Has this ever happened to you with running? + Sunday Dinner w/my fam.

They look sweet but these two were actually scheming up their own secret plans to tease me in the below picture.


Andrew had his third 12 hour shift (that usually turned into 13ish hours… nurses, you are all beyond amazing) yesterday so he was gone and the kids jumped in bed with me to start the day.

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Orange rolls.  From a can.  These are one of those nostalgic foods for me.  This is something my dad would make a few Sundays each year and they make me really happy.  The non-frosted one is for Knox (trying new foods is a process for him:) and don’t worry… when we left for our bike ride afterwards Beretta jumped up to the counter and polished off the rest.  I was not very happy about that when I got home.

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The kids (and I) had a lot of energy so we decided to go out for a bike ride.  So Brooke used to love her bike with training wheels and pedals but now she has ZERO interest in them and only wants her push bike.  I’m thinking that she’ll want to go back to her bigger one someday but for now she just likes using her feet (maybe it’s the runner in her wanting that…).

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It was a gorgeous morning.

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Fun fact:  Getting the two kids ready (and packed ((with snacks and coloring)) and on time to church is 4 times harder without Andrew here (even though it should only be 2 times harder, it was really 4).

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We came home from church and Beretta behaved for the time we were away.

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This was from Saturday night but this is by far my favorite way to eat a cantaloupe (I was missing granola though)… greek yogurt + spoon.

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We are hooked on salted caramel rice krispie treats and made a batch to take over to my mom.

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And then we went over to my parents’ house for dinner.  Brooke has taken over my spot… I can’t count how many head massages my mom has given me over the span of my life but now Brooke gets them (she almost fell asleep).

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Some of my mail still goes to my mom’s house and I was beyond happy to see that my new running shoes had arrived.  I was in need of a new pair (I can put a lot of miles on these) and my body will welcome these.  Launch 4’s!

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My mom approved the rice krispie treats which made me very happy.  Seriously, these just take it to the next level.

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Got the kids all ready for bed and then Andrew came home!

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Excited for a fresh new week of running.  Last week started out slow because of my knee (from falling) but I am happy that this week will start out like normal with some intervals on Wednesday (excited to get back to these again) and a long run too.


Post-race blues.  Post-training cycle blues.  Post-anything about running that makes you pretty sad.

It happens to me after every. single. marathon.  Usually this doesn’t happen to me after a half-marathon because I just take a day or two off and then continue my training but after a marathon training cycle, I really feel the post-race blues.  You cross the finish line, celebrate your accomplishment and then you sit there on the grass with a snow-cone and wonder… WHAT’S NEXT?!  I think that after the Tucson Marathon I had the worst case of Post-Race Blues ever for myself… I was a solid 10 minutes and 20ish seconds off from my goal.  I had trained hard for 6ish months for that marathon and I KNEW that my body/brain/stomach were going to need a good amount of time off before going for it again.  A lot of time each day was spent during those months on my training and then I sat there wondering what I was going to do now that the race was over (especially because I knew I was burnt out).

We put so much time, training and thought into these big goals of ours.   Then we get to the point where we rock the goal/fall short of the goal/finish the goal and then we wonder now what?  It’s a strange feeling to go from spending HOURS/sweat/energy into these big goals each week only to not have that training plan hanging up on your fridge anymore.  I know that I’ve also experienced some major BLUES whenever I am injured and can’t run.  Even if it is a short injury, I definitely feel a little down and most definitely different.  I don’t know about you but I’m a creature of habit so whenever one of my favorite habits isn’t there anymore (training!), I definitely feel a little blue?  So what do I do when running has me down?

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1.   I rest.  I’ve stuck to my rules of not running for 10 days after a marathon for a bunch of my marathons but then I’ve also started running easy again when I felt like getting out a few days after the race.   Some people jump into training hard again 3-4 weeks after a marathon but for me it usually takes me 3 months to start training hard again.  It’s just how my body needs to recover.  During this time when I am really missing training hard I remind myself that the only way I’m going to be able to train hard again for another big race is by RESTING.  Jumping back into things just doesn’t work.  So as much as I miss the hard training, I have to remind myself that the rest is a big part of being able to do that all over again.

2.  I love to plan my next race.  When I got injured right before Boston (in 2011?) I cried for a few days and then I got on the computer and signed up for NYCM.  That helped me SO much to deal with the loss of training at the time.  I had a new goal.  A new focus.  I even do this after big races.  I PLAN in recovery but then I get online and start looking at dates and places for the next goal.

3.  I go outside, grab lunch with a running partner or go on a walk on my favorite running path.  Sometimes when I’m missing training I am also missing parts of running that I can still have without actually running.  Fresh air, nature, alone time, a great conversation… getting in the other parts of the run helps when I’m either injured or missing my training plan.

4.  I focus on the things I can do.  It is SO SO easy for me to focus on all of the stuff I can’t do but running teaches us gratitude so let’s take that gratitude and focus on all of the cross-training, new hobbies, more time with our people, more time for sleep etc that we do get to do.


Has running ever given you the blues?  After a race?  Due to an injury?  What did you do to help fight it… I WANT STORIES:)

Nurses reading?  Do you work 12 hour shifts or more of the Mon-Fri 8-5 thing?

What was the best part of your weekend?

What would you say is the BEST FALL MARATHON.  I just am wondering for a friend:)

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September 2 is the Pocatello Marathon. I’ve done the full or half for the past 7 years. It was my first race ever. Great experience that’s why I always participate.


SEVEN YEARS… that is awesome Diane! I am definitely going to have to check that one out! Thank you and I hope you are having an amazing Monday!


The picture of the kids making the rice krispies is so cute. You can see the concentration on their faces! Also I think the best fall marathon is Chicago. I’ve never run it but I volunteered and the atmosphere is awesome!



Running has definitely given me the blues. It’s tough when you’ve trained so hard for races that didn’t go your way or that you didn’t get to run at all. When running is an outlet for stress and escape from everything not going well in your life, and you can’t do it or can’t do it to the full extent you’re used to, it’s tough.

I don’t know about fall marathons, but I love the Dallas Marathon in December. I usually run the half, and I’m hoping to be back to running/competing by then. It’s such a fun event in a great city! :)


Oh the post-race-blues … they are definitely a thing! I think that is why so many people sign up for another marathon after saying only a few short days (or hours) before that they will never, ever do another one. Haha. I trained for New York a few years ago and it was a fabulous fall marathon, but I definitely got a case of the post-race blues afterwards. I ran a 3:02 and was really, really hoping for sub 3. I haven’t run another marathon since, but I know I will do it again eventually. I just enjoy halfs so much more that it doesn’t make sense to force myself to train for a full. So, my husband is a nurse practitioner now. He was an ICU nurse for about 5 years and worked 12 hour shifts and now works 8 to 5. He absolutely LOVES his job now. Seriously, I haven’t ever seen anyone that loves their job like he does. It is such a meaningful, rewarding career (so you can pass that along to Andrew :)).


The first picture is so cute! They look so formal all dressed up like that! Best part of my weekend was getting certified for yin yoga (which was my entire weekend!) so good thing I enjoyed it! Well, I might be biased. but I live in DC so I think the marine corps marathon is AWESOME! And DC views are hard to beat :-)


Definitely have the post race/workout blues but I treat training cycles+races like ex-boyfriends. Great times, good memories, but I can’t glorify or compare what I had. Just have to be happy with the memories, gather up the lessons, and go on to the next guy :) Very strange metaphor, but it helps me rationally detach if something goes wrong in the race or the process- that race can’t tuck me in at night, and neither can that ex-boyfriend.

By the way, I am 23 and I would totally wear all of Brooke’s clothes. So. stinking. cute. :)


I’ve had the running blues and the only sure way for me to personally beat them is to take time off until I enjoy running again. It’s definitely hard but always worth it when you feel good again (for me that’s right now).

We used to have so many of those orange rolls. They are great!


Definitely going to make those rice Krispy treats!! I work three 12 hour shifts a week–day shift. It’s hard and you come home exhausted but having 4 days off per week makes it worth it! Whenever I get the post run blues, I sign up for another race. One that is far enough in the future to allow me some rest and then I make new goals!!


MAKE THEM and let me know what you think! Oh I bet you are so exhausted after those shifts but those other 4 days off are one of the reasons Andrew loves nursing. It’s awesome! Love the way that you handle the post-race blues! Have a great Monday Ashley!


Canteloupe bowl what!? I lve been on a kick with that fruit lately. Had it twice yesterday! Those rolls look massive and I like it. A lot.


I think you did a pretty darn good job getting the kids ready for church – they look adorable :) Best part of my weekend was picking out my wedding dress! So exciting.

I am not nearly as into running as probably most people who read your blog are, but it makes me sad when for some reason I cannot run or workout. Then all of a sudden I feel like I absolutely need to. I’ve had a few health issues over the years where doctors have told me I cannot exercise for a while, and it’s so hard to stop myself when I am told “no.” Kind of like little kids…they always want what they can’t have. I just try to remember that it’s for a reason to help my body and try to distract myself with other things – a new Netflix show, naps, cooking, and reading seem to help the most. :)


It doesn’t matter how much you are into running… you totally understand what it feels like to go without it! I’m sorry you’ve had these health issues over the years Allison! Love your distractions Allison! I think you are amazing!


Brooke’s dress is so pretty and summery! Does it come in my size? :)

Best part of my weekend was definitely breaking in the new grill. I am a grilling newbie so I overcooked the chicken burgers but now I know. Just like running I hope to get better over time haha!

I also got a calf massage at the PT that really seemed to loosen them up so that is a really bright part of my weekend too!


best part of my weekend was looking forward to my birthday and eating birthday cake and goodies all weekend long!


Girl have you done Top of Utah yet? I’ve only done the half but it’s by far my favorite so I’m sure the full is magic too.


YES YES YES!!! Only one time but I loved it so much! You doing it this year?


Not that I know of yet! But maybe :) I do want to do a fall half and that would be a fantastic one to do again.


I can relate to running blues for sure. I’ve been injured a lot and that’s the worst. But also the after your race feeling of “now what”. I have a little bit of a hard time finding motivation to keep training after that, unless I have something planned or someone running with me.


As I am returning to running after injury I have a whole different sense of desire to register for races. I had to DNS not one, not 2 but 3 half marathons and a 10k and I was so unbelievably sad. So I want to run a fall half but I can’t get myself to register. PTSD in a way.

Best part of my weekend was my boyfriend picking me up at the airport and my dog was in the front seat. And Friday evening my nephew graduated from high school!

Well NYC marathon of course. Also I love the philly marathon. Both are in November.


I find taking time off and/or not working towards a running goal pretty hard because being a professional and a mom means that most days, training is my only me time and my stress relief. And I can’t find something that I enjoy as much as exercise and the endorphins that come with it. Yoga classes have been helpful when I am taking time off hard training but I do feel there is something missing. I wish I had a solution but still work in progress!


This is SO timely! I was literally just telling my mom the other day that I felt like I was suffering from post-marathon blues. I ran the Bayshore Marathon in Traverse City a week ago … I was fine and really happy for the first 3-4 days after the marathon but started to feel really down a few days ago. This happens every time I run a marathon! It’s not usually immediately after, but the following week.

Things I do to help it – Lots of friends and family … Lots of time spent outside … And lots and lots of retail therapy :)

Hope you had a great weekend!


Oh Arthi!!! Huge congrats on the Bayshore Marathon but I am so sorry you are feeling the blues. I totally understand! Yes to those things and I forgot about retail therapy… that always helps me too!


I love those kind of cinnamon rolls! They are a sentimental thing for me too, I probably only have them about once a year, but so good!


The best thing about my weekend was completing my 3rd half marathon, and first one since I had my daughter in 2015! I PR’d by 5 minutes! I am still on the runner’s high, but I can already feel the post-race blues creeping in. I have my eyes on another half in September :)
Have a great Monday!


AHHHHH CECILIA!!!! Huge huge huge congrats on your 3rd half marathon and a PR!!!! Keep those eyes on your next half (after some good resting too)! Seriously, great job this weekend!


Thank you, Janae! :)


Lovely photographs! I’d say the best part of my weekend was the BBQ we had yesterday – can’t beat a good BBQ!


Your mom seems so sweet! Seeing her smile made me smile this Monday morning.


She really is so sweet:) Thank you and I hope you have an amazing day!!!


Happy Monday!!!
I don’t have any good answers to the questions today but just wanted to stop by and say hello and have a wonderful Monday :)


Oh thank you Ashley:) I hope you have an amazing Monday too!!! Thanks for taking the time to say hi!


Those rice krispies look delicious. I’ll have to look for a recipe for them online. I’ve made peanut butter rice krispies a couple time, which were also amazing. It’s hard to go wrong with anything that has peanut butter in it.

The best part of my weekend was date night on Saturday. We stayed in, ordered pizza, and watched the hockey game on the couch. I think those are some of my favorite dates – low key and just spending time together.


Oh gosh yes, always get the post-marathon blues! My last marathon was especially tough because I was looking for a stringent time qualification so i could get into NYCM. I ran the Long Beach marathon HARD and killed it … beat my PR by more than 5 minutes. Afterward I tried to get back into the routine like usual, but could NOT get my legs to turn over. I should have let myself recover longer, but I had a half only a few weeks later and wanted a PR (and I wonder why i am injured???) Anyway, my half and the following 2 races (a week later) were a total bust. I ended up sick and injured. I was a total mess, and I am paying for it now with this stupid tear. But you live and learn! I am thinking about getting a coach before I start my next training cycle. I know I haven’t reached my full potential yet, and it is frustrating, but I also know I make mistakes. I don’t go easy enough on easy days b/c I have this fear that running slow will make me slower (??) but I think it’s messing up my hard days. Also, I still haven’t nailed down my nutrition and fueling – which I think it such a process!


Oh Annemarie, that does sound super tough! I am so beyond sorry about the tear… you have the post-race blues + injury blues all at once! YES YES YES to getting a coach. That is why I love having one… they bring me back to a smart approach to training when I am just wanting MORE AND MORE! Easy runs are one of the things that have made me faster in the long run. YOU CAN DO IT and keep me updated on your injury!


After dealing with very bad acid reflux and then shin splints at the beginning of this year, I had to take off lots and lots of time off from running. I was pretty sad. Not only was I wondering how I was going to accomplish my running goals this year, but I also felt like a huge part of my life was lacking.

I focused on reading about running, writing about running, and lifting weights (because that was an exercise I could do). That really helped me having a more positive mindset.

Now that I’m back to running, I can’t say my training is perfect. But Is definitely better than not running at all :)


I have worked many many many 12 hour shifts. It is nice to work them and get them over with. The night shifts were much harder for me than the day shifts. I had to sleep more to recover from them and I could never seem to get my room dark enough. When I switched back from nights to days and took down my window coverings, I was shocked at how dark my room actually was. Working nights is crazy but comes with hospital work.


YES, I literally cannot even imagine doing the night shifts! Hopefully Andrew is able to handle those really well because I’m sure he will have to also! I hope you have a wonderful week Megan!


This post was exactly what I needed to read today. I finished the Hood to Coast Washington relay this weekend (which was amazing!), and am starting to feel the post-race blues this morning. I’m already thinking about what to train for next, but probably need to take some rest time and make sure my body is feeling good before I jump into it again.


What was the best part of your weekend?
The 114th Annual Rose Festival! And getting 21mph in our new Jeep on the way back (6th gear)

What would you say is the BEST FALL MARATHON. I just am wondering for a friend:). I have only run 23, but the Flying. Monkey Marathon (the weekend before Thanksgiving) is hands down the winner, best post race grub, beat race Schwartz, best race medal, best race mile signage, and best leading up to the race (weekly?) emails to motivate and utilize humor. The year Boston first sold out in 2.5 hours, Flying Monkey sold out in 2.5 MINUTES. It is a smallish race (200-300), and it is HIlLY. But, have you seen the Wizard of Oz??? Flying Monkeys! I ran as Dorothy the year I did it. And I have volunteered for it twice. It is an AMAZING race. Nashville, Tennessee


Well, I am not a nurse, but I am a NICU Respiratory Therapist and I work 12 hours at the bedside in the unit, and yes, those shifts are crazy, but what’s even more crazy is the amount of overtime I pick up. Instead of working my regular 3 12 hour shifts, I end up working 5 or 6 days a week. That’s why I have to work out first thing in the morning, evening workouts do. not. happen.

I have the running blues now. I am planning a move and I am not ready to commit to a race until afterwards. I have a hard time staying motivated without a half on the calendar. I think a fall half is going to be planned very soon.


Because I was born and raised in Britain and still have tons of family there, the recent terrorist bombings have been hard for my heart to bear. Brooks Launch 4 (yup, my shoe too) special issue for the London Marathon a month or so ago made my heart happy again. I’m wearing them these days in solidarity; they are VERY BRIGHT Union Jacks! Wish I could post a picture of them here, but the Brooks site has them.


The best fall marathon is the Newport marathon in Rhode Island! It’s so beyond gorgeous, even when it’s raining and the wind is blowing like 40 mph, which is what happened to me when I ran it for my first half marathon in 2012.


LITERALLY just bought those shoes today (same color and all)! Hoping they will help the crazy blisters I’ve been getting on my big toes! I’m a Saucony girl and the last time I ran in Brooks it was the Green Silence model. We shall see how it goes!


Nurse here! I used to work 12 hour night shifts. They were hard but you do get four days off (although it takes a day to recover from them). I was super sleep deprived when I worked night shift, because I had 3 young children at the time. Now I am a school nurse. Five days a week, 7:15 to 2:55. Summers off, weekends off, holidays off. I enjoy getting to know my students for a longer period of time. Downside: not as exciting as being in the hospital and you are more cut off from the healthcare scene in general. Good luck to Andrew! Love hearing about his progression in nursing school!

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