Post-race happenings + am I alone in these strange feelings?

GOOD MORNING!!!  We had a fun morning yesterday (while wearing  a lot of grey)!

I’ve got a full race recap coming for you tomorrow!  We (I?… I kid, Andrew enjoyed it once it was over;) loved the race and I’ll be back in 2018!

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Brookers (I haven’t called her that on the blog in quite some time… basically I have a new nickname for her each month) lucked out and she got to spend Saturday morning with my mom.  They went on a mile walk together, hit up McDonald’s for pancakes and chocolate milk and then had a sticker party.   Brooke REALLY loves her one-on-one time with my mom.  If you are a newer reader, Brooke and I lived with my parents for a year and Brooke is really close to my parents.

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My brother returned from Portugal and dropped off some pastries he brought back.  It’s always fun to try new things… donuts are still the number one pastry in my opinion though (are donuts a pastry ha!?)!

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I was really excited because I remembered that Brooke’s old video monitor was stored over at my parents house (one less thing to buy:).  When I lived over there I would put the video monitor in my mom’s room and leave for my run each morning… my mom would text me when Brooke started moving around and I’d come home.  It was a marvelous system we had worked out so I could still run:)

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We wanted to go to a Cafe for breakfast type foods but it was closed so we went across the street for these glorious rolls at Texas Roadhouse.

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Bbq chicken, a salad and sweet potato make excellent fuel after a race.

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And then we hit up Costco for a bit of produce.

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I might be offensive right now but I don’t really understand the love for nutella (the older I get the more I don’t love it).  I think it is good (a light layer) on a waffle but other than that, I’m not the biggest fan.  Am I completely alone in these strange feelings!?!  I would much rather eat straight from the jar of peanut butter than nutella.

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We came home and watched a show with Brooke and these two were snuggled up together.  Beretta sure misses us when we are gone:)

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And then got busy on cantaloupe eating and play-doh creations.

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One of those days where she is growing up way too fast.

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We made it over to the Owlz game last night (look at me going out and doing something later at night).

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She was pretty excited about this sighting while we were there….

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I saw this tank at the race yesterday and I think I need it:)

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These calves of mine are quite sore after the hills yesterday so I’ll be taking good care of them today!

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What was the best part about your Saturday?

Are you sore at all today (or at anytime this last week) from working out!? Where are you most sore? 

True thoughts and feelings about Nutella…  if you love it, what do you eat it with usually?

Favorite pastry?  Ever had some amazing pastries while traveling?  Where was it from?

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Saturday was a busy one but we had a fun date night at our favorite local burrito place so that was a blast! And my legs were actually tired (not sore, but tired) on my run yesterday and that combined with 92 degrees made me realllllly slow. Oh well, better slow than not running at all. Nutella……….I have to be in the mood for it…………I used to love it but not so much anymore. I don’t remember what it was called, but in Disney World (Epcot) in the Norway area there was an amazing bakery and I loved one of the pastries they made………… good!


Getting out to run in 92 degrees is a huge accomplishment… that is tough! Glad you had a great night and delicious burritos! Thanks Loribeth!


Your Saturday looked like a fun one! I agree with you on Nutella, it’s good with just a little bit but I can’t slather it on something I’m eating. The best pastry I ever had was from a little shop in Le Puy en Valey, France (it’s about a 2 hour drive from Lyon). It was a chocolate croissant. It was SO good! The croissant was flaky and buttery and the chocolate was there but not overpowering at all.

Have a great Sunday Janae!


I think I actually started drooling reading about your chocolate croissant! I need one. I hope you have an amazing Sunday Maureen.


Totally feel the same about Nutella.. I don’t understand why everyone “LOVES” it! :) I much rather dive into a jar of Almond Butter/Cashew butter! :D


I have never tried cashew butter but you have inspired me to do it Katie!


Coming home from a 2 week beach trip was the best part of our Saturday. We were so sad to leave but we are geared up and ready to start real life soon. I go back to work on Tuesday and my girls have a fun filled week with grandparents and my Mom. School starts on 8/28 and my girls get a nice week to end the summer. I am a little excited about school starting, since I work part time and now have both kids in school all day I have a few hours of free time.
My girls love Nutella, but not to eat by the spoonful. It is a treat. I am all about almond butter or sun butter by the spoon full!! Add a little honey on that spoon and it is perfect.


I’m so glad you had such a great vacation Carrie! Yay for school starting and that you will have a few hours on your own after work! I’m going to try adding a little honey with my spoon of almond butter, thanks!


I fell asleep in a weird position while travelling last week and my neck was sore for a many days. Not fun at all! I will definitely be more careful next time. I probably have an even more unpopular point of view: I don’t get chocolate at all haha I am a salty girl and I’d rather have a bag of popcorn instead of chocolate or dessert!


Hey, I’m totally agreeing with you right now about chocolate ha:) I hope you get your favorite salty snack soon Mel! I hope your neck starts feeling better soon!


I am totally with you. Salty treats all the way


glad you had a great race! I do not like Nutella! I think I tasted it once in college? When I grew up, no one I knew ever had it in their house so I didn’t even know what it was until I was like 20 which I think seems weird now lol.


I didn’t try it until later in life too… my mom never bought it so I didn’t know what it was until I was at a friend’s house! I hope your weekend has been a fabulous one Meredith!


Sounds like a lot of us are of the same opinion about Nutella…I just think it’s almost too rich or something! Definitely peanut or almond butter for the win! :)


We are not alone! Yep, pb and ab > Nutella:) I hope you are having a beautiful day LeAnne!!!


I’ve tried those pastries same pastries from Portugal and they’re delicious!!!!!

The best parts from my Saturday were two: 1. My run. I lowered my pace around 30 seconds per mile doing an easy/long run and I think is due to my speed work at the track. 2. A BBQ that boyfriend and I had with some of our closest friends. Delicious food and great people, it can’t get any better than that.

Right now I’m very sore. I considerably increased my mileage this week and I honestly feel like this Sunday it’s a well deserved rest for me. My quads and hamstrings is what’s sore the most.

When it comes to Nutella, I honestly love it. I don’t like straight from the jar though. I like it with bread or on top of ice cream.

Hope you enjoy your Sunday, Janae:)


Way to go on your run Nathaly!! That is awesome! So glad your Saturday was a great one and I hope you get some Nutella on ice cream asap!


Hi Janae. I’m so happy you liked our pastries (pasteis de Belem) . They are a classic over here. We are very proud of them.
I also don’t love nutella but my sister does so it was always around when we where growing up. I have always preferred Peanut butter but she is allergic.
Brooke looks so grown up and more beautiful everyday. I’m not surprised she loves spending time with your mother. Even people who don’t know her (like me) are big fans.
Have a great day!


You are the sweetest! Thanks for being a big fan of my mom, she is the best! I need to come visit you and have more pastries:) I hope you are having an amazing day Patricia!


You and your family would be very welcome. ❤


I can’t wait to hear more about the 12K :) I did a 12K last fall for the first time, but there was no train to race, so obviously your race was way cooler! I had a low-key Saturday, but got in a nice little run and had breakfast with friends afterwards, so that’s pretty much all I need in order to classify a day as successful. I’m taking a couple of down weeks in training before starting my my next training cycle, so I haven’t been sore at all. Haha. Not gonna lie, I think Nutella is delicious. Anything chocolaty is usually a winner in my book. The only interesting pastry I think I’ve had were the cannolis in Boston. I don’t even remember the name of the place, but there was one specific place that everyone said we *had* to try. Made for a nice post-marathon treat for sure!


Ahhh I wanted to try those cannolis in Boston but never got a chance.. next time! I agree with a run and breakfast with friends being the best type of day:) What race are you eyeing for your next training cycle?


I’m thinking about doing our hometown race, the First Light Marathon here in Alabama. It was my first marathon and I love the atmosphere of a smaller, local hometown race. I’m giving myself until October to fully commit to a 12 week training cycle, so we’ll see. I want to get that sub-3 really badly, but I know that I’ve got to be ALL IN if I decide to go for it.


Sigh. All I can say right now, is that I hope we can still be friends despite your feelings on Nutella.

We’ll make it through this. I just know it. But it’s gonna be tough.:\


Hahahahah this made me laugh so hard! Of course we can still be friends… you bring a jar of Nutella and I’ll bring a jar of pb and it will all work out:)


I don’t love Nutella either. I’ll eat it on waffles or pancakes but not on toast…or a sandwich or anything like that.

I’m going to try to run that race next year too! I’m kicking myself for not getting ready for it this year.


Let’s do it next year! It was so so fun!!!!


Nutella is so gross! I hate it. I don’t know what the big deal is. There is something called dark chocolate peanut butter dreams and reese’s chocolate peanut butter that are delicious. I like those two on graham crackers and with bananas and apples.
The train race sounds like fun. I will need to see if there is one like it near me.
The baby has run several races with you now. What’s her PR? She will be born with running shoes on! Are you making her a collection of race bis and medals that you’ve earned together?


I need to try that dark chocolate peanut butter dreams asap! Sounds amazing! Okay, brilliant idea Lee on making a little collection of the race medals we’ve earned together… thank you for that!


Nope, I don’t do Nutella either. I could eat PB all day long though. I love tossing a few chocolate chips into a spoonful of PB. I just love, love, love the Beretta snuggle picture’s with you guys and the kids. I’m a dog person, and she’s such a cute dog but man, I love all the ones with the kids laying all over her and snuggled up. How she has her paw around Andrew’s arm. What a sweet girl. I also love how you have to hit ball with a bat for her energy outage. lol


Hahahah yep… normal fetch is not enough for Beretta! You are right about the amazingness of a spoon of pb with chocolate chips! So good! I hope your Sunday is an amazing one Michele!


Oh I LOVE Nutella. At home I have it on toast but it’s also my favourite topping for a crepe.
The best pastry I ever had was in Paris. I had just run the marathon and passed the most amazing patisserie in the way back to my hotel. I bought this enormous pain au raisin ( bigger than my hand) and it was the BEST post-marathon snack.


I don’t think it gets better than that… a ginormous pastry right after running a marathon! I hope your weekend has been a great one Allison!


My arms are sore this morning…from holding my friend’s new baby boy for a good 3 hours. Worth it.

I’m with you on Nutella! It’s always been something I’ve just gone along with when everyone raves about it but I just think it’s ok. And I would pick a straight spoonful of pb over nutella any day!

Best pastry = pan au chocolat in Paris (they’re the chocolate croissants.) May or may not have had one or two for breakfast every morning we were there.


Holding a new baby is the best!!!!! Your chocolate croissant talk is making me drool!!! I hope your Sunday is an amazing one Alyssa and yay for it almost being race day!


Sounds like a fun race and yummy food :)

I am not a fan of Nutella at all… my kids love it but nope, not for me!

My fav pastry is a chocolate croissant from a bakery on Bainbridge Island (near Seattle) at Blackbird Bakery. It’s amazing!


Next time I am in Seattle I’m going to hunt down Blackbird Bakery! I hope your Sunday is a really great one Marissa!


Best part about my saturday was definitely feeling like I can actually run again! 10 minute repeats with 5 minute walk breaks (to assess for any pain) yesterday, through my favorite park.
I’ve been doing an “arm challenge” after literally not lifting any weights for months…so my arms and chest have been a little sore for the last few weeks. It’s worth it to feel stronger, though!
I FEEL THE SAME ABOUT NUTELLA. I loved it as a teenager, but now I feel like I’m just eating candy when I have it. It doesn’t taste/feel nourishing in any way, so I just skip it now.
I am not a pastry person..but if crepes are considered pastries, then crepes with a little jam and coconut slivers:)


10 minute running intervals ahhhhh you are back Kerri! So happy for you:) oh a good crepe is the absolute best, it doesn’t get any better! Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!


I have never liked Nutella and could never understand the hype about it. Glad I’m not the only one!

My calves were sore last night too…and I didn’t even run hills!


You are not alone! I hope your calves start feeling better and better:) enjoy your Sunday Laura!


I’m with you on the nutella…I think it’s too sweet. I wish there was a dark chocolate version, I’d like it better!


Yes!!! I agree! Too sweet and I just feel weird putting it on things ha! A dark chocolate version would be so much better! I hope you are having a great day!


Ooh those Portuguese tarts look amazing! I’d take nutella over peanut butter any day but it’s not something we ever have in the house (probably because we’d eat it out of the jar ?) I have sore calves too after my long run yesterday – I’ve enjoyed having a rest day today! Best part of today was having a picnic and games with friends. We baked a lot of cakes and asked for donations for charity :) Looking forward to your race report!


I hope you get some Nutella soon Lys! Keep enjoying your rest day and a picnic with games and cake sounds perfect!


I ran my first 10k race yesterday and finished second in my age group, so that was my exciting Saturday fun! I also had a perfect Saturday night out with friends where at one point I laughed so hard I cried!
I’m not at all sore after my race yesterday, maybe I need to make 10ks a more common thing.
I do not like Nutella at all. Yuck.
Can’t wait to read about your race, you seem to always get to run through some pretty scenery!


Ahhhhhhhhh congrats on your first 10k and for placing second in your age group, you are amazing!!!! So glad you had such a great Saturday!


I don’t get the Nutella love either. I eat it once every few years and that’s enough for me. I think part of it is that I’m not a huge chocolate person. Enjoy your Sunday.


You are not alone Fiona! Thank you and I hope your Sunday is an amazing one!


That train race looks super fun!
I was going to make jam yesterday but instead spent my Saturday school clothes shopping with my daughter. She going to be a freshman this year, yikes! My older daughter is at camp and my son is off on an assignment (he’s a wildland firefighter ?) so it was just the two of us this weekend. It’s lovely sometimes to have so much one on one time.
So, today I’ll make that spiced peach jam, so just come on over when you’re ready, ha ha.


Yay for that special time with just your daughter! Ahhh a freshman! Great… I’ll be over this afternoon hahha thanks Christina! That sounds so good!


Oh my gosh – pasteis de natas!!! I fantasize about those — the Portuguese bakery where I used to live made them and they are one of my favourite all-time desserts. They taste best if you warm them up in the oven so the custard gets hot and a little bit soft and the top gets brown — it’s like a soft version of creme brulee. Lucky you!!


Oh I should have warmed mine up! I hope you fine a new Portuguese bakery near where you live now Sara! Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!


I used to love Nutella as a kid, as an adult I have to be in the right mood for it, which doesn’t happen very often. But I don’t like anything super sweet, so maybe that’s it.
My favorite pastry was called a quark tashe (I don’t know how to spell it, it was in Germany) but oh man I feel like I would like to go back there just for another one of those! In Las Vegas there is a patisserie called Jean Phillipe and pretty much anything I’ve ever had from there is good, but a cheese danish is my favorite (and the closest to the quark thing I’ve found in the states).


I hope you get to go back to Germany at some point for another:) next time I am in vegas I will need to find a Jean Phillipe! I hope you have had an amazing weekend Karin!!


I think Nutella is divine. But then, I love chocolate and nuts mixed together. I have yet to try almond butter, though!


Try almond butter Liz:) I hope you get some Nutella and/or chocolate with nuts asap!


I can’t wait to hear about the race! I think it’s so impressive and inspirational how many races you’re doing while pregnant. Also on the Nutella issue – I love it! I love it so much that when I allow myself to have it in the house (because I’ll eat the whole thing in one sitting) I just eat it with a spoon. No other foods necessary!


Oh thank you Lisa! I’m sure having fun with the pregnant racing:) I think you need a jar of Nutella asap!! I’ll send you one:)


Nutella……..meh. It’s good when I have it on a crepe, or lightly on top of toast but I rarely think about it or desire it. And I live in Europe where Nutella is a staple!!!

Sore because we started abs workout after XC practice!

I am not a huge pastry person, but in the states I love a good hippy dippy scone. However, a pastry in France is truly a melt in your mouth experience. Barely sweet, totally soft in the right places, just indescribable.


Why was your brother in Portugal?! My Dad, Brother, & Husband all served missions there! We got to go visit a couple years ago and I STILL crave the pastries!

Your little bump is the cutest…and so are you ??!


Yeah I don’t care too much for Nutella either. I mean, it’s ok but I wouldn’t choose it. Now peanut butter is another story! I eat it right from the jar!


Nutella is yuck. That is all….haha


Nutella is amazing on warm crepes and I also love dipping pretzel sticks in it. Also Nutella from France or Europe is way better! There’s more hazelnuts in the European version I think.


16 miles yesterday on already tired legs and oh boy they are sore today! I did a nice little shakeout run and then foam rolled and stretched like crazy. It’s been a year since my last 26.2 training, so I sort of forgot that my foam roller is my best friend around when the mileage climbs.
I’m with ya on the Nutella – not a fan. But coincidentally, I was looking for it at Target today (I am making a care pkg for my nephew at college) and they were SOLD OUT! I guess I should have gone to Costco! Lol


Just say no to Nutella. Blech. No, thank you. Best part of my Saturday was proving to myself that I could run without music. I didn’t do it on purpose, however. I was running a 4-mile race and right before the starting gun went off, my wireless earbuds died. Completely. Gone to earbud heaven. I had other earbuds in the car, but I didn’t have time to go get them. Sooo…I ran four miles having to listen to myself breathe. Yikes! I actually tried to listen to the conversation going on around me to take my mind off the fact that I didn’t have any tunes.

Oh, on Saturday we also moved our youngest child into college dorms for her freshman year at college. Miss he already.


that is such a cool concept for a race!! can’t wait to hear all about it! i’m the SAME with nutella…it’s just so rich and heavy and sweet and I get sick of it after a teaspoon full haha


Your dog is adorable! I love Peanut Butter and Nutella is good, but not an everyday thing for me. Do you like chunky or smooth peanut butter more?


Oh my goodness, Janae, that is so scary!!! I am so glad that you and baby girl are ok! Rest please, you have been through a lot!

I am recovering from a bad car accident this past Sunday . My car was totaled but I walked away so I am thankful!!! just dealing with some whiplash.
I did what might have resembled running this morning for the first time since Sunday mornings long run (pre accident, of course).

This recipe will sound crazy (I can see Andrew cringing)..but you might like it!! I will make pasta (any kind you like) with grilled veggies (you could also add grilled chicken). While it’s still warm (or warm it up a bit) mix in cottage cheese as your “sauce”. It’s creamy and satiating without being over decadent.

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