In case you missed out on last week’s posts… the top 3 most viewed were:

*Why Rotate Your Shoes?

*Sentence Per Picture + My Friday FAVORITES!!!

*What’s my Race Plan and You Can Guess Where I’ll Be


Two people are missing from our Sunday picture.  Brooke was with her dad and Andrew woke up with a sore throat… since Brookie and a lot of my family have had it the last few weeks he went straight in to get it checked out.

Yep, strep.  He was not feeling well all day but I’m glad he could start on the medicine right away.

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Skye let me sleep in until 7:30 a.m.  It felt heavenly.  I love a good rest day/sleep in after a week of training.

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Knox woke up a few minutes later and yes, he slept in his full army costume the entire night.  I started sweating just thinking about doing this.

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Usually Andrew has Skye when I am teaching my lesson at church but instead she joined me.  During her nap time.  Others tried to help her out but she just wanted mama (I’m assuming at this point that when she says Da-da she is talking about me or Andrew;).  I can multitask a few things (like coming up with blog posts while running while listening to a podcast while working on my form) but it turns out I’m not as good at multitasking mamaing and teaching.  Hopefully she just kept everyone entertained the whole time by her cuteness.

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Who knows if Airborne can save you from strep throat (let’s be honest, it is more for colds and things like that) but Andrew and I shared a drink Saturday night so if I don’t come down with strep after that then I will for sure be buying stock in this stuff.

Turns out that strep and two races don’t go well together so I’m really hoping I do not get it.

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For dinner my sis had us all over (Andrew told us to go too because he just wanted to sleep) and she made her famous pizza.  If you are wondering why we eat her pizza so much it is because it is that amazing.

She also made a new version of pizza with the same dough, cheese, her garden tomatoes and basil.

Grocery store tomatoes don’t even taste remotely similar to me compared to garden tomatoes.  Garden tomatoes are SO much better.

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My sister and I went on a walk with my mom (she took the picture:)!

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Pretty gorgeous night.  PS see the peak on the top left of this picture?  Andrew and I are going to hike that for our next date… I’m so excited.   And nervous.

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PS while we were walking I felt a really sharp pinch in my shoe and THIS GUY WAS IN THERE.  Last Sunday Brooke had a bee in her shoe, Knox got stung by a wasp a few days ago and this guy got me yesterday.  Our luck.

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My family requested my favorite ice cream dessert that I used to make all of the time.  It is probably the most advanced recipe I will ever create in my life;)

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Knox has been planning the below event for a few days now.  We bought a bunch of water balloons, filled them up and sneak attacked my nephews.

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We were all soaked by the end.  I was so proud that one of my water balloons landed directly on my older nephew’s hair and popped.

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Skye and my sis watched from the other side of the fence.

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My 5k is tomorrow (Tuesday) 8 am Mountain Standard Time;)… if you wouldn’t mind just cross your fingers that I don’t fly and die or trip or lose my breakfast, k thanks.

PS Lauren Fleshman’s 10 Reasons the 5K is Freaking Awesome is one of my favorite reads.

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****Stacey shared amazing race advice for me that I think is really going to help me during my marathon.  I have such a hard time getting in enough fluids while I am racing (10% enters my mouth and the rest ends up on my face and shirt) so she shared what she does:

“I carry a straw or two with me during races and doing so has changed my life.  Seriously!  I see a water stop approaching, I grab my straw from my Spi-belt and I am able to drink and run simultaneously without spilling, choking, or coughing.  It’s seriously amazing.”

I learn so much from you guys, thank you.


Any tips for my 5k!?!  It has been YEARS since my last one and I would love any tips or mantras or anything please:)

Would you say that you are good at multitasking?  Examples please!

What is your favorite race distance?  And in 5 words or less tell me WHY!

Anyone have a garden?  What do you have in your garden?  If you don’t have a garden and you could choose to have three garden fresh items in your backyard at all times… what would you choose?

-Tomatoes, raspberries and zucchini.

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Oh nooooo! Strep is awful. I hope Andrew feels better soon!

5K tip: Just remember that it’s going to hurt, but it’s only 3.1 miles of your life, which will probably be less than 20 minutes for you, which really isn’t that long in the grande scheme of things. You’ve endured SO much more pain in life, so a 5K is nothing. Oh, and don’t forget to HAVE FUN!! :)

My favorite race distance is the half marathon for sure! Reason? It’s just the perfect distance.


Oh I LOVE what you said Natalie, it is just what I needed. THANK YOU!! I hope your week is a great one!!


Good luck on the race! I love a good water balloon fight!!! :-)


Thanks Ann! I am so excited. I hope your week is a great one!


I’ll lace up my shoes and virtually race it with you! You’ll beat me, I’m slow, but it’s the thought that counts, right?
Focus on form and imagine Janae is yelling at you you pump your arms (that’s what I did).
Ooooh! Can’t wait to hear how it went!


YES LET’S VIRTUALLY RACE TOGETHER!! Thank you! Oh I love that you hear me telling you to pump your arms:) Thank you and I hope you have an amazing day!


CAREFUL WITH THE STRAW!! I’ve never tried one while running, but one time in college when I was working a part time job in a department store at the mall, I went to the food court to get a soft pretzel and drink with a straw during my break. I was walking too fast back to the store (because my break was super short) and I tripped while drinking. The straw went further into my mouth and poked me ridiculously hard in the back of my throat. It hurt so much!!! I was embarrassed and stubborn so I didn’t tell anyone and just went back to work, but I’m pretty sure it was bleeding and I felt like I was dying for a few hours. Hopefully it was just one of those freak accident things and the rest of the world is better and moving and using straws….but just in case, be careful!


JESS, AHHHHHH! That sounds crazy painful… I am SO SO SORRY!! Thank you for the warning! I hope your day is a great one!


Your family is the bomb for good recipe’s. Once we’ve tried the Sams dough, we’ve never looked back and I tossed all the recipe’s I’ve had for homemade dough. And garden tomato’s do rock over regular store bought. My Dad shares his and there is just nothing like them. So good. We have also tried your ice cream dessert…amazing.


Okay, this just made me so happy. Seriously that dough is something else… I am so glad you love it too! You’ll have to tell me one day what you top it with! Oh I am so happy you loved the ice cream dessert too! Enjoy your day Michele and thank you!


Strep is the worst! I’d try elderberry tabs or liquid! I used sambuccol fizzy tabs (they melt in water) to keep from getting the flu and everyone got it but me so I’m a believer!

That pizza looks amazing! And Utah is so pretty. I’m dying to see those mountains someday.


And I just ordered it… thank you for the recommendation, I hate being sick! Come out to Utah and I’ll show you around! Have a beautiful day Tiffany!


I’m an excellent unitasker ;-)
Fun fact that I will someday make into part of a novel: all of the women in my family, going back generations, are either amazing gardeners or…the opposite. My mom and sister and a couple of my aunts have this incredible green thumb. My mom grew a lawn in the sand parking lot of the beach RV park where they used to stay for the summer! Me… I killed a plastic plant once. So no garden fresh veggies from me. I used to get lots when I lived near my family though.


WOW… this is so cool about your family and I’m just like you ha:) The unitasker thing… made me laugh so hard. Thank you Kristen:)


Good luck on your 5k tomorrow and not getting strep!
My husband built us a pretty big raised garden last summer so this summer is the first for growing things. Right now we have more kale than we could ever eat, tomatoes, banana and jalapeño peppers, beans, an onion, and basil. The deer just found my garden the day before we left for vacation so hopefully everything’s still there when we get back.


THANK YOU ALI!! That is awesome that your husband built you a huge raised garden.. you guys have so much goodness in there! I hope it is all there when you get back!


Good luck Janae! You can do hard things!! Can’t wait to hear about it.

I love the straw idea; I think you’ve changed my life!

Get well Andrew.


Let me know if you try it and how it works for you. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Have an amazing day Amber.


5k tip. RUN LIKE HECK. :) After exactly a year of trying and failing because of bad weather/sickness/injury, I ran a 5k after a month off from running (after Boston) and got a huge PR and finally went well into the sub 20 zone. So really, anything can happen in a 5k. Just RUN.


I love that tip! I am going to remember this tomorrow! WAY TO GO ON YOUR KILLER 5k! You inspire me! Thanks Mollie and I hope you have an amazing Monday!


Boo to strep! I am keeping my fingers crossed for you. Emergen-c tablets have saved me from getting sick more than once.

Our garden is really starting to produce and we’re loving it. If I could have one year round my wish list would be to always have enough cilantro and parsley to make chimichurri sauce anytime I want, always enough basil to make pesto on demand, and year round tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, zucchini, and butternut squash.

Good luck on your 5k tomorrow! I can’t wait to read about it!


Thank you so much Beckett (ps I love your name so much)! I want to come over to your garden… so awesome that you have one! I hope your Monday is a great one!


Half marathon: double digit runs in the training plan, but does not consume my life.

Can multi task tasks, cannot multi-task people………just makes my mind bounce around and I cannot focus on anyone fully.


YES YES YES about half marathon training. Okay, you just explained how I feel completely about multi-tasking and yesterday it included multi-tasking people… no bueno for me too! Have an amazing Monday dear friend!


Poor Andrew! Airborne and lots of water! Keeping my fingers crossed that you stay healthy!
Your sister’s pizza looks so good! I just started gardening this summer and am loving it! My basil is so good, better than store bought! My tomatoes and bell peppers are getting big, so soon I can just go pick my own!
Favorite race distance…half marathon – still need training, but fun and “easy” (a little more than 5 words ?).
Here’s to a great week of running!!


Thank you so much Wendy! Can I come over and eat from your garden? Way to go on your gardening skills! I totally agree with you on the half marathon. THANK YOU!


Whoa! Your mom is gorgeous. What’s her secret?




Ummm hello that is Janae and her sister in photo.


I hope that no one else gets sick! Try a wellness shot? I’ve taken the Kor wellness shot, it has ginger, cayenne, lemon juice and coconut water. It’s spicy, so follow it up with some orange juice, but I definitely felt better after I took it!
Favorite distance is the 10k. Similar to the 5k, recovery is quick, tons of race options, and you still feel like you got in a good workout!
I can only multitask if neither activity involves listening. I can’t listen while focusing on something else.


Do they just have it at Walgreens or something (I’ll google it ha)? I really do want to try it… thank you! You are inspiring me to sign up for a 10k! I hope you have a wonderful day Kathy!


Umm not sure, I bought them at Whole Foods, but I’m sure Sprouts sells them too! You should definitely incorporate a 10k into your training schedule!


You will master this 5K! Use it as an opportunity to push yourself. I completed my toughest Sprint Tri yesterday and managed to somehow pull together a 31:48 AFTER 1559′ of elevation gain on the bike and another 425′ elevation on the run! If I can do that, this 5K will be a breeze for you!

Ass for multitasking – triathlon is all about the multitasking! So many moving parts and pieces and wardrobe changes. LOL

Hope Andrew is back to 100% and that you don’t catch it before your race.


YOU. ARE. AMAZING. You climbed SO much in both the bike and the run… holy cow. I would be sore for weeks after that. Huge congrats! Oh yes triathlon training is the biggest multitask activity. Thank you and I hope you are having a great day!


Good luck with your 5K! You’ll do great!


Thank you! I hope your Monday has been great so far!


Sending you all the healthy thoughts!! I’m the worst gardener, but in my dream universe my personal chef would also grow me a garden with tomatoes, lettuce and all the herbs! Your sister’s pizza looks amazing!


Good luck with your 5K. I have no doubt you will do awesome….if you don’t get strep. I will pray that you do not. Better yet, I should have Ross pray for you. Poor Andrew! That is no bueno.

I used to have to teach YW when Evan was a baby and it was a huge distraction for sure. Only Evan would go to anyone so he just distracted all the girls and they played with him and didn’t listen to my lesson. Probably better that way anyway. lol. I am usually good at multitasking because my brain likes to think of the shortest/most efficient way to do things. It drives Ross nuts though. Speaking of Ross, if you guys want to wait until next week to hike Squaw Peak we will totally do it with you. I know you didn’t invite us and I am okay with that ;) I love that hike!


That sounds like the best double date ever. When works for you guys? Tell Ross thanks for the prayers.


Good luck with the 5k!! :)

My favorite race distance: half -marathon. Distance, but no 20 milers.


Those 20 milers are insane!! Thank you Staci! I hope you are having an awesome Monday!


Favorite distance half marathon- it’s challenging but manageable.
Wish I had a garden. My main top pick is tomatoes. I tried a plant in a lot from Lowe’s but I hardly harvested any. Maybe enough for one salad.


Oh bummer that you weren’t able to get more tomatoes!! I agree… the half is the best. I hope your week is a great one!


Good luck on the 5k tomorrow! I love that you don’t have to carry anything (or strap anything around your waist) for a 5k.

My favorite distance is 10k, though. It feels like an accomplishment, but I’m not overwhelmed with training.

Garden favorites: tomatoes, cucumbers, cantaloupe


Thank you Christie! Oh I totally agree, I almost don’t know how to not plan on carrying a million things for tomorrow ha. Oh it would be amazing to have fresh cantaloupe all of the time. Have an amazing rest of your day!


good luck on the 5K! i know you will crush it!

i used to be much better at multitasking but it has gone down hill over the years. the one thing i can do now is cook and answer my daughter’s questions about her homework –

favorite race distance is the half b/c it is hard in that you have to train, but running for those many miles is just amazing to me.

no garden here, but 3 garden fresh veggies i’d like to have: tomatoes, various herbs (dill, mint, et al), boston lettuce


THANK YOU!!! Well, cooking while helping with homework is really good multitasking in my opinion. That sounds like a dream garden to me too. I hope your Monday has been great so far!


Good luck on your 5k tomorrow! You are going to do SO AWESOME! You’re an amazingly strong runner, both mentally and physically! I can’t wait to hear all about it! Be sure to share every last detail! <3


Good luck – the 5K is actually my favorite race distance, probably since it’s the one I am best at! I always take it one mile at a time and when it hurts, I just keep telling myself “You can do anything for one mile!” Repeat that a few times and before you know it, you are crossing that finish line – short and sweet :)

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