Tuesday Tangents!!!

Another treadmill walk in the books over here!

Yesterday I walked for 3.1 miles and in just 9 more days I will have my doctor’s appointment to see if I am cleared to start running again!  I’ll start out very small with my running but I am excited!  This is random but do certain running clothes that you own remind you of specific races or running memories?  Whenever I wear this orange tank top I am reminded of the Tucson Marathon which went very well for about 19.78 miles but not so well for the rest;)

Took the Brookster to school and this is how she wanted to pose for the picture:

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And then once she was out of school we all jumped in the car to run a few errands!  I had about 2 seconds to grab a snack for us and sometimes it only takes 2 seconds to prepare the world’s greatest snack—>  a spoon and a jar of almond butter.

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Skye stayed in the car snoozing with either Andrew or me while we were out and about.

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Brooke needed something for school so we ran into the mall together to get it!

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Lunch was a really good one.  I have been feeling like eggs a lot these days.  Speaking of which, I really need to make a huge batch of hard-boiled eggs (aka Andrew’s most hated food).  So a bunch of eggs with onions, cheese, spinach and butternut squash (the precut bag from Target is a favorite) hit the spot.   So did the bacon, that always hits the spot.

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Andrew made such a good dinner last night!  He used this recipe for the bbq chicken (in the crockpot) along with cauliflower rice and roasted broccoli.

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Post dinner deliciousness were these cake bites that were sent to us.  Nothing much better than getting something full of sugar in your mailbox unexpectedly.

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Let’s get talking about some tangents that have been floating around my head to share with you!

*This is Us starts back up again tonight!!!  I cannot wait for tonight’s episode… it feels like it has been forever since the last one!

*I also cannot wait for this:

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*My mom was over yesterday for a little bit and she could not believe how much Skye loves Brooke’s entertainment already!  Brooke would come over to her and sing, dance, talk to Skye and then the second she would leave… Skye  would start crying so hard.  Brooke would then come back to Skye and Skye would stop crying.

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*My mom took Brooke for a little while to hang out.  Then they picked up donuts for my sister’s family and had a donut party.

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*She makes it REALLLLLLL hard to get anything done around here and I am more than okay with that!

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*Ever wonder why my family is often in a lot of clothes with a Y on it?!  It’s because my brother-in-law works at BYU and gives us gear that we love.

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*This is from sometime last week.  When Andrew is home, we have a chance to make more delicious meals… when he is not home, I rely on a drive-thru or whatever meal I can make with one hand (ehh… cereal).

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*Brooke and Skye had their very first tea party together.  Brooke even brought in a little toy carton of milk for Skye because she knows Skye can’t have tea yet.

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*I wish I could blame being tired on the fact that I was wearing my shirt backwards for awhile the other day… but I can’t because I do this quite often normally.

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*We all have those crazy hair days… some of us more often than others.

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*I thought the Hint of Lime tortilla chips were the best tortilla chips ever but I stand corrected… Hint of Jalapeño win.

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*My current reading… My oldest brother and grandma put together and typed up all of my grandpa’s journals from when he started writing one.  Andrew never met my grandpa so it has been fun for him to read this too and get to know him a bit.  So many good memories.  If you can, keep a record of your life somehow for your posterity to read (my posterity will read mine and think I was obsessed with donuts, hot chocolate, running and my family… and they will be correct).

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*I swear the days right now go by so crazy fast.  I get into bed at night and think… what in the world did I even get done today?  And then I remind myself that I spent the majority of the day cuddling Skye and that is exactly what I need to get done each day right now ha.

*I love the little ringlets that Brooke gets in her hair.

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*We are ready for summer already;)  Skye’s swimsuit arrived in the mail (it’s from Baby Gap) and I can’t wait to see her in this.

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Have any Tangents to share?

Do you have naturally curly or straight hair?

-Straight as a pin!

What did you have for dinner last night?

For those of you that have had kids and run… how long of a break did you take from running after having a baby?  

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My random tangent today: I seem to have a million and one reusable water bottles, but I’ve discovered that I only have ONE travel mug for coffee. This is ok until I misplace it (which is the current situation). Being an elementary music teacher when it’s been snowing and the kiddos are off-the-wall excited is really challenging without a travel mug of coffee nearby!!!

My hair is actually kind of naturally in between straight and curly. It’s got some weird wave to it.

Tacos for dinner last night!

Hope everyone has a great Tuesday.




Neither! I have wavy hair – so I can straighten it, girl it or, on the days I’m really lazy, scrunch it. But I have to do something to it or else I look like a mad scientist. Haha
Tangent: somehow even though I went to bed late and exhausted I woke up before my alarm today. But I’ll try to make it to bed earlier tonight because tomorrow will be another late night (I have classes 6-10 pm after work on Mondays and Wednesdays).
Today will be workout, work, visiting teaching and lots of textbook reading.


Alyssa, I’m right there with you on the mad scientist look with my hair! Haha :)


My hair is pretty straight, but I have loose waves sometimes! It doesn’t really matter because when I blow it dry, it’s super straight.
Dinner last night was a cheese sandwich…we hung out with friends and didn’t get home till late! I can’t complain because I love cheese sandwiches!


6 weeks after my dr. cleared me.
My dr said there is more oxygen in blood when preggo or something (don’t totally remember now) but said it is why post pardum moms can PR first race back. My 5 mile PR still stands from 8 weeks PP and have been chasing it ever since. ;)


Hi Janae! Loved your pictures today! That picture of Skye sleeping with her arm close to her face is just so darling and sweet. I miss those days. I’m so glad you are embracing your role as cuddler now…it is the best!
Even though my kids aren’t little like that anymore, they are still so angelic looking when they sleep and my mind goes right back to when they were babies. I think they look the most baby-like when they sleep! :-) Meanwhile, I imagine I look like a hot mess when I’m sleeping! :-)

My hair is also bone straight and very fine. I’m so glad our two girls have some beautiful waves in their hair that they get from my husband, which I desperately wanted/still want! :-) Our son has nice thick hair, but we keep it short so don’t know if it would be wavy or not! And they also have these beautiful, natural high-lights too. Kid hair is the best! But I think Brooke wins the prize of most beautiful kid hair I’ve ever seen! :-)
Dinner was leftover macaroni with tomato meat sauce. So easy to make and tastes great heated up!
Random tangent for today: Boston had a low temp of -2 on Sunday morning, but will make it to 50 on Friday! I’m so thrilled but a swing of over 50 degrees is crazy!!
Enjoy your day!


You and your sister both have GORGEOUS hair! Mine used to be naturally super curly, but I think I ruined that in college by straightening it too much, so now it does a wavy-ish thing, but I usually curl it with my curling iron (I actually only know how to use the wand one).

Tuesday Tangent: I really wish I could figure out what I’m supposed to do with my career. I know what I want to do but don’t know what exactly the next step is. I’ve been praying so hard for guidance and direction, but I could use some extra prayer warriors out there for sure!!


Ahh I didn’t realize that This Is Us comes back tonight already – thank you for getting me so excited! Those hint of jalapeno tortilla chips look amazing…I need to look for those next time I am at the grocery store. That idea about your grandpa’s journals is so awesome. I have always wanted to be into journaling, and it is such a cool idea to think of my future grandkids reading about my life one day. What a great memory of him for you all!


I didn’t know This is Us was coming back so soon!! That’s exciting!

My hair is wavy and gross – I wish it was pretty and straight like yours!! I blow dry mine and then either straighten it or use a curling iron to make pretty curls.

I took a year off from running after I had my daughter! It wasn’t planned at all, I attempted to get back into running but it just didn’t happen for me. I finally did get back to it and then other life things happened that have caused me to take another break. I hope to get back to it (again) sometime soon!

That adorable bathing suit melts my heart!! I am SO ready for summer already! And winter has barely begun! Here’s hoping for an early spring :-)


The Winter Olympics are my jam! Actually I love both summer and winter but I can’t wait! It will definitely be on the tv constantly because I’m obsessed hehe. Definitely going to have to try out that chicken recipe. I usually just throw bbq sauce and chicken in the crock pot but that will make it next level!
My hair is naturally curly and I used to hate it. Now I love it because it’s not as obvious when my hair needs to be cut which is a blessing because I’m lazy and never make an appointment like I should.
Dinner last night was supposed to be leftovers but the power flickered for a while and I got nervous so we got takeout deli sandwiches. Of course the power was totally fine after we spent the money but oh well. Better that than cold leftovers!


Happy Tuesday Janae:)
Love all the pics of baby Skye (and everyone;)
my hair is a crazy wavy which can look pretty curly when managed right. But it has to be managed! I usually only wash it once a week. it takes a lot of work to tame this mane!
LOVE the hint of Jalapeno chips. My husband is obsessed with them and has been since they came out.
I kept up a family blog for journaling purposes for about 10 years…..I was diligent. I stopped about 2 years ago and went to keeping up with Instagram (a family only account) and printing chatbooks from that…..I also have a book sent to my Mom every time it prints (its set up automatic) And I love that, my sister does the same thing . It’s easier than blogging….but the story telling can’t be as long…..I do miss that:( I highly recommend starting a family only IG account and printing Chatbooks from that. you will always have printed pictures in order and dated;) So easy and makes me feel “covered” in that record keeping way. I have a link for First Chatbooks FREE to try them out down in all my video descriptions;) —That’s how I got started, off someones first book free link;) I also keep many….probably too many journals and records (since I am into planners and journals:)


No tangents to share just my dinner last night: black bean soup in the instant pot that even the 10yr old manage to take down along w/biscuits and salad.
I didn’t begin to run regularly until my daughter was 4 but I did resume working out a good month after she was born. I was more than ready.
I love watching the Olympics-it is so inspiring to see these bad a%% athletes, especially the competing moms out there.


Rosie – we have an insta pot and LOVE it! We make rice so fast and the pork we cooked in it & used in our homemade nachos was awesome!


Are you sure I will love Hint of Jalapeño as much as Lime? I am obsessed with the Hint of Lime and use them in my homemade Pork and Pinto Bean Nachos with homemade salsa (we had it last night) from Cooking Light. I have naturally curly hair which I let air dry whenever possible. I am currently thinking (tangent) about how I can let go of caring so much what people at work think of me and being proud of myself for all that I have accomplished whether they think it valid or not. You and your family are beautiful!


I’m not sure you will but I sure do;) I want you to try it and tell me what you think Aimee! Can I come over for your tacos… those sound heavenly! BE PROUD OF YOURSELF Aimee… you are incredible! I hope you are having an amazing day at work today!


I am so excited about the Olympics starting … a lot of fellow Vermonters are in the snowboard portions of the Winter Games, I love watching them on the TV. The Olympics always remind me of my babies too bc my oldest and I were home on maternity leave during the summer 2012 games (we were addicted to the Women’s Beach Volleyball), my middle was born during the winter 2014 games and my son and I watched the summer 2016 games when I was home on maternity leave … bummed I don’t have a newborn to snuggle during these games!

Last night I made balsamic onion burgers for the fam with roasted cauliflower and some cheese noodles for the baby. I ate roasted cauliflower and a salad with the balsalmic onions on it. Yum.

Um my running hiatus from my last baby has been 18 months (got back on the train three days ago) my first baby, I never stopped – ran her entire pregnancy until I was put on bedrest and then 1 week after she was born. Biggest mistake ever. My second I stopped when I was put on bedrest and never really started back up again ;)


Haha that is so similar to me..
When my husband is not home I tend to order a lot more takeout because it’s just easier for one person. I add a lot of mousse to my hair which keeps it pretty curly and tame.


I am also a firm believe that there is no greater chip than the Hint of Lime. So now I have to run to the store today to buy Hint of Jalapeño to see if you’re right. Dinner last night was game food for the National Championship game (wings and spinach and artichoke dip). Perhaps a salad is in order today.


Now I am a little nervous… maybe buy both bags tonight just in case you don’t love the Jalapeño ones as much:) Maybe I have just eaten too many lime ones in my life and now I just have a need for the Jalapeño. Either way, I hope you love them as much as I do… sounds like a delicious dinner to me! Enjoy your day Ali!


Oh my gosh, Skye and Brooke are just too cute!!! They are going to be the best of friends one day!!

That’s so funny about your shirt being inside out! I’ve done that with yoga pants more times than I can count! HA! Ohhhh well!!

My hair is naturally curly and it’s TOUGH to manage! I keep considering cutting it off short because it’s not fun to brush it out post run AT ALL!!


First – I absolutely LOVE Skye’s swimsuit!! I have a little girl as well (just over 5 months) and am so excited for summer clothes :)

My hair is wavy and unruly but once I straighten it it will typically stay straight until I wash it again (only wash once a week!!)

Because of the demands of my job I have had a hard time getting back into any kind of workout routine post-baby. We have a trip planned at the end of May so that gives me a good fitness goal! I do Fitness Blender workouts in the basement for a quick morning cardio or weight workout and am starting with a goal of 3x per week.

I also have to say that I love the way you and Andrew work together to parent and get things done around the house – having a supportive partner makes all the difference :)


Those pictures of Skye marveling at Brooke are ADORABLE!

So excited for This is Us to return!!

My hair is pretty straight with a little bit of a wave, but I typically just straighten it out and it stays that way until I work out (I sweat a lot from my head? haha) and/or shower

Last night I had gluten free pasta (Bionaturae Organic pasta is SO GOOD — you can’t tell the difference!) with spicy marinara sauce… and sweet potato chips :)


Yes to baby cuddles being the most important thing! Sometimes I think I should be more productive but then I ask myself what could be more important than loving and spending time with my baby?
I’m so excited for This Is Us! I thought it started last week and I was so disappointed when I realized I had to wait another week.
My hair is straight with a strange flip at the end. I can’t straighten it out and it drives me crazy.
Tuesday tangent: We have our 2 month appointment this afternoon and I’m already dreading the shots :(


My hair is mostly straight. It’s gotten a little wavey-er with every kid but not to the point that I can really wear it that way. I have to make sure that I dry it all the way so that it doesn’t look weird.


THOSE CAKE BITES! Look amazing :-) Hmm. My hair is fine and pin straight – it is the kind of hair that won’t hold a curl even if i coat it in lots of product. BUT on the bright side, if I don’t do anything to it and let it air dry, it still looks pretty okayish most days.


Tangent: I donated blood today.

My hair is SO straight. I can fake some waves if I put it in a top knot, work out a couple of times, sleep on it a night or two, then take it out of the bun :D

Dinner last night was leftover madness, but TODAY is my first Blue Apron delivery (THANK YOU for the discount code)!!


AHHH I am so excited you are having Blue Apron delivered today.. let me know what you end up making! (I’m jealous haha)!! Enjoy Corey!


I have super straight hair! Doesn’t hold any wave or curl. Usually wear it up in a bun, for convenience sake. My daughter unexpectedly has super curly hair, and I have no idea how to take care of it! None of my female friends or family have curly hair!! (She’s almost 2). It’s so adorable, but most days she looks like she got electrocuted. A lot of googling has been occurring lately. So far limiting shampoos to 1-2 x/week + conditioner (both leave in and regular in bath) + using wide tooth comb instead of regular brush has been sort of working …but there’s still a ton of frizz. Any tips from the curly haired girls out there?


I have pretty straight hair too, though it will get slightly wavy in the back if I left it air dry.

Last night for dinner I had leftovers – pasta shells with tomato sauce and beef, kind of like a homemade hamburger helper.


I have super curly hair! Love your egg dish – looks right up my alley.


Tangents: I got rid of my treadmill today! I have loved having one for the last 2.75 years, but I have not loved it choosing the speed for me for the last .75 years. We love back to America in 120 days and, after a car, that will be my first big purchase!

Straight hair here too!

Last night was homemade vegetable soup. Tonight was pasta and zucchini.

After having my son I took almost 2 weeks off. I think at about 12 days I couldn’t stand it anymore. I bundled him up very carefully (both for the cold, January 10 is his birthday, and for bumps). Clipped the car seat to the stroller, and away I went!


Oh that is crazy that your treadmill would choose the speed for you!? Yeah, that would not be fun! Oh that vegetable soup sounds amazing! I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day Tonya! PS let me know what treadmill you end up getting!


that is seriously the cutest little baby swimsuit EVER! i love it so much! i’m glad you’re taking time off running — as you always say, it will always be there for you!


Those jalapeno chips are the best!!!!! Yes yes yes!!! So good when you use them as a base for nachos with ground turkey, cheese, lettuce, sour cream, and avocado


Well, that is BRILLIANT!! We will be trying these nachos. THANKS Loribeth and I hope you are having a beautiful day!


Straight…so naturally, I have always wanted curly hair ;)

That is so cool about the journal. What an absolute treasure.

I switched to cycling post-baby for a couple of years, but did 2 marathons last year (one of them trail) and am training for a half in the Spring. I wasn’t a big fan of feeling like I was going to (or actually) pee my pants while I was running…but happy to say that is no longer an issue while running…usually ;)


Hi there! I just wanted to pop in and say that I tried the workout from yesterday’s post (interval run) and it was awesome! I had such a great runners high after- I found that it pushed me and made me sweat like crazy, but didn’t leave me feeling completely exhausted/defeated. I can’t wait to try out some more of your workouts in the future. I really enjoy your positivity for running and life in general. Thanks so much :)


Emily!! Thank you so much for letting me know that you tried the workout. I am so glad that you loved it, way to go!!! Thank you and keep in touch!


Natural curly hair and growing up I always wished for straight now! Now I love it and when I want it straight it can be and when I want it curly I can do that!! Best of both worlds!
Buffalo chicken in the crock pot last night with steamed broccoli

LOVING your workouts you are posting!!!!


I was out for a walk with my 4 wk old daughter and she started to LOSE IT so I ran about 1 km home- very slowly!! She screamed the whole way. I was terrified to go for walks with her after that for a while!!
I started running for real when she was 6 wks old- my sister came over and watched her while I ran outside- it was glorious!!!


We have that swimsuit!! It’s the cutest! You’ll love it on Skye ?. Also, absolutely precious how Skye responds to Brooke….so sweet!!


I feel like Brooke got so tall!!

I have naturally curly/frizzy hair and I’m still waitin for the day where I can love and embrace it :)

Tangent/update of the week: I became an auntie!!!! My sis-in-law had her baby a couple days ago and I can’t wait to meet little Mia :)


Hi Janae!
I read your blog everyday but this is my first time commenting. Congratulations on the safe arrival of Skye! She is beautiful.

I had my first baby in January 2015. She was a vaginal delivery and I started running about 3.5 weeks post partum. I did find that runs over 7 miles irritated my pelvic area for a long time after she was born but it eventually got better. I ran a 3:40 marathon in May 2015 (she was 4.5 months).
I had my son via emergency c section 3 months ago. The recovery was MUCH more painful and difficult than with my daughter. I also had bleeding for almost a full 6 weeks with him. As a result, I haven’t logged the same type of distances with him yet as I did in the early days with my daughter but we are getting there. I was able to start running around 4 weeks post partum but am only now (12 weeks out!) feeling more like my old self again.
Fortunately, both my littles love the running stroller (we have the double Thule chariot) and my little guy has the best naps when we are out running in very cold Ottawa, Canada!

Good luck with starting to run again! You’re a running unicorn (superstar!) So you’ll be fine ?. Just listen to your body if something feels wierd.

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