Change of Plans and Sentence Per Picture!


Cut my workout short… supposed to be 4 x 1 mile @ 6:45 and I did 3 x 1 mile @ 6:45 (with w/u and c/d 7 miles total) because my body just told me to do less so I did less.

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Got home and spilled my cup of BCAAs all over myself and the ground.

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It’s that time of year again!

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My Costco shopping buddy for the day… I have copied my mom and now get there the second the store opens and it makes it so we can cruise through the store.

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The best… I should have grabbed one.

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Pesto tortellini for lunch and later on we spent some time outside.

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Skye prefers my lap > sitting on the grass big time.

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We got in some soccer practice in my oofos.

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Chicken, tortilla, cheese, avocado, salsa salads with blueberries, chips and salsa on the side.

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The forecast has changed for the marathon and I’m not going to let it bring down my confidence for the race…  I’m going to stop looking because my coach knows what is best.

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I will make sure to pack some pretty great rain jackets and if you wouldn’t mind crossing your fingers that we have great weather on Saturday, that would be fabulous.

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And I’ll wear my Boston 2015 jacket to remember that wind and rain won’t stop me, bring it on.

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PS Gwen Jorgensen is still running 60-70 miles the week of her marathon (she is running Chicago)… wow!

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Also, YES:

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Last thing, Michele sent me this advice for a previous marathon and I saved it because I love it so much.

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Pumpkin pie… delicious or terrible?

Have a sentence for the day?

Last great podcast you listened to… I need one for today’s 5 miler!

Who is tapering right now and tell me the craziness it is bringing you please!!

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I was literally just sitting at my desk wondering why my legs are so heavy and tired. TAPER CRAZIES!!!
Your Boston year jacket is so much cuter than mine! I like the blue better than last year’s red. :)


YESSSSS the taper crazies are so real. Those legs of yours are going to feel fresh and alive race morning and I can’t wait for you. Yeah, I love my jacket’s colors. Have a wonderful day Mollie!


Yes!! Taper week! I’m here in Chicago getting ready to start obsessing about the weather (promised myself I wouldn’t start compulsively checking until Thursday/Friday) … And panicking about every ache/pain that pops up! Also cannot focus at work for the life of me so gonna work extra hard next week :)

Almost race day!! Hope the forecast ends up looking good for both of us!


YESSSS I am crossing my fingers for all of you Chicago runners too! Keep me updated on everything:) You are going to do amazing Arthi!


I’m running Chicago! I can’t wait! And I have checked the weather at least 5x so far today… ahhhhh can’t stop!!


Yes!!!! It’s such an incredible race. And know that the weather will change 100 more times between now and Sunday so don’t let it get to you!


Rich Roll’s podcast with Jedidiah Jenkins – so good!


I LOVE Rich Roll… I can’t wait to check this one out. Thank you Miranda! Have a great day:)


Don’t worry about that weather, Janae. YOU’VE GOT THIS!! You have trained for this, and keep reminding yourself that YOU CAN DO THE HARD THINGS, no matter what the circumstances are!

Sentence for the day: Being brave isn’t always easy, but it’s the way to live. Also, I need a hug. :/


Virtual hug sent. Great sentence of the day.

Janae- I LOVE that you have three different rain jacket options to choose from. You are so prepared in the training that you have done and in jackets too! You are going run so fast!


Sending a virtual hug to you right now Natalie!

Thank you so much Natalie and Caroline!


Girl you’ve GOT THIS! We can’t control the weather, but we CAN control how we feel! Just think about that on Saturday no matter what it’s like and you will get through this and rock it- trust in your training, your hard work, your determination and your motivation to hit your goal. Only YOU can control that and you have so many people behind you! SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!


That is so so true Blaire. Just what I needed, THANK YOU and I’ll report back on the blog on Saturday how it goes:) Have a wonderful day!


My husband and I are tapering at the same time for Chicago on Sunday and all I can say is it makes for an interesting house! It’s nice when one of us is down, the other props them up and then reverse. But we’re both testy, our legs feel like garbage, hungry all the time, and at least for me, not sleeping well. Kinda like a storm brewing it’s humid humid sticky static and then click pressure drops and here comes the rain

Pumpkin spice Cheerios are good luck don’t ask for the source it’s just science


Oh Kaytlin, BOTH of you are tapering at the same time… that is ROUGH. You guys are strong for doing that haha! I love that scientific FACT!! Thinking about you, cheering for you and I KNOW you are going to have an amazing race!


Your coach is so right about the weather! I am weather obsessed all the time, and as someone who literally checks 10X each Friday before my long run on Saturday I can definitely say the weather can change 5 times in a day let alone over the course of several days!

I loooove those texts from Michele and will have to tuck them away in my memory, especially that last part of telling yourself you’re doing an amazing job when you want to quit! Also tell yourself “I am Janae and this is my day!” it rhymes which is cute, and also it will be true!! Putting all the good vibes out into the universe for you!


HAHAH why do we become so obsessed with the weather forecast when we KNOW it is going to change?! YES.. don’t forget what she said. I LOVE that… I’m going to use that. Have a wonderful day Kristina!


Pumpkin pie: YES PLEASE! Give me all the pumpkin. Right now.
As for weather on marathon day and the forecasts: maybe it’s the universe’s way of wanting you to think about and celebrate the possibility of all of your favorite running gear for every possible kind of weather? When I don’t want to really focus on what something could mean I turn to the material stuff like what it looks like, or what kind of shoes I should wear, or what color sweater, or whatever. (Wait a minute, I live in Georgia–what’s a sweater?!?!? jk, jk…)
It’s so close. You’ve prepared so much!!! You’ll have SO MUCH FUN!!! I’m so excited for you!


I think you need to grab a slice of pumpkin pie today! YES… I love that perspective:) Thank you Stephanie so much and have a beautiful day!


You know the phrase “Rain on your wedding day is good luck?” Well… rain on a marathon day is even better luck! Right? You got that. You did Ogden half that super fun year it rained and was freezing. You have more experience with rain than you think. And any rains or wind will just mean your body will push harder to get to the finish line and warm clothes and hot chocolate faster. Besides, I think Desi might have a few positive things to say about a rainy marathon… think like Desi!


It TOTALLY is even better luck:) Oh yes, I forgot about that one… thanks for the reminder! That was way colder than what it will be like on Saturday:) Did you do the full that year, that was tough! Just listened to Desi this morning and maybe the aid stations should have hot chocolate for us haha. Have a wonderful day JL and thank you for the reminders, I needed that!


I am so obsessed with the weather on Saturday too. I am running a 80 mile relay in Nebraska and I really don’t want to be stuck in a van with 7 other wet runners all day:) I am crossing my fingers for a dry day for both of us on Saturday!!!


AHHHHHH I am hoping big time that you guys don’t have any rain. Good luck this weekend, that relay sounds like a blast!


Me and Brooke were thinners yesterday. I think that’s one of my favorite shirts haha. I hope I don’t look too much like a child in it.

If there’s a vegetable in it, is it really a dessert? I’m ok with a pumpkin chocolate chip cookie or two but not a fan of the pie. Fruit and puddings belong in pie. :)

I bet it rains it’s self out before Saturday! And even if it doesn’t, at least it won’t be crazy heat!


I LOVE that you guys have the same shirt. Definitely a vegetable! I agree, it’s going to get outta here before Saturday. Thanks Jenny and have a great day!


In high school, I LOVED when our cross country meets or track meets had horrible weather. I grew up in FL and running in rain felt so much better than dry, hot conditions. Plus, running in the rain feels sorta like a little kid so I would have a little bit more energy because I told myself it was fun. You can run avoiding puddles, look at how miserable other runners are and tell yourself its fun to get wet or dirty running, and if you sweat or cry nobody can tell. LOL


Alex – Love your response! A good thing to say to myself if it rains during Chicago on Sunday…..


GO CATHY GO!! I’m cheering for you and please let me know how it goes, so excited for you and praying for good weather for you!


I LOVED this so much too. Thank you Alex for sharing, jumping over puddles sounds like a blast! Haha about that sweat/tears too:) Thank you so much!


I’m definitely in full-on taper madness; I keep waking up with the weirdest marathon thoughts and cannot stop checking Chicago’s weather. It’s a real situation.

I love, love, love the idea of being our own cheerleader. We can do hard things!


Kara, you are going to ROCK Chicago. I can’t wait for you. Enjoy everything about it and I’m cheering for you. Please let me know how it goes and I have a feeling that rain is going to stay away:)


Yes, it’s a tapper week here too… Long Beach half on Sunday :) You are going to be amazing on Saturday!!! We are all cheering you on and lifting you up!!
Oh my gosh… we have already gone through one box of Pumpkin Cheerios! We love them :) And yes to pumpkin pie!! My son brought one home from the cake walk at the super fun local fall fair this last weekend. Yummers!
Thanks to you, I have discover Lindsey Hein’s podcast and am now totally addicted! I’ve been going back and listening to older shows, but I am now a full fledged subscriber, so I will be getting all her new ones every Friday :) Everyone she has on is so amazing and inspirational!
Have a good 5 miles, and a happy Wednesday!


I am so excited for you to run Long Beach Wendy! Thank you so so much… I definitely feel the lifting from you guys. I hope you can feel me cheering for you too! I am so glad you are loving her podcast, she is the best. Have a great day and thank you!


You’ve got this Janae – trust in your training! You’ve worked hard, and now it’s time to enjoy your marathon and SMILE!!!!
I’m in full on taper madness (Chicago). I am trying really hard to let go of the things out of my control – ahem, talking to you weather…..If I could wrap myself in bubble wrap this week I would do it.
Sentence for the day – I am STRONG.
Your salads always look so amazing. Think I need to start copying those :)


Cathy, I really appreciate your comment, thank you. AND YOU ARE GOING TO DO SO WELL IN CHICAGO. I’m cheering for you and please let me know how it goes! The weather is going to change and be perfect for you! Happy tapering.


Yes Costco pumpkin pie is amazing and the best!!! I was just in there too and talked myself out of buying one already but now I don’t know why. :)
You will do amazing at St George!!!! Channel your inner Desi! :) I’m excited for you and cheering you on!


Let’s both grab one next time we are there. THANK YOU LAURA!


I always get taper pains and Mary is right, stop looking, the weather will change 5 more times, and no need to waste worry on what you can’t control. (And my horrible, rainy St George Marathon was still one of my better times…you can do it!!)

Also, pumpkin pie – not terrible but so meh that it’s not worth eating. (Now mincemeat pie – that is terrible!)


the coolness of a rain threat makes for wonderful run temps – I predict perfect weather for your marathon Saturday! PS we may be having the same dinner – thx for the great idea :)


I’m not a big fan of pumpkin pie (or any pie). I’m more into pumpkin bread or cookies… with chocolate chips please!! Perfect with hot chocolate :)

I really love Michele’s pre race advice. I’m going to write that in my running log. You have really been helping me with the concept of embracing pain the last few months. So much of our success depends on how we react to things.

I’m not tapering, but I have so many friends running marathons this weekend (Twin Cities, Chicago, St George). I’ve been checking on everyone and sending them all the good race vibes. I can’t wait to track everyone this weekend!!


Good for you for listening to your body in your workout. Sometimes I still feel guilty doing that, for not following my coach to an exact TEE, but it’s actually a smart thing to do sometimes………..

About the weather—-I ran a half marathon last May, and it was rainy, but it actually ended up being a better race for me than a recent one with “perfect” weather. I had an awesome long run/workout in the rain the other week, too, even though I had been dreading it. YOU ARE STRONGER THAN THE WEATHER!!!!! Do not doubt that, and do not give Mother Nature the power to take over your thoughts. Think about all of those people who PRed at BOSTON last year in that horrendous weather. Amazing things can happen on race day. Adrenaline, baby!!!!!!

And, I LOVE sweets, but I have to say a big NO to pie in general. My 9 year-old has never tasted pumpkin pie. ha ha ha ha We never have it/eat it!

Question for you—what is your preworkout BCAA drink/brand again??? I’m thinking I want to look into using this!!!!

I’ll share a new food with you, too, that I’m LOVING. They’re Sun Maid sour strawberry golden raisins. They make sour lemon flavor, too. So so good. I had a handful before a longish run yesterday, and yum. I’ve found them at my grocery store, but they’ve been kind of hard to find! :)

Saw your Insta story about going to bed on time! YOU GO, GIRL! You’ve so so so got everything about this marathon!!!!!!!!!


YES… it really is so hard to do but I knew that shortening it was going to be the best thing for me! That is so good to hear that the rain helped you out… I love what you said about being stronger than the weather, thank YOU. Here is the BCAA that I’m loving… so far it has been amazing! . I had no idea that flavored raisins were a thing. I will be purchasing. Thank you so much for your support Jen, it means the world to me. Have an awesome day!


For Grandmas Marathon this year the weather called for storms up until race morning. Great way to wake up! I woke my husband up at 5am to announce clear skies. Not sure why he wasn’t as excited as I was! ha
I have been listening to Binge Mode Harry Potter. Once Andrew finishes book 7, he needs to listen to the podcast!


Oh that is AWESOME Molly. I’m guessing that is what is going to happen on Saturday! So he FINALLY finished it and I will tell him about it. Thanks Molly and have a great day!


I like pumpkin pie, but don’t particularly love it. Les makes a double layer pumpkin pie that is my favorite:

We have rain in the forecast for today. I’m hopeful that it will actually happen, but hoping you don’t get rain on Saturday!


Pumpkin pie delicious or terrible?!?! WHO THINKS PUMPKIN PIE IS TERRIBLE?! It is seriously the best. Also a hack to make it even better: Cinnamon ice cream. It’s seasonal and tricky to find but it’s worth the search!

I’m not tapering this week, but I have been SO weirdly tired. Nothing has changed in my routine and I’m sleeping through the night just fine, so I’m just crossing my fingers and toes that I’m not getting sick. Question for you/everyone training for a marathon right now: do you have weeks that you absolutely nail every workout and then weeks where you fail miserably at everything? Last week I CRUSHED my speed work and my long run and today I couldn’t get my legs moving for my tempo because even my “easy” pace felt strained. It’s not a huge confidence booster….please tell me this happens to you too!


I’m crossing al my fingers and toes that your weather forecast improves, BUT I’d also remind you that you did train a little in extreme humidity in the Midwest this summer! Even if it’s a tiny bit humid it’ll be nothing compared to that at least! ?


THAT IS SO TRUE… Bridget. I needed this reminder big time. I totally forgot about that. This humidity will feel like NOTHING compared to that. Have a wonderful day!


I’m so glad it helped! :) Have a great day and GOOD LUCK on Saturday!


No pumpkin or cherry pies for me. I picked up a “bumbleberry” pie yesterday (Apple, rhubarb, blackberry, raspberry) that I’m looking forward to trying!

When I played soccer, the worst part of rainy games was the start. Once you’re soaked you forget about it! But I will cross my fingers for your weather!

I’m a huge podcast fan. Listening to season 3 of Serial this week.


Random question for you! I am at Costco now and have notice you get the Kirkland protein bars- do you recommend them and do they give you any stomach issues? I typically do not do well with quest or other bars with “fake” proteins and sugar alcohols but like kind bars and clif bars are fine. The price is great so I’d love to try them!!


Hey Chloe! I have been using them for a few months now and I absolutely love them. Real food > protein bars in my opinion BUT I just don’t have the time to make things many mornings and I can’t not eat anything so these are perfect. They don’t upset my stomach at all and I cannot do quest bars in the slightest. Try them and if you don’t like them then I will buy the box from you;) Have a great day!


Thanks so much! I got them (so was hoping your reply was a positive one!!).
Good luck with the taper brain and the race. I will be cheering hard for your from Brooklyn!


Two points about the weather: I ran a marathon in September and the weather all week said rain. Race day it was dry and 55 degrees at the start. No rain until mid-day after I finished. Lesson: weather forecasts are unreliable!

And even if it does rain, I thought this fun statistic might be a good boost: Even in spite of the weather this year at Boston, “In fact, 30 percent more people requalified for Boston in the 2018 race than they did at the 2017 race.” Lesson: what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger (and just wetter)!


I’m running a half on Sunday ( and the current forecast is 1-3″ of snow on Saturday night, temps in the low 30s and snow Sunday morning. I can’t stop looking to see if it has magically changed. Got any good glove suggestions?? I’ve run in snow plenty, but not 13 miles!


SNOW…. WHAT?!?! I would get some waterproof mittens and handwarmers! Those will keep your hands nice and toasty. You’ve got this Lisa… go show your STRENGTH on Sunday!


I should maybe be tapering but I signed up for a 30k 2 weeks ago that is next week so I basically just started training! ooops! maybe I’ll just skip the taper crazies all together because I’m obviously pretty skatter brained! Ha!
Uhm. no pumpkin pie. at least, not since I’ve tasted sweet potato pie. ever since then, I just can’t go back to pumpkin!
some good podcasts are any that include Courtney Deuwalter. to say she’s an amazing ultra runner is an understatement! she has some funny stories about hallucinations on the trails, running while going temporarily blind and bleeding from her head and eating quesadillas at aid stations! I think i last heard her on ultra runner podcast and Joe Rogan. I also really like Run This World w/ Nicole DeBoom and Ginger Runner.
Have a good run and a great day!


Ahaha! Your taper list made me laugh! I am tapering this week too and I have a sore throat today. I am telling myself it is phantom (although my boyfriend said he has a sore throat as well so maybe it is not!). I am trying to drink a lot of water and if it stays real bad I have run while having cough drops before so it won’t stop me! :) It got hot here again this week (high is 90F today!! what?!?!) but it is supposed to thunderstorm on Sunday (race day), so I will be sending good weather thoughts your way and my way.


Oh NO… I hope that sore throat disappears asap so that you can go rock that race! Thunderstorms? Let that thunderstorm power you and have some ice cream today! Thanks Emily, I’m sending them your way too!


I honestly cannot wait to see how your race goes. I fully believe you are going to achieve your goals – your hard work is going to pay off! And if not – running a marathon is hard work. Even finishing is an accomplishment in and of itself. You have been so focused (in a healthy way!) this training cycle – you are going to kill it!
Pumpkin pie = YES.
Sentence for the day – “Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory.” I am currently a part of a team working on some process improvements at work and that is applicable both for my work life and for my running life! :)


Okay, so I do NOT condone checking the weather until the day before :) BUT, my weather app is showing morning CLOUDS in St. George Utah with very slight wind (not high mph at all) and afternoon showers. You will be done by then!! Doesn’t the race start insanely early? You will be fine! Clouds will be great so no beating hot sun. Humidity will just make it so your body is very hydrated (just remember to drink also :) ). And stop checking the weather (I’m so bossy today. ha!). I just don’t want you to stress and make yourself tired by stressing.


YES… so today it is much better but last night/yesterday (when I wrote my post) it was terrible haha. Hopefully it stays where it is now because morning clouds will feel fabulous. THANK YOU for the reminder about hydration with humidity. I feel like that is something I would forget because I’m not used to it. THANK YOU for your help Amanda, I need it!


I cut my workout short too! I had a similar workout as well. My knee felt weird so I skipped the last repeat and just did a cool down. Too close to race day to risk it!

I need to go to Costco for my flu shot! Also, yes to going right when it opens. No crowd!

Same with the weather. It keeps changing so I’m packing tomorrow night and bringing all the things! Also, 60-70 mile weeks are definitely not taper for me. That’s wild!

Running Chicago on Sunday and it’s so hard to sit still! Coach told me not weight lifting or cycling so I’m sitting on the couch and just trying to relax. I’m reading Deena Kastor’s book and it’s helping me to visualize a strong marathon.

Good luck! You got this!


GOOD LUCK ON SUNDAY, you are going to do amazing! That book is my favorite! Wait until after your race to get your flu shot. I hope you have a great day and sleep well tonight!


Hi Janae!! Good luck on your race this weekend! You’re gonna do great! No matter how the weather is you’ll be a stronger runner because of it!

I wanted to let you know I’ve ran in my Levitates a few times and I LOVE them! Thank you for sharing the recommendation!


That makes me so so happy. They are the best. Thank you Maddie and I hope you have a wonderful day!


I totally obsessed about the weather for my half marathons and my 20 miler and after having done both in chilly rains I’ve decided I just don’t care about the weather anymore. It will be what it is and the miles will come and go and I’ll just deal with it. FWIW, 20 miles in pouring rain at 57 degrees, I ended up deciding more clothing was not helpful … extra weight, extra chafing, no helpful warmth (e.g., too hot in a jacket). Ran the last 14 miles in my sports bra. I was plenty warm, and it was actually quite freeing.

Excited for you!


I love pumpkin pie!! I need to find a gf recipe :)

I just started listening to the 3rd season of Serial and I like Rachel Hollis’ Rise Together podcast.

I am still undecided about running St. George this weekend, a month ago, it was a definite no but I got about 75 pain free miles in September, so my foot is 100% and I did a lot of pool running and biking during my down time. I ran a 5k Sat in 22:39 so my running friend/mentor told me that it’s definitely possible. Ha, so I will probably decide Friday night. So yea, I guess a sort of taper for me, although the easiest one I’ve ever done!!


Do you have a certain brand of pesto that you use on your tortellini?


Hey Michelle! We just grab the Kirkland (costco) one and LOVE it! They have amazing tortellini too:) Have a great day!


I’m running Chicago! I can’t wait! And I have checked the weather at least 5x so far today… ahhhhh can’t stop!!


GO JEN GO!!! You are going to do amazing! Please let me know how it goes for you! Cheering for YOU!


Crossing my fingers and my toes that you and all the other racers are sent good weather on Saturday! (Although as a fellow Boston 2015 racer, I can see why you wear the jacket to remind you of what you can handle ;) )

I listened to Lindsey Hein’s latest episode with pole vaulter Katie Nageotte – it was so interesting to hear from a field athlete! I don’t know much about pole vaulting to begin with (I’ve only ever seen it on the Olympics) and she breaks down the strategy behind it. Totally recommend it :)

Sentence for the day (It’s a run on…): The Wineglass half on Sunday was chilly and rainy but still so beautiful and I already want to go back and do that race again!


I wish I got nice emails like those! Lol other than my husband none of my friends want to hear about my running. They all hate it so my poor husband deals with all my running talk ? It’s all good! Good luck on your race!! It can’t be worse than Boston or Ogden, even if it rains it will feel warmer or at least that’s what I keep telling myself. It’s my first time running St George. I’m determined to have a great time!


I’ll send you nice emails/texts. I want to hear all about your running. I’m sure your husband loves to hear about your passion! You are so right… it can’t be worse than those haha. Also, as of today… the weather is now looking perfect. Cloudy and a tailwind–> YES PLEASE!! If you see me please come and say hi, I would love it so much!


Awe thanks! You’re sweet! My husband is my biggest supporter and does so much just to help me achieve my goals and make me smile. He’s the best ? I will definitely come and say hi if I can find you in the crowd. I’ll be lining up by the 4:30 people. Can’t wait!


I love pumpkin pie – especially the ones I make haha.

Not tapering – actually trying to run again after 5 weeks of doing very little haha.

Good luck this weekend! Hope you have lots of fun and an amazing race!


Janae….YOU GOT THIS…regardless of the forecast! Anytime I have to run in wind and rain and especially the two combined, I remind myself of my badassery finishing Boston 2015 and this years SeaWheeze half in Vancouver’s cold rain.

YOU CAN DO HARD THINGS! Just think how much MORE rewarding that hot chocolate will be post race.


I agree with your coach…stop checking. Pack for any condition and just know that it is what is come race morning. You can’t change it, so don’t let it change you (or your confidence in your training). ;)
Sentence for the day, which comes from “Girl, Wash your Face” by Rachel Hollis: “You’ve lived through tougher things than this. Don’t give up now!” (Chapter 4, page 39)
You’ve got this race. I believe in you, Janae!


Thank you so so much Michelle for your comment… it means a lot to me. And that quote… the BEST. The weather changed again today (for the better) but I need to officially stop and just bring a few options. Thank you and have an amazing rest of your week and thanks for taking the time to write to me… that quote is the best.


I’m experiencing the weirdest taper ever…I had a fainting episode out of the blue a week ago (not while running) and after seeing my doctor and a neurologist this week, both gave me very vague advice about whether or not to run this coming weekend. Not the taper I was expecting! At this point, only 4 days from the race, I’m trying to decide if running a marathon so soon is the right call (and it’s my first marathon, so I don’t have much of a personal history to go off of).

I agree with your coach – stop checking the weather (even though I do it obsessively too :))! I’ve had several races that had the weather forecast change drastically in the day or two before. I bet you’ll have great weather, and if not, you’ll still do awesome!


Pumpkin pie – heck yes! When I was 11, I ate an entire pumpkin pie by myself. I am now 30 and my parents still love to tell people that story, HA!

I am not tapering yet, but my husband is! He has a hundred mile race on Saturday. He is going through ALL the things that graphic mentioned!

Best of luck to you this weekend! Can’t wait to hear all about it! Maybe you should start a text chain with all your readers so we don’t have to wait until Sunday! ;) Haha, I kid, I kid. Kinda! Super excited for you!


Pumpkin pie = delicious! But I actually prefer apple!

Praying for clear skies and perfect running weather!


Yeah to pumpkin Cheerios and pumpkin pie!!!!! That is the only thing that makes it okay that summer is gone! LOL!


This is marathon #9 for me and for the first time, I am loving the taper! Felt so good to run “only” 11 on Sunday and enjoy it, and to run less than 5 miles at a time, at recovery pace, in cooler weather, without guilt or worry this week. Guilty of the rest of the taper crazies though, and Chicago’s ever-changing weather forecast is keeping me guessing but looks like I’ll be needing a rain jacket too. We’re just going to have to channel our inner Des! :-)

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