Let’s Talk About Healthy Minds, Bodies & Souls + The Most Amazing Giveaway (worth $1,799)!!!

Good morning everyone!  I hope you woke up feeling refreshed and ready to take on your day.  Today we are talking about something that is a part of life for EVERY SINGLE ONE of us—>  SLEEP!  I want to share with you about how important sleep is for our health and wellness!  This post is sponsored by Sleep Number® and they have an INCREDIBLE giveaway for you today (I’m talking incredible!!!) so don’t forget to enter at the end of this post!


I think sleep is kind of a funny thing.  The other night I woke up to Andrew snapping his fingers while he was asleep.  I think he was having a dream about Beretta because he snaps his fingers at her when he wants her to do something.  I snore, always have and I don’t know how to stop.  I have a brother that used to sleep RUN occasionally from the ages of 5-9.  He would be sleep running through the house and my dad would have to catch him.  He even went out the front door one night during his sleep run.  When I was a little girl and didn’t fall asleep at the exact time that I wanted to for school the next day I would cry to my parents.  I was so stressed that I would not wake up on time for class and get a tardy (I was quite the punctual student;).  Each night our kids fall asleep holding on to a toy or crayon, sharing the bed with the dog or with 2 of their 4 limbs hanging off of the bed.  Some nights I can’t remember any of my dreams and other nights I wake up thinking that whatever happened in my dreams must have actually happened in real life (sorry, Andrew about being mad occasionally over what happened in my dreams).  Whenever Brooke wakes up and I ask her what she dreamed about, she replies “Mama” in her most sweet voice (because she knows exactly how to butter me up for the day;)  While sleep can be kind of strange and so unique for each of us, sleep is so important for every single one of us!

I think that a lot of times we focus our health efforts mainly on our nutrition and physical activity but we cannot forget the huge role that sleep plays on overall health & wellness!  I think sleep is something that we can all make improvements with including putting our to-do lists away when we should be resting our bodies from all of the running, playing and working all day long.


Here are a few common side effects for me when I am not sleeping well (aka after my divorce for a while or when I was having all of those gut issues or when I’ve been stressed out about family things):

*My mile splits aren’t what I want them to be, I have a harder time finishing workouts and goodness gracious race day does not go well if I have not been sleeping well.

*I make poor eating choices.  When I am tired, I reach for sugar all day long hoping that it will give me the energy I am missing from not sleeping well.

*I have lower motivation with work, with taking care of the house, with getting things DONE.

*It’s hard for me to focus on things.  I feel like my brain is everywhere except for where I want it to be in the moment.

*Overall, when I am not sleeping well or making sleep a priority I just feel like I’m not tapping into my potential as a wife/mom/runner/daughter/blogger/sister etc. and I don’t like that feeling at all.

Turns out that when I’m not sleeping well, SO many things in my life are effected negatively.

When I am sleeping well, it feels like life just goes so much more smoothly.  My overall perspective about life is better and I eat a lot better.  I notice progress in my running and I can focus on my work.  I’m a much better wife and mom (just ask Andrew and the kids;).  The positive things that come from sleeping well are definitely the best motivation to make sure that I take care of myself, my health and go to bed at a good time.  Time for us all to make sure that we are sleeping better!


I kind of tricked Andrew when we were dating.  I was all about staying up late with him and watching movies or talking until way too late.  And then a little bit into marriage, he realized that sleep means a lot to me.  I look forward to it, I want to be in my bed for as many hours as possible and anytime that I can get in bed early, I do.  Since I first met Andrew, he has gotten a lot better at getting in bed at a good time and making more time for sleeping BUT our old mattress was killing his back.  We were using my old one and I would wake up in the mornings some days with him sleeping on the floor because the mattress hurt his back so bad.  For a few years I was single and all I had to worry about was how the mattress worked for me (and for Brooke when she would climb into my bed each morning).  We got married and all of the sudden I needed a mattress that was perfect for TWO people!  Between Andrew’s back killing him and the fact that I’m always game for finding more ways to have a better night’s sleep, we were so excited to try Sleep Number!

Great sleep starts with your mattress.  We went to the Sleep Number store and had an awesome experience there!  We brought the kids and my mom.  The team members there were so friendly and helpful! They helped us to really personalize what we needed and what would be the best solution for Andrew’s back problems along with our desire for two very different mattresses.  I prefer a softer mattress and Andrew prefers a more firm mattress.  I think that this has to be my favorite part about our Sleep Number mattress, it is a win-win situation for the two of us.  Neither of us has to settle on one type of mattress, we both get what we love!


It is so easy to adjust each side of our Sleep Number mattress.  You can use the bed remote or your phone to get to the exact Sleep Number® setting that is perfect for you (I am at a 35 and Andrew is usually around 60 or more and you can choose anywhere from 5-100)!   I am SO comfortable on my side at 35… it feels like I get to have my mattress exactly where my body is it’s happiest.


We are learning A LOT about our sleep with our Sleep Number mattress.  Through the SleepIQ™ technology I get to see exactly how well I sleep each night.  The information that is gathered from the mattress is shown on an app on my phone and it tells me when the best hours of sleep are for me, how many breaths per minute I take, when I am restless and restful and even my average heart rate while I am asleep.  Having all of this information and seeing where I can improve has provided a way for me to challenge myself to get a better night of sleep each night.  Also, Sleep Number mattresses actually adjust to better fit to your own personal needs which I am excited to see how that continues to help me to sleep better!


Andrew has been loving adjusting his side of the bed to meet his needs and to make his back happier.  Hallelujah for no more floor sleeping, right Andrew?


Overall, we are loving our Sleep Number mattress and we are really happy to have such a great solution for the two of us.  Now we each get a good night of sleep while sleeping on the same mattress.. it is wonderful:)


Sleep is so important for everyone but remember, as runners we really have to make sure we are getting enough sleep each night if we want to continue to train hard and recover well!  “It’s during the third and fourth stages of a typical sleep cycle when a body heals itself.  That’s when the human growth hormone (HGH) is released from the pituitary gland.  Although it’s gotten notoriety as a performance-enhancing drug, in its natural form it plays a key role in building and repairing muscle tissue and bones, as well as acting as a catalyst for the body to use fat as fuel.  Without the right amount of HGH in the blood, recovery from workouts is hindered, prolonging the time it takes the body to build a strong aerobic engine.” (source)  Don’t let your lack of sleep get in the way of recovering from your workouts!


Time for you to go out and visit a Sleep Number store near you to help you on your way to sleeping and feeling better!  HERE is a store locator!  We learned a lot about the importance of sleep and what is best for what YOU need!



Now is YOUR chance to win an amazing Queen Sized p5 Mattress!! ($1799 VALUE)!!

To enter the giveaway:

1.  GO HERE to visit the Sleep Number store locator 

2.  Find out which store is closest to you

3.  Comment below the name of the store along with any sleep issues you’ve been having and why you would love to win!!

*NO PURCHASE NECESSARY.  Open to eligible legal residents of the 50 United States and D.C. at least the age of majority in their jurisdiction.  Begins:  Thursday, April 27, 2017 at 12:00:00 AM ET.  End Saturday, May 6, 2017 at 11:59:59 PM ET.  Subject to Official Rules available at http://mediakix.com/sweepstakes-hungryrunnergirl/.  Void where prohibited.  Sponsor: Mediakix LLC.

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Turns out there is a store just 1 little mile from me in Murray, UT! Who knew!
Good gosh, my current mattress I got for free from a friend years ago and it is SO old and has got to go. My back aches when I wake up or if I lay around in bed too long after waking up. I have two different layers in top of the mattress that are supposed to help soften it but this sucker is done. I’ve been looking into buying a new mattress ($$$ ?) but I guess I could settle for winning one instead ;) Crossing all my fingers!!!


The sleep nunber bed store is located in our giant mall here in Syracuse, NY! Sleep number store Syracuse!

I would love a new bed! I start nursing school in the fall and know how important sleep is. This bed will hopefully provide me with the comfort I need during a very challenging time in my life. Going back to school for nursing as a second career (like Andrew!) won’t be easy but completely worth it :-)


The nearest store to me is the Charlottesville Fashion Square Mall. My biggest sleep issue is not being able to fall asleep sometimes. I teach 2nd grade so some nights my mind just stays awake racing. I also think not having a comfy mattress might add to the problem. I would LOVE a Sleep Number to kick start my summer of being off from school and celebrate being able to sleep in such a comfy bed!!!


Meridian, ID!

My husband and I definitely have different preferences on mattress firmness. The first time I slept on his bachelor mattress I literally had bruised hips the next morning because it was so firm!
Also, we have been moving around a lot this year and had our old mattress in storage. This past week when we went to check out our stuff, we discovered mice had invaded! It would be so awesome to win a brand new mattress so we can sleep healthy and well!


There is a store near me at the Cool Springs Galleria in the suburbs of Nashville, TN. I would absolutely love to win a new bed! My chiropractor would love for me to stop sleeping on my stomach creating kinks in my neck. With a better mattress, it would be easier for me to sleep on my side or on my back.


My closest location is at the Phoenix Biltmore. I am having similar issues to you and Andrew, I love a super soft mattress and my fiancé likes it super firm. I was considering getting a half mattress pad but this would be so much more amazing!


The Birmingham- Highway 280 (Alabama) store is closest to me. I have always been a great sleeper, but my husband has major back issues due to sleep. We have been discussing getting a new mattress for a while, so this would be wonderful!


My closest store it the Pittsburgh – Ross Township location.

A new mattress would be so helpful because I’ve always had worn in ‘hand me down’ mattresses. I would be so grateful to win because a quality mattress is a large expense!


This would be so amazing to win! :) Our mattress is 10 years old and my husband and I wake up with sore backs all of the time! Our closest store is the York Galleria store in York, PA.


Manchester CT, right in town! My boyfriend and I bought a house 3 years ago and we have very different mattress preferences. I could sleep on a hard wood floor and he likes sleeping on pillows of marshmallows. We settled on a firm mattress with a pillow top but it has never been prefect for either of us. We regret that we settled for a standard mattress and talked often how we should have splurged on a sleep number. You live an learn, right ;)


My closest store is northpoint in alpharetta.
I have horrible insomnia, I’ve been to the dr multiple times for it. Tried sleeping pills, melatonin, nothing works for me. I just heard a sleep number commercial last night while watching baseball and was thinking I should look into it. I’m about to be in the market for a new mattress so timing would be perfect!


The Woodlands Mall in The Woodlands Texas is my nearest store. My husband and I bought a pillow top mattress that was heaven to me but he suffered in silence every night with back and shoulder pain. He knew how much I loved it so he didn’t say anything. I finally switched to our sons full size that is firmer. Now my hip and back hurt! Plus it is a full size bed! I would love to have a Sleep number so we each can have the firmness or softness we both can be comfortable with. I, like you, have realized the importance of sleep. Anytime I can get into bed for more sleep is great.


Closest location to me…. Danbury, CT
I have so much trouble with falling asleep and staying asleep. As a collegiate runner, I’ve been struggling with catching up on my sleep. Without the sleep, I continue to struggle with recovering. This bed sounds PERFECT! A new bed would sound amazing and it would be my first new bed since I was twelve (23 now) You know us as runners, we NEED our sleep. This is an amazing giveaway, thanks for doing this.


There’s a store near me, in our local mall. I’d love a new bed because I’m going through a blindside divorce and it’s really hard to sleep in the same bed I slept in with my husband of almost 28 years…so hard.


Woodbridge, NJ is the closest store and I am pretty sure I know where it is. I don’t sleep well and I have lower back/hip issues, a proper mattress is key. Right now we do need to replace our mattress; my husband asks me why and I say it’s because the mattress now has dips in it. I need a pretty firm mattress and I suspect he’d like something a little softer. He also snores.


My closest store is the south cost-Bristol St store in Santa Ana, CA!! My husband has always said that a sleep number is his DREAM mattress everytime we pass one of their stores! Our biggest sleep issue is that we both like different types of mattresses so a sleep number would be amazing!!!


Opelika/Auburn Alabama! My husband and I prefer different mattress types. We are having a hard time getting this mattress sharing thing right :). A sleep number would be perfect for us to each be able to get it just right!!


Valley West Mall- West Des Moines, IA
With a 6 month old baby we aren’t getting a lot of sleep. I would love to have a new mattress to improve the little sleep we are getting. Sleep IQ technology sounds really interesting to me.


Rockford, il is our store! I have heard so many great things about sleep number. For us too as a couple I think we have different needs so the sleep number is perfect. Over time (22 years) my husband has gotten used to a more firm bed but I love how they use technology to make it the best for both people.


I can’t NOT enter this contest! There’s one right by us here in VA Beach. Our guest bedroom mattress is a queen and it’s OLD. Like, predates our marriage old. It was the first mattress I ever bought on my own and it’s extremely uncomfortable. Having our parents come to visit us is rare these days because we live so far from them, and both of my parents have major back issues. Giving them a great place to sleep so they’re refreshed in the morning (and can help with my kids!) would be so nice, and might motivate them to come out more. Haha.
My own sleep issues are directly related to this little nugget that sleeps in a cosleeper in our bed. He thinks night time is feeding time. STILL. He’s FIVE MONTHS!!!!!!!


Haha my cosleeper is 9 months and still thinks it’s feeding time… tots mom zombie over here!


My closest store is at the Westfield mall in Joliet, IL. My boyfriend and I recently bought a home together and have the same problem as you did where we are using my old mattress and it is definitely not as comfortable for him as it is for me. I even notice I have trouble sleeping sometimes because of his tossing and turning and find myself waking up numerous times throughout the night. I always notice a difference in the way I feel the next day if I have a bad night sleep. I would love to be able to try the Sleep Number bed because I think it would be perfect for our situation!


The sleep number store in marlton at the promenade at sagemoore is my closest store. I have been begging my boyfriend to get a new bed – I haven’t been sleeping well at all. I get 8 hours of sleep and still feel like I could sleep another 4 hours. I tried adding a memory foam mattress topper and it helped slightly – but I’m still so drained most days. I’d love to win this to prove to him we NEEDED a new mattress and how much it’ll make him feel more rested as he continues to train for his second full Ironman.


Closest store is Peoria, IL. Our mattress is almost 12 years old and I’ve been waking up with a stiff neck a lot lately. According to my husband I also snore, but i think he is lying ? Ive been eyeing a sleep number mattress for a few years but just doesn’t fit in the budget. So it would be amazing to win one!


The store closest to me is in Arborland Mall, about 10 minutes from my house! I’m usually a pretty great sleeper but struggle with lower back pain. I’m sure a more customized mattress would help with that. Awesome giveaway!


There is a Sleep Number Store about a mile away in The Woodlands Mall! Recently my lower back has been a little stiff when I wake up. I have been considering getting a firmer bed.


My nearest store is the Woodbridge NJ store, which conveniently, I was just in the area of last weekend! I would love to win because I love sleep! I am hands-down one of those people who can always fall asleep, but I definitely know when I’ve had a “good” night’s sleep or just a mediocre one. The mattress makes so much difference!!


Sleep Number Store in North Charleston, South Carolina. I am a mother of a 19-month old and a two-week old. In addition to trying to balance my new role of mom of two under two, I am very eager to start taking better care of my health so I can be a role model to my children. That includes eating healthy foods and being physically active. I am a high school teacher and my husband works for the state ports authority, and we are always (blissfully) busy. That is why sleep is very important to us- we don’t currently get enough of it, so the sleep we do get should be the best possible in order to prepare us mentally and physically for the day. A nice mattress is not in our budget right now, so even having the chance to win a Sleep Number bed is great! Thank you for the opportunity!


Maple Grove-Arbor Lakes, MN store. My husband and I can never agree on our mattress! He thinks that it’s sinking and isn’t comfortable, and I’m having a hard time getting comfortable on it since I’m pregnant. We would love to win so that we can both be rested–our days go so much better when we have had a good sleep!




Closest store is Saginaw – MI. My current sleep issue is that my little toddler keeps visiting in the middle of the nightl


Oh, and I’d love to win so I can get a good night’s sleep and get back to sleep quickly after all the disruptions!


There’s one in our mall – just about 10 minutes away! I used to have a sleep number bed and loved it! But after my divorce, I couldn’t fit it in my apartment. :(
My current mattress is awful – but it was affordable for me. I wake up a bunch of times per night to try and get more comfortable!


My nearest store is in McKinney, Texas. Between working nights as a nurse and an insomniac husband, sleep is a precious commodity in my home. Our current mattress is 10 years old and we are due for a new one.


The closest store to me is about 5 miles away at the Kenwood Towne Center mall. I’ve been struggling with sleep lately because I’m sleeping on my husbands COLLEGE MATTRESS (gah, embarrassing to admit that!) and it’s starting to sag in the middle – we’ve been in the market for a new mattress for years but can never seem to pull the trigger, or find one that is just right for us.


Closest to me is Sleep Number Fairfax, at the Fair Oaks Mall.

A new mattress would be so well timed right now. My husband and I have been talking about getting a new one for some time, but money always seems to be an issue. I know how important sleep is, so it really bums me out that we have to keep delaying this purchase. I have noticed that my sleep is often very restless and can never get comfortable. There is a definite dip in the mattress, even when we rotate it, and I know that my husband and I have different opinions on mattress firmness. What a great giveaway – thanks Janae and Sleep Number!


The closest Sleep Number store to me is in the Stoneridge Mall in Pleasanton!

A new bed would be amazing for my husband and I right now. My husband has chronic back pain, which I am pretty sure is at least partly due to our very old mattress! We currently have our first baby on the way, and I have recently started to develop lower back pain as well. We are moving into our first home this weekend, so this would be an amazing time for us to receive a new mattress!


The sleep number store closest to me is at the Shops at Southlake in Southlake, TX. Ny number one sleep issue is that my second baby still isn’t sleeping through the night. ??


Streets of Southpoint! (Durham) We have a very very old mattress passed down from friends. It gets pretty pretty hot, and I would LOVE one that is cooler and softer….and maybe not used by lots of people before ;)


Closest store to me is in Oakridge Mall in San Jose, CA (Sleep Number San Jose).
I would say that I sleep quite well, but once in a while, my lower back aches a bit when I sleep in.


My store is in Pentagon City! My mattress needs to be replaced so badly. Sometimes I think my bed is going to collapse in on me!


There’s a store in Murray UT and one in Layton. I could go either direction. Our bed is starting to have a hump in the middle because we don’t sleep right next to each other all night. It’s super annoying. Thank you for the chance to win!


We purchased our mattress when I was pregnant with my middle daughter, who is now almost 12! It’s worn out and needs to be replaced. I’m finding that I have back issues after sleeping which I have never had until recently. The store closes to me is Colerain – Stone Creek Towne Ctr


The closest store is in Albuquerque, NM- Uptown location. I’d love a new bed because I have 3 kids- enough said! They love to jump and we love to spend time together watching cartoons on chilly Saturday mornings. Love your blog!


Sleep Number Hyannis is the closet store to me! My current sleep issue is that my current bed right now is almost 15 years old and the springs are starting to go on it, making it very uncomfortable. I think it is time for a new one!


The store closest to me is in Sicklerville, NJ.
I would love to have a new mattress for my growing son – he will be 12 tomorrow and is already 6’1. He needs a bigger bed and would absolutely love a sleep number mattress!


Sleep Number McKinney is my just 5 short miles away from me. My aunt and uncle have a sleep number and when ever we visit they give us the luxury of sleeping in there bed during our stay. It’s pure bliss!! We leave there feeling so well rested and dream one day we can afford such luxury in our own home. Maybe then my husband wouldn’t suffer so much from back and neck pain. Winning this giveaway would be a dream come true.


Destiny USA in Syracuse, NY. I had NO idea! My hubby and I got a new mattress 5 years ago that I HATE but he likes!
He also likes a firmer mattress which makes my hips sore. I am sure being able to set each side to our own liking would be a Godsend!


The Murray store is the closest to me. The right side of my upper back has been giving me trouble on and off for about a year. My mattress is 10.5 years old (I know that because I bought it when I got divorced). I am getting married in June and it would be nice to have a new mattress.


The closest store to me is Hamilton Place, Chattanooga, TN.

I think the biggest issue I have is my husband and I were sleeping on a super cheap mattress up until December. We finally went out and bought a new one from the furniture store that is a hybrid coil/memory foam. It’s supposed to be “cooling” material; however, lately I have been waking up several times a night sweating and it’s the parts of my body that are laying on the mattress that just feel hot to me. It was super comfortable when we tested it out but I’m also having back issues too. I try to sleep on my back but can’t get comfortable so than I roll to my stomach but I wake up with my lower back aching just because of the position I am in. My husband sleeps fine so I think it is more of an issue that we have different firmness preferences too; however, I hate that we just spent a big chunk of change (not change to us) on what we thought would be a mattress that would last us for awhile.


KOP in PA is my store. My wife and I have been having back issues for a long time and need a new bed!


My nearest store is in Arlington, VA.

I’d love a new mattress as mine is currently almost 10 years old and we are starting to sleep a little worse and have some back pain.


The Mall of Robinson (Pittsburgh, PA) is the easiest one for me to get to from where I live! I have been having such bad back problems and chiro said part of it is because I keep sleeping on my stomach…but my comforter is just not comfortable to sleep otherwise. this would be awesome to finally resolve!!


My closest store is Orem, UT. I would love to win this! My current mattress makes my back ache, and my husband and I have different preferences when it comes to mattresses. :)


My local Sleep Number store is 5 miles from me — Abercorn, Savannah, GA.
In terms of sleep issues… I’m currently expecting twins (identical boys), so I find that I wake up in the middle of the night with a sore back a lot more often. It also makes it harder to get up and get going in the morning.
Great photos in your post today! :)


Streets of Southport, Durham, NC

Been having mattress problems at my house for awhile now! We’d had the old mattress for about 10 years and were both just miserable. My husband had cervical disk replacement surgery and was absolutely miserable trying to sleep on this mattress during his recovery. I hastily went out and purchased a firm mattress. He loves it and has slept well and recovered nicely. I, on the other hand, have suffered miserably! While the old mattress was just worn out, I thought a firm mattress would be just what we both needed. Not true!! It is way to firm for me! I toss and turn trying to get comfortable and wake up aching all over. Would love to have a mattress that would suit both of our needs!


My closest store is BROOKLYN-BOERUM HILL. I’d love to win because I often wake up with a sore back. I do a lot of running / strength training and sometimes my sore back is due to that, but my mattress is definitely not helping! As someone with back issues, I know the right mattress is an important piece to the puzzle.


University Parkway in Orem! I’ve had back issues and can never find a good position and wake up tired all the time.


Flatirons Crossings up in Boulder, CO!

Dang girl, great giveaway. I almost always wake up a few times every night because something is just kind of uncomfortable – hips, back, neck…I have to wake up and adjust. Also, I think Mr. Teeps would really like to win this, he’s told me on multiple occasions that his little fluffy body requires a softer mattress. So high maintenance aha.


We really need a new mattress and I’d love to win this one. Our biggest sleep issue is that my husband is a lot bigger than me (not hard because I’m a small girl), so we have a divet in our mattress and always have to flip and turn it. Our nearest store is in Northwoods Mall in North Charleston, too.


I drive by my Sleep Number Store everyday in my town! Who knew?! I guess since it’s a local mattress store, I didn’t realize they had such awesome things! I’ve had the same mattress (that was from when my ex and I lived together) for over 8 years…and he had it much longer before that, so needless to say, I think it’s time for a new one. Whenever I think about buying a new mattress, which seems practical because I love sleep so much, I can never wrap my head around the cost!


There’s a store super close in Chicago – less than a mile away! My biggest sleep issue is the fact that our old full size bed is simply not big enough for 2 humans and 2 growing puppies!!


I’m curious if the other mattresses you’ve gotten in recent times were bad or if you gave them away? Is the Leesa not durable?


My closest store is in Colorado Springs – the North Academy Blvd. location. I just recently got married and we only have my full size bed that I’ve had since college! It is quite an adjustment adding another person to your bed! especially a small one :) I would love a bed that is bigger and a little softer than mine!


Hello! My closest store is the Sleep Number in Sterling, Virginia. My husband and I have a nickname for our little double size mattress, “The Bowl.” I’ve had it since college and it’s literally so awful that it sinks in the middle. Please note, we bought it at Ikea for less than $200 and it’s super thin, LOL. At this point my husband says that his spine and body has conformed to “The Bowl.” We got married last year and have been thinking about getting a new one but needed to wait for financial reasons. We would love this chance to get a real “adult” mattress that actually fits us and is comfortable, especially the Sleep Number!


Nearest store is Brooklyn Boreum Hill!

Definitely been an adjustment after moving in with my boyfriend– for 27 years I had a bed to myself and learning to share every single night has been tough with our opposite bedtimes (and wake up times!)


Hello! The closest store to me would be in Mankato, Minnesota. About 20 miles from my home! I tend to sleep in the same spot every night which makes an indent smack dab in the middle. So..I’m not able to sleep on the outside of my bed because I slide right back down into the middle. Thanks for sharing! :)


The closest store to me is in Frederick, Maryland.

I’ve always been a bad sleeper – it’s really hard for me to fall asleep and I’m a very light sleeper!


Im in Richmond VA and the closest store is in North Chesterfield! and I am looking for a new mattress for when I move in July, my current one gives me bad neck and shoulder pain


My closest store is Greenville, SC! Currently I am not sleeping well because I have a 9 month old in between my husband and I who wants to nurse all night… I’d love to win because mattress shopping is overwhelming! It’s impossible to know where to start and it seems like the sleep number people really help you out and look out for what you need.


The closest store to me is St. Joseph, Mo, which is right down the street! I am actually surprised we have a store, I figured the closest one would be in Kansas City!

I wake up multiple times each night. I never really know why, nothing really hurts, but I just wake up. My mattress is pretty old (close to 10 years?) so maybe it’s time for a new one and that would help me sleep better?


The closest Sleep Number store to me is at the Stoneridge Mall in Pleasanton -3 miles away!
My husband & I have a 16-year old mattress that is slowly losing its firmness. My back is starting to hurt & he noticed the mattress is uneven too. It would be amazing to have a mattress where I could have a soft side & he could have a firm side! We both have 2 jobs so sleep is important to us (when we can get some).


The Mayfair Mall store is within walking distance for me :) I’m not the best sleeper. I wake up often throughout the night and never seem to get comfortable. I wake up feeling like I didn’t sleep at all. I try & get to bed as early as I can, hoping I can get a few solid hours of deep sleep.


Lancaster pa store is closest to me. I have always struggled to fall asleep due to back problems and stress. If love to win because we are needing to update our mattress soon and have slept on a sleep number before as guests in someone’s home. Considering this for our next purchase :)


Gilbert, AZ! Starting a new job as a nurse while going to graduate school is exhausting. My body doesn’t thrive on 5 hours a night and it’s been showing. hopefully a new mattress will motivate me to sleep more!


My closest store is at the Coral Ridge Mall in Coralville, and I’ve gone past it many times and thought about stopping in…maybe I will now! My biggest problem with sleeping in general is that my husband snores; with our mattress, it’s that it has too much memory foam for my liking and isn’t firm enough.


Closest store to me is Layton Hills.
My husband and I have always had issues figuring out mattresses that are right for both of us. I always end up winning and choosing the mattress I like the most. It would be nice to let him choose his own settings and win once in awhile:)


Apparently there is one two miles away located in my mall (Francis Scott Key). Never would have thought my mall would have one.


Our closest store is Genesee Valley Center, I’ve been having trouble sleeping and neck pain due to whiplash from a car accident (wasn’t the birthday gift I’d been hoping for). Also the mattress dips slightly in the middle and it bounces like a trampoline when the other person moves, the mattress isn’t even that old :/


My closest store is Murray, UT!

My biggest problem is that with my broken collarbone (surgically repaired), I have a hard time finding the right firmness to make my shoulder comfortable!


There’s a store near me in Tulsa, OK. I would love to get better sleep and find out which Sleep Number is perfect for me. For the past few months, I haven’t felt as rested as I should for the amount of sleep that I’ve been getting (7-8 hours consistently). I bet having the perfect mattress would definitely help!


Amazing Giveaway! I have always wanted a sleep number bed!!! The closest location to me is Cherry Hill NJ, and I have upper back and neck problems that get worse if I sleep the wrong way


The closest store for me is in Montgomery Mall in Bethesda, MD. Sleep issues–never get enough ever since my first child was born 28 years ago. Between the job, the family, and marathon training, there never seems to be enough time to get enough sleep. This bed would be great for me–and my marriage–because, like most couples, we each like different firmness in our mattress. Isn’t it funny how some things in a marriage work when each person a bot of what they want and is a bit disappointed? It would be awesome to both be completely happy about sleeping!


I don’t own a mattress and would love love love to try a sleep number. I had to move quickly into a furnished condo and gave my mattress away to someone in need. I have been sleeping on the bed that came with the condo, with a thick pad they already had on it, and it is way too soft. My lease will be over soon and Ill need to buy a new mattress when I move. Please please please pick me. The closest store is in Sarasota Florida, Sleep Number Sarasota, on Fruitville Rd.


Loved hearing about your sleep. My closest Sleep Number store is just 4 miles away- Nashua, NH i the Pheasant Lane Mall. I walk by it often…thinking how nice it would be to update our bed since we’ve had ours for 17 years! Sleep issues–I don’t sleep through the night. I wake up tossing and turning often!


Layton Hills Mall is the closest Sleep Number store for me. My husband and I have struggled with sleeping for years! I have back trouble and could really benefit from a more firm bed. Our mattress has 2 giant valleys and one hill right in the middle. So we each are stuck in these valleys for the night. It’s extremely uncomfortable and makes it hard to sleep. We desperately need a new one but with 3 kids, and 1 one the way, extra money is hard to come by! A new mattress would mean a new outlook to our day each morning! Thanks for the giveaway. I hope I win! ?


The closest store to me is at McCain Mall in Arkansas! Less than 2 miles where I live!

My husband and I both wake up with back troubles every morning. Our mattress isn’t THAT old, but it is obviously not aged as well as other mattresses. The first few years– our mattress was GREAT, but the past year or so (during marathon training no less!) our mattress has caused us to wake up daily with back pain and stiffness. :(


The closest store to me is only 5 five away. I have all was struggles with getting to sleep. I find I have a hard time getting comfortable so because of that it takes time for me. I have thought about getting a sleep number bed.


Lenox mall in Atlanta is closest to me. I’ve visited the store before, and was terrified I loved the mattress so much, that I was going to pass out, spend the night, and start drooling, and who wants to see that?~? I always tell people getting a good nights sleep is the key to success. I can do anything in my day if I slept good.


My nearest is the Sandy, Ut store! My back is always sore- I like a firm mattress, but ours is a little too soft for me.


My closest sleep number store is Westfield UTC! My husband and I would love a sleep number mattress because we both tend to have back issues and I think this mattress would help!


My nearest store is in Lancaster, PA!

We can get so uncomfortable at night. It would be great to have my husband be able to adjust his side and me be able to adjust mine. We are very different sleepers!


I agree… sleep is really important! Thanks for sharing, this is a really cool giveaway!





The Buckhead – Lenox Rd store is right around the corner from me! I recently moved and pulled my mattress out of storage and it desperately needs to be replaced.. my poor back! :(

Thanks for posting this, such an awesome giveaway!


There’s a Sleep Number store a short drive away in Anchorage, Alaska! I was surprised because usually living in Alaska means we get excluded from a lot of the specialty stores and big giveaways because shipping up here is too expensive!
We had a mattress that I loved at the beginning of the year, but my husband claimed it was “breaking his back!” Haha very dramatic. So my parents gave us a different mattress that they weren’t using that we felt we both liked at the time, but now 3 months in I am the one waking up each morning crippled! Sleep and mattress comfort is definitely an individual thing, which is challenging when you’re married!


Turns out I work right next to one in the Houston – Champions area. I would love to win to also help my back issues due to a car accident. I am so restless now in my sleep thanks to my Fitbit telling me. A good nights sleep would be amazing on a new mattress.


The closest store to me is in Reno, NV. My husband and I have different preferences for how soft and firm the mattress should be so to be able to adjust each side would be wonderful! Thank you!


My closest store is Hanes Mall in Winston Salem NC! I got my mattress for free from a friend, and it is probably 15 years old! I constantly wake up with back pain, so it is definitely time for a new mattress. It makes it hard to work out early in the morning too. So it is definitely time for a new one!!! Awesome giveaway!!!!


There is a store just a few miles from my house in Costa Mesa, CA! A sleep number would be a dream (no pun intended) for this preggo mama to be who can’t get comfy and for her wonderful husband who loves to snore and deprive me of rest (we’re talking ear plugs every night!) We’ve explored sleep number but just haven’t made it happen yet so this would be incredible!


I have a Sleep Number store right here in Greenville, SC. My daughter even lives on the same road as the store so I’ve driven right past it a million times and never knew it. I’ve had my current mattress for about 8 years and it was used when I got it. It would be amazing to win a new one because I can’t justify the expense of buying one.


The closest store to me is El Paso Fountains of Farah! I usually have no trouble at all falling asleep, but staying asleep is a different story. A new mattress might help me solve this problem!


The Denver store is closest! My neck hurts all the time and my mattress is from Craigslist so I could definitely use a new one!


The Tigard-Bridgeport Village store is closest to me, 3 miles! and it’s in a fun shopping area too! We have a
Tempurpedic currently, and it sleeps way to warm! and too firm for me, my arms fall asleep and my shoulders ache! My husband has back and hip issues too, so having a sleep number would be a wonderful solution to our aches and pains! Thanks for sharing this information too, good stuff to know!


Cambridge, MA is the closest store to me! I definitely could use a new mattress to help alleviate my back pain! I love sleeping!


3 miles away from Sleep Number Flowood, MS- wahoo!

I would LOVE to win this. I recently took a job in administration while I work on my Master of Public Health. I love my job, but I sit for nearly 8 hours a day, and once I get in bed (the old one given to me by my parents when I moved into my first place), I experience lower back pain. I’m 24 and healthy, so I’m so not used to these new aches and pains. Anyway, I would love the opportunity to get a new, great mattress. Wonderful giveaway. :)


GRAND TRAVERSE MALL is the store closest to me. Some issues I have been having is my arms falling asleep under me while sleeping. If a sleep number would take care of that, I am in for sure!


The Westfield carlsbad store is closest to me. I would love to have this mattress because i love a soft mattress while my husband likes firm!


Katy-Grand Crossing is 3 miles from my house! My mattress is old – I am due for a new one and have heard great things about the Sleep Number!


My closest store location is Sandy State. I didn’t even know there was a location here! My bed is so old, it was my childhood bed. I’ve just never replaced it. I never feel comfortable in my bed at night. I toss and turn all night.


My local store in Cross Creek Mall. I have found that my back can feel tight after sleeping and I thing it is because my mattress may be too soft at times, but when I’m really tired a soft bed is all I want. So a bed that I could adjust to my changing needs would be awesome.


Natick Mall is closest to me!

I have been sleeping on the worst IKEA mattress for the past couple of years and I am dyyying for a new mattress that is better for my back and a bit firmer.


Orlando, FL – Waterford Lakes is the closest store for me. I would love a new mattress to help with my husband’s herniated disc in his back and my hip pain that I’m experiencing during this pregnancy (twins!), so a new mattress couldn’t come at a better time!


The closest one is the Solomon Pond Mall one in marlborough, MA. currently, I’ve been having issues falling asleep (stress as my graduation date approaches) and I could def feel it on my run yesterday!


The Sleep Number on Univeristy Parkway in Orem is closest to me :) We just had our 2nd baby, so that is our main sleep issue right now haha! We would love to have a comfy bed to utilize all the sleep we can get with two little kids and my husband getting ready to start medical school this summer. :-)


My husband and I have completely different views about mattress types. Both of us complain of back issues related to the mattress sometimes, so this would help solve that problem. Closest store is in Wauwatosa, wi.


I didn’t realize there is a Sleep Number store near me in Montgomery Mall (MD). I’ve been struggling with back pain, so I try to keep a pillow between my knees, but I wake up several times each night when I flip over to my other side and have to readjust everything. Interrupted sleep feels worse to me than a few solid hours.


The store in Pineville, NC is closest to me! I don’t usually have trouble falling asleep, it’s staying asleep that gets me! I always wake up in the middle of the night or super early!


I woke up to my back hurting from my bed this morning, so a new sleep number bed sounds amazing. Turns out the closest store is the Bellvue Square Store.


Our store is Valley Fair Mall!! I feel like I wake up 5-10 times every night. The littlest noises always wake me


Columbia, SC Two Notch Rd store. I am typically a good sleeper however my husband finds a harder time falling and staying asleep. We both definitely have different tastes in mattresses. So a Sleep number would be nice.


The closest Sleep Number store is in the Coral Ridge Mall in Coralville. I have been having some sleep issues lately. Mostly from stressing about things. I could definitely use a new mattress because the one I have had is way older than I want to admit.


My store is at the West Towne Mall. I have trouble with grinding my teeth in my sleep, which is a horrible habit related to stress. I have a night guard from my dentist that I wear, but I have been doing my best to relax and reduce stress to help.


Buckhead – Lenox Rd. location in Atlanta. I am a new mom, and honestly I can say my biggest sleep problem is staying asleep. My daughter sleeps pretty well…now….but I still wake up on my own multiple times a night just to check on her. i think if I was more comfortable I wouldn’t wake up as easily.


My store is Muskegon, MI! I would love a new bed as we have a queen bed currently and it’s shared between two adults and a Great Dane. We need BIGGER!!!!


Lexington, KY

My husband and I are both having back pain from our mattress. We just said this morning that we need to try flipping the mattress around or something.


My husband and I have been married for just under a year and have been sharing a full mattress the whole time! Keep in mind he is 6 foot 3. So he basically has to lay diagonal on the bed and I squeeze in the top corner. It is very fun :) So we would love a new queen mattress!


The Sleep Number closest to me is at Springfield Town Center in Virginia. I have a friend that could use a new mattress — I would love to win this mattress to give to them!


The store closest to me is the one at the Village of Rochester Hills, a really awesome outdoor mall near my house.

My husband and I have had the same mattress since we got married in 2000. We didn’t go to a store, try them out and decide. My husband (fiancé back then) went to Marshall Fields and just bought a mattress because we were getting married in a week and it occurred to us that we should probably get a mattress for our bed (we did the old fashioned thing – not living together until after we were married). I am sure when he went to the store, he sat on it and thought m, this one is soft then bought it. Haha. The mattress was ok. Never had stellar sleep on it, but I guess I didn’t know any better. I have been in a sleep number store and tried their beds and I was at CES 2017 and tried then there too. They are amazing. I would love one. My husband weighs about 220lbs and I weigh 130. The mattress we currently sleep on makes it feel as though I am sleeping like I am rolling down hill – because of the weight difference. I am looking forward to having a mattress one day that is adjustable like the SN bed is. This way it it perfect for him and perfect for me :)


There is a store near me in Cambridge, MA. My biggest sleep issue is waking up a lot at night.


My closest store in Sleep Number Winchester, VA. My husband and I have had our Sleep Number bed for 11 years now and still love it! As with anything you use every day, it’s showing the age. The air pump is a little fritzy sometimes and occasionally the numbers on our remote only half show. We still get amazing sleep on it and would love a chance to get a new one! We have a 3 year old and a 4 month old so sleep is the highest priority in our house.


This would be an amazing opportunity. My husband struggles with back issues – and I’m sure it’s because we need a new mattress. Our mattress is 14+ years old and this would be a needed item for us, but they are so expensive! The closest store is 60 miles away as we live in a rural area, but it would be a huge gift to win! Thanks for the opportunity.


My closest store is in Noblesville, IN.

I am an ICU nurse and always have a sore back. My mattress can really aggravate it, especially if I’m in the middle of a work stretch. My husband sits at a computer all day at work and also struggles with a sore back. We are constantly moving and re-adjusting while sleeping to get more comfortable.


McDonough South Point in Georgia!

I’d love to win this because my husband and I recently got married and I moved to Georgia from Canada! I wasn’t able to bring my bed with me, and we’ve been sleeping on a cheap ikea mattress because money is tight as I can’t work yet.

My husband is 6 ft 6, and he’s always complaining about how is body aches and how tired he is and I just know it’s from the mattress! I also suffer from back pain from a too soft mattress, and I would love to be able to adjust it to suit both of our needs!


The King of Prussia store is closest to me, and I have mid-back pain.


The closet store to me is the Lenox-Buckhead location! I would love a new mattress. I’ve had my same one for over 10 years now and it is time to switch it out but they are so expensive! Fingers crossed!!


Closest store to me is in the Towson Mall! The biggest issue with sleeping is size difference between my husband and I. He is much taller and needs more support, while I am small and want softer. A sleep number would totally fix this!!


Brooklyn- Boerum Hill Store in Brooklyn , NY
Wow, the Sleep Number beds sound like a DREAM come true :) The mattress my boyfriend and I currently sleep on has a slight bend right in the middle. I think this is the reason for my lower back pain…. I would love a new sleep number bed to alleviate my back pain and put an end to my tossing and turning at night!


The Harford Mall store in Bel Air, MD is closest to me.

Our current mattress is incredibly firm and while I sleep pretty well on it, my husband does not. I would love a mattress where we both sleep soundly and comfortably. A sleep number would be the perfect solution!



I have a lot of insomnia issues and can never seem to get comfortable in bed. My mattress is 3240640869034 years old, so I have a foam layer to make it softer, but it makes my bed lumpy and hard to sleep without multiple readjustments throughout the night. Would love to try a sleep number mattress!


The closest store to me is in the Dayton Mall. My husband and I have now had the same mattress for 5 years (since we got married) and we are looking for a new mattress so winning this sleep number would be AMAZING!! Thanks for hosting this giveaway.


My closest store is 32 miles away, Centre Place. I live way out in the country, so all my shopping is a drive. My sleep issue is…i have a few issues now that I stop and consider them. I’ve been in grad school (nursing!) For the last couple years, so lots of computer time giving me neck issues. I’ve been having trouble getting comfortable at night with that and then when I fall asleep, I get hip aches. My hubby has been having back issues also. Definitely needing better sleep around here!


My closest store is Town Center at Cobb. I would love to win this for my parents who both have back problems and are way overdue for a new mattress!


My closest store is right here in Eugene, OR at the mall! I’m positive I need a new mattress…I have back pain when I lay down every night, plus my old, firm, memory foam mattress makes me sweat!!!


My closest store is at Westfield Citrus Park Mall. My husband and I are planning a move and have been talking about switching to a sleep number. He has major problems from having a titanium plate in his back as a result of an Army injury. He works so hard and I would just love for him to sleep comfortably!


The closest store to me is the Mall of America! My biggest sleep issue is with my TMD I constantly clench my jaw and when I can’t get comfortable at night it makes me clench my jaw more causing an awful headache.


The closest store to me is the St. Louis location-South County/Lindbergh. Our mattress is about 12 years old has has been through alot. :) Between our boys sleeping with us and the size difference between my husband and I we need a new one. It is very lop sided. He also has sleep apnea so this bed would help with that as well!


I’m closest to the North Scottsdale store.

I have a few sleep problems! I fall asleep easily but wake up full of energy sometimes at 3 am & can’t get back to sleep. I also wake up sometimes with a stiff neck or sore like I worked out when I haven’t. My Fitbit also says I wake up twenty to thirty times a night. Hopefully that is not accurate!


The closest store to me is the Mall of America! My biggest sleep issue is with my TMD I constantly clench my jaw and when I can’t get comfortable at night it makes me clench my jaw more causing an awful headache.


McKinney, TX, just 3 miles from my house. Who knew? This would be wonderful. As new Crossfitters, we are always sore!


Wow, there’s a store just a couple miles down the road – Chicago, IL
Our mattress is like 10 years old, and I’ve been grumbling about needing to replace it soon. But, it’s such a big purchase! But would love to have those little aches and pains subside!


My closest store is 41 miles away in Topeka, Kansas!
I have a super cheap and old mattress, and have been having neck and back issues that cause awful migraines- I’ve even woken up and had to go to the ER for the pain! It’s awful. A new mattress is definitely needed, but it’s not in the college budget right now


The closest store is the Sleep Number Sugar Land, which is about 5 miles from my house!

My sleep issue is just getting comfortable and staying comfortable! I think a sleep number mattress would really help solve that problem!


Woodbridge Potomac Town Place. I have never been a great sleeper, but lately my FitBit has been telling me that I am awake/restless for several HOURS at night. No wonder I’m so tired all the time! I’ve also been having some back pain and think it’s because our mattress is just too soft for me. (My husband loves a soft mattress, so Sleep Number would be PERFECT for us)!!

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