The time our house could have burned down and other stuff.

We are very lucky.  Very.

All of the lights at our house kept flickering on and off late Thursday night.  We would lose all of the power and then it would turn back on.  Andrew called one of his friends that is an electrician and he came over to check things out.  He  told us to immediately call the power company and they came and checked things out.  The power company told us after looking at things, ‘this is how people’s houses burn down’…. the wires were all sparking and crazy!  I guess the main power lines coming into our house had melted and things were obviously not safe.  They shut all of our power off except for our furnace (somehow the power line to that part of the house was okay… lucky). Then the next morning they would get things fixed.  So on Friday morning they shut off the furnace too to get working on things.  We are so lucky that we were able to get it fixed before anything awful happened!

So the first part of our morning started at home.  We dressed nice and warm and snuggled with the baby and once it started getting a little cold inside (it was like 20 degrees outside so things were cooling down fast)…

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We drove over to my parents’ house to hang out until our house was fixed.  Andrew stayed at our house to make sure everything was okay.  Brooke and I had matching hair which was fun and you can see below that she loves talking to Skye at all times but especially in the car.

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My parents have a little bit more snow than we do!  It’s supposed to snow here today and tomorrow so we might have a white Christmas!

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Brooke gets very excited to show off Skye to people!

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I took a shower (thank you parents for the warm water and power to blow-dry my hair) and then just hung out in the back room while Brooke played with cousins.  I’ve tried to keep Skye pretty quarantined so far and this was the best that we could do for what was going on yesterday.

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She also had a doctor’s appointment and gained another 4 ounces in the last week.  Everything is looking good with her!  She has a tiny bit of jaundice but the doctor isn’t worried at all and says it will just continue to work itself out of her system!  She was thrilled to be taken out of her warm comfy clothes and put on a scale.

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We were all starving after the appointment so we went straight to the Chic-Fil-A drive-thru for some good stuff.  This was another place I did not like while I was pregnant and I am happy to report it is delicious again.  If you are a diet coke lover like Andrew, try asking for part lemonade and part diet coke.  Andrew loves this combination!

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I stuck to their lemonade, a chicken sandwich and their heavenly waffle fries!

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Mer (my grandma) knows the way to my heart and gave us these as part of our Christmas present!  Nothing better than See’s chocolate.

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Once it got dark we grabbed some hot chocolates and drove around looking at Christmas lights!

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Everything was fixed by the time we got home.  That whole incident made me so grateful for power and for heat (and that we caught the problem in time)!

Oh how I love leftovers!

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Beretta got back at Andrew after he didn’t take her with him on his run yesterday.

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This baby sure has a rough life;)  Snuggling, eating, sleeping, repeat.

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Who is doing a long run today?  How far?  With people or no?

Trying to figure out a Christmas Eve/Christmas dinner menu… what are you having?!  I’ll probably copy you!

Will you have a white Christmas where you are at?

Anything fun going on today?

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That’s so scary. I’m happy you all are safe and sound. I love seeing all of your baby cuddling! Looks like the coziest of holidays over there. Wishing you a blessed Christmas. ❤️?


Thank you so much Jeannie!! All of the cuddling is so much fun:) I hope your holidays are perfect!


Our tradition on Christmas Eve is chili with Fritos and cinnamon rolls. It comes from my husbands Midwest family. And every year my PNW family is surprised by the combo but loves it!

I’m so glad you got things fixed. That’s really scary! Any reason why that would happen to your house?

We always have a white Christmas here in Alaska but this year is kinda sad. It warmed up in December and a lot of our snow melted so it’s very strange looking. We maybe have a few inches of snow rather than our normal feet upon feet. I love snow, my husband and I got married on 12/21 four years ago outside in the beautiful snow, so this year is kinda a bummer. Hopefully it comes back soon.

I love all your pics of Skye. What a sweet girl. I’m up at a 4am feeding right now for my baby. They can be challenging but I love the baby stage. Mine is 7 months and I already miss the newborn stage.

Merry Christmas


Thank you so much Kayse! YES, those middle of the night feedings are rough! Enjoy those cinnamon rolls tomorrow night (I’m going to make some too:)!! I hope that you are surprised with a bunch of new snow soon! Happy four year anniversary two days ago:)


How scary! Glad you guys got it fixed quickly. Last December our downstairs furnace went out in the middle of a severe cold snap (and as we were leaving town for 3 nights) – what a pain!

It snowed some yesterday, freezing rain todAy, okay tomorrow which is good because that is when we celebrate with my family. There could be some snow Christmas morning which would be amazing. I’ll take that over 2 years ago when I wore a tank top to run outside on Christmas.

We do an English Christmas for our Christmas Eve celebration – beef tenderloin, roasted potatoes, Yorkshire pudding, green peas, with chocolate mousse and meringues for dessert. Christmas Day is fairly unplanned but I did make a lasagna to cook.


Oh… that is awful! Why do these things happen at the worst time!? I hope that you get some new snow on Monday morning! Your food all sounds amazing… I want to come eat with you guys;) Enjoy Jessey!


We had 2 gingerbread houses also and our dog helped herself to bites of one lol!


BAHAHA sounds like our dogs would be friends!


I’m so glad that you guys are OK, that was a close call. It’s too cold to run outside today, but I’ll be heading down to the treadmill soon to knock out 5 miles with my friend Netflix. And then I’m going to bake all the cookies! We’re all pitching in for our Christmas menu: my sister in law has a gift certificate for Honey Baked Ham, my husband is making a roast, my other sister in law is making cheesy potato casserole, I’m baking rolls, and everyone’s bringing an appetizer and a treat to our house. Looks like we’re getting a dusting of snow for Christmas.


Thank goodness for the treadmill during these freezing months! Enjoy the cookie baking:) All of your food sounds amazing… enjoy Beckett!


That happened to us a few years ago! Right before our house inspection for us to sell the house! It was a mess! I’m glad everything worked ok for you guys

It’s raining here in NJ so hopes for snow tonight are slim, we might have a white new year tho.

No run today, but my daughter has swim lessons and originally I was so put off about the time (11am) because it was right in the middle of the day, but no one else is at the pool so there are free lanes so I swim while she swims. My old running group is doing a hot chocolate run tomorrow morning so I may go run with them because it’s not too far to join them for a weekend run.

Hopefully we will go see some fun Christmas lights tonight

Christmas Eve, we are going to my sister in laws. They are Italian and do the feast of the 7 fish, so tons of seafood but because there are tons of little kids too there is also always a roast chicken. And lots of Italian pastry desserts!

Christmas is at my brothers this year and I have no idea what they are cooking. I was told to bring sweet potatoes casserole. So that’s what I will do!


No way… right before your house inspection?! Talk about bad timing! Enjoy your swim today and your group run tomorrow sounds perfect! Okay, all of that food sounds amazing.. I want a lot of seafood! Have an amazing time Mary!


No snow here but I see ❄️ in the forecast next week! So glad y’all are ok!! For Christmas Eve we have apps (shrimp, scallops and bacon, veggies and dip, cheese and crackers) before church (at 5pm) then come home and have subs and chips. Christmas is a roast, mashed potatoes, veggies, and rolls.


Okay, your meals over the next few days sound amazing… can we come over Erin!? I hope that the snow next week is beautiful!


Soooo glad everything is okay and you guys are safe! That kind of stuff is so scary! We had a similar situation when my twin boys were only a few weeks old. My family came over for a visit and said they smelled gas! So we had to call our gas company only to find out the gas line in our fireplace was leaking and we had something like 15 Times the safe amount of gas in our house! Had we turned on our fireplace our house could have blown up! It was unbelievably scary! You really count your blessings!


Oh KATIE!! I am so so glad that you guys were okay.. that is so scary! I am so glad your family could smell the gas! It really did make us feel so incredibly grateful, this stuff is scary! I hope you have a beautiful weekend…ps twins, you are my hero!


I’m running 6 miles solo today and then I have cookies to deliver and bunches of errands to run. Tomorrow morning I’m going on my first date in almost 20 years. I’m a little nervous! ??
No white Christmas for us. Have a wonderful holiday and enjoy your family time!!!


CHRISTINA!!! AHHHHH I am so so excited about your date tomorrow morning! Please let me know how it goes, I hope you have the perfect morning! Great job on your 6 miles today and have fun delivering cookies!


I am so glad you had the wiring checked immediately! I used to work for a national home inspection company for many years where I reviewed home inspection reports from all across the country and I was so shocked to see many homes with bad wiring/scorch marks on walls and homeowners never knew it. Yay for you guys not ignoring the weird signs!

For Christmas Eve we are going simple with homemade burgers/sliders since we will be doing meal prep for the Christmas meal. IT’s just 4 of us for Christmas dinner and this is what we are having:
Spiral ham
Scalloped potatoes
Green bean casserole
Cornbread stuffing
Cranberry sauce
Stuffed mushrooms with spinach and parmesan
Dinner rolls
Chocolate pie for dessert
Merry Christmas! We should have a white one in NY!


Reading your menu made my stomach growl big time… sounds delicious! Okay, that is so scary to hear how many homes had bad wiring etc!! We really lucked out. Enjoy every second of this holiday! xoxox


I hope it doesn’t skip over us like it did the other snow storm. The cities north of us and south of us have snow but we have none! So it better dump here the next couple of days. Maybe I broke Utah with all my whining about the cold. But there’s no reason to be cold if it’s not going to snow. Lol!


HAHA maybe it is your Christmas present;)


No long run today. Likely a Christmas Eve Snowshoe tomorrow morning though. We have couple of last minute errands to run today. We might get a white Christmas so pretty excited.

For Christmas we are doing a roast with veggies and stuffing. And garlic bread. It’s just the 2 of us for Christmas Eve.

Merry Christmas to you guys and glad everything turned out ok with the house!


Oh that sounds like so much fun Kristine, enjoy the snowshoeing! Oh that all sounds delicious! Enjoy and thanks so much!


I’m so glad you caught that in time! How scary!
We’re celebrating Christmas today with my family. Usually we get together on Christmas Eve but I’m nervous driving with the baby and didn’t want to be there too late. Since my brother is a pastor, he doesn’t have a lot of flexibility on Christmas Eve, especially since it’s on a Sunday, so today it is. We’re having a meat and cheese tray, a chicken tray with nuggets and wings, and cookies. Nothing fancy here. I’m so excited-it’s the first time we’ll all be together since my little one joined the family!


Oh enjoy your day today with your family (and your baby’s first Christmas) today! That sounds delicious to me!


No long run today for me! I’m still extra sore from a speed workout 2 days ago! Fingers crossed that my legs will feel back to normal tomorrow for a good Christmas Eve run!

We are having meatballs, dips, and sweets for a Chrsitmas Eve with my boyfriends family! It should be really yummy and I can’t wait!

I so wish we had a White Christmas coming our way, but we don’t in Arkansas! About a week ago or so, we thought we were going to get lucky this year but we just got a ton of rain yesterday and more coming today!

I’m SO glad you guys caught that scary electrical issue in time!! That’s crazy and something no one probably ever thinks about having to deal with!! You guys definitely lucked out for sure! Oh the joys of being a homeowner, right?! ;)

Have an amazing Saturday with your cute family Janae!!


We will be celebrating Christmas for the next three days. Today we will do it with my boyfriend’s parents and have tamales and Mexican sides. Tomorrow we will have lunch with some special friends of vegetable soup then in the evening with my extended family we will have turkey and ham plus veggies. And Christmas with just our little blended family we will start the day with homemade cinnamon rolls then have a ham dinner later in the day. Merry Christmas to you, Andrew, Brooke, Knox and sweet baby Skye.


I’m so glad you caught that before something catastrophic!
Skye is adorable and I haven’t had a chance yet to say Congratulations.
I’m running 13 today. Probably on the treadmill for the sake of time and the snow and 11 degrees. Yep, we will have a white Christmas. Not excited about indoor running but Zwift makes it bearable. (
Christmas Eve will be our family dinner so we are having Rib Roast.
My day will consist of getting the last 3 gifts and doing ALL of my wrapping that I procrastinated this year.
Merry Christmas to you and your family!


We are supposed to get our first snow tomorrow, so there’s a chance of a white Christmas. We are having pork chops on the grill for Christmas Eve, with grilles taters. Christmas Day is fill full of goodness from all the dishes brought. We are doing a big taco fest for another Christmas dinner. And steaks on the grill for New Year’s Eve at home. With popcorn, hot chocolate and movies later on. Today’s run will be on the treadmill. It’s just bitter cold today and I’m not in to torture.

You guys are so lucky at your house !!! Thank goodness you weren’t asleep or not home….just glad it was caught, fixed and you are all safe. Wow. Timing is everything.

I hope you and your family all have a wonderful Christmas.


tonight will be a treadmill run………….housesitting and it is storming/raining here. We will have a wet Christmas, not white!
Scary about your electricity but so glad everything got caught in time!

I had never heard of See’s until my trip to San Diego…..they don’t have them in the east.

My family always has breakfast for dinner on Christmas Eve………..I love that tradition!

Since we have family in town and I am working, my husband and I did our Christmas gifts this morning! So fun to wake up and open gifts together!


Thank the Lord that happened so it could all get fixed!! Oh my Skye is just so adorable!! My son had jaundiced too his was prolonged but he had bloodwork and all was normal. Some filtered (like with a sheer curtain) sunlight for few minutes here and there.
Also there are SO many with the flu and colds right now where I live. I think it is very smart to quarantine her during this season! And when people hold or touch her hands etc clean them after cause she sucks on her hands.
No idea what we are eating for Christmas yet yikes I better get on it.


Glad you caught that electric issue early! Right before I started kindergarten, my parents bought their first house. We had moved our most of our belongs in, but hadn’t unpacked because my parents were having some remodeling done first. We were staying with my grandparents during that part. The house caught fire due to an electrical issue and was a total loss. I can still clearly remember watching it burn and police/firemen holding me dad back. He kept trying to run in to save some of our belongings. It was horrible.

On a more positive note… Not sure if we are going to have snow Christmas day or not. We might get a little early tomorrow morning (less than 2″), but not sure if it will stick around until Monday.

Today started early for me! I headed out at 7:00 AM to finish up my Christmas shopping. Nine stores and three hours later, I was done! Next we are going to lunch to celebrate my oldest daughter’s birthday. She’s 20 today! We are going to lunch at her favorite restaurant, then I’m taking her to her favorite jewelry store to pick out a gift, and finally going to see Pitch Perfect 3 tonight.

Merry Christmas Eve Eve!


Shay, that is the saddest story ever!!! We are so lucky that didn’t happen! Sounds like such a fun day… how was PP3? I want to see it!! Thank you!


One good thing to come of it all, was the experience made me very cautious about fire at home then and now. We check batteries in our smoke alarms regularly and always sleep with our bedroom doors closed.

PP3 was good! Actually better than I thought it would be! I was afraid it would be cheesy being the third in the series, and there are a few scenes that were, but overall, I enjoyed it.


You must all feel so grateful that you caught the electrical problem in time. It’s pretty scary to think about what could have happened.

My dad always makes a lasagna for Christmas Eve. This year we’re ordering a turkey dinner and having it brought to the house. The store we’re ordering from is pretty fancy, so I’m looking forward to it.


Glad you caught that wiring in time! The gingerbread house picture cracked me up ;)

Longish ride today – first time riding outside in 3 weeks. We went from warm Santa Ana winds to calm and cold (for us.)

Christmas dinner = crock pot ham (pour 1 cup of Dr. Pepper in the bottom of the crock pot first.) Sweet potato casserole, green beans, yeast rolls and pie. We’re starting the day with French toast.

I’ve never had a white Christmas!

Merry Christmas to you and your family, Janae!


Thank goodness you guys were able to get everything fixed before anything happened!! So happy to hear it’s fixed and back to normal. Chick fil A has the best fries!

Have a wonderful day Janae :)


GLad everything worked out! I have put our Sat and possibly Sun plans on hold by getting the stomach bug. Not fun at all. Still fairly miserable!!

We are treating our girls to their favorite- archer farms turkey dogs and some sides for Christmas Eve. Then roast chicken, home made applesauce and spinach salad for Christmas. NONE of that currently sounds any where near edible to me right now.


Oh my gosh! I’m so glad you guys figured it out early! I read that part for my husband just in case we ever experience it. Wow, I don’t know that we would have known to call for help. That’s so great that your family is so understanding about Skye being quarantined. We tried to do that as best we could with our preemie twins, but everyone just ignored us and said we were paranoid. We have a HUGE family, too so it was frustrating. We are making Pho for Christmas! :) Have a great day, Janae!


That is so scary about your wires and I’m glad Andrew has a friend who guided you to the power company ASAP! I had a house fire when I was younger and it’s scary. You never forget that smell. (it turned out okay and we stayed in a hotel in the city for a few days. You know, those are the things kids remember, too!)

Today I ran longish-10miles. The first half was a head and cross wind. Crazyyyy!! I was determined to run today because it’s the anniversary of my much needed and relieving divorce!!!!

Christmas Eve is our celebration night-this year we are basically having Thanksgiving dinner but using a turkey breast (bacon wrapped). My kiddos love that meal and for some reason I just think it’s easy!!! Leftovers for the win! Stores here in Germany are going to be closed up until the 27th so leftovers will be welcomed!

Love all the cuddle photos!!!!!


That’s so funny, I love mixing Diet Coke with lemonade at Chick fil a!
Electrical issues are so scary. When I was in high school the outlet in my bedroom caught fire in the middle of the night, and my dad was able to trip the right breaker to stop it before anything was really damaged except the outlet. I’m glad you guys figured it out before anyone got hurt or anything was damaged!


How scary!! Thank goodness Andrew called his friend! I loved his post the other day by the way, and your video post too :)

I tried to do a longish run today but my knee has been hurting so I decided to be sensible and stopped after 8.5km when I got to where my son was doing football practice. We have Christmas Eve at my in laws so I don’t know what we’re eating – and my other half is cooking Christmas dinner so I know that’s turkey and the trimmings. I’m vegetarian though so I have no idea what I’m getting ?


Thank goodness you’re all ok and your house is too! Nothing worse than being in a cold house with no electricity.
Glad it was able to be fixed so soon. Skye looks adorable in her pink sweater.
I’m making homemade bread for the first time, along w ham and scalloped potatoes. Merry Christmas to your family!!


Phew! So glad you guys are safe! We’re having steak and salmon, salad and bread. Keeping it really quick and simple for Christmas Eve.


So glad you caught the issue with the house when you did!

No white christmas here in south Florida ;) The sand on our beaches is white….

Christmas Eve dinner will be with my in-laws and we are having prime rib and hashbrown casserole. Christmas day is with my family and we do ham and mashed potatoes.

No run today. I’m on (nurse) night shift #3 and can only function enough to shower and feed my family in between shifts.


The week we brought our baby home, my husband and 2 year old had horrible colds. It is very challenging to keep a 2 year old from coughing and snotting all over! And my husband couldn’t go to doc appts with me for follow-up for the baby’s jaundice. Then when things started looking up for about 12 hours, my 2 year old started puking. When it rains it pours! There were a couple of crying in the bathroom wishing I didn’t have a newborn moments! BUT we made it of course. Hard times don’t last forever. You can do it! Extra carbs will definitely help. Merry Christmas to you and your family!


Oh my goodness! How scary…and with a newborn! I’m so glad you were able to catch the issue in time and that you were able to go to your mother’s house for warmth and a hair dryer. :)

Have a wonderful Christmas!!

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