My Mental Toolbox for Race Day, Another Tip & Replace.

From last week… the top 3 most viewed posts were:

*My Marathon Nutrition Plan, Found Them & Another Reason.

*Why We Run so Much Better on Race Day vs. Training + Haircut + What Happened?!

*That Was Weird, Something New I’m Trying & Friday Favorites!


I hope you had a great weekend!

I was talking to a good friend of mine at church that is also running the St. George Marathon and she told me a tip that I’m going to try—>  She writes her time goal and a mantra on her hand/wrist so that every time she looks down to her Garmin during the race she has her power words/goals to look at and remember.  I love it.

Church is a new experience for us now that Skye is really into crawling everywhere.

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I’ve been eating a lot of TJ’s prepared salads lately.  They make life so much easier.  I had it with some of the kid’s pizza (yep, had pizza twice yesterday… carb loading;).

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It was a very lazy Sunday for us.  We took a nap for a few minutes until we were woken up for snacks.

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We went to a family dinner later on and somehow my nephew fell asleep in the high chair while he had beautiful pizza right in front of him.

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My sister has set a very high standard for pizza…

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Skye even loves it!

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For dessert our neighbors showed up with a homemade pie with apples right from their tree.  It was delicious.

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I’m jumping into bed every night by 9 this week!


The physical training is done but there is still time to continue working on my mental training.  It’s important to have a bunch of different ideas or things to use to help you mentally on race day because sometimes one thing works in one situation and not in another!  Here are a bunch of the things I’ll be thinking about on race day to keep me on pace and getting that PR that I have been craving for 8 years:

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*Think about the things that do NOT hurt.  This one helps me often because if I can get my brain to focus on the good things rather than dwelling on tired quads then I am set to do so much better.  It’s amazing how my elbows and earlobes never hurt while running.  FIND THE GOODNESS.

*I CAN DO HARD THINGS.  This is one of my most used mantras.  I can and have done hard things and today is another day to prove to myself that I can.

*To go along with this, my mom said the other day to me in a text, ‘HARD MAKES BETTER.’  I know it does.  So when things feel hard I will focus on it making me better…. true in life and running.

*TRUST MY TRAINING.  I’ve done the work.  My coach has prepared me perfectly for race day and I’ve gotten out the door 6 days a week for months to practice for these 26.2 miles.  It’s time to CELEBRATE the hard work.

*Bait myself along.  I KNOW I can get to the next aid station or I KNOW I can get to the next spot I see Andrew and the kids.  I’ll keep baiting myself along until that finish line!

*THIS FROM MARY LYNNE and I will be using it:

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*Smile.  I truly love this.  Smiling while running releases feel good hormones and it makes you realize how lucky we are to do this.

*Think about the long runs and workouts that I have run during this training cycle.  It’s kind of embarrassing how many times I have gone over the splits of different workouts I’ve done this far but it helps me to see how capable I am of hitting this goal of mine.  Here are a few of them:

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*One of my most used mental tools—>  When my legs get tired I pump my arms harder and focus on that instead of my legs.

*Remember that the pain after of not hitting our dreams/goals is worse than the pain we are feeling in the moment during the race.

*Jen W told me to do this in the comments the other day.  I used it during my 22 miler and I really liked it!  “You take your hands and almost act like you’re holding a pen or a chip, and you click your thumbs and your index fingers together.”   Oh and she shared with me Des Linden’s quote, “Calm and relax, I’ll run fast.” <— I’ll be repeating that whenever I start feeling anxiety.

*I count.  A lot.  I count steps, trees that I pass, people wearing colorful shoes… anything.  Counting gets my brain somewhere else.

*Gratitude.  All of the gratitude that I get to do this and for the people in my life. (Below:  Knox and Brooke right before Veyo hill the last time I ran this marathon)

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*I’ve gotten good at blocking things out as a mom ha;)  A friend will apologize for one of their kid’s throwing a fit or something and I’ll realize that I haven’t even noticed… I’ve heard a good amount of crying over the last 6 years of being a mom and sometimes I just completely block it out and don’t hear it.  I’m using this same thing for pain during a race… I’ve been training for years and years so I’ll just block it out and ignore the pain during those last few miles.

*I KNOW for a fact that the waves of pain come and go.  For example, mile 19 might be rough but that does not mean the rest of the race will.  The marathon is a rollercoaster of emotions.   I know I am strong enough to work through the tough spots and get to the next place.  “Don’t let fatigue deceive you… There’s good and bad patches in a race and it’s your job to get out of the bad patches as quickly as possible and hang on to the good ones.”  (from this book).

*Sara Hall said, “When I start hurting in long workouts/races I tell myself It will hurt either way- The faster you go, the sooner you’re done with the pain.”

*Focus on somebody/something else when the pain sets in.  Focus on the mountains, the lines on the road, tell the runner next to you that they are doing a great job.. just like in life, sometimes when you are in a lot of pain, focusing on building somebody else up/something other than yourself can help you a whole lot to feel better.

*I am comfortable.  I love telling this to myself when I’m not comfortable because it allows my body to relax and I believe that I am comfortable (I literally repeat it over and over for like 5 minutes straight ha).

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*I love speeding up to start using different muscles.  In my brain it works.  When I feel like my legs are dead, I speed up a bit and tell myself that I am now using different muscle groups that are not tired yet because I haven’t been using them yet.  It works.

*Embrace the suck.  I love running and everything that comes with it.  I am blessed to be able to run and I’ll embrace the good, the bad and the ugly.

*Why not ME?  We can all say this one.  We are capable of so much more than we can ever imagine.  You CAN do this.

*Replace fear with FAITH.  When I start to worry about race day or that I’m not ready or if I start getting nervous during the race—>  I replace that fear with faith.  Believing that I CAN do this and that the workouts I have done have made me ready for this.   Also, in my experience it is impossible to feel anxiety and gratitude at the same time so when I do feel anxious, I think about the things I feel grateful for.


Hey, I wanted to share this with you.  This family is my sister’s neighbors and dear friends and the dad (they have 7 children) died unexpectedly playing basketball on Thursday night.  If you are able to help out, their gofundme is here. It will be greatly appreciated.  I can’t stop thinking about them and my sister and her family are heartbroken for them (my brother-in-law worked with him too).

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Please add them to your prayers!  Thank you!


Have any tools for my mental toolbox to use on Saturday?

Who has an October race?  October birthday?  I would love to hear about it.   

Best thing you ate this weekend?

What are you grateful for lately? 

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It sounds like you have a great set of mental tools to get you through 2:58 of running this Saturday ;)


I like the way you think (know;)!! Have a wonderful day Victoria and I can’t thank you enough for all of your encouragment!


“You were not made for comfort. You were made for greatness.” -Pope Benedict XVI

SUB THREE!!!! Janae, SUB THREE!!!! I have been a long time reader, and I just know you are going to meet your goal this time. You have been through so much, personally and physically. Having to drop out of a marathon, after all that training, just days before the race b/c of your stomach – so much heartbreak. But you did not give up. You had a great attitude, trusted in the Lord that that was not your time, kept working hard when others would have quit. You are a great role model for your kids (and me)! This is your time, Janae. This is your time. Soak it up!


THAT QUOTE IS EVERYTHING. I’ve never heard that one… thank you so much for your sweet comment, it means the world to me! Thank you Alisha. I am cheering you on and keep me updated with your training/life/everything:) Have a beautiful time and thanks for taking the time today to write to me!


LOVE this, Janae. You are SO ready for this race, and YOU CAN DO HARD THINGS!!! And definitely remember to smile. It really does make you feel so much better when you’re struggling while running. I always try to remember at least one smile per mile. :) And FAITH. YES!

I can’t believe that it’s already October! My birthday is next Tuesday, October 9. It snuck up on me!!

Definitely praying for your sister’s neighbor’s family. That’s so hard, and I can’t imagine their pain right now.


Thank you Natalie! HOW WAS SUNDAY!?! Happy bday next week!


I am a daily reader but infrequent commenter. I have a half marathon in michigan the same day as your marathon. Unfortunately I developed a huge shin splint on my last long run so I am in the process of revising my goals for race day. Thank you for the tips for a successful race day. I’m so sorry to hear about the man who passed away, so sad! I am going to remember him and his family during my race to gain strength. We never know when God will call us home, let us all do something that has a lasting legacy of love, health, compassion for one another. That is where we gain true strength.
Good luck on your marathon! You are going to rock it, you are strong!


Becky, thank you so much for reading and today’s comment. I am SO sorry about your shin splint.. this is terrible. How is it feeling today? I completely agree with what you said… what a great way to honor him and his family. Thank you.

Have a beautiful day Becky!


OMG! Brokers and Knox look so LITTLE from that Veyo hill pic! Time flies, and kids grow like WEEDS!

For your mental toolbox? I think it is overflowing with love! You got this. Go girl!

It was my hubby’s 49th yesterday so we had a big meal: Buffalo ribeye with blue cheese crumbles, mushrooms sautéed in butter, roasted beets searched over wilted spinach, and baked sweet potatoes. Also Cupcake Collection’s sweet potato cupcakes for dessert :)

My marathon training has been derailed by a sprained knee and sore heel (dog fight; long story), but I am grateful that this is the first interrupting injury since 2003, when I ran NYC despite plantar fasciitis, and I am grateful for my, my husband, my son, and my dog’s health :)


That meal sounds heavenly to me. I should have stopped by… can you be in charge of our bdays over here too:) I am so sorry about your knee and heel… I know you were so excited to get into this marathon you are training for. You have an amazing perspective… keep me updated Tonya!


That’s so sad! Praying for them for sure.

One of the things that help me are that I would get nervous or feel like things were starting to hurt and I’d try to guess my pace and time (I don’t have a Garmin so it worked for me). I would also think of all the people I told about my goals and feel the need to prove them. It pushed me a little harder. I remind myself that this is supposed to be hard but it’s also supposed To be fun! I made the choice to run the race, no one is making me do it.


Praying for the mudslides for you guys too! Oh I LOVE that idea! I love guessing games while running so I’m definitely going to use this. Great tips Jenny, thank you!


My mental tools are : A moment of pain is worth a lifetime of Glory- from Louie Zamperini
I have a October birthday ( Today the 1st) and I may have a October rub- Haunted Half in Provo this year.

best thing I ate over the weekend was Freshies lobster up in Park City.

I’m grateful for my family. No matter how negative I can be about getting older they always make the day fun


Oh I LOVE that quote. So so good.

HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOLLY! I hope that your day is perfect and yes, do the Haunted Half, it is so much fun! Well, now I need to get up to Park City. Thank you for sharing Molly.


Those workouts are amazing! You got this.

Several years ago during the Boston Marathon, Lululemon reps were out on the course with several motivational signs. My favorite was “Pain is temporary.” What also helps me is thinking of something nice I can buy or some vacation that I will go on after the race. I literally picture myself sitting on a beach with my hands and feet working into the sand. I let my mind go somewhere else (happy) and it has helped.

I’m grateful for my job. I was on vacation all last week and coming back to my great coworkers and work that I love doing is a blessing. I know that I am lucky. Even if I do stare at 2 computer screens for most of the day :)


I will definitely be thinking of that quote and use that tip of picturing myself on vacation somewhere when it is hurting. I am SO glad that you love your job Amanda and THEY are so lucky to have YOU! Have a wonderful day!


Janae, thank you so much for sharing ideas from your mental toolbox! I love “I feel comfortable.”

I’m taking this thought with me into Twin Cities Marathon next Sunday: “Your body will get STRONGER throughout the race.” I think I’ll use your friend’s idea and write “STRONGER” on my hand.

A mantra that helped me a while back during a marathon: “Something special.” This reminded me that I wanted this race to be extraordinary and repeating the phrase during the last several miles was super helpful.

I appreciate your reminder about gratitude–yes! Sometimes, if I’m feeling depleted during a run, I’ll start saying thank you over and over.

Something I often use: I pick a color and every time I spot it, I let it give me a boost of energy. Yesterday during my run, the color was orange and it was really energy-giving!

Janae, I think you’re going to have an amazing race on Sunday–truly! You’ve consistently put in such good work and your positive perspective will give you so much extra fuel! Wishing you the BEST race!!


Twin Cities is on my bucket list. I’m going to be cheering you on and I LOVE that thought… I’ll be using that too so thank you. I love the idea of saying thank you on repeat too… that is a good one and I love the color idea too. You are full of them:) THanks Tam, I can’t wait for both of us to have amazing races!


Happy race week – you’ve got this, Janae! Trust in your training, you are an amazing runner! Thank you for the great race tips – they are so helpful. I am running my third Chicago marathon on Sunday! Best thing I ate this weekend was a homemade pastry that someone brought after our last long run this weekend.


GO CATHY GO!! I really want to hear how it goes for you so let me know afterwards! A homemade pastry sounds so good to me, that is a good friend to bring that after a long run!


Yay! I’m glad you tried the thumb clicking and liked it! It just works as another way to get your mind onto something OTHER than the possible pain you’re feeling at that moment. Just save it for near the end because you don’t want to click your thumbs for 26 miles! ha ha ha I ran my half marathon over the weekend, and I really used the “Calm and relaxed; I’ll run fast”, and it helped!!!! Just those words relaxed me! I wasn’t so great at using my mantras near the end of the race this time and kinda fell apart at the end, but I still got 2nd in my age group, so that was a nice bonus :) AND, we did get doughnuts, salt water taffy, water ice, soft pretzels, and pizza a the finish line!!!! I gave a lot of mine to my family because I wasn’t hungry after that race, but it was an awesome spread!!!!!! It was a beautiful weekend at the beach, too!

YES, YES, YES to getting to bed before 9:00. STICK TO THAT! I wish I had gone to bed earlier this past week before my race. It was something I had control over, and I let dumb stuff distract me from that early bedtime.

I always drool over your sister’s homemade pizza!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so excited for your race. You HAVE and ARE doing all of the right things. You’re right—time to go and CELEBRATE that!!!!!


SECOND IN YOUR AGE GROUP–> Amazing Jen! Congrats and best post-race foods ever. I need to send you my sister’s pizza next time:) Thank you so much Jen, that means a lot to me. Have a wonderful day!


I find the distraction methods (counting things etc) really interesting. I’ve been reading a lot about mindfulness and how Nike teaches their athletes to stay IN the moment and try not to distract themselves; being present in each moment helps them perform better. Just a thought as you prepare this week. GOOD LUCK! We’re all cheering you on.


Really… that is very interesting. Thank you Ali!!! I need to learn more about this all… I’ll start googling and if you have any recommendations about this mindfulness/performance technique let me know:) have an amazing day!


The Nike Trained podcast has an excellent episode with Andy Puddicombe, the creator of Headspace (an app about meditation and mindfulness). I would recommend that one as a starting place :)


It’s your week!!!! SOOOO excited for you!


Thank you Bridgette! I hope you have a wonderful day!


You’ve got some great mental toolbox thoughts! I’m going to keep rereading this post. My big race isn’t until December but I want to learn these habits now. At a half marathon I did last year I saw someone holding a sign that said “take chances, run fast” and I kept that in my head during that race, I liked it. Which is similar to that Sarah Marie design shirt “life’s short run fast”
I hope you will post something after your race on Saturday so I don’t have to wait until Sunday to find out how it went!


Thank you so much Mary and I am so excited for your race in just two months! Oh I love that sign… so so good! I will definitely post something on Saturday after the race (and Andrew will be adding to my IG during the race too)! Thanks Mary and have a wonderful day:)


Keep reading Deena’s, Kara’s, and Matt Fitzgerald’s books this week!
“Trust in your ability to improve.”
And definitely keep that Allie Kieffer top knot for race day!


YES… that power bun is everything:) I love that quote and thank you so much Molly, I’ll keep reading! Have a wonderful day!


Oh no! I am SO sorry about your sisters friends…big prayers to their family and friends and praying for a peace that surpasses all understanding.


Thank you so much Christina. That means a lot. Have a wonderful week!


I am SO SO sorry to hear about that family’s tragedy. They are absolutely in my prayers.
6 days until Chicago, and we fly out on Friday! I was having such a hard time with my mental game lately, since my training didn’t go as planned. With injury setbacks and having to replace a lot of my running workouts with cross-training, I kept worrying about how this race will go, will I be strong, will I even come close to a PR? Then on Sat AM it hit me like a ton of bricks: fever, chills, nausea, bodyaches. I was in bed all weekend. I had to scrap my final 12 miler. All I could think was “Why??? Hasn’t injury been enough?? Why am I now sick the week of the race???” Well this morning, I am (thankfully) feeling better. With only 4 days until we fly out, I will probably keep things very chill this week, like maybe one short run on Wed/Sat so I don’t relapse. It’s all about getting my strength back after not eating for 2 days. The thing is, it kind of helped me put things into perspective. I can’t control everything (anything?). Things are going to happen in life and what matters is how you respond to them. Maybe the reason I got sick is because if I did that last 12 miler I would have made the injury worse? Maybe I needed an extra week of just resting it? Maybe I would have over trained this week out of anxiety? Who knows? The point is that I need to have faith that this will play out the way it is supposed to, just like everything else. So, during the race, in my mental toolbox will be faith ? The weather is calling for rain, so I will splash in the puddles and have fun. Honestly, getting to the finish line of Chicago will feel like a bigger accomplishment than Boston!
Have a great week, Janae!


Thank you Annemarie, that is so kind of you!

I’ve been thinking about you a lot and this is terrible that you were so sick this weekend. I am so glad you are feeling better and I’m thinking this extra rest during the taper is really going to help you out and YOU are responding perfectly to it all. That is beyond impressive to me. I’m going to be thinking about you and please keep me updated on you!


From Steve Prefontaine: “Don’t let fatigue make a coward out of you.” I like this one because my mantra in running and in life is oftentimes “be brave.”

Then from a stranger I was running next to during the Eugene Marathon in 2017: At some point your brain is going to start to lie to you. It’s going to tell you you can’t go on, long before you can’t go on. It’s important that you don’t listen to it. Just keep pushing through.–> For some reason reminding myself that the marathon is a mental game just as much (maybe even more) as it is a physical one, makes it more attainable to me. It’s one thing if I’m not in shape, it’s whole different thing if my brain is what’s making me weak. I just can’t allow that ;)

I’ve also been reciting the names of the runners I admire during my hard workouts. Not only the pros (Des, Shalane, Molly—since they’re all running New York with me ;)) but even my fast friends who I pretend I’m chasing around that track. “Fast like Des/Shalane/Molly” has really been working! It also improves my running form pretty much instantly. Highly recommend this trick!

Keep visualizing that finish line and that number on the clock this week! You’re gonna crush it, Janae. I have no doubt in my mind and you shouldn’t either!


Oh Annie, that quote/mantra is perfection. Thank you for sharing, I’ll be thinking about that on Saturday! That runner is so right.. the brain gives up long before the body needs to! YES. I’ll be using these things so much on Saturday, thank you Annie!


Good luck Saturday!!! Next week my family is traveling to Prince Edward Island Canada to celebrate our anniversary. 21 years! What makes it even more exciting is the marathon is held on Oct. 14 and I get to run it! I’ve always wanted to go to PEI and run the marathon! My dream race!


Thank you so much Diane! HAPPY HAPPY Anniversary and I love that you get to run the marathon there. You are going to have the best time and please let me know how it goes. Cheering for you!


Love your list of mental tools! Two that resonated with me are to SMILE even when you don’t feel like it, and to swing your arms more when your legs get tired. I do both of those, and thought it was just me! Yay, I’m not completely crazy! ;-) One related thing I do that is similar to your picking up the pace when you feel tired is to try to pick up my knees for 10 strides as I crest a hill. My daughter taught me that … she learned to do it from her XC coach. At the top of a hill you think you’re physically done and want to back off/relax, but pick it up for 10 strides to prove you can, and get your legs out of their funk … then enjoy the flat/downhill.

One mantra I use that goes along pretty well with my cadence is, “God/is/strong/God/is/faith/ful/God/is/sov/reign/God/is/good/all/the/time.” Pair that with smiling and it really helps to get out of my own head.

So grateful for my husband, who is the most kind, patient man on the planet. He doesn’t run but always makes an effort to come out and cheer for me when I do a race. He’s put up with a wife who goes to bed at 9:30 every night for the last few months. He hung out waiting for me at the end of my 20 mile race for 4 hours, cheered me to the finish, and brought me towels, chocolate milk, whatever I needed when I needed it in those moments post race when the blood hadn’t fully made it back to my brain yet and I was just sort of scattered. Our 27th anniversary is the day before my marathon.

Excited for your race! You’ll do great!


Your hill tip from your daughter is golden and I will be using this from miles 7-12… thank you! That is just what I needed. I love your mantra too, that is absolutely perfect and so true. You’ve got an amazing husband… I am so happy for you! Having such supportive husbands is the best. HAPPY 27th anniversary soon:) Thank you Sondra for sharing!


One thing I think about when I’m trying to speed up but everything in my legs hurts – the way my big toes bend at the end of a stride. Making sure I get to that 90 degree bend in my big toe makes me go through my stride faster, but it speeds me up without thinking about making my quads or hamstrings or butt work harder. It’s kind of like how you think about what’s not hurting, but in a way that can quicken your turnover.


Chrissy, I absolutely love this. I’m totally going to try this. What an awesome idea! THANK YOU and have a wonderful day!


Best thing I ate this weekend- well- the fiance and I finally had a Sunday to stay home and watch football so I prepped lots of veggies to dip in ranch and made french onion dip for chips and we also made homemade buffalo chicken taquitos! Then for dinner- I marinated a Pork Tenderloin asian style and once that was cooked diced it up and stirred it in with a little white rice, cauliflower rice medley that had edamame, and more asian marinade! SO good. and so so easy. :)


I am so glad you had such a great Sunday with your fiance! Reading about those taquitos and that dip and the tenderloin made me seriously drool. That all sounds amazing! Have a wonderful week!


I’m running St. George for the first time this year – and I’ve been training for a PR so I’m excited to race by effort and not by the numbers because I KNOW I’m capable of more than a certain pace (of course i’ll keep that as like a guideline and minimum time but I want to push myself and be on the edge of my ability, not just comfortable!). Good luck!


Kelcy, I AM SO SO EXCITED FOR YOU! You are going to love St. George. I hope I get to see you there! Keep me updated on everything, you’ve got this!


you have all the tools! thank you for sharing yours! i’ll totally use them. i raced on Sunday, the Bronx 10M – and i utilized the pace team NYRR had set up in the corral i was in – and there were times that it felt painfully slow (uh the first mile) and times where it felt suicidal (mile 6 and i had to pick up the pace thru rolling hills – an uphill). i had to mantra to myself “trust your training” and it totally worked. i just let it go and trusted i would be fine – and i was. negative split the 2nd half so i was happy with the result!

i have the Staten Island half and then a couple of long runs and then the NYC marathon…!

best thing i ate this weekend was this amazing cajun place with my family after the race. they source all their yummy goods from Louisiana for the most part, and it was delicious.

i am grateful for my body. i had a couple of injuries this training cycle but i stayed positive and didn’t count myself out. i kept trying to keep fitness and re-gain fitness to see if i can make it to the starting line in Nov. so far, it’s looking good – but i’m still tentative – as long as my body holds up, i will be at that starting line. so doing whatever i can to stay healthy and grateful to my body. i’m grateful for patience during those times of injury too.


WAY TO GO ON YOUR RACE THIS WEEKEND! You are amazing… way to go on the negative split ! I can’t wait to hear how well you do at NYC! Thank you for sharing what you are grateful for, we are so so lucky. Have a wonderful day!


When your legs get tired, run with your heart!

You got this!! Can’t wait to hear about it!


Thank you Emily! That means a lot to me! Have a beautiful rest of your week!


I know you mentioned a few days ago which shoes you decided to wear for the marathon. I’m getting ready to order some new shoes. How do the Levitate and the Ricochet compare? Which are better, in your opinion, for long distance running?


HEY KRISTEN!! Yay for new shoes! The Levitate are a tiny bit heavier but they offer more spring and bounce than the Ricochet. The ricochet is a tiny bit more stiff but I can get going faster in the ricochet vs the Levitate. Both are amazing. The Ricochet is a bit cheaper too so that helps. You can’t go wrong with either! Can you make it to a shoe store and try them on to compare? My full ricochet review will be up in a week or two. Thanks Kristen and have a beautiful day!


You HAVE GOT THIS Janae!!!! All those little mental tricks are going to help, along with all of the other things you’ve been doing to prepare for this day! I really feel you’re so much less anxious about everything this time, you’re in a great spot mentally and so on top of your nutrition and mental game, I am sure it’s going to pay off on Saturday! One more trick for in your mental toolbox, think about all of us who will be thinking of you on race day & are inspired by you every day! I have been on runs that didn’t go the way I wanted and thought about you and how you’re juggling life as a busy mum and stay so positive & manage to chase your goals, you are truly inspiring! So even though you’ll be just as inspiring if you don’t hit your goal this time around (!!!! 100% true this), in your mental toolbox, think about all of us cheering for you and work your hardest make us proud!!!! Sending you all the positive vibes on Saturday (although I might need to check timezones first haha, I’m in Australia so I think it’ll be Sunday our time ;) )


Two weeks ago my family walked a 5k in my aunt’s memory (she passed away this April from brain cancer) and they had a sign that said “When your legs give up, run with your heart” I thought of that at least once a mile in my half marathon the next day! Such great motivation


Thank you for sharing– even small donations can go a long way. I can’t imagine what the mother is feeling now.


I’m really excited for you! Go in with a calm confidence and a gratefulness to be able to do something you love❤️Kick some butt!!!


I love that she said to imagine us our carrying you!!! Imagine how many individual people across the world will think positive for YOU Saturday morning! that’s incredible!

October 5 birthday! Theres a race this weekend in a cemetery too, haha!

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