Our Day, a Reminder & Ultra Training Weekly Summary!

I couldn’t do 3 days in a row on the treadmill so off I went in the 18 degree weather with a new light layer of snow on the ground.  I was very toasty besides my buns the entire run which was surprising to me.  7.3 miles @ 8:56 average and I didn’t slide once even though I was pretty much on snow for the entire run.

You can’t see it in the picture but the snow looked like glitter…  It reminded me that I really do love winter running too.

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The girls joined me in some stretching when I got home.  The miles are up there again so the extras that I don’t love doing like stretching are just kind of necessary.

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Andrew opted for the treadmill again because of the slickness outside and because he wanted to watch a movie.   32 miles in two days!   He is sore and exhausted but today is a rest day for both of us.  Brooke had the idea for us to bring him chocolate during the run.  Brooke gets it.

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The two of us then did our TJ’s Ugly Sweater cookie kit.

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I love how happy babies are first thing after they wake up.

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Andrew finished and showered and then we were out the door for a few errands.  I LOVE (and I’m jealous of;) Brooke’s natural highlights in her hair.

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In one store Brooke fell asleep on the couch there.  It’s going to be rough getting back into a routine when school starts again because we’ve been staying up late.

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We also stopped by where my parents were eating dinner to talk to them for a few minutes.

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And then we had leftover pizza at home and dipped it into ranch dressing because that is the only proper way to eat pizza in our opinion lately;)

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Andrew dared me to eat these olives in exchange for a 30 minute massage.  I hate olives and they tasted terrible but it was worth it.  He didn’t think I would do it but my shoulders were begging for a good massage (THEY ARE STILL SORE FROM YOGA on Wednesday?!).

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We are one week closer to the ultra and I definitely didn’t mean to cut off Andrew’s head:

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Oh how I am already missing the fact that the weather was good enough to take Skye in the jogging stroller with us…

Monday:  20 miles on the roads because it was early, dark and solo.  I climbed whatever hills I could see (over 1000 ft of up) and listened to podcasts and ate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches before and during (I am learning how to eat real food while I run without having to stop).  8:29 average pace.

Tuesday:  16 miles on the roads… 6 with Andrew and Skye and then 10 on my own.  I found more hills and was pretty sore from the day before.  The body is learning how to up the mileage though so that is exciting.  8:46 average pace.

Wednesday:  No running but I went to a 75 minute yoga class and I wonder if my shoulders will ever recover from the soreness.

Thursday:  8 miles @ 8:20 average on the treadmill.

Friday:  9 miles @ 7:15 average on the treadmill.

Saturday:  7.3 miles @ 8:46 average outside on the snow.

Sunday:  OFF!

60.3 miles!  This next week is a recovery week and Andrew and I are both looking forward to that!


What was your favorite run this last week?  Did you run on Christmas or take the day off? 

Any foods that you absolutely would NOT eat if you were dared to in exchange for a massage?

What is your Sunday filled with?

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Wow! You guys are really getting those miles in. So excited for your ultra! I ran Christmas and it was lovely. Put on a holiday podcast of This American Life. It was sunny and quiet and not too cold. Not sure if there are any foods I would refuse. Maybe beets. I like them in smoothies but not by themselves. Today I’ll run and just get ready for the week. Pretty low key day and it’s a short work week so yay!


Hey Adrienne! Your Christmas run sounds like it was perfect. I’m right there with you on beets… they taste like dirt:) . Enjoy the low key day and get in some relaxation!


I love olives :) but I hate mayo and couldn’t be paid to eat it. Also, I love your couch so much! Can you tell me who makes it??


HEY!! We love it! It is from Sofa Mart! Here is their phone number: (801) 307-2299
Caruso 3 piece sectional
Have a great day!


LOL at the olive bet! It was even funnier on your Instagram story :) I wouldn’t eat a deathly hot pepper, even though I’m OK with moderately spicy foods.

The weather is pretty decent here today, so hopefully getting outside. Also, finishing the un-Christmas-ing, packing everything away for next year.


I ran 3 miles Friday and it was a blast. It’s the longest I’ve run since my half marathon in LV in November (PR’d by 15 minutes!). I don’t know why, maybe the long training cycle, but I just wasn’t wanting to run for the last several weeks. I’d run a mile or two at most, but just wasn’t feeling it. Looking forward to my 2019 races though!

Definitely wouldn’t eat any type of eye, brain, organ (liver, kidney, stomach, etc) for a message.


I did run on Christmas ? day! We were blessed with unusually nice weather for Chicago, so I had to take advantage!
Hmm… I have a hard time cooked spinach. The texture is so unappealing.
Probably just running today and hanging out with my kiddos!


Fish/sushi. I hate seafood! So anything like that would not be worth that bribe.

I take Christmas off. Even if I wanted to run, there would be no time. We have busy holidays.

Have a fun Sunday! Last 3 hr block ever!


How did you eat that olive???? They are my number one most hated food. Followed by milk. I would tell you all my secrets instead of drinking milk!
Went to Yoga this morning now I’m cleaning the house before spending time on the couch!


Girl you are ROCKING ultra training! I smell a WIN coming your way! Can’t wait to come and cheer you on :)


YOU ARE THE BEST!! Thanks for being our inspiration. Seriously, you are.


I do my long runs on Sunday so usually take Mondays off. But last Monday (Christmas Eve) I had a very small window of time in the evening, in between having guests over and watching Polar Express with my kids, where I was able to pop out for a quick run. It worked out great because then I was able to just relax on Christmas Day!


I laughed at your olives bit because my family and I were just discussing that…I HATE olives but they all love them! They’re the only food I absolutely refuse to eat, but I would do it for a 30-minute massage. Worth it.

I so admire all your running; you’re doing fantastic!


I hate mayonnaise………..but for a massage………….i might eat some. And that’s BIG talk from me because I hate it sooooo much!


That’s a long yoga class! That sounds hard! I dont run on Christmas – too hard to squeeze in early because the kids are up too early and then the rest of day is spent cooking or playing with new toys and visiting with family.


Okra. Ugh the texture is intolerable.

And I always run on Christmas!

Way to go on not slipping in the snow! I have been living in Texas since 2004 but I’m originally from Canada and I can’t believe how wimpy I’ve gotten about winter running. I used to be all ho hum about snow, 10 degree weather etc and now if it’s in the forties I’m complaining! Ha.


Favorite run was early Christmas morning saw the sunrise, was the first Christmas with out my parents, my dad died on September 30. I definitely felt his presence with me on my 6 mile run.
I would never ever eat sushi!
Today I had my cousins and Dad’s brother over for lunch and made your moms yummy lasagna, it was a big hit! Thank you for sharing the recipe with your readers!
One of my favorite memories with my Dad was two years ago in St George, we came to Senior Olympics. He competed in the field events and I did the 10K in Snow Canyon Park and the half marathon . You live in such a beautiful state!


I rarely (never lol) comment, but three things:
1) Your olives are my ranch dressing! I hate ranch so much, it makes me think of fermented milk.
2) I’m not a mom, but my niece and nephew never EVER wake up like Skye…they are cranky at least a half hour after waking up!
3) You are amazing. Seriously. If I ran that much I’d be injured or unable to move. I prefer strength training -and only do cardio like once a week.


HAHAHA I will limit all ranch pictures on my blog now:) . Oh no… Knox is a bit harder to wake-up but the girls wake up pretty happy (and then get REALLY cranky (like me) when they are tired). Thank you and YOU are amazing for doing strength training… I cannot for the life of me stick to it even though I know how crazy good it is for me. Have a wonderful evening and thanks for the comment!


I can’t stand bananas – I can eat them in several forms (bread, smoothie if only half of one or fried) but will not take a bite of a banana!!! It must be a thing with the kids hair. I’m wildly jealous of my daughters natural highlights and the way it always dries perfectly! Aweyjob on the ultra training. I love following along. So inspiring!


I ran Christmas Day but I can’t remember if I ran 30 or 60 minutes. I’m just running as I can/what I can now when I can. If I don’t feel it halfway through the run or I’m quite tired (usually the case), I’m stopping and not forcing myself to the full hour. Sometimes, like today, I told myself not to quit at 30, rather to just slow down if I’m feeling that tired, it worked. But not all days are like this.

I’m so impressed with your mileage and only wish to get back there one day! Good job to Andrew as well, both of you are rock-solid.


Recovery week! It’s the best but also so weird-like, “I’m losing all my fitness” yet a huge “oh my gosh I have so much free time!”

I only run on Christmas if time allows and it feels *right.* years ago I’d freak out if I didn’t get a run in and now I’m more sane about it.

Sunday was my birthday so I did a short run and my kiddos ordered cake at breakfast! We were on a trip so at a cafe in the morning. We went to Sushi for dinner then played an epic game of Portlandopoly. Monopoly is frustrating so this was a good compromise and we all threw caution to the wind and played fun and daring.

Have a fantastic recovery week!


Happy new year! Wishing you and your family a year filled with joy, excellent health and the best running :)

Random question about spinning; I am looking to really get into this in 2019. My gym has classes and the instructors are super nice, so I am pumped to integrate this new activity a few days a week. HOWEVER, inevitably after every class that I have ever tried, I am literally sore for days afterwards and that has really discouraged me from doing it consistently. Is this normal? Am I just not stretching enough afterwards? After three or four days the soreness subsides, but it’s rough. Do I just need to work through it since I am tapping into muscles that I do not normally use? It’s rough! I thought I would ask you since you teach!


Hey Amanda! Thank you so much and Happy New Year to you! I am so so excited that spin is going to be your thing in 2019! It is such an incredible workout. I was exactly the same way, I didn’t even make it through my first spin class because it was so hard. I was definitely sore afterwards. It just took me going more regularly and building up those spin muscles so that I wasn’t sore like that anymore after! Also, have you tried bcaa’s? Here are the ones I take and I notice I am less sore if I drink them after a workout! Have a wonderful day!


I would eat a small amount of anything :) Especially for a massage!


Don’t you dare say you did a single thing wrong with your breast feeding experience/post!!! You help so many people (myself included) with your honesty, transparency, and positive view on these issues. It’s one of the many reasons I adore you and your blog! Happy new year Janae!!


Oh thank you Sarah!!! This means a lot to me! It’s so tricky figuring this all out but it’s always so nice to know we are all in this together! I hope you have a beautiful 2019 and please keep in touch!


That olive video was so funny!

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