Burn Bootcamp shoulders/back/core with Melissa… I can push myself with running on my own but with strength training I have yet to be successful so I love having them push me.

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Skye checking out the place after her time in kids club.

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Skye took a nap and then we met up with friends for lunch.  She brought out all of her best tricks to show them.

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Second day in a row of going to a park.


We could get used to this life.

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She reorganized her sock drawer while I made dinner (I keep her diapers/wipes/changing pad/pjs/socks in the kitchen drawer… we are usually in that area so it makes it easy).

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She folds her arms for a prayer when we tell her too now!

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I made this deliciousness for dinner… Thai Peanut Noodles (I added spinach at the end of cooking the sauce to add some green)… I had two bowls it was so good.

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We both loved it a lot but Brooke thought it was too spicy and Skye threw hers on the ground.

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Michelle sent Brooke the prettiest necklace and other adorable items from her Etsy… thank you!

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Victoria sent me over this article after my post about my struggle with amenorrhea which talks about the shift from The Female Athletic Triad to RED-S (“to emphasize that the condition affects all athletes- not only females- and to redirect the focus to energy intake”)…. Very interesting.

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I think these will be my March shoes because of their gorgeous greens (they are the Ricochets).

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Sarah sent this to me and I can 100% relate with this cartoon… It actually made my lips feel dry (even though I had a thick layer of lip gloss on) just reading it.

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We did this stretch at bootcamp the other day and am I the only runner that has never tried this?  It felt sooo good on my piriformis and hip flexor.  I gently pushed my knee down and boom… turns out I was really tight right there from all of the running.   I’ve done a similar stretch when I’m on my back but this version feels awesome.

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Where do you tend to get the most tight from all of your training?  

If you are a lip product addict like me, please tell me what your favorite is!

This is my obsession.

What is your workout today?

Keep anything in your kitchen that most people don’t (ie my baby’s wardrobe;)?

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Apparently, my hamstrings get tight. the orthopedist informed me that my swollen knee is from tight hamstrings. i got a cortisone shot and a list of stretches to do. the cortisone shot hasn’t taken full effect yet………..i’m getting anxious. it has been five days and he said three to five days. i’m way off my game from not running for almost two months.

my daughter is like you with lip balm. she has to have it at all times.

workout was just walking and stretching until the cortisone shot kicks in all the way. it will be really nice to finally run a mile. the doctor said to take it slow. it will be hard but like you say “I can do hard things.”


Oh Lee, I hope that you are able to feel healthy and 100% asap and able to run again. Thinking about you, please keep me updated!


Hahaha, I’m right there with you on the lip gloss! I can’t live without Victoria’s Secret Candy, Baby. It’s my fave, and I absolutely become that girl in the cartoon if I don’t have it with me at all times.

I was really encouraged by my workout today! I did hill repeats bookended by tempo runs. It hurt but felt SO good at the same time. My hips and glutes get incredibly tight, so I tried to focus on using my hips a lot more going up the hills and powering through the tempos and tried to make sure that I was activating my glutes as much as I could, too.

Thanks for all of your encouragement, Janae. I appreciate you and your friendship. Happy Wednesday!!


I usually use alba botanica unpetroleum jelly for lips and under my nose when it is dry (sorry , tmi!). BUT I saw a “fancy” (for me) lip balm at Sephora when shopping with my niece, smelled it and fell in LOVE! It is called Peach Lip Balm by Too Faced cosmetics. I usually don’t like the lip balms where you have to stick your finger in and in the store they didn’t have a tube form (not sure if it can be found elsewhere). BUT given how awesome it is, I’m very happy with the purchase! Good on the lips and smells really good (I am sensitive to smells in general. ha)


My hips get really tight from running, pigeon pose feels so good to stretch it out! Also, I went to a foam rolling class a couple weeks ago and we started out using a lacrosse ball under our feet- it’s amazing what a difference just rolling out your feet made in the rest of your body!!


I have a tube of Maybelline Baby Lips Quenched lip balm at work, in my purse, in my kitchen, in my nightstand, and in my work out bag. I also have cherry chapstick everywhere in my house too.


I love that you are prepared with your lip necessities at all time!


I just got back from group power. It’s good for me, but I do get a little bored with it. I need the structure though.

In my kitchen I have a drawer for toothpaste & toothbrushes, and a drawer for hair things (brushes, hairspray, etc). This is totally for my convenience when my kids are getting ready.


I used to have a drawer in the kitchen with those things too when my kids were younger! We lived in a 2 story house at the time & it just made it easier to have it there


Oh my goodness the weather the last few days has been amazing, and of course I got sick so I didn’t spend much time out in it. (I’m feeling better now, just a little left over congestion so I hope we have more of it) spring is trying to come now! Sometimes winter can just be a little pushy haha.


My hips get really tight so I try to stretch them after every run, doesn’t always happen.

I am an Blistex (medicated) addict. If it is not within eye shot I tend to freak out and go on a man hunt until it is found. My husband always asks me if I have it before we leave the apartment so I don’t complain to him later, haha

Today is a rest day and thank goodness for that because this marathon training is kicking my tired butt right now.

My kitchen is far too small to keep anything other than essentials in there. We are probably the opposite way around where we have a couple draws in the living room full of kitchen things (Tupperware, baking things, lunch boxes)


I can’t really attest for long rungs, but after a long hike anything that stretches my hip flexors and achilles’ heel feels amazing (yogi squats in particular…)


The matching hairstyle ROCKS! Twinners=Winners!

Right now my hip flexor is needing some attention, so I will try your stretch. Usually it is my quads.

I have to have chapstick, lip balm, or lipstick on while running, sleeping, and awake. But I cannot stand lip gloss! It is so sticky and leaves prints on cups, Kids, husbands, toothbrush, etc. Are you constantly wiping it off of people/things?

Today is an easy run. I am actually following a training plan this cycle instead of running easy/short or easy/long all the time. Though a plan with words (other than just miles to hit), is not my favorite, I find myself looking forward to the nuances each day and am determined to stick with it for 8 weeks and see what sort of results are at the endZ

In my kitchen we have an old antique wagon seat! It is the mantel over our fireplace in the kitchen. Also an old butter churn and a milk-can that my grandpa used to use to carry milk in from the cows. But those seem sort of normal (or at least they were in the olden days).


Kiehl’s Buttermask for lips! I put it on when I get in bed. I am obsessed!!!!


Ummm the word Buttermask made my lips drool:). I hope you have an amazing day Christina and that they never stop making your favorite:)


I’m a chapstick addict, just regular plain chapstick and can relate to that cartoon! I was volunteering at my sons school the other day and didn’t bring my purse in and was going crazy without my chapstick and I tried kicking my lips too!
My hips are what get right too and my calves I’ve noticed lately.


Hi Janae!! Just had to jump in and share that the pose you’re doing is called double pigeon/agnistambhasana (I’m a yoga teacher:)) and I agree that it is the absolute BEST for tight hips and glutes. I include it in almost every class. If stacking your shins with knees over ankles ever feels too intense (after a 50 miler, perhaps;)), you can try it with one shin in front of the other, taking your knees a bit wider, and folding forward. Have an awesome Wednesday! x


AHHH thank you for letting me know what the name is and I want to come to your yoga class! Thank you for that tip because I will definitely need to modify it in a few weeks. Have a wonderful day Cara!


Oh my hip flexors are my tight spot! And right now, in the peak of marathon training, my left hip flexor is really giving me a hard time! I have actually had to do many miles this last week, on the elliptical because it’s been hurting. I will definitely be trying that stretch!
I don’t have a specific lip gloss or chapstick, but I do use whatever I have all day long! I hate for my lips to be dry.
Heading out the door for 10 miles…. Mixing the miles with the treadmill and the elliptical.
Oh, that Thai dish looks so good!!
Have a great day!


I am all about the BUrt’s Bees version of chapstick. I blame Tom for getting me hooked on it, but I need it!!!!!

YAY for Burn. I wish so much I could afford it. In my ideal world, I would do Burn 3 times/week, run 3 times/week, teach one Body Flow and one RPM class per week, take one spin class per week, and take yoga twice/week. My reality isn’t quite like that right now, but I can keep on believing that this is just FOR RIGHT NOW, right?

In our kitchen (which is SO TINY), we have a drawer with packing tape and quick-access things like a small box of screws and a screwdriver, a small box of nails and a small hammer, and some twine. Somehow it makes sense to us. It’s the “household-handy” version of a “stuff” drawer, and to me the thought of finding what I need in Tom’s enormous tool box is overwhelming (but to him the toolbox is WAY TOO SMALL. Underneath his vaguely nerdy/vaguely preppy Tom-ness, HE IS SUCH A DUDE).

My hip flexors get ridiculously tight, and things like that piriformis stretch or like pigeon pose in yoga get so difficult for me. But I need it. Lately, my sciatic nerve has been getting pinched a lot and I hobble around like a lopsided penguin a good deal. It started right after a massage I had a few weeks ago, and it’s been coming up a lot since then. The only thing that really SEEMS to help, in all honesty, is epsom salts baths, aleve, some gentle and restorative yoga poses, and sleep.

But my hip flexors. They are the very first to tighten up like crazy. Not fun.

My workout today: this morning I went to a spin class at a studio that’s in my neighborhood and that opened last summer. I hesitated to go, because I felt like taking a different spin format would be like “cheating” on RPM, but I also wanted to try something different (but still in my wheelhouse). So this morning I went–the first class is free, so that made it easy. It was fun, but some of the things that they do in spin classes like tapbacks and push ups and isometric movements with 2 lb weights while still spinning (which feels like patting your head while rubbing your belly) are weird and awkward to me. But the teacher was great, the playlist was fun, and there were a lot of people who were all working hard. And I liked that.


Hi Janae, I’m impressed with your training this cycle and I love seeing you achieve your goals. And I love that it is 45 degrees today at my house!! If you liked that Thai recipe then you should try this similar one. I like the adaptability and all the protein. I don’t think your kids will like it any better but it’s a favorite at our house.

My hamstrings are my problem area at the moment. I love lifting weights but it tightens me up for sure. I have to roll more and scrape more.


Okay, the picture on her blog of the shrimp, egg, noodles etc all in the pan… made me want to go get the ingredients right this second. We will be making this, thank you! Let me know someday if you have made other recipes from her because her pictures make everything look so good. I hope your hamstrings loosen up a bit and thanks so much. Have a great day Liza!


I’m so glad you got to read the article on RED-S. I hope more and more doctors get educated on how to spot this in their patients because it can hold people back in athletics and cause long term health problems.

Haha you linked to my blog, now I feel obligated to update it for the first time in almost 3 years.


Bahaha I did that on purpose to motivate you to update it again;). Thank you for sharing! I hope you are having a wonderful day Victoria!


That lip balm thing has me laughing uncontrollably. I have to show that to a few of my friends, I turn into freak out mode with my lip balm. Carmex will be my first love and most effective in winter. I use lip butter from Bend Soap. I love Bath & Body’s lip glosses. I’ll cut this list down and admit, I have 30+ of them but my fave’s stay in pockets, purses and car. At last count, my daughter had 40+ chapsticks. We have since went to chapstick and lip gloss rehab, we have to use up what we have before purchasing more, and we can then only purchase absolute favorites. The addiction is real people !


You are not alone… it is a very valid thing to freak out about. Hahaha I love that your daughter has the addiction too, I’m sure Brooke will start any day now!


I’m going to have to try that Thai recipe–I always think I don’t like Thai food, but it might just be the aroma of certain spices, so I’ll have to experiment and get out of my food comfort zone :)
My hip flexors do get really tight, and then my lower back starts to tighten up, too. I’ll have to try that stretch!
I like Burt’s Bees tinted lip color and also the pomegranate lip balm. Neither makes my lips very shiny, but keeps them from being dry.
Keeping Skye’s essentials in the kitchen within easy reach is genius!!
I’m celebrating a couple of milder weather days with you! Enjoy!


Let me know what you think of it if you try it! Oh I have that Burt’s Bees tinted lip color too and it is awesome. Enjoy the warmer weather:). Thanks Corey!


I am a lip balm purist! Haha :) Bonne Bell Lip Smackers ALL THE WAY!


I LOVE LIP SMACKERS and Brooke is now understanding how great they are too… it’s very exciting. Have a wonderful day Monica!


I grew up with socks being in a bottom kitchen cabinet. I didn’t do it again until we moved int our current house with our bedrooms being on the second floor. The kids never wear socks in the house and who wants to go ALL the way back upstairs to get socks when the bus will be there in 5 min. We have a nice size kitchen so why not. People come over and think is weird until I explain and then it sounds practical.


It really is so so convenient… it saves us when we are running out the door too. Have a great day Lexa!


The lip cartoon made me cringe! I can’t even go to the store without it! Right now I’m using Sexy Mother Pucker from Soap and Gory. I have to apply it with a wand and I’m all about less is more so I hate that 1 extra step! Ha! Plus, I have a hard time being ok with leaving it laying around in front of my kids; it just feels wrong!!
I knew I had gotten tight from so much running but when I started to have cupping done I didn’t realize just how tight I was. The stretch you’re doing looks oh so painful because that is one of my many problem areas. And here I thought running was good for you! Ha!
You keep Skye’s clothes in the kitchen?! That’s genius! When my boys were babies I had a basked with everything in it in the living room … that’s about all the creativity I can muster!
No workout for me … fighting a cold that has taken down my littlest and myself. The oldest and my husband are still going strong (but from the looks of my house you would think everything had the plague!!!!) We’re on day 4 and the break from not working out hasn’t been as awful as i would have thought. I think my last break was in October after a 30k and that was only a few days!
Have a great day!


Hahah I totally get what you are saying about less is more! Josse gets cupping done and loves it, I seriously need to try that out. I hope that everyone is feeling 100% asap (and that your husband and oldest avoid it completely)!


We recenrly got a few burn bootcamp studios and I wonder if they are the same. People swear by them around here! I keep meaning to go and try.

My hips tend to get the most tight and I have to be careful to stretch otherwise I have issues down the line.


Go and try it Hollie! It is the same thing… it’s all over the country:).


I can totally relate to that cartoon! I need to have lip balm or gloss with me at all times. My lips get soooo dry otherwise!

I keep hearing about Burn Bootcamps online. I don’t think they’re in Canada though. The next time I’m in the US I might have to try one.


YES and dry lips is torture! Yes, try it out if you can sometime and let me know what you think… I’ll be sore for a week ha. Have a wonderful day Fiona.


I actually had to pull lip gloss out of my drawer and put it on while reading this. My fave is Christian Dior Lip Glow – Color Reviver Balm. I don’t understand the magic but somehow it draws the natural color out of your lips and makes you look like you have lipstick on even if you buy their clear…and they also have lightly tinted ones. I have one in my purse..and desk…and… Totally worth the cost.

Love the shoes! How many do you keep in rotation at a time?


Hey Baili!! Hahaha that made me laugh reading about you putting on while reading this;) . That stuff sounds amazing, I need to try it! I usually have about 4-5 shoes I’m rotating through… I have a problem!

Have an amazing day!


Wednesday is always leg day for me. I am really trying to improve my leg strength. My right hip is very tight and I need to stretch more often than I do.

I used to keep art supplies in my kitchen. That way I could give my kids activities to do while I made dinner.

I only need chapstick when I am running, I can’t run without it. I guess it takes my focus off of my tired legs because I can’t think about anything else when my lips feel dry.


Way to go getting in your leg day each week! Ummmm great idea on the art supplies, I’m going to copy you. Hahaha I understand completely what you said about not being able to think about anything else.


My outer hip is always tight, just googled it because I’ve been curious about it and it seems that is my Gluteus Medius. No matter how much I stretch it always seems tight.

Today’s workout was Weight lifting and Yoga. Tomorrow is my run day.


Great workout today and enjoy your run tomorrow… hopefully yoga helped that Gluteus Medius of yours (I had to google to see where that is too:). Have a great day Lisa.


That cartoon! I am double bad. I carry Shaka lip balm AND VS lip gloss. I have some in my purse, backpack, flightsuit and bathroom. One time we left for a flight and I forgot both! I was freaking out (you understand) then my medic told me he had “chapstick”. I powered through. #neverforget


HAHAH DOUBLE… I do understand and I am very grateful that your medic had some to spare for you. Also, Andrew wants to come with you guys one day. Have a wonderful day Kathee!


I will have to try that stretch, especially because of wearing a boot. It really messes with my hips!

I cannot not use Carmex. It’s a problem. I have them everywhere. In every purse, on my counter, next to my bed, in my desk…

Today was 35 min. of the stationary bike and then strength.


Oh I bet… how much longer do you have of the boot? I hope you are recovering asap! At least you know Carmex will most likely ALWAYS be around and you can get it anywhere. Have a wonderful day Marissa!


Aaahhhh! Brooke’s smile! Totally made my day! ❤️

When I had babies, I kept diapers/wipes/etc in a big drawer in our built in desk that was in our dining room/kitchen area. I refused to climb stairs every single time a diaper change was necessary, so your system makes total sense to me.

That stretch looks like a “hurts so good” kind of stretch to me. My trigger spot(s) are my hammies. Always and always, particularly my left. Just about every other tight spot or tweak stems from those buggers, for me. Bah!

Current lip balm obsession is Besame Snow White’s Pies balm collection. It’s a limited edition set, so I will probably lose my mind when they sell out (I should probably buy at least one more set…) but my lips have never been so soft. The apple is my favorite because it doesn’t really have a tint, but the gooseberry and cherry are great to throw on if I’m not wearing any other makeup because then it actually looks like I have naturally “princess-like” lips, haha! My back up, if I don’t have one of those tins on me is a chapstick I got at my dentist. Super random, I know, but it is the best! Every time I go in for a cleaning, if the bowl of the chapsticks isn’t out, I have to ask for one because there is serious voodoo moisture in those bad boys! ?

Also, this is completely random, but I believe in sharing good things when we find them! ? Last night I watched “We love you, Sally Carmichael!” on Amazon Prime and it was really such a cute movie! I remember wanting to see it when it was in theaters but never making it, so when I saw Prime had it I was pretty happy about that. Completely family friendly, with a slice of rom-com, a big poke in the eye to all of the “teen genre” hysteria fandoms, Utah setting/culture without going over the top on it, and a great surprise Studio C cameo (okay, two). Next long treadmill run, or late shift Andrew has, put this on and thank me later! ??‍♂️?

Happy Wednesday, Janae!


She told me this morning she can’t wait to show it to her friends:). Oh yes to those hamstrings… mine are so tight today too. Those are SO cute… I need to try them! I hope they don’t stop selling them. I cannot wait to watch this… I just took a screenshot so I remember. Thank you Michelle, you are seriously the best!


They stopped making my fave lip balm about a year or so ago and I’m on my last stick from the bunch I ordered on Amazon when I couldn’t find it in stores anymore.
It’s a sad thing.


Kristen, that is terrible. I hope this never happens to anyone! Enjoy your last stick.


Oh yes, lip items… I HAVE to have some colored gloss on. I am extremely fair, even my lips are only slightly darker than my skin. Lip tattoo might be in my future, as I’m 40 and TIRED of putting on color so I don’t look lip-less.

Really inspired by your body dysmorphia story. It brought up a question in my mind: why is your blog called Hungry Runner Girl? Did you name it that when you were restricting calories and therefore were hungry? I’m newer to the blog so maybe there’s a clear answer to this that I haven’t yet read about. Thanks.


Where do you tend to get the most tight from all of your training?

Hip flexors and quads. Feet and ankles are probably up there. Core. Calves. Oh heck, it’s everything.

If you are a lip product addict like me, please tell me what your favorite is!

I am using dermatone and coola as they both have spf 30. The dermatone stays on longer – I am in the sun way too much.

What is your workout today?
4x1K! It was killer cuz legs died. My paces slowed. Started much too fast. Also I was hearing my feet hit the ground. Not so efficient…! Sigh. I’ll figure it out, hopefully sooner rather than later.

Keep anything in your kitchen that most people don’t (ie my baby’s wardrobe;)?
Kitchen is overflowing with all the kitchen stuff! So no…! Have more kitchen items that I haven’t touched in years….We should probably purge a bit.


I love your blog and the recent Friend to Friend. Thank you for ending the Stigma of eating disorders. Keeping Skye’s clothes in the kitchen is brilliant! Life would have been so much smoother if I had thought of that when mine were so little. Also, What does it say about me that I get fashion ideas from Brooke? The other day she had on a chambray shirt and colored jeans which I remembered I had too, and wore it. I received many compliments on my outfit. Thank you Brooke!


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