Random Thoughts + My Garmin 935 Review.

THANK YOU, thank you for the comments yesterday, they are greatly appreciated!  When Andrew is at work I’m not able to get in as much time at the computer to reply BUT I read each comment and I’ll keep you updated with how it is going, what my dermatologist tells me and what ends up working!  Thank you for your help.

Today will be my first run outside this week.  The treadmill is sure helping me to build up mental toughness for race day.  It’s hard to quit a run when you are 5 miles away from home but it is so easy to quit a run when there is a couch 5 steps away… not quitting (unless you are injured/overtrained/overwhelmed with life) makes us stronger:)

13 miles @ 8:35 pace and I’m excited to get in some fresh air with a friend today!  Thankfully This Is Us and The Bachelor kept me company yesterday during my run.

The interesting challenge of the day was keeping Skye awake long enough to pick up Knox from kindergarten so that she gets a long nap in rather than waking her up to go pick him up.

Mission accomplished and it was great to spend some one-on-one time with Knox when she went down.

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When I tell Skye to go pet Beretta she will crawl right on over to her.. I love that she is understanding more things each day.

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I’m still sticking to meal planning each week for our dinner (lunch is usually just leftovers).  I made this chicken tortilla soup again because everyone loved it.  I added corn and beans this time too.    We topped it with lime, avocado and cilantro and had quesadillas with it.

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Just a few random things to share…

*My sister is starting her kitchen remodel soon (you can see her first kitchen remodel here)… it’s going to be amazing.

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*She has already put Skye to work with the drill.

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*My brother survived his man cold;).  His status updates always make my day.

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*Her hair gets quite the volume these days.

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*Studying up on important information before my ultra (thanks for sending this Loribeth).

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*Why try to climb the rock wall when you can just try to lick it instead (I stopped her before she did).

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I’ve had the Garmin 935 (I bought it… I wish I had a discount code to give you but I don’t have one) for a good chunk of miles so far and I thought I would share my thoughts on it today!  PS I got the wrist band for it here because it comes with a black band and I wanted some color.

*The 935 is a smartwatch which I love because I find most days that I end up wearing it all day long.  It’s nice to see who is calling or texting while I run without having to take my phone out.

*The battery life is awesome (this is why I switched… I needed more battery for an ultra).  The battery lasts for 2 weeks in watch mode, 24 hours in GPS mode or up to 50 hours in UltraTrac mode.

*When you first use it on the treadmill it asks you to calibrate it afterwards to the distance your treadmill reports at the end of your workout.  Once I calibrated it, the watch has always been very close to what the treadmill tells me and way closer than previous watches that I’ve had.  The only exception would be when I am doing speed work..  The distance is off a little bit more and says I am going a bit slower than what the treadmill tells me.

*It is a triathlon watch so you can track your biking (indoor and outdoor) and swimming (pool or open water) on here too.  The watch connects right to Training Peaks if you use that.

*It tracks your sleep which I’m loving to use with all of this training.  I also think it is fun to keep track of my steps on the watch throughout the day.

*I love the size of the screen and it feels very light on my wrist (especially compared to previous Suuntos that I’ve had).  It weighs 49 grams.  It is very comfortable and I barely feel it when I run (compared to my 1st Garmin that was like 3 lbs… this feels like nothing ha).

*The heart rate monitor is in the wrist of the watch (which will come in handy more when I don’t have a sleeve in-between my wrist and the watch).  If you use the chest heart rate strap you can get information like your lactate threshold on your watch too which is awesome and I want to try that out when I get back into speed training again.

*I LOVE having the stats of the elevation changes in real-time or at the end of my run right on my watch (my old one I had to look on my phone for the data).  This watch has a built-in barometer, altimeter and compass.

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*After each run it lets you know whether you are over or under training and it gives you guidance on how long you should recover after a run.  It helps to monitor if you are getting enough recovery with your training.  Currently my watch thinks I am crazy with my ultra training/mileage but once I’m training like normal again it will help me.

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*I do not have the Running Dynamics Pod but it this sounds like a really great option.  Also, if you use Strava (I do not) there are options to get alerts for where different segments start/leaderboard ranking/how you compare to previous attempts.

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*You can program in alerts into your watch and your workouts (and if you don’t program in your workouts the lap button is very easy to use).

I went for this watch because of the battery life, built in barometer and the reviews that I read but I love everything else about it too!  It is very easy to use and I have had zero problems with it freezing or anything like that.  I give it a 5 out of 5 (for running) and would definitely recommend it if you are needing a watch that does so much for you.


What watch do you run with?  Love it, not so much, looking for something new?

Please share something random with me!!

Last run outside on the roads, trails or the treadmill?

If you are watching The Bachelor this season, who do you think he will end up with?

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I’m watchless these days, since I’m not training for anything.
Random: I forgot that I had toll house cookie dough in the fridge, but my family was so happy when I discovered it yesterday and made a couple dozen fresh cookies.
Last run, like most of them, was on the roads/sidewalks next to roads. I’d love to grab a running buddy and do some trail running.
Have a great day!


Hahaha I LOVE it when I find stuff like that in my pantry/fridge… it seems to happen just when I need it. Wish we could be trail buddies. Thanks Corey, you too!


Random – sitting at the bottom of my driveway for a half hour waiting for the bus because the orthodontist appointment was not canceled, was fast, and there’s a two hour delay because I don’t think I’ll make it up with the ice at the top.
I have a fit bit blaze. I don’t really like it because it doesn’t accurately measure distance so I never know my pace during a race. I’m not going to bother getting something else until I can run again. Getting a new toy and not being able to use it would be torture.


That would really be torture… I agree! I hope you are having a great day Lee and that you are back running soon!


I honestly don’t know how you and Andrew run so many miles on the treadmill. Maybe I just need to get mentally tougher in that regard because I usually don’t last more than 4 miles on there. Ha! Yesterday I was able to run at one of my favorite places in Dallas (I was back there just for the day), and I slept in today because my flight got in late but am going to go for a run in the sunshine later because I only have a half day at work! :)

Random: The Marco Polo app has become one of my favorite things. It’s so much fun to leave people video messages!


I hope your interviews went amazing!!!!!!


I have a Fitbit Versa. I love the look and the smart watch features! But for running, it’s not so great. Considering switching to a Garmin for running.

Skye’s hair is amazing! We need her secrets to getting so much volume :p


I also picked up a Fitbit Versa for every day wear. I love the bright display and small form factor. I use a Garmin 935 for running but I can’t stand the screen for all day use.

Garmin and Fitbit apps don’t play well together, however you can integrate them via Strava.

First, set up Garmin Connect to automatically upload your run to Strava. Second set up your Fitbit App to DOWNLOAD from Strava. That way your run steps and workout are transferred and added to your daily Fitbit total. It does not bring stuff like heart rate over. Once you set it up everything is seamless.


Hahah I’ll have Skye write a guest post soon! John, thanks for helping Mariah out… that is awesome!


I have a Garmin 630 and a chest strap. I love keeping track of my heart rate even if the strap is a little uncomfortable–keeps me honest on my easy days! Plus it’s fun to see the Garmin predictions (right now it thinks I ran run close to a 3 hour marathon….whattttt?? lol).
Last run was outside in the rain during lunch yesterday. It was a speed workout, so I ran my warm up, stretched, did some strides and then started my first set. I got .15 in and stopped because the wind was so bad, the rain was so cold and I was just not feeling it. As I was jogging home to do the treadmill, I had a complete change of heart and decided to face the weather. Deleted my .15, started over and crushed the workout! Haha. Running is so ridiculous sometimes. :)
Something random is I have that striped lulu top that ties in the back, and I wore it for a race over the summer. I got a great post-race pic with my award and I use it as my work Skype picture. I’m the only one that doesn’t use their professional picture. :)


YES!!!! <---- I think your garmin is right and that is so exciting! Atta girl for getting that workout done in those conditions. You get extra credit points now. Keep using that picture! Have a fabulous rest of your day Mollie!


I almost died on the treadmill this morning. Ok, that’s almost as dramatic as a man cold, I didn’t. But I lost a lot of my endurance with the knee injury so it will be interesting to build that back up without getting injured again. Haha.

As soon as it warms up I’m starting outside running again. This winter has felt so long! (Again with the dramatics;) )


A NEW CHAPTER… coming back from your knee injury. You’ve got this Jenny. I swear the treadmill makes running 10 times harder so you are doing great. I am quite dramatic too!


Do you just wear the watch for workouts and switch to your Apple Watch after? I miss my old Garmin but when my dog chewed that up and the Apple Watch came out I switched. I miss the Garmin and all the running functions though.


Hey Angie! I am so so sorry that your dog chewed it up! I actually stopped using my Apple Watch. I am too lazy to keep two watches charged and going ha. Hope you have a great day!


I have had ZERO motivation to run this week. I wanted to skip all of my runs and/or not do them in their entirety. I just started watching This Is Us (I know, I’m late to the game), so I’ve been doing my runs on the treadmill so I can at least watch something. I have gotten all of my runs in, but it has been tough mentally. I finally ran outside with some girlfriends this morning, so I was thankful to have them. I don’t love weeks like this!

13 miles on the treadmill – woof. I don’t think I could do that! I did 10 once and it was TOUGH. You go, girl!!!

I have a 25% Nuun code for friends and family – it’s hydratefriend25. I don’t get anything for it, it’s just a discount code, but I wanted to share it here in case anyone uses Nuun or is interested in trying it. The code expires March 6th! :)


Look at you getting in your runs when things get tough. That is awesome Chelsea and we all have these types of weeks (I’ve been feeling that this week too). So glad you got to go out with your girls for your run today. Thanks for the code, you are the best. Have a wonderful day!


I don’t have a smartwatch, but have been thinking about getting a Garmin–I read the best reviews of those! But I also love my mickey mouse watch and I don’t know that I want a watch I’d only wear for running. Decisions.

I ran on the treadmill twice this week! (Weather.) Weirdly, my recovery with fallen arches/evil shin splints goes way better when I run outside; treadmill running is really painful. I probably shouldn’t have pushed it, but I needed the mental clarity/endorphins that come with intervals. Currently icing feet.

Something super random: I realized I can hula hoop for a longer time than it takes me to run a half marathon. I ran my half in 2:05:27, and the longest I’ve hula hooped for without a break is 2:16. And people say running is crazy . . .


So many tough choices!! I am so so sorry about your feet… A few of my friends hurt when on treadmill but not when outside too.
Hahaha your random fact made my day. That is awesome Kristin! Did you watch a show or listen to anything while doing this? I am very impressed… I can last maybe 2 minutes!


I was watching the Kennedy Center Honors show and Pitch Perfect during commercials! And probably playing Words with Friends . . . it was fun and kind of crazy, and now I always have a wacky fact to share!


I used the Garmin 235 for running but didn’t like the look/feel of it during the rest of the day so purchsed the Fenix 5s and loved everything about it…except it’s inability to track my runs accurately. It was ridiculous. I would wear the 235 on one wrist and the fenix on the other and it was amazing how off the fenix was (even when doing a track workout).
I returned the fenix and got an apple watch instead, with the thought of wearing the garmin 235 for races. But so far I’m really happy with the apple watch. I love getting messages and phone calls while running without having to get my phone out and the paces/tracking have been pretty accurate.

Last run outside was Monday in the snow and it was fabulous! The treadmill is mentally draining for me…I stop more often and speed up more often to get it over with. I cannot find a groove on the treadmill. But a spring marathon requires it so I’m trying to see the benefits of the mental training.


I am thrilled you are loving the Apple Watch. It really is so nice to have everything you need in just one watch and that it is accurate (so crazy about the Fenix 5… those are PRICEY so you would think they would be on). So glad you had a great run in the snow. I agree with you on the treadmill. Keep me updated with your marathon training!


This is in response to yesterday’s post, but you should check out Lisa (@skin.boss on Instagram). She’s an estitician located in Orem and she can do wonders for skin! She’s definitely helped me with adult acne and her instagram shows other amazing results with adult acne. Sorry if this is a repeat comment, I didn’t read yesterday’s comments. :) Good luck!


You. Are. The. Best. Going to make an appointment asap. She has a ton of followers… I hope I can get in! Have a wonderful Thursday Ashley.


I use the Garmin Forerunner 15. Oldy but a goody. It was my first one. I have my eye set on a few one when it dies, but it just keeps going. It’s simple, but works.
Last run – treadmill. Our weather sucks worse than normal this year. Plus my schedule and my husbands refuses to let it happen ! My random thing, is actually a question for you ! I am very, very close to my goal weight, and am close to my other goal to run a 5K without stopping to walk. (I’m a 40-something-decided-to-start-running-late-in-age-person). As soon as I reach those 2 goals, right around the corner, I am treating myself to a pair of Brooks shoes. I have only ever had Asics. I keep hearing excellent things about Brooks, but there are SO many to choose from. You know a lot about all their shoes, whats your recommendation for a my first Brooks shoe? I mostly run on flat roads and treadmill.


I had my first Garmin for so many years too and I just loved it. It was such a sad day when it died. I hear you on a worse than normal winter! YES YES YES for your first Brooks. You know this just makes my day! Would you be able to go to a running store to get tested for whether you need support or you are neutral? This shoefinder test will help a ton too to figure out exactly what will be best for you and your running. I am so excited for you!



Will definitely do the shoefinder test, thanks ! This is such an exciting incentive !! Makes me work a little harder towards those goals.


Ok, that shoefinder test was extremely cool, and I had to come back and specifically thank you for linking me to it and telling me about it !!


OH GIRL, I am so so glad! It really is!


A bowl of half quinoa, half brown rice, topped with dried cranberries and shredded coconut makes a great breakfast. Whole grains, high in protein, lots of fiber.


THAT SOUNDS DELICIOUS. Bring it on over tomorrow morning?!


I have the Garmin Forerunner 230. I like that it tracks my steps throughout the day and is a smart watch too. Sort of wish I had the 235 to have the heart rate monitor.

Most of my runs have been on the treadmill lately because our roads have been icy but I am so looking forward to a tempo run today after work OUTSIDE! The snow and ice is pretty much melted so I can’t wait to run outside and hopefully we are done with all that ice for awhile.

Random thing: I was putting on my boots for work today and was having a hard time getting my foot into one of them. At first I thought the inside of my boot had torn because something hard was poking my foot. Then I realized it was one of those cardboard inserts they put in shoes to keep their shape….. I have been wearing that boot with that in it and wondering why one felt so much tighter than the other. (insert face palm emojii)


I sure hope that the ice is done for a LONG while. Bahaha thank you for sharing your boot story with me, I feel less alone doing stuff like that now. I hope you have a wonderful day Corrinne and thanks for the laugh today!


PS this inspired me to share a funny story I have about my bra next week haha!


I did a plank last night because of yesterday’s post (and I want another baby in the future). Thanks for the motivation!


Atta girl! Let’s do this together Jen!


1. Your brother is hilarious.
2. Knox’s smile.
3. The way Andrew looks at Skye.
4. I know I’ve commented on it a creepy amount of times (sorry!), but that lipgloss color on you is SO on point. Love it!
5. I really like treadmill miles…am I weird?

Random: my husband and I went axe throwing for a date the other day (true story, one of my doctors has been suggesting it to me as a stress coping activity) and it was the MOST fun thing we’d done in a long time. We left and both of us agreed that was the most worthwhile “therapy” $15 could buy. There was something extremely satisfying about throwing something sharp and dangerous overhead at a wall for an hour and watching it destroy and splinter the target. Kind of a primal, I guess, but very fun. Plus it was a pretty decent workout too. ?


YOU ARE NOT WEIRD and I love your points today (PS I need to email you… you are seriously the best!). Wait… was this in Utah County? Andrew and I need to go! I hope you are having a wonderful day Michelle!


I love that your watch catches the ascent and descent; I can only get that info when I sync w/ Garmin or Strava. I have the Forerunner 235 and it’s ok. I bought it for the battery life, wrist heart rate but I’m not liking that it doesn’t track my speed and mileage accurately on the treadmill … maybe it’s a sign I need to stay off of it! Ha!
My last run was on the road and my next run with be on a paved path on the waterfront with a friend and I can’t wait! I prefer trails but not hours before sunrise if I’m alone!
Something random ….. Starburst minis and beans are in stores NOW!! I haven’t eaten candy in months but I am most definetly making an exception for this awesomeness!
Have a great day!


Hahah that could definitely be a sign;) .
Your last run sounds perfect to me… a friend and waterfront?! I’m with you on avoiding trails in the dark!
And now I will be going to Target for the beans. Thanks, you too Jenny!


I can’t wait to see your sisters kitchen remodel. It would definitely be cool if she can link to her supplies like you do;) My boyfriend is working on remodeling his house and any tips are helpful! Your sister is very talented!

The 935 sounds wonderful. MY Garmin (230) right now is wayyyy off the treadmill so it would definitely be nice to be able to calibrate it like that! I’ve actually been thinking of getting a new Garmin but I just don’t know if I really need to, because mine does the job right now, but it would be nice to get a few new features like that one you described.

Last run was on the road last night; speed work 2 miles @ goal HMP, .5 mile 30 secs faster, 1 mile @ goal HMP, with warmup and cooldown. I’m annoyed at Florida (lol) because its been hot and humid and muggy and last night I had alll that and a headwind so it has just been really frustrating trying to hit paces with those conditions.

Could you please tell me where you got those fabulous sunglasses in your picture with Knox? Thanks so much!


I’ll have her do that for things like the flooring that she buys but a lot of the stuff she gets on the classifieds (ie all of the cabinetry she bought from a woman that had only had her kitchen for a few years before wanting to renovate it all and she bought it from her for super cheap). YES, she will totally include her tips. So cool that he is doing that!
Way to go on your workout… that is a good one! I hope that you get some cooler days ahead (this is your best running season right now right?). Good luck!
https://shopstyle.it/l/ZTkR . Here are the glasses!


I’ve been searching for a smartwatch that does everything fitness, looks good and keeps me connected. I was going to *reluctantly* get the Apple watch but the price point is just ridiculous to me. I’ve been researching Garmin’s and FitBit’s and was on the fence about all of them BUT you just help me decide. I just purchased the Garmin Vivoactive 3. I love that it will track a lot of work out and I’m excited to try it. Thanks for helping me!!!


KATIE… oh this is awesome! Let me know what you think about it. Andrew used to have a Vivoactive and HE LOVED IT (he got a new one because he cracked the screen)! I’m excited for you. Have a wonderful day:)


Hi Janae! I’m a long time reader but I don’t think I’ve ever commented before! It’s great to watch you train for an ultra. I’ve run a few marathons but wonder if I’ll ever move up to more than that distance. Currently I’m rehabbing from knee surgery, but I hope to be running again later in the spring!

I have the Garmin 235 and really like it. Teal watch strap :)


It’s so great to hear from you Emily! I am so so sorry about your knee injury/surgery but thrilled you will be back this spring. Will you keep me updated with how your rehab is going and I can’t wait to hear about the races you will be doing. Have a wonderful day and the teal is just so beautiful!


Hahah, I love your brothers updates on his man cold.

My watch is the suunto spartan ultra (loving it) particularly since we found it on sale, and I sold my old watch. The battery life is fantastic – it lasted me through my ultras so good enough for me. I am sure there are a ton of features I don’t know how to use yet

Last run was this morning – I got up early for me = before sunrise, and chased the sunrise on the road. 9.5 miles of goodness. I need to wake up early to run more often. We may get snow again tonight so I wanted to get my run in early before the day started. Honestly, though I am missing my trails right now

Random – I bought a cinnamon bun yesterday after work, and put it in the fridge. This morning as I was running I kept thinking, oh I hope he doesn’t get to the cinnamon bun before I do. Ha.

Have a fantastic day Janae!


The battery on that watch is unreal! Oh…. chasing the sunrise during a run= the best. I’m missing the trails too! Is it ever going to be spring? I hope that the cinnamon bun tasted incredible. Thanks Kristine, you too!


A friend gave me his Samsung Gear fit 2 because he didn´t use it anymore. It´s okay but I´m not really loving it. I would like to be able to program intervals so I don´t have to watch when it´s time to switch gears. I think I would like the Polar Vantage M because it looks nice. It´s quite expensive so I´ll wait a while. My 15 year old daughter just went for her first run. She´s a fieldhockey player and felt unfit. She didn´t run with me, because she thought I would be much faster, ha. She was away for half an hour and ran about 4 kilometers, with walk breaks. We´re really proud of her. Last run was outside on tuesday, on a path between the meadows I had wanted to run on for ages. There were a lot of fences to climb over, witch made it a fun workout. I earned a Strava course record as a bonus! I´ll go for a run along the road in the dark in a little while.


That is AWESOME about your daughter. Tell her congrats for me and I hope you two run together soon. Congrats on that Strava course record, you rocked it. I hope you are having a great day Eva!


Your brother cracked me up! I *may* have rolled my eyes at my poor husbands man cold a couple weeks ago, and then of course I caught it (karma). Good lesson to work on my sympathy ;)

And Skye is in such a fun stage, so much personality in that teeny little body!


HAHAHA that happened to me last summer and it taught me to have sympathy too! I just can’t believe how much character is stuffed into just a little 23 lb thing! haha. Have a beautiful Thursday Michelle!


I think he’ll end up with Hannah G! Although he also clearly really likes Cassie and Caelyn. (I feel like I don’t know too much about the other girl??) Who do you think he’ll pick?


AHHHH ME TOO! They seem quite infatuated with one another. I think that Cassie and Caelyn are there for the wrong reasons (yep, I’m joining on the bandwagon with that…). I wish that we could all watch the finale together. Have a wonderful Thursday Alyssa!


I have a Garmin Fenix 5s and I love it. I have the white with rose gold and it’s pretty enough that I like to wear it on the regular and not just to work out. I wonder if I can calibrate like you did for my treadmill… I’ll have to check that out!

Some friends and I went to bike/run from downtown yesterday and a homeless woman stood at the driver’s side and just stared into my car for a solid minute before hysterically crying. I felt terrible, but I literally had nothing to give her and it was pretty freaky. Thankfully she walked away so we could get out of the car.

No running for me since I rolled my ankle last Friday :( I was on the ground so fast! The pain level wasn’t too bad so I almost didn’t see my podiatrist but I’m so glad I did because I have a fracture, a tendon that is torn 80%, and some sprains. He said I was centimeters away from a spiral fracture (eek!) so 3-6 weeks in a boot and then some physical therapy. So, bike riding it is! I didn’t want to bike by myself in the dark this morning, so my husband attached my bike to a contraption to make it stationary for now.


THAT. WATCH. IS. GORGEOUS. I would never take it off:) . Let me know if you can calibrate it!
Oh that must have been so hard to see. This life can be so hard.
I am so so so sorry about your injury Marissa. I hope that you have some amazing bike riding over the next 3-6 weeks and that you sleep in more often now. Keep me updated with how you are doing. Thinking about you!


I have the Fenix 3 which i love, but I want to get the wrist based heat rate data so I’m thinking of upgrading to the 5s plus. It’s so hard to upgrade when your watch still works and they’re so expensive!!

Random – I live in Northern California and we don’t get snow here, but we are heading to Tahoe tomorrow for the weekend. The kids are so excited cause this isn’t an everyday occurrence for us!

Last run was outside this morning. It was a chilly 40 degrees! I know you’d prob be in shorts but that’s cold for me! ?


I wonder if you can sell your 3 to help pay for the 5?!?! Those watches are GORGEOUS.
Oh enjoy your time in Tahoe, that sounds perfect and DRINK SOME HOT CHOCOLATE today!
Have a great weekend Laura.


Right now my “watch” is a fitbit type thing that has an app on my phone. Basically it’s a step counter and sleep keeper tracker. My daughter got it for me so I wear it and play around with it. It’s not accurate. at.all. For running-I wear a basic digital watch and I look at the time when I head out for my run, and the time when I get back-if I remember! When I was training for my 50km I’d occasionally pop on an early model Garmin just for accuracy. I wasn’t tracking pace as much as distance and elevation. Most of the time I just head out and run a route and only check my watch to keep track of the time so I don’t miss picking up a kiddo. I know it’s weird to not be watch-centric! But, I’d love to have that Garmin because it’s interesting when running a new route.

Trail run today. Finally.

My day is so random (school nurse here. random is standard)


I think that is awesome Kelly! Keep doing exactly what works for you and give me your trail race tips please:) . So glad you got in a trail run and I would like you to write a blog with all of the random things happening for you each day ha! Enjoy the rest of your day!


I have the Garmin 220 and I bought the heart rate monitor strap to go with it, although I haven’t used it in ages. However, now that I’m getting back into running after having a baby and kinda starting all over, I think I should use it again to gauge my fitness. I do wish I could also track a hike or walk rather than just running, but as a running watch it’s great and I love that the face isn’t huge, but big enough for me to easily read the screen.
I actually kinda enjoy running in cold weather. Albeit, I’m a lot slower and when it’s snowing or has recently snowed, I’m much slower since I don’t want to slip on the snow or ice, but I don’t really sweat, so I can push off showering til the end of the day, which is when I prefer to shower since I like to let my hair air dry and the hot water relaxes me before bed. Anyone else? Also since my dog requires walks or runs to go to the bathroom (we even have a backyard for her, but she apparently she doesn’t like to poop where she plays) and it’s warmer for me to run with her than walk in freezing temps.


A hot bath before bed is my favorite… I totally know what you mean about it relaxing you! Hahah your dog sounds awesome (and particular:). Congrats on your new little one Kathy!


Last run was outside for 7 glorious miles this morning! Followed by my all time favorite French toast! 10 days until my half marathon!!!!


TEN DAYS!! I’m very excited for you and now I need french toast.


I have the same Garmin (bought it for doing triathlons) and I love it . I did not know you could (have it?) calibrate it to your treadmill. I will have to reread my instructions. I figured I just had to deal with it being off when I was doing indoor runs – LOL!


wow this sounds amazing but i guess thats why its almost $500 :) :) maybe next year? haha! I’m glad you found something that works so well for you – i think its rare to find a smart watch that never freezes up!!

I love Skye’s relationship with Beretta!


I bought the 935 for my birthday in 2017. I wear it all the time. I even wear the black band. There is so much about it I love. When I’m HR training I wear the chest strap. But it’s perfect for work too!


Hmm that soup looks delicious! Still summer here in Australia but will need to remember it for a cold night! I run with the Garmin 735XT (I think it might be the one model down from yours) and love it for all the same reasons! I’m into triathlons as well so it’s great that I can track everything on the one watch! – and it even let’s me record strength and cardio gym classes!

Something random: I was excited to go to my 5.30am gym class this morning and I’m still not quite sure why! I’m usually pretty miserable when my alarm goes off that early but this morning I basically skipped out of bed ;)

Last run was outside, I drove to work and then did an easy 8km around the area, showered at work and had breakfast at my desk! Such a nice way to start the day and by leaving early I avoid all the usual traffic too!

If you are watching The Bachelor this season, who do you think he will end up with?


Oh my goodness the man cold. THE WORST. For us… not them. ha.

Runs outside > treadmill

The Bachelor…why are you so addicting. Hannah. For sure.


Where are you sunglasses from?! I love them.

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