Tell Me What Is on YOURS + Date Night + Friday Favorites!

Last night we celebrated our 2 year anniversary from the first time we met!  I somehow convinced Andrew that we need to celebrate our anniversaries each year for our first date, when we got engaged, our wedding and when we got sealed.   The more anniversaries the better, right?

Rewind to the beginning of the day—>  My coach put 0 running miles on the schedule so instead of running we went outside to walk for a little while.  Brooke and Knox were at school and I chatted with my sister on the phone while we got in some fresh air.

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Carb-loading has never been a problem for me.

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Brooke came home from school and that made Skye’s day.

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Brooke requested a picture with the rollie pollie that made it into the grass before I could get my camera out.

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The normal afternoon activities happened.

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And then Andrew’s cousin came over to watch Brooke and Knox.  They love him so much that they cried (I’m not exaggerating) when we got home because he is so much more fun than us.

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Andrew and I are both so indecisive that we have to flip a coin when trying to decide where to go to dinner.

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Oregano’s won. \

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Skye is still at an age where she is able to join our dates easily because she just kind of hangs out and stares at us the whole time (as long as I fill her up with food before we leave).

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After dinner we hung out at the Provo temple.  We talked about a few of the things that happened on our first date like the fact that he wondered how it was possible for me to be able to talk so fast (I was nervous!), how he lost his wallet (but found it), how we both kind of overshared our life situations and most importantly how he had the idea that we should get our own desserts after dinner ( <— one of the reasons I knew he was the one, I don’t want to share desserts).

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I am so sorry Skye, someday you will be able to try some ice cream with us.

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I’m trying to figure out what I want to do with my watch for my race tomorrow.   I think I’ll keep it set to show distance, lap pace and average pace but I’d love to hear what you have on your GPS screen while you run.  Or maybe I should just cover it with tape so that I run based off of effort but then there is a chance I will go out way too fast.

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I just have a few Friday Favorites to share with you today!

*The 5 year olds sometimes wake up a bit grumpy and Andrew found a solution to the problem.  He just has Skye wake them up now for school and they wake up a million times happier this way ha.  I mean how could you be grumpy waking up to her little face?

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*My current favorite cereal salad (one of you told me that you called your cereal combinations a cereal salad so I have copied you because it makes me think I’m eating something healthier)… Lucky Charms, Life and Shredded Mini Wheats.  Also, I’m that weird person that thinks soggy cereal > crunch cereal.

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*I LOVE the Hyperions from Brooks.  I just got these beauties because my last ones have too many miles on them.  I’m hoping that a new pair of these motivates me to sign up to race a 5k.

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*My three favorite things from Roolee right now—>  Baseball tee, this dress & this colorblock top.

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*To go along with the above picture too, I love Gap jeans lately.  I decided a few months ago to  just get some new jeans that fit instead of worrying about fitting into my old jeans.  I just got these and they are my favorite now.

*It’s official—>  the Apples & Cinnamon huma gels are my favorite fuel right now so I bought a big pack of them.  Once I go through these I’m sure I’ll be sick of them and will need a new flavor.

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*Today will be Skye’s first time to a race expo.  I see hundreds of these together over the course of her life.

*Skye is so proud of her tongue lately she just wants to show it off at any chance possible so this is her Friday Favorite:

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I love reading about the amazing things that you are doing!  If you want to be featured, send your accomplishments here—>  [email protected]


Heather!!! “I’ve been running consistently for a little over a year now, but I don’t race very much.  Over the weekend I ran my 2nd 5k in my little hometown.  In the first one I was not at all prepared, I started way too fast (trying to keep up with my speedy friend) and ended up having to walk some to recover.  This time my goal was just to run the whole thing- and I did!  I even PR’d!  My son and some friends came to cheer me on at the finish line, the weather was perfect on Saturday and it ended up being a really fun race!  I’m already looking forward to the next one, and hopefully increasing the distance!”



Have any fun weekend plans?

Soggy or crunchy cereal?  Have any favorite combinations of cereal lately?

What information is displayed on your watch during a run or race?  What information do you need to have on there during your race?

Where do you usually buy your jeans?

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I am housesitting this weekend so I see more walks with the gorgeous black lab I am taking care of.
And cereal depends…..I usually don’t mind it soggy, but some are better than others when they are soggy.
I don’t have a gps watch. I wear my regular one and just start the timer. I run with my ipod so I turn the music on but not the distance. I have found it to be off as much as 1/2 mile on certain courses, and there is nothing so annoying as hearing you finished your 13.1 miles when you still have .5 to go. So now I just run by feel for races and maybe glance at the timer going on my watch every now and then.
Ugh, jeans. I wear a small or size 6 in most things, but when it comes to jeans it seems nothing fits my small waist and not-quite-so-small thighs and tush. I usually prefer American Eagle jeans, but honestly I prefer leggings or shorts over jeans. And my work pants never fit in both waist and tush either. So frustrating!


Happy anniversary! That sounds like a great way to celebrate :) And GOOD LUCK at your race tomorrow! You will do great.


Skye seriously gets cuter by the second!! That’s a genius idea to have her wake up the kids. :)

I like crunchy cereal but then don’t mind when it gets soggy. I love combining Honey Bunches of Oats Pecan & Maple Brown Sugar with Cinnamon Toast Crunch (the BEST). If you add Honey Nut Cheerios in there, that’s a bonus for sure!

I usually have average pace, total time, and distance displayed on my watch. It keeps me sane. Hope you have a WONDERFUL race tomorrow, Janae!! You are strong and capable and ready to kick some major tail!!!!


I can’t believe how different Skye is looking AND how much she’s reminding me of Brooke. You’re lucky to have three adorable, healthy kiddos!!!!!!!!!

You know, I think I need to make it my goal to run a half marathon with tape over my watch and just run by feel and maybe put a big “goal” or “PR” out the window. Just run it hard/smart and see what happens. I’ll admit that certain paces scare me when I get into their range, and my mind starts telling me that I can’t sustain them. In some ways, technology is great, but in others it kinda hinders us………

HAVE THE BEST TIME during your half this weekend!!!!!!! Two words of advice, look up and take in all of the scenery, and SMILE SMILE SMILE, being so grateful that you’re out there, even if certain parts get hard :) Can’t wait to hear how it goes for you!!!!!


When we can’t get our girls to wake up I send the little brother in to wake them up too. I’m hoping this lasts but he’s almost two and when will it stop being cute and become annoying to them?

I have no idea what this weekend holds. Possibly camper stuff. I know there will be some running involved.


If I eat cereal, I have to eat it within 1 minute of pouring the milk on or it’s too soggy for me. But I am actually not a big cereal person (I know, I know).

This weekend I have a double digit run for the first time in forever! 10 or 11 miles probably.

I am very excited to see where everyone else buys their jeans because I flip flop all the time. I need a go-to jeans store!!

Happy Anniversary!

x Elise


This might be a dumb question, but you can change the set-up of the Garmin face?? I had no idea. Other than the standard, what do you like to use?


I love that you guys celebrate anniversaries! It’s really just a much needed excuse to plan dates (esp. after kids!). We just celebrated our 14th wedding anniversary. :) This weekend, we’re taking the kids to their first Astros game. :) Have a great day, Janae!


Congrats on your anniversary! We celebrate all the anniversaries…first date, wedding, etc. Sometimes we’ll even call out half anniversaries and quarter anniversaries. The more celebrating the better.

Good luck on your race tomorrow:-)


Crunchy cereal for me. I am in a jean rut right now, can’t seem to find anything I like ever since they discontinued my Levi’s. So I love new recommendation. Weekend plans are to finish up the challenge I made more challenging because it sounds good in the beginning but not the end. I’m very much a beginning runner, very beginner. So I saw a Virtual Challenge (not a race against each other, a challenge to encourage each other), I thought how fun !! It’s 100 miles in 3 months. That would be too easy for me and not a challenge, so I made my own goal to do the 100 miles in 1 month. Then since April wasn’t real busy, why not add an extra 100 mile biking goal too! You know, for FUN. OIY. Then my April took a turn, and got super busy without even trying. Therefore I’m behind on miles. So I’ve got until Tuesday to get 34 running/walking miles in and 43 bike miles in. So I should probably stop checking my favorite blogs and get going…..


When I was a teenager, I was impossible to get out of bed…and of course really grumpy about the idea. My mom used to dump my dog on my head. She would run in circles on top of me, which woke me up pretty fast, but she was my favorite thing to see first thing in the morning, so it worked really well.

I’ve tried a lot of different jeans– had a brief flirtation with Hudsons, but they rip way too quickly for expensive jeans, so I always wind up going back to Gap because they have so many different fits and I always find something that works for me (definitely not a give with other brands!).

Good luck tomorrow. We’ll all be waiting impatiently for the race recap….


We used to do the same thing with Felicity and waking up our kids. It worked so well until it didn’t. Haha.

Cereal salad sounds nice, but in my mind it is cereal suicide. I can’t imagine combining cereals or eating it soggy.

Good luck this weekend. Have so much fun. I know you will do awesome.

Jeans suck. The end.


For my last marathon, I just had elapsed time AND turned of my mile lap buzzer. I figure that it doesn’t matter what my watch says for distance, I’m not done until the finish line! I tend to over think pace, so I didn’t want to be tempted to have anything on my screen that indicated my current or even average pace. I just wanted to run what felt comfortably hard! I kept telling myself “My race, My pace…” when I start to worry about pace and what other around me were doing.



I had a friend growing up who would literally pour the milk on her Cinnamon Life Cereal and leave it on the counter for like 45 minutes. It grossed me out big time! I am a crunchy cereal person ALL the way!

Good luck at the race!


That is one huge pancake!! Happy anniversary!
I’m hoping to soak up all the nice weather this weekend :)
Cereal has to be crunchy…I don’t even like any milk!
I just have pace, time, and distance…sometimes I switch it to heart rate just to see what it is.
I love my Buckle jeans!! I’ve also gotten great jeans at LOFT and from Stitch Fix.
Enjoy your weekend!


Ah!!! Part of my dinner last night was oatmeal topped with a whole bunch of that same Lucky Charms cereal with lots of water/milk. The Lucky Charms are a BIT sweet for me so unsweetened oatmeal calms it down a bit for me. It tasted like a cupcake and it was wonderful. I like my cereal soggy too.

Runs with friends Saturday and Sunday and lots of dog walking.

Happy weekend! I will look forward to your check-ins.


Crunchy cereal all the way haha. As far as jeans go, all but one or two pair are from Express. High-waisted, long length option, and suitable for muscular thighs :) I am obsessed.

Good luck on your half-marathon! I need to start using you as motivation to run more outside and start training for my half at the end of summer!


Have so much fun at your race tomorrow, Janae!!
I’m with you on the soggy cereal… and I recently started combining cereals and it is the best.
So I’m curious what your thoughts are on compression socks/sleeves for legs. I’m prone to lower leg injuries and have been wondering what your opinion is! Have a good day :)
By the way Skye is the cutest ?


I’m with you on the soggy cereal :)
I cant wait to hear all about your race! Best of luck!! Have fun!!
Heather, great job :) Your a lucky mom to have such a handsome little fellow waiting on you at the finish line :) Keep up the good work!!


My daughter was SO grumpy this morning I always think my neighbors think I’m torturing her because she screams for everything when she’s getting ready! Lol
I am so very much slower than you but I set my watch to average pace, distance and current pace. I had to calculate in my head for my last marathon when I wanted to go in under 4.5 hours because I didn’t know what time I crossed the start.


I heard my uncle refer to it as “cereal casserole” so that’s what I call it now :) Some cereals (shredded wheat, raisin bran, all-bran – most healthy cereals, actually) are WAY better soggy but Lucky Charms, Fruity Pebbles, Cheerios and the like are better crunchy. Have a great race tomorrow!


best of luck with your race this weekend! i know you will crush it.
follow your plan for dinner & breakfast and you will be so ready to kill it!

i like the whole multi-anniversary idea! i am horrible at remembering these things.

weekend plans include a spring hike! plus some residual moving stuff we need to take care of. and switching out winter tires for the regular all-weather tires.

crunchy cereal is what i prefer but i don’t eat it often. i tend to like Qia and Great Grains. i normally eat steel-cut oatmeal (hot cereal) though.

What information is displayed on your watch during a run or race? What information do you need to have on there during your race? this is really interesting. i usually have cumulative time and avg pace, current pace and last lap pace. on other “tabs” i have distance , grade, current HR, cadence. but i don’t feel that i’ve optimized this. curious to hear what others do. i also wonder if should put a workout on for a race so i make sure to hit paces while running? and just make those pace ranges fairly large but mostly to make sure i’m not going too slow for my time goal. i don’t know. just thinking out loud here…!

jeans! nice on finding the gap jeans. i really liked H&M maternity jeggings. they were so sleek, so comfy, so fem, so comfy, and fun. also i agree about getting new ones to fit your body now. it took me at least 9 months for my body to get back to what it was. which makes sense b/c the body took 9 months to grow a baby and deliver.

most recently i just got what’s on sale at Century 21 – marked down designer stuff – for skinny jeans. but i have not bought any in a really long time and i don’t see myself doing so again anytime soon as i live in leggings and dresses. it’s comfy and ideal for bike riding which i do a lot of to get around.


Soggy cereal only if it’s shreddies or raisin bran! Its mt birthday tomorrow too but I don’t know what to do to celebrate.


Definitely crunchy cereal! Busy weekend filled chauffeuring kids to sports and birthday parties. Going to run early Sat so I don’t have to worry about it the rest of the day.
Great attitude about jeans. It’s funny after multiple kids my weight didn’t change that much, but my body did in relation to pants. Some styles just don’t work on me anymore. I love Banana Republic jeans, (outlet only) because regular store prices are too much. They have a high waist and a good stretch that’s flattering and functional.
Hope you guys have a great weekend!!


Cereal salad sounds awesome! I’m glad you found a gel you liked. I tried that gel but couldn’t get over the texture for some reason. Skye is so adorable and I love that little smile in the stroller picture! It’s so good that you’re able to take her out with you.

I set my watch to show distance, duration, and pace per mile. However, if I find myself looking at it too much, I’ll swap to heart rate zones and don’t let myself switch back until I’m done! I’ve focused on effort based training the past few weeks and have become addicted. Faster speeds feel easier when I’m not staring at my watch lol.


I think it’s important to celebrate all special milestones with your special person – it makes life more fun!


Ugh jeans LOL. I found a pair of Wranglers that were built for serious hour-glass shapes. Of course they discontinued them … when I found out, I went on-line and bought 5 pairs each of 2 different sizes (normal and food baby size)…I will cry the day I run out, but with how long they last…I am set probably for another 10 years LOL


I tend to eat my cereal dry if I eat cold cereal. I mix it with nuts and fruit for a trail mix type of meal/snack. (but I just prefer oatmeal since cold cereal doesn’t kill hunger for me).

I like gap and some old navy jeans.


I call it a cereal suiside because of you.
Frosted mini wheats, Chex, special k vanilla almond.


OMGoodness Janae—you make the most beautiful, gorgeous babies!!!!!!!!!! Skye is soooooooooo darn cute. I just adore her precious smile. You can tell how much she idolizes her big sissie/brother. I love that!

Good luck on your race. I ‘ll be checking in this weekend to see how you are doing.

Have a great weekend.


Slightly soggy cereal, but not completely soggy! Also, SO EXCITED for your half marathon tomorrow! Cheering you on from Chicago!!!


YES to soggy cereal! I just don’t understand people’s insistence on crunchy cereal… why even add the milk, then? I feel the same way about center vs. edge brownies. Why does seemingly everyone but me think the edges are so great? What’s the point of a brownie if it isn’t 100% fudgey and soft?

Also, I think I need to steal your cereal salad idea. I have Life and Mini Wheats right now but unfortunately no Lucky Charms…


Good luck tomorrow and enjoy the day.
I like my cereal at the sweet spot when it is still just crispy soaked through. I don’t let it get to the soggy stage.
My plans for tomorrow include an all day bible conference. I’m excited to expand my bible knowledge and faith.
I keep the pace distance and time on my GPS. I’m pretty good at resisting theburfe to look too often.
I am amazed how much Skye has grown. She is past the wee baby stage. Very sweet with her sister.

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