My running while pregnant thoughts and it’s all fun and games until…

First, thank you so much for all of your kind comments yesterday, they mean the world to us!  A few years ago I remember feeling so hopeless that I would never get the chance to have another baby again and here we are now… I am so excited I can’t stop thinking about it.  Andrew and I originally thought we wanted to wait a bit longer but we felt a few months ago that our kids were in a really good place as far as blending was going and that we were all ready for another addition.

Let’s talk about running for a few minutes!  Yesterday I did 8 miles @ 9:20 and talked to my sister on the phone for most of it (with my headphones).  I listen to A LOT OF PODCASTS now because I don’t want fast music causing me to go too fast and get my heart rate up too high.  Some days I listen to music but not the music I normally listen to during fast/tempos/races.

It’s crazy how with each different stage of running how much I grow to appreciate running.  Whether that is when I’m training for a huge goal and I’m grateful for the speed/strength running gives to me.  Maybe I’m stressed about life and running brings me peace and perspective.  During this stage I’m so grateful for running because it helps me to feel better and it gives me time each morning to really think about this new little one we are adding and our future.

When I was pregnant with Brooke, I was able to run (8 miles) all of the way until the day before she was delivered (well, I ran in the parking lot of the hospital the day she was delivered… just to say I did ((I think it was 12 steps total).   And this time around I definitely hope that I am able to do the same but I also have zero pressure on myself to be able to do that.  This pregnancy has been very different and I’ll tell you more about that soon!  Maybe I feel so different this time because I’m 5 years older or maybe because it is a boy or maybe because it is different dad DNA (that is why my sister thinks her first three pregnancies were so different than her last two).  I’m just taking it a day at a time and thankful for each mile I get.

I started wearing a belly band when I was about 22 or 23 weeks pregnant and I just ordered a new one because I think I’ll be ready to start wearing it in the next week or two.  I just love how the belly band takes away ANY pressure from my ligaments/muscles in that area.  It’s like going from running without a sports bra to running with a sports bra ha… I call it a sports bra for my stomach:)

So far, I’ve completed 2 half marathons this pregnancy (and I have one this Saturday).  I knew pretty quickly that something was going on during my half marathon in April (this was right before we found out we were pregnant) when girls started passing me right and left in those final miles and I didn’t have a competitive ounce in me.  Usually when I’m getting passed while trying to race I chase after them… that day, I could not have cared less if anyone passed me. I just wanted to finish alive ha.  I also knew something was different with me that day because I usually celebrate a good race with a donut or candy and I didn’t want anything to do with either of those things.  I know.  I told Andrew to pass me the Pringles (sour cream and onion)… not the sugar.  WHAT WAS HAPPENING?!

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We found out we were expecting not that much longer after the race and I’ve been able to run since then.  My least favorite day of the week to run = trash day.  Everyone’s trash cans are out on the road and I had to start driving to areas where there were no trash cans because the smell almost made me pass out;)  For a few weeks there my runs consisted of running .75 miles and then walking .25 miles.  I cut my runs back and my only motivation to get out the door (because I was sick and tired) was because I remembered loving pregnant running with Brooke and I knew I needed to keep some fitness if I wanted to keep running once I was feeling better.  I’m very glad that I did because…

RUNNING MAKES ME FEEL BETTER.  The same thing happened with Brooke.  Movement, endorphins, fresh air, sunshine… I don’t know what it is but the nausea goes away during those miles and I start feeling normal again (slower but normal)!  It is amazing.  I hope this is the case for everyone out there because I hope that exercise can be a part of your pregnancies too.  It’s a lot harder now for me to start my run each day (it’s quite amazing the list of things to do to procrastinate that I’ve come up with) but I’m always so glad I do because it helps me so much.  I love that I just run whatever I feel like each day.  I walk when I need to, guzzle as much water as possible and cut things short when I feel like it.  But don’t get me wrong… it’s HARD.  Your body is getting heavier, you feel out of breath a lot faster than normal and you are exhausted, but it’s worth it for my baby and for me in my opinion.

To motivate myself to get out the door I download the podcast/talk/new music that I am going to listen to the night before, have EVERY piece of clothing or accessory out  and ready for me to put on, remind myself over and over again it makes me feel better and I eat something… those three things usually get me out the door but if those don’t work, I don’t go.


My pace is anywhere between 8:20 and 10:00 each day.  It just depends on how I feel that day.  I usually keep the screen on my Garmin to the heart rate screen so I can make sure I don’t go too fast.

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I eat some cereal (or toast) with a peach on the side before I head out for a run right now and right when I get home I make a smoothie.  I cannot even stand the thought of eggs (or cooking any meat myself) so a protein smoothie or protein drink after I run does the trick to get some protein in when before I usually had eggs.  I usually drink about 8 ounces of water before I walk out the door for my run and I bring my little water bottle for my run and stop at every water fountain along the way to refill it.  I think that something that is beyond important for me if I want to run during pregnancy is to make sure I am getting plenty of water and food each day.  If I want to run, I’m going to eat/drink more than enough even if I feel sick later on that day.  So far my doctor has told me I’m gaining the right amount of weight (whatever the heck that means… I still get on the scale backwards at the doctors office because I just don’t like numbers) and I’ll make sure that I continue to do so!

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This is where my running is now and I’m sure it will continue to evolve over the next few months.  I remember with Brooke that I sped up a bit after the first trimester because I had so much more energy but then slowed down another minute or two per mile during the third trimester.  I’m just grateful for each mile and hope to be able to run for as long as possible this time around.   I hope to continue to do races for as long as possible too.  It was so nice last week to be at the half-marathon again because during pregnancy, it’s hard for me to feel much like myself but being in the race scene with all of the people/energy/running= I’m very happy!

PS my sweet sis-in-law is expecting too (with #7!!!!) and when she sent me this shirt that she bought I almost died laughing!

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Let’s talk about a few things from our day yesterday!

Brooke is learning how to jump rope which is clearly a big deal.


For a solid month or so we did not cook at home at all.  We would eat sandwiches or something that didn’t require any smells so we ate out a lot.  We still eat out more than I’d like but when something sounds good, I go for it:)  Yesterday, Even Stevens sandwiches sounded good… a pot roast sandwich with Aus Jus sauce to dip it into it and a side salad.


And then we restocked on all of the fruit.  Yes, Brooke took her shoes off in the cart and I didn’t even notice until I looked at this picture.

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After a quick nap Brooke and I worked on some coloring. She is better than I am.  It is her favorite thing when I color with her before making dinner.


I’m very happy that with this pregnancy (with Brooke I’m pretty sure all I wanted to ever eat was bagels w/cream cheese) fresh foods sound the best to me (along with a lot of chips;).  Dinner last night (plus another sweet potato:):

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Brooke is a fan of corn with butter.

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A few hours later = cereal.

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And a cute picture of Brooke and Knox after they were reunited on Sunday night and so happy to see each other.


The kids had some otter pops that night too!


PS I’m very grateful Brooke’s race gave out cowbells to all of the kids… so fun to hear those randomly throughout the day!

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Who has run while pregnant?  How did it go for you?  What helped you to keep going?

What is usually your favorite day to run, what about least favorite day?

Been listening to any podcasts lately while running… I would love to hear which ones?!

I would love to hear your favorite cereal right now (because I’m really into cereal these days… so much that I like talking about it a lot:)

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I’m so excited for you and your family Janae! You genuinely look so happy in all of your pictures which is contagious through the screen ha! Can’t wait to follow along on this journey.


I don’t have a favorite cereal…I am not listening to any podcasts…and I did not run at all while pregnant with any of my 3. However, I have to tell your sis-in-law (in case she reads the comments) that she LOOKS ADORABLE IN THAT T-SHIRT AND even more so SINCE ITS NUMBER 7!!!

Kudos to her!!!


I coudn’t go out for a run at all while I was pregnant. I just felt weak and not in the right place and mood. So glad for you that you can proceed.
Continue to wish you all the best from Germany ;)


What is it with pregnancy and cereal?!? I can be so good about eating eggs, fruit, whole wheat toast…now that I’m pregnant it’s cereal for breakfast, lunch and snack! And en entire watermelon haha and a bagel with butter. I did run some since I got pregnant but I was in the first trimester sickies during December so it was sooo cold to be outside and somehow I just couldn’t quite get my groove back after that. BUT I am determined to learn from my mistakes this time and next time I will run the entire time!!


Just go with the cereal thing ha… I don’t know why it tastes so good though?!


Still so very excited for y’all!! Can’t wait to follow this journey with you!

I don’t know what my favorite day to run is, but I’ve actually been doing some of my runs after work (even though it’s CRAZY hot here), and I’ve really been enjoying those. It gives me a time of peace and joy after stressful days at work.

I ALWAYS love Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and Honey Bunches of Oats with almonds are delicious, too. I’ve been meaning to ask you: Have you tried the Cap’n Crunch’s Sprinkled Donut Crunch?! It’s pretty amazing!


Chocolate Chex or chocolate Honey Bunches of Oats. I’m 14 weeks along and not really wanting many sweets except for those 2 cereals. I’ve been wanting a ton of random stuff – mostly, salty or sour but also a lot of fruit! I’ve been very lucky so far and have been able to run without many issues this whole time so I hope to keep it going. I’ve even won a race (and $$) while pregnant! Good luck!


No, no running for me while I was pregnant because I didn’t start running until I was 41 when the kids were 5 and 2 1/2. About that time when I really, really, needed some Me Time and I felt that the kids were old enough that my husband wouldn’t complain too much about being with them along on Sunday mornings (In reality that was the age when they could get themselves up on their own, we left cheerios on the counter, sippies of milk on the fridge). But I can’t imagine running pregnant. But I do love running when I have cramps because they all go away until the second I stop running.


Congrats on the pregnancy–that is awesome! I ran through my pregnancies all the way until delivery (I have six kids) and I have mixed feelings about it…on the one hand it definitely helped me mentally and physically, but on the other hand it created issues with my pelvis that I had to go to PT for after the baby was born…but honestly I don’t know if I could ever have taken a few months off and still been okay mentally! With my sixth I ran a 2:05 half when he was 3 weeks old and I definitely think that was too much–by mile 11 I seriously felt like I was in labor again!!–but it was great motivation to keep my weekly mileage at 30 throughout my pregnancy, so again, not sure I really would have done it differently! And I PR’d in both the 5k and half a few months after he was born, which I couldn’t have done if I’d taken my entire pregnancy off from running. I do think that while pregnancy running is harder it is SO much easier than finding time to run after the baby is born! That’s my struggle right now–I’m training for the Chicago Marathon and a lot of runs involve me with a jogging stroller and 5 older kids on their bikes! ?


SIX KIDS RACHAEL… wow! And you ran through all of them! I am so sorry about all of the pelvis problems it created! Do you think more damage was done during the pregnancy running or returning back quickly? I think I got back into running way too fast last time. It’s all so interesting! Thank you so much for sharing your experience, I really appreciate it! Ha… so true about what you said about finding time after the baby is born. Keep me updated with your Chicago Training, so excited for you!


I think it was more damage during pregnancy–my glutes basically quit firing as my center of gravity changed and my quads were doing ALL the work! I think most of us runners struggle with getting our glutes to fire anyway, and mine basically viewed pregnancy as an excuse to totally quit, haha! My PT was really great and even told me that she can fix physical alignment issues much more quickly than they can fix mental issues (I totally use running as a coping mechanism for depression), so for me anyway it’s worth continuing to run! I did start running when my baby was 72 hours old (only 3 miles). Honestly I think I was fine to return to running, but I probably shouldn’t have done a half-marathon so quickly! I did a ten-miler when he was 2 weeks old and that felt great, but going past 10 really hurt the next week! Anyway, if you run into running-while-pregnant issues, I’m happy to be a resource, although you probably already know tons of people who can answer questions. :-) I didn’t run through all of my pregnancies (didn’t start running until after my second was born, and had emergency surgery when I was 24 weeks with my third, so I was on bedrest for most of the rest of that pregnancy), but I did run up until delivery with my 4th, 5th, and 6th babies.


Oh, one more thought–prenatal yoga TOTALLY kept me going. So so good! And sports massages. I was really diligent about those with my sixth pregnancy and I felt a lot better running-wise than with my others and was able to keep up semi-decent mileage (30 mpw) instead of the 12 I’d been doing with babies 4 & 5.


Thank you SO much Rachael for sharing with me! It means a lot to me! I will 100% be reaching out with you if that is okay over the next few months! You are amazing!! I’m excited because my chiro will be seeing me once a month during pregnancy which I’m hoping will help me to keep everything working better than if I wasn’t seeing him. I NEED to do prenatal yoga though..that is a must! Thank you so much!!! I hope you are having a great day with your 6 kids!


I am beyond happy for you and your family, Janae! You look incredible. You are such an inspiration and I love your positive outlook on life.
They say craving salty things usually means a boy:) ps- where is the tank and t shirt from in this post? Can’t wait to follow along with your pregnancy journey.


I had an easier time running pregnant with my second than with my first, but I think it was because part of me was scared that i was doing something wrong by running the first time (not so, obviously). My first trimester was in the nasty summer months and I had awful nausea too, it was rough, but seriously, every time I went out I also felt sooo much better! I’m so glad I pushed through those tough months because second trimester I almost felt back to normal, with my breathing, energy, etc. I ran all the way up until the day before my c-section and loved every single mile. I also think the best part was it gave me some time to bond with the baby, which was hard to do having a toddler and a full time job.
But I agree–eat all the good food, drink all the water! Add electrolytes like nuun to help replenish fluids, stretch and walk when you need to. Janae, I’m so happy for you! <3


Never been pregnant but I enjoyed running next to my pregnant friend at a race last month. She had to stop and pee which allowed me to catch up with her! She is still faster than me at 7 months. Lol.


so excited for you and your family! I didn’t run when I was pregnant. I kept up my gym routine for a few weeks after finding out I was pregnant but then one day the smell made me nauseous and I couldn’t go back lol. I did a lot of walking while pregnant and swimming too. oh and my sweet tooth was completely gone when I was pregnant! it was a major change for someone like me – I was all savory foods!


It’s kind of crazy to see you running at paces that are slower than mine.. usually you are my motivation to push myself a little bit more! But I am sure carrying a tiny human means you do what works best for you. I think it’s absolutely amazing that you are able to do all you can do while bring pregnant!

I myself need some recommendations for podcasts to listen to while running, so I hope there are some good suggestions.

I’ve never been pregnant but cereal is my favorite snack – mostly dry, but sometimes it’s my easy breakfast or lunch or dinner, too! Right now I’ve been alternating between Crispix and Cinnamon Toast Crunch.


So exciting — congratulations again! I have never been pregnant, so I can’t really comment on the whole running-while-pregnant thing, but I can imagine it’s going to take a whole new level of dedication for me when the time comes haha

Favorite day to run = Saturday or Sunday = hopefully the run is the only thing I have to do those days!

I’m not big into cereal these days, but have always had Apple Cinnamon Cheerios as my go-to :)


Congratulations!! I am excited to read about your running during pregnancy. I was so bummed that running didn’t work well for me during my first pregnancy, so I’ll be looking for some tips to try on round two!
Favorite day to run= Saturday when the husband watches my little babe and I get some outside miles in (I live way down south so it’s too hot to run with my stroller right now)
I am all about Honey Nut Cheerios and almond milk for dessert at night!


This post is just so awesome. I get all teary and happy and sappy hearing about this new baby, and your family is already just happy and cute as heck. Makes me just all happy. You have started my day out really good and happy. lol Cereals…ooohh…I eat one for weeks then change I have just changed too Apple Jacks and Captain Crunch with Berries. Just came off of Strawberry Frosted Mini Wheats and Lucky Charms. I do love podcasts very much, but I haven’t found any on my own yet, I’m still going off of what others have recommended. I really like the ones from Out for a Run. Someone just told me about some from Run Selfie Repeat, but haven’t listened to any yet. So I’ll be going through these comments in a few days to see what others have maybe recommended.


Congratulations! The only thing I can comment on is the Podcasts.. I like to listen to Girls Gone WOD, The Ladies Dish, Balanced Bites, Fed & Fit, PaleOMG, Lady Gang, Mind Pump, and Pop Culture Happy Hour :-)


Okay, these all sound amazing… I cannot wait! Thanks so much Kim and I hope you have an amazing day!


Also- not sure if you have heard of this, but when I was nauseated during my pregnancy, toast made with thick Dave’s Killer Bread was a LIFESAVER! It was filling and super simple, but also had some good proteins and fats in it.


I LOVE that type of bread, I forgot about it… I need to go get some now at Costco! THANK YOU Lora!


I did run for the first 16 weeks of my pregnancy and oh boy, it was different! I wasn’t even showing at this point and I was already out of breath very quickly. The doctor told me to stop because of a small complication but I did continue walking and being active. I was worried about how out of shape I would be (overall I was unable to run for about a year) but you know what, I started back slowly and rebuilt my endurance and speed. I ran my fastest half marathon after my pregnancy. Giving birth for 16 hours required a lot of mental toughness, so after that, even running a marathon wasn’t such a big deal haha Wishing you all the best during the pregnancy! Take care!


I never ran while pregnant, was always too sick with “morning” aka all-day sickness :(. Then by the time I started to feel better, I just didn’t have the motivation to get out there. Although, I couldn’t wait to start back up again.

I love cereal and my current go-to is Raisin Bran Crunch. I don’t like it when cereal gets soggy, and this kind stays crunchy longer.


Wow! Its great you were able to run that much with Brooke. Cant chime in on personal experience, but it sounds like your body just cant stop runnin’, so nothing will hold it back, hah! Peaches are such great running fuel– especially now that they are so ripe!


I’m really excited for you Janae and it’s so obvious how happy you are. I’m looking forward to seeing how Training goes for you.


Apparently all it took for me to become a commenter was for us to be pregnant at the same time (I commented yesterday too, I’m 14.5 weeks pregnant too!). I’m a runner, not nearly like you are, but I was so sick the first trimester that the most I could do was walk without getting sick. These last few weeks as I started to feel better I started trying to run again, doing a run/walk to ease back into it, but my body was saying no. Yesterday was the last straw, I just knew I had pushed it too hard and unfortunately I won’t be running through this pregnancy. That’s okay though, I have beachbody on demand and figure I’ll do some cardio, strength, and yoga workouts each week to stay fit. I’m really, really trying to listen to my body!

I’m big on the Ali on the Run podcast and I’ll Have Another (I loved your episode so much!). If you like true crime I highly recommend Up and Vanished too.

Favorite cereal…that’s so hard…I’m really into cereal too! Probably corn pops. They’ve just always been my favorite!


SARA!!! We are the exact same… CONGRATS, this makes me so happy:) You’ll have to keep me updated with everything! I should try beachbody! Let’s eat cereal together and now you have me craving corn pops ha. CONGRATS!


I remember when I wrote to tell you about my triplets and you said triplets would have been great. Now you’ll be a mommy to 3!!! Congratulations and thank you for continuing to be so authentic on your blog. It is the first one I read each morning.
Be well?Michelle


AHHH HI MICHELLE!! You are still my hero with your triplets… absolutely amazing! It gave me chills when I reach what you said about being a mommy of 3… I feel so lucky! Thank you for your sweet words, it means the world to me!


I didn’t run at all with my first because my dr told me not to (he was an older dr). With my second I ran up to 4 months and stopped because it started to feel in comfortable. With my last, I found out I was pregnant at a race. It was kind of like you said, I could tell something was up. So I went home and took a test. I ran with him up until 7 months with a belly band and then I hurt my pelvic muscles and had to stop. I wish I could say that I ran up until the day he was born but it didn’t happen. I did do insanity up until the day my #2 was born though.


Smoothies SAVE MY LIFE. Smoothies all day, every day. SO EXCITED FOR YOU GUYS!


Drinking one as I’m reading your comment:)


OMG, cowbells?! Those race organizers are evil. That’s awesome that you can keep running. I’m not pregnant, but I hate any kind of food smell when I’m running. It makes me nauseous, particularly if it’s fast food or really sweet. I should probably just stick to trails!


Congratulations on the new addition to your family!!! It’s amazing what our bodies can do while pregnant! I am not a huge runner, but I do enjoy it, so I kept running (much more slowly) throughout my whole pregnancy. I never used a support band though and I really think it would have helped! I really like your idea of listening to podcasts instead of music, I’ll have to give that a try the next time!


With my first, I wasn’t a big runner, but I did do my 3-day per week spinning class right up until I delivered! I started running right after my first was born (because said spin class was too hard to get to after having a baby…my new routine was running during my lunch break at work). So with my second, I did continue running until around 30 weeks. At 30 weeks I got a bad cold that made me stop running, and by the time I recovered I was much bigger, so just walked from then on out. Congratulations!!!


Congratulations! I ran during my pregnancy up until about 8 months then the pressure became too much then I just started walking. I also taught Pilates and weight lifting all the way through my pregnancy. And I ate massive amounts of mini wheats and cocoa pebbles. Now I am trying to talk my husband into baby #2


I ran my whole pregnancy, in fact I ran 4 miles 2 days before Hope was born. I did not need a lot of motivation because my body honestly just felt so good in that motion.

I have had some running mom friends say #2 was harder to motivate running because first time around there was not the other child to care for.

Just went through vanilla honey bunches of oats in 4 days.


So happy for you and your family, Janae! What an exciting time. I’m currently 32.5 weeks pregnant and I’ve barely run at all this pregnancy. I just feel so heavy and uncomfortable. However, I’m continuing to lift weights, take long hikes nearly each day with the dog, and do workout videos, which I always hated before being pregnant but for now they seem to get the job done!

As for cereal, I barely ever ate it prior to becoming pregnant, but during the first 14 weeks of my pregnancy I was so sick and had the WORST food aversions that I basically lived on Frosted Flakes. Pregnancy sure does strange things to our bodies but it’s so so worth it!


I ran and cycled on my trainer throughout my entire pregnancy (last run was 2 days before my daughter was born) and what helped keep me going was my belly band, making sure I ate well and was well hydrated, and just listening to my body. My paces definitely slowed throughout my pregnancy but I always felt so much better after my workout. I really think keeping my fitness up helped me have a quick labor and recover so well after. Congratulations on your little one!


Hi Janae – congratulations! I am so happy for you and your growing family. This is the best! I have a four week old baby boy at the moment (feeding him at 1am right now!) and I ran until 34weeks with him. I managed to pop my sacroiliac joint out at that stage and could barely walk from then on, however I still credit all that running (+ some swimming in the last few weeks) to an awesome first labour. That was through our summer over here (New Zealand), and it sure got hot sometimes! Hope you have lots of routes with shade close by xx


FOUR WEEK OLD baby… oh this makes me so happy Rachel, congrats! Okay, that sounds so painful… but so happy you had a great labor! Keep me updated with how you are doing!


Congrats on your exciting news! At 18 weeks prego I am right there with you on the “no eggs” thing. My husband cooks himself eggs for breakfast every morning and I have to breathe through my mouth until the smell dissipates. That’s amazing you have been able to keep up with your running. I stopped for about 12 weeks and now I’m just getting back into it. Also have you heard of the SneakPeek test? It’s an early gender results DNA test, we had it done at 10 weeks and found out we’re having another girl.


TRICIA… CONGRATS TO YOU!!! Seriously.. what is it with eggs?! I got really mad at Andrew one morning for making them ha! Keep me updated with how you are doing and SO HAPPY you are having a girl:) I need to go get that test asap!


I have 2 littles ones (almost 6 and almost 3) and I tried running through the 1st trimester with my son and it was ok, I was too nauseous to eat much so I had zero energy, and by the 2nd trimester running gave me what I thought were Braxton Hicks contractions and I freaked out so I stopped, it was also summer in Texas so it was too hot. It took awhile for me to get back to it after he was born. With my daughter though, I ran pretty fast through my 1st and 2nd trimester, and only started to slow down during my 3rd, stopping about a week before my c-section (when my husband figured out that my Dr had suggested I start taking it easy). With her, running was the only time I wasn’t crazy uncomfortable! We were in upstate NY so the weather was better, but I logged most of my miles on a treadmill (which I still do). I got back into it must faster after she was born, and it seems like that pregnancy shifted my hips to just the right spot that my running is stronger than ever now!! She’s also crazy fast and I like to think that it’s b/c she’s been running literally her whole life lol.

I love listening to TED talks, but they’re not great for running since a lot of them are short… but I’m also a fan of “This American Life”.

As for cereal…. LOVE IT, but I don’t really like it with milk (dairy and I aren’t great friends)…. I love frosted mini-wheat, and right now we are going through at least a box of honey nut cheerios a week in our house (mostly b/c of my late night snacking)

Congratulations! I’ve been following you for a while and am really inspired by what you’ve accomplished! I’m chasing the 3:00 mark as well and am actually going to be running St George this year! When my coach suggested it I immediately thought of you!


ELIZABETH… thank you so much for sharing your experience! I’m glad you were able to run with your second (I bet the temperatures made the biggest difference too)! I love that you were able to get back to running faster afterwards too! I AM SO beyond excited for you to run St. George this year (maybe I’ll come down and cheer you on)! Keep me updated with your training, you’ve got this!


Congrats!! I’m about 7.5 weeks behind you so I think I’m really going to enjoy reading your experiences! Its so funny to me that eggs are a no go for you too and cereal has also been my go to! Not sure about that sweet potato, though…I had to scroll quickly past that picture haha!


CONGRATS JORDAN!! I am so excited for you! Oh I went without sweet potatoes until just a week or two… I don’t know if I will ever be able to eat eggs again ha! Get some delicious cereal today!


30 weeks and a few days, and still running 3 times a week. MUCH slower than before, with lots of walk breaks, but I feel the same way you do – getting up and moving and sweating a little in the morning made me feel SO MUCH BETTER, especially in the beginning of my pregnancy. I had morning sickness (which was all-day sickness that actually got worse as the day went on) up until about 4.5 months, and working out in the morning helped so much.

I’m so excited to follow along on your journey with Baby Baron – thanks so much for sharing with us!


GO JESSICA!!! You are getting so close! Congrats on still getting out there and running… Why do they call it morning sickness? You were all-day and I was mainly from the afternoon on (and night was ridiculous)!? Thanks Jessica and I hope you have a beautiful day!


i can totally relate to this. i’m currently in my second trimester and have been running throughout my pregnancy. i t has been hard for me to get out and run sometimes but i know that i will feel better afterward and i have so much more energy. my pace has also slowed down quite a bit and i am certainly not racing anymore but it is so nice to be able to just run whatever you feel like. looking forward to hearing more about your pregnancy!! i have also been craving cereal…honey bunches of oats!


CONGRATS LUCY on your pregnancy and running! I hope you get in some cereal asap (why does it taste so much better now?!?). Keep me updated with how you are doing!


I didn’t run while pregnant but started it up after to get back into shape. I couldn’t walk down the cheede aisle at the grocery store without dry heaving every single time with all 3 of my pregnancies. I don’t eat a lot of cereal but when I do it is Frosted Mini Wheats!


I’m not a mommy yet. But I really hope running is something possible for me to do when I get pregnant. I’ve heard so many professional runners who have to stop running because of the discomfort they feel while being pregnant.

How long did you have to wait to run again after delivering Brooke?

My favorite cereal is the TJ Almond Maple granola. Yes, I eat it as cereal. I’m also hooked up with Honey Nut Cheerios because you can never go wrong with those.


I started listening to podcasts while running too; usually only listened to them in the car. I LOVE Anna Faris is Unqualified, Serial, S-Town, and yesterday started Presidents, which gives a 1 hour “lesson” on each president.

What podcasts do you listen to? I’m always looking for more.


HEY DANI!!! Thank you so much for your recommendations, I can’t wait… the Presidents one sounds really interesting to me! So right now mainly I’ve been listening to the Runners World one, Lindsey Hein (I’ll have another), The Running for Real Podcast and I’m desperate for some none running ones too so thank you!


I found another great podcast…..however, it can be sad. Robin Robert’s Everybody’s Got Something. She interviews people about struggles they have experienced and how they persevered. I listened to the episode with Amy Robach and Dan Harris on my walk with the dog tonight and it was amazing!


Congratulations! When I was pregnant I did a lot of stalking of the HRG baby page getting tips from when you ran while pregnant with Brooke! My biggest running accomplishment was running a sub-4 marathon at 11 weeks! (With the total ok from my doctor, of course.) I felt great for most of my pregnancy and continued to run, spin and do Pilates until 27 weeks when I had some issues and my doc said no more running. :( But now here I am with a perfect 10 month old girl who loves going in the running stroller!!


Sub 4 at eleven weeks… WOWZER!!! You are incredible! Congrats on your little girl Joy, have a beautiful day with her!!


Congratulations! I am so happy and excited for your family and know that your baby will be so loved.
I had to walk with my first 2 pregnancies (3-4 miles 4-5 days a week) and was bedridden with my third so no running during any of my pregnancies. It’s bizarre because I usually ran 40-50+ miles a week but I was so nauseous all day everyday and nothing was appetizing and there was just something telling me I needed to walk not run. As weird as it sounds my third was also my favorite because I was bedridden and didn’t do much but bond with my baby and nourish myself with anything I could stomach haha plus lots of fluids and look at cute baby stuff all day.
As for cereal here are my current favorites: Golden Grahams, Apple Jacks, Special K Red Berries, Special K Yogurt Clusters, Honey Nut Cheerios, Kashi Blueberry Clusters, Fruit Loops, Captain Crunch All Berries and Lucky Charms. And if you mix the two Special K cereals together it’s amazing.
P.S. You should make the trip to Oklahoma right about now because about 5 miles from my hometown there’s a town called Porter and they grow the most amazing, ripe, perfect, delicious peaches and nectarines. You can pick them or buy them already picked. Haskell has grapes, Stilwell has strawberries, Lincoln has apples, Okay has blueberries and at the farmers market on Saturday there are more watermelons (regular, orange and yellow), cantaloupe, honeydew and various local fruits then you could ever eat before they went bad. And I could totally hook you guys up with an itinerary of family fun with Brooke and Knox because Tulsa is only 30 minutes away and Oklahoma City is only 2 hours. Just a thought lol


I AM DROOLING RIGHT NOW OVER PORTER… that sounds like heaven to me! I’m talking to Andrew about this! Wow, you are amazing for getting through those three tough pregnancies but I LOVE how you explained the bonding during that time with your third. You are amazing Tiffany!


I’m curious what belly band you plan on using. I never used one the first time around, but think I should get one this time. I’m about a week behind you so I’m very excited to follow how you progress through this pregnancy. Congrats!


I used this one and LOVE IT! Not bulky and fits so well! I plan on wearing post-partum too to help keep things tucked in for a bit!


Does it make you hot? I guess in my head I had pictured an under belly support. Is it true to size?


I never had an issue with getting hot – granted I ran on my treadmill (I was afraid to run outside incase I needed to pee, haha). It does a pretty good job of wicking away sweat. I did try those under belly support belts but personally it was too bulky for me and seem to cut into me but I see alot of runners use them!

As for size I am 5’8 and weighed 147lbs pre pregnancy so I ordered an XS and its fit me perfect. They always seem to be sold out too but they restock fairly fast.


Thank you so much Christine! All of my outdoor routes have bathrooms along the way, but I know soon enough those won’t even be enough ;) Thanks for sizing info too. Exactly the info I need!


You’re welcome April! Wishing you the best of luck with your pregnancy!


Hey April! I ordered this one: but I haven’t tried it yet (the one I used for Brooke is no longer available!

I think I’m going to get the one Christine recommended… it looks amazing!



The links to both the belly band you bought and the onethat Christine recommended appear to be broken. I’d love to know what kinda they were, as I’m in the market ?


Congratulations and best wishes for a healthy pregnancy!


YAY FOR YOU! Still so happy for your news! I ran a bit for the first trimester, but then was just so tired, that I have just been walking. I think the main difference for me this time around is that last time I was pregnant, I only had a 4 year old to deal with – now I have a 6 year old and an 18 month old and I am just EXHAUSTED all of the time. SO walking it is!

My favorite podcast lately has been the “reality steve’ podcast! He interviews former Bachelor/Bachelorette contestants and I love it!!

And I CRAVE cereal every day and night with this pregnancy (I am 22 weeks). Golden Grahams is my go to, and it HAS to have my daughter’s Whole Milk in it, it just takes better. OMG. I”m so sad that I am at work now because I want a bowl right now! AHH!! The joys of pregnancy!


I am so so happy for you, Janae!!! Congratulations to the moon and back. xoxo

Right now my favorite cereal is Cranberry Almond Crunch and Honey Ohs. During my pregnancies all I wanted was Crispix with fresh fruit. Oh, and Kix!

I also started listening to podcasts while I run. It’s so great! My latest obsession is called Invisibilia. So interesting.

Good luck with everything! ?


Congratulations! That’s so exciting! I’m 18.5 weeks along. No running for me because it just hasn’t sounded appealing (other than the Girls on the Run 5k when I was 14 weeks and I somehow ended up with the fastest girl on our team!). I did teach Jazzercise up until 16 weeks when my doctor restricted my activity due to high blood pressure. But everything’s been normal since then and I got approved to go back to class low-impact, yay! I also just signed up for a prenatal yoga class that I’m really looking forward to.

I’ve also been on a cereal kick: Cheerios with sliced up banana. I liked it fine before I got pregnant but now it’s my snack every single day. I’m a fan of eggs though (only hardboiled), which is great because most other protein, especially chicken, is blech right now.


AHHH CONGRATS KACI!!!! That is awesome that you were able to keep teaching until 16 weeks! Let me know how the prenatal yoga class goes! Good to know I’m not alone with the cereal thing ha. I’ll send you all of our eggs;)


Love your bitty baby bump in the one picture-so sweet.
Cereal is amazing. I am a mixer so tend to put granola with cheerios or Life or chex. LOVE rice chex-in fact they saved me with my third pregnancy. Then there’s dopey frosted flakes (“dessert” cereal!).

I live in a pretty “rural” area and when the field get the poop sprayed on them it’s soooooo icky, especially if the wind blows. Gross. You know what’s weird-I swear our garbage day doesn’t stink like it did when I lived in Portland. Come to think of it, I never think about stinky garbage outside anymore. Hmmmm, w hat’s up with that!

I only sort of ran with my pregnancies-it just didn’t feel right and comfortable for me so I power walked, swam, and did prenatal yoga.

Happy Pregnancy!!!


I’m a mixer too and Andrew thinks I’m so weird! I had frosted flakes last night! Oh yes, I can’t even imagine that smell while running! Thanks so much Kelly and I hope you are having a wonderful day!


When pregnant I wasn’t running at that time at all, but I did step aerobics and body styling classes.
People in the gym are still taking about it ,after 22 years! So far I’ve been the only exercising woman with a baby belly !
oh my, I’m awaiting my grand children…. (son and daughter, do you hear me???)
Right now I love good ol’ cornflakes with whole (what else?) milk.


Oh I love it!!! Way to go on getting in your workout classes while pregnant! HAHAH I hope that you get some grandchildren asap!!!


I’m 18 weeks and when I emailed you asking about running while pregnant it was probably near the time you got pregnant! Lol.

This is my first pregnancy (fourth baby) in which I have continued running. I’m loving it! It made me feel so much better in the mornings (even though my sickness was the worst in the afternoons and evenings). I’ve slowed down a lot, but things have plateau’d now that I’m further into the second trimester. And I’m loving lifting weights. I can carry my heavier/changing shape body so much better!


AHHH KRISTIN:) Congrats again! I am SO happy that you are running this time and that it is helping you out big time! Running is amazing! I need to do more weights… you are inspiring me. THANKS!


I have to recommend the bao maternity speed bump sport band! It is way better than the typical support belts and it truly is like a sports bra for you belly! I plan to wear it after I have baby too for support, its so awesome and not bulky!

I did my last run at 33 weeks – the braxton hicks, pains, and twinges were enough to tell me that I need to take it easy now. I am currently 35 weeks pregnant (and 35 years old so I’m guessing age may play a factor) and as as much as I miss running I’m just way too excited to meet baby #2 and I know I’ll get back to running like I did after my first child.

I love any blueberry flavored cereals right now! Special K blueberry lemon and Chex Blueberry are currently in my cabinet!


Christine, that one looks AMAZING… I’m going to have to get it! You are so close to having your new little one! I’m really into blueberries right now so I’m going to have to try those cereals, thank you! Keep me updated with how you are doing!


For my first pregnancy I was a walking coach for team in training and I was also on a masters swim team and I also ran a little bit. I was very active and it was awesome. I actually gave birth to her in the parking lot of our birth center, labor was obviously EASY and quick. I think it is just me and not all the exercise. I gained the right amount of weight but like you I weighed myself backwards. With my second I was not quite as active but I still ran, race walked, and exercised. I had a horrible time gaining weight with her no matter how I tried. She was positioned in such a way that eating was just awful. I lost weight in my legs and face but she did fine, actually a half a pound bigger then my first. But my midwives stressed me out so much with my lack of weight gain. They asked me to stop exercising at one point and I lost weight and so I just ignored all advice, did what felt right and towards the last month I was putting on weight.


THE PARKING LOT.. wow, that is awesome! Oh that is so hard with your second one, I can’t even imagine! It’s crazy how each one can be so completely different. Glad you did what you knew was right for you! Thanks for sharing Carrie!


My favorite day to run is race day. Actually that’s not true it’s probably at the beginning middle of a training plan before everything hurts and when I’m still optimistic about where I can take my training. But running and I are thinking about breaking up after my race on Saturday because I’m tired and worried that all my training won’t mean anything. And also it’s summer and I want to get back into spinning or maybe even kickboxing for a while. Also your pregnancy is so sweet and exciting. I read your blog with Brooke and I’m so glad you’re sharing another pregnancy with us!


Elizabeth… GOOD LUCK on Saturday!! Please let me know how it goes and all of that training you have done DOES mean a lot! I think it is so smart though to take breaks from running whenever you want though! I love spinning:) I hope your day is a great one!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts on running during your pregnancy. Going through fertility treatments they HIGHLY discourage you from any high impact activity the first trimester. Which absolutely sucks when you want to run to get those good feeling endorphins because you feel like crap. Even though our pregnancy was spontaneous and no fertility treatments were used he still did not want me to run which really frustrated me. Running is something I enjoy and to have that be taken away just felt like I was giving up everything and I wouldn’t be able to run again. I have ran a few times throughout this pregnancy, much slower and shorter (no halfs for me) and now I’m so uncomfortable that I just go for walks.

I have been listening to a lot of self help podcasts lately. I run a side business as well as a nonprofit and so I try to find podcasts that help me be more successful. I have really enjoyed listening to Marathon Training Academy with Angie and Trevor, and in the past have listened to Marathon Talk.


Oh I bet their are so many differences with fertility treatments… I can’t even imagine everything you have been through Tedi but I AM SO HAPPY that your new little one is almost here!!! SO HAPPY FOR YOU!! Oh I need to check out Marathon Training Academy! THANK YOU! I would love to see you soon:)


HUGE congrats Janae!!! So, it’s a BOY??!!
“Maybe I feel so different this time because I’m 5 years older or maybe because it is a boy or maybe”
Either way, WONDERFUL news and am so glad you’re sharing your journey with all of us!!


Oh I did not word that right! We haven’t found out yet but Andrew is convinced it is a boy and I’m wondering if it is just because of how different this pregnancy feels! I hope you are having a wonderful day!


That’s so awesome you “ran” on the day Brooke was born – love it! haha

Favorite day to run is probably any weekday I can sneak in an early morning long run because the trails aren’t as crowded as they are on the weekend!


I’m 19 weeks along with my first baby and had been continuing to run (albeit much slower) until I was told no exercise for at least three weeks!! :( So bummed but as long as the baby stays healthy! Hoping to get clearance to do more than walk and yoga soon!


CHRISTINA… huge congrats on your pregnancy! So happy for you! I am so sorry you aren’t able to run for three more weeks, keep me updated with how your re doing!


Unfortunately running while pregnant has not gone well for me. My hips hurt and my calves cramp up badly. I’ve taken steps to get more electrolytes and potassium in my diet and that seems to have helped.
Thankfully, Crossfit is going amazing while pregnant. At 24 weeks I have to modify some things. But I’m still doing pullups, pushups, kb swings, double unders and I’ve never felt stronger! Give me all the weight to lift at this point!
My doctor tells me I need to be able to talk during all of my workouts, and I can ignore the old 140 heart rate stat as that doesn’t work well for women who have been working out consistently before pregnancy. So far I feel great and I’m crossfitting 5 times a week. I hope to keep this up for 16 more weeks!


I made it anywhere from 24-28 weeks running while pregnant before it started to hurt too much to make it worth it. I did it up until then because it DID feel good, especially at the beginning. I swear when I was running/exercising was the only time I didn’t feel nauseous.

Cereal: Raisin bran crunch, honey nut chex and reese’s puffs.

Favorite podcasts: The Alison Show and Bold New Mom

Your SIL shirt is tremendous.


Congrats congrats! You should try the new Blueberry Chex…or Waffle Crisp. That one is a real childhood throwback!


Congratulations!!! I just had my baby boy in March. I was able to run to about 6 months, then the tailbone pressure was to much to handle. I was working 40+ hours at the time and it was winter so I was fine with the break. I stopped working out completely. Now I’m 3 months postpartum and working out consistently and getting stronger again. I appreciate exercise so much more now. It’s changing my mom body & giving me more energy :)
By the way I would bet money on you having a boy!


Congratulations! I’m so happy for my favorite blogger!!


I ran through my entire pregnany too (up to the day before) and loved it! I had to change my goals for my running and focus on a healthy baby, manitaing a healthy body for myself, and an easier delivery! It was so fun to run through the pregnancy and I can’t wait to run through my second pregnancy (whenever that happens!)

So happy and excited for you Janae!!


I ran up until the third trimester with my first baby. I just did a half marathon while 7 weeks with #2. I should say pregnant and lactating still, so it was quite the interesting day! I thought it wouldn’t be too bad since I did a ten mile race no biggie with #1, but this half with #2 took me forever!!! It just didn’t feel right to run the whole time so I walked a lot. I agree, I feel a lot better working out. What I don’t like is lectures I get for running. I have to remind people it’s better to keep doing what I was doing (doctor’s orders!) with respect to watching my heart rate and body heat. :) congrats on the pregnancy! I love that I can read about some more pregnant running now!


So excited for your family!!!! True story: when I was pregnant with my first I loved cereal SO much that one night I woke my husband out of a dead sleep to say “Hey, what do you think it is amount the crunchiness of cereal and coldness of milk that makes them THE MOST AMAZING FOOD COMBINATION EVER?!? Who do you think decided to combine them for the first time? What kind of cereal should we have tomorrow?” And, being all kinds of wonderful, he actually gave halfway interesting answers despite the fact he thought I was waking him up to tell him the baby was coming ?❤️


Congratulations Janae! My babies are 24 and 28, so no pregnancy tips although I do remember running for about 1 1/2 months while pregnant, and then starting tripping, so that was that!!
As far as podcasts, I love Human Race, which is from Runner’s World. My favorite non-running podcast is The Moth. Great personal stories every time.


I ran right up to delivery day with both of my pregnancies, very slowly though, as (like you) I was concerned about my internal body temperature getting too high. My favorite cereal to this day is white frosted mini wheats and I went through tons of boxes when I was pregnant… also apples, I craved cold crisp juicy apples. :)

I love your little baby bump and Brooke’s art is amazing!


Congratulations! I am 26 weeks along with my first baby. I had to give up all exercise for the entire first trimester – I was super exhausted and nauseated all day, and too much of any exercise (even walking) would make it worse for the following day or two. I started running again as soon as I started feeling a little bit better (around 15-16 weeks), and I’ve been running 3-4 days a week since then. I started using this support belt as soon as my belly was big enough so that it would stay in place, and it definitely helps relieve some of the pressure:

So far I haven’t been too uncomfortable so I plan to keep it up as long as I can! Even on the days when it’s harder than usual, I always feel better afterward. As far as staying motivated, I’ve found I really need to make sure I get enough sleep, stay hydrated, and go early in the morning before it gets too hot and/or I get too tired. I also don’t beat myself up if I want to take a day off or just go for a walk instead of running. I also save all my favorite podcasts so I have something to look forward to listening to! I A few of my current faves are Beautiful Stories from Anonymous People, Totally Married, One Part Podcast, Real Talk Radio with Nicole Antionette, Death Sex & Money, and Here to Make Friends (Bachelor Recap Show)…and a ton more!


Congratulations Janae and Andrew! So excited for you all! Be thankful you live up there and not Florida–you would never want to run because it feels like a sauna!


Congratuations! This is such exciting news and I’m so happy for you and Andrew.

I still don’t think you can beat coco pops –> coco pops on nana nice cream is just the best thing ever!


I emailed you a year and a half ago to see which belly band you used while pregnant with Brooke. I bought the same one from Motherhood Maternity and was able to run until two days before my son was born. I’m still amazed that I did that but so happy I did. I can’t wait to read about your next experience. Congratulations again.


I’m still running and I am almost 32 weeks pregnant. It’s been wonderful! I also used a belly band at the beginning but lately I haven’t needed it. The last three weeks though I took up spin classes and that felt amazing. I took three classes a week and my body really enjoyed it. I don’t run more than three miles and they are much slower but atleast I am still able to run. I ran a half marathon at 9 weeks but since then I haven’t signed up for any races. I do however have my first race lined up for post baby! ? You look great and keep it up!


Congrats on your pregnancy! My favorite podcast is The Lady Gang :)


Wait, it’s a BOY?!


AHHH sorry we don’t know yet… I worded that wrong. I meant maybe I’m having a boy because I feel so sick? Just trying to figure out why I feel so much different this time?! I hope you are having a great day Tiffany!


Hahaha ok no, I got it now (maybe I read it wrong?)….I had my second baby a year ago and man, I am SOI not smart anymore :) ;) My first was a boy and that pregnancy was a breeze, my second was a girl and she made me sick, sick, sick. So funny how it affects everyone so differently (even from pregnancy to pregnancy). So excited for you!!!! Can’t wait to follow along on the journey with you again (my son is just a few weeks older than Brooke so I LOVED reading about your pregnancy back then).


See…I can’t even spell “SO” bahahaha


I AM THE ONE THAT WORDED IT WRONG:) You are smart! That is so interesting that your boy you were fine and your girl you weren’t! Thank you so much and and I love that your boy and Brooke are so close in age!


Such exciting news! So happy for you and your family. Enjoy every moment.


Wow super exciting! You’re amazing!


Oh my goodness, congratulations to your sister, too! It’ll be fun to have a pregnant buddy :) I’m 20 weeks now and all I wanted to eat my first trimester was eggs, cheese, chicken, and cottage cheese. I usually have a sweet tooth and it nearly disappeared. I’m back to a more balanced diet now (though all that protein was probably good for me). You’re right, running while pregnant is hard (this is my first baby), but it makes me feel good when I do it. I work full time, nights (I’m an RN) and am in grad school, but I try to carve out time 4 days a week for some mileage.
Oh, and thank you for reminding me about the support band! I don’t need it yet, but I’m getting there! I ordered one to have it ready when the time comes.
Congratulations, again!!


Sooo excited for you! I’m 32 weeks pregnant with a girl!! I have two boys and one girl so we’re evening up the score around here.
I’ve been able to run my entire pregnancy. There have been days and weeks that have been so so HARD to get up and get going but I’m always so glad I did. I ran Ogden half at 28 weeks pregnant and drop 13 at 32 weeks pregnant. I’ve never used a belly band. Sounds like I should look into that.
Maybe I should try cereal. I have had VERY little cravings this entire pregnancy. Unfortunately just a lot of food aversion. So eating had been really hard. Force feeding myself pretty much. Anyway, can’t wait to follow along during your pregnancy!! Run on!!


My favorite day to run is usually Saturday. Especially in the fall when it starts to get cooler. I love waking up a little early to get my longer run in for the week. Then I have my entire Saturday to do whatever I want! I feel more energized and productive throughout the day.
The only podcast I have listened to EVER is yours! I absolutely loved it haha. If you have any suggestions (especially free podcasts) I’d love to hear them.
I’m honestly a sugary cereal eater usually. Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Resee’s Puffs, Vanilla Chex. But if you’re craving something less sweet, Special K Fruit and Yogurt or Special K with Strawberry is the the way to go!

I can’t wait to keep up with all of your exercise during pregnancy!!!


Aw it’s so fun to hear a little bit about your pregnancy! I second the support belt idea! I wore one starting around week 26 or so but I would totally start earlier if I get pregnant again. I also loved cereal in the first trimester and really all carbs for that matter. I’m glad you can eat fresh fruit! I remember missing my old appetite/diet but I also think you crave what your body needs, somehow. Good idea not looking at the scale! Gain whatever you need to. Since you’ve been through it before, you know it’s only temporary. I hope you have a super smooth pregnancy and can run the whole time!


First of all a huge CONGRATULATIONS!! Very exciting!

I was a lot sicker with my boys than with my daughter, for what it’s worth, and my sister was the same way. I couldn’t run at all with the boys because the bouncing just made me throw up. Nice. I made it to 23 weeks (I think) with my daughter before my sciatica forced me off the roads/treadmill and onto the stepmill. It was weird because I’ve never had sciatica before or since – hope I didn’t just jinx myself.

I admire your ability to race while pregnant – I have a funny pregnant racing story – before I knew I was pregnant with my daughter I raced a 5k and I felt so awful. I called my dad afterward with my race report (he is a runner too and always wants to hear all about it); I said, “my time was about what I was expecting but I don’t know what was wrong, I felt like I was going to die the whole time.” He replied, “you probably haven’t been training at the limit of your capacity.” (My dad’s all about the tough love haha.) Well, the next day I got a positive pregnancy test, and I was pretty happy to call him back and say, “no dad, I wasn’t training lazy, I’m pregnant!”

I wish you the best for the remainder of your pregnancy and hope the running continues to go well!


THANK YOU for sharing that story with me… I loved it! I bet that phone call back to your dad was nice ha! Thanks for sharing your story with me Rebecca! I hope you are having a great day!!


Nature’s Path makes Qia cereal. I liked the chocolate and coconut superfood one a lot. It’s not very sweet and it’s got a decent amount of fiber and protein, which is nice if you are having a hard time eating certain foods.

My sister-in-law has been incredibly sick throughout her whole pregnancy. (she’s due next month and still gets sick). She’s on a strong anti-nausea medication which has seemed to help.

I guess garbage day in the summer would be my least favorite day to run, too. :) Other than that I don’t have a favorite or least favorite day to run.


I am also pregnant 28.5 weeks and I ran unto I was 4.5 months but now stick to elliptical, stair master and treadmill. Also knew I was pregnant when I reached for the chips haha which was very odd for me also, oh and I’m having a boy ;) congrats !!!!


You are being so smart about your pregnancy! I love your go with the flow attitude. Also, I stole your turn around on the scale idea during my pregnancy. It was awesome.

I tried running through my pregnancy, but unfortunately, the doc found a complication a 15 weeks that made it so I had to end my running. Result- 24 more weeks of elliptical and pool running. I cannot tell you how in love with morning running I am now.

Cereal- Frosted Mini-Wheats FTW.

Podcasts- I have a deep love for Radiolab. Also, Ask Me Another is really fun to play while running. I get a bit competitive against the contestants. It makes the time fly by.


Congratulations! So excited for you and Andrew (and Brooke and Knox for becoming a big sister/brother)!

It would be great at some point to get your opinion on foods/drinks/etc. that you plan on avoiding while pregnant! People seem to have a lot of different ideas and it would be great to hear your perspective : )


When I was 14 weeks pregnant with my daughter I ran my first half! I worked so hard getting ready for it and race day was just miserable. After that even thinking about exercise provoked my morning sickness lol.

Congrats again on the pregnancy! It’s so fantastic!


Congratulations Janae, Andrew, Brooke and Knox on the new addition to your family! I am very happy for you and excited to follow along in your pregnancy journey.

I am 33 weeks along and haven’t been running. My workouts have been long walks with my dog as many days as I can. I was very sick my entire first and second trimesters, and high intensity workouts/running just didn’t happen because unfortunately it made things worse. All the more enjoyable when I get back at it after baby is born though!


I ran up until 34 weeks and then it became painful.
Running is my favourite form of exercise and I was sooo happy I could keep up with it that long, even if I only ran 3 miles towards the end and it took me like 35 minutes lol
My daughter is now 4 weeks and I can’t wait to be cleared for running!
Favourite running day is Sunday = Runday because I have more time and can get my longest run in whilst also being able to try out new routes!


Congratulations!!! I remember reading your post when you announced your pregnancy with Brooke. You said what made you suspicious was that your legs felt like cinder blocks. In July of last year I was in a cardio kickboxing class and felt that exact feeling, I literally could not lift my legs off the floor. We had been trying for 2 years and I took a test the next morning, I was in so much shock I was pregnant after all the negative tests over those 2 years. Anyways, I was 5 weeks along with twins at that point! I would have never known about that symptom unless I had read it on your blog! I thought I would just share that with you.

I’m so happy for you! I had a feeling and kept my eye out for a baby announcement post!!!


Oh Emily, I got goosebumps reading your comment! FIVE WEEKS ALONG WITH TWINS?!?! I am so so happy for you! PLEASE keep me updated with everything:)


Yes! 5 weeks! I delivered twin boys in February at 36 weeks because of Cholestasis. My boys will be 4 months old on Saturday! Its truly a blessing, they are my heroes! I hope you have a great pregnancy! I had no idea you had a miscarriage, thats heartbreaking. I’m excited for your rainbow baby!


Congrats Emily!! I am so happy for you:) Seriously! Oh thank you, that was a very LOW point in life for me. I am much better about talking about my scars than my open wounds and I just couldn’t blog about it at that time! Have a wonderful day with your boys!


So excited for you guys!! Hope you’re feeling great, I’m sure running helps keep you feeling good! I was just curious, I see that you’re checking your heart rate during your runs now that you’re pregnant, do you try to not go over a certain heart rate? I’ve heard so many different things about this, I’m curious because I want to continue to run when I’m pregnant but want to be super safe about it. I’ll of course talk to my doctor about it too when the time comes :) but just curious if you follow any guidelines! Happy 4th!!!


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