Let’s Learn from THEM, $$$ & a New Allergy That I Have?

Good morning!  It feels so good to be home again.  It is so nice to not worry about our hotel neighbors hating us each time Skye cries during the night… We need to do an airbnb next time.

My Tuesday started off with a 6 mile easy run around my area.  It was SNOWING (luckily, none of it stuck) during my miles and it was also super windy but I channeled my inner Desi and pushed through the wind ha.

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Today’s workout is going to be a tough one, think some good running thoughts for me please.  It is my last tough workout before my half in 1.5 weeks!  I’ve got my PureFlows out and ready to help me rock this workout:

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During my run yesterday I listened to Lindsey’s interview with Krista DuChene (the 3rd place finisher at Boston) and it was SO good.   Her first marathon was a 3:28 and her PR now is 2:28… AMAZING!  How did I do my easy runs before podcasts?  I so look forward to listening to these.

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And then it was time to unpack and do 14 loads of laundry.  Fun stuff.

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The most exciting part of my morning was when this arrived!  I’ve been SO excited to use run angel.  This is not sponsored but they did send it to me for free—>  I’ll make sure to give you a full review and share my thoughts on it soon.  I’m sure there are a lot of you out there wanting to feel a bit safer while you are out running too.

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I was going to have a tuna fish (I mix my tuna with bbq sauce) sandwich and then I wanted a pb&j sandwich like Brooke.  I didn’t want to have to choose so I had half of each.  I’m a bit indecisive.

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It had been forever since we last saw my parents (over a week—>  that is not normal for us) so we hung out over there for a bit.


Skye is wanting to roll over so badly!  And that little dimple on her arm.

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A Costco trip happened too and I have some sad news.  I have self-diagnosed myself as allergic to grapes.  I have no idea if I really am or not BUT the last three times I have had grapes, I get these really weird sores on the back of my tongue (and a few on my throat) minutes after eating grapes.  It’s really strange.  My mom said she developed an allergy to cantaloupe so maybe my body has done the same thing with grapes.  If this is real, I’m going to miss grapes a lot.

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Skye loves sucking her thumb now.

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Going to Costco when you are in a snacking mood is a great idea.  I bought the Dark Chocolate Covered Mangoes and ate way too many of them while writing this post.

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Dinner was also from Costco—>  We had their coconut chicken curry over rice along with some roasted broccoli.

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We also watched part of The Greatest Showman for the 400th time so I snacked on this from Target.  So. So. Good.  I was really hungry yesterday.

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I have a few more running things I’ve been thinking about ever since watching Boston!

*I learn a lot of great things from the elites—>  mental training, physical training, strategies… I love it all.  One thing that I’ve taken away from both Desi and Shalane now is the importance of taking complete breaks from running every now and then.  I took 6 weeks off from running after having Skye and before that I kind of just was always training (and if I was injured then I would be pool-running/cross-training instead).  I think that some complete breaks over the years would have really helped me out!

Desi and Shalane took breaks this last year and look what it got them—>  huge wins.   I think that both examples show that mentally and physically, we really need to take time away from running sometimes if we want to get to our big goals.  If you do take a break (due to injury or other reasons) then let them be an example to you that you will come back stronger than ever!

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*Ever wondered how much money the winners of Boston take home?  150,000 for first place, wow!  At NYCM the winner receives 100,000!

I bet Sarah Sellers and Krista Duchene (41 years old and mother of three!) did not wake up Monday morning thinking they’d be leaving Boston with this much money!  Sara said that she plans on using the money towards her and her husband’s student loans (she is a nurse anesthetist—> She gets up at 4 a.m. to train).

The winners of the push rim wheelchair and masters division take home money too!

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*I am sure most of you saw this tweet last month but it is such a good reminder:

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*Desi did a short podcast here right before the marathon and it was interesting how she was talking about how she is the underdog this year and not feeling any pressure because there were so many amazing American women in the field.  Also, she talks about training in Northern Michigan leading up to the race.  I bet training there helped her a ton for the weather on Monday!

*This doesn’t have to do with the race but about recovering after a hard workout… I put on my Rapid Reboots and put them on a really high setting (they compress your legs pretty tight when you do this) and I fell asleep.  Andrew could not believe that I was sleeping while they were going on.   Also, I fell asleep mid-sentence when I was trying to tell Andrew something the other night!  I like sleep. (Flashback photo below).



Are you allergic to anything?  Ever had any weird reactions to fruit?  

How do you feel about taking breaks from running?

What is your motivation today to get out for a run?

If you won $75,000 today—>  where would you put that money?

-I’m boring and it would go straight to our house and maybe a Disney cruise (the kids have been wanting to do this so bad) with the family.  Andrew answered that he would buy a new truck!

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Yes, it’s called Oral Allergy Syndrome! I’ve had it since I’m kid – my mouth would get really itchy and irritated after eating raw fruits (and some vegetables). It’s not as bad as it used to be (they say when I switched to a meatless diet that would maybe alleviate allergies and it did) but I’m always conscious of it. The fruits/vegetables you can be allergic to raw, you can usually eat cooked. And the pollens in those fruits/vegetables relate to the pollen allergies we have so for me, it was all birch pollens (like apples, pears, cherries etc.). I hope this helps! I could write a novel about it lol


Whoa! That’s so interesting! I don’t eat much fruit but I wonder now because I’m allergic to a few trees. I’ll have to look it up and see!


Meredith! Thank you sooo much for sharing! Thank you so much for sharing… it’s so weird because fruit doesn’t sound nearly as good to me anymore and I had no idea if this had something to do with breastfeeding or something weird like that. I am so glad it is better for you! I might have some more questions for you soon!


This is helpful, because I have this same thing with raw apples and cherries, so now I know it’s because of the birch pollen. Thank you!


I literally have the weirdest swelling of my lips and itchy throat whenever I eat raw apples….this explains so much!!!!! Thank you for sharing!


My oldest (20) was diagnosed with that when she was 15. No raw fruits and veggies for her.
And then my middle one was just diagnosed with allergy to banana and almonds.


I experience this too but only during my normal allergy season when I’m also getting the bad sniffles and itchy eyes etc. It is really inconsistent though, I can eat an apple one day and be fine and the next get the scratchy throat and sores. So maybe this will be the case for you too, just seasonal allergies going crazy, and someday grapes will be ok again!


I’m allergic to bee stings! My oldest daughter is allergic to shrimp—no fruit or other allergies here though. I really feel for families with members allergic to gluten/peanuts/more serious allergies. I guess you adjust, but I can’t even imagine how that impacts your life!

Breaks for running are GREAT! I love running, but I love strength and yoga, too, and I enjoy having more time for them. I KNOW that my body NEEDS breaks, too. I actually think my body LOOKS better when I’m not running so much. :)

If I won $75,000, I would pay off bills, save some, and book a trip to Havana, Cuba!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, and go on a little shopping spree, too :)

Have a great time doing that speed work. YOU.WILL.KILL.IT!!!! No doubt!!!! Oh, and I want some of that chocolate covered mango now! :)

I know you like Trader Joe’s. Do you like matcha? I got a box of their Matcha Joe Joe’s over the weekend, and I”m addicted. I wish I’d bought 10 boxes. lol Matcha is kind of a weird, acquired taste, but I love it!!!! I was sad that they no longer had their S’mores Bar Candy Bar though:(


I have a friend who also has that issue with grapes. She doesn’t get a swollen throat or anything, just an itchy mouth so she always debates if it’s a real allergy. She gets it with some higher sugar veggies too.


Interesting… thanks for sharing Alyssa! I’ll have to pay attention to the higher sugar veggies! Have an amazing day Alyssa!


I do have weird reactions to some fruits sometimes (I.e. strawberries, grapes, apples) so I did a bit of research and realized that they are known to contain a good amount of pesticides (I don’t remove the skin from my grapes ha) so it could be what some of us are reacting to. Krista duchene lives close and she is such an inspiration! Mental toughness at it’s best!


I am writing about taking breaks right now! I just learned about how longer breaks are really good for us, not just rest days. I was going to post it Monday and thought it was funny that you brought it up to! Haha. We’re on the same page here.

I’d use the money towards a house!

I have an intolerance to watermelon and walnuts. I don’t get really sick like people with food allergies do but my mouth gets sores and my throat gets scratchy so I bet that’s what you have. At least yours isn’t to watermelon :)


I developed a chocolate allergy for a bit a few years ago, now all is good. I am kind of wondering if I have a small milk allergy right now.

I think your body and mind will let you know if you need a break if you listen.

Motivation to get out for a run today: Extra energy for motherhood. :)


No allergies to foods – just penicillan for me.

I’m an older runner (51) and started running at 45-ish. The thought of taking a running break scares me some – I worked really hard to attain the fitness I have, and the thought of losing any fitness is worrisome! I probably should take a break because I’ve found that the older I get, the more I need recovery time.

My motivation has been lagging a lot lately. Personal issues and cold weather have really put a damper on my excitement to run. It’ll come back eventually – I just hang on until then!

If I won $75,000 I’d try and figure a way to start a scholarship or something like that in musical education to honor my father. He was a very talented professional musician and loved teaching (he would frequently provide free lessons to kids who couldn’t afford them) – I’d be so proud to be able to honor him with some kind of legacy like that. <3

Hope everyone has a great day today!


It will definitely come back! You are amazing for building up so much fitness.. you keep doing what is best for you Liz! I hope that at some point you are able to do something like that in memory of your father. He sounds absolutely incredible. Thank you for sharing and I hope you have an amazing day!


I just can’t believe you talked about a new random allergy today :) For the past 1.5 weeks I have been in complete itchy agony! I tried some new laundry detergent and maybe that is it? I have rewashed every item of clothing and so far it hasn’t helped though… It is all on my chest and back and I can’t wear any clothing without wanting to scratch so badly. It will also calm down and then all of a sudden I will start itching so badly. I can’t figure out what the trigger is. I thought once I removed the allergen, my skin would be fine but then I’ve read where it can take 2-4 weeks for the reaction to go away. Please no! The wonderful part is that it does NOT itch at all when I run. So perhaps I should run all day…

I used to love grapes and I am not allergic – my mouth doesn’t get sore but they make my tummy all gassy.


Oh no! That sounds horrible! I hope you figure it out soon! I was like that before finding out I was allergic to trees and grass so walks and runs were unbearable!


Thank you, Marie!


Bummer about all of the itchiness! I hope that gets figured out ASAP! So glad it doesn’t happen during your runs though! I hope you have an amazing day Amanda and I’m so excited for your marathon:)


Thank you, Janae! Very thoughtful :)


I read something about how one of the top women finishers wasn’t eligible for the prize money because she wasn’t an elite – just a normal runner from the pack who managed to have an amazing race. The BAA should change the rules if that’s the case!


I saw something similar so I am confused about if they get the money or not… maybe there is an overall finisher prize and a bonus for elites?


yup – jessica chichester, she was in either wave 1 or wave 2. she didn’t run with the elites. her prior PR was 2:53 and she managed something like an 8 min PR! b/c of her division it sounds like she won’t get the $15K prize for 5th place :(


Wow…this seems so unfair…


No way!!! That is awful! She is crazy strong for having an 8 minute pr in those conditions!


i know it’s wild. it does seem unfair. in a local article she knew she’s not going to get the funds. she was back at work as a nurse practitioner the next day (Tue)! here are some of the articles i found:
https://www.athlinks.com/athletes/234476903/results (her last PR, i think her Boston time was 2:45:23)
she’s on a local NYC team:
it appears she is attempting making olympic trials, she has Berlin and CIM lined up –


They need to change that right away! That is so sad:(


i looked up the results for the NYC half, and Jessica Chichester is #22 female, while Des Linden is #8 female. it boggles my mind why they (baa) didn’t have her start with with the elites. her pace was 5:59 in the nyc half while the winning women did it in a 5:32 pace. maybe the athlete has to apply and perhaps she didn’t? if she did apply and was rejected i’d be wondering why.

here are the nyc half results for women:


That is nuts! She should definitely be an elite! Thank you for sharing this with me!


My friend pointed out that maybe it is because in the regular wave you are able to draft off of more people, including the men?


I have recently developed an allergy to dairy, so there’s been a lot of adjusting. I have always been lactose intolerant so I had already made some changes but now I can’t handle it at all. I’m thinking there’s something else making me sick that I haven’t quite figured out yet.
I would put that money toward grad school and then use the left overs for a great trip!


Dairy?!? Oh that is so hard Alyssa! How is grad school going? I’ve been thinking about you!


It’s going well! This first semester is almost over. There’s about 2 weeks left. Let’s grab lunch sometime soon and catch up :)


Oh no! Grapes are hands down one of my favorite fruits. I’m sad you’re allergic now. :/

I didn’t know Desi had taken so much time off from running. I think it’s healthy to do that every so often, especially when you run SO much like she does and put a lot of pressure on yourself to train well and race well. Love hearing her story!

If I had $75,000, I would definitely pay off some of my student loans and debt. I’d also probably buy a plane ticket to visit my family in Texas.


I’m allergic to cherries…only fresh ones though- which is such a bummer!
Breaks from running are so necessary sometimes – either for sanity or an injury. I took off 1.5 months last year and it was the best decision I’ve ever made!
I went out for an easy 4 miles this morning already, I wasn’t very motivated but I was so glad I did it after I was done!
$75,000 would go into a house!! I would also love an SUV ;)


Oh my gosh, I have been going back on forth on buying those chocolate covered mangos for like, our last 3 Costco trips! I couldn’t tell if they would be gross or delicious, so I may just have to try them now.

That is so odd about your sudden allergy to grapes! Sometimes apples give both my husband and I weird reactions, but that’s only randomly so who knows.

And I’m like you…if I won $75,000 it would go straight towards a down payment towards the house we are trying to build! It would be so nice to have that money and not have to think about draining our savings account….haha


Weird about the apples! Get those mangoes ASAP! And I hope you win 75k soon;) Have an awesome day Allison!


I think I might have a slight sensitivity to raw apples – anytime I eat them, my lips and gums feel like they get swollen. So weird!


I have this SAME reaction!!!!!!! My bottom lips gets huge! I’m so glad I am not the only one


I also thought it was interesting that both Shalane and Des took breaks before their big wins! I haven’t taken too many complete breaks from running (except while injured) but I did make a decision a few years back to stop doing marathons for a while and focus on getting faster and doing some halfs. I just felt like I was training for all these marathons and my time was basically the same at all of them, so I wanted to work on getting faster/ stronger overall before tackling that distance again. Last fall was my first marathon in about 3 years and I a 15 minute PR! I think the break was a huge help in letting me focus on different aspects of running and take a mental break from all those hours of training. Now I’m re-focusing on some shorter races for this year and already feel like I’m getting even faster. Hope that pays off when I’m ready to return to the marathon next spring!

I already did my run this morning, but Des and all the awesome Boston runners have definitely been motivating me all week! Good luck on your run today! I’m sure you will crush it!


this is so interesting – thanks for sharing!


Diana, that is amazing! A 15 minute pr!!! That is amazing and all of this short stuff will definitely pay off next spring! Please keep me updated on everything. I’m hoping that my two year break from the marathon will pay off in October:) Thanks and have an awesome day!


I only take about a 2-6 week break from running each year. I do this either transitioning from xc to track or the other way around. It’s good to give my legs a couple weeks to rest. My coach says that resting can be just as important as running. As in you don’t want to burn out your body. I’ve seen a couple pretty decent high school runners burn themselves out in college from just trying to keep it going.


If I won $75,000 – I would put most of it into saving for a future house. But I would also take a really nice trip somewhere like Italy, South Africa, Indonesia.

x Elise – http://www.thirtythoughtstoday.com


Hi Janae!
Krista DuChene is from my small town in Ontario, Canada! So super proud of her. She went to my highschool and was the only girl to play on the boys hockey team before there was a girls team. So obviously, she has been cool for a long time! :)

My dad has an allergy to bananas and actually has an epipen for them. A very bad allergy. I feel so bad for him because it is one of their only fruits he used to enjoy! There are also so many great recipes with bananas in them now. Poor papa :)

Hope you have a great day!


Tiffany! That is so awesome that Krista is from your town!
Oh that would be so hard for me to be allergic to bananas! Your poor dad!


I have seen those mangoes but weren’t sure how it would be; I’m intrigued now! I’m so sad you might have allergies towards grapes. I have a bunch of allergies and it keeps getting worse so I take out certain foods and see how I do but it’s still taking a bit of time to narrow it down. I used to get rashes on the sides of my mouth and it took forever to heal. Spring time is the worse down here for seasonal allergies, too. Have a great day, Janae!


I have similar reactions to bananas – but only sometimes. And never in things like banana bread or fruit smoothies. So very odd!
I am all about breaks! It gives me the chance to try different workouts without getting overly sore/tired/injured from doubling up on workouts. And it keeps me enjoying running when I can run.
$75k would be more than enough to pay off my house and car so I’d probably just save the rest because I’m a boring responsible adult!


Speaking of dried mangos and food allergies, I think I have developed an allergy to them as well. I developed allergies to shellfish during my pregnancy with Evan. Which is lame because I really like shrimp.

In the article I read about Sarah she said the $75,000 would put a DENT in her and her husband’s loans for graduate school. I nearly vomited. Why is school so freaking expensive?


Seriously… I totally know what she means. School is crazy expensive right now. I better see you soon and I won’t be giving you shrimp anytime soon!


Since turning 25 two years ago I developed allergies to pineapple and kiwi. Until then I had eaten them my entire life but now my tongue gets swollen and tingly. I read somewhere that, for me, the problem is likely an enzyme in the pineapple because I can eat it if it’s been cooked enough (I roast it!). It’s just unfortunate it took so long for the reactions to occur because now I know what I’m missing out on :(


no allergies to food, just to cat dander!

breaks from running is always frustrating but my body enjoys the breaks. the hardest part is starting all over from scratch again i think. then motivation to keep it going after starting again from scratch.

my motivation today is keeping the schedule! today is an easy run, thank goodness. yesterday was fartlek and ugh it was hard. we had wild strong winds – not pleasant. i stopped 3 times during my w/u to get my laces in order. too tight on top of foot, but too loose at the ankle. anyway i knew it would be hard, prior. then yes, it was hard during. and whew was glad when it was over!

if i won $75K, i’d try to think of somewhere to put it that wouldn’t incur a tax burden – like totally put it away in our daughters 529 so she could keep each dollar to her education tax-free.


Way to go on Fartleks in the WIND… that is hard core! I hope you have a great day and good call on the 75k question!


Sometimes when I eat bananas I notice my ears and throat get a little itchy. So weird! This is probably gonna sound weird, but could you say a little prayer for me? Yesterday I was diagnosed with DVT. Never having any major health issues before , this scares me! I believe in prayer and I know you do too. Prayer is powerful. I’ve been enjoying your blog for about five years now.


Kimberly. I am so so so sorry about what you are going through right now. Will you PLEASE let me know how you are doing? I will say a prayer for you right now. I completely agree, prayer is so powerful. Thinking about you and let me know if you need anything.


Maybe its a new/certain pesticide being used on those grapes you are allergic to and not the grapes? I read somewhere that grapes have over 17 pesticides used on them, so maybe when the organic ones are available again later this summer, try those! (Grapes naturally have such a short growing season that the organic ones are hard to find outside of their season)

I know that doesn’t really help you out now though :)


This does help me out! Thank you Sarah! Over 17 pesticides? That is nuts! Time to try some organic ones:) Thanks! Have an awesome day.


I’m not allergic to anything (yet.) My sister developed a peanut allergy when she was about 50, so who knows!

I sprained my ankle 2 weeks ago today and am still on a break from running. (The silly thing is still a little swollen.) It was nice the past few days because we were in Tennessee visiting friends and some of Les’ family, so I didn’t feel guilty for not packing any running gear, but I am really ready to get back out there. It’s hard to be smart sometimes ;)


Kathy! I am SO sorry about your ankle, I hope that you are back to running asap! I’m so glad you have been able to spend some time with family and friends… keep me updated with how that ankle is doing.


I am allergic to penicillin and sulfa-based drugs. So basically if I need an antibiotic, I have to take one that takes forever to work and makes my mouth taste like nickels. Thankfully I am healthy and have only needed antibiotics about 5 times in my life. My husband is allergic to anything that lives in the water. He is also allergic to cats so if he is around a cat, his sensitivity shoots up. Ask about the hour I spent walking around a hospital parking lot last Mother’s Day as he figured out whether he needed adrenaline or not!


are those chocolate mangos frozen? I need them in my life!!


They aren’t frozen but I’m sure they would be great that way too! Get them ASAP! Have a great day Cecilia!


I Have oral allergy syndrome so most fruits with a skin bother me. If I can peel the fruit then I am usually ok to eat it but that’s hard with grapes. I do really miss biting into a ripe apple but the itching and burning mouth just isn’t worth it for me.


Really!?! That is so hard Corrinne! Have you noticed it getting any better or worse over the years?


It’s gotten worse with age unfortunately. If the fruit is cooked I am fine. If there is fruit peel like lemon zest in a food I will get the symptoms too. Hopefully maybe it will just be grapes for you.


Oh no!!! I am so sorry it has gotten worse for you. It’s weird because fruit doesn’t even really sound good to me anymore and I’m not sure if that has anything to do with it too. Thanks Corrinne!


You do need to Airbnb. Do your laundry there, pack less, bring home clean clothes.

RIP grapes.


We definitely learned our lesson:) Thanks Jade and I hope you have an amazing day!


I did take a whole year off running just because I was burned out – and it was one of the best things I did. I also make sure to take proper recovery after my last race of the season. Last year I had a long ultra in September – and even though I still ran – between September and Dec. We went snowshoeing, hiking, took extra lazy days and didn’t commit to any planand I ran only when i felt like it. So my body and mind got a really good break.

Hmm..if I won 75000, I would save some of it, put extra towards the mortgage, and just use it for daily expenses. Maybe a trip. And maybe some cash for my young nieces:).

I don’t have food allergies that I know of but definitely do have allergies!

My motivation – I do have some big goals – and the races won’t run themselves, but also my girl friend is usually always looking for a running partner so it is good motivation when I don’t have to go it alone.

Hope you have a good day! I love how Skye is trying to roll over:)


Yes I would definitely use that money to pay off debts! I might take a few hundred for myself for some clothes lol. I don’t know that I could fall asleep with the boots on the highest setting but I could definitely fall asleep with them on. It feels so good!


I think taking time off from anything does you good. Most times, you end up coming back stronger and more passionate about you are doing.

If I won $75,000 I would book an amazing holiday with all of my family!


I’m boring too it would all go towards a safe savings for my kids college. How do people pay for college these days for multiple kids?!
I gotta listen to that podcast! I saw her interviewed online about that too. And she’s 41! She just kept chipping away, that can be you someday!!
Love all the stories coming in about Boston so motivating!


After having my last daughter I developed a shrimp allergy. I was bummed. I love shrimp!!!


I wish I could exercise today–since yesterday evening my stomach has been hurting like crazy, and I have “gotten sick” a few times this morning! I had to cancel my plans for a run AND for barre class. I am on my sofa and the smallest thing of walking from sofa to fridge for water to the bathroom to wash my hands wipes me out.

Breaks–yes. I’ve HAD to take breaks because of illness and injury (and that weird thing that happens when you move to a really humid place and can barely figure out how to function). There were times when I came back to running and it didn’t feel good–I felt like I was coming back to running just because I remembered how much I used to love it. But THIS time it feels great. I don’t feel urgency like I need to be the runner who I was once upon a time, or anything like that. No comparisons–just show up and celebrate what I can do. It’s been a good thing for me.

Winning $75K–first I would put half of it away for tax time next April. With the other half–well, I would take a small bit of it so my husband and I could go on a proper honeymoon (which we couldn’t do right after our wedding…and which we’re too broke to do now…), and the rest I would squirrel away in the bank for our savings account towards the future…and especially a down payment on a permanent place for us to live!!!


I just found out I’m lactose intolerant and pretty sad about that because ice cream is my favorite food and pizza right here behind it. I can eat those things since not an allergy but will just have to deal with stomach issues after. I know there are other options for those foods but sometimes I want the real real thing.
The money …. fix up our house and vacation. Sounds like your ideas too. And shopping spree sounds nice.


NOOO MARRY!! I am so so sorry… this is awful. I’m thinking about you and I really hope that you find some substitutes that taste delicious for you!


I developed an allergy to red food coloring in high school. Needless to say, there is very little artificial color in our house. My daughter is super sensitive to pineapple. Such a shame ;)


I don’t really have any food allergies that I know of… I am a little allergic to cats (just have to wash my hands afterwards) and I’ve only noticed this with a friends dog only (all other dogs seem fine) but when he scratches me, the scratches get a little itchy and raised.
If I won $75k, I’d probably take half and put it towards my house payment, half of what’s left to savings, and the rest for a vacation and anything else fun!
I’ve never taken any intentional breaks, but I’ve definitely gone through times of not running and doing other stuff, but I always come back to running. I’m currently taking a break due to being pregnant. At 31 weeks, I stopped running since it got painful and plan to take the full 6 weeks off the baby, so this will be the longest break where I want to run and I can’t. I’m currently 35 weeks, so still have another month-ish til her arrival, so it feels like a long time!


Some of my clients do okay with organic versions of fruits, others have to avoid certain peels (like apple) but can have the fruit. Not sure why. I get a rash and/or hives from dairy. It’s very sad. I can have it once in a while but if I have too much or too often I get the rash.

I’ve been burned out by training and taking a break has helped tremendously. I don’t want to feel like I have to do something constantly, I want to feel like I get to do it.

If I won that much money right now I’d fix my front windows, get new living room set, and take a vacation. (the windows are going to be fixed anyway but $75K would be nice).


FYI Krista Duchene is Canadian, doesn’t get the sponsorship or money that a lot of the us elite runners get which makes her placing even more impressive.


I had the weirdest allergies that started around 14 and last until about 18. . .any type of red dye or citrus I would break out in terrible hives. Even fruity lotions I would swell up. I was in church one time and right at the end I put lotion on and a few minutes later broke out in hives and we have to use the epipen!! I finally grew out of it, thank God! But I do have Celiac’s so I am use to having to watch what I eat!
I am taking a break now from running. I am not sure how long it will last but I know I need it. I wake up early to run and I literally hate it. But I know it will all come back and I am ready for it when it does! I am thinking about another week!
If I won that money there are so many things I would do. . .do a big family trip, invest some, pay off some of our mortgage but definitely indulge a little on myself and hubby!!!


Raw bananas will sometimes make me itchy and give me a stomach ache! It’s a bummer because they are so easy for a snack. I took one break after having my son, it was definitely good for me but I did feel almost awkward/tired my first run back. I’m usually motivated to run because I know how good I’ll feel after! Hmmmm I would probably put it towards a down payment on a house- But I probably couldn’t resist a vacation either, maybe a runcation!


Grapes are one of the “dirty dozen” that can have lots of residual pesticides on them. I know you love your grapes so you might want to try organic ones and see if they are any better. Good luck!


I’m a day late, but thought I’d better give you my Boston update!! It was THE MOST amazing experience ever!!!! I took my daughters (ages 15 and 12) and we toured Boston for a few days before the race (walking way too much!) — I was so happy to have that time with them — we had never been to Boston before and LOVED it.
Unfortunately, I have what seems to be a chronic sciatic nerve issue — it was really bad in the fall, settled down Jan to March, but then flared up again 10 days before the Marathon. I was so stressed about it that I wasn’t as worried about the weather as everyone else. Actually, heat is my enemy…I live in a very rainy part of Canada, so I’m okay with rain. But the WIND — YIKES!!!! I was hoping for a PR (I have only ran two marathons so there was a good chance), but between my leg and the weather it didn’t happen. However I felt amazingly strong at the end — passing people like crazy which felt awesome. I ended up getting a BQ but only by 1:22 so not enough to get back in…I was curious throughout the race about which woman won — finally the 4th volunteer I asked (at the finish line) told me!! I had listened to Ali’s podcast with her and was thrilled. I was also thrilled about Krista’s 3rd place — as I am also in my 40s and a mother of 3 from Canada. (I had listened to the podcast with her too — thank you again for getting me onto those!). Oh, a week or so before Boston I read that the bombs had gone off at 2:49 pm…well, just as I was about to cross the line they announced it was the exact time of the bombs — big chills and I was an emotional mess! It was an experience I will never forget and I am still very emotional just thinking about it all.


WENDY!! HUGE HUGE HUGE CONGRATS! I am so amazed by you completing the race and getting a BQ with all of the obstacles that were up against you. I’m glad that you didn’t have to deal with the heat. I hope your sciatic nerve pain is doing okay today! You have a lot in common with Krista, I love it!
Congratulations. You are amazing.


Oh, washing produce…. Here we go. I got this from a Gary Null book back around 1998-1999. He has a lot of info. on pesticides, etc.

The solution: 16 C. filtered water + 1/4 C. hydrogen peroxide + 1/4 C. apple cider vinegar. Gary Null is very pro-filtered water. I like it, too.

It gets those babies all cleaned up. Organic and all. Have you seen all the dirt in organic spinach, kale and celery? I’d rather wash it away.

Some friends took a step back regarding hydrogen peroxide. It’s fine, especially if they step forward again. Again, it’s 1/4 C to 16 CUPS OF WATER. It’s the 3% topical hydrogen peroxide from WalMart or Target.

I wish you well.


Of course, a rinse cycle with filtered water only following the wash cycle!

Maybe you can keep grapes in your life.


The poor gal that came in 5th wasn’t able to receive the $15,000 because she wasn’t in the elite field!


Do you force yourself to have rest days from your run even if you wake up and know that you’re totally capable of banging out a few miles?


Yes do a Disney cruise! They are the best! I would pay off loans, get the dental stuff done i need and then my husband and i would probably travel all over the U.S.


A Disney cruise would be so fun!! I would pay off my student loans and put some towards our house too :)

I have a similar reaction to macadamia nuts, but no other nuts. Weird.

Taking breaks from running is necessary. My motivation typically plummets at the end of winter beginning of spring, and then by summer I’m super excited to run again. I’ve tried to use this time to add in more walks and strength training/yoga.

Ha, there was no motivation in the tank for a run today. I have probably had the worst month or so of my entire life this last month. We bought a puppy, he died, and I’ve had to contact the police because the seller is threatening me, and we have a court date in June. Usually when I’m stressed, all I want to do is run but right now I’m doing everything I can just to keep my head above water.


Chiming in here with oral allergy syndrome too! I’ve had it for years and officially got diagnosed a couple of years ago! Before that everyone thought I was crazy! I got allergy tested and am extremely allergic to like 27 trees and grasses- so fruits like bananas, pineapple, apples etc are the worst since they come from trees. Also I have the same reaction to nuts. The key thing I learned is that if they are raw- the reaction is worse, but roasted or frozen or cooked- they don’t bother me at all. I was told it’s the enzymes in the skin and oils but when cooked/frozen it breaks them down. So it’s not the actual fruit/nut it’s the enzymes that cause the allergic reaction- just like pollen. Mine has gotten worse with age for some stuff- but I’ve never had a bad enough reaction that would need like an epi-pen… but moreso just discomfort and itchy mouth and throat.

On a more happier note! I saw do a Disney Cruise! I am Disney obsessed and finally went on a cruise this last Feb! It was amazing! :) And unlimited soft serve ice cream…

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