Sounds Fake? + What We Did!

I hope your weekend was a great one.  I’m going to share some of our highlights.

**54 miles for the week (10 on Saturday), 4,576 ft of climbing for the week (I’m getting into more hills/trails again because I know that is a big key for training success for me) and a rest day yesterday.

On Saturday I wore my Boston top and shoes from last year because it was just such a fun experience last year.  I daydreamed Andrew and I were going back out there this year too.

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It’s been a few weeks since I’ve worked on pull-ups which means I can’t do a full one anymore but I did get a half of one and I practiced holding myself up at the top for 30 seconds at a time.  I swear pull-ups are the best core workout for me, I feel muscles engage in there that don’t with anything else!

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We spent a lot of time watching General Conference (and I’m still looking for that key in the picture ha… I need to be better at putting things like that away).

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My neighbor owns Marley’s in our area and they are now delivering cinnamon rolls each weekend to your door so I definitely bought some this last weekend.  You bake them at home and they were absolutely amazing.  This might have to be a weekend tradition for a while.

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The chicks got plenty of outdoor time.  They are going to grow up being VERY used to kids because they are around them so much.  Brooke and Knox set up an Easter egg hunt for them which was pretty adorable.

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We started off Sunday by sleeping in and then going for a walk with the kids and Beretta.

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The Beamo makes the kids love walks even more as we throw it back and forth as we walk.

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The kids’ other highlight of the day was decorating hard-boiled eggs with the Eggmazing decorating kit.  It spins the egg for you and you use markers to decorate (and it’s so much less messy than using dyes:)

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We made chicken + salsa in the crockpot to create taco/salad/burritos x 2.

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And then we watched the new Elephant documentary on Disney+ and it was AMAZING (along with some of that almond cereal from Costco and fruit.

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Anybody else feel like they are running their dishwasher 5 times as much as they usually do right now?!

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I saw this question on Instagram (I love her account) the other day and spent 30 minutes reading through the comments because they were AMAZING.  It made me realize I had to ask you guys the same thing… What’s a story or fact about you that sounds fake, but is 100% real?!  Entertain us please!

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Hardboiled eggs?  Delicious or gross?

-I love them and Andrew hates them.

Best thing you ate this weekend?

Recommend a good documentary to me please… I need a new one to watch!

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YES about the dishwasher AND our washer/dryer. I dread to see our electric bill this month.

Story that sounds fake but is real: I was a mechanic in college to help pay for school. Yep. My name is a car brand and I was a mechanic.

Not sure if you’re a true crime fan, but the HBO docu-series on the Atlanta child murders premiered last night, and it was so interesting. I’m looking forward to the next part. Also if you haven’t watched Tiger King, it’s pretty insane.


Okay, that is AWESOME! Your name fits perfect for your job back in college. I have always loved your name each time I see a comment from you. You are SO right about the washer/dryer too… never ending lately. I love true crime and Tiger King was the CRAZIEST ever. I hope you are having a great morning so far Mercedes!


Best thing we ate this weekend, ice cream! One of our local favourite ice cream shops does curbside pick up so we ordered 4 pints of ice cream, london fog, irish cream, salted caramel and honey lavendar. We dropped off a pint to my mom.

Hard boiled eggs are a favourite.

I am impressed with all the running you are still doing! I headed out and managed 5 miles which felt a lot longer hahaha.

I think it is so cool you have chickies:). My partner and I are looking at getting a puppy/dog so we have been doing research making inquiries to breeders , shelters etc and generally looking at way too many photos of cute puppies! I fell in love with way many more than we could possibly have!

Have a super day Janae!


Skye’s braided pigtails!!! So cute!
I think salsa chicken will make the list for dinner this week. Mmmm!
I love a hard boiled egg mixed in with my salad, but I don’t like to just eat one plain/by itself.
Best thing I ate this weekend was the sausage/egg breakfast casserole, made with challah. That dish is yummy!
I’m about to bake the Trader Joe’s chocolate croissants that I left to rise overnight. Maybe the kids will be charged up for online school with a delicious breakfast :)


Thank you Corey, I think they were pretty cute too. YES, make some salsa chicken, you won’t regret it. You might have to share that recipe with me, that sounds fabulous and so do those croissants. Yum and good luck with online school today with your kids!


I love hard boiled eggs too, but Landon isn’t a fan either. More for me ;) sounds like a great weekend!
If you are looking for a good documentary Unstoppable (the story of Bethany Hamilton) is SO good! Landon and I watched it a couple weeks ago. It’s on Netflix. We also just started the Chosen (on Youtube.) super good too!
Hope your week is amazing Janae!


Hahah true… more for us:). Watching that documentary today… thank you so much! I’ll start Chosen too. Thanks Bethany, you too!


I have 2! My first one is that my parents accidentally left me at Wendy’s when I was 4 (pre cell phone age ?) I went to the bathroom and they both left to take my older brothers to 2 different sports games and both thought the other one had me. I wandered outside and a man found me and thankfully brought me to the manager, who had her teenage daughters come in and color with me while we ate frostys and fries. 2 hours later my parents synced up and realized the other one didn’t have me! My mom said the drive back to Wendy’s was the worst moment of her entire life!

My second one is that I summited Mt Rainier when I was 22! I had never climbed a mountain before and live in Raleigh, NC so climbing isn’t really a thing here. My dad had the random goal though, so he, my brother and I trained for a year and did it! Harder than any race OR having a baby. Most people are shocked when I tell them now that I did it— even I think it’s a little crazy looking back ?

Have a great day and stay safe!


OH WOW! Both of your facts are crazy! I bet that drive to Wendy’s was terrifying for your mom and I’m so grateful for the good people that helped you. Mt. Rainier… that is absolutely amazing Christine. I am so impressed and the fact that it was your first mountain… wow! Have you continued on with climbing? Thank you friend and you too!


Yes to hard boiled eggs! Delicious! Fact about me that might sound fake…the only real mountain-y mountains I’ve been to are in Switzerland. I’ve driven through the smokey mountains but they seemed more like big hills.
I made homemade chocolate mousse this weekend because I had a random can of condensed milk in my pantry. It was delicious!
I want to watch Nefarious: Merchant of Souls and the other one they made about spring break culture (they’re both about human trafficking, dangerous situations for women, etc) but I’m a little afraid to watch them even though they’re such important topics. It might just break my heart too much to watch them. But I have heard they are life changing documentaries. I think the first, at least, is on Netflix.


Well, if you are going to see any mountains, I bet the ones in Switzerland are the ones to see. Come visit Utah next and I’ll take you to our mountains. I think I will have to watch that first one too. It really is such an important topic and knowledge is power, right?! Thanks for sharing Ali and I hope you have a beautiful week!


Hardboiled eggs are not my favorite . . . I much prefer them softboiled and cracked over some avocado toast! That egg decorator looks amazing, and an easter egg hunt for chicks sounds like a perfect weekend activity!

We made a coconut cake this weekend, and it was SO good. We hadn’t made this one in a long time, and I forgot how good it is!

A weird fact about me: I had braces TWICE growing up because my teeth were so crooked! I didn’t realize that was unusual at the time, but now people look at me like I’m crazy when I say that! Looking at old pictures makes me very grateful for orthodontia. :-)


I so need a place that delivers cinnamon rolls!! How awesome!
I love hard boiled eggs, but no one else in the family does. They’re so great to keep in the fridge to grab for some quick protein.
We ordered pizza again from the local restaurant, and it was amazing! I think you’re right that this is going to be a weekend tradition for us, at least as long as it can through quarantine.
I don’t have any weird facts about me that sound fake… But I am loving reading the ones posted!
It’s raining again today, and possibly for the next few days, so we’ll see how much running I am motivated to do… This may be a low mileage week. But that’s ok!
Hope your Monday is great!


I hope that you get a little bit of sunshine over the next few days… that much rain is hard. SO glad you guys ordered pizza again, that is so fun to look forward to now. I might just have to send you some of these cinnamon rolls, you would love them. Hope you have a beautiful day friend!


Now I need your avocado toast combo, that sounds so good and so does your coconut cake! I need to try to make that over here. TWICE! Oh wow, that isn’t common at all. I see my old pictures too and thank Dr. Broadbent ha… when I first saw him he said we could either break my jaw and reconstruct everything or spend about 8 years fixing the problems. I chose the 8 years… I feel your pain a little bit. Hope your day is a beautiful one Kristin and thanks for sharing. Hopefully you had some cake for breakfast!


Brooke and Skye look so cute in their matching shirts and adorable hair styles!

Best thing I ate this weekend- tie between the crinkle top brownies I baked and the pesto tortellini with chicken I got for take-out from a local Italian restaurant.

Sounds fake but it’s real: For 7 years, I never lived in one place longer than a year. Between college and my first few years of work, I either switched living situations (dorms, apartments, etc.) or moved at least once a year!


Oh thanks Mariah, I sure thought so too. Ummm can I come eat those things with you, both the pesto and the brownies are making me drool. Mariah, that is a TON of moving. I bet it feels nice to now not be moving so much… you were busy! Hope you are having a beautiful morning friend.


I don’t have a dishwasher in my rented home, I miss having one so much!
I’ve been getting a meal kit delivery lately and this week I made chicken flautas that were SO good. And so easy! Having a good meal definitely helps lift my mood.
I love hard boiled eggs. I have one every morning for breakfast. I’ve never seen that egg spinner – what a great idea and so much less messy!
If you haven’t watched it yet, American Factory on Netflix is fascinating.


Oh I bet you miss that so much, I’m sorry Samantha! SO glad you are getting meal kit deliveries and now I’m craving some chicken flautas! Good food really does comfort us and help us to feel better. I definitely haven’t watched that yet, adding it to my list now. Thanks Samantha and I hope you are having a fabulous day so far!


The chicks are so cute! Those cinnamon rolls look amazing!!!

*I met my husband through and we weren’t even a match (I took off all the “filter” except for zip code) and asked out the one’s I thought were attractive (and normal);-).
*I was put on academic probation for getting a parking ticket on campus. I had to meet with the Dean. I had a 3.99 GPA and she told me “well you are obviously smart, but not when it comes to parking”
*I was dating someone who had 5 warrants out for his arrest and we were driving around in a stole vehicle (he was not from, haha) I had even met his parents and they seemed normal!

Happy Monday Janae!!!


Okay, your facts today made my morning. I LOVED learning these things about you. And academic probation for parking tickets with pretty much perfect grades… unreal! What did you do when you found out about all of his warrants!? Thanks Becky, you too!


Well we broke up. It didn’t end well, he ended up in jail and I ended up in the ER–that is when I found out about the warrants. I had to help the police in several matters. He had ditched the stolen vehicle. I was with him when he did–I was following behind him in my car and he said his vehicle (the stollen one) was breaking down so he left it in a Park & Ride. The police were trying to locate the vehicle. I had to tell them where it was and that I had no idea it was stollen! Another crazy thing is that the car he stole was one of my best friends from college’s good friend from high school. We were all hanging out after the fact about a year later. Her friends were telling a story of how their vehicle was stolen and they ended up getting it back because the guy was in jail and his (ex)girlfriend (me) told them where it was. Just telling this story is so embarrassing! Moral of the story–it doesn’t hurt to run a background check on who you date!


Wow! Just wow! What a story Becky! Thanks for sharing more details! I’m pretty sure my brother ran background checks the second time around of dating for me ha! I’m so glad you are in such a wonderful situation now!! Crazy about that connection too!


We need a guest post from this lady for follow ups… what facts!!! Tell us more!


Thanks for always being honest and inspiring.
Here is a link to some motivational and FREE Best of the Banff documentaries:

Have a super Monday


HUGE thank you from me and Andrew… I just went through all of the documentaries and this is something that Andrew and I are both going to love SO much. Thank you Katie and thanks for your kind words:) I hope your Monday is amazing too!


Hey Janae! If you and Andrew havent heard of the Banff film festival, look it up. They had a tour (but it was cancelled) and they show all these amazing short adventure films/documentaries. If you look up the locations you can see the films listed, and then watch them on vimeo and youtube for free. It takes a bit of back and forth work but worth it. We watch a couple as a family (my 4 kids love them) and it’s great family time but also neat to see all the sofreent locations around the world and what people are doing. Since Andrew loves mountain biking I think this would be right up his alley!


Hi Janae! I just found out there’s an Elizabeth Holmes documentary on Hulu, it’s called Out for Blood. I listened to the Dropout podcast and I really liked it so I’m wondering if I should watch the documentary! Happy Monday!


I HAVE to watch that now… I am so interested in that story! Thanks for sharing Amy and I hope you have a beautiful day!


I read some of those weird stories too! I don’t have anything that compares to finding our you were kidnapped or some of those other crazy things! One that makes me shake my head at my child self was that I was the smallest of my weekend friends group in elementary and was used as the guinea pig for a tire swing we made on a tree over a cliff. I got in and they pushed me out a few times then at the most extreme position of the swing, you can imagine what happened, SNAP. The twine we had used (not even rope) broke and I went careening over the side in the tire swing. I’m not sure how large the side of the cliff was, probably about 80 feet, but it slanted after the initial drop so I think I only dropped about 15 feet before hitting the side of the cliff and bouncing the rest of the way down inside the tire. I wasn’t hurt except for a stick through my eyelid. None of us wanted to get in trouble so we didn’t tell our parents and I said I tripped onto a stick.


OH MY GOODNESS… your story is insane too! That must have been so terrifying! So glad you were okay, you are tough! Hope your Monday is a beautiful one and you never go on a tire swing again;)


My dishwasher is for sure getting so much more use than it usually does. My faucet also, because it literally just broke with a leak. Ahhh great timing, right?

Something about me is that I’m 31 and still have two baby teeth (with no permanent teeth behind them!) The dentist told me that they probably wouldn’t last in to my 30’s, but here I am! Now he’s saying that they probably won’t last into my late 30’s and is trying to encourage me to get implants, but I’m going to wait and see how long they’ll last. They aren’t loose or anything – they only time they bother me is if I get a bad sinus infection they start to ache. Weird, right?


Wait, I didn’t know that was possible. That is so interesting, you’ll have to keep me updated on that!! I am learning all sorts of things from you guys today:). I hope you don’t get a bad sinus infection again because teeth aching is the absolute worst. I hope your day is a beautiful one Tess!


Hi Tess!
I saw your comment on baby teeth and I have to let you know that I’m 52 and still have two baby teeth. They’re doing great!! My dentist said he had a patient that was in her 80’s and still had a baby tooth!! Good luck and I hope you don’t have to get implants in the near future.
Have a great day! :)


Hi, Janae,
Even though there are only two of us (my husband and I here now), we are running the dishwasher a lot, and all our stores are OUT of dishwashing detergent. Everybody else must be in the same boat!

We made the garlic butter naan bread from How Sweet Eats-easy and fun to make. Your kids would enjoy making it. Love her website and cookbooks!

Have you watched The Staircase on Netflix? It’s a true crime doc series, but a couple years old. We also want to watch The Jinx, which is similar and a few years old, but now on Prime.


AHHHH thank you so much, I will have to make that with the kids. I love the way she writes about food and turns a recipe into a story. I definitely haven’t watched that and I LOVED JINX so The Staircase is next, thank you so much and I hope you have a great day and you are able to get some dishwashing detergent soon!


Does Marley’s deliver???? Those cinnamon rolls look AMAZING!!!
And how cool is that egg decorating kit! We decorated eggs like 2 weeks ago when I thought Easter was last weekend. Ooops! Lol! Speaking of, hard boiled eggs are an very occasional thing for me. I’ve recently gotten into poached eggs and surprisingly enough I haven’t blown one up! Pinterest recommended I poke a hole in the yolk sac and that might be the difference maker!
Best thing I ate this weekend was yesterdays breakfast; sweet potato (pan fried in olive oil w/ rosemary, garlic powder) bacon egg scramble w/ strawberries on the side. Super filling and flavorful!
My story is that I ran away from daycare at like 2 or 3 years old and made my way to my best friends house to play with her. She wasn’t home so I sat on her porch and waited for her! The daycare was about 4 blocks away and a delivery driver of some sort saw me and followed me from a distance to make sure I was safe since I apparently knew exactly where I was going!
Have a great day!


YES, I think that is his plan now. I hope you love the cinnamon rolls too. Hahaha you are not alone in thinking a holiday was a different one than it actually is haha. I want to try out poached eggs, that sounds delicious. Your breakfast yesterday also sounds so good. YOU RAN AWAY!! Ahhh I am so glad you were safe! You have been quite determined since a young age. Have a great day Jenny!


I just finished watching Unorthodox on Netflix. So good! Now, I really want to read her book.


Can’t wait to check it out! Thanks Tiffany and I hope you get the book soon:) Have a really great week!


I gave birth in a parking lot

That always sounds fake and it’s true and she is 12 now. 100% all delivered standing up beside my car, Target shorts caught the head and the midwife to the rescue helped with the rest. She stripped off her shirt to wrap around Cecelia. You know how they say you wil KNOW when you are in labor. Well apparently I am the exception.


AHHHH NO WAY! That must have been the craziest experience and what an amazing midwife to come help. “I am the exception” haha thanks for sharing and I hope your Monday is off to a great start and that your 12 year old is doing well through this all! Thanks Carrie!


Story about me that sounds fake, but is real: I have aquagenic urticaria, which essentially means I’m allergic to water when it touches my body. When I shower, sweat, or swim, I get hives on my face and upper body only (neck, shoulders, upper chest, and upper back). Taking an antihistamine helps. When I take it, I don’t get hives at all!


Sam! I have never heard of this before and I’m SO happy that the antihistamine helps! Do they know what caused this or if it is genetic? Thanks for sharing and I hope you are having a great night!


The dishwasher!! Its only me and the hubs and we are running it 3 times a week, I typically can run it just once a week! And as much as I LOVE cooking, I am ready to be catered to!!! LOL But thank God for the money to buy groceries and the health to make it all!
LOVE hard boiled eggs. I make 8-10 and the beginning of each week!
We had steak on the grill this weekend, hit the spot!


Always love your thoughtful questions!
Hard boiled eggs, especially turned deviled eggs are always a win in my world (with chopped up pickles and added pickle juice or capers if I am wanting to be fancy).
Best thing I have ate which is my favorite food quarantine or not, sweet potatoes roasted with salt and cinnamon then I drizzle peanut butter and agave over the top…desert or dinner? I cannot decide :)
True, but weird fact: I was originally left handed and when I went to kindergarten I was forced to write with my right. My mom, dad, and brother are all lefties, but me, (when I had tendon repair surgery on my right hand I was only able to use my left for 12 weeks with a newborn so my true hand dominance got to shine).
I don’t watch a ton of documentaries, but I have watched on repeat the show, “New Girl” a ton and I am re-watching it all over again; “Great British Bake Off”, is another fuzzy feeling show for me too


It has been on Netflix for a while so you may have already seen it, but The Dawn Wall is really cool and inspiring.


Love Brooke’s little outfit! I wish I had it in grownup size :)
My crazy-but-true story is that my eyes are two different colours… because I got a hook in one of my eyes while fishing when I was sixteen. Very stupid accident. I was so lucky to have amazing doctors who saved my eye – I can see about 80% now, and that’s fine. The only souvenir, so to speak, is that one of my eyes is now Brown (due to some chemical reaction during the operation? No one knows) and one is green!

Have a lovely day!


yes to hard boiled eggs!!!

have you watched the Disney nature penguins yet?! so. good.

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