10 HIGHlights (after a lame lowlight) and YOUR Running Accomplishments!!

Well, my run started out fabulous.  I was grateful for my water bottle to keep me hydrated, the miles felt smooth, I felt strong and I was happy to be out in the fresh air.

And then things got really windy and stormy… but I reminded myself over and over again that a headwind is speedwork in disguise;)  —>  It really is if you ask me.

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And then just a few minutes before home, I fell.  Hard.  I was on a sidewalk with large weeds/bushes growing on both sides and onto the sidewalk so I was kind of distracted and boom, I tripped over a large crack.  I went all winter long running on the snow (on really icy days I was on the the treadmill though) and didn’t fall but the clear sidewalks got me good.  It doesn’t look bad but I hit my left knee the hardest and just sat on the sidewalk and cried ha.  Those sidewalk cracks just jump out and get me on the regular! When I walked in the door my knee was double it’s normal size (and I was limping).  From there the day had about a million crazy things happen SO I decided to show you the highlights rather than bore you with the lowlights;)

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1.  I came home to some happy kids.  Brooke felt pretty cool because she found Andrew’s old iPod shuffle.  I had a few of those back in the day and I LOVED it… I even had one with “Pain is temporary” transcribed on it.

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2.  Andrew is the expert nurse already… keeping me resting, icing, compressing and elevating.  The saran wrap around the ice on my knee was an excellent idea.

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3,  Probably the biggest highlight of the day…  a large sub.  We had a bunch of Brooke and Knox’s friends over yesterday afternoon so the sub fueled us well for those activities (just do not ask about my favorite couch that was attacked by apple sauce by one of our kids;).

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4,  General Mills sent me these new varieties.  I tried the apple cinnamon toast crunch and my verdict—>  excellent.

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5,  Rewind to the morning and I did a podcast with Lindsey Hein.  She was so much fun to talk to and I think we accidentally went on and on for 1 hour and 45 minutes instead of the hour we had planned on.  We had a lot to talk about.  I’ll let you know when the podcast is up:)

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6.  These chips/rice snacks/whatever they are from Costco are addicting.  How does Costco always know exactly what I am going to become addicted to next.

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7.  Andrew gets a little bit too into hide and go seek game I think.  It did take the kids quite some time to find him though.

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8.  Their favorite thing about Costco trips are the boxes they get to play with afterwards.  Boxes > toys in their opinion.

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9.  Two new things of fresh raspberries, I think this was a huge highlight for all of us yesterday.

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10.  Brooke went to bed EARLY.com (she fell asleep while catching up on Elmo in bed), Andrew went for a run and I caught up on the Bachelor.  Each season I tell myself it is my last season watching but then I keep on watching.  I’ll probably take today off running (unless my knee is magically back to normal again but odds aren’t looking good) and use my morning ‘me time’ to meditate or read or do something because that morning alone time to run/workout/do our thing (or any time that we get to do it) is necessary for our sanity… anyone agree?

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A picture from Andrew’s sunset run.  Those of you that can run/work out at night… you are my heroes.  I don’t know how to get out and do much besides a walk at night.

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Keep your amazing running accomplishments coming!  I LOVE reading them!  Send them to —>  [email protected]  !!


Leah!!!!  “My blog (complete with a monster race recap, of course) is HERE and the recap is HERE!  Here’s a quick blurb:  “I ran my third marathon at sugarloaf in Maine this weekend and finally took home the BQ I’ve been dreaming of!  I ran the whole way with my amazing friend Denise and we ran a smart, strong race, negative splitting and blasting through our A goal of 3:30 to finish in 3:28:30.  I’m still flying high and can’t wait to run my hometown marathon in BOSTON 2018!!!



Chelsea!!!  “I ran my first marathon last year in 3:38, which was only 3 minutes shy of qualifying for Boston.  This year I ran a more challenging course (Bluenose in Halifax, NS, Canada) and finished in 3:31- I qualified for Boston!!!!  I am beyond excited. It’s been a lifelong dream for me to run Boston:)”



Deb!!!  “On Saturday I ran a 12 hour race here in NYS called “Mind the Ducks”.  You start at 7 AM and run (or walk or crawl or stagger!) until 7PM, accumulating as many miles as possible.  It’s a pretty, mostly flat, one mile look around a pond, and you pass the “finish line” and aid station every mile, so there is constant support and feedback… and FOOD! (You’d love it, Janae, b/c they even had donuts this year!)   Basically, you run all day long, while grazing at a pretty fabulous buffet.  My goal this year was to beat 62.254 miles, as that was my PR back in 2012, and I did it!  I got 63.756 miles!!  Even though I puked on my friend’s lawn on the way home, have toenails that ache if you so much as look at them, and have been absurdly tired and hungry ever since, it was SO worth it.  I can’t wait until next year:)”



Gretchen!!!  “My name is Gretchen, and I am a high school athlete in cross country and track.  I was always the person in seventh grade who had the 16 minute mile; I never envisioned myself as a runner.  In my freshman year, my dad encouraged me to join cross country, and I fell in love immediately.  Yet, I didn’t know how to take care of myself and I ended up with a busted hip halfway through the season.  That fall, I also found out that I had a thyroid disease.  Running helped me to take my mind off of that.  I was not the fastest runner out there, but I have grown so much since seventh and freshman year.  Now I am a varsity runner on track in the 800 and the 3200, and I am one person away from varsity cross country this year.  I know I can do it.  And guess what?  My mile time is now 6:50!


What are your weekend plans?

What was a highlight (and/or a lowlight) from your week?

Found anything at Costco recently that you are absolutely loving?

Ever fallen while running… help me to not feel alone;)  I probably shouldn’t be allowed to get into triathlons because if I can fall that easily running, I can’t imagine being on a bike!

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So sorry about your knees, and I hope they heal quickly! I had a horrible fall back in December, and it happened when I was dealing with a lot of emotional pain, and I remember just sitting on the sidewalk for a couple of minutes and letting the tears fall–not because it hurt but because it just felt like one more thing to add to the mess. So, you’re definitely not alone in the falling club, and I really do hope you’re all better soon!!

This weekend I am going to spend as much time as possible outside at the pool and hopefully catch up on some much-needed sleep!


Don’t feel bad, Janae! I fall all the time. Last weekend I fell in the creek while out on a trail run. Luckily it wasn’t deep (only up to my ankles).

I can’t decide if that duck race is awesome or insane. Both?


ugh, I hope your knee feels better fast! you are lucky you didn’t end up more hurt than that. it’s really scary to fall!


After running for YEARS, I took my first fall last summer and man did I fall hard. The pavement was cracked so there were random chunks of it scattered around and the next thing I knew I was flat on the ground (gave myself whiplash?!) with a few bruises/cuts. Then I had to run a mile home, lol. It took a few runs to feel confident enough in myself to not fall!


Ah so sorry about that! Sending you healing powers!! Costco is bomb as is trying new cereals… the reese’s cereal is still in my top 5!


Ah jeez, I hope your knee is feeling better soon! Hopefully you have this long weekend to recover! I’m teaching a yoga class tomorrow morning then spending he rest of the weekend with family and some bbqs, of course. Hope the rain holds off!


I hope your knee is feeling back to normal soon. Haha it always happens so quickly when I fall.
This weekend I’m looking forward to going to a blogging thing. It’s always fun to learn and meet new people.


Okay, yesterday was just a weird day for knee stuff, apparently. I got an iced tea at my fav cafe, like I do every morning, and when I turned to leave, I totally SMACKED my knee HARD into the counter. What the heck?! Yeah, it hurts today. I hope that your injury heals up quickly!!!!! You’re in good hands, it looks like!

I can’t wait for your podcast with Lindsey!

I’m hoping to catch up on sleep this weekend—not exciting, but so necessary! I’m a teacher–we’re down to 6 1/2 days left after today!!!! Woot woot woot!!!

Enjoy your holiday weekend with your beautiful family, Janae!


I somehow managed to fall while running during track in HS – my leg ended up sliding under the chain link fence surrounding the track…ouch. Did all of this in front of everyone too – bonus.


Haven’t fallen while running – YET, (knock on wood), but I have definitely hit my knee/other body parts on corners or counters, etc. and it really hurt! Right now I’m actually going through something similar…I just had an ingrown toenail removed, so am just now starting to feel like I can slowly run again. It’s one of those “injuries that aren’t injuries”…but it can really cause a damper in your running. Hope you feel better soon!


Ive never fallen while running but did take a nasty spill just walking once. I put my palms down and they weee pretty scraped up after. I was pulling pebbles out of my skin the rest of the day.

Highlight of the week was seeing my boyfriend yesterday. Lowlight was realizing he had a tick on his leg. But we got the bugger out fairly quickly.


Aww I hope your knee heels up fast and you’re right back out there!! Thank you so much for sharing my recap–it’s still surreal to see it out there in the world :)


I’ve fallen while running, mostly tripping over sidewalk bumps… my boyfriend always laughs at me but I swear they jump up at you. Hope your knee feels better soon.
I took a week-ish off from running because I wasn’t into it, so this weekend I am planning to get in a solid 4 or 5 mile run and just enjoy it to hopefully get me out of my rut. I am really excited because our farmer’s market started and I am doing a CSA this summer (community supported agriculture) where they give me a box of goodies each Saturday all summer long! :) I love fresh fruits and veggies and am supporting my local community so it makes me pumped!
A highlight of my week is my dance team’s summer kick off meeting! :) :) :)


So sorry about your fall. :( I actually had a very similar fall 2 weeks ago- I tripped (over air?) and fell on the concrete, scraping my knees and hands and hips. I was thankfully .25 mi from home, so I limped home with tears in my eyes. M
Week Highlight: The promise of a long 3-day weekend ahead. Looking forward to having Monday off! Plans include planting my flower pots and beds, running, family, grilling, and hopefully a good book. Have a great weekend!


Yikes! I hope your knees fell better!

This weekend … I’m running a MARATHON! Headed up to Traverse City, Michigan today with my mom, friend, and dog to run the Bayshore Marathon tomorrow! May has been a pretty stressful/hectic month for me, therefore, I decided to NOT race tomorrow and instead just enjoy the course!

Have a great weekend!


So sorry to hear about your knee :( Praying for you to recover quick!

I agree with you on what you said about Costco…almost all of my food obsessions come from there and they just keep coming! I don’t know how they do it. Chris and I have been buying tabbouleh from Costco lately and we love it a lot. We have been putting it on just about everything lately.

A highlight from my week was deciding on where we are going to go for our honeymoon and booking it (!!) and a lowlight was my job – per usual.

We are heading to a small little beach town on the other side of Michigan this weekend and are really looking forward to it! Have a great weekend <3


I bit it hard two weeks in a row last fall while training for a half. One of those times I fell twice during the same run. It was 5am so my coordination wasn’t great. I swear the second time was in slow motion and I watched my ankle turn under me. I thought for sure it was going to break but I just walked a little bit and was good. My knees are still scarred though from the falls and I ripped my favorite tights. So you are not alone!


SOOO sorry to hear about your knees, Janae. I’ve fallen many times while running and some falls I can get up quick and keep running, where only my pride is injured, while other falls have me limping and crying all the way home. I’ve even done a run home with blood running down my leg (it didn’t hurt as bad as it looked). So you’re definitely not alone! I hope you heal quickly and am glad Andrew is there to help nurse you back to health.


Ouchie!! Hope your knee is feeling better!!!
I have fallen while running, but my bike crashes have taken the cake. Mountain and road crashes are pretty terrible. About 5 years ago I fractured my low back when I hit ice while on my bike. It was awful and took so long to come back from.
Heal fast!!


Omg I’ve fallen so many times. Almost two years ago, I tripped and fell on the sidewalk near my house. I ended up needing stitches and apparently it was bad. I’m glad it wasn’t awful for you though. Every time I go down (which is pretty often), I always sit there for a second confused of what just happened.


So sorry about your knee! It happens to the best of us, so don’t get down on yourself! I hope you recover soon.



OMG I did the EXACT same thing a couple months ago! I was halfway into a 12-miler when I tripped on a crack in the sidewalk and ate it bad. I sat in the ground for a few mins and nobody stopped! Hopefully that meant nobody saw.. Lol. I was pretty scraped up, but it didn’t hurt too much so I finished my run. I was just a little sore after. The next day, my ankle was pretty swollen. I layed off it for a day or two and it was fine.
Btw – I got to run for a total of 30 mins on the Alter G this week: 10 mins Tues, 20 mins Thurs. They wouldn’t let me speed up yet BUT I was happy to be running AT ALL! How’s that for a Friday accomplishment? Haha. I feel like a caged animal waiting to be set free!


I feel sorry that you fell, Janae:( Once my aunt fell while she was running and had a fracture in her hand. We were grateful that was only her hand, it could’ve been worse. It always can get worse. I really hope your knee will heal fast so that you don’t have to take too many days off from running.


Weekend plans: a 1 year old’s birthday party (adorable), a 45 mile bike (yikes!), a 10k run in my hometown, and then I’m playing in an outdoor concert on Memorial Day! Should be a busy but fun weekend. :) I love the cinnamon raisin rounds from Costco. I toast them and put peanut butter on them…so good! I also love the soft pretzels for a snack. Have a great long weekend. :)


So sorry to hear about your knee Janae! That always stinks! I’ve fallen multiple times and the worst ones were always in the summer too- go figure?!

Once, I was doing strides in the grass and ran right into a hole which was the perfect size for my ankle. Needless to say, I pulled a tendon thanks to that fall and rolled a couple times while falling. I am sure I looked ridiculous!


I LOOOOOOVE LINDSEY HEIN!!!!! You have NO IDEA how excited I was when I saw her Instagram story from yesterday showing that she was doing an episode with you. It’s up today, btw. :) I might not even wait to listen to it on my long run tomorrow–I’ll probably cue it up and listen to it in pieces all day long today. WOOOHOOO!


Sorry to hear about your knee! That stinks! I can’t remember the last time I fell, but it’s usually doing something normal like walking on a sunny day — the worst! Hope you feel better and up to running soon :)

I had some good highlights this week including dog-sitting for a friend (I need a pup!!), the official start of the summer “season” at work, and taking today off for a four-day weekend! Lowlight: this niggling back pain. Can’t get into the chiro until next week :( (thanks for your kind words on my comment yesterday, too, by the way!!)

I’m planning to spend the weekend in Chicago with my siblings, so I’m also looking forward to that :) Hope you have a good Memorial Day weekend!


Oh goodness, that poor knee!
I fell several times, broke my tailbone, hurt my knee, hurt my middle finger (yes…) and tore my rotator cuff.
Get well soon!


A few years ago my Mom was traveling and did the same thing on her workout except she ended up going all the way down to her chin. She went to an urgent care and they patched her up but sort of treated her as an “older” woman and told her the aches and pains would go away. When she got home I insisted she get an X-ray with someone. It took her 2 doctors and finally her dentist before she got an x-ray- a broken jaw!! Luckily it was not severe but she had a long recovery. Those cracks are brutal.


Carrie, your poor mom!!! A BROKEN JAW!?! I can’t even imagine. Seriously, those cracks are evil! I hope you and your mom are doing well!


First, I am so sorry about your knees. I disagree when you said it doesn’t look bad – that looks SUPER painful. I’ve tried to take pictures of my injuries/swollen limbs in the past and I’ve also felt like the image did not do my pain justice :) I will pray for fast recovery for you.
Second, I think I have to return to my cereal kick. I have been off cereal for several months (I just got sick of it). AppleJacks were always my favorite.
Third , Andrew is hilarious with the hide and seek. That is ambition.
Fourth, loved your “couch got attacked by apple sauce”. Funny the way you described that :)
Fifth (no idea why i’m numbering and it’s kind of annoying me but I’ll just go with it), I can’t do anything but walk after about 10 a.m. The morning I’m all set for hard workouts but once mid-morning afternoon hits, it is leisurely walking only.
Sixth , saran wrap – genius! Thanks for the idea.
Seventh, LOVE Lindsey Hein’s podcast. I’ll look forward to your episode.
Happy weekend!


NOOOOOOO! Janae. I am so sorry about your fall! That stinks! I hope your knee feels better asap. Also, I needs those chips asap.


OMG, I once fell so hard while running that my shoulder popped out of its socket for a second. It was so sore all the next week, and I felt so nervous to go running again.

Hilight of my week is that I’m headed on vacation to Italy with my dad this weekend/next week! Lowlight is that I had so much to do to get ready for the trip and to get ahead since I’ll be missing a few days of work. Looking forward to checking out the trails in Sardinia, though!!

I recently got a bag of dark and white chocolate drizzled kettle corn from BJ’s (do you have that near you? it’s similar to costco!) that I literally ate all in 2 days. I couldn’t stop! It was so delicious.


OUCH… that sounds like a really bad fall Kerri! Keep me updated on how it is feeling! ENJOY THE BEST VACATION EVER… it sounds amazing!! We don’t have BJ’s but now I need one!


I am such a klutz so I totally feel your pain! 2 weeks ago, I didn’t see a small plastic bottle and I stepped on it just wrong and rolled my ankle and just this week I stepped wrong on a bump in the road. Thankfully I didn’t twist it too bad but the two guys next to me grabbed my arms to keep me from falling. Talk about embarrassing.

We are celebrating my youngest’s 10th birthday with swimming and a bbq!

Highlight: getting my eyebrows microbladed; lowlight: driving 7 hours round trip to get my eyebrows microbladed. Also, I laid out by the pool Sat and running Sunday was super tiring. I’m wondering if maybe the sun got to me.

Costco must have the perfect algorithm for middle age, middle class America because I seriously love everything they carry… Their brand of protein bars taste just like Quest bars and they are definitely my jam right now.


Ouch!! That looks painful! So sorry you fell! I hate that feeling when you know you are going to fall. The rush of adrenaline and fear during falling is almost worse than the scrapes and bruises. Hope it heals up quick!


I hope your knee feels better! My week was chock FULL of highs and lows! On Mother’s Day my 4 year old swallowed a small metal marble from a baseball game. He then got a virus which was mostly cough and nose but some stomach issues. This lead to him complaining of stomach pains which I of course thought was related to the marble. After an X Ray at a pediatric Urgent Care last Friday where we could clearly see it (stomach pains were from the virus!) we went back there on Monday for another X Ray and it was gone. However, they saw something else on the X Ray which they informed us was either benign shadows OR could be a mass by his heart. Of course I have been a mess all week. However after bloodwork at the pediatrician and a trip to the hospital for a chest X Ray yesterday we were told that it really is just normal shadows!!! ?? Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend – I know we will!!


Holy moly, Tracy! So glad everything’s okay!


TRACY!!! Oh my goodness… I cannot even imagine the panic you had this last week. I am so glad everything is okay!!!


Aw, no, not fun! So sorry you hurt your knees and sending healing vibes your way! I fall on the ice once every winter. After 15 years it feels like a tradition ha


I ran my first Ultra Trail race last Saturday and I had my first TRAIL FALL! When I realized I was going to fall I slid stomach first arms out like sliding into home plate-at 43 I didn’t know I still had those skills. Ha! I had a sleeve on one arm but my other arm, one hip and a knee took the scrapes. Adrenaline is awesome-I hopped up and continued to finish the 15-miler, 7-10,000 elevation. This entire week feels like I was in a car wreck. Today I finally feel human again!


CONGRATS on your first ULTRA TRAIL RACE Rachelle! I am so sorry about you fall though… look at your sliding skills! Sounds like a crazy hard course, you are amazing! So glad you are feeling like yourself again!


I cannot believe he hid on the fridge…hilarious ! OMG I hope your knee is doing better. I have fallen before, and those pesky sidewalk cracks were the culprit too. I have fallen over perfectly smooth concrete too. Both times I was waving to neighbors/friends and BOOM, Faceplant !!! Hey the cord in your ear for the podcast, the thicker inch long white part under your chin, is that part a mic? So you can hear them in the earbud and talk via that mic, which one is that? I’m wondering if that might be used via computer and/or phone. Can’t wait for the podcast…I love listening to them. Weekend plans are attending a wedding outside at a beautiful park. And maybe a cookout and camping and fishing. Hope that knee gets better. Ouch.


Dang! Gretchen’s 16 minute mile to 6:50!! That’s awesome.

Man, my week has just been a bunch of ups and downs, but I feel like despite everything, I’ve been able to keep a general “up” perspective, which I’m grateful for. It’s just, dating. And Satan. Haha! You know? How that translated into running: I was having a hard time recovering from my run on Monday, and my Tuesday “speed workout” was just rough and I just couldn’t do it. Emotional heaviness + physical recovery not happening (probably both related). On Wednesday night after a personal crummy moment I was like, FORGET THE TRAINING PLAN and went for a stressed out sprint around my neighborhood to get out all that energy… and it worked. It was awesome. I was able to pray and sort out all the things, and by the end of my run I felt so much better. Perspective and hope restored. Luckily, I don’t think my coach has looked at my Strava yet to see that sprint added in ;) haha! But really, I think sometimes I just need to shake it out, even for a mile or two, and that makes a huge difference to my peace.

I hope your knee heals soon! That sounds so painful! It’s nice that you have your own personal nurse to watch after you! ;)


I fell a lot before i got my orthotics. i would feel my ankle crack and down i’d go. i’d finish the run with blood dripping down my legs and then go pick rocks out of my knees and shins. it was awesome. At least you have a good looking nurse helping you recover.
i ran today after a five day rest from being sick. i didn’t go fast or long but it was a run. tomorrow, i’ll do 6-8. i’m not sure yet. it will be outside so i won’t know until i see how the weather is.

i hope your knee heels soon. that really stinks.


That picture of Andrew on top of the fridge cracked me up! I hope your knee heals quickly!


Lindsey HEIN? Love her podcast!


YES… thank you for the correction! I have a good friend with the last name Heiner and I just typed it like hers:) Thanks! I hope you have a beautiful weekend Kendall!


Weekend plans = long bike ride w/hubby tomorrow and long run on Monday. Highlight of the week = our 26th wedding anniversary was yesterday!

I have fallen more times than I can count while out running. Hope your knee is feeling better this evening!


I’m so sorry to hear about your tumble and to see the photo of your poor knees. I wish you a speedy return to your usual speedy self. Sending ?. I continue to enjoy your blog, especially when you include the kiddlywinks! Formyself, I’m at the end of the 2nd week of full marathon training for the Berlin Marathon on Sept 24 with a 9 mile long run tomorrow. The Dallas forecast is 93 degrees and humidity in the 80% area. Air you can wear, we call it–a high misery index! It makes us tough after it nearly kills us! I have a new life goal–run all the big 5. NYC done, Berlin if I finish, and I have an entry to the London lottery for 2018 ????. If I manage it all, I’ll be 80 when I finish! ??????


Sorry to hear about your fall, Janae! That’s scary and frustrating. I had a bad fall in Boston last 4th of July, running along a path by the river trying to make it to see the fireworks in time. The fall was so loud, people stopped watching the fireworks to look at me. Ouch. I bruised a few ribs and chipped my elbows so I feel your pain!!! Hope you recover swiftly. Glad you have Andrew (and the kids) to nurse you back to health. ?


So sorry to hear about your fall, hope you’ll feel better soon. Lots of hugs!


Ouch! Sooo sorry about the fall. I haven’t fallen while running (yet), but I tend to do “random gravity checks” doing almost everything else in my life. ;)

Laying low this weekend and enjoying that school is finally out (our highlight)!

I just bought a case of Alo drinks at Costco. I’m not sure how I feel about the aloe pulp (I try not to let it linger in my mouth) but I LOVE the flavors! I’m might have to start straining them though, which probably defeats the health purposes of the drink. :D


I listened to the podcast (it was up on Lindsey’s Instagram) today while I was running, and I loved it!! Thanks for sharing your love of running and blogging!!


Sorry you fell! I’ve fallen many times, mostly on the trails. Which is why I am a road racer ;) I’m in Paris now….and with all the cobblestones, it’s pretty easy to fall so I have been EXTRA careful.

Those rice snacks do look addictive. Organic = <3


I’m very sorry you fell! I do it more than I’d like. The last time, I not only fell on my knees, I did a full face plant into the sidewalk and chipped one of my front teeth. And being a crazy runner, I wouldn’t let myself stop until I finished the last two miles of my 10-mile long run. I don’t know what was going on in my brain!

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