20 M.I.L.E.S. + Skye Denied Me + Marathon Training Week #6

Turns out long runs with friends are WAY MORE fun for me vs doing them alone.  We got to mile 10 (the turn around point) and I could not believe that we were that far into the run.  The miles clicked by and the social time was the best.

I went to bed Friday night at 10 and then was up at 4:50 to start getting things ready to meet the girls.  I tried a new combo that I REALLY LIKED.  I never eat oatmeal before a long run but a bunch of you do so I thought I would try it out and it felt really good.  Also, I tried tailwind and it was amazing.  I had the entire packet on the drive to our meeting spot and it was awesome.  My stomach was so happy with it and it gave me a lot of energy.  I also used a nanohydr8 (I talk about this amazing stuff in this post along with my discount offer) before starting and drank a ton of water.  Between everything I had around 400 calories which felt perfect before the long run.

I’m a big fan of tailwind now.  You guys are always right.  It was the perfect energy for me.  I just need to find a way to take it during the run?!

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I wore my good luck necklace from Andrew.

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And then drove to meet the girls.  It was 60 degrees when we started and it felt amazing.  My hands were even cold which was a good sign.

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And then we all started up.  My friend had on this amazing light and I’m ordering it.  It was so bright and easy for her to wear.  It’s amazing.

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I took my handheld water bottle with me which was really nice.  I filled it up really quick twice during the first 10 miles (second 10 miles I didn’t stop at all).  One of the girls I ran with has done a 2:52 marathon (WOWZERS) and she carried hers the entire time during her marathon to stay hydrated and kept filling it up along the way.

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The first 10 were up and the last 10 were down.  St. George has the same type of feel… the really hard ups are in the first half and the downs are mostly in the second half.  It was a great dress rehearsal.  My legs were really tired by the end from the up and down (1104 up and 1104 down) but overall I felt pretty good.

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At mile 10 we started the workout portion and did that for 7 miles.  For the first 3ish miles of the workout I was still talking to my friend and then after that I put in my music and she cruised up ahead and finished her 20 at her tempo pace.  She was very inspiring to chase after and it was so helpful for me.

First 10 around an 8:03 average.

10-17 @ 6:47 average (6:57, 6:47, 7:08, 6:51, 6:37, 6:34, 6:33).  During these miles I stepped on a snail on accident and can’t get the crunch sound out of my head.  I also saw the guy in our area that runs 5:something miles in CROCS.  He is so fast and has been only running in crocs for years and years.

3 mile c/d still going down (7:15, 7:13, 6:57)

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And then we finished at the gas station.  This picture was taken after I sat on a bench for a while.  I haven’t gone 20 miles in almost 2 years and it definitely tested me but overall I’m happy with how it went and how I felt by the end.  Really good things are coming October 6th.

Also, this run felt so much better than last Saturday so don’t forget, the good ones and bad ones are just part of training.

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Overall stats.

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PS remember how Bangs Friend is flying out to do St. George too?!  She rocked her first 20 miler and beat me by .15:)  Too bad we can’t do these runs together!

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One of my friends was also wearing a beautiful pair of Launches!  4 out of 5 of us there are all running St. George.  It will be fun to celebrate together afterwards!

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We ended pretty close to one of my favorite donut shops so I picked some up to take back home to the family (and me:).

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Skye completely denied me when I got home.  Not sure if it was because I smelled terrible or if she was mad she didn’t join me in the bike trailer with Andrew like the previous week:)

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Brooke was a huge fan of the s’mores donut and Beretta watched for any crumb that fell to the ground.   She is a great vacuum for food:)

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I got in some bcaa’s and a protein bar before having my buttermilk bar.  Skye joined me with my R8 routine.

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And Brooke and Knox joined me for the stretching portion.  Brooke is way more flexible than I am.

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Andrew was out getting everything ready for our camping trip!!  It was Skye’s first camping trip ever!  I’ll share all of the adventures soon but I wrote this post before leaving because the mountains don’t have reception which is fabulous for some family bonding time.


Marathon training week #6 (of a short training cycle… 5 weeks to go):

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Monday:  8 miles @ 9:00 pace

Tuesday:  10.17 miles total.  Track workout!

2 mile w/u

2 miles @ 6:31

3 minutes walking

1 mile @ 6:00

3 minutes walking

2 miles @ 6:26

3 minutes walking

1 mile @ 6:01

2 mile c/d

Wednesday:  6 miles @ 8:33

Thursday:  7 miles @ 8:14

Friday:  6 miles @ 8:26

Saturday:  20.1 miles!!   10 w/u, 7 miles @ 6:47 (mostly down), 3 mile cool-down.  7:27 average!

Sunday:  OFF!

57.27 miles for the week.  I am pretty sure this is my highest mileage week since 2015!


What are your Sunday plans?

What was the best run of your week?

What was the last new thing you tried with your running?  Did you like it?

Favorite type of donut?

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Way to go!! Enjoy your trip to the mountains!


Thanks Lindsey!! We just got home and it was amazing:) I hope you have an amazing Sunday!


Sunday plans are really fun and random:
Looking at new kitchen lighting
Exploring a flea market
Lots of recovery work with foam rolling etc
Girls night with Steak n Shake!

PS I ordered a pair of Launch’s after trying some on and they come in this week! You may have converted another Mizuno runner…only time will tell


This sounds like the perfect day… especially the steak n shake:) AHHHHHH I can’t tell you how happy it makes me that you are switching to the Launch! Keep me updated on how that goes. Have a beautiful day Kristen and I hope you found the perfect kitchen lighting!


I finally tried the Huma gel apples and cinnamon yesterday. I was super apprehensive about the flavor but I liked it!


I am SO glad you liked it… it’s the only one I’ll use now ha! Have an amazing day Molly!


I know how you feel about having your bangs friend here to train with you. I felt the same way every time I went out for my long run, about my cousin who came up to do the half with me.

At that half I tried a honey stinger waffle and I was so happy about it. Gone keep that on ly race day to do list.

Have fun camping!! We just got back and had so much fun. Hopefully we can still squeeze some in this year.


Hey girl! Your cousin just needs to move next door to you!? Oh we love those waffles… they taste so good. Camping was so much fun. And now I’m showered and it feels so nice:) I hope your Sunday is a beautiful one Jenny!


Skye has a big personality! So adorable. 20 miles looks like fun with friends! Today I’m running in Seattle and then my bf and me are going to Vancouver for the day


Oh thank you Emma! Ummmmm this sounds like the perfect day! I love both Seattle and Vancouver:) Enjoy!


My best run was Friday’s lunchtime run…..I had missed my long run of 10 miles on Wednesday, so I attempted 8 on my lunch break on Friday (about the longest I can do in my 60-75 min lunch time window). It was humid, I looked like I had been swimming afterward, but it was much easier than Tuesday’s 7 miler. That Tuesday run WIPED. ME. OUT. I didn’t feel sick, but just exhausted from the sun (and girl time probably contributed). Anyway, after 2 days rest Friday’s run felt awesome!!

Sunday: busy day/weekend at work, taco night with the husband, and hopefully a run before said tacos!

I have a packet of tailwind I have been meaning to try…………maybe this week I actually will, ha!

mmm……..donuts………..my favorite kind are all of them, ha! Actually, I prefer Krispy Kreme with chocolate icing, or a blueberry cake donut (from anywhere, most cake donuts taste the same, but NOTHING tastes like Krispy Kreme!)

Have a great holiday weekend!


WAY TO GO on your Friday lunchtime run… 8 miles during your lunch break and in the humidity. You are amazing Loribeth. I want to come over for tacos. Try the tailwind, I really liked it! And now you have me needing a Krispy Kreme. Thanks Loribeth! Have a beautiful Sunday.


Wow what an awesome workout! Way to get it done. I am jealous of the weather you had for your long run, it is still so hot and humid out east.


Thank you! I do not know how you do what you do in your weather conditions!! Come out to training camp in Utah and I’ll run with you:) Have an amazing day Victoria!


My Sunday consists of church service, a nap, and family time. Love it!

My best run of the week was definitely on my birthday Monday. My cross country girls and I did part of my favorite route by our school and I just felt really good that day. We don’t have school tomorrow for Labor Day so I’m pretty excited to get to run somewhere I don’t usually get to during the cross country season.

This shouldn’t be new, but since coaching I’ve been more disciplined in STRETCHING with my girls after every run. I can really tell my legs are happier with me.

We have this incredible donut place in Memphis called Gibson’s Donuts. If you are ever out this way you HAVE to come try it. We can have a donut date! They don’t have a single bad donut. My favorite is the cinnamon sugar donut. Brooke would have plenty of sprinkle donuts to choose from :) These are better than Krispy Kreme donuts…no lie.


Congrats on 20! That’s a big milestone. I have a question (which might make a good post…) How do you know what products/drinks/gels/etc work for you? I try everything – lately I’ve been trying BCAAs (pre-run because I read that is when you should take them) and glutamine post run for recovery and compression boots. I have no idea if any of them are making a difference at all. I’m very analytical and an engineer so ideally I’d like a controlled side by side comparison with quantifiable results to tell me if these are helping. But with weather, sleep, work stress, cumulative fatigue and sometimes just having a good or bad day, I honestly don’t know what works and what doesn’t. I feel this way whenever I try something new. I want to do the best I can for my training, but it’s so hard to know! You seem pretty confident in what works for you, so how do you know?


I second a post on nutrition pre-run, during run and post run. Would love to hear what your coach has advised!


Hi!! Quick question about your running water bottle- can I refill this in my marathon? How do you refill when you race? I’m thinking of purchasing one for my next marathon!


I also run around 20 miles on Saturday:
14km at MP, flat 1/3 of a marathon in 58:20
9km easy, hilly did stop for an action selfie!
10km at MP, couple of little hills 42:05

didn’t drink anything on the run but did have a protein shake before I left
Did feel flat at 2h02 will be fueling next week and for the marathon a couple of weeks later.


You can mix tailwind at a heavy concentration to sip on during a long training run or marathon/half. That’s what I do. I have a water belt with two ten oz bottles. I’ll fill one or both with a scoop or two of tw and that’s enough calories to get it done!


way to go! I’m pretty sure we wore the exact same tank top for our long runs this weekend. I’m thinking it’s going to be my race day top… so soft and since I’ve been having some solid chafing problems with other tanks, this one wins!

My coach keeps telling me to try oatmeal before running but that just sounds so heavy?! Currently I do a plain bagel with pb and it works, along with gels during, so I’m too scared to try something new at this point! (race is less than 2 weeks away)

Fave donut: chocolate cream filled.


Congratulations on your 20 miler! I am so glad that it went well.


What’s a buttermilk bar?! Awesome job on those miles!!

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