10 reasons why we can’t WAIT to meet her + giving her a HEALTHY START!

Good morning! I hope your day is off to a great start!  I’m sharing something with you today that we found and will be using with our new little one (that will be here in a little over a month)!  This post is sponsored by SpoonfulOne—>  I can’t wait to tell you all about this!

These two are sure good at practicing being a big brother and big sister!


The countdown is on!  We are getting closer and closer to meeting our new little addition and turning this family of five (yes, I’m counting Beretta) into a family of six!  After Andrew and I started talking about trying to have a baby, I started dreaming about her.

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I want to share 10 reasons why I am so incredibly excited to meet her.

1. I am so excited to experience all of her firsts with Andrew.  Whether that be her first bath, first smile, first steps, first everything… I can’t wait to do this with Andrew and to see him be such an amazing Dad to this little one.

2.  To be given the opportunity to be her mama.  To be given the chance to love her, teach her, care for her and learn from her.  Also, in a year or so to have another little voice to call me mama… I can’t wait.

3.  I cannot wait for that first time that I will hold her, skin to skin, after having her.  I remember that being one of my most sacred experiences ever when I had Brooke and I am so excited to be able to do that again.

4.  Tiny baby feet.  Oh and the smell of a new baby.  I can’t forget, the feeling of soft baby skin and their little coo’s.  Between Andrew and me, I’m not sure she will ever be without one of us holding her, ha!

5.  We cannot wait to see her little personality.  What she likes along with plenty of things I’m sure she won’t like;)  I am so excited to see the amazing things her little personality is going to bring to our family.

6.  I am so excited to be a new mom again.  To learn, grow and strengthen together as a family as we take care of her! I feel like I am starting from the beginning all over again (Brooke was a baby so long ago) and I can’t wait to see our family come together with this new addition.

7.  To hold her while I am in the glider in her nursery.  I can’t tell you how many times I have just sat in the glider thinking about what it will feel like to hold her there at all times of the day and night.

8.  I am so excited to see what she looks like.  I’ve spent most of this year just wondering and guessing what she will look like and I can’t wait to finally see that face of hers.  I am pretty sure I spend the majority of each run just thinking about what she will be like.

9.  For our people to meet her, to share pictures (and her name) with you and especially for our parents to meet her and add to their list of grandchildren (#24 for my parents and #23  for Andrew’s parents)!

10.  I cannot wait to see these two with her.  While there are going to be some changes and adjustments, I know that Brooke and Knox are going to absolutely adore her.  I can’t wait to see them hold her, love her and teach her all of the things that they have learned in life over the last five years:)  I can’t wait to see how they interact with her… I think there are going to be quite a lot of tears of gratitude as I see them together!

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Oh and two more pictures of our kiddos from our family pictures a few weeks ago!

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I could probably list a million more reasons why we can’t wait to meet her but we will stop there (and I’ll probably share the rest each day as we get closer to meeting her).

Andrew and I talk often about all of the little things we want to do with her, how we want to parent her, love her completely and how we feel so lucky to get the chance to raise her together!  We want to be able to give her the best start possible (don’t all parents:)?!  Something I want to share with you today is one of the ways we will be doing this—>  with SpoonfulOne!  SpoonfulOne is something that we will be using early and often with our little ____ (ps no one has guessed her name yet!).  It is something that I truly believe is a product that will help so many families to gently train their little one’s immune system to all of the common foods that could potentially become allergens.


This right here is exactly what made me SO interested in learning about SpoonfulOne:

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I sure didn’t know this before and I have been so excited to learn more as we prepare for this growing little human in my uterus—>  The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology recommended that babies begin eating foods from all commonly allergenic food categories around 4 to 6 months of age, and the science and recent studies have only continued to support this finding!

SpoonfulOne is a daily food mix-in that does exactly what I’m talking about!   Each SpoonfulOne packet includes gentle portions of the common foods that could potentially become allergens!  We aren’t just talking about nut allergies with this (77% of people with a food allergy are allergic to something other than peanuts) but SO MANY of the other different common foods that could be an allergen for your baby.  Introducing these foods early and often to our little ones can be so important for their immune system… plus including a variety of foods daily for our kiddos is key in building a strong nutritional foundation for them!

My dad has been severely allergic to eggs (his stomach reacts immediately if he has any now) since he was very young.  Food allergies are so difficult for anyone that experiences them.  I have many friends with children with food allergies too!  I was so excited to learn about SpoonfulOne and how I can use it to gradually train her immune system with the foods responsible for most food allergies.

When can you start using this? —>  4-6 months, when your little one is starting to eat solid foods!  (Using early and consistently is the key for including these common foods that can potentially become allergens).


SpoonfulOne is made completely of real foods (no preservatives, artificial sweeteners, flavors or dyes) and it comes in the most convenient little single-serve packets.  Each packet includes a gentle portion of the different common foods to gradually train their immune system daily, including vitamin D for immune balance!   You can easily grab these packets on the go and add them to the food your child loves!  Including these different types of food EARLY in our little one’s life can be SO important to help them to have a happy immune system!

As we start introducing foods to our little girl over the next year, I am so excited to work towards setting a healthy foundation for her!  SpoonfulOne is such an easy way for us to include allergenic foods into each day of her nutrition!

Important stuff—>  SpoonfulOne was created by a Stanford pediatrician, allergist and mother of five!  It has also been proven safe (for the introduction and long-term use at home) for infants in an independent, nationwide study!  There are so many different things that I am so excited to do with her and things I think about doing to give her a healthy start and SpoonfulOne is one I am very excited about!


I cannot wait to share this next stage of life with you guys!  I always think about how crazy it is that we’ve chatted on the internet about all of these different stages of life over the last years!  Family, running and tangents have always been the constant and I really am so excited for you to meet this new little girl!

PS I’ll add another one to my list of things that I can’t wait for:  To have all three kids match at church! Brooke and the baby will be in the same type of dress and Knox will have a matching tie!  PPS Knox asks a few times a week about when he will be getting a little brother;)


****Learn more about how to gently introduce common food allergens to YOUR child’s immune system with SpoonfulOne!  (Be sure to check with your pediatrician before using any new product.)  Over on my Instagram I have a giveaway going on for a 12-month supply of SpoonfulOne!  Head on over to enter!!!



Anyone have food allergies?  What about your people… do any of them have food allergies?  To what?

What is something that you are doing today to give YOURSELF a healthy start for the day?!  

What is the best part of your Tuesday going to be?

Who has a December birthday (or has a kid with a December birthday)!?  I want to know just in case I have her on the same day as your birthday!

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You look so pretty in that deep red dress in the pictures above! Wow, striking with your dark hair!!!

It’s funny because my first daughter, Caroline, looked EXACTLY as I pictured she would look. Exactly. My second daughter, Sydney, looked a little different–darker hair rather than light, etc. It’s also funny how you can just look at them and KNOW what name suits them. Caroline IS such a Caroline, and for Sydney it was going to either be Sydney or Paige, and she’s SO a Sydney. I can’t imagine if we had named her Paige.

December birthdays–my oldest daughter–the 7th and my husband–the 16th. Makes for an expensive month with Christmas. lol They both love that they have December birthdays though!

Best part of my day today–probably muscle class later. Pumping a little iron always feels good to me ;)

Hope your day is beautiful, Janae!!!


My son was diagnosed with food allergies at 4 months, before he was eating solid foods. He was covered in whole body eczema starting at 3 months. He’s allergic to milk, soy, eggs, wheat, barley, peanuts, treenuts and shellfish. Luckily I was breast feeding and he responded to changing soaps and antihistamines, and creams so I didn’t need to get the super expensive formula. I only had to exclude peanuts from my diet.
He’s almost 5 now (He was due Dec 2 but his birthday is Nov 26) and can have egg and soy when it is cooked. So he is slowly growing out is some things.
Be careful with introductions and how much stock you place on sponsored products and your child’s health. Always consult your doctor.
My daughter (she’s older) has no food allergies and I remember how fun and easy it was to give her new foods. When my son was finally eating solid food it was so stressful and scary. I hope you only experience fun food with your little girl

Happy Tuesday!


The reason for the massive increase in allergies, eczema, seizures, you name it! in our children is because of vaccines unfortunately. When we are kids in the 80’s and 90’s we maybe got around 15 or so vaccines to be considered fully vaccinated. For our parents in the 60’s- around 5 vaccines. Kids now get 69 Vaccines TOTAL! We have to ask ourselves, are our kids healthier because of all these vaccines? No, its the opposite. Cot death used to be unheard of but now we have one of the highest rates of SIDS and childhood cancer rates out of all developed countries, we also have the highest vaccination rates. It is all about the money. You are actually 6.25% more likely to die of the vaccine vs. the disease it “protects” you against. (CDC and VAERS data, 2014) The real reason diseases have declined is because of indoor plumbing, sanitation and antibiotics. Big pharm makes billions of dollars on these vaccines, and they cannot be sued because they are protected by the government. I mean they inject NEWBORNS with hep b vaccine (is your baby going to be shooting up drugs with a prostitute?!)

i urge you all to do your own research and learn about informed consent (check the actual inserts of a vaccine package, you’ll be surprised!) also I no longer vaccinate because it is against my religion- live virus vaccines contain ABORTED fetal cells in them (disguised as ingredients like m-5 cells, etc). Sorry this is so long but very passionate about this topic as a nurse :)


As an allergy parent, I have investigated vaccines at length. Some are grown in eggs, others preservatives May contain other allergens.
I have read hundreds of peer reviews papers and none have found a relation between vaccines cause anything but a reduction in childhood death and serious illness. There are more vaccines today than 50 years ago because science has advanced and helped to eradicate disease.
There is no paper with the title you suggest, just the CDC’s The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, which will clearly lead you to more papers where vaccines are safe.
Please read research from many sources, read follow up studies and repeat studies.
Refusing to vaccine because of fear, conspiracy theory fake science, put other children who are allergic or immunodeficient at risk.


Thank you, Mary, for sharing your peer-reviewed research. It saddens me that so much pseudo-science is shared as rigorously studied science – which is only hurting children. ❤️


Thank you for this! It’s an unpopular viewpoint and one that most people resist, but everything Amanda says is correct. Obviously not everyone who receives vaccines develops a food allergy, but vaccines harm our immune systems in ways that we don’t even understand yet. There are a lot of options that doctors won’t tell you about, like delaying vaccines, choosing which vaccines to get and also avoiding them entirely. I would urge people to keep an open mind and do your own research on this topic!


Thanks for spreading your fear mongering slander all over the internet about vaccines. The American Academy of Pediatrics has been incredibly clear that vaccines are one of the biggest public health breakthroughs ever and that without them a lot more kids would be sick. Have you ever seen kids with polio? The Iron lung? Does that ring a bell? Well let’s just say that the reason people don’t get polio anymore is because of vaccines.
Similarly, HERD IMMUNITY is a thing. If everyone is immunized against things, it is much less likely to spread. This is the concept with a lot of vaccines. Unfortunately, people who do not immunize their children risk the lives of other children, like those with compromised immune systems (either genetic or due to childhood cancer, etc). Since those with compromised immune systems are not able to get the vaccines themselves, they rely on those around them to not contract the disease and prevent transmission.
Best wishes (with easily preventable diseases),


Oh my goodness—this post is so sweet. I may never have kids, so I may never experience all of those things, but it touches my heart to hear all of the thoughts from your heart about your little girl you’re about to have.

I started the day off with some 800 repeats this morning (hadn’t done those in FOREVER), and the best part of my Tuesday might be this evening when I get to meet Bill Nye the Science Guy at a special PBS event. I’m excited!!


My healthy start to the day: 6 mile run with my running buddy before the sun came out! No better way to start the day!

No December birthdays in my family … Yet. My first ever niece is due December 28th! Can’t wait to meet her!


My birthday is December 3rd, my husband’s is December 13, and my youngest, Alice’s, is December 27.


5-mile run before work this morning! Early morning wake-ups are always difficult, especially when chilly out, but I feel so much better going into work with some miles under my belt.

My birthday is December 27! My family also has two more birthdays that month (my sister and mom) and three anniversaries. It can be quite a lot and those days often overlooked, especially with the holidays. However, my mom always made sure that my birthday was never forgotten about and always made the day feel special.

I love that flower wrap dress you have on! You look so great!


Lindsey, Lauren, Brandy, Andrea, Danielle, Siera, Sarah, Kylie, Hannah, Avery, Maddie, Allison, Tenlee, Aubree, Peyton….AAAHH I’M EXCITED TO HEAR HER NAME! can’t believe we haven’t guessed yet! nuts!


Gorgeous family pictures! That SpoonOne product is an interesting concept. Luckily, I don’t have any food allergies but my fiance is sensitive to peanuts (more PB for me :)). Today I am going to try (consistently) switching my reduced fat lactaid milk for unsweetened coconut almond milk — apparently there’s 12g of sugar in one cup of lactaid milk. There’s 0g in the coconut almond milk. :) Happy Tuesday!


Hi Janae! I have a very random question for you: what brand of hot chocolate do you drink? You have me craving it, but I always struggle to find a good store-bought brand! Have a wonderful day :)


It’s so easy to make at home! Two tablespoons unsweetened coco, two tablespoons water in a pot over low/med heat, two table spoons sugar, pinch of salt. Stir it up then add a mug full of milk. Stir it till it’s hot. And a drop of Vanilla I’m sure the internet has better measurements. You can adjust the sugar too.


Hi Maria. Janae mentioned in previous posts that she uses Stephen’s Hot Chocolate. She loves it and I 100% agree. I think it is sold mostly in the west, we don’t have it in our stores in NW MO. You can order it online. My sister who lives in Utah asks every year what flavor I want her to send me. I like all the flavors except the raspberry one. The chocolate mint is very good. Oh yeah and I usually do half water half milk in mine.


Thank you very much, Mary and Betsy!!


Hi Betsy,
You are absolutely right! Stephen’s is by far the best! Have a great day!


My birthday is December 31st. I don’t think she’ll be born on my birthday!!


I love love love your family pictures!! Where did you buy that red dress?? It’s stunning!

So happy for you all and can’t wait to “meet” the new little one!


No food allergies here, but a few things I avoid because they aggravate a medical condition.
My healthy start was taking one of the dogs for a nice walk.
The best part of my day is going to be when our treadmill is delivered! I fractured my radial cap (elbow) a little over a week ago while out running with my dog (a dump truck got a little too close to us, the dog spooked, and he ran into the back of my legs knocking me over). I am cleared to run by my doctor, but it hurts a bunch so I am taking it slow. And I am nervous about running out in the dark like I usually do in the mornings. So the treadmill is going to be great! (I NEVER thought I would say that).
My birthday is December 31.


I have a December birthday! 12/17

Favorite part of my Tuesday was listening to this amazing podcast today about running (https://themoth.org/podcast/on-your-mark-get-set-go) I laughed and cried so hard on my commute today. It’s so good (and short! listen to it now).


My son is allergic to peanuts and tree nuts and it’s so scary. So I love this idea. Allergies are hard for the kids and the parents, especially when they are so young.

December 18 is my birthday! So happy Forvyoor family. Can’t wait to hear the news of her arrival.


I’m midly lactose intolerant. I avoid milk and creamy things as much as possible. I should eat less cheese but I just can’t give that up haha I’m lucky that it just gives me a tummy ache and makes me a little bloated and I don’t react violently. I know some people throw up if they have even a little dairy. So sad.
I really hope she has the spikey hair you and Brooke had. It’s so so cute!!
I haven’t felt well the last few days so I took some cold medicine and got a really good night of sleep and I woke up feeling better today. So that’s what I did for my body.


So fun!!

I am allergic to red food coloring. We stay away from most artificial colors in our house because of that. It is in everything!

Love the matching at church idea. Cutest!!


Hope is Dec 31, so that will not be it…….but your baby could be 13 and then they would be connected sort of. ;)


neither my husband nor I have any food allergies, and it makes food prep and eating really simple for us. if we had a baby with any allergies, i am sure we would figure out how to adjust together. the nursery is looking pretty great, i love that floral dress on you.


I have a December birthday! December 21!


Not to put a damper on such a fun and positive post, but both my kids have December birthdays and I hate it! It makes the month so crazy because we like to do up Christmas in a big way. We have a small celebration on the actual day and save the parties for their half birthdays. My daughter would actually tell you she has an “actual” birthday and a “summer” birthday.


You look so gorgeous! I love seeing all your family pics! Your list is so sweet; can’t wait to see your new addition and learn her name finally. :) I don’t have any food allergies but have an intolerance to milk/lactose. Lately I’ve been getting a rash around my mouth that is due to food irritation but I’m still trying to pinpoint what it is. Have a wonderful and blessed day, Janae!


Such a nice post today! I am excited for you and your family :)

My birthday is Dec 16!


My cousin has a little girl who is extremely allergic to peanuts. I don’t think I could handle that as a parent. I’m allergic to cats and horses (I know :( ) and walnuts. But walnuts and watermelon (I know!!) but luckily my allergies to those things are fairly mild and at most make my throat itch. I’m so happy that they now want you to introduce more things at an early age because I’ve always thought that the more exposure to something that could cause an allergy the better.

Also, in the picture of you holding the “hello” card, I thought your finger on your other hand was on the baby’s nose that’s on the box. Lol nope, just the box.


My mom is allergic to eggs and dairy. I’ve become lactose intolerant after my years of drinking milk and eating ice cream. I don’t eat many eggs and there have been times I have tried to make a quiche and then I feel sick after so I might be slightly sensitive to eggs. My allergies started developing when I was about 17/18 years old though. Thankfully I’m not allergic to nuts. All the food allergies these days with kids are crazy. I’ve never heard of SpoonfulOne but that sounds great for babies.


I have a peanut allergy and my girls do not, but my nephew does! I am on the mild side and don’t need an epipen but we still don’t have peanut products in the house. My youngest had a rare condition called FPIES. We thought it was a food allergy for a long time and then our GI doctor diagnosed her with FPIES which made more sense. She reacted the most to oat products, which unfortunately were was in her first food. With FPIES it is usually one of your first foods and it is a GI reaction, not anaphylactic and there is no treatment except for rehydration. Audrey would projectile vomit until she was limp in my arms. Most kids outgrew it by age 5 and luckily she was in that group!! Her pre-k teacher accidentally gave her Cheerios thinking that the fact that they were now gluten free made them okay. She later was beside herself and I was basically jumping for joy because we had no reaction!!! We gradually increased her dosage and we are good to go at age 6. Audrey has an 11/24 b-day, close to December (she was due 11/18 though and her older sister was a week early).


I actually have a doctor’s appt next week to discuss food allergies because my stomach has been out of control, so we will see.

I started out the day with 5 miles on the treadmill, a big glass of water, and oats with chia seeds :)

The best part of today will be our ice cream run after school! We end our run at an ice cream place and then we walk back to the school with our cross country runners.

My bday is 12/13!


This was so interesting – thanks for sharing, Janae! Your list of things you can’t wait for made me get teary eyed :-) I am SO happy for you and Andrew and I can’t wait for the birth post to hear that you’ve had her!! I think she is going to arrive this month!!


I am fortunate enough not to have any food allergies – there seem to be none in our family though many of my friends do.
I ran commuted to work (it’s cold here! but such a great start to the day to get in 12km before the work day starts).
So far the best part of the day is the butter scotch mocha in my hands! No December birthdays – but I have friends with Dec. Birthdays.


My birthday is December 4- sounds like perfect day to have a baby!! ❤️

We just found out a few days ago that our second baby is going to be another girl! i can’t wait to buy clothes so my little one can match her big sister!


I am allergic to beef. Sounds like similar reaction your dad has to eggs.

I am trying a streak this month – my first one – running every single day. So that is my healthy start, 3.7 miles. 7th day in a row running :). That is also the best part of my day!

We have a December 14 anniversary. Our kid hs a January 10 birthday. Hopefully you will not have to wait that long!


I have a December birthday, December 25th.


Yay for December babies! Both my mom and I are December babies, the 1st for her and the 17th for me. My fiancé and I also just set a date for our wedding in December of next year. He’s a New Year’s baby so there will certainly be a lot of things happening at that time of the year, but I plan on using that as an excuse to go on loooong vacations to celebrate everything! ;)


That spoonful one looks so interesting!!! I have Celiac’s and hope our child(ren) will not have any type of allergies! Definitely going to look into this!!

For my Tues, started the morning off at 5am with an amazing run and arm work out!!! Almost ready for bed!!! HAHA!


I entered the giveaway! I am not due until February, but already EXTREMELY excited and this product sounds great for introducing solids.

My birthday is December 14th and I have always LOVED having this birthday. Everyone is always cheerful since it is close to the holidays and everything is always decorated and lit up so beautifully. The family tradition I loved the most was putting the angel on top of the tree on my birthday every year no matter what :-)


Wow, beautiful family! As you obviously know, there’s nothing quite like becoming a parent. I miss the times when my almost four year old was just born, almost enough to want another one, until the little guy throws a tantrum and beats the garbage out of me :)

I like the idea of Spoonfulone, unfortunately my wife and son are both allergic to nuts. While I know introducing the allergens early on has been proven to be effective, it wasn’t for my son. When he was 4 months old he got into the peanut butter and had an immediate reaction. :(


Addison, Madison, Abigail, Bailey
Are those it? :)


My oldest daughter’s birthday is December 23rd. One of my BFF’s had her oldest child on my daughter’s birthday a few years later. Apparently, it’s a good day to have a baby! It really was the best day to have a baby. Santa came to visit all of the babies in the nursery on Christmas Eve. He brought them each a white teddy bear. Then on Christmas morning, they put all of the babies in giant stockings that had a space for their name, birthday, length, and weight. We got to go home later that afternoon to fresh snow and a hot Christmas meal waiting at home made by my parents.


Hey I can’t believe noone has guessed your baby name! Baby name guess: Elianna, Betsy, Gertrude, Pippy long stocking lol… Ok so only the first name was a real guess..
Can’t wait to see the name!


Love your ability to have sponsored posts also be meaningful and personalized. Such a sweet list of 10 things :) Your love radiates!
As for mornings, I’ve started trying out different morning rituals including gratitude, yoga, vitamins, water, journaling, etc! Makes a HUGE difference in the quality of my days.


Your family photos are beautiful! My son’s birthday is December 25th, his due date was Jan. 29th but surprise I guess he heard all the Santa talk and decided he wanted to be there for that. What a gift she will be when she does come!


My child has peanut allergy that we discovered when she was about 9 months old. It is scary at first, but it has honestly been pretty easy to manage. It is still possible that she may outgrow the allergy, but we just switched everything to sunbutter and slowly worked through the rest of the nuts. The biggest issue is trying to make sure we don’t say peanut butter when giving her sunbutter, so that she doesn’t learn to wrong one. It is just so common to say peanut butter for all of the nut butters.


How easily did you and Andrew agree on a name for your new baby? I’m only 17 weeks but right now my husband I don’t agree on any for our baby girl. I feel like I KNOW what her name is but he does not feel the same way. With our previous kids we chose names so easily. It’s frustrating me to no end for some reason!


My daughter is allergic to all seafood (i can’t even imagine! We love seafood and live in Florida!) but it’s onr she’s will likely not outgrow. She ate it several times before becoming allergic at 1 1/2 years old. So stinky.

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