Healthy Food Delivery: My Review Of The Top Services

This post is sponsored by Blue Apron!!  Andrew and I have been cooking up a storm in our kitchen to put together a review of five different healthy food delivery services.   These are all my own thoughts and opinions!  I’m going to go through each company and list the pros and cons that we found along with a little summary!  I hope I can help you find the best option for you if you have been interested in trying out different healthy food delivery options!  Also, the first 50 readers to go HERE will get $30 off their first Blue Apron order!

Healthy Food Delivery Comparison Chart

Healthy food delivery

Blue Apron’s Healthy Food Delivery

Blue Apron healthy food delivery

Pros:  Blue Apron always sends us the freshest ingredients and is such an affordable option for us.  In 2.5 years of using Blue Apron, I have never received anything that was bad or not ready to use.  I was shocked that this was not the case with some of the other companies we tried.  Blue Apron recipes are by far the easiest for us to follow and understand clearly.   I feel like I learn new skills and cooking methods with Blue Apron meals.  I’m not just following steps, I’m also learning new techniques with each Blue Apron meal we make.  The cost starts at $9.99 per serving for the 2-person plan, and is $8.99 per serving for the family plan.  Also, something we have been really excited about is that you can now choose to do 2 meals per week for the 2-person plan, before the only option was 3 meals per week but this works out better for us personally! You get all of the ingredients that you need for each recipe and everything is packaged so nicely and arrives cold, in the refrigerated box, and fresh.  Blue Apron uses ingredients and recipes that I have never used before.  This wasn’t the case for some of the other delivery kits.  They now group all of the ingredients for each meal into a bag together which I think is awesome because it makes it so convenient to just grab the bag out of the refrigerator and start cooking.  We love meat at our house and I feel like Blue Apron’s meat, especially their fish, is the best quality of all of the services.  On average we spend about 30-40 minutes preparing each meal from Blue Apron and they turn out looking/tasting like we spent way more time than that. There is no commitment, you can skip or stop the service at anytime.  They have a HUGE selection of recipes and each week they add new dishes to their menu.  They offer an incredible recycling program that is very easy to use.  PS did you know why they are called Blue Apron?  It is because chefs in training around the world wear blue aprons- it’s a symbol of lifelong learning in cooking.  I am constantly learning new cooking skills through Blue Apron, it gets me out of my cooking rut and trying new to me things!

Blue Apron chicken burger

Cons:  We aren’t gluten free but Blue Apron does not provide gluten free options or other specific dietary plans yet although it is very easy to change your menu each week or skip to fit your needs.

Summary:  I’ve been using Blue Apron for a long time now and will continue to use them as my number one healthy food delivery option.  Everything I have ever received from them is fresh, the meals are exciting and new and they take the perfect amount of time for us to cook!  Each recipe is creative and flavorful.  We love all of the fun flavors we get to try and that we learn something new or taste something new with each meal.  I feel like each meal is totally worth the cost and we always feel full and satisfied after a meal.  The sides they include are fun and creative.  I personally love how fresh their meat always is.

Blue Apron Quesadilla

Healthy Food Delivery Blue Apron


Plated’s Healthy Food Delivery

Plated Spaghetti and Chicken Meatballs

Pros:  We loved the list of where the produce comes from that is included on the box from Plated.  The box was organized well with each meal placed into one bag.  The produce arrived very fresh.  The meals from Plated are a bit fancier meals than what I normally cook at home.  They have a very user-friendly app for you to use to order and you can add desserts to your order.  They offer a lot of options to choose from each week which is nice when you put together your order.

Cons:  Plated was the most expensive of the Healthy Food Delivery services that we tried.  It is $11.95 per person for the 2 person plan plus $7.95 for shipping which is definitely more expensive than eating out or cooking at home for us.  Their family plan is $9.95 per serving.  These meals took us longer than the other services (roughly an hour per meal) and they were a bit more complicated.  When we opened the box, right when it arrived, everything felt a little warm except the meat did feel cold.  They left out the eggs needed for one of the recipes. I prefer every ingredient needed (except for olive oil, salt and pepper) to be in the box.  For one of the meals we had spaghetti and chicken meatballs which tasted really good and it was fun to make the sauce BUT we would have loved to have some sort of side of bread or salad with this meal.  It felt a little plain especially for the price.

Summary:  I feel like Plated is a little overpriced for what you are getting!  The meals tasted great and it felt like the food was high quality but for the price and time it took to cook each meal, I’d rather eat out.  I love the option that you can add dessert to your order, the recipe cards were beautiful and the meals turned out looking just like the pictures on the recipes.

Plated Sweet Potato Quesadilla


Sun Basket’s Healthy Food Delivery

Pros:  They have great and easy recycling options  and Gluten Free and vegetarian options.  The meals were very fast and simple to make if that is what you are looking for.  The food tasted good but it was nothing amazing or new.   We were not very impressed with these meals (hard to think of pros)!

Cons:  The lettuce we received was not fresh.  We had to throw it away the day we received our box.  The tomatoes we received were smashed and the paper bag was ripped open so the juices leaked out.  The mango we received couldn’t be cut because it was not even close to being ripe so we didn’t include it in the recipe (2 days after receiving the box).  The recipes came in a little book that was harder to read. I prefer a single sheet of paper with the recipe and easy to follow steps.  The sauces for the meals came already made. I prefer mixing together my own sauces to learn the steps and what is going into the sauces.  Both meals felt like we were just putting the ingredients together (pork already cooked) or heating and serving.  Sides were either non-existent or boring for example the corn on the side just had butter on it etc.  We were also hungry not too long after finishing our meals with Sunbasket.  They were not as filling (we were still super hungry after the lettuce cups) as the other services we tried.  They were more expensive coming in at $11.49 per serving for the two person plan and $9.99 per serving for the family plan.

Sun Basket delivery package

Summary:  Sunbasket is definitely not a delivery service that we will be ordering from again.  If you need gluten free options or vegetarian options this might be the way to go for you though.  I did not love the meals as much as the other services and I didn’t really get the ‘cooking’ experience that I was looking for.

Sun Basket Lettuce Cups

Sun Basket healthy food delivery


Home Chef’s Healthy Food Delivery

Home Chef Shrimp

Pros:  Home Chef sends you a binder to hold all of their recipes so you can easily save and store each sheet.  Each meal, except for the meat, is packaged in a larger bag which makes it very convenient to grab and start cooking.  It is also helpful that they tell you to cook it within a certain amount of days.  You can add fruit or smoothies to your meal for an additional price.  They are priced at $9.95 per serving although their premium dishes are sold at market price.  Shipping is free when you spend over $45 and it costs $10 if less than $45.  Their customer service was really great.  When I called to tell them about the bad produce they were very nice and willing to do whatever they could to fix the problem.

Cons:  The basil we were sent was bad and we had to throw it out the day the box was delivered to us.  We found their cooking instructions for the recipes a little bit harder to follow.   The tomato we received for a recipe was not ripe. We had one of the meals for lunch and were hungry shortly after. The meals seemed a bit smaller than the others. The pictures of the different meals on their site were not very appetizing to us.   The Shrimp Pomodora that we made tasted good but the sauce was just butter. I was expecting a little bit more flavor.

Home Chef healthy food delivery

Summary:  I wasn’t thrilled with some of the ingredients that we received from Home Chef.  I was bummed that we couldn’t use those items in our meals.  I guess I could have gone to the store to pick up the items that weren’t good but the store is what I am trying to avoid with these delivery services.  I enjoyed their meal more than Sunbasket but it is not something I would order again.  Their customer service was awesome and I love the option that you can add fruit or smoothies to your meals!

Home Chef Shrimp Pomodoro


Hello Fresh’s Healthy Food Delivery:

Healthy food delivery 2

Pros: They offer breakfast options (although breakfast foods are usually cheaper to make) and cute packaging. The burger we made was really delicious but the side salad it came with did not have a dressing.  You can choose the day each week for your meal to be delivered (Wed-Friday).  They have an easy to use app.  Their vegetarian-only box is cheaper than the normal box.  Prices are comparable to Blue Apron which I think is a good deal.  They offer great nutritional facts and I thought the recipe cards were pretty.  The food turned out to look like the pictures.

Hello Fresh delivery package

Cons:  They offer ‘premium dishes’ that look more delicious than the other meals but those cost more money. The lettuce we received for one of the meals had to be used that day or it would have gone bad.  Our bread was smashed. I found the glass bottles that they use for some of the ingredients to be unnecessary and hard to get things out of.  For one of the meals we needed to have butter and that was not provided with the meal so we used our own.   One of the meals we received was an egg-in-a-hole BLT which tasted really good but it was something we could have easily made on our own and for way cheaper.  Another meal that we tried was the quick sausage bolognese which tasted great but it would have been fun to have a small side along with the pasta dish too!

Summary:  We enjoyed the Hello Fresh meals that we received.  They came in second place for us after Blue Apron.  A few of the ingredients we received were just about to go bad but overall not as bad as some of the other delivery boxes that we tried.  The price is right but I did feel like the portions were a bit smaller than what we would have liked.  The menu was a lot smaller than some of the others and not quite as original as we find through Blue Apron.

Hello Fresh Juicy Lucy Burger Recipe


Healthy Food Delivery Options Verdict:

In conclusion, we will be sticking with our Blue Apron meals.  We found them to have the freshest ingredients, the most interesting recipes and meals (with sides) that made our stomachs the happiest!  Thanks for stopping in today and for reading, I’ll see you tomorrow with a recap of all of our usual randomness!  Don’t forget, the first 50 readers to go HERE will get $30 off their first Blue Apron order!


I’d love to hear from you today… what was the best meal that you have made recently?!

What is your run today?  Or is it a rest day or cross-training day?  Who is still enjoying tank top running weather?

How often do you eat meat?

Have you tried any healthy food delivery services?  What were your thoughts?

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Thanks for sharing all of these! I’ve only used Blue Apron but have sometimes wondered about the other food delivery services. I liked most of the food from Blue Apron, but it was a bit much for me (cost and amount). There’s only one of me, and it didn’t seem like the best option at the time. If I ever do use another food delivery service, though, it would probably be Blue Apron again.

I usually rest on Mondays but decided to run a few miles this morning. It’s crazy–we’re under a heat advisory today and tomorrow, and it might even hit 100 degrees! Hope you’re enjoying much cooler temps!


Hey Natalie!! Yes, cooking for one completely changes things for sure with this! 100 degrees… what!?!? Come run with me here (bring tights and a long sleeve;)! LOVED your Yogurtland spoon… so so true! Keep eating that Yogurtland to keep you nice and cool!


I haven’t tried any meal deliveries because we live walking distance from a Whole Foods and Publix grocery store and also about 40 restaurants are close by downtown. But sounds like Blue Apron would be the way to go if we did try one out!

Today is a run at lunch ( I am in taper mode and it’s making me crazy feeling like I am being lazy!) so I plan to do 4 or 5 miles at lunch. It is still warm here, but rainy today, so tank tops will probably still work for another month here!

We eat meat not ever day, but when we do it’s turkey or chicken usually, occasionally some beef from a burger. We love making turkey burgers or using turkey pepperoni on pizzas at home!


Oh I WOULD LOVE to live within walking distance to a Whole Foods… I would be at that salad bar daily:) Oh I understand the crazies that come along with tapering! You can do this! Enjoy your lunch run! I am all about turkey burgers too! I hope you have a lovely day Loribeth!


I’ve never tried these because I’m a vegetarian and such a picky eater!


YES AND YES… that would make it a lot harder to use these Laura! PS your outfit from your weekend happenings was the CUTEST… I want it all:)


This is extremely helpful thanks so much! We have only tried hello fresh and blue apron and blue apron was definitely the winner! I love meal delivery services because I get to make things that I never would have thought of before!


You are welcome Kathleen! Yep, that is why we love them too! I hope you are having a wonderful morning!


I’ve used Hello Fresh a couple of times. The food was good but at the time I was counting macros and with the amount of olive oil they make you cook with it was NOT macros friendly. I was definitely going over on those days. Also I’m single, so one meal lasted me at least two days worth of dinners. So getting 3 meals in a week, especially since I don’t eat dinner at home every day, was always stressful for me because I was always fighting with time to cook the meals before they went bad. So I like the idea of just getting the two meals in a week.
I do like the idea of these meals. It’s fun to cook them and it is always cool to try a new recipe I’ve never done before. Once I watched The Great British Baking Show while cooking one of the meals and I just felt like a super chef ;)
Thanks for the reviews! I might have to give Blue Apron a try!


ALYSSA!! Hey girl! I totally agree, cooking for one makes this whole situation so different! How long were you counting macros by the way!? Oh I have heard such good things about The Great British Baking Show, I need to watch it! I hope you are having a great week girl and when does graduate school start again?!


Best meal I’ve made lately – I made homemade bread bowls and my friend made potato soup to go in them and they were AMAZING!
I’m hoping to get 4-5 miles in, but it’s been windy here so we will see what I can push myself to do. I wore a tank top twice last week, but it’s only going to be about 55-60 degrees plus the crazy wind, so I’m thinking I’ll be wearing a pullover, as I am a wimp.
I eat meat regularly, but I don’t eat a lot of beef or pork. Except for bacon! :) I went a whole month without eating meat once before and it honestly wasn’t bad but man, a bacon cheeseburger never tasted so good as the one I ate after that month!
I don’t do any of the food delivery stuff. I love to cook and spend time in my kitchen, so shopping for ingredients and trying new things is fun for me, and I don’t feel the need nor can I justify the costs for a meal service like that. The food looks good in pictures I have seen but nothing has been inspiring enough for me to feel the need to use the service. Maybe someday if I get sick of recipe testing on my friends and family and start trusting something else!


HOMEMADE BREAD BOWLS!?!? You are making me drool… that sounds so good to me! Way to get out running in the wind, the wind is the hardest for me! You are not a wimp!!! Keep enjoying the cooking, shopping etc! That is awesome Rhiannon!


Have you ever tried Green Chef? We have used them a number of times and like it a lot. We haven’t tried Blue Apron, so that’s next on our list! Thanks for doing this!!


Hey Lindsay! Another commenter also mentioned Green Chef! I’ll have to look into them! I hope you have a beautiful day!


Thanks for responding!! They are definitely more expensive than blue apron, but you can also choose gluten free, paleo, etc. All ingredients are certified organic and totally delicious!!

You probably normally get the meals free for a recirw, but if not I can gift you a free week (I think you just have to pay shipping!). Just let me know ?.


Helpful post! I’ve only ever tried Home Chef (and liked it a lot) but have been curious about the others!

On the agenda today – NO running. Enjoying a quick cup of tea and then hitting the pool for some laps!


Thank you Arthi! I hope your swim was a great one (I need to do that after marathons!!). PS your Indian Feast on your blog made me so hungry!


Haha thank you so much!! Love a good homemade meal by mom :)


I’ve thoughtabout using food services like this but every time I go to do it I always see the price and think it’s way more than I’d normally spend at the store (I’m kind of a cheapo with some things) so I never do.

We are big meat eaters at our house. I have to think hard for meatless dinner ideas most of the time lol.


HEY JENNY!! I hope these warmer days are treating you well… hoping we get a few more weeks without snow:) Keep doing what is best for you and your family! I hope you have a great day and I might be at Target again today…. hahaha we have to meet!


HEY! I might be too. I’ll look for you if we end up going!


What would have been your results if every one of these companies would have paid for this post? I think only then it could have been truly independent.


Hey Nadine! Thank you so much for your comment and I totally understand where you are coming from! I have stuck with Blue Apron for so long because I love them so much and find them to be the best for us. If I didn’t think they were the best, I definitely would have switched over to a different company as far as sponsorships go. The same goes for Brooks… they have been my favorite for years so I stay with them for years:) I hope your day is a beautiful one!


This is super helpful. I’ve been looking at various subscription meal services. We’ve tried Blue Apron before and it also takes a bit longer than we prefer. We’ve pretty much resorted to shopping on Amazon prime fresh or aldi.

I did a nice short easy run after this weekend. It felt good to stretch out the legs but I didn’t need anything more LOL.


HOLLIE… YOU ROCKED THIS LAST WEEKEND! I can’t even imagine doing all that you did… 4 races and SO fast (still so amazing by your 2 second place finishes)! See you soon right!?!?! 5 days!!!


I love how you compared each of the services. There are so many out there. I tried Hello Fresh as I got a coupon from a friend to use. Personally, since I only cook for one, I find buying food at the grocery store to just be a cheaper option. I did love getting the service a couple times though just to try out different meals. I haven’t tried Blue Apron, but I hear many people rave about it. Sounds like it’s a great service for a family.


Thanks Alicia!! Yes, cooking for one is totally different… I get it! Thanks girl and I hope you are having a beautiful day! PS I loved the pumpkins you guys carved!


I so wish there was a delivery service that delivered the chef along with the foods — or maybe a chef and Maid!

While the chef cooks, the maid can clean the house!

OOH and a masseuse — so I can get a massage while the chef cooks and maid cleans!


Susie, you are brilliant… I need the same food/masseuse/maid/chef package too! Let’s get started on that idea;) Thanks and I hope you are having a beautiful Monday morning!


We’d make millions! ^_^


We love Hello Fresh at our house. I debated on going with Blue Apron but looking at their meals and prep time, it didn’t make sense for us. Hello Fresh has always been easy to put together, simple and delicious. We’ve been using them for about 6 months and have been super impressed. Even my husband can cook using their instructions!!! That’s the biggest pro of all!!! ???


I am SO happy you have something that works so great for you guys and husband cooking= the best:) I hope you have a beautiful day Katie!!


Agree – the hubby and I LOVE Hello Fresh meals too! Super easy and so delicious… and my husband does great making them too. Indeed a plus! Tried Blue Apron before and they’re great too – def. more gourmet meals. Unfortunately, we found the prep a bit too time-consuming for our household though. With Hello Fresh, we’ve made at least 30-40 different meals and there was only one or two that didn’t turn out well. Pretty decent odds.

Great commentary on the other food delivery services Janae! Always wondered about a few of those. :)


I’ve never tried any of the meal delivery services, mostly because I’m usually just cooking for myself, and I usually don’t eat meat unless I’m out as a restaurant, but who knows….maybe that will change before too long. The first football game-watching “date” I went on this weekend went really well, and his favorite food is chicken, so I better step up my game. Insert all the smiley face emojis :) :) :) Thanks for your good luck comment on Friday!


OH YAY DANIELLE… I am so glad you wrote me back about how the date went, I was wondering! HAHA time to find some delicious chicken recipes;) I hope you have a wonderful week! Continue to keep me updated!


Ran in tank this morning at 69 degrees. but one week from today it’s predicted to be in 20s in the morning. Quite the drop!!


69 degrees… that sounds amazing! 20s next week though?! That is a crazy change in just one week! Enjoy this week of running Mary!


We have tried them all. I agree with your reviews! However, Green Chef is superior to all the food delivery companies we have tried! Quality food with the BEST packaging! You should try it out! Have a great day!


I have never even heard of Green Chef before! Thanks Krista!!! I hope your day is a beautiful one:)


I’ve never tried any of these but now feel like I have the info I’ve been waiting for! Thanks for all the work on this!


Oh thank you Bridgette for your comment! I hope you are having an amazing day!


We have only tried Blue Apron and we really liked it. We dont go out to eat often (maybe 1-2x/month and usually when traveling). I cook most of our meals and they are much cheaper than using a meal delivery service. It was fun to try, but I cannot justify regular use. I can totally see if someone is working and needs faster option to getting dinner together that they would be amazing!!

Supposed to be 50 degrees and cloudy with wind. I guess that may be capris and start with long sleeves and end up in a tank top! Weather is weird.


I’m so glad that you enjoyed Blue Apron when you tried it out! Definitely works better for some than others! Weather is weird… wind is my least favorite thing to deal with on a run:) I hope you have a beautiful day Leeann! Thanks!


Whew long post! Not my favorite, but I understand having sponsors and sharing reviews. We try to do meatless Monday at home and we have been making a lot of plain popcorn lately for night time snacks. I find recipes online for dinner and usually have more success making them quickly than the services you’ve mentioned. 30 minutes seems like forever when your hangry!


Thank you so much Sage for understanding! Just doing one sponsored post this month! Meatless Monday… I need to get to doing that again, Brooke and I loved that when we used to do that. Thank goodness for all of the amazing recipes online now, remember life before that!?!?


We made our own pizzas using the pizza dough recipe from Annie’s Eats; best one we’ve tried yet. The kids made their own and then I used the leftovers to make cinnamon breadstick twists using a recipe from Mel’s Kitchen Cafe. Haven’t used a service yet but we have been thinking about Blue Apron although I’m lacose intolerant and we’re trying to eat less gluten; thanks for the reviews! Looking forward to some biking and lower body training today. Missed seeing your regular family pics. :) Have a great day, Janae!


Good to know about the Annie’s Eats pizza dough, thanks Marie. GOOD CALL on the cinnamon breadstick twists:) I’ll have an overload of family pics tomorrow ha… I’ll make up for the lack of them! Thanks and I hope you have a great day too!


This is the most helpful post I’ve seen on the internet about these services. Thank you!


Oh I am so glad Becca!! We took a very long time analyzing every little thing so I am glad it helps:) Have an awesome day and let me know if you end up trying any!


I’m sorry but this post is incredibly biased, being that Blue Apron is one of your sponsors and this post is sponsored by Blue Apron. While everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I strongly disagree with some of the pros/cons you listed for some of these delivery services having tried them myself. I most disagree with your evaluation of SunBasket as this just happens to be the superior service in my book. You said you had trouble finding pros, but I would have listed the fact that they use organic, non-GMO (which is listed incorrectly in your chart), sustainable ingredients as a huge pro. We have been using them weekly for 4 months and not once has there been an ingredient that wasn’t fresh, or a recipe that wasn’t delicious.


Hey Kristen! Thank you so much for your comment! I am SO glad that SunBasket has worked so well for you guys and you are right about the non-GMO (I just emailed my graphic designer to change that and I will mention that until it is fixed)! THANK YOU! The box that we received did not have fresh ingredients so that is what I reviewed and we didn’t personally love the recipes:) I wish we had the same experience as you with this! As far as biased goes, there are reasons I stick with different companies for years (ie Blue Apron, Brooks, NordicTrack etc)… because they are truly my favorite and I would switch to someone else if I didn’t find them to be the best!


Sunbasket is also 100% recyclable and compostable. And I understand where you’re coming from, but I just don’t think it’s fair to compare a food delivery service you’ve used for months (and are sponsored by) to others that you’ve only tried once (and are not sponsored by).


I agree with Kristen. We have been using Sunbasket for quite a while and the food is amazing. We have never had a problem with any of the quality or packaging and my husband is a picky chef who loves preparing these meals. I rate it at the top of the list.


I made a Chicken and Wild Rice soup (from and it’s so yummy! A fall favorite around here.

As far as work outs, I’m trying to motivate myself to get back into my HIIT/strength training from the Spotebi plans. That’s my goal today. I’m currently procrastinating though. ?


Oh that sounds so good (and like something our kids would eat too)… I’ll have to look it up, thanks Michelle! GO ROCK your HIIT WORKOUT… you’ve got this. Motivate me to try those out after the baby comes too;) Enjoy your Monday Michelle!


I’m with Nadine on this one… it’s hard to be independent when you’ve had months of Blue Apron meals and you’re being sponsored by them. I kind of frustrated that this is one of their influencer/blogger content strategies — it’s not totally fair to evaluate the other companies on just ONE box, and it just doesn’t seem like a legit way to evaluate these services. I’m sure not every Blue Apron meal was a home run, either, and the variable nature of perishable food delivery is such that occasionally fresh items (especially the green stuff, which Sun Basket and Home Chef tend to ship more of vs some of the other companies) will come wilted/frozen because of how they have to ship it. I’d be curious to hear your take after more time of trying some of the other ones. Of course you’re not going to switch to the other brands — you’re under sponsorship contract with Blue Apron :/.




I think it would also be helpful to know who paid for you and Andrew to try out the other four services. If it was with your own money, I feel this post would be more transparent. However, if Blue Apron paid for you to try the other services, it does make this seem very biased.


Yes! Intrigued to know who paid for the other boxes. I was excited for this post but, ugh, I just can’t give this review much merit. I see it as an attempt for Blue Apron to take down the other companies (as much as they can). And it seems a bit harsh to write such poor things about the other companies when Blue Apron have been paying you and you’ve received boxes from them for years.

And, now trying to motivate myself to go for a run in the rain.


I agree. In fact Blue Apron has paid several other healthy living bloggers to do this exact same theme for a post: the blogger tries several meal prep delivery services and compares them to blue apron. Not surprisingly the bloggers all rated Blue Apron as the best of the services (because it’s not smart to bite the hand that feeds you!)
I do find it tacky to tear down other companies just at to promote your own. It wound very fine to just advertise themselves without paying for negative reviews of other services


Agree with all the above comments. I have grown over the years to dislike Blue Apron’s marketing strategy via bloggers, and the format they employed for this post was particularly off-putting. Not a company I respect.


I love Blue Apron! That’s the only food service box I’ve ever tried, but after reading your reviews, I’m going to stick with them.
I’ve never had problems with food not being fresh or ripe enough and the meals have lasted in the fridge for up to a week before cooking them!
No run for me today – I had leg day of BBG (omg so many squats and lunges!).
I made some awesome homemade alfredo sauce last week – it’s super unhealthy with cream, butter, and cream cheese.
Enjoy your day!


Thank you for this post! It was really interesting to read about the different services.


The best meal I’ve made recently was a ground turkey, rice, and roasted brussel sprouts casserole and a pear and goat cheese salad :)

Today was an easy 6 after yesterday’s 19.

I probably eat chicken once a day, but I’m not really a red meat person.

I actually really enjoy cooking and trying out new recipes. This season is tough because my husband and I are both coaching, so right now it’s all about quick and easy but we are officially done (for the season) in less than a month and then we’ll focus on cooking a little more.


Solo spinnarooni today for me! I love Spinning on Mondays; it’s perfect active recovery after two easy runs and a long run from Friday through Sunday.

*SIGH* I have only ever tried Blue Apron (which now that their customer service seems to be a bit more on the up and up, we’ll re-connect with), and Sun Basket. I love them both, but Sun Basket deceived us (with a “meals ready in less than 30 minutes” advertisement). I came home one evening and found my husband, furiously chopping and stirring and getting more and more frustrated with every passing minute that was OVER 30 minutes. He hollered something about “NEVER AGAIN!”, and I dropped them.:\

(Aggravating as it was for him, it was a little funny watching him lose it over not knowing how to chop cilantro. “WHY DOESN’T IT COME ALREADY CHOPPPPPPPPPPPPED?!”. Poor dude.)


Thanks for these reviews! We’ve used Blue Apron and Hello Fresh, and I was fairly impressed with both in terms of quality of food and good healthy options (including a lot of vegetarian dishes). I agree with you that Blue Apron had a little more wow factor in their recipes and it felt like a fancier meal than I would ever come up with on my own. I think if convenience is your main goal (and frankly, it is with most of my Mom friends) then some of the more prepared services might work better (I’ve heard good things about Gobble). But I like to cook and when I have time, I love Blue Apron for the inspiration and a chance to try new foods.


I have tried all those too! Sun basket is nice because it is mainly organic. My favorite has to be home chef, but they recently got rid of their breakfast option every week so its kind of a bummer. I am also a huge fan of cook smart which is just the recipes but they are so good.


Meal delivery services are such a great idea. Years ago I used to do Dream Dinners, which I loved most of the time. It felt very satisfying to go into a large commercial kitchen and prep SO MANY meals! I live overseas now and the only offer I’ve seen is Hello Fresh, however……language barrier? I still may try them just for something different! THank you for the run down of your local offerings!!!

Run today-squeezed in a 9 mile run during our lunch-it was a staff development day so we got an extended lunch which I fully utilized. I had time to dry off (it was raining) and prep a bit for a class I am facilitating.

Have a great week!


we’ve used both blue apron and plated

blue apron – the good menus were really good, but there were several “meh” menus that weren’t. the prep to being done was more on the order of an hour for us, and that’s with 2 cooks in the kitchen. the portions were generous. it could easily feed a family of 4+ (we’re a family of 3) and we always had leftovers. it was wholesome for sure.

plated – the menus were always “OK” – nothing really wowed us and nothing was too “meh” for us but it was always adequate. the portions were way smaller and fed us a family of 3 well. if we had a full grown kid it probably wouldn’t. also from prep to being done this took no more than 30 min each time which we appreciated.

both had it’s pluses and minuses. but we’d rather cook something amazing if we’re going to be cooking with lots of steps – so we went back to making our own stuff. we also liked the easy steps recipes with few ingredients. we definitely used some of those menu parts as a repeat in our home from blue apron. we’d just shop for the ingredients and make it ourselves.


I’d love to hear from you today… what was the best meal that you have made recently?!
a meal i threw together from Cooking at NYTimes –
i took things from the different easy pastas and my husband was head over heels for it. also made melissa clark’s meatballs but while they were hearty they were not on an amazing level such as jerusalem’s lemony leek meatballs. those are our household’s fave.

What is your run today? Or is it a rest day or cross-training day? Who is still enjoying tank top running weather?
easy run, 4 miles max – and yes that would be me, went running yesterday in a tank.

How often do you eat meat?
probably too often. i want to cut it down to 1x a week but that is going to take some serious planning and arranging on our part.

Have you tried any healthy food delivery services? What were your thoughts?
just posted our experience in the comment above!


I liked this review! I tried hello fresh but felt like I spent too long on preparation. I’m a 20 minute meal kind of girl! I’ve been curious to try One Potato, it seems more geared towards families. Plus they send cookie dough in every box :)


We don’t do meal delivery but I love Amazon Fresh!!! I wish they would get more involved in that kind of thing. They have meal kits but they don’t look great. We have had occasional issues with Fresh but Amazon always refunds us and gives us a credit. Our order was once a day late ( our postal truck broke down) and they refunded my whole order and gave me a hefty credit. Amazon is #1 in my books!! I started it in the summer when my kids were home from school and figured I would stop once they went back. But I have continued, no impulse buying means I save money!


i’ve never tried blue apron but we have friends who have used it. it seems like it could be great if you like to try out different dishes. i’ve also heard great things about other food delivery services which seems like there are some pretty awesome options out there.


I love Blue Apron but pulled away from it since there’s never any extra in case the kids come over for dinner. I didn’t know there’s an option for 2 days a week now. I am definitely going try and order it again. Thanks for doing the comparision for all of us. I was wondering what some of the other ones were like. Now I know! :)


I’ve never tried any meal delivery services, but now I am intrigued! :) My run today was 2 miles, easy, since I am on the mend from some hip flexor issues. Thankfully those two miles felt good!


I used to do Blue Apron, and while it has excellent customer service (although, as reported in the news, it just laid off many employees, so who knows what it will look like going forward), after several months of consistent ordering, almost every delivery had food that was rotten/bruised/brown. Blue Apron always reimbursed me for that, but I got tired of having to write them every week. My friend had a similar experience. It seems like the quality is always better for the paid bloggers who receive their food in exchange for an advertisement.
Also, I NEVER had a meal that actually took 30 minutes-it always took longer.


I haven’t order from Blue Apron ever but I have so many of their recipes bookmarked on my computer. They all look SO good! Today was a recovery day from my 10 mile race yesterday. I feel so good minus a little soreness but nothing crazy.
I eat meat almost everyday which probably isn’t the best but I’m very picky so I don’t mind too much since I’m getting the necessary nutrition from it.


I’ve tried Blue Apron (love!) and Sunbasket (no love). I chuckled a little when I saw your Sunbasket picture, because the meal we got was also just a half an ear of corn per person. Who only eats half an ear of corn?? Thanks for the great post!


My boyfriend’s family loves Hello Fresh and it’s even inspired his dad to start cooking on his own. I’ve personally never used any of the food delivery services. I do hear about Blue Apron the most often. When my mom cooks, she cooks with the intention of her dishes to serve our family 2-3 meals (less work :) so I don’t think this is an option for my parents. A great idea for date night though!


We used Blue Apron on and off for 18 months but recently cancelled it. We were doing the 2 meals for 4 people and the price was getting out of our budget. I did enjoy trying foods that I wouldn’t otherwise have tried. But I also found their recipes to be a little bland -we really like to spice things up. I found myself needing/wanting to doctor it up too much. Also, even though we have 2 kids they did the most part weren’t eating it. We tried the 2 person meals and didn’t find it was enough food for us. Plus we like more vegetables than it provided. And I felt there was too much redundancy (like too many recipes with potatoes). But I did like the convenience. We always had fresh food – we used it a lot this summer so it could sit on our porch in the heat and was still cold when we got home.

I have so many recipes I want to try so what I really need to do is start food prepping so everything is ready for me when I get home like Blue Apron. But doing this is easier said than done!


Hello Fresh sent me a box of meals to try for free for my blog (I’m an RD). I really enjoyed the meals and felt like everything was great with the products and meals.


I started using Blue Apron a while back when you shared a post about them. After a while I started using Hello Fresh because of a discount and would decide based on the menus which service I would use. Then I found myself phasing out Blue Apron and using Hello Fresh. Then I started Home Chef, again, because of a discount code. Now I’m using them the most. I’ve never had any bad, spilled, or unripe ingredients and have liked all my meals. But my favorite part of Home Chef is you don’t have to order 3 meals if you don’t need to. Thanks for sharing your trials.


I have to agree! I started with Blue Apron and then tried Hello Fresh, just to see how it was, and while the food was good, it wasn’t as good as the Blue Apron meals and I didn’t feel like their recipes were as easy to follow. I usually get a box a few times a month from Blue Apron and, as a single person, it’s enough food to last me a week, which I love. I feel like I’ve learned really solid techniques from them and their meat is such an incredible quality too. Big fan of Blue Apron here!

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