What Does It Mean to You + Special Olympics USA Games + She Gets That from Me

How is it already July?!  In case you missed out on last week over here, the top 3 most viewed posts were:

*Tuesday Tangents + What to do about your Glutes + Best Summer Running Tanks!

*Let’s Catch up on Life, Cross Your Fingers & Friday Favorites!

*AF Canyon Race Recap (Andrew & Brooke writing their own experiences) and Could You Go W/O This?


Anne, Ashley, Meghann and I started our day off with some time in the hotel gym.   The sun comes up very early in Seattle so once we were up, we decided to get in a workout.  We started off with a 15 minute warm-up on the elliptical and then did a short circuit workout.  I have not been on an elliptical in years but back in college, the elliptical was my favorite.  I got in many hours of studying while on that machine… a win-win right?!

PS we stayed at an EVEN hotel (my first time at one) and all of the rooms included workout equipment. They also had a mat and foam roller for you to use in your room.

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Ashley led us in the circuit workout.  When you are with a bunch of bloggers, you get plenty of pictures throughout the day.

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Afterwards I decided to try out the rower.  I lasted 4 minutes.  That thing is so crazy hard.  Wouldn’t it be awesome to have one of these at your house though?  I’m asking Andrew for one for my next 6 birthday’s combined.  The rower has been a favorite of mine during different running injuries and it is such a killer workout.  I feel like my core was at it’s strongest point ever when I used to do this a lot.

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Oh and on Saturday I tried the Woodway out for a few minutes.  I’ve only been on one of these once before and they are a whole new experience.  I think they feel closer than a normal treadmill to what it feels like to run outside.

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We met at the lobby at 7:30 for bagels, cream cheese and fruit and then we were off for the day.

We were able to be in the Cheer Line for the Special Olympic USA Games Athletes.

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This year there are 4,000 athletes participating.  It was beyond incredible to be there cheering them on during their walk to the stadium.  It was so inspiring and so exciting to see them and feel their energy.

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This was definitely an experience I will never forget.

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Once all of the athletes made it to the stadium we explored the Fan Club area for a while!  I wish we were able to be there for more of the games but it was amazing to get a chance to high-five many of the athletes!

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Seattle was COLD yesterday.  I should have prepared better but I was shivering for a chunk of the morning.  We got to Henry’s and I ordered a hot chocolate first thing followed by this salad.

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From there I was off for the airport and got in a chat with Skye before boarding my plane.  I look extremely creepy…  Sorry about that Skye.  I made it home at about 8:30 last night and loved jumping in my bed again.  Poor Anne had to endure my snoring the last few days but Andrew got a break;)

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I got this picture from Andrew and the kids yesterday during the day.  Getting three kiddos to church on time (… or close to on time;) is not an easy task.

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Back to mom life again and I can’t wait:)  PS this happened before I left to the airport on Friday… of course we were running a bit late too ha.

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Also, Andrew tried to teach Skye how to crawl while I was gone…  She was after that candy—>  She gets that from me.

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Friday afternoon included two of my favorite parts of the trip.

1.  Seeing the Levitate 2s that come out soon.  They are gorgeous and I can’t wait to get my feet in these.

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2.  We went around the room and everyone shared their latest Run Happy moments or what Run Happy means to them.  It was awesome.  There were probably 25 of us in the room and each of us tried to condense our strong feelings about running into just a few minutes.  The stories were all so different from each other but so similar at the same time.  We all came from so many different places and experiences and yet running did many of the same things for each of us.  It gives us our ‘me’ time each day but also brings us connection with other runners where we usually overshare our life details over the miles.  It relieves our stress and anxiety and puts us in a better mood than when we left.  It builds our confidence and helps us to feel healthier and more alive.  It helps us to feel more confident and gives us that sense of accomplishment and progression that humans crave.  It gets us through the toughest of times and is there for us during the happy times too.  It brought me YOU guys and this community online where we get to learn from each other and bond.  I hope this week is filled with some Run Happy moments!


What does Run Happy mean to you or when was your last Run Happy moment?

-1.5 weeks ago at Andrew and Brooke’s race.  I got to see Andrew achieve a new PR and run a bit with Brooke during her race and see her happiness from accomplishing something hard!

Who has a rower?  Who uses a rowing machine?  When you are at the gym, what cardio machine do you use the most?

Who is doing a 4th of July race this week?

What was the best part of your weekend?

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Looks like it was such an incredible weekend! I love that y’all cheered at the Special Olympics. I’m sure that was unforgettable! So glad that you got to be a part of it all!

One Run Happy moment I’ll always cherish is when I finished one of my best half marathons, and my entire family was at the finish (even my brother!!!!) cheering for me. I could hear them above everyone else in the crowd, and it was the best feeling to have my people there after what was a really tough race. I live super far from all of them now, so it’s definitely a moment that I hold dear to my heart.


I Natalie! Okay, that is the best run happy moment. Having your family all there and cheering so loud, nothing like it. I hope you get another one of those races soon next time you go back home. Thanks Natalie and have a wonderful day!


Run Happy means when I have nothing I would rather do and nothing else I need to do right away. Last week I was racing my 5 year old through Holiday World in Indiana and was running pretty happy! I cannot wait to watch a race he’s in like you did with Brooke!

At the gym the cardio machine I use the most is the indoor track :). And the swimming pool is a close second!

I am doing the Nashville Firecracker “Liv2Run” 5K in honor of the late and great Peter Pressmen (former President of the Nashville Striders).

The best part of my weekend was seeing Milton wake up (our 87.75 neighbor was over here visiting and past out, almost stopped breathing, we had to call the paramedics). He looked over at our son and smiled then started talking. This was after 25 minutes of being non-responsive). Whew! I am so glad he is okay!!!


HEY TONYA! Oh I love that… so good! That is definitely a run happy moment and my brother in Kentucky LOVES Holiday World. They go all of the time and I really want to go someday! So nice that your gym has an indoor pool. Wow, I am so glad he was okay. Way to go Milton! Must have been such a scary day Tonya.
I hope you have a wonderful week!


I want a tower so bad! I need to convince my husband and find some place to put it. We have a treadmill, elliptical, and weights. Gotta find a place for it.
The new Levitates look awesome. I had to take mine back; I was having shin splints with them. I haven’t had them since high school…..which was 25 years ago.
Have a good Monday!


Okay, you have an awesome home gym… I think the rower needs to happen too! Can I come work out there too? OH NO I am so sorry that the Levitates weren’t working for you. Shin splints are the worst, I hope they are completely gone now. Have a beautiful day Lee!


I recently started working out in a gym that has lots of rowers, and have been doing more with them. I always feel them the most in my glutes! I also like most kinds of elliptical, especially arc trainers and those freemotion machines that can be an elliptical or a stair climber.

Have you ever tried a Woodway curve? Those are crazy. Great for sprints, though, because you don’t have to press the speed button a million times. (yes, I’m lazy about weird things).


Okay, so I think the one that I have tried at the college near us was the Woodway curve and it was the HARDEST thing ever. I definitely didn’t try any speed though so I’m going to have too… haha I’m the same way and I want to work hard in some ways but be as lazy as possible in others (ie the speed button too;)! That’s awesome about your new gym. Oh I definitely felt it in my glutes too. Have an amazing day Emily!


I love seeing accomplishments with running. I love that it makes me feel good about myself and helps any of my mental/emotional/hormonal downs feel up again and helps my process things in my head.

I’m not doing the race this year. I haven’t for a long time because my family started doing a 4th of July breakfast around that same time. I’m not missin that haha. It’s my favorite holiday though so I’m really excited


I am the same way… I don’t want to miss out on all of the fun stuff we do as a family in the morning but the Freedom Run sounds so fun too. YES YES YES to everything you just said. I hope your day is beautiful and IT’S ALMOST THE FOURTH!


I need those Levitates now. SO PRETTY!
Hmmm I would say my last Run Happy moment was on Saturday when I could see my house and know my run was almost over.. that’s what happens when it’s 90 degrees outside by 8am. But in all seriousness, I try to be happy about running anytime I go, because I am grateful for the work my body does to allow me to run!
Best part of my weekend – I spent all Saturday afternoon/night with a group of friends and it was so much fun. It was horribly hot outside but we still had a lot of fun!


HAHAH YES… many of my run happy moments are at the very end of the run when I know that ice water and the couch are within site and I get to feel proud of myself for running:) Way to go on getting out in that heat Rhiannon. That is making you so tough! Sounds like a perfect weekend:) Have an awesome Monday.


I love the rowing machine! My gym recently got a few, so I’ve been using them for 20-30 minutes as part of my cross training, along with the bike. I’m still working on getting the form down, but I love how it gives you a great full body workout!

I got my first double digit run in for my marathon training this weekend! It won’t be too long now before every long run is a new personal distance record for me ;)


That is AWESOME that you have a bunch of rowing machines now… they are amazing. The best for cross training. You are rocking it Noelle. Huge congrats on your first double digit run and all of your new personal distance records. Keep me updated on everything:)


Run Happy means to me : watching my kids learn to love running and how their confidence from that motivates them for other things. It also means that it helps me with my emotions – a good run releases my endorphins.
I’m not doing a run on the 4th because we just did one this past weekend.- The 1st Heber Half – run for Autism.
I’m proud of that run because it was my 11 year old son’s 1st HALF!!! Both my husband and son PR’d ( I was lucky I finished lol)


What does Run Happy mean to you or when was your last Run Happy moment?
Run Happy, for me, means that feeling of satisfaction and strength that comes during runs. Not necessarily a “runners high” but just that feeling that all is right because I am running. Running has NEVER come easy to me, but I continue to come back to it again and again, despite injury and getting involved with other forms of exercise. Nothing quite makes me feel the same as running does, and that to me is “run happy”.
Who has a rower? Who uses a rowing machine? When you are at the gym, what cardio machine do you use the most?
I use the rower at my crossfit gym – I HATE it. It is a great workout but it just never, ever gets easier! The only thing worse is the assault bike. I pretty much just use a treadmill at the gym, and that’s when its super cold/hot or dark out.
Who is doing a 4th of July race this week?
I am running the FireCracker 4-Miler in Saratoga Springs New York and we are right in the middle of an incredible heatwave. The forecast is calling for temps in the mid-90’s and oppressive humidity. Ughhhhh.
What was the best part of your weekend?
Probably my 8-miler that felt fairly easy despite the humidity. My running speed has slowed way down in the last year or so, and I am not able to do speed work to try to get back to where I was due to a re-occurring injury. I spent those 8 humid miles being thankful that I was able to run, even if I am way slower than I would like to be.


We have a rower in the gym in our building, but I haven’t used it I confess. Treamill or a stepmill when I am at the gym

Best part of the weekend, 3 day long weekend (it’s a holiday day thanks to Canada day!) – so today is still a holiday for us .

My run happy moment…finishing a long trail run, especially when it is day 2 in a row and seeing the finish (and the food and smoothies I can get haaha afterwards)

Looks like an amazing weekend for you in Seattle! And the Brookes Levitate look so pretty :). Have a great day!


Miss you and your snoring already, roomie! Until next time :) xoxox


HI there, I love your blog! I wondered if you could tell me the color of your Brooks….I’m thinking they look like the Glycerin 16, but I like the color of yours and don’t see it online. Thank you!!


HEY TARA!!! They are the Ghost 10 and SO cute. Here is a link!

Have a wonderful day!


Thank you!!


“Run happy” means everything to me. It means that I can live my life fully without antidepressants or anti-anxiety medicine. It means that I have time and space to work out all of the frustrating things that can eat away at me. It means that I have a safe space to accomplish something–the simple task of getting from Point A to Point B using my own god-given resources–even if I can’t control any of the other things happening in my world. It means that I am using my own body (and mind and heart) to do something good for my body–and my mind, and my heart–so that I can live in this world much longer (and fall more in love with it) and so I can share my love with all the people in my world for much longer.

I am running a 10K on the 4th of July (the Peachtree Roads Race here in ATL–the largest 10K in the world). I’m a bit scared for it–my stupid knee has been so inflamed that I haven’t really run much in the last couple of weeks, and I haven’t been able to get to a training run above 4 miles. But I am DETERMINED to make this work. Even if it means that I have my run/walk intervals until that 4th mile and, if all hell breaks loose, I walk the last 2 miles. I will make it to that finish line!

I thought I was going to bow out, to be honest, but I worked at my running store’s booth at the expo for a few hours this morning before picking up my bib. Walking around the expo and seeing so many runners–different ages, heights, shapes, lives (and, likely, struggles or KINDS OF struggle, like my arthritis and anxiety…)…man alive, I started crying and smiling. No way am I bowing out! I might be the last one to finish and I might WANT to beat up on myself over my slowness ,but I will keep on reminding myself–my knee will not get the better of me. My arthritis will not limit me or define me.

I hope you have a GREAT DAY back at home with your crew! By the way, I am impressed with Andrew getting everyone together–and dressed totally to the nines–for church without you on Sunday! He even got Skye’s bow totally perfect!!!


I got a Concept 2 Rower last week! LOL Great minds think alike ;-) I dicovered rowing last year when I started crossfit and it has helped me getting stronger glutes and hamstrings. It takes time to master the technique but I find it an amazing complement to running. I have become so much stronger in the past year by mixing different types of cardio (mostly running, rowing, assault bike, skierg and skipping rope) and weight training. Wow those Levitates! I am in love with the ones I have right now but I can’t wait to try the new generation!


I love the rower! My run happy goal is to run by the end of the year. Like actually lace up and go for a run of more than a minute. A year ago, my back pain was so horrible I couldn’t even sit for more than 1-2 minutes at a time, so it’s crazy to think how different things are. So if I can run a legit mile, I will be thrilled!


wow the seattle trip sounds so fun…!

Run happy to me means taking in the environment around me and enjoying being present and in the moment, appreciating nature, the capability of my body, my family, my work.

i don’t have a rower, but i’ll use one at the gym at work! it’s a great cross trainer for sure…! i’ve used it in personal training in the past. it’s tough but so good.

did the NYC tri – did a relay leg as my first triathlon experience! it was AMAZING! i may have caught the triathlon bug.

best part of the weekend was the race for sure. scenic, hard, but good. and it wasn’t too hot yet during my relay leg!


I have a Concept 2 rower that I picked up “slightly used” on Craigslist! I love it! I try to use it a couple times a week. It’s such a great overall workout!


I bought a rower for myself for Christmas a couple years ago. They really aren’t that expensive. Mine was around $150. I love it!

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