A Terrible Idea, 11 Funny Summer Running Things and an Awesome Track Workout.

I wore spandex for the first time in YEARS and I can officially say that was a terrible idea because they just kept sliding up during the entire workout.  I pulled them down for this picture, you’re welcome.  I love spandex for speed work but clearly I don’t have a good pair at this point… give me your recommendations PLEASE.  I want some good ones.

I definitely programmed this workout into my watch because there was no way I was going to be able to remember everything on my own and what came next:

2 mile w/u

Set 1—> Repeat 3 times:  400m interval pace, 90 second walk, 300m repetition pace, 2 minute walk.

Set 2—> 10 minutes at threshold

Set 3—> Repeat 3 times:  400m interval pace, 90 second walk, 300m repetition pace, 2 minute walk.

2 mile c/d

A little over 8 miles total of running and then a bunch of walking for those recoveries.

Here are what paces the intervals were done at:

My paces for the 400m—>  6:23, 6:13, 6:10, 6:13, 6:13, 6:01

My paces for the 300m—>  5:59, 5:45, 5:56, 5:59, 5:54, 5:59

6:41 average pace (1.5 miles) for the 10 minutes at threshold (I was amazed at how good that threshold pace felt and I’m guessing it is because of the previous repetition pace intervals made that one feel much easier).

Yesterday’s track workout felt a million times better than last week’s track workout.  That could be because of the walking recoveries or because I’m getting stronger or because I forgot to set an alarm and woke up late so I had zero time to procrastinate or think about what I was about to do ha.

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For the majority of the workout there were about ten other people there working hard too which was so helpful for me.  There was also this older couple that were so cute that were there doing their own interval type workout and it made me so happy.  Whether Andrew wants to or not, that will be us in the future:)

I need a hair trim.

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Also, I always do my w/u and c/d on the roads.  I can only handle going around in circles for so long so the roads help me out with that before and after the actual workout.  Really a high quality picture for you:

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For my w/u and c/d I listened to this podcast.  The last few months I have really grown to love Deena Kastor even more.  Her positivity is contagious and her words were the best things to listen to going into a workout.  I should listen to her on the drive to every race I do in the future.  This episode was a great one!  Also, did you know she has struggled with Melanoma for years?  It was a great reminder for me to get back into my dermatologist because it is time for my next check-up.

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Andrew got one of these bars in his race swag bag so I ate it along with watermelon and 32 ounces of water once I got home.

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Skye is smiling at Brooke.

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When Skye went down for her morning nap, Brooke and I hit the soccer ball around for a few minutes.  It is her latest thing right now.

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And then we got ready for the pool and headed out.  The sunglasses lasted for about 30 seconds but at least she thought they were cool for a minute.

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I’m on an almond butter and jam sandwich streak—>  Day #7 was yesterday.

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I had a few of you ask about my donut tank on my IG .  It is a few years old but I found a similar one here!

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We found a meal from Costco that we didn’t love.  We still ate it because we were hungry but it wasn’t our favorite.

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PS Brooke and Andrew’s race posted their pictures!  They are FREE and this one made me so happy.  Go Brooke!

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PPS Someone has been partying pretty hard over here.

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With the heat here in full blast for many of us, I have a few things about runners/myself during this time of year that I wanted to share!

1.  My tan lines are from my running clothes, not my swimsuit.

2.  Do you know exactly where each water fountain within 5 miles of your house is located?  I do.

3.  Are you currently the weather expert among your family/friends/coworkers?  I feel like runners are the best people to ask when wondering what the current temperatures and humidity levels are and what they will be for the next 7 days.

4.  Maybe:


5.  ‘Summer running is return of the nipple chaffage.’ -Andrew Baron

6.  ‘Summer running forces me to be a morning person.’ -Andrew Baron

7.  During a run, ice baths sound glamorous when at any other time of year they sound like torture.

8.  Sometimes I plan my runs around the shade completely.  One summer (when I was pregnant running with Brooke) I found a shadey street and I would run up and down it for an hour.  I’m sure the residents of that street thought I was nuts.

9.  You can literally see the heat coming off the pavement at this time of year while you are running.

10.   Running in the summer sometimes makes us look even more hardcore… we went out for 3 miles but when we finish it looks like we might have just finished 20 miles due to all of the sweat and passing out on the grass once we finish.

11.  While normally I would avoid running through water where I have no idea where it comes from… in the summer, I am running straight towards those sprinklers on random people’s lawn.


Any recommendations for spandex?  Help me out… I don’t want them to move while I run but I really need a pair!

Do you like protein bars?  Which ones are your favorites?  Least favorites?

Anything funny/random to add to the list about summer running?

What was your last terrible idea?  In life… in running… in whatever?

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You keep talking about water fountains, so now I have to ask. Is this a Utah thing? A Western thing? We don’t have outdoor public water fountains, except at some playgrounds (but not all). I’m pretty upset about this.


WHAT?! Noooo… that is awful. Come run in Utah with me because they are everywhere. I can think of five within a mile of my house in different directions! This needs to become a world wide thing! Have a beautiful day Lynn!


I always think the same thing. Over here on the east coast you have to bring water with you or else.


I’m in Northern CA and we have public water fountains. They are a lifesaver when I am running.


Must be a Utah thing. I am always jealous when I read that. Wish we had some!


Move to Australia! We’ve got plenty of them too, and they don’t shut them off in winter either ;)


Summer running and double the laundry. Especially with the extra towels needed post run before I even attempt to get back into my car. Oh! Also never forget the socks you just ran in, and leave them in your car. A few hours of the car in the sun and you’ll have to air it out before you try to go anywhere! Lol.

I always wear the longer spandex shorts, I think mine are Nike 7″, they just stay better. Otherwise for me the other lengths end up all looking like booty shorts. :(


You are SO right about double the laundry… I use a towel in my car too after my summer runs to sit on. OH HAHAH that is a very important lesson! Yep, I think I need to go longer to avoid this problem. Thanks Amy and have a great day!


Omg i totally need to sit in a towel in my car…or else that seat is damp and gross all day long! I also keep an extra air freshener clipped into my vents because workout stink is just bad ALL year…and worse in the summer!!


I wish I had better luck with spandex, too. I’ll be watching the comments for good suggestions!

I really like Pure Protein bars, even though they all seem to be chocolate covered, and that’s sometimes messy/melty or a bit too sweet. But Amazon carries a case (3 flavors/boxes of 6 bars) for $17, and I manage to go through it pretty quickly ;)

Running in the heat means it takes less time to warm up!

Nothing major, just things tend to backfire in ways I don’t expect. So I just ordered a tank top that says “That’s a horrible idea…what time?”

Stay cool!!


People are leaving some awesome recommendations! I think Costco has the Pure Protein bars too! Oh that is so so true… less time to warm up. I like that one. And I need that tank top! Have a wonderful day Corey!


Pure protein bars = THE BEST!! Not the best for people who try to avoid funky ingredients , they are most definitely full of ones I can’t pronounce – but that doesn’t bother me. They’re sooo delicious, dense, chewy and not chalky tasting at ALL. And yes, Costco or amazon generally has the best price for these.


Spandex! For me its all about finding the right length. For me, thats about 5.5-6inches, which is probably too long for some people but it goes right over that point of my thigh where they rub, but not quite long enough to make my legs look too short. Super into the Skirt Sports redemption shorties right now , bc pockets and perfect length for me that don’t move (https://www.skirtsports.com/product/redemption-shorties/)


That is so true Meesh, length probably makes a big difference in whether or not things ride up! Those are SO cute and I love their patterns. Plus pockets. Thank you! Have an amazing day!


Brooks 7″ Greenlight shorts. I’m pretty tall, so the 7″ inseam is a nice length on me and they aren’t booty shorts even after they ride up a little. They also come in shorter lengths, but these are my go-to’s for summer workouts.


THANK YOU!! I’ve always wondered about the greenlights. I will definitely try them out now! THANK YOU! Have an awesome day Elizabeth!


I don’t wear spandex very often but when I do, I find the triathlon ones work really well. They are longer and they have a bit of cushion in the crotch since they are for biking too BUT they are super comfy. The only thing is that the crotch is also kind of outlined but if you have a long enough tank… plus they come in fun colors :) I like the zoot brand:


And I should say, it’s not a thick cushion – more just a comfy felt lining that you wouldn’t find in running short spandex.


Good call on the tri ones! I have heard awesome things about zoot! I will be checking them out, thank you Amanda! I hope your day is amazing!


I broke my ankle in two places in April and had surgery to put in a plate and screws in both of the leg bones (bimalleolar fracture). I’m in PT and got to run for the first time yesterday on the Alter G treadmill. It was amazing!! It may be another few weeks before I can run outside, but it’s given me perspective to enjoy the hot summer running because I couldn’t even put weight on my leg for 6+ weeks much less run. :)

I love the lululemon running skirts. I always get the “long” size and they are great. They are a bit pricey, but I can always find them under the “We made too much” part of their website.


Shanna. That is TERRIBLE. I am so sorry about what you have been through the past few months but HALLELUJAH for your first run back (on the Alter G)! I am so happy you have recovered so well. Keep me updated with how you are doing and I am going to check those out, thank you!


Haha that list is perfect! I’ll add that with summer running I need to wash my hair about 3x as much in the winter. In cooler weather I can get away with not washing my hair after short/ easy runs but in the summer that is definitely not happening!

I also am all about Deena lately! I forget- did you read her new book Let Your Mind Run? I recently finished it and it was so so good! I’ll have to listen to that podcast.

Great job on your track workout! Isn’t it funny how running a really fast pace first makes the not quite as fast paces feel a bit easier? Lately my coach is having us start our track workouts with 3x 30 flys where you start at a stride and build up to max speed for 30 meters. I think it really helps make the start of the actual workout not feel so bad!


Oh yep, that is perfect! I do the same thing and I hate washing my hair! YES, her book was amazing. I just want to go running with her. I love that your coach has you doing that and I totally agree, that really crazy fast stuff makes the medium fast stuff feel so much easier. Have an awesome day Diana!


Roadrunner Soorts has their ‘recharge’ line of compression bottoms with heir in-house RGear brand that actually don’t feel like sausage casing and the price point is really good. The ‘recharge’ shorts come in multiple lengths which is really convenient!

One of my favorite things about summer running is that I don’t look like a freak for keeping my gels in the fridge. And having them nice and cool feels good against the back of my throat.

I am staying away from that Costco find! A) I trust your judgment and B) I am allergic to soy anyway. There are way too many amazing things at Costco to get anyway! Next trip I am DETERMINED to splurge a bit and buy the lamb shanks. I really want to try them.


Well those sound perfect… I like the different lengths thing too! I NEED TO DO THAT WITH MY GELS! Thanks Stephanie for that idea. I am totally going to copy you. Yes, avoid that meal! Ohhh let me know how the lamb shanks are. Have a beautiful day Stephanie!


Different lengths for different body types and points of comfort… it same spandex and compression (aka not too much)! What I like about these shorts is that they’re really lightweight…and pretty much are dried overnight when I hang my athletic clothes.

Oh you asked about protein bars. SOMETIMES I go for a Quest bar (why are they so expensive) if it’s the chocolate chip cookie dough flavor (he consistency makes me think I am eating tootsie rolls…added benefit). But most of the time the sweeteners in protein bars give me a big headache so I try to stay away. Lenny & Larry’s protein COOKIES however (especially the snickerdoodle flavor) are another story. I rarely buy them because I can too easily rationalize just getting them and eating them all the time. They’re yummy!!!


I’m with you on spandex — it’s great in theory, but it always shifts around!


Right!?! I just want them to work so bad haha! Have a beautiful day Laura!


Lululemon train times shorts have changed my life! Slightly longer but not too long, cute patterns and colors, and lightweight fabric that doesn’t move.


Ahhhh thank you Sophia! I am totally going to try these because that length sounds exactly what I want too… plus it doesn’t move = perfection. Thanks and have a wonderful day!


Insider tip: they usually have a few colors on sale in their we made too much section online. You can get them for as cheap as $29, although they are final sale so no exchanges. I started with the Old Navy compressions which were fine but the lulu material is much thinner and nicer, in my opinion. Better for summer running! I don’t want to admit how many pairs I’ve bought…


I LOOOOVE Old Navy’s 5″ spandex shorts! They have pockets(!!) and are the perfect length so they don’t ride up. The sizing is a little weird so definitely try them on in stores if you can. The waist is higher than I’m used to with other shorts but it’s worth it because they are so comfortable!


Pockets= perfection! I am going to go up today or tomorrow to Old Navy now. THANK YOU KRISTI! Plus $17 and I LOVE Old Navy’s stuff. Thank you and have a wonderful day.


Yes! I was just going to recommend these. I have 2 pairs and they are all I wear in the summer…I don’t know what I ever did before I had those little side pockets!! My only complaint is that they are quite a compression fit on me (or maybe they just run small and I need a bigger size than usual!) and if you have to go to the bathroom mid-run once you’ve broken a sweat, they take some serious muscle to get back up again…kind of embarrassing when you are wrestling with your shorts in a porta-potty :P

I also have a pair from Athleta that are a bit longer in length (7 inches I think, which is a bit long for my 5’4″ self) and they have the side pockets as well and aren’t such a tight fit. They are on the pricey side, though.


I like old navy’s compression shorts a lot. I need to get another pair because I rotate between 2 of them right now.

In the summer time there is nothing that tastes better than fresh fruit after a run. Nothing!

When ever I see sprinklers on in the middle of the day I figure the person is a fellow runner just trying to help other runners out. Have I said that before haha I’m am all about sprinklers. And if the person is outside and I run through them I thank them for it haha.


I have never tried their compression shorts but I love their compression tights so I’m sure these are perfect too! I’ll be going this week. Hahaha let me know when your next long run is and I’ll have my sprinklers and a hose running for you:) I hope your day is a great one Jenny!


I used to really love these spandex running shorts from Lululemon (I can’t remember what they were called!) that were basically just shorter versions of their amazing running tights, but they changed them! They used to have flat pockets on the sides that I would use to carry my phone, but now I don’t think they come with any pockets except the ones on the waistband. Still, maybe worth a shot!

My husband and I used to eat tons of Quest protein bars, but then he started getting a bunch of kidney stones and we think the amount of protein he was eating was contributing! I also just got kind of burned out on them, ha.

I love rocking my super cool watch tan line in the summer. ;)

As far as my last terrible idea…I’m 33 weeks pregnant (first pregnancy!) and have been doing SO WELL this whole time with maintaining my running, but in the last week or so my SI joint has started hurting me like crazy. So like a crazy runner I decided to push through the pain and go for a short run…by myself…outside…well I could barely pick up my feet off the ground because of the pain, and I ended up tripping on the sidewalk 3/4 miles in. :( I skinned my knees and my palms, and also ended up hitting my belly which was so scary. I went to the hospital and got monitored for a few hours, and thankfully everything looks good and baby is okay! But I will definitely not be trying to do solo outside runs anymore. I pushed that one way too far. I’m going to start swimming as an alternative but I have to admit I’m very sad that I can’t run right now. :(


Why would they change a good thing?! I hope the new versions are awesome too. That is crazy about his kidney stones (I can’t even imagine that pain)! Oh that is perfect for the list… that watch tan line is strong right now.
First, CONGRATS on your pregnancy, I am so excited for you. Second, I AM SO SORRY about your SI join pain and your fall. This breaks my heart. I am so glad that everything is okay though, I know how terrifying it is to be in the hospital getting checked out. Please keep me updated on how you are doing and that pool is going to bring you some great endorphins for the next few weeks. I am so excited for you to have this little one here! Thanks Kelly!


The Oiselle stride shorts have never riden up on me :) They are the only ones I’ve ever found to not ride up! Good luck!


I love my rogas so I need to try the stride short. Thank you Laura!!! Have an awesome Wednesday!


I got out running this morning with a friend – I’ve basically not been running for the last year :( Occasionally I will try to start up again but needing friends to go with (we need to go at 5 am in order to be ready and out the door for work), none of us have been very reliant running buddies. But it felt great to be out this morning, even though it was a tad humid. But I am going to slog through it. And I want it to be a routine again because the mornings are getting shorter now :( But I’ve got a 10K in November (with a 5K the day before) so I’ve got to get cracking.

And yeah, we don’t have public water fountains in MA either!


Jessey! WAY TO GO ON your run this morning. Running with people is the best and I’m so excited for your 10k/5k this November. I love that they are on the same weekend. You are amazing for running in humidity, that stuff kills me. Keep me updated and you guys need public water fountains!


The races are in Disney on our First Adult-Only Vacation!!! My husband is doing to 5K with me. I was supposed to do a 10K in August but I know i won’t be ready and I don’t want to kill myself by over training so I will probably sit that one out. But I really, really want to get back into it – I miss the Me Time so much!


I had to comment because I thought of Brooke yesterday while in Target. In the kids section, there is a new clothing brand called “art class” … with the most adorable overalls and dresses and scarves done with a sprinkles theme!! (Like the multi colored sprinkles that go on doughnuts). You NEED to go to Target! Lol


Melly, THANK YOU for telling me about this. This is perfect for Brooke. Utah Target kid’s sections get picked over so fast so I’m going to order online now. THANK YOU! Have a beautiful day.




I am so glad you like them! It was so funny how when I saw them the first thing I thought was how cute Brooke would look in them!


There is nothing worse than shorts that ride up or fall down. :( I usually wear spandex/compression shorts with pockets for my phone/Gu/etc while running. I have struggled recently with finding them because I am picky. I don’t like high rise and I like compression fabric.

My all time favorites are: Lululemon had “What the Sport Shorts II” which were 6 inches, “What the Sport Shorts” that were 4 inches, and “What the Sport Shorts Long,” that were 8 inches (I didn’t get these but wished I had). I have asked (begged) Lululemon to bring them back. I am hoping (and praying) that they bring them back soon. They don’t move and have enough compression to support those glute muscles. I am hoping this picture (which is showing the top on the website in “What’s New”) has the shorts coming soon:

While I am waiting, I bought the Pace Rival (tall) skirt. The shorts have grippers on the bottom and don’t ride up. They are not compressive as I like but have worked for me. I almost bought the Speed Up crop (for the mid rise, for the Luxtreme, and pockets) and had them tailored into 6 inch shorts. Still waiting for the shorts that work for me.


Try the train times shorts from lulu. They have a lot of compression and don’t move.


Thanks for the suggestion, April! That was so sweet! I tried them when they first came out and they didn’t work for me. :( High waist is my enemy (I am shorter waisted) and they ride up. :( I have a pair of super cute “All the Right Places Crops” (my husband gave them to me), I barely start running and up they go. :( The positive: I have saved a lot of money with all of the high-rise pants and shorts these days.


Brooks greenlight 7” shorts do not ride up at all in my experience. Also recommend Oiselle strider.


So I don’t wear spandex shorts for running but I will say this, I got some excellent bike shorts from Under Armour that have held up for like 4 years now. So maybe their running version is good too?
Summer running means the heat/humidity makes all my little fly-away hairs curly. Like ringlet curly. It makes me laugh when I get home and see all these curls sticking out from my head – I have hair with a little bit of wave but NOT curly so I don’t know why this weather does that!
Terrible idea – eating ice cream two days in a row without taking my Lactaid when I KNOW I have a dairy sensitivity. I have learned from my mistakes and will now make sure I take Lactaid with me everywhere.


There are two water fountains within two miles of my house and they don’t work!! One is in a park and the other is near a newish running/walking trail. I’ve posted on the city’s FB page several times BEGGING them to turn them on and got no response. This is so weird because they make a big deal of all our parks and trails.
I got my Oofos last week and yes they are AMAZING!!
Great job on your workout!


The tech sweat shorts from outdoor voices are perfect. Just the right length and really hold up.


I’m so glad you asked about spandex!! I love running in them, but HATE when they ride up. I have ONE pair that I love. I think they’re a 7″ inseam, which REALLY helps. They’re Nike, but I don’t know what type. I think it’s all about length!


The only spandex I wear are compression shorts, but these are amazing! They come in 7″ and 5″ length and they DO NOT BUDGE even during my fastest runs!
Favorite protein bars are the Health Warrior bars, really loving the mint chocolate flavor!
I’m with Andrew on summer turning you into a morning person!
I tend to have lots of bad ideas, haha. But the worst was probably a few years ago when my husband and I were in Scottsdale – he was out there for work – and I decided I would hike Camelback Mtn. Well, it was 104 degrees that day, and I started around 10am with about 20 oz of water and no snacks. I was only about halfway up when I ran out of water. I also really needed a bathroom. It practically ran down the mountain (passing families with kids?? AZ folks are CRAZY) Got in the car, trying to drive without burning my hands on the steering wheel, and flew to the closest place… Starbucks. I walked in looking like I had been swimming with my clothes on, ordered a venti water, and ran to the restroom. So yeah 104 is a bit hot for a hike.. at least for this SoCal wuss ?


I’m so happy that I found your blog! I loved the post :) I don’t have spandex recommendations, but I’ve been loving perfect bars, Garden of life protein bars and NoCow bars lately!


I love Athleta Be Free shorts! They have a 7″ inseam so they don’t ride up, plus they have side pockets that fit my phone plus a back zipper pocket :)


For shorts with spandex, I LOVE these: https://athleta.gap.com/browse/product.do?cid=1059479&pcid=1059479&vid=1&pid=291755002
They have the spandex undershort and then a regular short on top. They are a little more than just a normal spandex short, but I’ve had 3 pairs for about 5 years now, and just ordered two more last year so the length of time makes it worth the price! They also have a pair where the spandex short is a couple inches shorter


Omg the spandex shorts!! It is so hard. I bought like a thousand pairs looking for ones I like LOL (if you want the links/reviews to them all – http://jbirdruns.com/pants-shorts-your-recommendations/). I finally found I like the Oiselle Portman the best, but UGH it is so hard to find good ones.

I have an intense watch tan line that I am really quite proud of lol!! I will avoid that costco find!


My favorite is the spandex with the shorts over it. I wore this for my last marathon. RBX Prime Run it short.
No water fountains near my house. I stash water in the bushes along the trails for long runs. My watch tan line is really funny, so I have to always wear my watch.


I love the Lululemon train times shorts. I think mine are the 6 inch version and they don’t move at all. They have some on the We made too much section.


Senita!!! They have the best clothes that don’t cost a fortune. Their 7” spandex are amazing!


Have you read Deena’s book yet? It’s so good! I either read or heard a podcast that she tries to cover up during her runs which inhibits vitamin D absorption which may have played a role in her Beijing Olympics injury.

Also-what’s your goal time for this marathon??


hahaha awesome list. and yup to each one of those!

spandex – most of my spandex are cycling shorts – i don’t know any without chamois, but the ones i have have sticky glue so they don’t ride up while cycling – they are made by Craft. i like Craft stuff for both cycling and XC skiing gear – but they do making running gear! i don’t know if they have the sticky glue to prevent riding up though:
sorry that is not more helpful!

not a protein bar person!

i think you covered it with the summer running list – that was totally a hit-the-nail-on-the-head list of all the summer woes of running. mainly maybe, now that it’s after summer solstice, there are maybe 2 good months of daylight hours when i can run at 5 am and have full daylight or at 8 pm and have full daylight which is awesome. but – starting Aug sometime, that starts going away, and then it’s headlamp wearing season. boo!

my last terrible idea was probably something schedule related. oh yes. i thought i could do a family bike ride, visit a friend with a baby, and do a dinner. not enough hours in the day! i had to reschedule the visiting a friend with a baby.


here’s one that does have a gripper at the bottom of the short! https://www.craftsportswear.com/B2C%20-%20Craft/sport-7f9c5b38/run/1903195-9999-b3117181/


here’s one that does have a gripper at the bottom of the short! https://www.craftsportswear.com/B2C%20-%20Craft/sport-7f9c5b38/run/1903195-9999-b3117181/


Janae, this is not quite related, but I know you do lots of air travel with your kiddos! I’m about to take my first flight with my (will be) 4.5 month old. Do you have a travel stroller you’d recommend?? He’s still using a carseat and the BOB, but it’s a short trip and the BOB is so bulky. Thanks for any recs you may have!! Hope you’re having a happy day!


Hey Katie! Good luck on your first flight with your little one… he is going to do amazing:) So the one that we use for travel is this one but he might still be a little small for it:


Good luck and just make sure he is sucking on something as you land and take off. You’ve got this!


I wear MPG, 8 inch shorts (they do not have any pockets) and they don’t move at all. I, also, have some brooks 7 inch shorts but they move a little, not a lot but enough to bother me on a long run. I am not tall, only 62 inches so the 8 inch shorts come a little bit above my knee. The MPG are not compression shorts. Compression shorts put a lot of pressure on my stomach and have caused me some stomach distress while running. “Ain’t nobody got time for that”. REI sells the MPG brand. I, luckily, found mine at TJ Maxx for a great price. Good luck


Maybe the oiselle brand spandex? I don’t run in any but see many others do.


Athleta spandex shorts are my favorite! They even have huge pockets.


Spandex!! I just got athleta’s up for anything 7” short and I am in love!! I took them out for a run/hike in the mountains on Monday and those things didn’t budge. I also headed to the zoo right after and brought other shorts to change into but these were so comfortable I kept them on. They also have the side pockets like some of their pants and they were crazy convient. I almost never comment on anything, but I need you to know about these shorts ??


Oiselle mini stride shorts! They are short but stay put!

And I am loving Square Organic bars. Even if they all melted in my recent Amazon delivery. Ugh!


Ugh…..I love my Nike Pro shorts, they are 5 inches, and they are much harder to find than the 3.5 inch ones everyone has. HOWEVER…………… the mediums are too loose and the legs ride up, and the smalls are a bit too snug and the legs roll up….I need a small and a half! I still love them, but I found they work best in the rain……….once they get wet they don’t move. If you find any good ones, please share! I want ones that are 5-7 inches long.

I finished yesterday’s run in the giant fountains where the kids were playing in the park. My husband’s idea (he was biking while I ran) and it was genius. I planned 7 miles, but the heat (95 with a feel of 102) made me stop at 4.5 miles. But that water felt nice!


My favorite protein bars are Rx bars. Most of the flavors are excellent, especially the salted kinds – I don’t like the fruity flavors as much but that’s just me. The ingredients are simple and listed on the front of the package. The texture is dense and sticky, and I like it! If they didn’t cost so much, I would enjoy one daily. If you haven’t tried them, I would give them a shot.

Last time I put on my pair of spandex shorts, I was embarrassed to see my legs bulging beneath the bottom seam! I don’t think they used to do that last summer. I’m pretty sure the shorts didn’t shrink, so that’s a bit depressing. Haha.

Got some oofos recovery sandals based on your recommendation and with the amazon gift card I won from your giveaway. They’ve been great, so thank you!


I know this comment is late (catching up on your blog!), but the saucony bullet shorts have never led me astray, racing/speed work guaranteed! They don’t ride up, offer plenty of modesty (perfect mid-thigh length!) AND have side pockets. They are a dream short! They run true-to-size, I’m a similar height/body size to you and I take a small and they don’t feel like sausage casings.


just looked—20% off and free shipping right now!

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