Top Things I’ve Learned from Running (By Andrew) + Lots of Pics + The Answer to My Question:

My track workout on Wednesday left me quite sore for my run on Thursday.  5 miles @ 8:45 and then straight home to Polly Pockets.  Also, see our bathroom floor back there, say goodbye to it because Andrew is tiling our bathrooms next week.  I can’t wait.  I’m very glad that Andrew enjoys doing home renovations.

Brooke held Skye while I attempted 10 push-ups on my toes.  I made it to 8 but it felt like a huge accomplishment for me.

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Knox is back!

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Our day was filled with cousins before everyone leaves back home today so I’ll share a bunch of pictures from that time!

My sister had free passes for everyone at the Provo Beach Resort for the entire day so the kids were in heaven.

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We also made it to a different nephew’s bday party.

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And to answer the question I asked yesterday…. MY BROTHER is moving here!!  They aren’t sure about the dates quite yet but they will be here.  They haven’t lived here since I was in jr high so I’m pretty thrilled about this and the kids are beyond excited to have seven more cousins to hang out with all of the time.

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Andrew is going to take over !

Today I wanted to write a short post about the top ten things that I have learned from running. Soooo…. lets do this:

1- Every day is different, there are no definite things in running… just like life.  That same 3 mile loop that I always kill, seems like it is killing me today and all I can manage to do is just walk the last mile….  Then the next day I’ll smash out an 8 mile run.  76% of time I’m 100% sure I’ll have no idea how my run is going to go.

2- This one might not be applicable to any of you so sorry, but this one is VERY applicable to me.  I sweat… let me repeat this, I sweat ALOT.  I learned this valuable lesson one day after a REALLY LONG run on the treadmill at the gym in college (yeah it took me a while to learn this) and while I was walking by the mirrors I saw my sweat and how my shorts and shirt were drenched….. AND I’ll just stop there you get the picture.  I can wear only certain colors of clothing due to how much I sweat…. sorry, I hope you read this before breakfast.

3- Open your eyes, look at things different and look at your surroundings.  There are many things that you are not looking at which will make the difference for your run or your life.  Don’t stay in the rut of your own thinking and vision.  You might end up stepping on that rattle snake or that pile of dog poop that someone gracefully left in the middle of the trail or better yet you might miss the 4 bald eagles up in the trees above your head (Yes this really happened and it was AMAZING… so glad I had my eyes open).

4- You know that saying, “Trust your gut”  Well… hate to break it to you, during your run and if you have a gurgle…. DO. NOT. TRUST. IT.  No matter what… enough said…

5- Another one that might not apply to most of you…  If you want to keep your friends and family happy, just shower or change after the run.  You might have gotten used to that stench that you are emanating for the many miles….  The world is a better place if you just shower ASAP

6- Don’t focus on the hill (problem) on the horizon.  It might look mean, huge and intimidating from afar but as you push on and focus on the here and now you will realize that the hill (or otherwise problem) wasn’t as bad as you were anticipating.  One step at a time, focus on the here and now.

7- There is a saying that I have learned to live by and especially in my running life, I think it was written by a Navy Seal. “Be comfortable being uncomfortable.”  I know that this is an oxymoron or something of that degree… it is a quote that I LOVE.  Growth is NOT comfortable and I always want to be better.  The more comfortable I get being uncomfortable the better person I am pushing to become.  Learn to push yourself and progress more.

8- You can’t rely on innate talent or past accomplishments or awards.  Running requires consistent work… You don’t work, you won’t progress.  It might seem that others have it easier or whatever… it will catch up to them.  Consistency is huge and more important than what you might have done in the past. ANDDDDD….  just because you have done something in the past doesn’t mean you are a failure because you can’t do it now.  Work now… live in the realistic present.

9- There is a difference between a pain you should listen to and the little aches that you should ignore.  Know the difference… I’m not just talking about running here obviously.  There are some things in life that you should pay attention to and change… and don’t sweat the small insignificant things.

10- You have to separate your feelings about your coach and your hard runs…. especially if your coach is your wife.  There is a reason she puts me in the “pain cave,” and its not because of the stupid thing I said last night to her…. or so I think???  haha… who knows about this one??


What have your learned while running? 

Have you ever ridden a flowrider, the artificial wave thing in the pictures above?

I’m curious have you learned anything about yourself by reading the Hungry Runner Girl?

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Provo beach resort looks so fun, I’ve only been inside to ride the carousel haha we didn’t stay to do anything else. I’ll have to try it out sometime.

And thanks Andrew for giving me bad thoughts about stepping on rattle snakes now during my run…jk, but that’s my worst nightmare haha.


It’s kind of pricey there so that is why we really took advantage of the free passes we got… but the place is amazing, especially the laser tag! HAHAH DO NOT STEP ON RATTLE SNAKES!! I have not seen a snake in a very long time around here luckily!


I learned that I’m lazy and don’t do speed!!


I would not call you lazy in the slightest… remember your last race?! I think you are amazing!


That wave rider thing looks like so much fun!! You guys have some awesome stuff to keep kids busy out in Utah!

I don’t know if I’ve learned anything about myself from reading your blog but I do know that I love reading it! It’s one of my favorite times each day when I get to read what you’re up to. I love your topics, your family and your honesty. I feel like I know you! This is such a safe space <3

I ate Frosted Mini Wheats for breakfast this morning and it made me realize you haven’t posted about them in awhile :-) Don’t forget that they exist! They are so yummy!!


I cannot thank you enough for reminding me about FMW. We have to go to Costco today or tomorrow and I will be picking up more. I can’t wait. Thank you so much Torrie for what you said, that means a lot to me. I hope your Thursday is absolutely amazing.


Great insight from Andrew! That burger looks awesome! Would still love to hear from your one brother on how he lost all the weight (I think you mentioned you might do a post on it back when you ran a race with him).


YES YES YES!! He is totally going to write about this! He is a patent attorney and his job has been NUTS lately but as soon as he gets a break he is going to! Thanks Kelly! I hope you have an amazing day!


Yay for your brother moving to Utah!! I figured that’s who it was :) SO excited for you!

Your blog has truly been an encouragement in running as well as in life, in general. We are all so different, and what works for one person isn’t always what works for everyone else. BUT we are all capable of accomplishing the goals we set out for ourselves, and they need to be our goals, not the goals of others. Thank you for being so supporting and reminding me that, not only can I do the hard things in running, but I can also get through those tough times in life. LOVE you and your beautiful heart, my sweet friend!


I love that we are real life friends now. Thank you Natalie! I really appreciate you! Have the best time ever with your nieces!!!


Me, too!!! And thank you! :)


Oh my!! I have learned so much!! Your blog has helped me to grow as a runner. I am focusing more on speed, form and strength. Yesterday I even did some yoga poses because… said you did some. ? Things I never did before. You seem so sweet and I love catching up with you and your sweet family everyday! One thing I know is….you are FAST! #goals Thanks for writing everyday and sharing your stories.


MENDY… WAY TO GO on getting in some sweet yoga. Thank you for being so nice. I feel awkward Andrew asked this (I didn’t see it until this morning) but these comments sure are the nicest so thank you for that. I really appreciate it (and feel a little cocky now;)! Keep me updated on everything!


Long time reader here (like 7 years maybe!?) ! I think about you a lot (in the least creepy way possible I promise haha). I’ve just been following you for so long and you’re the first blog I read in the mornings and I’ve learned a lot from you. I’m recently divorced and have had a really difficult time- I know everyone’s situations are different, but I’ve watched you be so strong and vulnerable and it’s helped me a lot. Also I thought about you yesterday while running! I’ll never forget the “make sure you don’t clench your hands and pretend you’re holding a Pringle” comment and I always try to make sure that my hands are lose when I’m running. You said it more recently again, but I think you said that originally like years ago! Crazy :) You’re my favorite blogger- thanks for being so awesome :)


Aw, that was so nice! I agree with all of the above. I especially think about Janae’s advice to “pump your arms” when going up a hill.


SEVEN YEARS… BLAIRE!! We are bffs and when are you going to come to Utah and come running with me (and of course to Cafe Rio)! Blaire, I am so beyond sorry about what you are going through. I would love to email with you if you need any support/love/help ( [email protected] ). Thank you for your kind words. I’m always here. There is so much brightness up ahead. Hold onto that hope. Hope is the biggest thing that gets me through hard times. Thinking about you.

Oh and HI JANE!!! Oh the pump your arms thing is my favorite! My brother (in this post) is the one that taught me that one. Have a beautiful day!


Hey, Janae,

Just have to agree with Blaire – I so admire your positivity and optimism. You have helped me get through some of my most difficult times – and I am truly grateful!! My best way of repaying you is to pay it forward, so I try to be positive, grateful and optimistic, too. Thanks, as always, for your wonderful blog!!



Liz. I cannot thank you enough for your sweet comment. You are way too nice to me. Keep me updated with how you are doing and I want to be your real life friend:)


This is going to sound cheezy and overly-sentimental so bear with me. I have honestly learned to be a more compassionate person by reading this blog and following Janae’s and her family’s (mostly her Mom’s!) demeanor and overall positive and gracious attitude. I listened to a podcast that Janae did (I can’t remember who was the host or which one it was.) Janae said that when someone posts a negative comment, she has learned that it is not HERSELF (Janae) that the negative person is attacking. (Janae said that at first it would sting and she kind of lashed back once and learned that was NOT the way to handle it). Janae learned to think of it as (and I’m paraphrasing because I’m not sure of Janae’s exact words) “that person must be going through something really hard. And they are just lashing out in this way. And so I am sorry that they are hurting.” While I know it’s not easy to think of things in those terms ALL the time, I will say that instead of getting angry with someone, the first thought that crosses my mind is “that person is hurting and I will pray for them.” This reframing not only calms me, it also is just such a more positive outcome because instead of 2 angry people, you have one. Instead of using my energy to get angry, I use it to ask for help for the other person (unless of course I actually did something wrong and then I ask for forgiveness. ha!) :)


Amanda. I just want to give you a hug right now. I didn’t read Andrew’s post/questions until this morning when the post was up so I feel a little silly BUT your comment made my entire day. I think the world of you (we will meet someday) and I think you are an amazing person. Your comments and insights always brighten my day and I’m very grateful for you. Thank you for taking the time today to write such sweet words! xoxox


You and your blog has inspire me to get involved in running in the first place! My problem is, I’ll run a few weeks leading up to a race (I always seem to do well at the races) and want to keep it up as it’s very rewarding, but after the race is done I don’t keep at it. However, I want to be more consistent with it.
What would your tips be for a new runner? How many miles should I start with/how many days a week. I’m curious how I should pace myself. Running for me, has been a huge stress reliever and I’d love to get into a routine. I’m a nurse so shift work doesn’t always allow me to be able to run at the same times and often after working a day shift im so tired. How does Andrew balance this with school and home life?


Hey Ash!!! Working those crazy long shifts makes it really hard to get in a run… Andrew doesn’t usually run on the days he is at the hospital unless it is 3-4 miles on the treadmill afterwards. It is beyond tiring and so he mostly focuses on getting the longer runs in when he has the day off. If I were you (I’m assuming you have 4 days off from work and work 3 shifts? Correct me if I’m wrong:) but I would take those three days off from exercise (I mean, you are on your feet ALL DAY LONG) and focus on some more quality on the other 4 days. Maybe shoot for a long run, a speed day and 2 easy days of running each week. What type of race are you wanting to train for? How many miles do you run currently and what are your paces. Races are my leading motivation too so I totally get that it is easier to stay consistent leading up to a race! I hope you have a beautiful day and thanks for your comment!


Numbers 3 & 5!!!!
3 is one of my favorite things about running—keeping my eyes open for sights/patterns/designs in nature I otherwise wouldn’t notice. I do love taking my phone on easy runs & snapping some pics of the cool stuff I see. Running fulfills me artistically that way

5–I had to buy Fabreeze & car air fresheners this week bc between running & hot yoga, my car smells HORRIBLE. Lol Not a great to get into after it sits in the heat all day!

And, yayyyyyyy for your brother moving close to you again. I am so so happy for you. Lots of fun times ahead.

Last night I sat down & read your blog back until your entry on your hip. On summer vacation, I haven’t kept up as well, & I’ve missed it!!!!!
Key West was AWESOME. SO SO SO awesome. Running is feeling good, & life is good!

Oh, loving seeing Brooke on a horse! I grew up with horses, & my oldest daughter takes lessons. You’re right—it’s not cheap :0, it it’s definitelt a passion. :)



Oh I totally understand what you say about running fulfilling you artistically… YES! Haha we need to grab some more Fabreeze!


I love that your brother is moving close!What I would not give to live in the same city as my nieces and nephews! That is awesome and family is SO important! So happy for you!


Oh thank you so much Ann. Yeah, I cannot even wait. This brother is the best of the best and his wife… amazing. Thanks Ann and I hope that someday you get to be in the same city as your nieces and nephews. Have a wonderful day!


Yay for your brother moving back home! Family is the best! My husband and I live 6 hours away from our families, and we miss them a lot.

Love Andrew’s thoughts on running. From running, I have learned that I can do hard things! I really didn’t start running until after college, but in the past 6 years have completed numerous half marathons and am currently training for my third fall marathon (did my long run of 14 miles bright and early this morning, and as a bonus, I felt great!).

I discovered your blog after I randomly decided to run 10 miles one day and I googled, “What should I eat after running 10 miles.” Needless to say, your blog inspired me to run my first half marathon and I haven’t looked back since! Your blog is so relatable and I jokingly refer to you as my “runner BFF” to my family which makes them all think that I am crazy. ;) But seriously, thank you for all that you do, and helping to inspire me to become a marathoner and a better person!


Okay, Emily… you randomly decided to run 10 miles, you are my hero! That is incredible. I feel kind of awkward that Andrew wrote this question (I didn’t read it after he wrote it until now) but I’m blushing now:) We are running bffs… you are not crazy at all! Oh I LOVE what you have learned through running, you can do hard things. Way to go on 14 miles already this morning!
Please keep me updated on how you are doing and I hope you get to take a nice trip to visit your family soon!


From reading….I have learned a lot about Utah and restaurants….and its now a place I really want to visit!!


Come visit asap and we can go on a hike and then to Cafe Rio:) I hope you are having an amazing daoy Kathy!


I grew up in NJ, completely in a bubble of a simple happy childhood (not spoiled, just happy/content). As I grew up and I think I got a little jaded as I saw how some people treated others. And started to question where was my childhood goodness.

I read Janae’s blog daily and as I believe she has a rare positivity and lightness about life. I appreciate this blog so much as I think it’s important to find those positive people and keep the goodness going.

Cheers to simplicity and goodness! Because sometimes it’s really just about a good meal, a good run, and a good time with family and friends.

Thanks from a MD girl with Jersey roots.


Kelly, wow. Thank you so much for what you said. It really does mean a lot to me and thanks for taking the time to tell me this. If you are ever out in Utah, let’s get out for a good run and a good meal please. Thank you. I hope your day has been a great one so far!


Love this! Been a reader for a while now 6 years or so once I started running after having my 3 kids. Your blog has not only been inspirational but also fun to read about running and mom life. I can so relate on many levels. A wonderful community.


SIX YEARS!! We have known each other for so long:) I hope that your three kids are doing amazing, that you had a great run this morning and I love that we get to relate with one another. Thank you Christina!


You have taught me ALL the things! To be kind to myself. How to activate my glutes while running. (It’s amazing what a hundred dollar bill will inspire:) How to work on my form & relax my hands but to use my arms! The importance of stretching BEFORE & after a run. I love that you research things for us to buy running related, i.e. r8 recovery roller, oofos (ugly but amazing) all the Brooks shoe reviews, OH! and how to program my workout in my watch! That was life changing!! And, the fact that I am now an active Roolee – every time I wear something from them I think of you! (but not in a weird, creepy way) Thanks for all you do for us every day!! When I come to Utah to visit my family I am looking you up for a cafe rio date!


HAHAHA yes… that $100 bill is beyond motivating right;) I cannot thank you enough for your comment! Wearing my ugly but amazing oofos right now;) Seriously, the workout preprogramming in the Garmin is life changing. I just ordered some things from Roolee! OUR CAFE RIO DATE IS ON!!!


Hi Janae, thank you for all of your running tips and insights, they have really helped me!

I meant to comment on your last post about your daughter’s riding…with her starting this young and if she inherits your athleticism, she will be a natural and she will definitely want to show competitively. I love that you are already thinking of ways to support her despite it being such an expensive sport. My husband and I started as adults, but several girls I know have received NCAA equestrian scholarships to college (most recently to Auburn and U of Georgia), so maybe that’s in her future!


HEY STEWART!!! Thank you so much for your comment and I love that you and your husband show competitively. Thank you for the heads up about NCAA equestrian scholarships to college, I didn’t even know that was a thing. Excited to learn everything we can about this all and support Brooke in any way that I can! Have a wonderful day!


While running, I’ve learned that “i can’t” isn’t real, it’s in my head.

and i totally agree with Andrew’s list! i can even relate to #10, my husband had been my running coach for some time! he taught me about activating my glutes to push off while running and Janae wrote about it here like 2 weeks later (it was such weird deja vu!) – and… i still have to watch that YouTube vid Janae linked (darn, totally forgot about it!). i know that i’m still totally doing something wrong though.

i have been in a pool with the artificial wave – i think it was at mandalay bay in Vegas! that was nice. also i have been to a water park with that feature. it’s pretty neat to see a real wave replicated, but being in it, i don’t get the hype – maybe i need to really surf to appreciate it!

i’ve learned a lot about running thru hungry runner girl! everyday we get little nuggets of running wisdom and it’s been really great. and on the days i don’t feel like running it’s been inspirational to read about your daily running here and it has totally helped me get my foot out the door and be true to the training that’s on my calendar. so thank you for that! also following what you’re following is so fun to see – what the journey is.


Ohhhh I love that—> I can’t isn’t real, it’s in my head. Yep, I’ll be reminding myself of that! Thank you for your sweet words today. I always look forward to your comments and learn so much from YOU!! Thank goodness for internet friends. I hope your day is beautiful!


From running, I have learned that I can endure a lot of discomfort. And, that running will always be there for me. It’s ok to take time away from it if I’m injured, busy, or just plain burnt out. I’m still a runner.
Your blog (well, you!) helped remind me that life comes in seasons. I’ve been following you for years, and your perseverance through really tough life obstacles is really admirable. What seems like the end of the world one day will, in the future, seem like a bad dream we had years ago. Your blog has also been a constant reminder that there are non-conventional ways of “making a living” that can work really great for some people. I’ve always been in awe of your ability to be so charismatic that you can make money off what is essentially your personal diary. I think it’s great!
I HATE waterslides so I have never ridden a flowrider, but it does look pretty cool. You must be so excited to be neighbors with your brother pretty soon!


HEY YOU!! I love that our babies are so close in age… wish we could have a play date someday! Thank you so much Stacey, I’ve enjoyed getting to know each other over the years. You really inspire me with all that you have done with your schooling and work (and all of that when you were pregnant too and I needed 12 naps a day)! I hope you are having a wonderful day and thank you for this comment today:)


I am not a runner and this is my favorite blog. I love reading about your family adventures (I am one of six kids, so I can totally relate). Your parents have done a great job teaching you all what is really important in life and now you and your siblings are doing a great job with your children. I love how real and authentic you all seem and you have so many interesting adventures and talents, some of which are really unique! I also have gotten some of the best recipes and Costco ideas from your blog! I have a new appreciation for the beauty of Utah and hope to visit again soon ( have been to Zion, but after reading your blog, there are so many more places I need to see). Most of all, I really love the positiveness of the blog. I feel like you are always able to find the silver lining and that is something I am learning to do!! Thank you Andrew for writing the question. It sure feels nice to be able to share with Janae all that makes HRG so awesome.


Sharon. I cannot thank you enough for your sweet comment. It means a ton to me. One of six… SO fun. Come back to Utah and let’s meet at Bryce Canyon (did you go there too or just Zion?)! Thank you Sharon for what you said, I hope you have a beautiful day!


I feel like reading HRG has taught me to look at life differently, I definitely try to focus on the positive more than the negative. And Andrew’s #4…. hard lesson learned here on that one. And I am going to point out #5 to my husband who thinks its a good idea on Saturday to stop half way through our 9.5 hour drive to North Carolina to run and get back in the car with us sans shower.


HAHAHAH YES… I like the idea of breaking up a road trip with a run though. What are you guys up to in North Carolina? Thank you so much Corrinne, that means a lot to me!


We are going to explore Asheville NC for a couple days before heading to Hilton Head for some much needed beach time.


I love that your brother is moving closer! I am TRYING hard to get my family down south!! Its hard when you were born and raised somewhere and one sibling moves and not the rest. But my parents were just here for 10 days and met with a realtor! So I think we are getting somewhere here!!
The 10 things that Andrew said where fun! And my hubs reminds me after EVERY run to PLEASE shower. You are right I am so immune to it I am like ohhhh I am fine! Then I realize, yeah I really am not!! LOL I am so sorry for every person that has come in contact with me after a run, including my hubby!
Something I have learned from reading this blog. . . hmmm where do I start? Honestly, I feel like I have truly made a friend. We have never met but blogging is really like having a pen pal and I feel like if, or should I say when, we meet we will hit it off just like old friends!! And I love that we both share love for God!


Keep on trying to convince your family to move close to you and great news about the realtor! WE ARE FRIENDS and I love our emails and your comments, they always make me so happy. Thanks for everything Jarrelle!


So great your brother and his family will be close!!! Can’t wait to see you Nordstrom anniversary picks … :)


Are you reading my brain… I was legit just looking at what I’m going to buy right before I saw your comment haha! That is amazing Sarah!


Andrew- you will appreciate this comment! While i’m trail running, I am always imagining what it would be like (and how much more fun I would be having) on my mountain bike. I do enjoy running, but I’m always thinking…could I clean that? Wow, that downhill would be awesome…etc. :) I live in colorado, so I am thinking this often!
As far as learning from HRG, I admire her because she always seems so positive, even when things are tough. She always has a smile on her face!


Okay, Andrew is totally going to try this out on his next trail run… that is such a fun idea! Hahah I hope you get to go mountain biking often… maybe we will come out to Colorado and join you on the trails one day. Thank you so much Laura, I hope your day is beautiful!


This may sound weird but I have learned a lot of good things about your church. Being from the Northeast we never really knew anyone who was Mormon and it was always seen as kinda weird but you are actually a sweet, “normal” (whatever that is!) representative of your faith.

And for Andrew- my husband also sweats very heavily during his workouts and I found a company that makes T shirts that show cool sayings and logos etc but only when really sweaty or wet! Kinda pathetic for the rest of us but for guys like you two would be fun!


Oh Kristen, that means a lot to me! If you ever come to Utah, I’m going to take you out to show you around and of course to the best food spots! OH MY GOODNESS, what company is this? We need this for Andrew!

Reply sweat activated clothing!
I’m not connected in any way. I just found them from another blogger who was doing a giveaway.


Thank you!!! I have to get him one!


Did Ross ask Andrew to talk about sweating profusely and the need for an immediate shower in there so I would read this and get a hint? Actually, he doesn’t even try to hint, he straight up tells me. He won’t even let me drive his car to the gym because he doesn’t want me sitting in it after. It’s that bad. But nothing is bad enough to keep him away, if you know what I mean :)

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