What’s going on over here + getting creative.

While you were out getting in your weekend long run, I was glued to the couch with Skye and cheering you on.

And a little close-up on her!

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She actually slept really well on Friday night.  I got in two three hour chunks of sleep and woke up feeling much better than the previous mornings.  #4832 I am waiting to run for a bit—>  I can’t imagine having the desire to run on so little sleep.  It will take some time to get her sleeping schedule figured out and I think that will make me more excited about the idea of running again ha.

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As far as Brooke and Knox go, we have definitely been watching more movies lately but they have also become even more creative around the house to entertain themselves.  Below they told me they were on Santa’s sleigh going down the stairs… sounds really comfortable.

PS in case you are wondering how our kids seem to be in the same pajamas pretty much each day, yep… I wash their pjs daily because they want to wear them each night.  Good thing Skye goes through 4 outfits a day to make it possible to do laundry every day right now;)

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Also, they have been dressing up even more than usual!

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And of course playing all of the games.

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Our eats at home have been really delicious!  An egg sandwich first thing in the morning!

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And a bbq ranch salad with my ultimate favorite combination of food—> sweet potato + avocado + chicken + bbq sauce.

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And dinner!  Vegetables sound amazing again!

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The most exciting food from our day at home yesterday was made in a crockpot.

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Yes, that is an entire crockpot full of peanuts, chocolate chips, german chocolate, and white almond bark!

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They kind of look like no-bake cookies when you are done but they taste even a million times better than that! We made what my mom loves to make—>  Crockpot Candy (I posted about it in this post)!  It seriously tastes so good and now we just have to decide on whether or not we are going to share these with the neighbors.

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This below scene made Andrew’s life!  Skye wrapped her little hand around Andrew’s finger and held on tight!

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Tired but happy parents.  PS I used both breastmilk and the prescription drops on my eye and it is almost completely cleared up… my bangs did a good job covering that and the large zit developing in the middle of my forehead though.  Pregnancy hormones were very good for my skin, I will miss that;)

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We finished up the night with The Santa Clause!

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Now that my taste buds are back in action (although the idea of red meat or soda still sounds awful to me… maybe a few aversions are going to stick with me?!) I think I might need to become a member of this club.  I can’t think of a better thing to get in the mail each month.

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Who got in a weekend long run?  How far was it?

What was your dinner last night?

Have any monthly subscriptions to anything?

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Weekend long snow hike-
It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas :)

Dinner last night was BBQ ribs, corn on the cob, cucumbers, and dried apples. Odd combo, but it seemed to work!

I used to subscribe to Love with Food and it was so good that it made me want to purchase the full size version of all the treats!


I’m going to have to look up Love with Food… sounds awesome! Way to go on the long snow hike, you are hard core!


Not a runner but I have leg day later today! Dinner last night was ALL MICROWAVED hahah I did frozen veggies, a frozen quinoa mix, and reheated some turkey I’d cooked earlier in the day. Easy peasyyyy.

You seem like some one who has a decent suggestion for house slippers…. I spotted a pair in a post yesterday! Have you found a brand that actually lasts more than a few months before losing all their support?

Also congrats on Skye!!!


Enjoy leg day today! Hey, that sounds like my kind of dinner Megan:) YES YES YES… my favorites slippers ever are these ones:


I have had them for about 5 months and they are still so comfortable and still offer great support and I wear them daily:) I hope they work out great for you too!


Glad to see that everything’s going well! Everyone looks so incredibly happy. :) Our dinner last night was homemade shabu shabu in our new hot pot I got us for Christmas :)


Those cookies look amazing..and easy.

When I was pregnant with my second, I could not stand the thought of cheese nip crackers. I was ok with goldfish, but the thought of cheese nips mad me instantly sick to my stomach. That still comes and goes. I bought them, I can look at them, I can touch them when I’m getting the kids some but I still don’t eat them all that much. Once in a while I’ll decide they would be ok to eat and I don’t get sick eating them but for the most part I still don’t want them. I’m really glad this didn’t happen to me with meat.


I ran up till my 8 month and had a C-section with my 4th child. If felt like an eternity when I went back to running. It might have been like 5 or 6 months before I was able to run again and by that time I got a Bob Stroller and started taking my daughter out for runs. She was around 6 or 7 months. Take your time. Slow down. Enjoy those moments curling up together and just being. It feels better than running and the time flies by. My daughter is 1year and 8 months now and we run together all the time. We even did a race together. You look amazing for just giving birth. Slow down and enjoy those moments. I wish someone had given me this advice because I got so anxious about not getting to run right away. I also developed depression because of it, but I had to give my body time to heal. Take your time. She’s a beauty!


you’re lucky pregnancy hormones were great for your skin — most of my friends say the complete opposite! i have never made candy in a slow cooker but it looks like such a fun project for this time of year, especially with little kiddos. I’m sure it made your house smell pretty delicious! :)


That candy looks delicious! Also those yogurts are the BEST Greek yogurts I’ve found. I’m convinced they are as healthy as you can get for flavored ones and I buy a pack every time I go to the grocery store.

Since I’m battling a cold, I decided that skipping my long run yesterday would be better to get some extra sleep and couch time. That back fired since I don’t feel amazing today and I planned on running it now :/ oh the joys of cold weather and winter…

Have a great day!


I watched The Santa Clause last night too while enjoying hot chocolate.
Dinner was homemade-ish ramen bowl.
I get ipsy and dollar shave club and do Home Chef for meals. I like the snack ideas though.
I definitely want to make crock pot candy.


Oh my goodness, Candy of the month?!!! How have I never heard of this?! How awesome is that!!! I’m not a member of any monthly things because I honestly want to do them all!! :)

And now I’m dying for some fudge/candy! That crockpot dessert looks heavenly!!!


YOU HAVE THE CUTEST FAMILY! oh my goodness!!!
I may have to make that crockpot candy-you spoon it out and plop onto the cookie sheet to harden, correct? yummmm

Run today was a cool and snowy one in the woods. Only 12+ km’s but late in the day it felt like it was longer-cold snow running is tiring!!!

Dinner last night was so goofy-I overfilled my bowl with salad greens, diced avocado, left over sweet potato chunks, pomegranate seeds, pumpkin seeds, and a random made up dressing. I then sauteed some baby spinach/kale/carrots and put that ontop. I make super weird concoctions but they work for me! Then I toasted a crusty semmel and put pb on one half and avocado on the other half.

My monthly deliveries are The Honest Company (thanks for the recommendation years ago), Petit Vour (vegan beauty products), Picky Bars (so good), and for awhile we got Tinker Crate for one of my kiddos. My daughter gets a sock of the month delivery that was a Christmas gift last year.


YEP!! Once you put it on the aluminum foil/wax paper it hardens after about 15 minutes. It is so good! Way to go on your run today and getting out there in the cold! Can I have your dinner… that sounds amazing! I love weird concoctions so we would get along great! Oh I LOVE The Honest Co! I still need to try Picky Bars:) Thanks Kelly and enjoy the rest of your day!


Those new born days are sooooo hard! Wow. You look amazing and it sounds like you’re spending your time loving on Skye and your family which is wonderful!


8 miles in this morning, but had to be careful about some icy spots on the trail. Hoping to run all thru the winter here in Ohio. Already signed up for the Athens Half on April 15.

Had our annual dinner at Chic-fil-A so we could have the seasonal Peppermint chocolate milkshakes.
Your food looks awesome!


Okay, I NEED to get one of those milkshakes… they are so good! Great job on your run and getting out there in the cold. I am so excited for your half marathon Sara! Enjoy the rest of your day and I’m so glad you didn’t slip:)


No weekend run because my treadmill has been out of commission for a month. It was fixed yesterday though so I can finally work on getting miles in to prep for my next half in February.

Dinner was pizza and cookies ?

I have a couple monthly subscriptions. One is Bookish Box where I get a tee and bookish goodies each month and the other is Freshly. Freshly is actually weekly — I get prepared meals delivered each week. I use them for lunch so I don’t have to do much meal prep during the week. Saves time and keeps me from eating out so much.


Aw, that part about Skye holding onto Andrew’s finger made my heart explode. Tiny humans are just amazing. And tired but happy parents, just perfect. Embrace all the couch time ;) It seems like you guys are doing amazing so far though; it’s great that Andrew has been able to get out for some runs, and holy moly, taking shifts at the hospital? That’s impressive. And I really think your running and activity leading up to the delivery are helping you to recover so well now. Seems like this is the perfect time of year to nest in and enjoy time at home as a family.


The Santa Clause is one of my favorite Christmas movies! I watched it over and over as a kid.


Hi Janae,

Congrats with the new babe!!! :)

I just wanted to let you know that I’ve been having some problems with my skin and you should def try “yun probiotherapy”.
It’s something new and helps curing bad skin by balancing your skin flora instead of atticking your skin with chemical stuff.
Totally safe for little babe too :). I absolutely love this stuff and tried everything before to cure my skin!! Clear skin for the win!

X Nathalie


We watched the The Elf on the Shelf movie, Elf and The Santa Clause movies … We are in the Christmas spirit here too. The kids are so excited and I am getting there too.

I “need” to get on a better exercise regimen. Three littles, 45+ hours a week at my outside of the house job leave little room for running long runs. I need to figure out how to train for my spring half!

I still have lots of aversions from my three pregnancies and being a strict vegetarian makes my eating choices even more limited. Potatos are an absolute NO for me since my 2nd pregnancy, soda since my 1st, nut flavors since my last!


that crock pot candy looks so good! We are having a family party at my house this Saturday and I am working hard on coming up with a good spread. This may need to be added to the dessert table!


Oh fun!!! Let me know what you end up making! Have a wonderful day!

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