FAVORITE things & Your Accomplishments!!!

My new favorite hat for my 6 mile run with Josse yesterday morning.  Hats/visors are one of those things that SAVE me during summer running.  Some other things that save me during the summer:  Driving to run near water (it always feels so much cooler to me to be by a river or lake), carrying a little water bottle with me and choosing routes according to drinking fountains, lightweight clothing (PS you can find all of my favorite summer running clothes HERE) and getting OUT THERE w/out procrastinating in the mornings to avoid the heat.

Anybody else agree that it is 100 times easier to go out and run when it is light and warm early compared to those dark/snowy/cold winter months?

I wore my Brooks Glycerin 15s for the run and I can’t remember the last time I wore Glycerins… so far I am loving these!

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The Run Happy hat accompanied me for most of the day:)  Just the usual lunch over at our house.

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Rough morning with these kiddos but after chores, some good talks and earning their pool day… we made it out.

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I’m sure glad they did because the pool was a good time.

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I came prepared with our current summer favorites… grapes, cherries and peaches.

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Looks comfortable Knox…

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I had to leave for a bunch of meetings and things but on the way home I decided that Cafe Rio would make a fabulous dinner.  The kids love the horchata and quesadillas as much as I love the salads.  We also had the queso which was an excellent decision.  We did our family night and then they were off to bed.

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Time for some Friday Favorites!

**My parents have been wearing their fit bits daily and checking in on their steps so I decided I would find my old Apple watch and see where I’m at…  most of my steps happen during the run but it’s fun to see where I’m at every now and then.

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**I learned this from my coaching class and it has really helped my glutes to stop being lazy during the race;)  (I told you this a few months ago but just in case you missed it..) They taught us to pretend like we have a $100 bill held in-between our cheeks (sorry, that sounds weird) and we can’t drop it while we are running… it really helps me to keep my glutes activated during the run and working rather than letting all of the other muscles do the work.

**This is my new favorite picture of these three.  We were all hanging out in the front yard and Beretta did something weird and they were all laughing so hard.

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**I’m almost finished with the Husband’s Secret and I really love it… but now I’m looking for my next read!

**Need a fun workout?  I did this one on Wednesday from my old coach because I remember loving it.  I shorted the w/u and c/d a bit but this is a great workout!   Adjust your different speeds by using a pace calculator like in this post!

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**Sometimes the simplest foods are the absolute best.  After making a million pb & j sandwiches for the kids I remembered how good the simple stuff is and pb & j toast has been a snack a lot lately.

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**I ran out of my favorite hairspray so I’ve been using another old one and realizing how much the Bed Head Hard Head is my favorite hairspray ever.

**I know I am way late to the party on this one but Pirate’s Booty is the best.  I had never tried it until Knox requested some… yeah, this stuff is addicting!

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**My three favorite running songs this week—>  To Be Human(from Wonder Woman), PERM by Bruno Mars & Yes Girl by Bea Miller!!

**I wanted a little water bottle that had a strap around the hand and I just ordered this one… I’m super excited to try it!

**We just watched the movie Concussion (with Will Smith and we LOVED it).


You guys are out there rocking your races!  Thank you for sharing with us!  If you want to share your latest running accomplishments please send them to [email protected]


Jenny!!!  “On Saturday, June 3rd, my 3 teammates and I (I’m in the white hat) ran in a 51.4 mile really race from Mount Rainier to the Tacoma waterfront and placed 2nd in the women’s open 4 person team and placed 6th in the women’s OA!  Each of us ran 3 legs total to make up the 12 legs to conquer the 51.4 new downhill race and each of us left everything out there!  My average paces were faster than I expected and each leg was one surprise after another!  During my second leg, I was asked by a male on another team if I could pace him…. Seriously?!  I have never been considered fast by any means and never been called a strong runner but here I was… being asked to pace someone!  If that isn’t an ego boost, I don’t know what is (well… that was before snagging 2nd lol!)”



Michelle!!!  “I ran the San Diego Rock n Roll marathon on Sunday 6/4/17.  I was really hoping for a shiny new PR, sub 4 marathon and the icing on the cake would be a BQ.  This was my 4th marathon.  Well the course was pretty hilly especially mile 22-24 which was all uphill, that was brutal.  Well I ended up doing well despite having to walk a bit on the hill, I PR’ed by 7 minutes, went sub 4, 3:59!  I missed qualifying for Boston by 4 minutes but I am super happy about my result!  I definitely have boosted my confidence that I can achieve that BQ next time!”

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Sarah!!!  “May 28th I ran my first marathon in Edinburgh, Scotland.  I moved to England last year to finally, after 4 years long distance, be with my fiancé, now husband.  This was the first race my husband was able to be there to support me; all other races were in the US.  We had a plan to meet up around mile 10.  I had started off way too fast, I know you are not supposed to do that and so I was upset with myself knowing I couldn’t keep the pace up the whole race but told myself just get to mile 10 to see Adam, the husband.  When mile 10 came around Adam had just gotten off the spectator bus, they had hit traffic, and we messaged trying to find each other but sadly by the time he got to the 10 mile marker, I was long gone.  Once I knew we missed each other, I tried not to cry but that meant I couldn’t breath properly.  I am pretty sure that was when I hit the wall but I forced myself to get it together.  The rest of the race was a massive struggle.  People told me everything would hurt, but everything hurt way more than I thought humanly possible.  I told myself when mile 20 came around, I was going to run the rest of the way no matter how painful it was and I did, for the most part.  I did stop and walk at the aid stations and made sure I had enough water.  Mile 25 came around and I was beyond ready for the race to be done and I knew exactly where Adam was near the end so I went as fast as my legs would carry me, which wasn’t that fast.  I finally saw Adam cheering me on along the last stretch.  Seeing him there cheering me on made me finish with a smile on my face when I was sure I would be crying.  When we met up after I got out of the runners area I balled my eyes out and told him am never doing that again… two days later I told him I wouldn’t mind running another marathon because I know I can do better and have more fun.  I have been looking for my next half and full marathons and hope to sign up for them in the next couple weeks!”

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Katie!!!  “I ran my best half marathon last weekend!!  I hit my PR time at 1:47!! I was so nervous because my knee had given me problems while training and I figured I wouldn’t push myself and would just enjoy the 13 mile run with my sister.  I rested my knee all week prior to the race and did lots of stretching and come race day it felt great.  We hit mile 12 and my sister said if we picked it up we could get in before 1:50.  I still can’t get over the excitement of rounding the bend at the finish line and seeing the 1:47 on the clock.  Yes, that’s me crying crossing the finish line.  I’m so lucky to have a great sister who ran with me and cheered me on and paced/pushed me.”



Loribeth!!!  “I just ran my 9th half marathon last Saturday and LOVED it.  I have run this race every year since its inaugural year (2013) and this year they took a ‘streaker’ photo before the race.  There are less than 50 people who have run it each year….. for good reason…. this half marathon in June, in Tennessee, where the majority of the race is uphill.  Serious hills, heat and humidity.  But I love it!  It is my favorite race!  I hit 2:04 this year, which is pretty average for me on this course (2:03, 1:59, 2:04, 2:08 and 2:04 have been my times in order) so I was thrilled!  And I couldn’t wait for the fresh peaches at the finish line!”



You have one last day to enter the RUNNING SHOE GIVEAWAY (and become an endorsed athlete… Brooks is going to pay you $1 too:)


What are your Friday night plans?

What time of year/season are usually most motivated to run or workout?

Do you ever wear an activity tracker throughout the day?  Which one do you use?  Anyone love Apple watches?

Have a simple/classic food or meal that you can’t get enough of?  What about a favorite comfort food?

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Forgot to mention on my race accomplishment that the race is called the Hillbilly half………….so there are some pretty interesting characters who dress up and cheer you on…………..this year there were a few folks who dressed up as part of a chain gang (think O Brother where art thou?) and the Sheriff was keeping an eye on them. Pretty funny!

Pirate’s Booty is fun to eat, and fun to say! I am the most motivated in the fall………….it’s perfect weather, so pretty outside, no pollen, and it is my favorite time of year! Sadly, it seems to be the shortest season:(
I love PB & J and also chips and salsa a lot, and my favorite comfort type food would be fresh bread!


Oh my goodness… that is so fun Loribeth! I love it! I’m going to come join you one year! Now I need some fresh bread… I hope you get some soon!


Ive actually NEVER had Pirates booty! It looks funny, hah. Tonight im watching the WARRIORS win the championship ;) SO excited! SF is going to be a crazy town tonight!


OH FUN CARRIE!!! Enjoy every second!


Fall is my favourite season to run but..it also means that winter is coming… Bittersweet haha I have heard of pirates booty but I have never seen them in Canada. Will be on the lookout… In the meantime I will continue munching on my beloved white cheddar popcorn!


How does Brooke swim with water in her goggles?! That would drive me crazy lol. I guess kids don’t care about that stuff. Have a good weekend Janae!



Hahaha good question… It would drive me crazy too but the pool just must distract her from anything annoying. I hope you have a great weekend too Maureen!


I have an Apple watch, but honestly I rarely wear it. I haven’t worn a watch for running or activity tracking consistently for the last 2 years. And you know what, I kind of like it!

I could probably eat curry and rice every night.


totally agree – it’s so much easier for me to get up and out during the week to run when the sun is shining so early!


My step kiddos and I are LIVING for cherries right now, so good. Except inevitably they end up looking like vampires with blood red juice all over their faces #worthit. I just finished reading The One True Love of Alice Ann by Eva Marie Everson I loved it so dang much. It’s an easy, heartwarming read perfect for summer and relaxation! Happy Friday Janae :)


Bahahah yes… we have just a few shirts now with cherry stains everywhere:) Thanks so much for the book recommendation… off to check it out! Have a great weekend with your family Hannah!


I need a pool day – looks like you guys had so much fun!

I have a crazy Friday night planned of … packing for a work trip that I leave on tomorrow haha. At least I’m going to Florida and the hotel has a crazy nice pool, so I plan on spending a good amount of time there :)

I used to wear a Jawbone UP tracker (I actually had two), but it kind of irritated my wrist, so now I just look at my phone’s health app to get an idea of my steps/mileage for the day. I do typically wear a watch or use MapMyRun for runs, though.

Have a great weekend!


Happy Friday, Janae!
Friday night means Fish Fry here in Wisconsin, so I am heading to that with my boyfriend and his extended family! We go once a month with all of them and it is so fun to catch up and eat yummy fried fish! Do you have fish fry in Utah?!
I use a Garmin 230 (S/O Andrew) to track my steps and everything really. I NEED to get 10,000 steps per day and sitting at a desk all day makes it much harder!
I am a creature of habit when it comes to food (as are you!!!) so for lunch I pack the same thing every day for work – turkey sandwich, fruit (normally an apple or orange) and popcorn! Simple and delish!!!!!
Have a great day, Janae!


My Friday night plans are to binge watch Orange is the New Black and go to bed early – it’s supposed to be 90 degrees today, and 94 tomorrow, which means it isn’t going to cool off much and I am going to have to get up EARLY to get my run done tomorrow! But tomorrow I’m going kayaking after my run so at least I have that to look forward to.

Spring/Summer/Fall I am all about that runner life. As much as I try to be inspired by your running posts of yourself in the snow, I just can’t – and Midwestern winters are no joke! I either hit the treadmill or switch to other types of workouts.

I wear a FitBit Charge HR. I had a Garmin VivoFit that I liked but I hated having to deal with the chest strap heart monitor (and I know it’s more accurate but still…) and my friends all have FitBits so its a good way to stay motivated. I would love to get an Apple Watch but then I couldn’t compete with my friends on FitBit challenges and I don’t want to spend the money :(.

I could eat toast every day – avocado toast, eggs on toast, cheesy toast, PB & J on toast, the list goes on and on. It’s my go-to when I’m hungry but don’t know what to eat, if I don’t feel well, if I need something easy to snack on, it’s perfect!


My wild Friday night will involve stretching, foam rolling, journaling and going to bed early to run my long run tomorrow. I’m a wild 22 year old, lol.

I think my favorite season to run in is fall but I’m motivated to run regardless of the season. The exception is if it’s pouring rain combined with howling wind. Then I’m motivated to work on my couch-lounging with a bowl of popcorn.

I’ve been eating oatmeal with PB Fit for breakfast for about a year and a half straight now. I think it’s simple and I still love it. My stomach can be sensitive and oatmeal always sits well. Plus, peanut butter (even the powdered stuff) is great.


Cute family! I love my Apple Watch too :)


• I like Fall running the best.
• I wear a Fitbit since I do StepBet challenges to stay active.
• Comfort food– chicken & dumplings!


Visors are my staple as well. I feel as though I need to keep the sun off my face as much as possible.

My biggest running accomplishment is continuing to run. Getting back into shape after a break is always difficult, no matter where you left off.


I did a evening run last nigh. Good crud the heat!!! After I’d gotten home and changed, I still sweat through two shirts. So I did a morning run for the first time in a long time this morning. Nice to beat the heat!


Tonight I’ll be hanging with my dog. I have a busy Saturday and Sunday so I wanted to be chill tonight and he is my built in company to hang with. :)

I love running in the spring. I’m obsessed with the fragrant honeysuckles that come out around Memorial Day and only last a couple of months. I also love autumn running.

I enjoy pb&j a lot. Also like to melt a string cheese on a flour tortilla like a quesadilla.


No big Friday night plans here. For whatever reason, I am definitely the most motivated to run in the summer. I think it must have to do with the fact that it is light out in the mornings and in the evenings, like you are saying. Even though it is a million degrees, it’s better than running in the dark! Haha. I usually wear my Garmin Forerunner 235 throughout the day, not just to run. It counts your steps, but I honestly don’t pay a whole lot of attention to that. I like being able to use one device for everything though.


I definitely feel more motivated to work out (as well as do everything else in life) during the spring and summer. I always find that my motivation takes a huge hit once the weather gets bad. Also as for fitness trackers, I’ve been using a FitBit for several years and love it!


I wish I could carry a hand-held – I feel like it screws with m stride, so I wear a Nathan vest for any run 5 miles or over and all runs during the summer.

I won an Apple Watch at work but I don’t love it for running – even turning it up I can’t hear/feel it when I hit each mile.-


Jessey… good call on the vest! If you ever get a chance will you send me the link to the one you have/love! I’m interested in one of those too! Yeah… I don’t love my Apple Watch compared to my Garmin but sometimes I just want to know my daily steps:) That’s cool that you won it though!


Congratulations to all those race finishers!!
I love the tip for keeping your glutes activated :D I’m going to have to try that one!
Tonight we’re off to the cinema to watch The Mummy then finish packing for our holiday tomorrow :)
I’m definitely more motivated in the spring when it’s lighter but still cool!
I wear the Garmin Forerunner 35 watch everyday and love keeping an eye on my steps and using to app to see my sleeping patterns!
My favourite comfort food is rice pudding with some jam on – maybe that’s a British thing!

Rachel | Coffee & Avocados


I love Pirates Booty! During my college days I worked and jamba juice, and they sell it! And whenever it was about to expire we all got a little bag of some! It was the best! This Friday night we are going to just relax and maybe make some homemade pizzas. I love to run during spring or fall! I’m not able to run in the mornings, so spring and fall weather are perfect for me when I haven’t to run after workout or even on my lunch break.


Definitely a late spring/summer runner over here ? It’s the only time I can get up super early and actually feel awake!
Question: what brand/style is the purple running top you are wearing in your pic??
Enjoy our weekend!!!


HEY YOU!!! That is a Nike top I got a few years ago… this one is similar:

I hope you have an amazing weekend!


Fall is my best training season because of the weather. Summer training in South Florida is very tough!!

A food that I can’t get enough of is Chick Fil-A. French Fries, baked potatoes, smashed potatoes, potato chips…anything that contains potatoes. My favorite comfort food is my mom’s food. Anything that she makes is so delicious and comforting. I miss her food so much!!


Friday nights are our family nights :) Tonight will be snow cones after summer school, pasta, and a family board game night.

I start to find my motivation again in summer, part of that is the cool mornings, and part of it is just having the time to work out/run.

I have an apple watch. I wish it had the battery my Garmin does and I love being able to track my sleep. However, I think the Apple watch is a bit fancier so I’ll wear it when I’m dressing up.

I am forever in love with sweet potatoes. Last week I made Costco’s chicken patties and added grilled pineapple on our burgers and it was heaven!


Friday nights around here are date nights, so Landon (the hubs) and I are going to eat a new recipe to us, (Vegan Lasagna- we aren’t vegans but it looked like a super delicious recipe) play Dutch Blitz and watch a movie! I have a feeling I will crash early tonight too, since I was up early for my long run (of 9 miles which is the longest run yet postpartum!).

My current favorite food is homemade pizza. Takes me back to my childhood and all of my mama’s cooking!


The Husband’s Secret was so good! I also really like Liane’s other books – I’ve recently read Big Little Lies, What Alice Forgot, and Three Wishes. She is such a good author!


My Friday night plans are laundry and homework. I only have 2 more weeks of classes before finals start so I’ve started studying.
I bought a Fitbit Charge 2 back in November with some birthday money. I love that not only does it track my steps, but also workouts, heart rate, and sleep. The heart rate feature is super useful when working out. I can make sure I’m in my target HR zone.


You should try a Nathan’s handheld next time – I found them so much more comfortable on my hand. :)


Good to know… I might have to go and get that one too! THANKS Christina!


Exciting Friday night plans of yard work, but once it’s done, the rest of the weekend is mine to do what I like!!
I am most motivated to work out in the Fall / Winter because the weather is just so much nicer / cooler in NC. This Spring has been quite nice and while I like being outside, it’s tough to run in the humidity and heat. I have been wearing a Garmin Vivosmart for almost 3 years and love it. Recently had to upgrade to the Vivosmart 3 because they do “wear” out. Most of my steps are during my runs as well and it’s actually quite hard for me to hit my goal steps each day without a workout. I have a desk job and some days are just not as active as others. I save my Forerunner 225 for runs only.
Enjoy your weekend Janae!!


Can you do a post about what you use to listen to music/make playlists? I am totally overwhelmed with all the options…amazon, spotify, itunes…I need to use one and stick with it but don’t know which to choose.


Hey Alisha!!! So I mainly use spotify… they have pretty much everything I want (except Taylor Swift;). I have found that Spotify is my favorite overall! I hope you are having a fabulous Friday!


LOVE the running accomplishments, you are all amazing!! Shout out to Katie and the emotional finish line picture, that is beautiful. <3


I have a water bottle just like that and it’s perfect for shorter runs! I actually freeze water in the bottle before leaving and then by the time I need water I have nice, ice water! Plus holding a block of ice keeps me cool when I’m running in the hot, Florida sun.


Concussion is SUCH a good movie!
I love my early morning summer runs, but I equally love fall running, especially when the leaves have changed colour – I can’t decide!
Hope you have a great day!


I was recently promoted at work so we are going to the Melting Pot tonight to celebrate. And maybe go see Wonder Woman.

I feel most motivated to run in the fall I think. It’s so beautiful and crisp and cool.


HUGE HUGE HUGE CONGRATS Michelle on your promotion, that is awesome! Enjoy the Melting Pot and Wonder Woman if you go:)


I recently got a Garmin 230 to track steps. How in the world do you get so many?!? It keeps me going though. Thanks for always sharing your world with us and let us know your next read!


These kiddos keep me running around ALL DAY LONG ha. Let me know your thoughts on the 230! I hope your weekend is amazing Becky!


I have read most of Liane Moriarty’s books (reading The Husband’s Secret now), and they’re all good! I also just finished A Man Called Ove and it will stick with me for a while.


I’ve got to admit, I absolutely LOVE my Apple watch!


Hey Janae~
I’m intrigued by the new Glycerins. I’ve never run in them before. I currently run in Brooks Launch/Saucony Triumphs/Saucony Zealots.

Love the Launch 4s!!!! How do the Glycerins compare to the Launch 4? Heavier? Sturdier? I’m not looking for a super heavy shoe, but the cushion in the Glycerin sounds awesome!

Thanks!!! :)

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