Friday Favorites, running w/ a dog and YOUR Running Accomplishments!

It was the last day of school for these two!!! I cannot believe how fast the year went by (and how early they got out of school this year;).  They have a graduation next week and then we are on to splash pads, swimming pools and testing out each shaved ice stand in the city in order to find the best one.

While they were having their last day, Beretta came on a run with Andrew and me.  I wish you could see the smile on Beretta’s face… it motivated me to get started running and to smile.

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Running with Beretta on a leash is not our favorite (we need to train her better) so we usually just go somewhere where there isn’t anybody else.  We bring the leash just in case we come across somebody but usually we don’t.  She is good at staying close to us… look at her tongue!!!

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I did find a random running shoe along the path.  How does one misplace their running shoe while out on a run or walk?  I’m not sure.

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Positive Mind, Positive Vibes.  While I was running I was remembering how I used to teach my health students about expectations and outcomes.  What we expect to happen is more likely to happen (i.e. if we expect to do well in a race, we probably will… if we expect to do bad, odds are it’s not going to go great).  I would always show them the scene on Space Jams where Roger Rabbit gave them ‘Michael’s Secret Stuff’ that was really just water;)  They expected it to help them and to do well so they went out and won the game (after being way behind).  Of course that is just a cartoon but positive attitudes work in real life too.  That was quite the tangent but I just love thinking about how powerful our brains are and how much they determine the road up ahead for all of us.

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After school the kid’s wanted a park day.  It was EIGHTY degrees outside!!!


Break dancing happening later on in the day.  They are getting rather good at it.


For dinner we had our favorite meal kit delivery service.  Then we took it outside for our family night.




Some times I really do think that Beretta is the most loved member in our family.


I’ve got a few Friday Favorites to share with you today (I do have a few affiliate links included)!!!

1.  I just got these earringsthis shirt and this tank (pop orange) while I was in California this last weekend and I’m loving them:)

2.  Pears.  I forget about these sometimes.  Brooke had one at a friend’s house and after that she reminded us 400 times that we needed some so we bought some and now none of us can stop eating them.

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3.  I just got hooked on a new book (well, I’m only 6% in to it).  I have to admit, I am easily entertained when it comes to television, life and books but so far this one has me excited.  I never watched this show (I guess it is on tv) but a friend told me to check it out and I’m liking it.  Big Little Lies.

4.  Dole Whip Floats.  Just like the ones at Disneyland.  If you live in Utah, go to Provo Beach Resort to find this goodness… I hate to say this and I might regret it later but I think I like this better than ice cream.


5.  Jarrelle sent me this article, “Mommy, Do You Want to Be Skinny?” and it was awesome—>  “Because of my Mommy, I never gave up.”

6.  This shirt has been another spring favorite and somehow my brilliant mother got out the huge pink stain that I somehow managed to get all over the front of it.  Yes, my mother still gets out the bad stains because I swear she is magic.

7.  “Meet America’s Fastest “Running Nerd”—>  This is about Olympian Jared Ward (finished 6th at the Olympic Marathon in Rio) and he lives in our county!  About his mustache—> “I only shave it on Christmas and my wife’s birthday.  I wouldn’t dare race without it.  For one, nobody would recognize me.  And I don’t know what would happen.  There’s no data for that.”  hahaha!


Keep your Running Accomplishments coming in!!! I love reading about everything that you are doing!  Send them in [email protected] !!!


The first one is about my nieces and I wanted to post this:)  These two rocked it at the National Archery Tournament!!!

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Laura!!!! “I’ve been a reader for years and have always wanted to run but I was convinced I couldn’t.  Not in shape, too big, any number of excuses.  This January, I tried running for a minute and broke down in tears because it was “too hard”.  My stubborn streak broke out and I became determined to start running.  Without being able to do a full run around the block, I signed up for the Pittsburgh half marathon in May.  I trained through cold and snow and mainly against my own mental blocks.  I got very sick and missed two weeks of training.  I switched jobs and lost training time.  But I kept going, determined to make it over the line.  And then I decided to run the “Steel Challenge”, which was a 5k on Saturday and the half on Sunday.  Go big or go home, right?  Race weekend came and I actually PR’d the 5k due to adrenaline and the rush of crowd support.  ON the morning of the half, I was complete nerves.  We started the race, my husband beside me to motivate me and push me to the end.  A little over a mile into it, I tripped on one of Pittsburgh’s famous potholes and fell hard, messing up my left ankle, right knee and elbow.  But I was determined.  I kept running.  I walked when I had to and walked more than I wanted to.  But I ran.  And most importantly, I finished.  2:51:43.  Not a great time, but a great starting point and a time I thought impossible a few months ago and even that morning when I hit the pavement.  I’m working on recovery now and already making plans for future races.  I am a runner!”

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Ashley!!! “I started running about 6 years ago, but if you were to ask me I didn’t really begin to see myself as a runner until this year.  My husband is a gifted athlete and he comes from a running family.  His brother has run a 2:32 marathon and was sponsored by Brooks, his dad has run XX marathons and my sister in law runs marathons in the 7:XXs herself.  Needless to say they are all stars and I have always ‘just’ been a middle of the packer.  Well… this last year I’ve really focused on balancing my own life and health and was finally able to see progress in my running.  I went from a 2:15 half marathon to a 1:56 half marathoner this year at the beautiful Three Creeks Half Marathon here in Denver.  I can’t even being to say how strong I felt after that race and have never been more excited about where running will take me:).  Even if I am still a middle of the packer I’m darn proud of it!!! Join me at Colorado.Ash on instagram where I share my silly stories and ups and downs of running and living the mountain lifestyle.”

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Would love to hear if you have any Friday Favorites!!

What are your Friday night plans?

What are you currently reading?!

Would you rather have ice cream, froyo, Dole Whip or other frozen treat?!

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I LOVE pears!! I must say that I think they’re a very underrated fruit. And I’m definitely a froyo person all the way. I have a favorite place I go every Saturday and Sunday, but I’m pretty sure I would eat if every single day if I could.

Friday night plans = going to the Rangers game. I’m a bit exhausted, but it will still be fun! Happy almost weekend! :)


I haven’t had dole whip in soooooo long! I think I would have to try it again before I could say, but I love pineapple so much that I think it would have to be my favorite.

I am currently reading Melissa explains it all……………written by Melissa Joan Hart…………..good so far!


Brooke’s hair looks super cute like that.

I always wonder how people lose one sock or one shoe along a path. Ha. We are getting a Northeaster this weekend so my plans were canceled.


Re: Big Little lies, book is sooo much better than the show. I made it through 1 espisode before getting bored, but I loved the book. And if you like BLL, read all the rest of her books. I literally just read them all in two weeks. The Hypnotists Love Story and the Husband’s Secret were my favorite. :) ( I read on my kindle app while feeding my baby and there were some nights at like 3 am, where he would fall asleep and I would just keep reading….haha, they’re so good!). Happy weekend to your adorable family!


I love the last shirt you sent a link for! I may end up getting it and saving it for when my baby belly is gone and it’ll fit! LOl

I love all things froyo and ice cream but I will say that I have never had a Dole Whip. I am guessing it is more similar to froyo?

Anyway, I am currently reading the fourth book in the Outlander series called Drums of Autumn.

Hope you have a Good Friday!


That picture of Brooke and Beretta is too precious! And I’m so jealous you have a dog to run with. My place doesn’t allow dogs, but when we move, that’s on my list. I’ll even sacrifice a bathroom if I can have a dog.


I run with my two Australian Shepherds on a leash that goes around my waist. I don’t even really notice it anymore. You couldn’t pay me to try and run with them with a leash in my hand!!


Funny that my comment below yours ask about the waist leash! Glad to read that you like it!


I need one of those ASAP!!!!!


LOVE your positive mind tank top! Need to find one ;-) Our portuguese water dog is only 5 months old so I can’t run with her yet but I can’t wait! Have you guys tried a dog running belt (you tie it around your waist so you run hand free)? I am thinking of ordering one but would love to hear from runners who have used one before. Have a great day!


I saw Kerri’s comment too. I run with the waist leash and LOVE it. I have a catahoula leopard dog (not many people have heard of them!). He is only a year and a half and when we walk he is still kind of all over the place BUT when we run he is so focused and doesn’t pull me. I do prefer to go to this trail that is legal off-leash but when we are on the road and on-leash he does very well (as long as there is not a squirrel within 100 feet). I’ll just say you have to keep your eyes open for those random triggers for your dog so YOU don’t go down. We do the same (short for now) loop so he even knows when to turn and I swear he knows right and left. It’s really cool how I’ll take one step in a direction and he just runs right next to me. It’s a pretty synchronized effort. Good luck and I hope it goes well when you are able to run with your dog!


Thank you so much for your answer! My puppy is pretty much all over the place too when I walk her right now haha but you are giving me hope!


I read Big Little Lies (loved it) and am on episode 5 of the show (also fantastic in my opinion- especially Reese Witherspoon, she was perfect as Madeline). Not currently reading anything at the moment since I had to return the book I was a quarter of the way through back to the library!

Friday night plans – was supposed to have a date night with my husband but our oldest is sick so we will likely reschedule and make it a low key night at home.

Happy Friday!


Friday favorite is my new desk! I’m loving it. I can sit or stand.

Well tonight I’ll be going to yoga and then hitting the grocery store. Exciting!

I just finished reading Option B. Great book. So many important words of wisdom. Of course the audiobook doesn’t allow me to dog-ear and highlight the pages. Might just have to buy a hard copy.

I’d actually prefer froyo but only if it’s self serve and the right toppings are available :)


You need to watch the show Big Little Lies on HBO now. You can get it right from HBO now’s website…if you sign up you get a free month. Its so good. Lots of big name actresses in it.


This post is making me wish I had a bigger dog! My little shih tzu is not a great running buddy :) have a great weekend!


Oh my gosh…I watched all of Big Little Lies in one weekend. It was AMAZING. Definitely not a show you could watch while the kids are awake though. I’ve been going back and forth with the idea of reading the book (I’ve heard it’s identical to the TV show) since I already will know what happens, but I loved the show so much that I think I would love to experience it again through the book.

My Friday night plans are going to a local team’s baseball game with my finacee, best friend, and her boyfriend. :) Have a great weekend!


Running with my dog is my absolute favorite. The trails by my house and Voice and Sight, meaning if your dog is registered in the program and has a tag, they can be off leash. We had to do a lot of off leash training, but it is so worth it.


I love Big Little Lies the book but wasn’t so sure about the show! Really interesting, but I almost wished I didn’t know how it ended! Have a wonderful weekend!


I might have to give Big Little Lies a try. I’ve read a few of her other books and really liked them.
My Friday night plans will probably involve homework. I have three assignments to hand in next week, so I’ll most likely be working on those. While I love the spring semester is short, it means we have to jam pack a lot of work into it!


I love that shirt you had on while running! I agree that a positive mind can do wonders for your life.


No big plans tonight, but tomorrow I am going to my first group cycling ride. I am very nervous! I just finished reading Gretchen Rubin’s The Happiness Project, and am on the hunt for my next book. Hopefully you’ll get some good suggestions that will help me out. :)


Denise, have an amazing time at your first group cycling ride!!! I want to hear all about it! Oh I LOVED THAT BOOK!!!


Man, now I need to find some Dole Whip to try ;) I am die hard homemade ice cream fan and I currently want to eat all the Halo Top. SO. GOOD.

A Friday favorite of mine today is 1: Wearing my new Brooks Chaser shorts (upon your recommendation) and I LOVED them! I also bought the Roga Oiselle shorts and loved those too! 2nd Friday favorite: I went out for a run this morning (a scheduled six miler) and while I was running, a herd of 9-10 other runners passed by me. Naturally, I did what any other normal human would do, and asked to join their group. They were planning on running six miles too (!) so I joined the group, made a few new running friends and now have an official running group to be apart of. I love runners.

Friday evening plans: movie + popcorn + board game and a date night with the husband! Have a great Friday Janae!


I read Big Little Lies last year and loved it, her best book so far, the show was also very good!

Hope you have a great Mother’s Day!


ill have ice cream or frozen yogurt so long as there are a lot of toppings :) have a great weekend!


The book is better than the movie 98% of the time. I loved Big Little Lies and would also recommend What Alice Forgot. I devoured them both in practically one sitting. I’m not currently reading anything for fun because English majors don’t get to read for fun but after I graduate tomorrow (!!!!) I’ll have plenty of reading time.


Loved reading Big Little Lies! If I can find it on Amazon, I’ll probably watch it–hope it’s as good as the book (I always try to read before watching a thing).

AWESOME achievements! Archery looks so fun. A first half is very exciting & incredible to push after that on-the-course mishap. Fabulous PR–I always say “You’re a runner if you run :)”


I love Ice cream no matter what. I haven’t been enjoying fro-yo lately. I think it’s because of the flavor. Whenever we go get fro-yo I feel like I’m more excited about the toppings than the for-yo itself. And I don’t think I’ve ever had Dole Whip, and I’ve been to Disneyland like a million times.


I just finished “These Is My Words” and LOVED it! I’m currently reading “The Dry” and so far so good.
No plans tonight, although speaking of ice cream I want to try those ice cream sandwiches at the Baked Bear, so maybe I will pack up the family and finally try it. Have a good weekend!


DID YOU GO TO BAKED BEAR?!?!? That place is amazing. I’m adding These Is My Words to my list… thank you!!


I looooove pears!! They are so perfect right now too.

I just started Big Little Lies on hbo, and it’s good, sometimes slow though. My friends Ashley is reading the book too and she LOVES it! I might have to stop watching and just read it.

My dog Cole is a WILD MAN. I would love to run with him but he isn’t great on a leash. We live in the country though so I’m lucky enough to just run with him on our property leash free. The other day we were running and a deer ran out of the woods right in front of me! Cole of course chased him for a little ways. But it’s nice to have the comfort/loyalty of a dog on a run.


Oh, how I wish I had a dog to run with! She’s a lucky girl to have such loving people. :)

I think we’re staying in tonight. End of the year crunch with teenagers. They’re fried. So maybe a movie night is in order?

Totally an ice cream girl but as I get older, I still love dairy but dairy loves me less and less. So, if I’m going to pay for it, I make sure it’s worthwhile and get a brand/flavor I absolutely love. Also, as you sample all the Shave Ice around, Snoasis in Alpine ALWAYS has a crazy long line. Lots of folks say it’s the closest thing they can get to what you find in Hawaii. Might be worth looking into… ;)

Happy Friday, Janae!


I took your advice and checked out Roolee’s site. I just want to switch out my wardrobe for everything on their site! The dresses are perfection. It’s my birthday soon, so I think that I will buy myself one (or many…) gifts from there! Online shopping is fine in the name of birthdays, right?!


Your brother looks like Steve Higgins on Jimmy Fallon.


HAHA I can see it!! Love it!!


I LOVED the book Big Little Lies. I haven’t watched the show though.

When I had a Dole Whip in DL for the first time I thought it was overrated. I need to go try this one now that my expectations are lower. I used to be all about the fro yo, and while I still enjoy it, these days I would rather have ice cream. After 13 years, Ross is finally rubbing off on me.

I love pears. So so much. With cottage cheese is my favorite. Or with almond butter.

I will probably lose sleep over the lost shoe thing …. cause…HOW?! Seriously.


I love your Positive Mind, Positive Vibes tank! So cute! Happy weekend!


What is in a Dole Whip? I always thought these were just pineapple ice cream! Obviously I’ve never had one, LOL.


I mean they are just pineapple ice cream but they taste SOOOOO good. I need to send you one Meesh;)


I love the Madewell tee and shirt from Roolee! I might have to order both — I’m getting a serious case of the shoppies!

Happy Friday! I’m unfortunately making a four-hour drive to Ohio tonight, but hopefully I won’t be gone all weekend (work :/) I’m currently reading “The Girls,” but I don’t know how I feel about it yet. I’ll try to finish it up in my hotel room tonight.


What size do you wear in the madewell tees Janae? I am ordering from Canada so can’t try them on!! Thank you


HEY ASHLEY!!! I usually wear an XS in their T-shirts… most places I usually wear a small!! Let me know what you end up getting! I hope you have a fabulous weekend!


OMG I didn’t even make it to the end of this post because I got so excited…I started reading Big Little Lies too and I LOVE it. I can’t wait to read it later tonight when I get home :)


AHHH NO WAY!!! We need to talk about it together:) Enjoy Annie!


Isn’t Jared Ward great? He’s from Kaysville my hometown and we love him! He’s one of the nicest guys you’ll ever meet!


Oh that is awesome Michelle!! Seriously, he is amazing!! I hope you are having a great weekend!


Loved Big Little Lies. Her books are great when you’re in the mood for something fun and distracting. Hope you enjoy!


It seems hugely irresponsible to me to be posting pictures of children on a public site where the kids are wearing shirts that say the name of their school. Considering it doesn’t appear your siblings want their childrens’ names posted (which I totally get!) I would think they wouldn’t want their kids’ schools posted either. Please think twice about the amount of sharing pictures and information of children on this blog. It is the perfect venue for internet creeps to exploit these poor children. Privacy Janae, they deserve it.


I took your advice and checked out Roolee’s site. I just want to switch out my wardrobe for everything on their site! The dresses are perfect dear.

CupShe Coupons


Do your kids go to the same school?


Roger Rabbit??!?! Because Space Jam is pretty much the best part of my childhood, I feel obligated to say it was Bugs Bunny!

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