Friday Favorites. Be Brave–> Take the Hill.

Six morning miles @ 8:30 pace.  I told myself that since I had time to go a little bit later in the morning that I would sleep in but once I woke up with Skye and then she went back to sleep I was wide awake so I headed out.  My legs were sore from that speed workout the day before but I had that podcast I mentioned yesterday with Kara Goucher to listen to and it was SO good.  I completely forgot about my sore legs because the conversation was so good.  I loved what Kara said at the end to finish things off, “Be kind, but not just to other people, be kind to yourself.”

We made it to the park first thing in the morning and lasted there about an hour before it got too hot.

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After the park, I put Skye down for her nap while the big kids played.  Andrew was doing things for school on the computer and I meant to do something productive but I passed out for an hour on my bed.  I felt like a human again after the nap.  Sleep is very important to me.

I had a breakfast burrito for lunch.  I always feel proud when we get through Costco sized vegetables before they go bad… we finished off the spinach and peppers yesterday!

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Brooke is counting down the hours until she can switch out her studs to her donut/unicorn earrings.  Skye was very interested in everything Brooke was telling her about her new earrings.

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Our afternoon was filled with the boring stuff of life and then we went out to get some errands done.

We didn’t do a great job planning and while we were out we needed dinner asap so we stopped for some Mexican food.  As you can tell, I like pico a lot.

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And then we went to a carnival that we go to every year.  Skye took her paci out because she thought she was going to get Knox’s snow cone.

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I like Utah best in the summer (and the spring and fall).

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I’ve got a few Friday Favorites to share today!

*SKYE MOUNTAIN CO. HATS.   I am in love with all of their hats and want to order every single one.   I love their name too:)  They have kid’s and men’s hats too.

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*This amazing story about a woman that is running the race that Andrew is (and Brooke too:)—>  The AF Canyon Half Marathon!

*General Mills sent us a box of this Blueberry Chex and oh my goodness, it is so good.  Chex was one of my go-to cereals as a kid and it still tastes so good to me.

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*Andrew has a vip membership to a store in our area that gets him killer deals so he got me a pair of these beauties.  I don’t run in them but I love just wearing them the rest of the day.  The real question is how will I keep them clean around three kids.  I kind of want all of the other colors too.  The other thing in this picture is this face mask.  It feels so good!

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*Prime Wardrobe (through Amazon)—>  I haven’t tried this yet but my friend was telling me about it.  Has anyone else tried this?  What was your experience?  It is such a good idea!

*Andrew and I watched the movie, ‘I Can Only Imagine’ and it was incredible.  I loved it so much.  I also loved being in bed before the sun went down ha and my halo top s’mores pint.  The s’mores is good but the candy bar flavor is still my favorite.

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*Skye wore jelly sandals for the first time the other day and that is definitely a favorite for me.

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*”Be brave.  Take the hill.”  Jennie shared this video with me and it is incredible.  Please take a few minutes to watch.

*For lunches I need something that I can make in twelve seconds so when I find something good at Costco that fits in this category, I am really excited.  These Flautas are really good (they taste so much better when cooked in the oven vs the microwave so they do take a little bit longer than 12 seconds).  Add some sour cream and guac and boom… so good.

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*Andrew said the other day after his run, ‘The Levitates are by far my favorite running shoes.’  This makes me very happy because they are one of my favorite running shoes too.

*Andrew picked up this drink yesterday and I took it over once I tried it ha… so so good.

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Laura!!!  “This last weekend my friend Molly and I totally crushed Grandma’s Marathon in Duluth, Minnesota.  We both had high hopes for improving our times, and after winning the weather lottery, we ended up with great results.  We both set PR’s of 10+ minutes, and had our hubbies there to cheer us on!  We even met Kara Goucher at the expo!!! Such a fun weekend!”

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Almarie!!!  “I ran my 5th Comrades marathon on 10 June.  This year was a down run and next year is a up run.  As usual it was a great experience.  I did not try and run a great time and I thought I was in the 10 hour crowd, (I don’t look at my watch in races) to my surprise I finished in 09:23.  I ran 19 minutes slower than last year and I’m fine with that.  I felt great the entire race and recovered like a champ.  I’m suppose to rest for 3 weeks, but I really miss running, I might go for a very easy jog on Saturday.  The Comrades marathon is one race that every marathon runner must try at least once or twice for the up and down experience.  The people along the route are fantastic and you see people next to the road, cheering you on the entire 89-90 km.  PS: June is winter in South Africa, will NOT run in 90km in summer.”



PS she did purchase these race photos but they have not arrived to her yet so that is why we are using the ones from the race website:)


Have any favorite things this week?

What are you looking forward to this weekend?

Last really good movie that you watched?

Have any go-to lunches that you are loving lately?

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I loved jelly sandals as a kid. We are watching all the Jurassic Park movies before we go watch the new Jurassic World! I love dinosaurs, ha! The first one will always be my favorite.


Oh this sounds perfect for you! I can’t wait to see the new one too. Have an amazing day Loribeth!


And those Bai drinks are amazing……any of the coconut flavors are worth trying;)


Absolute chills from the Matthew McConaughey video. And I looked at the description of the “I Can Only Imagine” movie. I’ll be watching this weekend. Thank you for the shares!

I am addicted to Good Witch on Netflix. It is just pure happiness and positive, magical energy. I love Hallmark :)

Looking forward to paddleboarding with friends and hiking with my dog this weekend.


Please let me know what you think of the movie… I cried a few times during it:) I need to watch Good Witch. Enjoy paddleboarding and hiking, that sounds perfect!


I love the Good Witch movies AND the show!!!
I wish I had Cassandra’s sense of style.. today I at least wore “real clothes” instead of gym clothes or a bathing suit and shorts.


Oh my goodness—that video! SO good. Thank you for sharing and giving me some extra inspiration for today :)

LOVE Skye’s jelly shoes, and I sure hope that there are some adult-sized ones I can get! This weekend, I’m looking forward to the usual catching up on sleep and relaxing at the beach, but I’m also excited that today is my last day at my current job, so that will be a huge relief and burden off my shoulders. It will be so nice to start something new!


Enjoy all of the sleep Natalie! HAPPY LAST DAY and I can’t wait for your new adventure!


I am waiting for a couple friends to come get me–we are road tripping down to Orlando for Les Mills Live, which is an annual convention for Les Mills instructors & enthusiasts. In one day I will do six or seven hours of exercise and will complete, at the very least, RPM, Sprint, Body FLow, Sh’Bam (it’s like Zumba), the new barre program, and Body Pump. I might also sneak in a CxWorx class (resistance bands and core training) and part of another dance class called Body Jam. The day AFTER Live the group of us who are driving down together are going to the Harry Potter world at Universal Studios. I’m so excited. On our drive down today we are stopping in Gainesville–where I lived for my master’s degree–and going to my favorite pizza place where each slice is bigger than the size of my face.

I love those hats. And I love that Andrew loves Levitates…and that he used a VIP memberhsip to get you cool shoes! The running store I work at does VIP memberships with good pricing, and the benefits of that are totally kick-butt.

Skye’s jellies make me want to get my first ever pair of jellies! Even though I was born in 1977 and wore ALLLLLLLLL the “Madonna bracelets” growing up, I never was part of the jelly-sandals phase of the 1980s (and beyond…). The closest I ever came was a pair of crocs that I used as house slippers during my PhD years…and hopefully with my next paycheck, once all the bills are paid, a pair of Oofos (after this weekend will I be able to wait that long!?!?!?!???).

I need those flautas RIGHT NOW–and your breakfast burrito!!! My current Costco obsession is their honey & maple smoked salmon flaked over a portion of their mediterranean salad kit with my favorite balsamic vinaigrette (the two that tie are NOT from Costco–one is the fat free balsamic from Trader Joe’s and the other is by Tessemae’s). I am adding those flautas to my Costco list for my next trip over there…along with more smoked salmon and–duh–ALLLLLLLLLL the chicken skewers!

I hope your family has the best weekend!!!


HAPPY ROAD TRIP… this sounds AMAZING. I am tired just after reading about all of the exercise haha. Andrew is going to be so jealous of your Harry Potter World day. Please let me know how it all goes! Well, now I need to go to Costco and get that salmon and add it to the salad kit. Thank you… you have the best finds there. I think of you every time I eat a chicken skewer haha! Have an amazing weekend Stephanie!!


I also have to have something quick and easy for lunch or it turns into lots of snacks instead of a meal. I feel like Costco things save my lunch almost every day haha.


Costco SAVES us. And now with TJ’s going in so close… you and I are set up!


Your scenery in Utah is so gorgeous!! Also, it seems like you guys have some really awesome parks to take your kids to! This makes me want to investigate awesome parks near me :-)

This weekend I am looking forward to doing some house renovations/painting and organizing!

Lately I have been getting this sandwich for lunch from a cafe near my work, it comes with turkey, avocado, lettuce, tomato, gouda cheese and a pepper aioli sauce all on tomato basil bread – it is amazing!! I like to pair it with a smoothie and it makes the best lunch ever!


Oh yes… house renovations!!! What are you guys doing with your house? That sandwich is making me drool at 8 in the morning. I must recreate:) Have a beautiful weekend Torrie!


We’re not doing anything big to our house – just building a new cabinet in our eat-in kitchen, painting, hanging curtains…stuff like that. Trying to make our home a little more cozy :-) I hope you make that sandwich soon – it’s what I’m getting for lunch today!! Have a fantastic weekend, Janae <3


Was that Cafe Rio? We just got back from a trip to Utah (Zion and Bryce!) and I was bummed because we missed our chance to to to Cafe Rio. Wish we had those here in Ohio. Delicious food! Jelly sandals are the cutest, I agree :)


AHHHH What did you think of Utah?!! I love that you were here! I need to ship you some Cafe Rio! Have a beautiful day!


Utah is wonderful! We went on a 17 day camping trip, driving from Ohio. Hit Yellowstone, Bryce, Zion, Moab, Grand Canyon and Rocky Mountain National park. Zion and Yellowstone were standouts for sure! Loved hiking in Zion, and had run walking the waters to the Narrows. We have been near your area skiing. Loved it there too. Wish it was a cheaper flight for us, we’d go there more frequently for skiing (and now for the great summer places too!). I’ll be blogging about Bryce and Zion next.
You live in a great area of the country for sure!!


Oh this makes me so happy! What an incredible trip! I can’t wait to read your post. Thank you and I hope you have an amazing weekend!


You must see Forever My Girl if you haven’t yet. It’s out on DVD now and very Notebook-y and only rated PG. I have seen it multiple times and love it!

Also, if you like that Bai flavor, the best one imo is Molokai Coconut. They are a bit of a splurge treat for me since they are a little pricier, but it tastes like a beach vacation in the best of ways.


Thank you so much for the recommendation. I will 100% be watching this. THANK YOU! And I am going to try that Molokai flavor asap… thank you Danielle and I hope you have an awesome day!


That video… EVERYTHING! So good – thank you for sharing.
Yes, I have tried Amazon Prime Wardrobe and loved it! Worked perfect because I order a fair amount of clothes online and am in between sizes in certain things. This makes it simple so my credit card is not constantly charged and credited for clothes that don’t work. Hope you’ll try it soon!


I haven’t tried Prime Wardrobe but I have bought several really cute dresses through Amazon Prime. Knowing that I could return them for free made buying them a lot easier. So far I’ve kept them all and I’ve gotten tons of compliments! (I really need to blog about them.)

I need to get those flautas ASAP!! My trick for things that are better in the oven vs. microwave = microwave for 1/3 the suggested time, then pop in the oven to get the crunchy texture. If they are small enough, I’ll just put them in my toaster oven.

Thank you for introducing me to candy bar Halo Top!


I make breakfast sandwiches for lunches pretty much every day. Except yesterday when I actually made a breakfast sandwich for breakfast.. then I had oatmeal for lunch.
Clearly there’s a theme.
Oh, and I made waffles and sausages for dinner. I may have issues…


Have any favorite things this week? We started
-The Killing on netflix
-My 3 sisters are home
-Justin’s white chocolate peanut butter cups
– Sweet potato gnocchi from trader joes
-I went to bed at 7:30 on Tuesday and slept until 6:30am. That was magic.

What are you looking forward to this weekend?
– Running
-Eating pancakes(simple mills has the best mix. My husband INSIST on making me them on the weekends) who am I to tell him no?
-Sleeping in
-Going to indoor/outdoor trapeze place
-Attending my sisters cookout in celebration of her wedding in April.

Last really good movie that you watched? Set It Up on netflix. It was adorable

Have any go-to lunches that you are loving lately?
-Salmon with sir kengsington chipotle mayo & relish
-Birdseye veggie pasta
– Homemade pepperoni rolls- located at our local coffee shop. SO BOMB.


I loved the Be Brave. Take the Hill. video. Thank you for sharing.


Tip for your Costco spinach (that applies to kale too!)- if you can tell it’s going to go bad soon, freeze it for smoothies! I just toss it (raw) into a Ziploc and you’re good to go. Sometimes I have to do this b/c my husband doesn’t eat salad (ughhh), but Costco has just the best prices for organic greens! :)


YOU ARE BRILLIANT. How have I not done this?! Thank you Amy!


I would have to agree with naps and pico as top favorites. And today I would add in slow runs and cold watermelon. Can’t wait to hear how Andrew’s half goes tomorrow. I’ve been having FOMO because I didn’t sign up. My 5 miles up the canyon and then down will be almost as fun. Ha!


I absolutely loved that movie ‘I Can Only Imagine ‘ too!!! Incredible story ! So glad you liked it :) so thankful for forgiveness and redemption from our loving God and Saviour Jesus Christ !


Yes, yes, yes and YES!!! Have a wonderful weekend!


I love your black and white t-shirts shirt and am wondering where you find cute knee length shorts like the black ones you wore?!


HEY!! I get them at called to surf:

They are the best. The top is from Gap! I hope you have an amazing day!


If you like that Bai drink, you should try the one’s with bubbles- so good!


Oh my goodness! It made my day to see you talking about Nicole Deboom, I love her and what she stands for. You’ve got to try a running skirt next!

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