Your mind is the best salesman + OUR DAY

Four miles in 34 degrees with a 9:21 average pace!

I listened to a new podcast that I’m loving (Bold New Mom… I am really enjoying it, it does include some religious talk in there too just FYI) and the podcast episode I listened to was was all about anxiety.  I mentioned before here that after Brooke was born, I had some anxiety.  So I’m preparing a little bit in advance to figure out any solutions I can to help with anxiety (other than running because I won’t be doing that for a little while:) after having this baby.

In the podcast she talked about how our brains are the absolute BEST salesman.  I couldn’t agree more.  Somehow the stories we come up with in our minds about situations, experiences, people, the world around us etc become true to us whether or not they are actually true.   I loved how true this is for our running too… the story we come up with about our running (i.e. we will or will not hit a new pr/distance record/pace/workout/we can or can’t do something) will become true because our brains are amazing salesmen and can convince us that something is true even if it isn’t!  So use your brain this week to sell you on the idea that you can do hard things and you can get one step closer to your brains and it will convince your body to do those things!

PS I listened to this episode of Lindsey’s podcast on Friday with Allie Kieffer and it was amazing.  Allie’s story (she took 5th at the NYC Marathon 8 days ago) is INCREDIBLE and I loved every thing she had to share.  She also holds the world record for the fastest indoor marathon—>  2:44:44!  She went around the 200m track 211 times!


Andrew and I needed to run at the same time so he told me to go outside and he would hit the treadmill.  He said I need the outside/sunshine endorphins more than he does ha… he understands me:)

Brooke made sure to help coach Andrew on his run with her megaphone (thanks again for that mom… the added noise is so much fun;).

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Andrew was in Salt Lake City for most of the day for school and a test (that he passed)!  So Brooke and I went out for a little date together.

Brooke and I both love edamame.

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Yep, I had the exact same salad that I had the night before.  When a salad is $8, HUGE and full of things that sound really good to you… you go back again the next day.  You will probably find me back here again on Monday.

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Then we went to the park for a little while.

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It’s going to be hard to say goodbye to the parks for a few months!

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And we ended our date at Yogurtland because this is kind of our place together (I can’t even estimate how many times we have been here together over the course of her life).

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Judging by this picture, I think she had a good afternoon.

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We got home a little bit before Andrew and we caught up on the day together.

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And then this baby wanted garlic bread (she wants this often)…

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Which then inspired spaghetti for dinner.

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Somehow Brooke wins this game EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.  I’m even the one that mixes up the cards and she still somehow wins.

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And the Christmas movies have begun…  too early?  Not in Brooke’s opinion.

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This is what our Monday is going to involve.  My sister is coming over with her tile saw and we are going to get the backsplash up.  We’ve been married for about a year and five months and in that time we have redone almost the entire house except for the cabinets (leaving those because we love them), bathroom floors (next on the list) and laundry room!  I think Andrew might be ready to be done with house stuff:)

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Time for a rest day for me… and of course plenty of carb loading for our upcoming event in just a few weeks;)


Rest day, run day or cross-training day for you today?

Salmon fan?  Favorite way to eat it?

What was your dinner last night?

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Girl that salad would be $25 in NYC, easy. So jealous ; ;!!


REALLY!?!? Oh that is crazy! Around here it would probably be like $12 at most places but for some reason this restaurant is so much cheaper (for the salad at least:)! I hope you are having a great day and come to Utah and we will go get the salad together!


Haha you could prob get it at ~$18 at the right place..but it’s tough to find them here! And still! But salmon is too good :).

A salmon salad and mountain (view) run, please! One day!!

p.s. The other Q of the day/weekend… TSwift’s new album: Yay or nay?? xp


I love salmon so much! Especially on salads, it’s my favourite week night meal. Long run including long hills this morning. We had steak and veggies on the BBQ last night because as much as I hate to admit it, bbq time is coming to an end (snow in the forecast!) so we enjoyed it one last time!


MEL!! Way to go on a long run with LONG hills today! You are tough! SNOW IN THE FORECAST… noooo! Glad you enjoyed the bbq one last time this year. Have a beautiful Sunday!


Hi Janae! I have an almost four month old. Thinking back to when she was born, I had A LOT of anxiety after she was born. It didn’t last long….the worst of it was over after a couple weeks. Even though I was really tired I welcomed visitors (mainly family) during that time. Just being around my loved ones helped me a lot. Of course I was in love with my baby but it wasn’t good for me to be alone with her during that time. In the little time I had to watch tv/movies I didn’t watch anything negative/depressing/scary and tried to keep things as happy and cheerful as possible. I just wanted to share this because it always helps me to hear about others and know that I’m not alone. That’s why I am glad you shared the anxiety you had with Brooke. It is a very real thing and while having a baby is the best time of your life, there are very real challenges and difficulties that come with it, and sometimes I think women are scared to talk about those. I know with Andrew and all the loved ones you have in your life you will transition very smoothly to life with your new baby! I will be praying for you in the coming weeks! Have a great Sunday!


Congrats Liz on your four month old and THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing your experience, it helps a lot! Seriously, thank you! I might be emailing you too:) I hope you are having a beautiful morning and I really appreciate you taking the time to write me!


Janae I was thinking of you yesterday as I ran the Richmond Marathon- you MUST travel and run this race! It is beautiful with rolling hills. Maybe add it to your bucket list after baby! I ended up PRing, so I had a great day!


ROBYN!!!!!! HUGE HUGE HUGE congrats on your marathon and a NEW PR! You are absolutely incredible!!! I am definitely going to add this to my bucket list… it sounds perfect! Thank you so much Robyn and enjoy your recovery after such an amazing race!


Just finished a four mile run (went out for two, but it felt so good)
Dinner last night was southern bbq


Way to go Sage! LOVE when my body wants to go longer than I had planned! Oh Southern BBQ sounds so good (even at 9 a.m. ha)! Enjoy your Sunday!


Yesterday was 21 miles, so while my body wants a rest day today (I at least slept in!) we have a friend running in a local marathon so the hubs and I are going to run the last 6-7 miles with him. I need to get a warm up in too because my legs are jello today!

Dinner last night was carrots/hummus and a bowl of shredded mini wheats.


WAY TO GO Marissa on your 21 miles… that is awesome! Have a blast at the marathon today with your husband and friend:)


Rest day for me. And I’m going to have to check out that podcast because tips on anxiety are really great lately.


Enjoy your rest day Jenny! Her podcast episodes are SO SO good! Even though I don’t know you in real life, I think you will love them too! Let me know if you listen!


Yesterday was 10 at easy pace (8:30)!!

Went out last night w the bf and got salmon! It was okay but the squash purée was amazing!


Oh.. so today is a rest and eat carbs day!


Awesome job Mallory and your 10 miles and enjoy your rest/carb day!! I want that squash puree! Have a great Sunday!


I can’t wait to see the kitchen! It’s great you’re doing as much as you can on your own to save money. My boyfriend used to work in construction so I see a lot of diy projects for us when we buy a house.
Today is a rest day for me but I have a little shopping to do so I will get a decent amount of walking in. Does that make it an active rest day then?
Dinner last night was chili and there’s enough for leftovers tonight. Have a great Sunday Janae!


Spin day! I love salmon. My favorite is to put mustard or honey on and broil it.

I was wondering if you’d be able to do a post or part of a post on how you planned/approached your kitchen remodel. I feel a bit overwhelmed with all of the information available, too many choices! You and Andrew seem to knock out these projects pretty efficiently :)

Have a good day!


Today is probably an easy 3 miles or so, unless I am just so tired after work, then it may be a rest day, ha! Been a long week!
I did 4 miles yesterday (after my half a week ago I only ran twice this week) and with extra rest days and perfect weather I was much faster than I expected!
Dinner last night was the fuji apple chicken salad from Panera……..and some chocolate animal crackers!
Have a great weekend!


Dinner last night was chicken tortilla soup and so many tortilla chips from my favorite Mexican restaurant. I love the place so much but sadly went home with horrendous stomach pain. I had really bad stomach ulcers when I was younger and I think they’re back to get me :( … Doc appointment tomorrow!

Run day today – 10 miles on the treadmill because it’s been raining all. day. long.

Hope you had a great weekend!


That salad looks amazing! Yummers!

Today was going to be a run day but my boyfriend wanted to go for a bike ride before the rain hit so after I waffled back and forth I decided to ride instead of run. I did a ride/run combo yesterday so figured a nice spin and time with him was a great choice. Of course it rained the last bit then it SNOWED!

I made such a mom dinner – baked breaded turkey breasts (I use bread crumbs or cereal, shredded cheddar, TJ’s 21 gun seasoning), sauteed to crispy brussel sprouts with a few slices of apple, and rice pilaf. It felt very mid 2000’s because I used to make the breaded chicken when the kids were little.

I’m going to check out that podcast! THanks for always suggesting interesting podcasts!!!!


Rest day for me – my other half is away so I couldn’t get out – plus my podiatrist has stipulated one run day, two rest days :) It’s sooo good to be running again after eight weeks out from injury – though he has me running at tempo so I’m not exactly loving all my runs at the moment ? My dinner last night was exactly the same as my lunch – lentil soup plus a spinach muffin and salad ? I love salmon with honey and soy, or mustard, baked. Must put salmon on the menu for this week now :) Hope you had a great Sunday!


Your date with Brooke looks super fun!

I am still on cloud 9 from my marathon today! I had a 14 minute PR, and I felt good for the whole race!! I also listened to Lindsey’s podcast with Allie Kieffer while running today (I was hooked after listening to Lindsey’s podcast with you and have listened to at least one on all of my long runs this training cycle)-Allie is super inspiring! Now to rest up for a full day of teaching tomorrow…yikes. :)

It’s never too early for Christmas movies in my opinion. I have one on now! Have a great week, Janae!!!


I really admire how Andrew loves school and the career he chose so much. I’m one of those people who didn’t enjoy school, and enjoyed work more. Even so, I had a hard time picking a major in college and didn’t have a passion for what I chose although it made great money. The decision to stay at home was so easy. I love being a SAHM mom and my husband loves what he does and appreciates what I do at home so it works out. I’m so impressed at all you guys did on the house. All we did was paint the house and we were about done after. Hope you had a wonderful weekend!


Today is a rest day — but this week will be crammed with some cross training!

I love salmon patties and grilled salmon — MMM!

Dinner last night was herb grilled salmon from Olive Garden! HA!


Hey girl!! I can’t wait to check that podcast out. I just wanted to drop this one here, too, because it’s been such a saving grace for me in parenthood! God Centered Mom podcasts. Look it up if you get a chance! ?


Thank you for the Bold New Mom recommendation. Just finished the anxiety podcast and I’m listening to a few more.

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