First of the season + 4 a.m. + SPIN WORKOUTS FOR YOU!

Good morning!  I’ve got a new HRG Baby post up HERE!!!  I am chatting about my 28 week update (3rd trimester wahoo) and postpartum struggles!  I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences if you get a chance!


I woke up at 4 a.m. Wednesday morning and couldn’t go back to sleep.  The baby was kicking like crazy and I went to bed at 9 the night before so I think my body was just ready to be awake.   A nice nap happened later in the afternoon but it felt strange to be awake (like WIDE awake) so early.  After a while of just laying there I went out for a run (part on the treadmill until it was light outside) and then the rest outside (my current habit).

Do you see what I see?  FROST.  I even wore gloves.  My optimistic perspective about winter coming… The colder it gets = the closer it is to the baby being here:)

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I hope Andrew finds a way to be able to carry one more with these two…

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My brother has a pretty good system going on that we might have to try;)

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Post-run shower = a big coat, pancakes (anyone else try to prematurely flip pancakes like I did below… I just want to eat) and my first cup of hot chocolate this season.  It tasted amazing and I feel like I am just going to say it is a big pregnancy craving so I can drink it 5 times a day.

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The highlight of the day (ehhh my nap was a pretty big highlight too) was Cornbelly’s!  They just opened up… it is like a Halloween/Fall theme park!  The season passes are really cheap so we will be spending a lot of time here leading up to Halloween.

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Peaches and ice cream = heaven.

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We ended things off with my niece’s volleyball game!  They WON!

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As far as food goes… Andrew and I have ordered a bunch of different meal delivery kits and we are trying them all to write up a pros and cons list for each one.  So that is what we’ve been eating for our meals lately:) I can’t wait to share what we have found!


First, can I tell you that I LOVE it when you write me an email and have a post request.  It makes my day.  I want to know what you want to read!  Hayley requested some spin workouts!  I love spin.  I taught for almost 10 years,  mostly at Golds Gym but also at BYU and at Google when I lived in the Bay Area.  Now, I am not a hardcore triathlete/biker type of spin instructor.  I enjoy getting my heart rate up there, a lot of variations and ‘dancing’ along to the beat;)  I think that spin is one of the BEST types of cross-training for runners (I talk more about why I think that HERE and HERE).  My fastest marathon happened when I was teaching three spin classes a week… spin helps me with my SPEED while being easy on my joints.  I have THIS SPIN BIKE at home and I love it (I’ve had it over 5 years now).  I just need to get back to teaching again after this baby!

PS do I think spin shoes are worth the purchase if you spin often—>  100% absolutely, with every fiber of my being:)  They offer you a lot more control, I am able to go faster with them and they help me to pull UP on the pedal rather than just pushing down (which works more muscle groups). Mine are no longer sold (they last forever!) but these seem to be similar.  Just make sure your clips on your shoes match the bike pedals:)

Here we go!  First, this is how I describe a few of my different moves:

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In the saddle= seated.  Out of the saddle= your buns are right above the seat but they are not touching the seat of the bike.

How I rate the tension/hill—>  1-10.  1 being feeling like you are flying downhill, 5 being a flat road and 10 being your wheels actually stopping because the tension is so high (so, I never do a 10… a 9 is pretty much straight uphill).  Basically I usually stay between a 5-9.  I don’t know why I rate it the way I do but it has worked for me:)

Jumps—>  Lightly lifting and lowering out of the saddle.  The handle bars are for balance, not to pull yourself in and out of the saddle… Let your legs do the work.  I usually alternate on counts of 4 but you can also do counts of 8.  IE 4 beats standing and 4 beats sitting—> repeat.

Lock and Load—>  I usually do these with a low tension.  Raise about an inch or two above the saddle with your hips back and over the saddle.  From the hips up there is no movement.  No bounce or side to side.  The legs do all of the moving and the core is tight.  Keep a light grip on the handlebars.

Sprint—>  If you are bouncing around in your saddle when you are doing this then you do not have enough tension on your wheel.  I usually do sprints with the tension of a flat road.  Go all out.  Go nuts.  You’re a cheetah when it comes to these sprints!

Run—>  Out of the saddle, side to side run/jog.  More of a recovery move in-between the really hard stuff.

You can find my 45 minute HRG Spin Workout HERE (it’s my favorite)!

I have two more for you today and I’ll keep adding to the list!

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(PS I just noticed that I forgot to add the tension for the 3 minutes out of the saddle in the middle section—>  tension 8!  I’ll post a new one soon:)

This workout was always a favorite for my classes too:

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One last reminder about my latest pregnancy update—>  HERE!!!


Who loves a good spin class?!  What are some of your favorite workouts there?  Who loves road biking?  

-I used to road bike often but once I had Brooke I stopped!?!?

Do you have any post requests?  Now that you know how much I love them… tell me about them!

Hot chocolate fan?  Have a favorite brand or place to get it?

What did you wear for your last run?  Shorts/capris/tanks/long sleeve/gloves?  

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never tried spin……..maybe one day. Cornbelly’s looks like a blast……I would be there everyday!

For the next couple of weeks our highs are in the upper 80’s so it is like it has been since May here in the south……..ugh…..yesterday I barely finished my 10 miler and I was just in a skirt and bra…………too hot for a shirt and even too hot for a hat! I much appreciated the water I had though and the break my husband (biking alongside me) took to feed the geese on the trail.

And downtown we have a gourmet chocolate place called Hot Chocolatier…… is the best! They make their chocolate candies then melt it down for hot chocolate…….they have like 20 varieties……….salted caramel and the smores ones are my favorite!


Don’t you have a blue apron sponsor


Hey Gail! I do! We have never tried any other meal delivery kit services so we wanted to compare the differences between them all! I hope you have a great day!


Just as we enter fall it’s supposed to be in the 80s for the next week. No gloves for me yet!

I’m going to try running for the first time since 6/5 next week!


Oh I just got back into the spinning game and so excited to try out these workouts! The class times don’t work great with my schedule to have these in my back pocket is perfect :-) Annndddd I’m a chronic too-early-flipper when it comes to pancakes!


Every year, I always think how fun Cornbelly’s looks! I wish I had something like that close to me! Also, yes, I frequently flip pancakes too soon (especially the very first one), so I know how you feel, girl.

This morning’s run was shorts and a tank. I just moved from Texas to California, so the temperatures are definitely cooler for me now, but we’re nowhere near frost and gloves like you–that’s crazy!


Janae I made the sugar cookies you posted about last night! I cut the recipe in half and still had over 30 cookies lol. I’m currently drowning in them but it doesn’t seem like the worst problem to have. New Jersey is not cooperating and is currently in the high 80s, when I ran Tuesday I had shorts and a tshirt on but it’s going to be upper 80s this afternoon so I’ll probably be in a sports bra and shorts *sigh* It seriously needs to cool off so I can go apple picking. Mother nature get on the cooler temps please.

Have a great day girl :)


Oh I am so happy you made the cookies… they are so good !! Just eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner. HIGH 80s!?! That is crazy! I hope you have a beautiful day!


I have the same bike, but it didn’t come with pedals you can click into with spin shoes…Do your remember what pedals you bought to switch out? Thanks!!


Hey Christy! So I actually just switched out the pedals on my spin bike with my road bike pedals! Does that make sense? Take your shoes/clip into a bike store and see if they have the pedals to match to put on your bike. Sorry I don’t have the exact link for you or something. Keep me updated!


I’m so jealous of your weather! Cornbelley’s sounds so fun. Andrew is going to have to learn some skills from your brother with all the kiddos he’s going to be carrying lol.

Spin actually helped me lose weight! I hit a plateau and going to spin twice a week torched off the extra belly weight. The studio I used to go to was similar to SoulCycle in that it’s rhythm based and has an arm workout midway.

For my shakeout run this morning I wore tanks and capris. It was 80 and very humid this morning!


I can’t wait to hear about the meal kits. So far PLATED has been my most favorite. I’ve tried Blue Apron and Hello Fresh. I will definitely be looking for that post


Hey Adrienne… It has been super interesting to try them all out. We have been cooking up a storm ha. The post will be up in early October. I hope you are having a beautiful day!


What kind of spin bike do you have at home? I just bought an Exerpeutic LX7 and love it so far. I’ll definitely be using your workouts as I rehab from 2 knee surgeries earlier this summer!


Hey!! I have this bike: and I love it.

Renee, I am SO sorry about your knee surgeries. Keep me updated with how you are doing… I hope your knees are feeling so much better. Have a great day!


I’ve only done spin a couple of times – the local Y in my area offers them but they are during the middle of the day when I am at work :( but I do love biking!
I am SO jealous of your cooler weather – I am not at all ready for the cold yet, but it’s been 90+ here the past couple of days and it just doesn’t feel right in late September! Because of that, my last run was shorts and a tank top and I think I might have to go to the gym today to run on the treadmill because it’s only supposed to drop below 90 by like 7pm.


I actually do a lot more spinning than running, but no one seems to blog about spinning! Definitely agree that if you spin 2x a week or more, the shoes are so worth it. If you want to get better at sprints (both out of the saddle and in) it helps because you won’t have straps pulling on your feet all the time. But start a little slow if you’re already a good spinner; the shoes enable you to use your hamstrings more, and it’s easy to overuse your hamstrings when you first get shoes if you go at your usual intensity right away. And pulled hamstrings take forever to heal. Trust me on this.

Also, you can find some really good deals on spin shoes at the website I’m not affiliated with them or anything– just have had good luck with them, and have found them to be much cheaper than sports/cycling stores.


Oh THANK YOU Emily for the spin shoes link… I’ll have to start sharing that! That is awesome that you get in so much spinning… I want to go to a class with you:) You nailed it with starting slow… the shoes change a lot and it totally takes time to adjust. I hope you are having a great day girl!


Definitely keeping these workouts handy for a rainy day. I don’t do a ton of spinning when I’m in the middle of training for races, but it’s one of my favorite workouts when I’m injured or taking some time off after a big race. It’s one of the only workouts I’ve found that kind of compares to the endorphins from running. Totally depends on the teacher though- I bet you are a great one! I’m curious to hear your thoughts on Soul Cycle. We just got one nearby, but I haven’t tired it yet. I have a few friends who are obsessed with it, but I’ve heard some not-so great things from experienced spin instructors.

It’s still super hot and humid on the east coast so I rocked shorts and a tank top on this morning’s run. I’m anxiously awaiting fall and all things pumpkin and cold-weather related! I usually enjoy the cooler weather through the holidays and then by January I’m over it lol.


Diana, YES about the spin endorphins being close to the same as running endorphins! I totally agree! I have never been to SoulCycle (they don’t have it here) but I REALLY want to try it out. If I get the chance I will definitely post my thoughts. Let me know if you end up going. I hope that some fall weather comes your way asap!


Back in 2010-2012 I used to spin a few times a week in addition to my running. I was able to run my first few marathons on lower mileage because of it and still was (personally) successful. I had a studio that I really loved, but then I moved 45 minutes away and obviously wasn’t going to travel that far a few times a week or even once a week for class. Occasionally I took them at other gyms after that but typically just hopped on the bike solo and did my own workouts- not the same for sure.

My last run was the half marathon I did this past sunday (taking some down time for recovery this week) where I ran in shorts and a sports bra because it was 100% humidity! I’m planning on running this afternoon and will definitely be shorts and tank, Indian summer around here!


Post request. Shoes for a toddler girl, other that sneakers/tennis shoes, but still functional and comfortable for play.
Practical shoes to round out a cute fall outfit.


LOVE LOVE LOVE this! For now, I’m all about Vans for the kids but I’ll post a bunch more. Thanks Erica and I hope your day is a great one!


I agree with Eric about the post for toddler shoes – but for a boy, too!


I can’t believe you already have cold weather. My mind cannot wrap around that right now. But I’m sure we will get it soon.

I haven’t done spin in a while. I keep saying Ill get back to it…and I don’t. While I’m not a huge cycling fan, I like how upbeat and fun spin classes usually are.


This is coming at the perfect time! Last year, I bought the same spin bike as you (based on your glowing recommendations), and just this morning I was using it and was thinking I really need some sort of structured workout instead of just getting on and trying to vary things for about 30 min or so. Was going to try some YouTube videos, but I think I’ll try one of your workouts first. Love the bike and how I can feel different muscle groups working when I use it. Maybe sometime you could consider doing a spin video on YouTube after your baby is here and things settle down a bit. :)


AHHH I am so glad that you got the spin bike… I am so happy you are loving it. Let me know if you try the workout and I THINK THAT IS A BRILLIANT idea to do a YouTube video. I would love to do that! Thanks Amanda and I hope your Thursday is a great one!


I’ve never tried spin before; it always sounded so intense (from friends) and I was afraid of not making it through a class. No one wants to do the walk of shame halfway through class. Funny story…first time my husband tried Body Pump with me, he left partway through class to go to the restroom and didn’t come back. Haha. He came at the end to put his stuff up. We laughed so hard. He’s not used to the high reps. Back on topic…I didn’t think I would like a stationary bike but we migrated from a treadmill to a bike due to our backs and surprisingly love it. I’m just doing basic HIIT circuits on it right now. I am hooked on Lululemon shorts. Have a great day, Janae!


Oh Marie, I totally did the walk of shame during my first spin class… I left after 20 minutes. But then I just kept going back and loving it more and more. If you do try it, just take it easy for your first few classes and increase from there, you will totally rock it. OH MY GOODNESS… your body pump story with your husband made me laugh so hard! My mom has a stationary bike that I use at her house sometimes and it is a great workout, so glad that you love yours!


Yessss than you for these spin workouts! I love spinning and these sound amazing :)

I am definitely a hot chocolate fan. I love the simple Swiss Miss kind with marshmallows! I hope Boston gets a little chillier soon so I can indulge in some of that.


I love those spin workout ideas! I’m a spin instructor and my favorite move is definitely the lock and load (I call it an isolation). It’s great for cross training :)

Have a great day!


I want to come to your class Katrina! YES… the isolation is SO tough… I love it:) I hope you are having a great day!


Next time you’re in Boston we can do spin and froyo ;)


I am SO there!


Hot chocolate:
This is the best hot chocolate I have ever had:
Williams Sonoma mint hot chocolate is good too.


I am actually drooling over the picture of that hot chocolate, that looks incredible. I am going to have to make that asap and get some of the Williams Sonoma mint hot chocolate too. THANK YOU!


Cannot believe you just had gloves on…I actually just ran in shorts and a tank like an hour ago! I would really like to try some spin workouts but I am nervous. I haven’t really given the bike a chance indoors or outdoors in the past few years so I might have to try it out! I am actually not a big hot chocolate fan, I only have it maybe once a year around the holidays.


TRY IT SALINA!!! Let me know how it goes too:) Today wasn’t as cold as yesterday but yep… you’ve still definitely got some warm temperatures. I hope you have a great day!


My husband LOVES spin classes but they don’t look like something I would enjoy at all. :-(
I have been way too impatient for pancakes lately! I have up and pulled out the waffle iron. That way I can do something else while it cooks instead of waiting impatiently.


Hi Janae:)

Thank you for this post. It will be very useful for me once I start my new training plan which involves a lot of cross training.

I wish I had to wear gloves at this time of the year. Miami is hotter than ever now.

What I wore for my last run was yoga pants and a running tank. I’m not a fan of yoga pants but sometimes they’re my only option when the rest of my shorts need to be washed.

I love when you talk about running and personal empowerment. I think running makes me a better person and for some reason I love to hear it from somebody else. Also, I like posts where you publish everything you it in a day. I like to see what other people eat so that I get new ideas:)


I’ve actually only gone to a couple spin classes. While they haven’t been my favorite so far, they definitely go by really fast because I’m working so hard. I need to try another one at my gym.


I love spinning! I don’t go to classes like I used to, but I ride the bikes at the gym before all my TM workouts. I might have to start classes again if it will make me faster. Nothing like a good spin session when you have sore legs.

Cornbelly’s looks like SO MUCH FUN! Love the pic of Andrew and the kids on the big slide. Next year, you and Baby Girl B will be sliding with them!

I’m a big hot chocolate fan. I’m perfectly happy buying it from the QT gas station…it’s always perfect and they have it year round. This might sound weird, but when my allergies are bad hot chocolate makes me feel better and sleep better.

I’m still in a tank and shorts and my hair is soaking wet when I finish running. We don’t have fall in TX *sigh*


Okay, I WAS TOTALLY thinking that yesterday… how excited I was for our baby girl to join us:) Also, I LOVE QT gas stations… we don’t have them in Utah but they are my favorite when I go to Arizona to visit my brother! I am going to try the hot chocolate thing with my allergies, thanks Elizabeth! You are amazing for running in those Texas temps… amazing! Have a great day!


Hot chocolate is basically the only way I make it through Utah winters. It’s coming too soon!!


Ahh! I am so jealous of your cold running weather! I love running in the fall when it starts to get colder – here in IL it got to a balmy 93 degrees F yesterday. :’o <– that is my crying emoji in case you were wondering. On my way to my dance team practice (I coach) I overheard some football players saying they were going to move since global warming is making their practices so hot! Hahahah!
I was thinking about your question from yesterday – do you run faster outside or inside – for me it is definitely outside. It is hard for me to zone out on a treadmill and I also don't listen to my body as well on a treadmill because I try to hit numbers. But I was also thinking based on your post today, I definitely run faster when it is colder – as in between 25-45 F is my favorite running temps (a little low, I know! But it works for me!)
Anyway, enjoy your cool fall weather and send some our way!


YES YES YES… me too! Those colder temps make me cruise:) HAHAH I love what those football players were saying. That is awesome that you coach the dance team and come run with me in Utah! Have a great day Emily!


Thank you for this post! I’ve been traveling a lot lately and looking for workouts I could do from a hotel gym. I didn’t even think to request this! But, I have referred to some of your spinning playlists.

I love spinning. It’s the one workout in recent years I’ve been able to stick with and now I look forward to every class. I go to a local spin studio now (less expensive), but started at SoulCycle. I love SoulCycle and think it was very helpful in overcoming my insecurities; it was just so fun and welcoming – with dark rooms where no one could see me! Ha!

For hot chocolate, my favorites are more of a “treat” or something I request for Christmas. But, Williams sonoma is so delicious and Burdick’s. Burdick’s is only in Boston, Chicago and NY – you should check them out the next time you have a race in those cities! It’s the most amazing hot chocolate.


You are welcome Sam! Let me know how they go when you try them! I have never tried SoulCycle but I REALLY WANT TO! I will totally check out Burdick’s, thank you! Good luck with all of your traveling these days and I hope you have a great Thursday!


I haven’t taken a spin in class in forever! I don’t live near a gym anymore and have never thought to get my own spin bike…
I would love to see a Q & A type of post…or an update to adding another little one to your family!
I can’t wait to drink all the hot chocolate this winter and sit by the fire! I make mine with whole milk and it’s the best ever ;)
Peaches and ice cream sounds so good!
Enjoy your day!


I wish there still was a navigation bar with separate months of posts! It’s sort of difficult to find old posts now. :)


STACY… I am so sorry! That was something I was actually not super happy with when I switched my site over (and now they don’t respond to my emails:( BUT I will find a different person to do it because I miss that too. I hope you have a great day and I’m really sorry about that!


I love spinning! Thank you so much for sharing this!! The spin class times at my gym aren’t lining up properly with my work schedule this year, so I’ll definitely be using these routines! Sprints are my favorite, but for me it’s really all about the soundtrack.
I live for hot chocolate all winter; I haven’t bought any in months, but now that you mention it I totally need to pick some up:)
For my last run I wore a long sleeve tech shirt, shorts, and calf compression sleeves. The temperatures have been nuts here on the east coast; 85 one day, 60 the next! I am looking forward to steady fall and winter temps; I love sweater season!!


I’m a new runner (like, 3 weeks into a “learn to run” program kind of new…), and while I’m enjoying it, I am getting KILLER stitches under my right rib. I spoke with my instructor about it but he pretty much just told me that they’ll go away as I continue to progress in running, which isn’t really helpful because I can’t progress because the stitches are doubling me over in pain! A few nights ago I pushed myself through them and now I’m finding that I have a stitch when I’m walking during the day! So maybe I pulled something? If you or anyone else has any advice or tricks to get them to stop, or experiences of their own to share, I’d be so grateful! I’ve tried deep breaths ( a forceful exhale hurts…) and exhaling while striking down with my opposite foot but they don’t seem to help.


AMY!! I am so happy that you have started running! I am SO bummed about your side stitches though. For me personally, side stitches come when I am not breathing properly (but it looks like you are doing great with your deep breaths). In this post I talk all about the breathing that helps me, and in the comments there are so many helpful ideas about avoiding side stitches:

I would also really pay attention to what you are eating and drinking leading up to a run. As a new runner (or any runner:), DO NOT EVER feel bad about taking walking breaks as you build up your endurance. Try maybe a walk-run method for a while to get your body more adjusted to running and that might help too. I am not liking that it is happening during the day too!?! Hmmm… let me know if any of these things help. Thanks!


All things cycling!!! Woohoo!!! I actually didnt really take up cycling until after my daughter was born (I was more of a runner and occasionally rode my bike). Now, I mostly ride and run on the side (part of that had to do with always having to pee while I was running right after Brooke was born). I can now run just fine ;)
I love road riding (though mostly on dirt/gravel roads-saftey!) and mountain biking, though cyclocross is my true love! It is actually pretty big in Salt Lake City! It is SOOOO much fun and is both running and cycling. Maybe that is why I love it! I use clip in shoes on all my bikes. Took a bit of getting used to on the mountain bike, those rocks come fast when you crash!

We had snow at our house yesterday morning, but it melted by the afternoon. I will be in shorts and tanks until it gets into the 30s. Running makes me so hot! hahahaha. Cycling, though, I will rock knickers and long sleeves as soon as I see the 50s ;)


I’ve never been to spin class but I do a lot of road cycling. Les put a cadence meter on my bike and I now aim for >90 rpm. It’s been a game changer – the higher spinning is much easier on my joints and muscles.

I don’t have a favorite brand of hot chocolate, but making it with milk vs. water makes is 1000x better!


And now I am drooling over that peaches and ice cream combo – mmmm! Send some over here please! Last run was my marathon (four days ago!!) so I ran in all Brooks attire ;) their 5in chaser shorts (my favorite!), one of their distance tees, and my beloved Launch 4s!


I tried a spin class once and didn’t enjoy it. It was too easy for me to slack off. But I took a boxing class and it was AMAZING! I felt unstoppable and like I was going to die because I worked so hard. it was great!

Post request: what should new runners know? For example, do I do a taper week if I’m running a 5k? If I’m going faster, do my legs move faster or does my stride get longer or both? What do you do after a 5k? Go right for the 10k? Maybe an 8k? or just work on improving race times (and how?!)

Last run was this morning, 2 miles. I wore capris and a tank, and sunscreen (ALWAYS sunscreen). I’m in NC, so 68 degrees at 6:30am means things feel NICE right now.


LOVE THIS POST IDEA… thank you Sage! I will get working on it:) Thank you. Oh I want to try a boxing class, that sounds awesome!


I have tried a couple of spin classes. I need to get back to it. I have a seldom used road bike.
Definitely a hot chocolate fan. I like to mix Nestles or Carnation hot chocolate into my coffee. And marshmellows too.
Last run I did…I wore shorts and a long sleeve. Fall is here in BC!


I LOVE spin classes and I LOVE a good road ride and I am certain that the only time I don’t injure myself running is when I’m cross training with a bike. New this year for me is cyclocross… it’s VERY humbling, super fun, and the first time I realized that my husband might be right when he says cycling can be as challenging as running!


Fave hot chocolate: Starbucks salted caramel! I also like frozen hot chocolate. YUM!


I don’t have a post request right now but I do want to thank you for a past post! In one of your posts you mentioned tying a strap across the treadmill to keep you from getting too far forward. Our temps in Wyoming suddenly are winter-like! So I uncovered the treadmill and did my workout last night. By staying back further, my form improved greatly. I stand up straighter and my stride is more ‘normal’. Thank you for the great idea. I still hate the treadmill, though!


Oh this makes me so happy! Way to go Anne!!! I am so sorry you are already feeling winter in Wyoming… I hope the treadmill feels better than ever for you this winter! Have an awesome rest of your Thursday!


I haven’t taken a spin class in forever but I used to love them so much! Maybe I’ll get back into them this winter!


I follow Al (Fox) Carraway and I saw she was at Cornbelly’s. Which made me think of you guys going all season. I’m jealous. Fall is my favorite. I love the leaves, and pumpkins, and mazes, and scarecrows. But I live in Florida. We don’t have a fall.


I’m in Denver, so we have kinda similar weather… Yesterday morning was COLD! It was about 45 degrees when I went out for my run. I was in a long sleeve and longer capris and had a blanket and sweat shirt on after my run to warm up! This morning it was about 57, so a long sleeve and shorts, which was perfect for my run! Although it’s supposed to get up to 90, so I had to get my run in early! A month from tomorrow, i’ll be running my first marathon (ahh) and I can’t imagine how people train in the heat and humidity!
Spinning is great cross training! I got into it the summer before I started grad school. My instructor was all about heart rate training and I learned so much! It definitely helped with my speed! I should probably add a few classes before my marathon!
Cornbelly looks like so much fun for the family!


It dipped into the 20’s last night and we woke up to snow on the ridges, so I had to dig out my long running pants, vest and gloves for this morning. I’m crossing my fingers that Indian Summer is coming back!

I really love road biking, but a spin class is a great option when you need a killer workout in a short time. I bet you were such a great teacher, I can totally hear you leading those workouts :)

And I’m excited to hear what you think of the different meal services!


I used to go to your spin class at Golds until they discontinued it….saddest day ever! Loved it even though i never said much and that’s how i found your blog. ;)


AHHH NO WAY!!! This makes me so happy Christy! That was the saddest thing ever when they took out the whole spin room! I hope you are having a beautiful day!


I’ve only taken a handful of spin classes — and since I’m not an regular bike rider, my bum just can’t handle the bike seat! Numb for day!

I’d love to see what you eat in a typical day/week!

I LOVE hot cocoa! My favorite is actually just your typical swiss miss instant cocoa made with half hot water and half milk — with whipped cream AND marshmellows!

Girl, it’s 90 degrees and humid here in NC — tank top and shorts all the way!


Today’s run was before the sun came up and I was in shorts and a tee and it was an awesome 61 degrees and sprinkling! I’m not ready for gloves!!


Best place to get hot chocolate – William Sonoma samples during the holiday season :)

What I wore for my last run – Tank and shorts because it’s 91 degrees in Chicago right now. What happened to fall!!?!

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