Ever wondered if you are the only one that does something during a run? +Stick w/the classics and they were excited.

I’ve got a new HRG Baby post up HERE!  I’m sharing pictures from our nursery (trying my hardest to be like my sister and decorate;)!

Also, I LOVED your unpopular opinions so much yesterday!  Andrew and I read through them together last night and you guys had us laughing and agreeing with you on so many different things… thank you for that!


The kids were up early and the temperatures were in the 20s so the treadmill made for the perfect workout!

5 miles of running + .65 miles of walking + a new episode of This Is Us = a great workout in my opinion.    PS a few of you mentioned that you aren’t big fans of This Is Us in the comments yesterday and don’t worry, we are still close friends… I won’t let that ruin our internet friendship;)  I get it… it’s a tad bit dramatic (probably why I love it)!

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Fruit and yogurt bowl for the win after a shower (I should have taken a picture before I started eating it and mixing it up… it was a little bit prettier at that point;).

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The kids worked hard on preparing their Santa lists (Santa has to get his act together over here a whole lot earlier than usual this year;)!

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Later on in the day we set out for a little bit and the kids were pretty excited about it!

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First we stopped for smoothies (because fruit sounds SOOOO good right now) and we had coupons to get these ones for free.

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Then we took the kids to the Bean Museum at BYU.

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They could learn about animals all day long.

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We had broccoli and pasta for lunch at home and then of course… crepes for dinner!  The kids were not upset about that:)

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While we were eating dinner we were talking about how we needed to buy a good crepe pan and ten minutes later there was a knock at our door….

A really good friend of mine brought over an awesome crepe pan along with her recipe for crepes and her amazing garlic white sauce that she uses for her savory crepes.

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LOVING the book Wonder.  I spent some time on the couch reading after the kids went to bed.

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PS For the first time ever I tried an almond Snickers yesterday.  My verdict= they are SOOOO much better with peanuts.  Stick to the classics.

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PPS Remember my chocolate covered raisin kick that I had a few months ago?  Well, that ended but these… these are even better!

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Ever wondered if you are the only one that does something specific during a run?  Maybe you are and maybe you aren’t:)

I’m sure we all have little quirks that we do during the run and I’d love to hear yours!

And some people think running is boring… not when you have all of your own random things that you do during your run:)

Some random things that I do during my run (below picture of Pam and I from RNR Vegas and it ties into my first weird thing):


*If I find a song that is really working for my running, I will listen to it on repeat for an insane amount of times.  During the RNR Las Vegas Half (SUCH a fun race) I listened to one song on repeat for 96 minutes straight and I still love that song—>  it was All I Ever Wanted.

*I like to count steps when I’m tired.  It’s sounds boring and it gets old after a few minutes of doing it but it keeps my mind off of thinking of how tired I am and thinking about counting instead.

*To go along with the above steps counting one… sometimes I will try to guess how many steps it will take until I get to a point up ahead like a bench or a sign or a house (I’ve gotten pretty good with my guesses too:)

*When I am listening to music while I am running, I find myself tapping my fingers to the beat of the song often.  I don’t do this during races as much as just normal training runs.   I also really like to match my steps to a beat while I run if the song has a fast beat.

*Sometimes when I see the time of how far I have run (or how many more minutes of running I have) I convert that to seconds in my brain… IE I have run for 24:00 which is 1440 seconds:)  I’m weird and probably have spent too much time on a treadmill over the years.

*When I am crossing a street while running I am pretty sure I look left and right about 8 times before going (even if I’m in the middle of nowhere) because I have a really weird fear that I’m not going to see a car or something.

*I do this one more when I’m not pregnant (because I pretty much have one pace right now) but I love to not look at my watch and start running and then guess what pace I am running and then check my watch… then I either speed up or slow down and try to guess my pace again.  I think it is fun to be able to know your body so well that you can guess pretty closely to what pace you are actually going.

*When I’m in a race, I love to stare at people’s shoes.  I love trying to guess what model they are wearing even… and sometimes I guess in my head about how many miles they’ve put on their shoes so far.  I like running shoes a lot, so I stare at all of the different ones at a race.

*Andrew makes sure to measure out a run so that he finishes about .2 miles away from home so he can walk the last few minutes… I’m the opposite, I like to finish EXACTLY right in front of my house if I have the choice:)

*I always think about what I want for breakfast… but I think that one is definitely a common one!

Anyone else:

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Another reminder to check out my 35 week pregnancy update and pictures of our nursery HERE!


Anything weird/different/random things that you do during a run!?!  PLEASE SHARE!!  Do you do any of the things I do? 

What are the temperatures during this time of year for your runs?

If you are a morning worker-outer… what do you eat before your workout or do you do better with eating after?

What was the last show that you watched?

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I mouth along to the words of good songs when I’m running. People probably think I’m that weird girl who runs and talks to herself haha
I’m about to go meet a co-worker to run outside and I’m a bit nervous. It’s getting a bit too cold for me (36 right now) and I haven’t been feeling well this week, but I already missed an earlier workout with her this week. Wish me luck!
For regular workouts, I don’t usually eat before.
I’ve been watching The Good Wife lately. I also love Brooklyn 99 and The Good Place.


I mouth the words too! :)


Bahahah I love doing that too! Oh I hope your run with your co-worker was awesome! It is getting quite chilly! Hope you are feeling better Alyssa!!!


I do that too!!!! sometimes, if i’m in the middle of nowhere, I sing too. I was told once that talking while running builds lung capacity, so I figure singing should work even better! And, singing seems less weird than talking to myself since I run alone!


I totally do that too! And sometimes throw in some jazz hands if I’m feeling sassy.


And I totally forgot yesterday, but I agree with that unpopular opinion. I never really got into This is Us and I stopped watching it. And I like dramatic shows just fine. Something about this one never clicked for me.


yeah, we’re struggling with it on this end, too. No crying at all. Just…eh.


I sometimes try to guess my pace like you do, but I also try to guess how far I’ve gone and see how accurate I am. I’ve gotten pretty good at that one! And I don’t think this is uncommon or anything, but I do A LOT of praying and reflecting during my runs. In fact, it’s where I find the most clarity and peace in my life, and it lets my mind find rest when my world feels like a constant state of madness.

I watched This Is Us yesterday, but I’ve also been binge watching The O.C. on Hulu lately. I used to love that show years ago, and it turns out that I still do!


Oh I am going to copy you on guessing how far I’ve gone, I love it! Yes to the praying, my favorite time to do it! The oc is on Hulu?!! You just made my day… totally going to watch it! Thanks Natalie!


I do some of those same things! During long runs or races I daydream about what I will drink and the hot shower I will take!!


Oh yes!!!! That hot shower is quite the motivation for me too! I hope you are having a great morning Loribeth!


You mentioned your convert the time into seconds and that reminded me of something I do: When I’m really tired in a race or a long run I think of the time I have left in minutes. For example, if I have 3 miles left I think “You’ll be done in only a half-hour!” Or if I have a mile left I think “You’ll be done in less than 10 minutes!! That’s nothing!” I always round up as if I’m running 10-minute miles even though I’m usually I’m between 8-9 mins…I don’t know why. My running partner has since adopted this method too!


Yes! Oh I love doing that too during a race! For some reason saying how many minutes we have left feels better than how many miles we have left! Thanks for sharing Anna and I hope your day is great!


I’ll repeat songs, too! My latest song on repeat is “Soulja Boy.” I have no idea why I’m so into that song right now. Makes me feel BA, I guess. ha ha “Ophelia” by the Lumineers has been another one on repeat lately. Sometimes I count, too, which is weird b/c I’m a total non-numbers/math person!!!

Temps—In PA I ran in shorts and a tank top on Monday. It’s in the 30s now, and I’ll be in pants and long-sleeves. We’ve had a big shift this week………I prefer the warmth!!!

Last show I watched. I’m not a big TV watcher–I caught some of “Teen Mom OG” on MTV the other night. lol It’s more something I have on in the background. I’m into watching Shameless on Netflix now–only on season 2 though (of 8)–I have a long way to go :)


Hahaha I love Soulja boy too (I once learned the dance and felt so cool;)! Nothing wrong with teen mom, my sis and I love watching that together and I’m going to have to watch shameless! Have an amazing day Jen!


I also put my fave songs on repeat! Right now my repeating song is “The One” by the Chainsmokers. I also mouth the words sometimes:)
I think about my post-run treats a whole lot while running for sure, but since I used to be a dancer as a kid, I spend a lot of my runs choreographing dance routines (that will never see the light of day) in my head.
Last week Boston was in the 60’s and this week it’s in the 30’s-40’s…so rough. So, so rough. There was frost this morning. FROST.
I workout in the morning pretty often; a lot of the time I will have a banana before and then a protein shake or eggs after to help with recovery. For longer runs/workouts I eat more beforehand, though!


Oh I love that song so much too Kerri! I love that you choreograph during your runs sometimes! Stay warm, I hope you have some great gear to keep you feeling good during these cold runs!


You live in Boston?? I’ll be there during Thanksgiving week and I need some recommendations on where I can run safely! Can you help?


absolutely! Boston is a super safe city in general, but I recommend Jamaica Pond, Arnold Arboretum, and the Esplanade:) My email is [email protected] if you want more details!


On the Snickers topic, try a PEANUT BUTTER SNICKERS. It is life-changing.
PS Miss you!


Really?!? Okay, I trust you on this one and I’ll try it! Miss you Linda!


Omg Janae! For my first half marathon ever, I listened to Party Rock Anthem on repeat the entire race. I’m glad I’m not the only one.


Ahhhhh I love it!!! Ps don’t you love that we are real life friends now too. It makes me so happy!


During my runs, I like to put on Pandora and say that 3 songs equals a mile (it doesn’t) and I’m going to run X miles measured by the songs. I always run further than I would have thought because 9 songs is rarely 3 miles. I also like to try to remember every song I hear on pandora and continuously list them off my title and artist – sometimes I’m trying to remember 15 songs I heard in order. (Also, people run without music? nutso!)

Run yesterday for me was cold, dark, and rainy 50 degrees (Charlotte, NC). I delegated the task of finding running clothes to my husband (M) and he went out and bought me a long sleeve shirt and a new pair of shoes. I’m ready for the season!

Last show we watched was Black Mirror on Netflix – So scary and it got in my head. It’s fueled a lot of runs of mine with “what if?”


Okay, I’m copying you on trying to remember the songs you listened to in order! I love it! Yay for new shoes and a new top… the best! Black mirror sounds like something Andrew would love! Have an awesome day Sage!


Crepes sound so incredible right now, I haven’t had them in too long! I definitely do the counting steps thing, but it doesn’t last very long for me. I also sing along (softly haha) to the music or mouth the words sometimes. I definitely like to finish my run right outside my house too!


Dawn! You need to have a crepe soon… they are amazing! Yes… Glad you love finishing right outside of your house too! I hope you have an amazing day!


I do the counting thing too! Less counting foot steps, and more just counting in my head at a steady rhythm. I kind of do it automatically sometimes and I’m not sure why. I’m a numbers person though so I think my brain just defaults to thinking about numbers when I’m tired? #sodorky lol Also, sometimes in my speed work or tempo sessions, usually on the last rep, I’ll get this really intense laser focused face going on and pretend that the most important thing I need to do ever is to run that rep as fast as I can. It usually works actually! But I’m sure everyone who passes me thinks I’m nuts. I also can’t stand ending runs on an odd number (like 5.91 or something) so I will run past my house and back just to make it to an even mile. I’ll usually even run a little extra, like 6.03 to make sure that Strava fully picks up that final mile. I used to weirdly love the taste of Gu gels and I would count down miles in my head until the next time I could have a Gu. But I don’t love them as much as I used to, so that trick doesn’t quite work anymore. I’m sure I have a lot more of these weird things too!


Oh I love it Diana… I’m going to try the counting on rhythm thing too (I am totally a numbers person too)! Umm that laser focus is AWESOME! I want more of that:) I LOVED reading your things, thank you for sharing! I hope your Thursday is a great one!


I have different playlists (and songs DO NOT overlap on them) depending on my mood that I choose and listen to based on certain running types I need to do. My friends think I’m nuts that I spend that much time organizing my music that way, but it works for me!
It’s in the 30s for me – chilly!
If I am doing shorter runs (less than 1 hour) I just drink water and go. Otherwise I might stick to a banana or something easy to digest. For strength workouts, I sometimes need a little fuel before, so typically fruit of some kind and half a protein shake.


I LOVE that you are so organized with your playlists… come organize mine! STAY WARM Rhiannon and I hope you are having a great Thursday!


Not one of your questions, but I JUST finished reading Wonder with my son (9 years). My daughter (12) read it in the summer and recommended it (and wants to see the movie, of course). I read it out loud to him and at one point, when the dog is sick (sorry, don’t want to ruin it for you), he turned his head away…I looked at him and he was crying — so sweet! I have to admit, I was choked up at the end, and had a hard time getting the words out. I am a Pediatric Physio and work with kids with special needs so have a really huge soft spot for kids like Auggie.
I am weird because I don’t listen to music when I run…I do talk to myself A LOT. I think out loud sometimes, oops.


Oh I Love that you read Wonder with your son, what a great idea! Your son sounds like such a sweet boy. I bet this book really hit home for you with your profession Wendy! Brooke wants to see the movie so when you see it I would love it if you could tell me if it is a good movie for her too… she is pretty mature for her little body but I want to triple check. THANKS WENDY and I love thinking out loud on my runs too:)


I always feel weird blowing my nose while running – but in the winter this is necessary! I bring special little baggies with tissue just for this!

The coldest it gets here in NC around this time of year is 45-50 — so it’s still really nice running weather!

I’m a morning runner but evening worker-outer (?)… When I run in the morning, I run fasted and eat after I stretch/cool down. If I workout at night I try to do a pre-work meal around 3 or 4 for a 6:30 workout and then have a later dinner after.

I’m all about Bob’s Burgers lately — it’s so my childhood plus colorful shenanigans!


Totally agree about PB Snickers! I have to hide mine from my husband b/c he’s gotten addicted to them, too….

I definitely count down in my head, too, but I do this more often in spin classes. When the instructor says ’30 more seconds’ I’ll try to count down accurately and match the timing in my head.

I also count things like crunches in weird ways to make the time go faster. If I’m doing 50 crunches, for example, I’ll count up to 30, then start over and count up to 10 and then count down from 10. Somehow this seems better than just counting from 1 to 50, although I’m not sure why….


I count too! Mainly when I am tired or trying to vary my pace a little. I get my best thinking done on my runs but conversely, I can totally 100% space out. Sometimes I get home and think, “I did X route today but I cannot remember seeing a, b or c.” So then I have to retrace my run, like I went out the front door and just stood there?

Yesterday it was 23 degrees when I ran. My dog came home, ran to the bed and was still shivering 20 minutes later. Have to find her sweater. I took today off but might have to do a treadmill run tomorrow as it is supposed to be single digit windchills. Cold is one thing but not being able to breath because a 25 mph wind is sucking the air out of your lungs is a non-starter!


During my runs I also count . I count to ten, and when it gets boring I change language. I switch from german to english to french to italian to spain.
I also try to remember vocabularies in other languages.
Or, when I am in the mental fog I pick leaves from bushes, flours, little stones etc. and carry them for a while.
Hahaha! Crazy or what?


I NEVER EVER listen to music on my runs. Never have. I’m worried about safety and sanity. I am only sane when I’m running at least somewhat regularly.

I totally do the counting steps thing when I’m tired too. It’s so soothing…mentally anyway!
When I get tired I also imagine putting my pain into a hot air balloon and watch it float away. I swear it works!
I had a girl on my team in college who used to type out on her hands whatever anyone said….random conversations by passerby or what someone was shouting to her during a race. SO random!

I’m reading Wonder right now with my 8 yo son too!


WOW… that is amazing Bridgette! Teach me your ways about running without music! I love that you are reading Wonder too! I might have to read it to the kids soon too! Have a beautiful day!


I count steps too! It’s usually when I’m getting tired so I try to busy my brain with that to forget that my legs are dying lol. For my race a few weeks ago, I made up names and stories for those running around me lol. I used clues from their outfits and tried to just come up with stuff. It kept me busy for a few miles actually!


What I eat before a morning run/workout: A few bites of a peanut butter Clif Bar with a little peanut butter on top. Never too much pb, right?! :)

Last show I watched – The Pioneer Woman. Terrible idea to watch that show when you’re hungry and need to go grocery shopping hah!


I’m a little behind on this is us. I need to catch up on that.

I do a lot of guessing my pace and distance (I’m also far behind on running gear and I don’t have a Garmin…probably should work on that too). I also let my mind just wander a little bit and come up with a lot of blog posts that way.

For breakfast it’s usually eggs or granola with fruit and yogurt.


I love All I Ever Wanted! My song on repeat used to be Best Love Song – do you know it?
Everyone’s been talking about Wonder lately – worth the read?
I’m pretty sure I cry (or at least tear up) during every episode of This Is Us.


I count steps and make deals with my legs… “100 more steps then you can take a walk break…”

It’s 76 in Oahu right now, but 55 at home in Simi Valley. #1 reason why I don’t have a treadmill – I can run outside year round.

I rarely eat anything before my morning run. If it’s a long run I’ll have a GU but my stomach isn’t happy with too much food in it while I’m running.


Oh I love making deals with my legs too! ENJOY those amazing temperatures, I wish we could come back out this January too! One day I will run with you in Hawaii:) I hope your day is a beautiful one Kathy!


I’m so glad you’re liking Wonder!
Last show—“This Is Us”. I love/hate it. What is up with Kevin!?!
As far as running, when I run a familiar route, I like to try to remember in minute detail what is coming up ahead. Not just a house, but a house with a rust stain on the bottom corner, peeling paint, a forgotten toy in the flower garden (what kind of toy?), etc.
I read a book called Unbroken a few years ago, a true story about Louis Zampini (sp?) who actually was a runner, he was an airman in WWII and ends up surviving on a life raft, then becomes a Japanese POW. Anyway, while he was on the raft, to keep sanity he and one of the other guys would try to remember as far back as they could, and recall as many details as possible, and he said it unlocked his mind and made it so he could mentally stay sane. I am not comparing my measly runs to a trial of that magnitude, but I feel like it’s a fun exercise to try it and it really takes my mind off the hurt.
Wow, that was long winded.


KEVIN IS DRIVING ME NUTS!!! Can I tell you something else that is kind of bugging me? I just feel like Randall is so invested in everyone else but his own daughters too. Like when his dad was there it was 100% attention/emotions on him and now with his foster child all of his time/thoughts are around her… I want to see him spending more time with his daughters too. Thanks for letting me vent that to you! Oh I LOVE that you can remember so much from your routes, that is awesome Karin!
YES, I’ve read Unbroken too and it is amazing and I love that you recall the details! Thanks for sharing!!


Yay for the RNR Vegas picture. I am heading there this weekend with 8 friends to run The Strip. We are super excited! :D


AHHHH HAVE THE BEST TIME EVER KIMBERLY and I want to hear all about it!


Tonight at dinner you should talk about getting a new car or something and see if someone rings your door bell and brings you one.

On the treadmill if I am listening to music I pretend like I am playing the drums on the display unit. When I am outside I sometimes sing…sometimes I even dance. My dance running moves are prrrrretty awesome. It’s fine. I’m fine.

Isn’t it weird how I hate chick flicks, but LOVE This Is Us? Ross is just as perplexed as I am. I watched Tuesday’s episode this morning on the stepmill. No one has to know if it was sweat or tears on I left on those stairs.


Remember the time I was feeling sad about something and then two seconds later you pulled up in your van and made me feel a million times better?!?! Oh I like the drums thing… I’ll try that. Can we watch This is Us together at least one time? I cried to during the episode this week!?


I have never counted steps, but I do count how long each breath is in and out. 1, 2, 3, 4 in and 1, 2, 3, 4 out. Its a habit I picked up in high school to avoid getting side stitches. Sometimes I catch myself doing it still. Getting all the way to 4 on an in breath can be hard if I am pushing it.

I think this is why I am really bad at swimming. Swimming breaths have to be so much faster and the ins and outs are not equal.


My weird running habit is having headphones in but not listening to anything for a really long time. I don’t have time for runs of this length lately, but I used to do 2 hours of running in silence followed by about an hour of podcasts or music. My second marathon, I didn’t start listening to anything until about mile 18!

The temperatures here in central Florida are in the 60s in the morning and the low 80s in the afternoon… still just a bit warmer than my ideal. Especially for November!

I’ve been watching The Holiday Baking Championship on Hulu. Getting excited for Thanksgiving/Christmas baking!


Yum, seems like your household’s been going crepe-crazy :) I was up too late last night watching a new Korean drama… that “one more show” mentality is hard to break!


Right now, morning runs are between 28-38F and afternoon runs are between 35-55F, depending on the day.


I count my steps too when I get bored and I ALWAYS check out other people’s shoes… and sometimes, if they’re pretty, I want to buy them and not care if they are going to work for me or not ;)


So our house is for sale right now, I’m going to talk about and think about a buyer and maybe one will show up at my door. lol That is too funny on your pan. It’s going to be 18 degrees tonight. Brrr. If I workout early, right when I get up, I wait until after to eat. This may be over sharing, but I do not think normal things while I run. Well, if I am running by myself, I think normal things. But for a race, I also check out shoes and shorts/tanks/leggings. It’s kind of like shopping on the run, HAHA, probably not so funny. Anyway, I always wonder if the people behind me can see my butt cheeks shaking. I mean, because, well you can feel that, so I wonder if they can see it. This is not an issue is I have shorts on, but if I have running tights on, I wonder are you supposed to wear underwear with them or go commando. I wear them, and you can see the lines, but it doesn’t bother me. But I swear no one else has lines, so I’m always curious….are you with…or without. It may not be normal, but it makes the time pass people. Don’t judge me please. lol


If the song calls for it, I will play the “air drums” while running.


When I run by myself my mind usually wanders to my to do list and all the amazing things I’m going to do for myself and for others. I always feel like I can accomplish ANYTHING when I’m running. And then I get home and pretty much only get the 1st thing done on my list – post run meal ;)

I also tend to talk to my dog, which is a little embarrassing when you come around a turn and see other people on the trail.


Have you tried the Peanut Butter Snickers yet? OMG about 10x better than regular snickers with peanuts!!! If you have not please try them I think you will be in love.



Sometimes I sigh outloud or say something out loud when I’m running. Alone.

Low 40’s right now….not too bad but there’s a chill in the air that makes me think snow is soon.


I’m with Andrew on finishing .2 (or .5)mi early to get a walk in. (I cannot just go take a shower and be done!). BUT I ALWAYS have to finish where or past where I started. So I’ll get back to my apt complex (if running outside) and loop around just to get the finish + walk. :3


I will count down the minutes until I’m done with my current mile, I especially like doing this on the treadmill. I definitely plan out my day too :) And of course what I’m going to eat.

Temps are in the low to mid 50’s right now when I run in the morning. I run too early to eat beforehand so it’s definitely an after workout breakfast :)

I am rewatching Friends right now while I’m on the treadmill.


I run with my sister and we don’t just mouth the words to songs, we actually belt them out loud and proud. Recently we have been known to be the two freaks on a random trail singing Macklamore songs like “Thrift Shop” or “Downtown”, but we sometime make up our own running songs too. Jealous? Not everyone can be as cool as us. :). Just kidding. But hey, it gets us through and we have loads of fun. If you can’t have a little fun along the way then, why run at all?

The last TV show I watched was Stranger Things. Season 2. I teach 5th grade and the kids keep trying to spoiler alert me, so I’m trying to get through it. I have no idea how they can watch scary stuff like that. My husband is cracking up at how scared I am just trying to watch it, but I love it anyway. Those kids are awesome and I grew up in the 80s, so it’s like a total flashback to my middle school years just watching it.


I totally do the counting thing too! Mine is more when I’m tired and I have a hill to climb. I’ll either count to 100 or I’ll count to 10 but do it like 10 times (or however many times it takes till I get to to the top!). I also count how many miles I have left and say to myself, “ok that’s only 6 songs” lol. It’s funny how us runners try to get our mind off thinking about how much time we have left!

My fifth grader is reading Wonder in school. We’re going to see the movie too, she really likes the book so far.


drivers are really aggressive here so I look multiple times before crossing the street, running or not. I stop to pet dogs on long or easy runs, my friends know I will catch up.

I need to eat something before I workout in the morning.

Temps are normally in the 50’s but were having a freak cold spell and it’s in the 30’s with a real feel of 22 it was 70 on Monday! Mother Nature is losing her mind this week.

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