Skye’s FIRST Beach Trip, Big Sur & My Training Log!!!

Two important things from yesterday:

*Skye had her first trip to the beach.

*I am now completely positive that I need to run the Big Sur Marathon.

I think the amazing views during this marathon would make you just forget all of the hills over those 26.2 miles right?  Who has done Big Sur?  I couldn’t believe how gorgeous the area was.

The morning started off with a 6 mile run @ 8:45 average pace.  I was pretty sore yesterday after my 15 miler on Friday which is strange because I wasn’t that sore after my 15 miler last week.  I’m thinking it was because I did my long run on the treadmill this week and I haven’t been on the treadmill (besides Thursday’s easy run) in a very long time.  I definitely think I run differently on the treadmill vs outside so that is probably why I was sore.

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Going out for breakfast is my favorite.  I also had a side of eggs with this and we left very full.

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After breakfast we got in our rental car and headed down to Big Sur to explore a bit.  We found a hike we wanted to do but it was closed off due to a landslide (I think) so it was short and sweet.  You can see a little waterfall below:

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Skye has seen me do the peace sign in a lot of my photos so she decided to try it out for this picture.

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Another stop from our day was to Pfiefer Beach!

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I think Skye enjoyed the beach…

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She spent most of the time in the shade.

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I’m not sure how she felt about the sand though… maybe she’ll be like Brooke was when she was little!  Brooke wanted nothing to do with sand and would sit on my lap the entire time we were at the beach.  She loves it now but it just took her a little bit of time to get to that point.

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I hope that Skye gets to feel the sand on her feet often over the years.

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Purple sand!

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We were in the car for about 6 hours yesterday but the views weren’t too bad along the way.

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We were really hungry by this point so we hurried and chose a spot for lunch/dinner.  It wasn’t our favorite but it did the job.  We had a  Caesar salad, pizza and breadsticks.  Anyone else dip their pizza/breadsticks into ranch?  Andrew has converted me to his methods.

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From there we walked around Monterey for a little while.

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We saw a candy store and Andrew didn’t even say anything and just walked inside because of my love for candy.

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Traveling around with Skye has gone pretty good so far.  She luckily doesn’t mind being in the car and usually falls asleep (until we hit traffic).  Whenever she got hungry we would just pull over and I fed her in the back of the car.  I like getting these little ones used to being out and exploring so that it is just normal for them.  As far as restaurants with her—>  we just made sure to choose family-friendly restaurants so we didn’t have to worry too much if Skye got a little fussy or something while we ate.

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Good luck to everyone running Boston tomorrow!  I’ll be cheering you on and watching from my hotel room.  I hope that the weather is better than predicted and if not, wear a hat, keep your thoughts positive and control the things you can control and let go of the rest.  You’ve done the hard work so now go and celebrate all of your hard work.  (PS sorry my images are random sizes on this post… my laptop struggles).


Oh and maybe braid your hair because this is what mine looked like after running a Boston in the rain ha.


We get to see Brookie today wahoo!


Let’s chat about last week’s running!

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Monday:  6 miles @ 8:52 average pace.

Tuesday:  9.65 miles total—> 2.08 mile w/u, 2 miles @ threshold (6:58 average), 3 minute walking recovery, 2 x 5 minutes @ interval (6:25 average pace) w/ 2 minute recoveries, 2 miles @ threshold (6:55 average, 2 mile c/d.

Wednesday:  30 minute easy run = 3.48 miles @ 8:38 average pace.

Thursday:  6 miles on the treadmill @ 8:28 average pace.

Friday:  15 miles on the treadmill @ 7:51 average pace.  6 mile w/u, 3 miles @ 7:20 pace, 1 mile easy, 4 x 1 minute fast (w/2 minute recoveries), c/d for a few miles.

Saturday: 6 miles @ 8:45 average pace.

Sunday:  OFF!

Total mileage—> 46.13.

13 days until my half-marathon.  I’m excited to see where I am at race day and go from there!


Ever run a race in the rain?  How did it go for you?

What was your best run last week?

Who has been to Big Sur?  Who has done the marathon?

Been to the beach recently… which one?

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Those beach views are amazing!!! oh my goodness!!! I’ve never done BIg Sur but those views look appealing! During Spring Break I took two of my kids to Crete and we loved being back on beaches. We went to one with PINK sand. IF you even find a package deal to go to Crete, go. It was the most family friendly vacation I’ve done. Granted, I live in Germany so it was easy to get to, but seriously, amazing.

Enjoy the the rest of your weekend! You and your family are just so sweet and adventurous and practical and fun!


Kelly, thank you so much for telling me about Crete… that sounds amazing. Brooke would die over the pink sand! I want to come see Germany… be our tour guide? Thank you so much and I hope you are having a great day!


I ran a Nashville half marathon in the rain…..soaked before it even started! but the race was ok it was just afterwards when I was trying to find my husband and I was freezing that wasn’t great.

I want a beach trip!!


I’ve raced in the rain a lot! It’s totally fine for me if I can dress right for it, but in high school we had to wear only our uniform. Nothing over it, we could wear running tights under it if we wanted but I almost never did. And no hats or jewelry. So back then it kinda sucked racing in the rain.

Have a fund day!


I’m going camping in Big Sur at the end of the month and cannot wait! We’ve reserved an ocean front site and I’m so excited to fall asleep to the sounds of the ocean :)


Okay, that sounds so fun! ENJOY! I want to come:)


I’ve lucked out with pretty great weather for all my half marathons and marathon! I’ve done a ton of small races in the snow, but I think I’ve only done one race in the rain. It was a 5 miler and it wasn’t the best, but I got through it. My husband however hated it! He was wearing what he thought was a rain jacket, but really it was just water resistant. So I think between the mesh inner liner and the print on his tech tee, he chaffed his nipples for the first time and ever since, they’ve been sensitive during long runs. He does not have fond memories of that race haha


Big Sur is a definite must run! The most beautiful Marathon I’ve run! The views definitely make you forget about all.the.hills!


Skye is so cute, I love her bathing suit! :) I actually like running in the rain, it keeps me cool. I’ve never done 26.2 in the rain so maybe that makes a big difference. And normally I can jump right into my warm car after haha. Hope the rest of your weekend is great! I can’t wait to watch Boston tomorrow – somehow at work haha!


Those pancakes look amazing! I think it’s been too long since I’ve had restaurant pancakes… making a mental note for next weekend.

We’re super lucky with beach options here… We’re close to Clearwater which keeps being ranked in the top 5 in the country but then gets super crowded so we go to smaller local beaches instead.


I ran Big Sur in 2016!!! It was my first marathon, too. Hands down one of the most spectacular experiences of my life. The hills are no joke, though!!! It’s definitely a must do if you ever have a chance. The race is well organized and there are a lot of fun things on the course (live bands, a grand piano on Bixby Bridge, strawberries near the end, etc). It’s such a great race!


Oh that is awesome Annie! I bet it is hard to do marathons after that one because of how gorgeous Big Sur is. It sounds perfect. Andrew and I want to do it together and forget about going for PRs and just enjoy the ride:) I hope you are having a great day Annie.


The last time I ran a race in the rain was a 5k cross country meet in high school – guess I’ve been lucky otherwise! I did, however, run yesterday in the wind and rain and it actually wasn’t as bad as I thought? I made a point to run out and back and the back part was with a tailwind so that helped a lot. I also have started checking Instagram for my favorite runners before I leave for a run = SUPER motivating!
It went from 72 degrees on Thursday to snow today so I’m very jealous of the California weather you have. I don’t have a desire to run Big Sur but it is very pretty there, so I can see the appeal!


Also those pancakes look AMAZING!!


I haven’t run Big Sur yet – but my girl friend has. I was supposed to do it as part of Boston to Big Sur a few years ago but got sick after Boston so decided not to run Big Sur. It is stunning from what I hear and it is definitely on my list. I have been to California but feeling, we need to go down and make a trip of iit. Big Sur, Montery etc..

I have been running in monsoon like weather as of late so yes lots of rain.

I don’t know if I would call it my best run – but I ran 30 +km in the trails with friends yesterday and then dragged my sorry self out for another 20km on the road. I survived so we will call it a win hahah.

Skye is sooo cute! Glad she likes the beach :) Have a great Sunday!


Monterey is such a beautiful place! I’ve only been there once for a few days, but it’s on my list of placed to go back to.


Just bought a new waterproof running jacket for Boston tomorrow!! Super excited to be running… super nervous I’ll be blown over by a sidewind on the Newton Hills.
And I LOVE that area of california. I drove the 1 with a friend a few years ago and it was so amazing!


KERRI!!! GOOD LUCK! You are going to do amazing and please let me know how it goes afterwards!


OMG Tom looks at me like a space alien whenever I question his “tradition” of dipping his pizza crust in ranch. I never heard of it until he introduced me to this method of eating pizza a few years ago!

I have now run two races in the rain–the one marathon I have run (the Maine Marathon, which is so beautiful and glorious!!!) and the 5K I ran in late February. My marathon was literally the first time I had run in the rain! Perhaps it was naughty of me to do so, but when I noticed that the forecast included rain I would put off the day’s run for the next day, or for after the rain was supposed to stop.

I hope you DO run the Big Sur Marathon. I’ve heard that it’s so beautiful, even as it is a really tough one with all of those inclines! Hope the rest of your trip is so good!


HAHA we are part of that tradition too… it is so good. Two rain races–> That is hard core. I hope you are having a wonderful day Stephanie!


I use for to coach for team in training and we did a ton of long practices in the rain. I have done a few in the rain and unless it was a downpour it was ok. I did the Baltimore marathon in the rain but it really was not steady until mile 20. I saw my husband ( fiancé at the time) and he said ” oh my gosh you ha e to hurry up cuz I am getting wet”. Needless to say I had 0 sympathy for the guy. But I did PR at that one!!


BAHAHA I love what your husband (then fiance) said to you… spectators are not allowed to complain;) That is awesome that you PRed too in the rain! I hope you are having a great day Carrie!


You MUST run the Big Sur Marathon!! I ran it a couple years ago with my sister and it was incredible. It’s definitely one of those races you run for fun and not one you try to get a BQ. And, I would recommend running it with a friend or family member so you have someone to enjoy the experience with.


My best run this week was the speed workout Andrew had, I did too and I couldn’t believe i could those mile repeats. How did you come up with that pace for his mile repeats? I know you’ve talked about that jack Daniels website that breaks down training elements but it doesn’t have the mile option does it?


Ya’ll look happy and the good energy is flowing! Skye is adventuring! Solutions are abundant.

Monterey, Monterey, are you guys still there? Did you check out the gym? It’s the big one – I think it’s run by the City. (I don’t know how many there are in Monterey.) It has everything and is well kept; and the visitor rate is wallet-friendly!! It’s so great. You can run, swim and bike under one roof (it can get cold in Monterey).


There’s a first for everything! :) Can Skye eat solid foods yet?


I did the Big Sur Marathon last year!…13 days after running Boston. It is the most beautiful marathon course I have ever run. And the hardest…maybe because I was tired after running a marathon 2 weeks before? I highly recommend signing up for it though :)

Skye seems to love the beach! She is adorable in her little swim suit.


I did Big Sur last year too! I love Big Sur, favorite/most beautiful place in America. That run was no joke though. The road camber (tilt) is a real bear, esp. getting into Carmel. I knew to expect it but didn’t realize it was that bad! I had some issues after mile 22 or so but it was my second marathon and I only ran 10 minutes off my goal.

Janae, if you do Big Sur I recommend the Runner’s World VIP program. It costs more but it’s oh so worth it. They really treat you well and they are a class act.


Where is Knox? Did he go to CA with you? I thought you had said you had him for a week and half. Love the pics! Skye in the bathing suit is just tooooo cute!


Looks like a great trip! I totally agree with just getting out there and having adventures with your kids. It’s not always going to go smoothly but it won’t at home either. Might as well get out and do interesting things.


We went to Big Sur last February (well part of it – it was right when they had the HUGE landslides and much of it was closed) BUT I told my husband I just HAD to do the marathon 1 of these years!


Big Sur is by far my favorite marathon and you should definitely run it!! I’ve run Boston, NYC and many others but the views at Big Sur trump everything. DO IT!

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